In their very formative years, they used other forms of communication, a clear sense of understanding and knowing and visual through seeing colors, sounds and symbols. They have the ability to experience and feel situations on multi levels as in the present, past or future happening all at once.
These traits can be amplified in their early years which can make them feel overwhelmed. As they may naturally, energetically internalize the feelings and pain of others, this can contribute to the need to be alone to transmute any negativity, sometimes making them feel isolated and/or alone until such time they learn how to focus the energy, acknowledge who they are and use their spiritual abilities. Many times, the Blue Ray sensitive empath will try to shut these abilities down in order to “fit in” as it can be hurtful to these sensitive souls to be so open emphatically in the world. Some will divert their energies through downing and blocking their sensitive nature until their soul calls them through events, situations and circumstances that wake them up where they can no longer deny who they are and their gifts to share with the world. The Blue Ray Transformer 1st Mission transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity and set the stage for the other Rays to come. Your first mission was to be born in a family where you were to transform the damaged DNA of your blood ancestry line for humanity and the planet. This is a huge mission—to be able to vibrate your frequency here on the planet and not lose the connection through trauma while healing of the family dynamics. Because you are transformers, you have the violet ray of transformation in your aura energy field with your main vibration resonating to Blue. 10:10 Blue Ray, by being a vehicle of transformation, the light of Source would have an energetic entryway of reconfiguration through both directions—past and future timelines—all starseeds, light bearers and new forerunners are here to do this through their conscious alignment to reconfigure the distorted energies by raising their frequency to light and love. By being born in unhealthy dysfunctional families their 1st mission in transmuting the damaged genetics in raising the DNA code to light is accomplished, as they are innate transformers and alchemist having the violet fire within their field. The main aura colors of a Blue Ray are variable shades of Blue, ranging from aqua to darker blues, always having traces of violet. This is one of the reasons many Blue Rays are mistaken for indigos, as both have the color spectrum of Blue in their aura. Blue Ray Ascension Updates Star Seeds and Blue Ray's you are expanding your rays and colors in many ways of alignment and connections ~ You are still working through the sacred divine feminine you are establish the crystalline resonances through your empath sensitive Nature. The Divine Original Blue Print in the form of the Divine Human template is the ascension Christ vehicle of ascension. This will create expanded awareness in the way you relate to your world, relationships and environment. Know this is a Holy divine power of light. Be open to receive the enhanced Love of Creation on your new cosmic journey of awakening as creator beings; Love, joy, freedom, magic and miracles await you now. You are beloved. We Love you! I love you!
Shekina Rose, Blue Ray Star born, Channel of the Blue Ray, was downloaded in 2008 that she was from the Blue Ray where she received the information and history of who these empathy sensitive Star beings their characteristics traits and their mission on the planet. Shekina has had 3 NDE where after, science analyzed her voice, and verified that her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz, Love "(Solfeggio)" , Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of creation by scientist, Mark Rodin and other frequencies not discovered yet.
She is an Angelic Messenger Language of Light Harmonic Vocalist Intuitive empath a very powerful yet gentle divine healer, intuitive, empath, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant, who facilitates Privates Sessions and Soul Reader And creator of the Sedona Spirit Crystals, technologies ~ pendants from her regular physical and telepathic visited by the Sedona Deva crystals, Christos, Sophia, the Archangels and Ascended Master’s beings and races. Sedona Vortex Crystal Wands Sedona Language of light Videos
We have been offering the idea and inviting you to be aware of the magnetic and solar activities that are stirring up the collective consciousness. There is a shift of energy being offered that continues to increase. This increasing energy shift is being felt in and through your nervous system and your body's electrical fields body. Be aware of how your physical body is feeling, notice when you are feeling out of balance, or even a bit dizzy. Pause and take a deep breath. This simple action will assist you to reset. Your physical body is adjusting to this increase in energy and vibration, which is part of the process of illumination and advanced consciousness. These stimulating vibrations and frequencies are opening several channels within the energy field of the human being. This is a part of the ascension process of which you have been aware, part of the awakening of humanity, the shift into the higher dimensions. The first aspect of this transmutation is to realize your understanding of time needs to shift. Each and every person without fail lives in a different time reality governed by their perception of the learned/programmed concept of this time matrix. We realize we are exposing one of your most sacred belief systems and we understand your resistance and your confusion. Time does not exist on the higher dimensions. So as you continue to welcome and expand your consciousness, time as you know it will begin to waffle. It will become irregular, elusive and baffling. Time is shifting which creates the sense that it is speeding up. This is one aspect of your hologame that you can begin to recognize and monitor. Remember you are consciously bigger than time. Let’s just explore the concept of time. Time that exists in your belief systems, time that is a part of this third dimensional construct does not exist in the other dimensions. So each individual is confronted with their old third dimensional time beliefs and what they are now experiencing as they move in consciousness to the other dimensions. We understand that you still will need the construct of time in order to function in your daily life right now. Humanity has recorded time, with history, past events, clocks, calendars and all manner and methods of measure. So there is no need to eliminate all the ways to keep track of time. We are just encouraging you to become more aware of how fluid, flexible and manageable your experience of time is. This is important because it will show you how you utilize time in your dimension. We would like to offer you a suggestion that the references you make about time keep you locked into a limited reality. Time is a concept here on your planet. All your words about time continue to keep you in a mind-set of restrictions. Some examples common in your reality are: not enough time, time is short, time is running out, rush time, time is moving too fast, losing time, wishing for more time, wish time would hurry up, time is moving so slowly and where did time go? We believe you are getting the idea. These are beliefs about time. Time, like everything else, responds to your attitudes, your beliefs, your statements, your words, your vibrations. Time is one of the fabrics of your earthy game. It is a veil. It keeps you in the illusion. It is wise to realize that time is created only to serve a certain aspect of physical reality. We continue touching one of your planet’s sacred beliefs. We don’t expect this information to change the laws of the game. We would desire that your awareness would shift. In that shifting of your beliefs about time there is much freedom to begin to move between the dimensions with greater awareness and ease. As you transform your time beliefs, it will be reflected in your physical reality and beyond. Once you can recognize that time is an abstract, that it doesn’t really exist, that it is just part of the hologame and everyone has given it much importance, this will free you. The essence of who you are is beyond time. The essence of who you are sees time as an imaginary game much like ones that children play. We know that you do live here in this game with time. We understand you can honor time with its limited concepts and still know the freedom of “NO TIME.” It is in the space of “NO TIME” that you will travel between all dimensions. We invite you to play a little with this thing called time. Pretend that you can stretch it, expand it, mold it in ways that support your day and your projects. Make time your friend; remember it is very elastic, it is very flexible. Play with it in a new way today. Relax into your tasks, laugh, lighten up. Allow yourself to step into the stream of time from many different levels, from many different vantage points. Remember that your breath can shift your perception of your experience of time. Be aware that you are experiencing a tremendous shift in evolution. Live in each moment, bring your consciousness to each NOW. This will offer you the most expanded viewpoint of time in this realignment that is taking place between your planet and the entire solar system. It is from the present moment of now that you are allowed and welcomed to dance between the dimensions. You are multidimensional; time is only a breath, it is only a thought. We are complete in this remembering. You are a magnificent multidimensional starhuman playing in the hologame of time. Allow yourself to stretch into this awesome expanded energy that is being offered. Invite us and other divine beings to show you how to travel time. the 'team' ©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. 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February 2023