![]() By Shekina Rose The Starseeds, New Forerunners, Light Bearers, Blue Rays all Rays are being called to create a Unity Star Alliance in the name of Humanity. The 1st New Earth Star United Alliance through the Blue Ray Anchoring 33 of the New Earth Grids and Radiance “Light body upgrade” started in Jan 2017. Where all who feel called can tune in through your empathic nature to the Divine Holy Matrix. The Blue Ray anchoring of the Whales/Dolphin through the star Sirius started this series of the New Earth Star United Alliance. Here you will receive upgrade transmissions for the new alliance of Light foundation and Radiance of your core essence light body activation to attune to the new grid alliance in the Divine Holy Matrix. You will be able to make connections through your star lineages, Galactic and inter dimensional realms. Downloads of information will be available on the ascension, ancient star wisdom and your lineage from the Cosmic gateway from the Unity alliance. This was the first Earth Star United Alliance gathering as others will follow connecting with the different star group and races and light lineages to increase the support of the Universal flow to the earth plane and star connections and fellowships with Humanity. Your Divine essence is required and being called for by the Unity Earth Star Alliance in the name of Humanity. You have a sacred technology through your empathic telepathic nature that is a resonance frequency alliance. You will be the ones that reconfigure to the Divine Holy Matrix. Through Love, the light will realign each one, activating the radiance, the light bodies that will awaken other Starseeds: “The Teaching of the Star People.” This light directed will generate a combination configuration into the Divine Holy Matrix, a divine grid of light, a system like the internet used by spirit technology that is not powered by electricity or computers but works within other dimensions out of time-space. In other ancient times, you used these networks. You will turn on and tune into a gridwork of information where you will no longer need to be as reliant on systems that do not fully support the positive evolution of humanity and your sovereignty. This Unity Earth Star Alliance through the Blue Ray was initiated through contact with the Star People, Shamballa Light Masters, Pleiadians/Inner Earth and Galactic Families. This contact through various ways is happening to many beings and Starseeds all over the planet for the awakening. This venue of unity, information and sovereignty is being overlighted by the Sacred Divine Feminine Counsels—the Mothers, Goddess Priestesses, ascended beings of light who wish that humanity have a chalice of support as they go through the awakening, “the ascension” and disclosure. They are contributing in other ways to the awakening ascension to hold humanity’s namesake sacred in integrity. Blue Ray of Creation and Blue Ray beings The Blue Rays, ultra-sensitive empath Star Beings, have a special connection to the Sacred Divine Feminine and Codes of Creation and to the water element of Gaia. As this is one of their main connections, through their ascension is the way of the Mother Frequency. The Blue Rays’ super empathic nature and intuitive body resonance is an aspect of the dormant DNA codes of the Mother's Frequency. These DNA codes are being activated to unify and create access to other intelligent life forces needed to support Earth and humanity in the Divine Power of Love. All Rays, Wanderers, Starseeds, New Forerunners, Angelics and Light Bearers are being called and will feel the resonances in how they will play their active role. Each one of you has a specialty of divine alignment that will assist in the new grid unity alliance and ascension of humanity and is why you are here at this conjuncture. The Starseeds, Blue Rays will be Wanderers no more, and will be called to anchor frequency through the Whales/Dolphin, star Sirius, the Pleiadian lineages for the Earth systems for peace, Arcturians’ new light grids, Ascended Masters Shamballa Inner Earth, DNA Radiance Divine Original Blueprint; 444 Angelics will overlight and hold the fields of Light in the heaven realms, celestial bodies with protection from the Guardians. The Goddesses/Sophia/Shekinah/Shakra/Shakti—the sacred divine feminine essence—will bring balancing frequencies to Earth plane, twin flame and double helix through the Priestesses and Venus. Love will be anchored through all with the Elementals/Faerie/Tree kingdoms as witnesses and receivers. In the Divine Principal of One, We love You and are in this together! For information and be a part of 2017 Starseeds 1st New Earth United Alliance:- http://shekinarose333.wixsite.com/stargatelightportal/events- ![]() Shekina Rose Blue Ray Angelic Starseed, Galactic Emissary Contactee, Harmonic Vocalist for the language of light in the 528 Hz Miracles and Love, Channel of the Blue Ray, Author and Healer. Downloaded in 2008 with the information that she was from the Blue Ray, Shekina Rose received sacred knowledge on the Blue Ray and has been sharing the Blue Ray Transmissions on ascension, the ancient sacred technologies, to empower the ultra-sensitive empath starseeds on the planet, letting them know they are not alone and assisting them with their mission of light on the planet. For years, the Blue Ray Orb has appeared regularly to Shekina and manifests in photos. It is a Light Transmission generator from the higher planes that acts as a stargate portal of Home Frequency to let us know it's time for our ascension and to unify..Divine principal of one Shekina Rose was activated by her star family decades ago and given prophecies to assist in restoration and activation of the Divine Original Blueprint, the New Man of Light (Homo Luminous). In 2013 in Sedona AZ, she started having regular physical and telepathic visited by the Pleiadians/Inner Earth and the Pleiadians Peace ships. They have been showing her interdimensional ancient sacred technologies that she has created and is sharing. More recently other ascended master’s beings and races have contacted Shekina for alliance of light for Humanity and sacred technologies of the sacred divine feminine nature. She has been anointed in the Rose Ray by the ascended master Mother Mary where the apparitions and appearances occurred at Cathedral Rock Vortex, in Sedona, Arizona. The Rose Ray in the Violet Flame of Supreme Divine Love is back on the planet to restore the balance of the sacred divine feminine that empowers our I Am presence. ![]() Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua Dear friends, I am Jeshua speaking. I love you all deeply. Please feel my energy around you as I greet each of you – I honor you deeply. As you open your heart to me, remember that I am there inside it. When you recognize me at your deepest level, you recognize your own essence, which is of the purest light. You are eternal light and this is what the universe is made of. Some of you see this light shining from my eyes or from another teacher’s eyes, but I am here to remind you that this light is yours, as well. It is my deepest desire that you see and experience your own greatness and inner light. This is what will change the world, which is in need of change. You are here to make a difference, but you can only do so when you truly trust who you are. This can be a difficult thing if you are raised with ideas that tell you that you are not good as you are. For many of you, your natural life and knowingness, your intuition, becomes veiled as you advance through childhood. Most children have a keen intuition; they know spontaneously when something is right or wrong. Many children still have a close connection with their soul and the origin from which they come, and they have a desire to connect their parents with their own child's light. I am speaking here of many of you, who as children wanted to heal your parents. At a young age, you were still aware of the joy and the natural flow of life, and you wanted to spread that vibration around you. That is what it is like to be a lightworker; it is really to share the vibration of joy and love that is the essence of the universe. Being a lightworker is not about teaching principles or theories, it is about sharing energy and about remembering who you are. When you grew up, your natural light and understanding became dimmed and vague, because you doubted yourself and it is almost inevitable for this to happen, which is why I honor you. It takes a lot of courage to enter into this world, into the three dimensional realm of Earth. You know you will temporarily lose your guidance, the knowledge of who you are, and in its most extreme form, this happens when a "dark night of the soul" occurs in your life. But, paradoxically, it is also this same "dark night of the soul" that can bring you back home to yourself. The reason for this is that there is a kind of power in darkness. It seems to you that dark emotions like fear, anger, or sadness should be avoided, but, in their origin, these emotions are part of your soul’s language. The soul speaks to you primarily through your feelings, and it is actually when you suppress these feelings, which you are often told to do in society, that you become disconnected from your soul and your soul’s language. You are trying to obey the rules of society, to work hard, and to be a "good" person. But, by doing so, you lose touch with who you really are, and, in the end, you become lonely or frustrated, and you feel that your life is lacking in joy and inspiration. You think: "My soul, why can’t I hear its language?” You might start to have darker and darker emotions of frustration and depression, and, if you feel this way, it is because your soul is knocking on your backdoor. This darkness, in fact, holds power, because in the darkness are hiding the emotions you once suppressed. That is why it is so important to face the darkness inside you, to look directly at the negative emotions that are there. When a "dark night of the soul" happens, you are, in a way, forced to confront your emotions, you can no longer escape doing so. This encounter can also happen when you lose something which is really dear to you, when you lose a loved one, or when a relationship breaks up. These deep experiences of loss make you aware of the desolation and despair inside you. You might feel that the pain you are going through is senseless, cruel, and meaningless, and I understand that deeply. I will never undervalue the pain you have, but I encourage you to please not see the darkness and the pain as a mere negative thing. I would like to invite you to now explore this process a bit more deeply. Look for an emotion inside you that often upsets you or makes you feel down. Maybe you can sense that there is a lot of anger inside you or maybe you feel you have to deal with fear. I ask you to now let the energy of that emotion appear to you; welcome it, and ask it to show its face in the form of an animal. Do not judge it, however it looks. Say "hello" to the animal and look into its eyes. Feel how much aliveness and power are in this animal. Maybe you have thought for a long time that it is bad to have fear and it is bad to be angry, but it is important to hear the message inside the anger, the fear, or whatever the emotion, because you then start to cooperate with your own natural energy, with your soul. So ask this animal what it wants to tell you, what it wants to express to you and how it can help you to achieve what you really want. Animals are by nature very spontaneous creatures, they do not have a mind that analyses everything, so they can show you in a very direct way what your true feelings are. They also show you your innocence, because animals are innocent and so are your emotions. Emotions become dark and unmanageable when you suppress them and do not accept them. Spirituality is about truly accepting who you are, right now, with all the emotions you now have. As you develop compassion for yourself, and your most difficult emotions become your own best friends, you become whole. Nothing has to be hidden away behind locked doors; you are allowed to be fully human. And when you allow yourself to be human and imperfect, you start to get closer to other human beings; you see their struggle, their pain. When you stop judging yourself, you become more accepting of others. This is what sharing your light means. Feel the gentleness of this energy. It does not tell you to change, or to be a "good" person, it tells you that you are a miracle, right here, as you are. See this whole play and dance between light and dark inside you as a miracle. Do not judge darkness. Please allow the energy of light that is present here to shower over you, to uplift you. Allow yourself to relax, not just physically, but to relax, deep down, and to feel good about yourself. What you truly have to offer to this world comes spontaneously out of your heart as your natural light that shines forth. Making friends with the darkness is part of your mission. Darkness has been misrepresented through your traditions, especially the religious traditions. Darkness was, in fact, considered not human so it was damned, and you have had to live up to an ideal that is not human. But I am here to encourage you to open up to your humanness, your true magnificence, and to appreciate your beauty and to rejoice in it – to have joy in your life. Thank you for sharing this moment with me. © Pamela Kribbe www.jeshua.net ![]() ![]() Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here to support, encourage and empower you as you begin another cycle of transformation. Your present reality is certainly offering you the opening to step into your awareness of who you are. We continue to remind you and acknowledge you to act from your magnificent multidimensional divine self. There is a great and grand opportunity occurring, it is a time of ineffable potential. Your current reality is teeming with infinite possibilities and probabilities. For it is out of the cauldron of chaos that true change and transformation can be called forth. As the awakening conscious being that you are, we know that you understand the potential that is available at this time. It is no accident that you are witnessing the out picturing of fear, anger, and prejudice and the polarization of attitudes and mind sets. Think of yourself as master, as conscious alchemist, as change agent, for that is who you are. Yes, we acknowledge that in order to play in this dimension a physical body is required, however you are not your physical vehicle. It is simply hosting your divine conscious self. Your physical body allows you to interface with the frequencies and vibrations of this dense reality and hologame/hologram. We realize that the physical body requires care and attention. It also directs your focus to what appears to be occurring in your experience. We are inviting you to observe yourself being activated by what is occurring. Notice when strong emotions or opinions are stirred, for it is in that moment of awareness that your personal conscious power of transformation is available. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the polarizations, the stronger the energy is for shifting the discordant constructs and events. When you are aware of who you are and why you are here experiencing the perceived chaos, you honor yourself as the true change agent of all that is transpiring. It is a simple shift in your focus that allows you know and clearly understand that your energy vibrations, thoughts and emotional projections are influencing the field of all possibilities. Imagine for a moment that this reality might be a hologram, or as we refer to it, a hologame. However, what is experienced by all is the projection of their personal energy vibrations onto the neutral screen of the quantum field. Now multiply that awareness of energy projection onto the neutral screen of the quantum field by humanity in all its diverse, opposed, polarized emotional patterns and beliefs and now you have the hologame/hologram you are witnessing. The collective projections onto this neutral screen become available for all to experience - the good, bad and the ugly so to speak. We are not denying that this hologame/hologram feels real and the consequences are real. That is what makes it so intriguing, intense and engaging. This is what you chose to experience at this time in order to create new and different realities and experiences. Remember you are pure conscious energy. It cannot be destroyed. Your job is to remember that and begin to project the frequencies and vibrations that invoke the highest aspirations and ideals. You are invited to anchor more coherent vibrations that empower and sustain life in all its diverse forms. It is your clear intention and focused awareness that anchors any new event or shifts any discordant energy. The more awakened individuals who continue to generate and consciously offer a projection of coherent emotions, the more they can and do affect the field of all probabilities. When you use this same personal power and focus on what is lacking, what is wrong, what does not work, you are literally feeding the reality that you oppose. Opposing war does not stop war; the collective must begin to engage in calling forth and envisioning peace, love, forgiveness, equality, respect and honor of all living things. You add you own vibrations and emotional energetic projections to the screen of what is unfolding. Be aware, be conscious, play at this hologame/hologram full out as the true master of creation that you are. Realize that your every action, thought, and emotional projection is being recorded by the neutral energy of the quantum field, and together with all others, that projected energy becomes manifest and real in your personal experience. Shift how you view the news; shift how you honor others of different cultures. Examine your personal beliefs and limited acceptance of others. Be gentle with yourself and others; everyone is undergoing tremendous internal changes. These changes are being activated by the vibrations of solar energy waves and geomagnetic storms interacting with all beings on the planet. This is a wakeup call. These magnetic pulses stimulate and prompt the internal codes within your very DNA, awakening your highest potential. These galactic promptings will quicken you from your dreaming, arouse you from perceived programs of limitations, and inspire and excite you to know, without a doubt, that you are here at this time on this planet earth to anchor the reality that supports all life. This awakened self, this divine consciousness that is being rekindled and encouraged also becomes aware of the opportunity and value to be in partnership with the spiritual realms. The power of the All That Is, Divine Presence in all its manifest expressions of love and light is always awaiting your personal invitation to assist, support, and transform what you are focused upon. We truly are available for the highest good for all of humanity. It is your connection to the collective consciousness of all sentient beings and your willingness to be in partnership with the divine beings of love, light and truth that will call forth and create an awakened humanity moving into the next dimensional level and spiral. Remember there is always more to be revealed. These are auspicious times; realize that you are powerful beyond measure; begin to own and express and manifest your divine awareness and potential. We embrace you with our love and deep gratitude for the work and service that you continue to offer as you transform all perceived challenges before you. We are always available upon your invitation; this is true of all non-physical beings of divine consciousness. Be the inviter. the 'team' ©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available ![]() By Soluntra King The Dragons are coming out from all their sacred spaces and inner realms to be seen fifth dimensionally!!! They come out for a reason, it is time to Be in our Love, our dragon heart, to unite and shine our light so bright!! Those who still need to create fear and horror to feed, will be so embraced in the love and divine light of the source within each of us, it will awaken in them. As we see each and every being with open hearts, at peace within. We have the power within us to do this, we create the higher dimensional way to live through our love!!! At some time on this day if you can be with your crystals, skulls and or, on the earth, or take yourself to a favourite, or guided to sacred site or vortex. Connect and then be open to connecting from your heart to all the Dragons, those around you, nearby, those you know and all the Dragons worldwide. Next connect with your heart and intention to all others who are consciously participating in this. You don’t have to know who or where they are, your higher self has it all sorted, and has you linked. Aware of the love in each person and Dragon, we are all connected through our hearts. Take your awareness deeper into your heart and know that there is only love. See, sense, know, imagine, visualise, tone, chant, do mudras; whatever you feel. As you see the various ones who have and are still causing havoc on Earth for individuals, tribes, races, religions, the terror, the greed, pollution, whatever you get guided to. Reptilians, archons, illuminati, terrorists, dark lords, black magicians, dark witches, negative ET.s, Politiicans, Banksters, secret govt… SEE THEM AS THEY TRULY ARE …DIVINE If you need help with this then own what you don’t like about any of them. Realise it’s part of you, and love that aspect in you, until your inner aspect is whole and healed, open hearted, at peace within. Read in Healing Within on how to Love and Accept and deal with Anger, and one of my stories of how by loving and accepting my negative neighbours many years ago, when I lived in Adelaide it transformed them. He bashed his wife, had top volume swearing blasting out, beer cans and bottles all around their yard, used to steal from my garden. It took 6 weeks of loving and accepting, and transmuting my anger, I was able to assist them through love. He stopped beating the wife, he cleaned his garden up and planted roses and vegies, and the sounds and the stealing stopped. They gave me the gift of knowing how powerful it is to come from the Divine within and BE it. That was back in the 1980’s when the energy was so much denser, now the energy is so light and so many heart centred, conscious people, shifts happen fast. Imagine what if we all worked from love and acceptance, and we can now collectively. You are divine and you make a huge difference, even more effectively together and on this day the Dragons our ancestors and creators of the Earth that we can inhabit have deemed to come out, which is big for them as many have been hidden away for aeons. But this is so important, the power is in the moment, in the love, in the One Heart. You may wish to join with others on this day for a meditation and heart space of love focused together. Thank you for hearing the call, the Dragons are so happy we are as a collective awake enough now to do this. The Dragons will all come to connect again November 21st Please read link here on Dragons, Dragon lore and Journey with the White and Rainbow Dragons. http://www.evenstarcreations.com/ ![]() By Shekina Rose Heralding the 1st Unity Earth Star Alliance through the Blue Ray anchoring of New Earth Grids and Radiance "Lightbody Upgrade" Language of Light. These Divine transmissions activating the DNA Divine Original Blueprint will take place at 4 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The Blue Ray anchoring of the Whales/Dolphin through the star Sirius will start this series of the New Earth Star United Alliance. You will receive upgrade transmissions for the new alliance of Light foundation and Radiance of your core essence light body activation to attune to the new grid alliance in the Divine Holy Matrix. We will make connections through your star lineages, Galactic and inter-dimensional realms. You will receive information on the ascension and as your lineage requires for this to come together. The first conference call accepts only 33 Blue Ray Anchors online (who have now registered) but all are invited worldwide to tune in and participate via the heart empathically through the divine holy matrix. More alliance gatherings will follow, connecting with the different star groups, races and light lineages to increase the support of the Universal flow to the Earth plane along with star connections and fellowships. Your Divine essence is required and being called for by the Unity Earth Star Alliance in the name of Humanity. You have a sacred technology through your empathic telepathic nature that is a resonance frequency alliance. You will be the ones that reconfigure to the Divine Holy Matrix. Through Love, the light will realign each one, activating the radiance, the light bodies that will awaken other Starseeds: "The Teaching of the Star People." This light directed will generate a combination configuration into the Divine Holy Matrix, a divine grid of light, a system like the internet used by spirit technology that is not powered by electricity or computers but works within other dimensions out of time-space. In other ancient times, you used these networks. You will turn on and tune into a gridwork of information where you will no longer need to be as reliant on systems that do not fully support the positive evolution of humanity and your sovereignty. This Unity Earth Star Alliance, All Rays, Wanderers, Starseeds, New Forerunners, Angelics and Light Bearers are being called and will feel the resonances in how they will play their active role. Each one of you has a specialty of divine alignment that will assist in the new grid unity alliance and ascension of humanity and is why you are here at this conjuncture. The Starseeds, Blue Rays will be Wanderers no more, and will be called to anchor frequency through the Whales/Dolphin, star Sirius, the Pleiadian lineages for the Earth systems for peace, Arcturians' new light grids, Ascended Masters Shamballa Inner Earth, DNA Radiance Divine Original Blueprint; 444 Angelics will overlight and hold the fields of Light in the heaven realms, celestial bodies with protection from the Guardians. The Goddesses/Sophia/Shekinah/Shakra/Shakti-the sacred divine feminine essence-will bring balancing frequencies to Earth plane, twin flame and double helix through the Priestesses and Venus. Love will be anchored through all with the Elementals/Faerie/Tree kingdoms as witnesses and receivers. Are You From the Blue Ray? Copyright © by Shekina Rose of www.shekinaspeaks.com Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL www.shekinaspeaks.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [email protected]
with Doreen Virtue
This one-hour video is Doreen's discussion of her visions, divine downloads, recommendations, and card interpretations for 2017. She discusses the overall global situations (without getting specifically political), and about the healings, lessons, and blessings that you and everyone will personally receive. It's advised that you first center yourself prior to watching the video. While the reading is love-based, Doreen does reveal some scenarios that some may find intense. Ultimately, she helps you to find the blessing and the lesson within every situation. She also reassures you that God, Jesus, and the angels are watching over all of us. She says that 2017 will have a lot of divine intervention miracles to protect us all.
Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
![]() By Emmanuel Dagher Happy New Year, my friend! There’s so much for us to catch up on, so let’s get right to it. A Rebirth The year 2017 numerically is a “1” year (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10, and 10 reduces to 1 + 0 = 1). The number 1 represents the energies of rebirth, a fresh start, and inspired action. This year will bring with it a great deal of momentum and movement when it comes to new ideas, inventions, and creations. The intentions, actions, and deeds we are choosing to focus on right now, especially in the earlier part of 2017, will set the tone for what we will attract, create, and experience over the next 9 years. As we move forward, some things may still feel familiar. But we are on a completely different road now than we were on during the last 9-year cycle. It may take a bit of time for some to notice this, but those who are sensitive to energy will notice this change quickly. A “1” year is a time to plant the seeds of our desired intentions, especially for whatever we’d like to create more of. This is especially true for our creative endeavors, careers, and relationships. It’s true for the ways we choose to show up in the world, and for the ways we take care of ourselves in mind, body and spirit. Here are some ways we can work with and integrate the energy of “1” to make this year into a time of great joy and personal fulfillment:
Beginning January 1, 2017, the first of several healing vortexes will begin to shower us with an abundance of Light. This Light will permeate us, going right to the core of every cell, fiber, and molecule of the heart and mind of humanity. This Light will cleanse old patterns, programs, and ideologies that no longer serve the greater good of humanity. Those who resist this Light will have an extra hard time moving forward, so it’s important for us to send everyone Love now, even those who resist it. Here are the key January dates for when this vortex of Light will peak—all of these dates reduce to 1.1.1 in numerology: January 1, 2017 January 10, 2017 January 11, 2017 January 19, 2017 January 28, 2017 “Vortex” is just another word for an energetic doorway or portal. During these specific dates, the planet will open its arms to receive increasingly greater amounts of Light. These specific dates provide us with an excellent opportunity to reaffirm what we’d like to create more of in our lives and in the world. Our intentions will be magnified manyfold by the potency of energy that these days carry. Great Changes Ahead The most important theme during a “1” year is flexibility—staying flexible mentally, emotionally, and physically, so that we can embrace change with greater ease. Because the most reliable thing we can expect this year is that things will be changing more quickly than ever. At first, the change may seem quite small. But by the end of 2017, we’ll see that we are in a far different reality than the one we were in during 2016 and before. The gift in all of this change is that we get to decide which direction we’d like our long-term future to go in. We get to be the maestro of our life now, rather than being someone who just stands on the sidelines and allows outside influences to shape what their life becomes. This empowering moment is our time to shine! As we let these higher energies come in and fill us with a new vision for a new 9-year cycle, we will know that all that is no longer for our higher good is passing away. This is a time not to resist these new higher energies, but to allow ourselves to integrate this powerful new Light. We can ask for assistance from the higher realms, and from our guides and higher self, who are always ready to share their wisdom with us. We can trust that this great river of Light coming to Earth now is leading us to all the joy, peace, prosperity, and fulfillment we have dreamed of and envisioned. Be gentle with yourself, my friend, as you integrate all that is coming to us now. And may this new year bless you abundantly in every area of your life! Till next time, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2017 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. |
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