Open Channel C - With Colin Whitby
My very first experience of hearing someone channel an ascended master was when I was taking part in a crystal blessing ceremony in the garden of my very good friends Denis and Doreen Fare in Bristol. Doreen had been arranging for people to come to talk to her group about many different things, gongs, spirit art and so on, too many to mention here, and on this occasion we were being given a demonstration of the power of crystals.
So there we all were in Doreen’s sunny back garden placing crystals in a circle, each one of us had to place a crystal, then they were blessed and an invocation was spoken. At that moment a lady standing right next to me started speaking ‘May I Archangel Michael speak with you my friends, today is an auspicious occasion for us all where we……’ and on Michael spoke.
I can remember everyone else just looking at Beryl (who I came to know very well later) as if this were the most commonplace thing to happen, some even said ‘Wecome Michael” to Beryl as if there was someone else talking though her. I was new to this group and was a little surprised by the whole thing, if not a little sceptical.
Later at another of Doreen’s meetings she suggested I speak to a group of people who called themselves Lightworkers, to potentially join them to listen to Beryl speak. As it turned out she was a very accomplished channeller, may different beings would come through her to speak to the group.
So for many years I would join this lovely group of people who just happened to be lightworkers to listen to Beryl speak and absorb the lessons and messages they would impart. It was only last year when sadly both Beryl and her lovely husband Doug died that our group was without a channeller.
We decided to continue meeting and see if any of us were inspired to channel and share what we were given. It was then that I realised that the journal that I had been keeping for a number of years now was indeed channelling, I had been writing messages from Jeshua/Sananda for example, sometimes from Metatron and others. So I took some of these entries to one of our meetings and read them out. I have shared some of these in my Being Love blog.
‘Why don’t you try doing them live to the group’, someone asked. At the time I was rather shy about the whole process and talking live to other people was somewhat daunting. However I did try some channellings by talking into a recorder and sharing that with some friends online. They too had been encouraging me to speak the words rather than just write them.
So earlier this year I was primed to share live at one of our meetings, and this first time I spoke Sananda came through and Mother Mary (which was something of a surprise because I had not previously been in direct talking/writing contact with Mary before). Then came lockdown and sadly we have not been able to meet again this year, so what to do? Which is where these short channellings started, just messages for our little group to listen and watch, to see if they resonate with them and to some extent help me open more to this process.
I’ll post more about this in my blog, but for now here’s a taster of what is likely to become a very busy page, I’ve posted the recordings on YouTube so that they can be accessed more widely, I do hope you enjoy them.
With Love,
I can remember everyone else just looking at Beryl (who I came to know very well later) as if this were the most commonplace thing to happen, some even said ‘Wecome Michael” to Beryl as if there was someone else talking though her. I was new to this group and was a little surprised by the whole thing, if not a little sceptical.
Later at another of Doreen’s meetings she suggested I speak to a group of people who called themselves Lightworkers, to potentially join them to listen to Beryl speak. As it turned out she was a very accomplished channeller, may different beings would come through her to speak to the group.
So for many years I would join this lovely group of people who just happened to be lightworkers to listen to Beryl speak and absorb the lessons and messages they would impart. It was only last year when sadly both Beryl and her lovely husband Doug died that our group was without a channeller.
We decided to continue meeting and see if any of us were inspired to channel and share what we were given. It was then that I realised that the journal that I had been keeping for a number of years now was indeed channelling, I had been writing messages from Jeshua/Sananda for example, sometimes from Metatron and others. So I took some of these entries to one of our meetings and read them out. I have shared some of these in my Being Love blog.
‘Why don’t you try doing them live to the group’, someone asked. At the time I was rather shy about the whole process and talking live to other people was somewhat daunting. However I did try some channellings by talking into a recorder and sharing that with some friends online. They too had been encouraging me to speak the words rather than just write them.
So earlier this year I was primed to share live at one of our meetings, and this first time I spoke Sananda came through and Mother Mary (which was something of a surprise because I had not previously been in direct talking/writing contact with Mary before). Then came lockdown and sadly we have not been able to meet again this year, so what to do? Which is where these short channellings started, just messages for our little group to listen and watch, to see if they resonate with them and to some extent help me open more to this process.
I’ll post more about this in my blog, but for now here’s a taster of what is likely to become a very busy page, I’ve posted the recordings on YouTube so that they can be accessed more widely, I do hope you enjoy them.
With Love,
PS - I wondered what to call this page and was reminded of The Man From Uncle where they used to speak into their pens and say 'Open Channel D'. This then is what prompted the name 'Open Channel C', Open Channel Colin... My intention is to be an open channel, so it works as a heading, at least for now.