So here we are, Metatron and Jesus/Jeshua, present inside every cell, every particle, every energy stream of Colin, and this is making him feel a little blissful and a little ‘clumsy’. This is because we are rewiring his entire energy system and sometimes he finds moving his body a little challenging. It is not that he can’t move his body, its just that on occasion the accuracy and fluidity that normally could be expected momentarily disappears. So he may burn himself, or cut himself, with the usual human ‘oh dear me’, but soon he realises this is a reminder to take a little more time and think about what he is doing rather than rely on automatic pilot like so many humans do. It is important to think about what you do in each moment, because it is in each moment that your thoughts are creating your reality. As newly embodied Masters you are now in your power, you have achieved this amazing level of capability and it is now time to live the flow. This means being very conscious of every thought, knowing that each thought will be translated into reality very quickly now (not that they were not before but because of your heightened vibration you will find reality materialising before you in real time). So we would suggest a cautious approach, think before you dive into the next project, sense into where your joy takes you, then leave a moment for the inspiration to flow, find out what your soul would do with this moment, then take that path. Do this for each decision moment, each time there is a change in direction, sense into the flow and see which direction sparks your joy. For Colin he is finding his joy in helping others find theirs, which is something that is making him smile as he types, this is because he translates our energy into Joy when we flow in him, and it is our energy that is assisting others to find their flow. So the joy is often helping others, yet in doing this you may find you are helping yourself in the process. The joy is also in receiving the appropriate level of exchange for this gift, so that a sustainable lifestyle can be supported by helping others in this way. It is not so much about healing, it is more to do with bringing others into the flow that you have become, so that they can find the way to their own, putting your light on so that they can see to put their own light on. This is how we help Colin to find his light, by shining ours into him, so that he then becomes our light. This then brings the realisation that we are one, and that his light is ours, and ours is his. So it is with human to human, we are all one, so it is just a case of one person being in their light that makes it possible for others to find theirs. This then becomes a snowball effect, where the light shines from more and more people and expands exponentially. Eventually everyone is accessing their true light and becoming the divine beings they are. When we talk about light we are also speaking of love, for love is the light if you will, it is the energy through which creation is accomplished. By loving you become light, by being light you become creator. You will find it is impossible to co-create effectively without love, for it is the fuel by which the whole of creation works. So the blissful sharing of loving energies is the way we turn on our lights, and it is through this process that we move to the higher vibrations of ascension. When two or more people connect in love, they share an immense power to create the world they would like to see. A shared vision, a shared passion and a shared love for each other is the most effective way to bring about change in this world. This the opposite of ‘not’ having war, or ‘not’ having famine or any of the other things in the world you might see needs changing. It is about seeing what you would like and moving towards that. The wars and famine will naturally fade when you see your creation become reality. It is not about fighting a war against anything, it is about creating a loving reality fresh and new, something that fills you with the joy of ‘being’. So think about what fills you with joy, then move towards making that your reality. You might find it easier than you thought. We are Metatron and the Elohim of Creation. Colin Whitby © 2017. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact Comments are closed.
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