EnKaRaAh and the Council of Many through Colin Whitby
Yesterday and today I was very aware of our connectedness, of how we are all one flow, yet individual characteristics can exist too, such is the paradox of multidimensionality. EnKaRaAh: Yes we felt you explore our individual energy streams, even then there are many flows within each stream are there not? This is the way our energy flows throughout the multiverse, we flow and merge when appropriate for particular outcomes. So when you were considering your question about where the energies originate for the healing and ascension of earth, we showed you the flows that are brought together for that mission, for that purpose. These were the colours you could see streaming from source, and these represent the rays that have particular properties, each homing in on the focus of their attention (following the focus from our beloved human aspects like yourselves). So what you focus on will influence the properties and effectiveness of the flows of light and colours that you initiate through us, for we are one. One thing you are noticing as you touch these energies, particularly this month, is that they are way more powerful than ever, we are able to bring more energy through you and your heart portals than we could have imagined even a month ago. This is due to your ability to absorb and radiate these energies. Your focus is on radiating rather than clearing, and that reminder from Matt Kahn today underlined this, it is no longer necessary to focus on releasing, you just need to focus on radiating pure love. Your mission is to be as clear as you can be to radiate this energy, and the best way to do this is to simply accept and become the flow. That way you are automatically clear, you automatically become pure love, your whole body responds. You will notice this as blissful energy that fills every cell of your body, energy that can penetrate all so called blocks, they will clear of their own accord, simply because you are no longer focused on them. Remember 'WYTIWYG' (whity wig) 'what you think is what you get' so if you think you are radiating divine loving energy for the benefit of all, then you are! If you think, I'm clearing and clearing, then you are! The universe responds by bringing you more of what you focus on. So what will you focus on? When you flow this energy into Gaia perhaps you could focus on ascension and radiating pure love for the benefit of all (rather than clearing....)? We leave that in your capable hands. We are EnKaRaAh and the Council of Many |
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