You find that there are many more influences in the voting behaviours of the public than the traditional news outlets, you have the Internet with the campaigning activities of cross party activists, the voting websites where citizens can initiate their own agendas, something that in the past would have required a march or a demonstration can now be mobilised easily and effectively online. So you see a new medium having such an impact, and evangelists speaking into their videos giving opinions on events as they happen, not just the biased media but ordinary citizens. Now sometimes this exacerbated the polarity issues because some people are still stuck in the ‘them and us’ blame culture, but you will see that the groundswell of opinion is more moderate, more concerned with how we as a race are moving into a relationship with our surroundings and each other, one of caring, of concern for each other. We see this enacting now in your news where there are many shocked by the self serving approach demonstrated by some politicians, and now those who genuinely serve are being identified and are moving to the forefront of everyone’s consciousness. This is happening all over the world where the obviously self-centred are being shown for what they are, where their motives are now transparent to people. Even those who follow these leaders are being shown for their own selfish intent. It is the thirst for power that fuels their behaviour not the willingness to serve. They are now rather in the headlights are they not? Being exposed for what they are is uncomfortable for them so they create ever more bizarre defences and subtefuge to disguse their true intent. This is being displayed for all to see, so that even the most loyal are beginning to question ‘is this right, do I want to support someone like this?’ The recent raising of frequency for the whole earth has meant that it is more and more difficult to hide in low frequency deceptions; they are no longer supported and are being systematically removed. So that you will find only the truth is available - however unpalatable that might seem. The best way to view these events is from your highest perspective and that can be achieved by going into your hearts and touching your own divine essence. There are many ways to achieve this, meditation is one, and to that end Colin has recorded a number of very high frequency (Quantum) meditations that can help you find this previously elusive place in your heart. In the meantime enjoy the chaos; it is necessary to remove the old so that the new can flourish. We are Love, We are Jesus and the Council of Many Note from Colin: When I first asked who this loving energy was who was talking to me I was given the name Jesus, and immediately I wondered how it could be. It was something that has exercised me for some time. Yet when he spoke I would always find him answering as 'we', he would never say 'I'. This would suggest that his energy flow is many rather than one, that we are drawing the loving flow from beyond the singular expression. Many people speak of being at one and this is where our language begins to show its limitations, for being at one for me means being at one with many. As I open to the energy of Jesus and become this loving flow I find myself in a spacious loving energy that does not have a single expression. So to name it is something of a human thing in itself, yet to name it has been a very powerful insight for me. To accept that part of my angelic flow is made up of the same loving vibration as Jesus has been the most wonderful and rewarding thing in my life. So when I channel Jesus in this way I am channeling part of myself too, yet this higher expression can also be called Many, which is why I call them 'Jesus and the Council of Many'. Colin Whitby © 2017. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
Firstly might we suggest that you focus on the love you have for yourself. Imagine a very high vibrational being, perhaps an angel, is standing right in front of you. Now imagine this angel is in fact another part of yourself that you love very much. As you focus on how much you love this part of yourself it is then a simple step to shift your conscious awareness from the human looking at the Angel in love, to becoming the Angel looking at the human in love. You become the high vibrational angelic self who is loving the human self. Colin uses this method to be with us often, he is aware of the energy we call Jesus, then he loves us, he really does. Then he moves his awareness into us, and then feels how much we love him. This is the first step to being the love you are. By visualising yourself as this loving being, this part of yourself will enter your energy fields and raise your vibration. So what will it do for you? Initially you might feel a relaxing of your body, maybe even a pleasant feeling of wellbeing, some people even feel a blissful flow of love fill their hearts. It is from this place of loving energy that you begin to perceive the world differently, even if for just a moment. You become more appreciative of nature, of your surroundings and perhaps of your loved ones. Many of the stresses of the day fade when you love yourself in this way. If you practice this connection in a quiet place and become familiar with the loving energy you will find it possible to connect even when you go about your daily life. When he was at work Colin would sit on the tube train in London and connect to us whilst travelling to a meeting or a client for the first time. He would find this very useful in calming his nerves but also on imagining the outcome to be beneficial, to be better than he could imagine. Often this would be the case because the energy he took into the meeting was lighter (of love) rather than the heavier energy of worry (which carries fear). We have heard people say it is lovely to be in this calm loving energy for a few moments in your meditations, but that normal life is more stressful and one can hardly expect to be in a lovely energy all the time. We would say 'why not?' Why would you restrict yourself to being in your higher loving energy for just a few moments in the day? If it feels so good perhaps it is your natural way of being, and the rest of your day can be lit with the same brilliance of those few short moments in your meditative state. This does take practice and focus for it is easy to drop out of these high vibrations without even noticing. The key emotion to track is that of joy, if you are in joy then it is very likely you are with the highest vibration, and your higher self is flowing within you. When you love, does that fill you with joy? We hope it does, for this is the energy that will give you the ability to raise your conscious awareness and as you do you will notice the world looks different. You react less to the fearful things you observe, you become a little more detached from the things that used to cause you concern, and you find it easier to be optimistic, to see the world as a place of opportunity to express this loving energy, to share it. So we would suggest you start simply by connecting with your loving angelic self, start being this energy, practice seeing the world from this higher aspect, see how this changes your outlook, your perceptions, your opinions. We are love, We are Jesus and the Council of Many Note from Colin: When I first asked who this loving energy was who was standing in front of me I was given the name Jesus, and immediately I wondered how it could be. It was something that has exercised me for some years. Yet when I spoke to this loving energy I would always find myself answering as 'we', he would never say I. This would suggest that the energy flow is many rather than one, that we are drawing the loving flow from beyond the singular expression. Many people speak of being at one and this is where our language begins to show its limitations, for being at one for me means being many. As I open to the energy of Jesus and become this loving flow I find myself in a spacious loving energy that does not have a single expression. So to name it is something of a human thing in itself, yet to name it has been a very powerful insight for me. To accept that part of my angelic flow is made up of the same loving vibration as Jesus has been the most wonderful and rewarding thing in my life. So when I channel Jesus in this way I am channeling part of myself, which has decided to be called Colin in this moment. Yet this higher expression can also be called Many, in fact in previous channelings I have called them the Council of Many. So we are all part of this loving flow in some way, each having our own special focus in this life, and the exercise above will help you connect to this energy, to become more familiar with your own loving self. You may find a name springs to mind, perhaps a colour, maybe just a feeling. Whatever it is, enjoy your exploration into loving yourself, I highly recommend it. Colin Whitby © 2017. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
EnKaRaAh and the Council of Many through Colin Whitby
Yesterday and today I was very aware of our connectedness, of how we are all one flow, yet individual characteristics can exist too, such is the paradox of multidimensionality. EnKaRaAh: Yes we felt you explore our individual energy streams, even then there are many flows within each stream are there not? This is the way our energy flows throughout the multiverse, we flow and merge when appropriate for particular outcomes. So when you were considering your question about where the energies originate for the healing and ascension of earth, we showed you the flows that are brought together for that mission, for that purpose. These were the colours you could see streaming from source, and these represent the rays that have particular properties, each homing in on the focus of their attention (following the focus from our beloved human aspects like yourselves). So what you focus on will influence the properties and effectiveness of the flows of light and colours that you initiate through us, for we are one. One thing you are noticing as you touch these energies, particularly this month, is that they are way more powerful than ever, we are able to bring more energy through you and your heart portals than we could have imagined even a month ago. This is due to your ability to absorb and radiate these energies. Your focus is on radiating rather than clearing, and that reminder from Matt Kahn today underlined this, it is no longer necessary to focus on releasing, you just need to focus on radiating pure love. Your mission is to be as clear as you can be to radiate this energy, and the best way to do this is to simply accept and become the flow. That way you are automatically clear, you automatically become pure love, your whole body responds. You will notice this as blissful energy that fills every cell of your body, energy that can penetrate all so called blocks, they will clear of their own accord, simply because you are no longer focused on them. Remember 'WYTIWYG' (whity wig) 'what you think is what you get' so if you think you are radiating divine loving energy for the benefit of all, then you are! If you think, I'm clearing and clearing, then you are! The universe responds by bringing you more of what you focus on. So what will you focus on? When you flow this energy into Gaia perhaps you could focus on ascension and radiating pure love for the benefit of all (rather than clearing....)? We leave that in your capable hands. We are EnKaRaAh and the Council of Many As you radiate this new light it will ignite many more hearts to do the same, they too will open and radiate, such is the nature of this new loving energy that is being transmitted through you now. Your new DNA patterns are also being transmitted, this is how we bring humanity to a new level, by changing the very codes that drive your evolution. This is not as your scientists thought by natural selection, although this does play its part, it is not the main driving force. The way we drive these new changes is through the light that you are flowing through your hearts (and you know you are we, so it is really yourselves driving these changes). The unknown factor in your scientific community is just how quickly these changes can be transmitted, and how only a few 'in the flow' humans can initiate massive shifts in consciousness and ascension. This is why we say to you, those of you that are consciously carrying this light, to be vigilant and understand when you are in the most beneficial situations, be aware of how your energy is flowing, let it flow freely. We use each and every moment of your human experience to advance these new energies, these loving flows of divine guidance and development. People will begin to notice how differently they feel when they are with you, and you will notice more situations where your light is being used to great effect. Sometimes their reaction may seem negative to the untrained eye, where someone encounters their deepest fears after touching the light you carry, yet this is the gift of the energy we bring. It is flushing out those deeply hidden traumas and karma that now needs to be released. So do not worry if someone shouts at you, they may not realise that your gift of love is helping them. We thank you for your diligence in bringing yourselves to such a high vibration, especially at this time with so much change and disruption going on around you. Be content, all is flowing, all is well, you are AWSOME! We are EnKaRaAh and the Council of Many.
At this time of rapid change it is necessary for the whole world to change and for those upon the earth to change with her. This is not a simple task, yet all of you are equipped with the necessary information and skills to ride with the waves of energy that bombard you at this time.
Some of you already know that going into your centre, into your heart, and connecting with the divine energies there, helps to calm the energy and fills you with love and hope. The divine you knows exactly what is right for you in each moment, in each of your experiences, and then sends you experiences that are exactly right for you to lovingly connect and interact with. We would suggest you step back a little from your daily chores or activities that create busyness in your lives and just allow the divine energy to flow through you. There are many different ways of allowing these flows and getting to know how they impact you, we would recommend daily meditation, perhaps in the mornings. When we are at peace with ourselves we can then be at peace with those around us and we begin to perceive the 'goings on' around us differently, from a place of contentment and balance. We become less concerned with reacting to these seemingly extreme activities and our responses become that of an observer, someone looking on with detachment. This doesn't mean we don't care; of course we care passionately, we just do not engage with those things that no longer excite us, those things that do not go in the direction of our intuitive guidance. We are now beginning to follow our inner guidance, that previously hard to hear voice that we often ignored; this voice is now more prominent, more persuasive, more insistent! As we follow this guidance we find we are able to ride the waves of energy with ease and delight, with joy and confidence. This happy enjoyment of life is infectious, others become enamoured with our enthusiasm, they pick up on our uplifting energy, the whole impact of us becoming 'all that we are' is that those around us begin to feel the same, it has a snowball effect. So keep on keeping on, all is well, all is in place, all is in the flow. Especially you. We are EnKaRaAh and the Council of Many Try our Magic of Being meditations, especially Quantum Balance, many have found these very effective at bringing balance into their lives. |
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