Colin Whitby
In the past many of us have been keeping our spiritual, home and work lives separate. Now there is a need to consolidate and ‘be’ ourselves in all areas of our lives, to bring our spiritual to work, to live our values and truths. The last few years have seen some massive shifts in energy for us all, and many more shifts are on the way as we move into a lighter and finer vibration. As an energy route-finder or mapmaker in this new light, I’d like to help you navigate in this often strange and wonderful ocean of awareness.
In a recent meditation I again underlined my own desire or intent that I move into my full ‘beingness’ in a ‘magical’ and ‘sustainable’ way. This intent was magnified at a workshop with some amazing people who helped me bring in the Quantum Creator part of myself. Magical is a key word here, delightful, joyful and above all loving.
I have heard from many sources recently that we have attained our Mastery, that we are now Masters in embodiment.
Have a look at my post Discovering my Golden Star Being for some insight into my Magi persona.
With Love,
Colin Whitby
Editor, Author - The Magic of Being
Co-Author - 2012 Creating Your Own Shift - 2011
Co-Author - The Sacred Shift - 2012
I have heard from many sources recently that we have attained our Mastery, that we are now Masters in embodiment.
Have a look at my post Discovering my Golden Star Being for some insight into my Magi persona.
With Love,
Colin Whitby
Editor, Author - The Magic of Being
Co-Author - 2012 Creating Your Own Shift - 2011
Co-Author - The Sacred Shift - 2012
Authors include Delores Cannon, Hunt Henion and Colin Whitby
This book summarizes THE BEST insights of thirty-seven of the world's most authoritative sources. It provides readers with a vast cross-section of information and perspectives on this initiation into a divinely ordained, new beginning for our world!
The authors of this prophetic anthology explain what's happening around us today and what "ascension" is all about. Each chapter adds dimension, reassurance and excitement about this exciting transition.
This book summarizes THE BEST insights of thirty-seven of the world's most authoritative sources. It provides readers with a vast cross-section of information and perspectives on this initiation into a divinely ordained, new beginning for our world!
The authors of this prophetic anthology explain what's happening around us today and what "ascension" is all about. Each chapter adds dimension, reassurance and excitement about this exciting transition.
Contributors to this anthology include Barbara Marx Hubbard, Steve Bhaerman, AKA Swami Beyondanada, Diana Cooper, Patricia Cota-Robles, Colin Whitby and assorted experts in various fields.
The revelation of unity and a renaissance of caring and sharing is quietly transforming our world! The first two sections of the book put this sacred shift in perspective. Section three shares secrets about protecting the potential of our children and posterity. Section four reveals simple, economic ways to bring prosperity and peace down to Earth.
This book was compiled for anyone who ever wondered how God could possibly turn what we have today into the prophesied Golden Age. It reveals exactly how we're going to get from here to there -- co-creating our future with family, community, and God!
The revelation of unity and a renaissance of caring and sharing is quietly transforming our world! The first two sections of the book put this sacred shift in perspective. Section three shares secrets about protecting the potential of our children and posterity. Section four reveals simple, economic ways to bring prosperity and peace down to Earth.
This book was compiled for anyone who ever wondered how God could possibly turn what we have today into the prophesied Golden Age. It reveals exactly how we're going to get from here to there -- co-creating our future with family, community, and God!