You find that there are many more influences in the voting behaviours of the public than the traditional news outlets, you have the Internet with the campaigning activities of cross party activists, the voting websites where citizens can initiate their own agendas, something that in the past would have required a march or a demonstration can now be mobilised easily and effectively online. So you see a new medium having such an impact, and evangelists speaking into their videos giving opinions on events as they happen, not just the biased media but ordinary citizens. Now sometimes this exacerbated the polarity issues because some people are still stuck in the ‘them and us’ blame culture, but you will see that the groundswell of opinion is more moderate, more concerned with how we as a race are moving into a relationship with our surroundings and each other, one of caring, of concern for each other. We see this enacting now in your news where there are many shocked by the self serving approach demonstrated by some politicians, and now those who genuinely serve are being identified and are moving to the forefront of everyone’s consciousness. This is happening all over the world where the obviously self-centred are being shown for what they are, where their motives are now transparent to people. Even those who follow these leaders are being shown for their own selfish intent. It is the thirst for power that fuels their behaviour not the willingness to serve. They are now rather in the headlights are they not? Being exposed for what they are is uncomfortable for them so they create ever more bizarre defences and subtefuge to disguse their true intent. This is being displayed for all to see, so that even the most loyal are beginning to question ‘is this right, do I want to support someone like this?’ The recent raising of frequency for the whole earth has meant that it is more and more difficult to hide in low frequency deceptions; they are no longer supported and are being systematically removed. So that you will find only the truth is available - however unpalatable that might seem. The best way to view these events is from your highest perspective and that can be achieved by going into your hearts and touching your own divine essence. There are many ways to achieve this, meditation is one, and to that end Colin has recorded a number of very high frequency (Quantum) meditations that can help you find this previously elusive place in your heart. In the meantime enjoy the chaos; it is necessary to remove the old so that the new can flourish. We are Love, We are Jesus and the Council of Many Note from Colin: When I first asked who this loving energy was who was talking to me I was given the name Jesus, and immediately I wondered how it could be. It was something that has exercised me for some time. Yet when he spoke I would always find him answering as 'we', he would never say 'I'. This would suggest that his energy flow is many rather than one, that we are drawing the loving flow from beyond the singular expression. Many people speak of being at one and this is where our language begins to show its limitations, for being at one for me means being at one with many. As I open to the energy of Jesus and become this loving flow I find myself in a spacious loving energy that does not have a single expression. So to name it is something of a human thing in itself, yet to name it has been a very powerful insight for me. To accept that part of my angelic flow is made up of the same loving vibration as Jesus has been the most wonderful and rewarding thing in my life. So when I channel Jesus in this way I am channeling part of myself too, yet this higher expression can also be called Many, which is why I call them 'Jesus and the Council of Many'. Colin Whitby © 2017. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
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