The answer was a clear ‘move on!’ which my ego found quite challenging, but then I have something like 18 years of effort invested in the magazine and the archive. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many talented and gifted people in the publishing of the eZine over the years, so many fascinating stories and interviews. I’m so grateful to the community of contributors and subscribers who have been instrumental in my own, and hopefully many of your spiritual journey(s). You will see that the site has reverted from paid to free which means in Weebly-land that the current URL will revert to I’ll leave the site up for a while so that this month’s articles are available, but you will notice that no new articles will be appearing. You may also notice some of the links to articles are broken, many appologies for this. I hope you can still find your favourite author through the author list on the Right Hand Side. The March 2023 newsletter will be last I send out relating to the Magic of Being so thank you so much for taking an interest and signing up. It’s been wonderful to be part of the changes taking place on the earth at this time, I hope you enjoy the ride, it’s going to be wild! With Love, Colin.
Yet, with the immense cosmic energies which were opened on the 21 December 2022, and with the intense codes the Green Comet activated in human kind on so many levels which we will start to feel more intensely in the next few weeks, months and years, all has accelerated now, to such an extent, that many of us, who were the pioneers, now find that we need more rest, that we need to have more time out, and go even deeper into our soul reserves, as backed up by the Cosmic Teams, and the Divine, than ever before. As this is a year of even greater mass awakening, we need to now allow those who woke up since 2012, to assist us, through this process, as we, the pioneers, now need to go through a far more intense process of fully assuming our new Lightbody forms. After all, that is why were the forerunners, the pioneers, and way showers. We are indeed being prepared for the highest mastery, in ways we may not even now comprehend, nor understand. It is almost like we need more rest, and need more alone time and quiet time, in order to allow the Keys and Codes which have been released since December and even more so with the comet, to be fully activated within us. With it the balance, between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, is ushering in huge changes in all our human relationships, as we finally realize that we cannot create a new way of life in the New Earth, if we are not in balance and harmony within ourselves, and indeed have healed our own woundedness. And that woundedness will show up, not only in ourselves, but in all whom we encounter. The collective woundedness, as deep healing is occurring between the Masculine and Feminine. The shift is deeper within. With this comes vulnerability, fragileness, as we are being cleaved open more and more, and often tears will come, because we our hearts open more and more, as we heal. After all we are here to bring heaven to earth, and while we are in our earthly bodies, we have and will experience everything which makes us hu-man, until we ascend into our true Christ/Buddhic new life and embodiment. Let us be compassionate, and open to the process. This goes very deep. It goes through all the layers of the Adamic 6th Race of humans, as we transfigured into the 7th Earth and the 7th Earthly 5th to 7th to 9th dimensional Light-bodies as totally new creations! Therefore let the past go. It has gone forever. In this present moment the New You, the fragile you, is being recreated – into the whole you, the true Master Soul you in truth are! So let us dream the New Earth and New Golden Age into form and being, but at the same time, allow our old Adamic and Eve and Lilith self to dissolve forever. We are not that anymore. We are starting to walk the old dreamtime again, and we are going to walkabouts as we return to tuning into the Song lines of the Earth, the Celestial tones, which the Crystal Pyramids emit, as they are all fully reactivated now. Let us allow our soul songs to rise and let us remember the Ancient/New Songs which are now being downloaded into us, as we return to the 7th heaven, in the New Earth. And as for us, who are the Way Showers, the Path blazers, the Pioneers, remember that we are now being prepared in huge ways, for the next surge forward. It is time to simply allow the process of preparation to strip away the last vestiges of what is still there lurking within our human-ness, which needs to be transfigured now. It is time to assist each other through this process, with unconditional love, in unity and harmony, and ever knowing, that in truth, we all are one. The One and the Many. Together we are already paving the way, for the New 7th Earth in the fullness of its Glory, as she is making her presence felt more and more, and nurturing the new Genius, the New Heart, the New Soul of the New 7th Root Highly Evolved Master Race of Christed/Buddhic Master Race. More than this, even when our physical bodies have a hard time keeping up with the changes, know that all is perfectly unfolding. Onwards, upwards, we go, as the Seraphim are singing us into the New Creation.
The Heart center is that football-sized powerhouse in the middle of our chest that holds our connection to Source, where the light body is annealed to the physical body. It is a “muscle” that taps our true guidance system, where all of the universal knowledge resides. The mind’s guidance system, on the other hand, is easily manipulated and limited to the memory it can hold. Our heart center is the source of our existence and the ticket to the other dimensions, a place the dark so desperately wishes they could go to. High-frequency, authentic emotions like peace, love, passion, purpose, gratitude, excitement, and joy are found in the heart center. When we train ourselves to draw from this Source, then we begin to create a high-frequency reality that mirrors our authentic selves. We are no longer making decisions that we think (mind) we have to; we are making decisions based on what we feel and want (heart). We start to create a truly divine experience that is ‘un-hackable.’ If we can consistently operate from the heart center, then we flip our own switch, and we can create whatever we want; we are multidimensional beings, so we can tune these vessels to whatever frequency we like and go there instantly. Source energy, the real us, is so incredible and limitless that it is almost too difficult to fathom for most of us; our minds are too limited to understand. This transition to living and breathing in the heart center, also referred to as going within, grows your light body and recalibrates it to your physical body; it is the ascension process. Ascension has been sold as if you ‘send your ass” somewhere; you don’t go anywhere; we are the technology for ascension. Flip the switch, light up this vessel and project your heaven around you; YOU create it here. We don’t run from this dark reality; we shine so much light on it that the dark has no place to play. And if we all did this the ancient war would be over, instantly and peacefully. Seriously. Do You Get It? Do you really get that it really possible that the kill switch to all the elaborate enslavement by the ‘dark” is right under your nose, right now? Humanity today is processing the mind-expanding concept of life on other planets. Every step in that direction is met by small-minded resistance and skepticism and, yet, those steps keep being taken by those who dare to venture away from the parochial view of our tiny planet being the only one that matters in the whole universe. As of July 2013, NASA's planet-hunting Kepler telescope has provided data for astronomers to estimate that tens of billions of Earth-sized planets reside in our Milky Way Galaxy. At least 500 million of those planets orbit in the not-too-hot, not-too-cold zone where life as we know it could exist. And, that's just in our galaxy: The universe contains over a hundred billion galaxies! Bear in mind that this estimate of life-friendly worlds is still limited by the concept that life can only exist in bodies just like ours. The idea that intelligent life could be designed to operate in other environments and at different temperature ranges hasn't yet entered into the picture, so the actual possibilities must be much greater than this early estimate. Furthermore, all of the above relates to physical humans in this third-density layer of existence. But, what about other densities of existence? Physical humans can live in the lighter realms of fourth density as well as in our current, third-density existence. On Earth, we have been working through third-density experience and using the fourth-density world only as the place we go to in the afterlife. That is about to change. The greatest change of The Shift will be when the earth 'rises in the heavens' and we all shift into a fourth-density frequency of physical existence. Things will still look the same after this frequency shift, although consciousness will be seen to have a more noticeable influence on reality. So, let's not discount the existence of physical life in fourth density on any of those 500 million or more planets. A view that encompasses a populated universe rather than just one planet would also explain the mystery of where all the souls alive today have come from. Where did all of these billions of souls come from? Today, there are more people incarnate on earth than the sum total of all incarnations in all of recorded history, so we're getting extra people from other places, and a lot of them. When you expand your viewpoint to a cosmic conception, you can appreciate that The Shift is a wave of ascension rippling through this part of the galaxy. Could it be that, like surfers looking for the next good wave, people have come from other planets to be a part of the action here on Earth? The truth is that Earth is a 'happening place' right now. Incarnating on Earth during the era of The Shift is a huge experience for any soul exploring physical reality anywhere in the universe. Just being a part of the changes that are leading up to the big change is something that gets imprinted in the soul experience of anyone alive today, either in a physical body or in the world of the afterlife. Let's face it, we are experiencing an historic ascension wave that will carry us from third density right over the hump into fourth density. So, right now, planet Earth is where the action is! To learn more about the expansion of human senses and capabilities during and after the upcoming planetary ascension, see Owen Waters' e-book, Ascension to a Higher World First of all, we have Saturn moving into Pisces and Pluto moving into Aquarius in March. Saturn changes signs every 2.5 years, so this is a big shift but not a huge one. Pluto instead has been in Capricorn since 2008, and is inching into Aquarius this year, for a few months. It will not move permanently into Aquarius until 2024, but those first few months in Aquarius, after being for 15 years in Capricorn, will give us a hint as to the flavor of Pluto in the new sign. Saturn in Pisces can see things of the imagination coming into form. A good time for scifi writers, creation of things related to music and art, and we can expect virtual reality to also be a focus. Saturn in Pisces can also signify seriousness entering into spiritual matters, bringing structure to the formless, as well as the completion of a karmic cycle for the collective. As to Pluto, when Pluto transits through a sign, we often have to confront the shadow of the collective in the area that the sign represents. While Pluto has been in Capricorn for example, we have been confronted with the shadow side of big business, corporations, government, and official authority structures. Pluto in Capricorn has been a time in which many have been engaged in exposing the darkness in the societal structures that have all the power. As Pluto enters and then transits Aquarius, you can expect to see the same applied to Aquarian fields such as technology, artificial intelligence, social media, the internet, all things digital, and all things related to advancement in technology. My prediction is that we will see the introduction of many new technologies of the digital and AI kind, but that we will see them applied in ways that are toxic or with toxic potential, and that there will be a need to understand and then transform this into something better, smoothing out the dangerous edges. Aquarius is also all about the group, the collective, and the future. With Pluto in the sign of the collective, unfortunately there is the danger that the collective trumps the individual in ways that are not good. We may see dystopian futures, initially, and the introduction of societal beliefs and regulations that can trap the individual and its free expression. We can also however see the transformation of the collective into something great and other, however, its unlikely this will happen without some form of societal death first. Saturn and Pluto are not the only ones to change signs this year. Jupiter is moving into Taurus in April. Sedna, who was been in Taurus since 1967, is moving into Gemini in July. We also have Haumea, who has been in Libra since 1994, moving permanently into Scorpio this year, in October. Jupiter in Taurus, is taking the energy of expansion away from all Aries things (the self, but also war, and conflict), into Taurean areas of focus such as Money, Possessions, Food, Pleasure, but also Nature. Coupled with the other planets we will see talk of digital currencies, food and the natural world emerging further into the conversation. Sedna (dwarf planet way out into the solar system with an 11,000 plus year orbit) changing signs this year is going to be interesting, as this is the first time Sedna changes sign since it was discovered. It will be interesting for astrologers to see what it does and it may help give deeper insight into the nature of object in the outer reaches of the solar system, from an astrological perspective. My understanding of Sedna, after studying it quite a bit this year, is that it is associated with fragmentation, PTSD, trauma, wounds against true self expression, isolation, but also trueness to self against all odds and transmutation/transcendence that come as a result of deep suffering. In the sign of Gemini we may see many conversations emerging about these energies expressed at the collective level. Lots of speaking and writing about trauma at the individual level, but also about collective trauma, and exposure through writing and communications about bad things that have happened to people and places, over time. This, over the years, will result in a transmutation and healing of all of the above. Haumea is another dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt of our solar system, with an orbit of 285 years, just a bit longer than that of Pluto. Not as out there as Sedna, it still changes sign rarely, and this is the first time it changes sign since 1994. Haumea is associated with creation energy, fertility, childbirth, the natural world, including crops and the food supply. It will be interesting to see what it does as it moves into the sign of Scorpio. Most likely we will see transformation occurring in all the areas above. Last but not least, the Nodes change from Taurus/Scorpio, to Aries/Libra. The nodes change signs every 18 months, so this is not a huge deal, but its another change of the energy coming along in July. So, with all this said, from March onwards, we are going to see some big changes in energy and direction, which will continue also through 2024, as Pluto moves into Aquarius in full. These energy changes will be big and will color the astrology landscape for a couple of decades, so stay tuned. It will be interesting to see how all this unfolds. That will be all for now, much love, many blessings Katie
Being in human form is only one aspect of who you are. As a physical being focused in and focused on this third dimension, it seems like that is all that is. It feels real, looks real, yet it is only one perception of the multi-dimensional aspects of whom and what a human actually is. Each dimension is available to you at all times. They are resonating at a different frequency. As more and more beings become conscious, these other realities/dimensions will begin to appear. For example, the news of discovering new planets beyond your known solar system shows that humans have raised their vibration of consciousness enough to allow these new planets to be visible. You have your dense physical form, the shape, height and weight of your body, and how it looks in the reflection of a mirror. This is only the outer appearance Within the human form are entire galaxies, entire systems and entire energy fields. Each of these systems operates and functions automatically below your conscious awareness, much like the multidimensional realities outside your body. You are affecting both the inner dimensions within your physical body and the outer dimensions of your reality. Everything is a reflection, as within so without, as above so below. This is a statement by your Einstein. The nucleus of the atom spins within the cell; it is quantum physics in action. Your thoughts and emotions affect the spin. Just as the thoughts and emotions of mass consciousness affect the spin of your planet and even the stars, the spin of the planet and the stars affect the spin of the atoms within your cells. This is all one energetic vibrational field Within this field of vibrations are uncountable variations and combinations. Hold this perspective; you are always operating at the multi-dimensional level, within your human form and outside your human form. Others are becoming aware of this. Consciousness is expanding and awakening. Allow yourself to become aware of these realities, these dimensions. We will give you this example, earth is in a sea of vibrations and frequencies. Mankind has been skilled in creating and inventing many devices in which there is an energy frequency. There is a vibration. These waves of energy are at all times moving through you. Even as you sit at the computer there are frequencies that are interacting with your personal energy field. Imagine for a moment all the devices in just your home alone, every electrical device, every light and lamp, the phone systems, all the kitchen appliances. The television is one of the major contributors of discordant frequencies. Each device gives off a certain frequency. Most people are not aware of these frequencies. They have tuned them out; their energy field has adjusted and learned to just live with them. It is important for you to be aware of these discordant frequencies and the matrix that they create. It is important for you and others to stay anchored, stable and firm in your own personal energy field and matrix. You will be less affected by discordant frequencies. This planet is woven with electronic frequencies. If you had the vision to see the stands of energy connecting all the power lines, electrical devices, cell phones, televisions and microwaves you would be amazed at how tightly woven this energetic matrix truly is. It surrounds your planet in an energetic grid of frequencies, vibrations and energy. Most of humanity does not consider any of this information. There is an attitude of “What you don’t see, what you don’t know, won’t affect you.” This is much like the ostrich bird, who buries its head in the sand, unaware of the storm blowing around. These matrixes of electronic frequencies are always affecting the physical body and the mental state of mind. They are a part of the hypnotizing that takes place in this hologame. These electronic frequencies are addicted to your personal energy field. These manmade electronic frequencies hold a certain mindset in place. There are major energy shifts happening to and on your planet. The solar flares, the galactic bursts of energy are surging through this shield of hypnotizing electronic frequencies. The cosmic energy thrusts are activating certain aspects of the DNA codes. Notice how this is taking place within your own body. State your intentions which will allow you to welcome these bursts of star energy with grace and ease. These cosmic energy thrusts are offering a wakeup call to humanity. The earth’s magnetic field holds the higher integrity of the hologame in place. This is being over ridden by those who would control the electronic fields. This planet is receiving the highest support from the consciousness of the cosmos. There are celestial beings whose energy field is bathing your beloved planet at all times. Open to this awareness and allow yourself to feel and anchor these incoming gifts of conscious energy and the frequencies being offered. Humanity as a whole has been unaware of their divine star connection and their multidimensional aspects. They are hypnotized in the hologame at this time, held in the dysfunction and unaware of their power to create. This is shifting and part of the shift is manifesting as the wave of humanity waking up to their magnificence and the truth of who they truly are. We invite you to continue to maintain a strong energy field of love, joy and appreciation. When you vibrate these high coherent frequencies you will not be affected by the bombardment of the planetary electronic grid. You create a cohesion field. Remember all is well. Be in your joy, and swim, flow and stream with the energy from the stars. We are offering you our loving energy at all times. Be at peace, the 'team' ©2023 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available. It is crucial for each one of us to turn Up, expand and anchor the Source Force and Holiness of the Pillar of Light of our core Being, both deeply into Gaia and stretching it far up beyond the Heavens into the Diamond Heart Center of The Great Central Sun consistently every day. Additionally, (from my Higher Self,) to expand and anchor the Grace and the Love from which that Light was born and became each one of Us. Each shall assist our stabilization during such tumultuous times…assist the Planetary needs of our time and be able to complete with God and those of the High Heavens, the Divine mission for which We came. Remember. We came as Powerful Legions of Light to once and for all return this Beloved Planet to Light and to Create a New Prototype for Human Life that embodies an expanded collective level of our Creator’s Nature, Christ Consciousness and Pure Heart Intelligence. As you know, we came many times and many times we fell. We lost ourselves over and again and endured in an unnatural state until a time such as this would come to Be and We were Free to implement a withdrawal from all circumstances of an old contrived world. It takes Mighty courage, boldness, fortitude and trust to implement such a withdrawal… though we must to Be Free. Freedom has had no history on Earth, to this point. Through an unbroken chain of Presence, Love, Heart, Courage and Consciousness, with Light blazing this Planet and this Humanity Will Know Freedom. That also being the reason we are all being prompted strongly and further still, to let all of the past dissolve and flow out, including distorted memories and their labels that if not released transport themselves into the Present moment shrouded with history, thus distorts Present Consciousness. Once all is released from the past we are able to refine and reestablish ourselves in Presence as who we truly are and then as Krishnamurti first wrote in 1969, “experience Freedom From The Known, something that cannot be disturbed by circumstances, by thought or by human corruption.” Though this year ahead will be tumultuous in the world external and even within ourselves, either way, to our favor, each will assist us in catalyzing the Truth of Our Being. Beloveds, there is a precise way that the energy of Creation living on Earth is being returned to its natural state. I Am reminded constantly, ‘no matter what you do, or what occurs stay in LOVE always. Let your Love be the receptor of your Higher Self, Soul and I AM Presence. You are gathering up all your aspects to present yourself to the world, unabashed and unmitigated, a shining jewel of Divine Awareness and Presence. That which falls away reveals then the Precious Jewel that you are.’ (Please pause, take a breath and take into your Heart what resonates before continuing.) UpcomingThere are new creations cooking in my Creation Container after a long bout with the void. For now, first, there will be a Gathering on 2-2-23. With no details at hand, what I know in this Now is that it will have a great deal to do with amplifying your Mastery. Further details will be sent soon. AlsoA 25% discount on Private Sessions continues through February 14, 2023 for a one-hour session. Your present moment intention shall be the focus and undoubtedly my ‘Team of Light,’ with your Higher Self shall elevate that intention and shine a Light on what is of greatest importance in the Now to assist you in going forward with more clarity, ease and grace. “Choose anew and let the Power of Heaven come together to seal the rift between your mind and heart and make you whole again.” Yeshua Know You Are Loved, Valued and Respected, Maureen E:mail: [email protected] Website: © 2023 Maureen Moss - No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
The love of the Original Creator forms the very fabric of space. No material thing and no part of "empty" space is devoid of that love. Universal love is literally everywhere. However, the human condition is only consciously affected by this love when it is channeled into the human realm through its use by humans. We are here on Earth to learn how to translate universal love into human form. Once universal love has been transformed through the consciousness of any individual human being, it affects the global mind atmosphere of Earth. We all share constant access to this global mind. While we initiate thoughts and feelings on our own, we also receive thoughts and feelings from the global mind. We sometimes alter these by our own thought, sometimes not, and then pass them back into the global mind. Even though we are typically not accustomed to conscious telepathy, our subconscious and superconscious minds are fully telepathic. We constantly receive and transmit thoughts and feelings subconsciously from and to the global mind atmosphere. When a person experiences heart-centered consciousness, they radiate a type of consciousness which is very different to basic emotion. Heart-centered consciousness is a state of unconditional love. It is not a product of emotional like or dislike. Once started, nothing in physical reality affects the flow of unconditional love. It is something that just is, regardless of the circumstances. Unconditional love is something that flows through your heart when you reach up above day-to-day consciousness, tune into your heart-awareness and allow the universal love energy to flow through you. Heart-centered consciousness always sees the elegant solution to the sorrows that can arise from basic human emotions. Unconditional love allows, accepts and supports. It is not something you try to do. It just flows when you allow it to enter your heart and take your consciousness above the cares of daily reality and into an expanded vista of awareness. Each time you radiate unconditional love into the global mind atmosphere, you upgrade the entire human experience, taking humanity yet one more step into the unfolding New Reality. *Now in Paperback: For deep insights into the metaphysical mysteries of life, read the missing manual for life in this world...
Where do you go from here? Let us offer some ideas as to what is happening in your awareness. We invite you to consider that you are the doer, the doing and the deed. When you allow yourself to consider that the reality you are experiencing is of your own creation, you become empowered and step into the knowing that you are pure conscious energy. You are the creator, the creation and the result. Other ways of saying this are that you are the canvas, the artist and the painting. You are the mirror, the reflection and the observer. We want you to look at your life and apply this concept to what is happening. Notice what you will own as your creation and notice what you are willing to blame on others or events. We stress this truth to you that if it is in your reality, you have created it in some manner from your beliefs and patterns. If your reality is something that you do not like or that you push against, look carefully from a place of interest and see how you might have created what is happening. This process of enlightenment is the next level of your personal empowerment. When you can view what you are experiencing from a place of ownership everything will shift. Remember you are here in this dimension as a divine master of creation. You are here to practice creating; you are here to practice manipulating energy. However this planet is the most challenging because the energy field of this dimension is an energy field of unconscious limitation. As a divine conscious being, when you come into a physical body you are required to match the energy field of the dimension that you step into. So you as an all knowing divine being, come into a physical body, empathically matching this realty of limitation and many people take their first breath and their last never realizing who they really are. They stay unconscious and their physical consciousness is programmed with limitation. However there has been a subtle shift taking place within the collective consciousness. More and more individuals are awakening to the realization that they are more than their physical self. You are awakening to your true understanding of why you are here at this time on this limited planet. You are awakening and realizing that you have been creating your reality all along. We know this will trigger those who have experienced abuse, heartache, trauma. So let us explain. Imagine as a divine being you decided to come back to the limited dimension to uplift and transform misqualified energy. As a powerful master this seemed like an easy task, so you decided to take a physical form, a body. Yet remember, part of this dimension's energy is unconscious and limited. So the minute you take your first breath you go unconscious and your physical consciousness is programmed with limitation. You forget that you are a divine powerful creator here to transform the negative energy in this dimension the negative energy that you experience. So each negative experience triggers your sense of being powerless, the victim. You live out the reality that life here is difficult, painful and unfair. You talk about the unfairness, the difficulty, your news continues to broadcast the negative events and they continue to stay locked in place as well as this just creating more of the same. We say stop! We say own your power to transform! Step out of your limited unconsciousness and truly own your ability to create. Own your responsibility for creating the negative even if you are uncertain just how you created it. The energy that has been bathing your planet is an energy supporting you in stepping out of these limitations and this state of unconsciousness. Welcome this energy; breathe this energy into your body, allow it to subtly shift your limited points of view. Allow it to shift your sense of being powerless. Allow this energy to heal and uplift your programs and feelings of being trapped in a negative cycle. Humanity is awakening from centuries of amnesia, centuries of negative and misqualified energies. Your body is responding to this stimulation of cosmic energies. Notice how you are feeling, what is happening in your body? Where is your energy level? Do you feel exhausted, tired, fatigued? We invite you to breathe into these feelings, sound these feeling to clear them from your field. State your intentions clearly. Be in nature, walk, and rest as needed. Take care of yourself as your body is going through this awakening, this ascension process. There will be more and more massive shifts and huge global changes. The energy that is being gifted to this planet is transforming the veils of forgetfulness. This energy is offering humanity the opportunity to truly step into their magnificent divine self- knowledge that they are always the creator of realities. We join with you and celebrate your awakening. You are loved and supported by the galactic beings of light as you experience this dense dimension and transform it. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
This new "Own SELF" encompasses not only our body, but it also encompasses all the Chakras that appear to be awakening within US. Also, as this "new you" begins to grow within your High Heart, your "sense of SELF" expands further and further above, beyond your "old SELF". It is this inner expansion of our Inner SELF that awakens our Crown Chakra and awakens our Third Eye, which awakens our Throat Chakra, which awakens our HEART CHAKRA. To remember that we, humans, are here now TO PROTECT OUR DEAR PLANET GAIA. The real reason for these awakenings of our Chakras is to remind humanity that something new is coming into our reality. What is that something new? We hear you ask. However, we cannot hear the answer from outside of you because the "something new". More and more of you is to change. In fact, this change is that more and more of you is FEELING AN INNER CHANGE INSIDE OF YOURSELF. Some people are feeling the change very slowly so that they can get used to this feeling of change. Other people are just SUDDENLY feeling that something has changed, but they don't know what it is. In fact, Within this NOW, more and more people are realizing that this "change" comes from within them. And then, very slowly, or maybe very swiftly, they feel like, and act like, somehow they have changed and they have changed from within! As with all changes there is often a feeling of fear, and that fear may actually assist them in looking DEEPER AND DEEPER inside. They wish to go deeper inside themselves, because they know that it is the NOW to realize that Earth, dear Sister Gaia, has many other friends who are getting ready to visit Her! That visit may feel frightening to those who do not like what is different, are frightened by change, and especially frightened by something that is NEW! They are afraid of what is new because they are afraid of change! Fortunately, change often feels like a long breath that assists them to begin to feel more of the world around them, more of the world that is inside them. When they begin to realize that they can set the pace of this change, it is no longer as intimidating. In fact, this change often feels like a long, slow, deep breath. It is after that long, slow, deep breath that you will likely begin to feel that this change does NOT come from outside of you. NO, this change begins inside, hopefully inside from your Heart! When this inner change begins in your Heart Chakra, it can slowly, or sometimes quickly, begin to expand into your other Chakras. This initiation begins in your Heart as you must love yourself before you can love the ability to change. Change begins in your Heart to assist you to allow yourself to TRUST yourself and believe that you can LOVE yourSELF! It is when your Heart begins to open in an accepting and calming manner that you will be able to share this loving sensation within yourself and with others. As more and more of you send those loving changes into the Higher Dimensional Worlds, as well as deep into the Core of Gaia, the love and light of the ONE of the NOW will be shared by ALL! Blessings, Suzanne Lie, PhD A Personal Reading with the Arcturians
Suzanne is a Doctor of Psychology and a life-long channeler and life guide. After a very successful career as a family therapist for more than two and a half decades, Dr. Lie has been channeling hundreds of personal readings during the past years. She is well known as the real deal! Personal Readings from the Arcturians and other Galactic Beings through Suzanne Lie, PhD, are $125. All readings will be for one hour. What would you like to talk about? Get a head start on your personal mission and connect with the Arcturians. Book today! Please e-mail Sue at [email protected] |
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February 2023