Every project we engage in, at whatever level, will be imbued with this wonderful new flow of love, for we cannot contain it, it just wants to be shared and felt throughout our whole earthly experience. When we work, or more likely play, with this light energy, with the love that flows within us, we then open even more, we open to the potential that more love can be present with us. Then each time we do this, in whatever capacity, we know that the love will provide us with exactly what is required in each moment. This may be a healing, it may be helping someone pass on from this life, it might be abundant wellbeing or sustained living in a beautiful new world. Whatever the aspiration, the love you are will flow effortlessly in the direction that is correct in the co-creation energy of this new world. As creators you often find yourselves straddling more than one timeline, and sometimes this can be confusing or disorienting. Yet this is your skill, you have come to the world to awaken yourselves and then others, and in doing so you move between timelines and dimensions. This is why you seem to forget, and then remember things you can’t quite touch, as if they are in another reality. That is because they are!! We would encourage you to open your hearts and share the love you are together, then open to its infinite potential to bring the new world into being. You know of course that this new world already exists, for this is merely a focus, a shift of timelines for you. We are the love that opens the world to new possibilities. We are your Celestial Team (and so are you)
You can relate to us and our state of being much more readily and this is because you too have reached a higher level of awareness than you can possibly know at this time. This is because you are a 5th-dimensional being but you are still experiencing a 3rd-dimensional world simultaneously. This presents some challenges at times, perhaps you feel your body is not responding as you would like, perhaps you see the chaos in the world and feel that you have not been making a difference. Yet this is far from the truth, for you are the catalysts for change, you have been put on earth at this time specifically to create the chaos that subsequently turns into the loving heaven on earth you are so desirous of. You know of course that you were volunteers, you were not put on earth as such, but you are a divine being of considerable light who is part of a massive influx of light beings incarnated at this very significant time in the development of the earth and her inhabitants. As you allow the truth of who you are to penetrate through the veil of forgetfulness you will remember the soul mission you are engaged in. You will also be able to look back and see that you are already on the path, you have already achieved so much, more than you can see from your 3D perspectives. We see you and the difference you are making. When you look at the leaders in this world and despair at their antics and thirst for power you forget sometimes that they are part of you, of the divine oneness that we all are, they are carrying out the plan, to reveal the corruption and manipulation of the masses so that they can wake up to their own truths. It must be said that many will not wake, but you will have heard of the 100th monkey syndrome? This is where a small number of beings find their truth and that radiates out until everyone 'knows' this truth themselves. We are approaching this tipping point, in fact we would say that it has already passed in some areas. You will begin to notice subjects being discussed that previously would not have been broached. You will notice how people are now drawn to you and understand what you are saying, they 'get it'. You will find yourselves talking to people about channelling, about how you are divine beings, how you flow your light from the heart, how you have been doing this for many years and yet it is now that you really feel it flowing and beginning to create the new world. When you touch your truth, you will impact others, it is a natural outcome, as you feel when you receive these words, they carry the energy of the divine with them. We celebrate your achievements, you are a divine being radiating love effortlessly, YOU ARE HERE. We are love, you and we. Colin Whitby © 2021. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website themagicofbeing.com intact
This may be running against some of your teachings, yet we would suggest you go within, deep within, and you will find your knowing and you will be able to determine through the passion of your feelings, what you consider the truth to be. Perhaps you would like to connect with the divine flow that we are describing as the Christed light? This is something we can assist with if you would invite us to help. See and Feel the Christed light So please focus on your heart, allow yourself to imagine a very bright golden light beaming into and out of your heart. This light appears to come from afar and from within at the same time, as if the rules that surround your human world have been relaxed and you can now feel and see this light in many different dimensions, both in the infinite space of the wider perspective, and then into the awesome microscopic world where we find the atoms and particles of your world are also surrounded by seemingly infinite space. Breathe the Christed light See the light sparkling through everything, through the planets, through the atoms, through your heart. Allow this to flood your awareness with a deeply loving flow. Now see your body lighting up with this golden light, see the light flowing through every part of your body, every limb, every cell, breathe it into your whole human experience. Share the Christed light When you are happy that you have all the light you need, that it is sustaining you in the most beneficial way, allow it to overflow into your surroundings. See it flowing through walls, floors, furniture if you are in a building, then out into the wider worlds through into the natural world, everything, every living thing, every rock, every sea or river, the air you breathe... Simply allow this loving energy to radiate into your world. Co-create with the Christed light In this divine flow see the world as you would like it to be, perhaps this is with everyone experiencing this loving flow, cocreating a world where everyone lives with this appreciation of the divine within their own hearts, where they respect and love the world in which they live, they appreciate the gifts from Gaia and treat her with the utmost respect. Imagine how it would feel when everyone connects to each other through their hearts with in this way, flowing this divine Christ light through their entire beings, together. See if you can feel this happening, touch their hearts and allow the flow to connect with them in whatever way is appropriate for this moment. Be the Christed light Sense when it is complete, begin to bring yourself back so that this light is flowing in your body, feel it flowing in a new way, circulating and sustaining you with this new loving light, and as you step into your new life know that you are now filled with Christ light, you are the second coming. Know that you are loved and that you are divine. You are the Christ in embodiment. Know this. It is so. We are Yeshua.
Some of you are fortunate, you are able to 'ride the wave' as you continue to rise with ease and with the magical progression of your awareness. Your consciousness is truly becoming multidimensional, often we would suggest omni-dimensional. You are expanding at such a rate the world around you appears to be static, sometimes even going backwards; then your time seems to pass quickly, then very slowly, your whole reality is in flux. This is a time for you to go deeply inside and touch that still place within you, sense into the wholeness that you are, find the peace that naturally resides in your heart. Then view the world from this new perspective. You will notice that rather than the world falling apart you are witnessing the opening of a whole new reality. Some believe that the old needs to dissolve before the new can appear, yet we would suggest the new is already here, you just need to consider stepping into it. There are multiple timelines running at all times and you are the architects of these, you have the capacity to step into any new timeline that you have created. It is just a matter of perspective. What would you like the future to hold, how would your world look if you were creator? Now imagine this new future and then confidently step in, go through the threshold of your dreams, step into your ideal world, for it already exists. No need to dismantle the old, it will simply not exist for you, the new will magically take its place. Time is so much more malleable than you have been taught, try playing with it and traveling to the ideal future you have imagined. We would encourage you to think of this future as real, and that you have already created it. It is all a matter of belief, of thought. As Colin often says, 'what you think is what you get'. And so it is. We are the Elohim of Creation.
So it is that we move towards something so new that many of you have yet to appreciate just how significant a change it will be for you and many others. You are the light bringers, way showers, gate keepers and portal openers, those who have come to cut their way through into the new, to make new energy pathways and to become the new human, the soul/spirit in embodiment. To that end you have already achieved more than we ever thought possible at this time, yet we knew it would come to pass as we are able to see many future possibilities and you are definitely on track for the most amazing and beautiful transformation of earth, whilst still living on her. Do not be discouraged by what you see happening around you for you are witnessing the last throes of the old moving out, the energies of the past are indeed of the past, they no longer hold sway in this new and vibrant loving world in which you are creating. Congratulate yourselves on staying with all the challenges that have seemly been so difficult; yet here you are, a shining light being of infinite capacity, a creator who knows why he/she is here, understands what it is that needs to be done and how to do it. No more mysteries, you are the love you have been waiting for, now, right now. We are love, you are love. Know it, touch it, be it. We see you, we love you. We are one". Colin Whitby © 2019. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website themagicofbeing.com intact
Balance: We, the parts of you that are in absolute balance, are very much involved in bringing in new frequencies and codes to you every night, it is just that sometimes you wake and notice the very high frequencies that are present when we do this work, which is with your permission of course.
Sometimes it is beneficial for you to know this is happening for it gives you the understanding of how you appear to be stationary when in fact you are travelling beyond the speed of light. Our energy travels many light years to get to you on earth. We are transmitting from many diverse locations and societies such as Andromeda and Sirius. As you suspected we are not of one race, we are of many. As the founders of your current human form and souls we are from so many different places, yet you will know us all by the signature of the source, the one you call God or Allah. When you connect to balance, and name us as balance, you merge us all into a single point of knowing, a singular moment of Unity. It is then that we represent the purest source energy, the clearest pulse of the divine. So when you touch into our energy in this way with others, this energy is multiplied and becomes far more potent. Other people have their own specialisms and soul paths and so you adapt your own energy field to accommodate these differences. Once you link us through these divine connections you know that the purest essence of your divine presence flows with them, to bring about the most glorious energy of heaven on earth. The changes that these energies bring about may not be immediately visible, for they are a stimulus for others to tap into their own special flows, their intuitions and ideas will burst through into their consciousness and they will step into their unique soul purpose and flow with their own divine essence. This might bring about new ways of harvesting natural resources, better ways of wrapping goods so that they can be recycled, improved transport and energy systems and better ways to govern that include everyone rather than just benefit the few. All of these ideas flow effortlessly through the energy stream that you have become; these flows are indeed the divine making itself known in the flesh. Through your energy fields all these things become reality, they flow into your world because you are holding their potential within the fields of creation itself. So rather than worry about how things will work, when they will come about or who will carry these new ideas forwards, why not just sit back and know that this is happening, know it and feel it. Go into this space inside your heart, rest there and allow the full potential of your being to simply BE!! Become the divine being that you are, simply BE your full potential. The rest will take care of itself. We are Balance, We are Unity, We are One. Colin Whitby © 2018. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website themagicofbeing.com intact
There are many writing about how this is happening more in their lives, and we can assure you that this is very much the case. Despite the outward appearance of an ever more polarised and divided world, there are sufficient people on the planet who are vibrating at a wholly new level. This is because many of you have accepted your divine flow; you have deepened your connection with your true selves, that part of you that lives in and for love. Love is the key, it is the driving force that creates the world in which you live, and this is the energy that you are now embodying. Everyone in their own way is taking in more loving energy because that flow is on the increase as the world moves to a new dimension, we have called it the fifth dimension, yet it is much more than a single expression. We would suggest you think of it as a bandwave of radio or television channels and you are in the process of changing the very transmission and reception technology (radio or TV) to receive and experience new channels. The difference is that you will be experiencing these new channels through your body, it is your body that is being upgraded. We call this ascension, but rather than you going up to a new place called heaven, you instead raise your frequencies to experience a new world right here, right now. You do not have to go anywhere, you simply experience a new world because you have accepted the new frequencies. Now this may not be a smooth process because of an inherent resistance to change that exists in the lower frequencies. You will find yourself coming up against many challenges and blocks on the way, but as you fill with more of this loving energy you will find it becomes easier, you find you are more readily able to step out of the dense thoughts and energies. So what will you do in this new world, what will your divine selves bring forth in their awesome creative magnificence? That is indeed for you to decide, knowing that whatever you create in this new energy will be for the benefit of all, for it works only in conjunction with the highest potential outcome for all. Nothing else is possible. So relax and know for certain that whatever you create will be perfect in each moment, and exciting too, for it is a leap into the unknown to some extent. Although your future selves know full well what you did to create this new world, your present consciousness is unaware of the ease at which this is brought about. So we suggest you digest the knowing that the outcome is in your matrix, and you have changed your channels, now you are tuned to the new world. Enjoy your creation. We are Yeshua and the Elohim of Creation. Colin Whitby © 2018. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website themagicofbeing.com intact
Love is the creative force with which you begin to create your world; it is the most potent of forces, clear and pure. It will begin to change the way you live so fundamentally, such is the beneficial nature of this energy. The energy that is on offer at this time is of an extremely high vibration, and this loving flow is finding its way into everyone around you, through your own heart portal. Everyone has different levels of acceptance of this flow and this is perfectly fine, as everyone will have their own journeys and life experiences. The main concern for those of you on this path is to absorb as much of your own divine essence as you can in each moment. When you find yourself wandering off track (your mind will often want to take control away from the heart) simply tune in to the highest frequency you can, find that part of you that is ready to be represented through your human form. It is as simple as breathing, just breathe in your highest potential and it will be with you.
Colin Whitby © 2017. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website themagicofbeing.com intact
There are many occasions that you look upon your world and wonder how it will change from the chaos of current events into the wonderful loving world you have in your heart. We would say that it is because you hold a loving world in your heart that it will become your reality. Every pulse of loving energy that is present in your heart will create a beautiful rainbow of energy that beams out from you into the world you live. Each time this happens (which for you is all the time) the world in which you live begins to reflect the love that you have become. Each time this love flows it is beamed out and then reflected back to you, you have the best of both worlds then. What you send out is amplified many times back to you, so that this is a virtuous cycle of loving energy flowing and growing through you. Breathe this energy now as it amplifies in your field and know that it is a natural state for you, this is the energy of your source, of the very centre of all that you are, all that we are. Now you become our energy, you become us, and we flow effortlessly through your fields of awareness. This loving energy expands as you let go of anything that feels like it is in the way, releasing the flow to become even more, to be more in the world through you. So your work is done, there is no need to be anything other than all you can be, to be all that is. Once this is achieved the rest of your life, your world, begins to fit into place. You begin to notice synchronicities happening that sit exactly in this energy, and the joy of expressing this life force within you begins to drive the direction of travel for you. You begin to understand when something flows and when it does not. You notice immediately when something seems to block your way, giving you the opportunity to ask ‘is this right for me in this moment’. So many times we ignored these messages, but now you flow with this light you will begin to not only notice them but use them to guide you to the best opportunities based on the level of joy they bring. This is the master in action, and this is the level you have achieved, you are the master in embodiment (you always have been of course, but now you are living it in every moment). This message carries a very high frequency encodement, and if you have read this far it is addressed to you beloved, and everyone like you who has achieved this amazing level of loving embodiment of their highest divine essence. Be content, all is well, we are flowing with you at all times. We are Metatron and the Elohim of Creation. Colin Whitby © 2017. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website themagicofbeing.com intact
So here we are, Metatron and Jesus/Jeshua, present inside every cell, every particle, every energy stream of Colin, and this is making him feel a little blissful and a little ‘clumsy’. This is because we are rewiring his entire energy system and sometimes he finds moving his body a little challenging. It is not that he can’t move his body, its just that on occasion the accuracy and fluidity that normally could be expected momentarily disappears. So he may burn himself, or cut himself, with the usual human ‘oh dear me’, but soon he realises this is a reminder to take a little more time and think about what he is doing rather than rely on automatic pilot like so many humans do. It is important to think about what you do in each moment, because it is in each moment that your thoughts are creating your reality. As newly embodied Masters you are now in your power, you have achieved this amazing level of capability and it is now time to live the flow. This means being very conscious of every thought, knowing that each thought will be translated into reality very quickly now (not that they were not before but because of your heightened vibration you will find reality materialising before you in real time). So we would suggest a cautious approach, think before you dive into the next project, sense into where your joy takes you, then leave a moment for the inspiration to flow, find out what your soul would do with this moment, then take that path. Do this for each decision moment, each time there is a change in direction, sense into the flow and see which direction sparks your joy. For Colin he is finding his joy in helping others find theirs, which is something that is making him smile as he types, this is because he translates our energy into Joy when we flow in him, and it is our energy that is assisting others to find their flow. So the joy is often helping others, yet in doing this you may find you are helping yourself in the process. The joy is also in receiving the appropriate level of exchange for this gift, so that a sustainable lifestyle can be supported by helping others in this way. It is not so much about healing, it is more to do with bringing others into the flow that you have become, so that they can find the way to their own, putting your light on so that they can see to put their own light on. This is how we help Colin to find his light, by shining ours into him, so that he then becomes our light. This then brings the realisation that we are one, and that his light is ours, and ours is his. So it is with human to human, we are all one, so it is just a case of one person being in their light that makes it possible for others to find theirs. This then becomes a snowball effect, where the light shines from more and more people and expands exponentially. Eventually everyone is accessing their true light and becoming the divine beings they are. When we talk about light we are also speaking of love, for love is the light if you will, it is the energy through which creation is accomplished. By loving you become light, by being light you become creator. You will find it is impossible to co-create effectively without love, for it is the fuel by which the whole of creation works. So the blissful sharing of loving energies is the way we turn on our lights, and it is through this process that we move to the higher vibrations of ascension. When two or more people connect in love, they share an immense power to create the world they would like to see. A shared vision, a shared passion and a shared love for each other is the most effective way to bring about change in this world. This the opposite of ‘not’ having war, or ‘not’ having famine or any of the other things in the world you might see needs changing. It is about seeing what you would like and moving towards that. The wars and famine will naturally fade when you see your creation become reality. It is not about fighting a war against anything, it is about creating a loving reality fresh and new, something that fills you with the joy of ‘being’. So think about what fills you with joy, then move towards making that your reality. You might find it easier than you thought. We are Metatron and the Elohim of Creation. Colin Whitby © 2017. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website themagicofbeing.com intact |
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