I understand that many of you are struggling with health issues, financial issues, and relationship issues. You may be wondering how your spiritual path affects all of this. I want to remind you that your lightwork is directly affecting the miasma of this planet. Everything will shift as more and more people connect with the light. Even some who seem stuck in the dark will be moved by this collective change. The more you heal yourselves, your families, and your friends, the more you will help benefit others who are stuck in dark situations. Many feel that they desire to awaken now. This includes beings who are currently working in dense frequencies. You have been working very hard behind the scenes to help move this planet into the next level of consciousness, which some call ascension. Your physical bodies are going through dramatic changes right now-changes that would not be possible without your lightworking. Often, when we get caught up in life situations that feel challenging, we tend to focus on what's going wrong. Instead, refocus on what's going right. This will change your perspective as well as attract more of what feels good to you and, thus, have a positive impact on others. If you're feeling scared or worried about the state of your personal situation or the world, know that it's just a symptom of a larger energetic shift occurring now. It's not a "bad" thing; it's just something that needs to be released for us to move forward into our next stages of evolution. You may not notice it today or tomorrow, but when you look back at this time period in a few months, you will see how much has changed for the better. Many of these changes will seem sudden and unexpected, but they were planted during these times right now when many of you are choosing to make an effort to tune into the light (or reconnect with it). You may feel like you're doing something small or insignificant by sitting in meditation or sending healing energy to someone or something, but I assure you, this is not true! You are the ones who came to Earth to make a difference. You are the ones who came here to heal yourselves and bring light into this world. The more you work on your own healing, the more you are helping others. Light is changing everything right now. We can see how many new souls are entering this planet right now. Most of them are lightworkers (beings who came to help Earth during its ascension). This is why it is important for you to continue with your own healing and awakening process. As people awaken, they will begin to affect their environment in positive ways. They will be able to channel healing energy into their families, friends, and communities. The more people who connect with their heart energy, the more this will have an impact on the whole world. As you awaken and begin to love yourselves and others more, you will start contributing positively to the atmosphere of negativity that is currently around this planet. Even those individuals who are stuck in a dark reality will be affected by this change in vibration because everything is connected energetically. I appreciate all that you have done for yourselves, for each other, and for this planet. You have been through so much struggle at times, but know things are changing drastically. This is the time for more of you to give your life over to lightwork. It's time for you to be of service and help transform this planet into the utopia that it can be. I know that many of you are still dealing with personal issues, but I can tell you that this is an integral part of your own healing process. By healing yourself, you begin to automatically heal your family, friends, and eventually the world. As a collective, we are beginning to understand that we must heal ourselves first in order to move on in our spiritual evolution. We have begun to restore balance within ourselves, and now it's time for us to help others find their own balance. There are many people on this planet who seek guidance and direction, many of whom seek knowledge about themselves and the world around them. Prayer: "Dear Great Spirit, help me to heal myself and others. Help me see the truth about the world around me so that I may be of service to those who are in need. Help me to be an anchor for light and love no matter what is going on around me. Allow me to be a vessel for your light and your love, but also allow me to trust my own power to heal myself and others. I am ready to be of service, show me how." Through giving we receive. Through healing others we are healed. By intending: "I wish to serve" the universe will serve you We love you dearly. We are here with you. We are your family of light. A'HO Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved. ❤️ PLEASE SHARE ❤️ 🙌🏼Subscribe to my “Secret Galactic News” mailing list and receive exclusive invites to free but private Ascension Secrets Webinars 💫 https://thegalacticfederation.com/newsletter 💫 💫https://www.facebook.com/iamauroraray💫 These intensifying energies being transferred into this dimension, as you have been made aware, are specific portals available for all, especially those who are ready to be activated. You might call these energy downloads star portals or star gates. During these energy gifts there is an alignment of dimensions and the opportunity is presented for the veils between dimensions to thin. This is also the time to stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation. You are more receptive when vibrating a high clear, cohesive vibration generated by these pure emotions. We remind you of the importance of drinking much water and being sure that you give your physical body good nourishment, quiet rest as well as time outdoors. This is an opportunity to allow the frequency transfer that is being offered to be assimilated into your system. We remind you to be open and receptive to the gifts being given. Each person reacts to and is affected differently by these energies of cosmic influxes from star portals and alignments. There are those who will simply think that they have the flu or that they have eaten something that disagreed with them. They will pass this off without being aware. There will be other humans who will sense that something has happened, however they do not have any reference points in their belief system to include the truth. There will be others who will simply resist; the minute they feel the energy frequency all their defenses will be put into place. They will ride these surges of energy in a total personal lock down. Those that resist will feel the most discomfort, their physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies will manifest the resistance in some manner according to the weakest point. There are a multitude of humans who are aware and awake who will welcome this opportunity. They will see this as the gift and adventure that it is. Again, depending on their receptivity, each one will experience this dimensional alignment in a different manner. These star gate offerings have been given to this planet since the beginning and each time there has been a shift, however small however subtle, in the consciousness of humans. We are observing the incredible evolution and expansion of consciousness happening in the minds of earth dwellers at this time. There is a waking you might say. The awareness that each human is multidimensional is being claimed by more and more humans. These star gates, star portals are simply offerings which will allow humans who are aware of their deep connection to the stars to expand into their grandness and their celestial presence. We realize as many of you sit at the computer and read our stream of information and look at the solidness of the trees and the world around you, the idea that everything is in flux and everything is frequency and there is an open star gate seems a bit like a fantasy or movie. Remember that physical reality is only one aspect of the divine, it is the hologame. Now we are suggesting that you stand in the hologame, in the comfort and familiar physical reality and allow your consciousness to expand and include the possibility that there is a doorway open to other realms and that you have a personal invitation to walk through. We might say you can skip, dance, run or even hop through these doorways We invite you to surrender into trust and to consciously request and ask for any assistance you might need. There are loving teams of beings ever ready to support and guide you and all others into this new adventure. The important key to remember is the willingness and the asking. State your intentions clearly and then surrender. The celestial realms are most supportive of the transformation of consciousness that is taking place on your planet at this time. They are here to support this frequency. The programs within your bio-computer and the data bank of your DNA are all being upgraded and activated. Celebrate this and discover what this DNA upgrade means to you. Notice new abilities, awarenesses, clarity, even understanding of cosmic truths. Become aware of the new skills that emerge, the sense of knowing, the sense of connectedness, the sense of oneness. This is happening on a global level and as it does it is reflected and projected into the cosmic level. Welcome the influx, welcome the dimensional alignment, welcome the sensitivity to the new frequencies bathing you and others. You are a warrior of light, here to anchor this new truth. You are here to call forth the new harmonic humanity. You are to witness these awesome star gates that are available for humanity to move to the higher dimension. You have been waiting for this moment. You have been inviting and envisioning these events. These higher frequencies of awareness and light are something that humanity has not had access to before. This shift of consciousness will continue to flower in all areas of this planet. There will be a surge of creative expression and realization that will welcome the transformation of all that has been out of balance with humanity. The seeds of these potent cosmic moments will continue to offer upgrades affecting humanity for years to come. This is the beginning. Realize that you and humanity have crossed a threshold into a new expanded unified field of conscious clarity. Welcome this reality; use your prayers and clear intentions as seeds of light planted in the fertile energy that is being offered. These cosmic moments offer the opportunity to activate all the very best that humanity can be. Remember that everything you do or express, think or feel is affecting humanity, your entire hologame and the many parallel universes. Be aware of your true personal power in all matters. You are a multidimensional star being temporally dwelling in your physical form Give yourself the support needed to assimilate and integrate the gifts given by the realms of truth and light. We are here for you at all times. You are well loved. Be at peace, Beloved the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
The deep belonging, the sense of having wandered far away, and so long being off course, lost in the wilderness of the desert of duality, and now finally coming home to the truth, that All THAT IS, is within. Not OUTSIDE – within! Every Soul indeed embraces all of creation within it, as much as there is a whole cosmic ocean in one single drop. With it, the great insight and understanding, the deepest Knowing is emerging, that we were never separated from the Divine, nor from anyone, or anything! We played out the acting roles in the Matrix of Duality, but finally now, we are stepping out of it, and gain the highest perspective, where we cannot see, play out, nor experience duality any longer. All is dissolved. When you take a spinning top, and paint one half black, and the other white, when it is stagnant, you can clearly see division. That is the third dimension. Yet, go and spin that top, and the faster it spins, the more the division disappears and you can only a type of spinning white grey. This is indeed what the higher dimensions are all about. The faster the telluric energy fields spin, the more unity and oneness is attained. From the fifth upwards, all starts spinning so fast, that all flows into ONE. There is such a blessing, such an inpouring of love, such an inpouring to the re-creation happening now, that in this sense of deep homecoming, your soul is finding its wings, and can now finally soar and fly higher and higher, and indeed experience itself in all its wonder and glory, as the Divine created it to be, and it embraces the Divinity within! There is a sense of awe and wonder, that it, as soul was uniquely created, and slots in perfectly within the greater whole, and has its own unique role to fulfill within the greater Creation, visible and invisible, known and unknown. The soul itself has traversed the Universes, and has had incarnations in other dimensions, life and life forms, and parallel lives and indeed, it is immortal. Infinite. Once you are being stretched like this, and feel the joy of infinite freedom, to explore, to create, to be inspired, and to explore what infinity means, what it is to be free, and what it means to be so inspired from within, that you literally now just wish to co-create a totally new life and new beginnings, as you are reborn into the New Earth and New Golden Age. The Old Earth has lost its strangle hold on you! Yet, you were always free, you just forgot this! My heart and soul are expanding, with love, with gratitude, with infinite wonder and awe as I am witnessing this! I have no further words to describe this. You need to experience this for yourself, in your own unique way, as you are ready and open to receive these immense blessings, as you finally have cast away the Old Adam, and Old Eve and Old Lilith, within you. The new 7th Human Race is emerging, is dancing its way into form and being, in the 7th Earth. And indeed, the whole cosmos is here, witnessing this, and assisting us in all and every form and way! The White Flame is sweeping, purifying, intensifying, as all is purified, clarified, the truth emerging like Tsunamis of the Divine Waters of Life, washing clean. The Fires of Transfiguration are raging and indeed we are being alchemized in the highest and purest sense and transformed into a new much higher dimensional form of physicality, and indeed Soul expansion, and Soul Mastery as never before! Embrace it all! The time of huge expansion is here and on all fronts! There is no going back – forwards and outwards, and into infinite space we are flying and higher than ever before, and our infinite power Source is heart-powered through the Infinite Divine Power of Love. Judith Kusel http://www.judithkusel.com https://www.facebook.com/judith.kusel |
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February 2023