“You are part of the great Web of Light, the radiant Net of Light that is holding the Earth. Holding the World together,” they said with feeling. “This Net of Light, Net of Love is finely linked and is growing more potent by the moment. Each time you call on the Net, you broadcast it,” they explained, “not only for yourself, but for everything that lives. Your oneness with it weaves and anchors this great force. Through your focus on love and light, you have become the Net of Light,” they said and I gulped. They’d said this before, but coming now, in the early morning darkness, it shook me. “Many years ago, we gave you the radiant Net, and since then you have been steadfast in working with it—casting and broadcasting to your fellow beings. Do that now. Anchor and cast!” the Grandmothers cried. “Think of, call on, and feel the presence of the Net of Light ceaselessly. Its reach is amplified by your mindfulness. Human beings are the link between Heaven and Earth, and your combined strength as you work together with the Net of Light will create what you call ‘miracles’. “Cast now for the people of the Ukraine. Cast for all soldiers—both Ukrainian and Russian. Cast also to the people of Russia, for all affected by this calamity. Cast the Net of Light to all beings. ‘May everyone in all the worlds be happy!’” they said. “Chant this endlessly. And remember that there is no ‘other;’ All are family within the great Net of Light. And if people seem to forget this truth, YOU remember it for them!” the Grandmothers declared, their faces lit with smiles. “Chant and sing!” they cried. “Sing and chant the truth. “With all your heart, sing: ‘May Everyone in all the worlds be happy.’ (click here). Whenever you do this, you make us happy,” they said, “and you make everyone happy. You are happy when you do this work and in this state of happiness, what you think of as ‘you’ actually melts and becomes happiness itself. “Because you are part and parcel of the Net of Light, whenever you anchor the Net, sing and pray for the good of all, happiness fills the World. Let this occur now. Let life flow through you and become the walking blessing upon the Earth we have told you that you are. Now is the time to open your heart. And open it to all!” they said. “All beings are part of the Net of Light, whether they know it or not. And when they forget who they are, then you ‘know it’ for them. You can hold this truth for everything that lives. “Play your part now,” they said. “Do not go into despair, but instead, anchor yourself in love. Fall back into the embrace of the Net of Light and stay there. The Net will hold you steady, it will hold the Earth steady. Take every opportunity to come together in light now and be who you are! You are one with the Net of Light and we are counting on you.” --The Grandmothers For more information on the Grandmothers and the Net of Light and to join us in anchoring the Net for the world, go to netoflight.org. There is no charge for this work. The Old Reality of Reincarnation The wheel of reincarnation concept says that we are born again and again until we graduate from this school of experience. Gaining a wide-ranging experience of all the varieties of human living with all its triumphs and failures takes a lot more than just one life. The surprise is how many times a person may reincarnate in order to complete one full cycle of all types of experience... Typically, a complete tour of human experience for a young soul takes 288 incarnations! Lightworkers, on the other hand, are old souls who have already graduated, either here or elsewhere. Their incarnations are voluntary lives of service to help humanity rather than having to re-learn that which their souls have already mastered. The New Possibilities The rules of reincarnation on earth have changed. A grand cosmic cycle of 26,000 years is in its completion stage today because it was timed to end at this exact time by Divine Karmic intelligences who foresaw that The Shift would change everything in this, our modern era. Graduation Day is here! Some people think of Earth as God's only planet populated by humans. God, on the other hand, sees the entire universe as a playground for self-aware human intelligences. If you've ever felt that 'home' could be somewhere other than here, you're probably right because every soul on earth is an extra-terrestrial! It's a long story but, at a soul level, no one on Earth today is originally from Earth. The choices for reincarnation which are emerging today are as follows: (1) Move up to heart-centered consciousness for rebirth on the New Earth, which will emerge soon in a physical 4D realm rather than today's physical 3D vibration. (2) People who choose to live more physical lives in the style of life on the Old Earth will still have that option, just not on the New Earth. After they pass on from this world, they will relocate via the soul realms to a new planet where their preferred 3D-frequency lifestyle will continue. (3) The Lightworker Mission-Accomplished option: The cosmos is a large place and God's plan for the enlightenment of humanity on Earth goes back at least 26,000 years, when volunteers were sought to help during a massive influx of human souls onto the planet Earth. In addition to the mass of newly-arriving souls, millions of lightworkers from other, more advanced cultures volunteered to live among the new arrivals on Earth. The lightworkers' presence has helped to raise the mass consciousness of humanity so that many people are now ready to advance into 4D physicality at this point in history. After completing their current incarnations in both physical life and the afterlife, some lightworkers will choose to reincarnate on Earth while many will return to their home worlds with their missions accomplished. Many soul families of lightworkers are planning to take this option once today's challenges of The Shift are completed. For the full text of the chapter, Reincarnation is Changing, and many more chapters filled with insights into the whys and wherefores of today's changing world, see my new book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life, at: https://www.infinitebeing.com/ebooks/metaphysics.htm
Let us give this example. You are interfacing with your third dimensional life as a human, perhaps also your role as a parent, a friend, a teacher, a mentor, a spiritual being, a conscious citizen, a gardener, a businessperson. These are roles or aspects that shift your behavior in subtle ways. You do not consider them separate from one another; they are just parts of you and your life. Now consider the awareness of your multidimensionality; you are here in a hologame on planet earth, responsible for the physical vehicle in which you dwell, confined by beliefs in the limitations of this reality. You are also connected to the galaxy and respond to the energy matrix that is offered from the cosmic forces. We want you to realize that you are able to read the energy of other beings. You take in data like your computers; you are interfacing with other beings at all times, exchanging information, ideas, weavings of energy. You travel time. In a moment you return to the past and zoom to the future, yet you only touch these time lines briefly and usually you touch them with regret or worry. You have the ability to step into any hologame and experience any reality, with all its tastes, smells, feelings, and sights. You are able to “live “it so to speak. However be aware that in this current third dimension reality you have replaced this awesome multidimensional ability with the movies and with television. You are invited to begin to use the superpower of your imagination. We know that this physical life feels real in your consciousness. We know that you have responsibilities, loved ones and friends; you experience emotions of bliss and trauma. You feel pain and have thoughts and even puzzle at the mystery of why you are here. Realize that you travel out of your body's awareness often. You take an aspect of your multidimensional self to other dimensions and to other realities. This is especially true at this time. Many are beginning to consciously be moving from one dimension to another. This awakening is being triggered by the cosmic forces that are bathing your planet, stimulating you to wake up to the truth of who you really are. You are a starbeing, here in this limited third dimension having what you are calling a physical life, which we invite you to consider is only "one cell." We sense your desire for us to translate this information more clearly. We are aware that you are struggling a bit to put what we are giving you into understanding. You know this truth as a multidimensional being, it is how you operate. Yet you cannot always put what happens as a multidimensional being into words, because it is far bigger than your "one cell" third dimensional self to explain in words. Let us offer this, using the example of the physical body as a metaphor. Image in the body, this physical life, what you are now focused on, is only “one cell”. Your “NOW” life experience is only "one cell." Yet you are truly multidimensional. This multidimensional self creates, nurtures, and sustains the whole in a very complex delicate balance. You as the “one cell” are not aware of all the others tasks or other realities in which the total body participates. There is the reality of the bones, the reality of skin, the reality of the heart, the liver, the circulation system; these are all just aspects of the multidimensional reality of the body. There is the brain, there are the thoughts, the feelings, the memories and on and on, yet the “one cell" awareness is not fully conscious of all that is taking place. The life you are focused on in your now is this “one cell” of your total magnificent multidimensional self. There is much going on at all times that you do not recognize because of your veiled awareness and belief systems. As "one cell" you do not even think about what beats the heart, or how air expands the lungs; these are activities that are automatic. They maintain the "one cell" yet are not a part of consciousness. The "one cell" has other things to focus upon. There are frequencies, matrixes, realities that exist in which you are very active, yet the “one cell” that you are focused upon resists this expansion or does not even know of its existence. So begin to honor your true wholeness. It is important that you begin to be aware of all the actions and activities that the physical body offers. Practice quieting your mind and place your attention on your heart, notice if you can begin to feel each heart beat. Focus your quiet mind on your breath. Follow that breath moving into your lungs, expanding them and then exhaling. We want you to begin to practice being more than just "one cell." Imagine that your body has a consciousness in every aspect. Every aspect, every part of your body is aware of the energy that is being offered in the cosmic downloads, the solar flares, the vibrations of the planets, the pull and push of the moon. There is much more going on than the "one cell" self recognizes. Many are waking up to these awarenesses and many others continue to hit the 'snooze button.' Now is the time to explore all the inner realities of your physical body as well as the awesome realities of the other dimensions. Be the explorer. Be the adventurer. Imagine that you can go on a vacation or holiday to another time and place. Imagine that you can go to a cosmic travel agent and book a trip to another planet or go to a cosmic time agent and book a trip to any experience in time or even to a cosmic dimensional agent, where you can arrange to travel to another dimension. Make this as real as you possibly can. Allow yourself to play with this idea and suggestion. Shake yourself out of any limited beliefs. We are playing with you here. We want to shake you out of your "one cell" thinking. We want you to realize how truly unlimited you really are. Each day make it a practice to imagine another reality, pretend, make it as real as possible. Feel it, sense it, see it whatever way feels best to you. Remember this is simply a game and you are meant to wake up and recognize that you are a divine creator. Again we invite you to expand your awareness to include more of your multidimensional beingness. It is much easier than one might imagine, you do it often, now just recognize when you have shifted. Be at peace, Beloved the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
In a word I would call this escalation (ultimately,) the recognition and experience of our Vastness. Our vastness lives in our Soul and though but a sliver of our Soul came into body on earth, far more is incoming Now. Many have had glimpses and interactions with their vastness and many more awakened and awakening shall experience the same. This is a fascinating experience to meet and merge more of yourself, as you have been both on Earth and in Higher Dimensions that has been carried forth by your Soul for eons and eons of time and is now being deposited into physicality. It is a wonderous way to know yourself, raise your vibration, lift your consciousness and understand more fully the expansive nature of your Being . What I have come to realize through direct internal experience with other aspects of my Soul coming into union, is a greater reverence for myself, a greater Love for myself and a greater understanding of myself (as Maureen.) What came as well is an effortless ability to forgive, understand and at times even love that which has pained me deeply. That in itself is a Miracle that raises Consciousness, frequency and shifts perception immeasurably, thus liberating oneself from the distortion of lesser mind, ego and personality. We are always an evolutionary work in progress here and elsewhere, though there is no more potent place to enlighten ones consciousness, than here on Earth…and likely no other place in the Cosmos that could wear us down to surrender who we are not and Power US Up at the same time. If we were even remotely aware of the complexity of this Divine and somewhat unsuspecting plan we might well be elsewhere under lavender skies. With that said, my knowing is we have an even greater trail to blaze in 2022. We have a bit more to clean out, purify, straighten up, stabilize, make space for and balance after (or almost after,) this long haul. Also important is creating a clear space for our emotions to be able to digest and not get lodged in our heart. Even the Soul has to be cleaned from all the traumas and lower vibrations it has had to deal with for eons of time. With the energies so strong and getting stronger everything is Being purified by Holy fire to help us in oftentimes in mysterious ways. Not believing in predictions, I do sense deeply in my heart this month will call for courage and using our primal passion, heart and true sense of purpose to carry us through. I sense as well, early this year the awakened shall begin to feel Freedom through connection to the vastness of their Being and by Grace through unperturbed hearts. Many of US shall be having an intimate dance with the depths of our own personal metamorphoses. (Kristina Fontana) As for obvious external disruptions of our lives, Yeshua has said “just as it started, so too shall it end. There is no shortage of Miracles.” So Be It. He also said, “it is time to be undistracted and intimately know the Great Liberators of your Consciousness and become adjusted to your stunning brilliance and manner of expression through the vast intelligence of the Soul.” I do know the adamantine particles of all things possible are already coalescing. I feel them and I have seen them as particles already in the physical field. We, with raised frequency and pure intent are their attractor fields to manifest them into form. *Adamantine particles are crystalline particles of infinity that all contain the stored potential to manifest any original substance or element. These particles are encoded with a type of universal ‘DNA’ somewhat like stem cells, which allow the particles to form any possible type of atom through the Power of Intent and The Power of Love. There is so much good already within us and more awaiting us to clear, open and receive. May we all make our life easier through our propensity for Love, our desire for Truth and Unity, and willingness to know our Vastness and use it to serve Earth, Humanity and certainly to course correct ourselves. In closing: The Event so long spoken about is happening daily now. We are the Event. We each one create it as we shift from person to Presence and unperturbed awareness. The energy is with and within us constantly to support this to Be So. No different than Gandhi saying to Be the Change you wish to see in the world. Wisdom suggests we are to BE the Event we wish to experience in the Worldand no longer hold back the Life attempting to claim you. Eternal Love and Blessings to All, Maureen P.S. There will BE a global ‘gathering’ for the 2-22-2022. Details coming. P.S.S. Here is a link if you are interested in a Private Session: https://www.maureenmoss.com/private-session Email: [email protected] Website: www.maureenmoss.com © 2022 Maureen Moss. No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website maureenmoss.com Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright. |
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February 2023