Immediately I saw and felt a thick ring of glowing white energy encircle my physical body, just outside my auric field. I felt instant relief. The ring of energy thinned as it expanded upward and downward at a rapid rate, and began glowing in the whitest white colour I've ever seen. It felt pure, powerful. The expansion continued until the light energy formed an egg shaped structure that completely surrounded me. I asked what this structure was, what was its purpose? The guides said the energy is the Creator's unconditional love formed into a protective shell. It prevents dark, dense energy from entering the Egg and affecting the auric/etheric fields and the physical body, which prevents what I had been feeling as a splintering effect, a feeling of weakness. After the placement of the Egg was complete, I felt...whole, strong, and hopeful again. I also noticed my auric colours were brighter than before. - quite stunning! I was told that the Egg's shell, even though it appears thin, contains an endless supply of the Creator's unconditional love energy. This energy may be 'borrowed' to be used, for example, by the physical body for healing, cleansing/clearing, or to provide extra energy at times when the physical body (any of our bodies for that matter) require more energy than usual to regain balance, strength, optimum health...the list is practically endless. Because each Egg is composed of the same unconditional love energy, they may make it easier for us to see past differences and accept commonalities amongst people, to understand/trust/forgive others no matter the race, religion, colour...of the person within the Egg. The Eggs promote inclusion and unity. The Guides created my Egg in answer to my request for help. For anyone reading this journal that wishes to receive their own Unconditional Love Energy Egg - the Creator's Gift of Love and Light to us all - you need only ask your guides of highest light (mine have also volunteered to help you - AA Michael, Jesus Sananda) through meditation/prayer/channeling and give the highest intent for yourself and All, that the Egg be created around your auric and etheric fields and your physical body for your______(you can state your reason/s for requesting the Egg). You may have your own tried and true means of manifestation that you prefer using. Just ensure you request 'The Creator's Unconditional Love Energy Egg', and that you make the request for your highest intent and the highest intent of All. The Guides also shared that if you wished to communicate with/reach out to others who have Eggs, just give intent that the unconditional love energy stored in your Egg reaches out to _____(you can state the specific name of someone you know, or the request can be made to a general audience). As the guides were explaining this process I saw a thin 'white cord' of energy reminding me of the tendril of a plant, begin reaching out from the top of an Egg then continue to grow longer with the intent of finding another/or specific Egg. I was told the energy tendrils would only touch/not break through the Eggs. They form connections (like fibre optic networks) to be used for 'personal or group calls'. The person consciously sending out the tendril can feel the energy activation as a tingling in their arms and palms and in their crown chakra. When the tingling starts, it is time to give your intent for reaching out and qualifying the intent as being of the highest purpose for All. The receiving person may or may not consciously receive the 'incoming love light energy', which is felt in their crown chakra. The person on the receiving end has the choice of blocking the energy or accepting it. This may be done at the conscious or subconscious level. We are being constantly bombarded by dense energy in many forms that is wearing us down, eroding our happiness and hope for the future, causing many to stop trying or to lash out. The Unconditional Love Energy Egg is a gift of love and light from the Creator for the people of Earth during this challenging period. Through this gift the Creator is telling us that 'we are not forgotten, we are valued, we are not alone, we are loved.' In loving service, Angelynne ![]() By Angelynne Several days ago I became aware of the arrival of three large dragon eggs at one of the nurseries on Orcas Island. These eggs were almost twice as large as the others I'd seen previously, were a creamy white colour and were shaped more like an elongated football than an egg. They were placed side by side on the ground. Two days ago one of the eggs hatched, a female dragon named Celeste. I felt immediately that she was special, important. I asked if she could tell me about herself and her reason for hatching at this time. She said that at the beginning of the Earth Experiment her parents, and three other pairs of highest light dragons, were asked if they would each donate 3 eggs for an important assignment to be carried out in the future. Earth at that time was a pristine environment in which humanity and all living things lived in peace, harmony and balance. Those who created the Earth Experiment felt it prudent to save the energetic blueprint of Earth in its pristine state, and to imprint this energy pattern into the cellular memory of the dragon embryos. Added to this was material from those of the angelic realm. The 12 dragon embryos were protected by thick shells, placed in a dormant state, buried and carefully guarded until the eggs were triggered to hatch at a future, pivotal time when the original Earth energy was needed to remind humanity of what once was and could be again. This new dragon race is called Celestial Dragons. Celeste reached adult size overnight. In her second day of life, she spread her wings and began radiating a beautiful, powerful white light energy - the pristine energy of the original Earth and those of the angelic realm. It was the energy of hope, peace, and harmony. I noticed that she at times looked like an angel rather than a glowing white dragon. I was drawn to connect with Celeste's heart chakra and immediately found myself filled with a feeling of profound hope and peace, all earthly worries forgotten. Yesterday I saw the second dragon egg hatch. A young male dragon emerged. By nightfall the male joined Celeste, their wings touching at the tips. The male faced the opposite direction while both radiated the same white light energy. Last evening the third egg hatched. A second male dragon emerged and by this morning joined his siblings, forming a triangle of outstretched wings joined at their tips, with the three dragons facing outward and continuing to radiate the energy of hope, love and peace. I awakened this morning to a feeling of deep planetary stress. I asked my guides if there was anything I could do to help lighten this energy. I was shown that the other 3 sets of Celestial Dragon eggs had been placed in the Middle East, Russia and England (near Stone Henge). All twelve Celestial Dragons are now radiating the energy that Celeste originally shared with humanity and the planet. But it felt like even more needed to be done. Two massive dual vortexes of diamond energy were co-created - one at the North Pole and the other at the South Pole. I was told that these vortexes simultaneously pull out dense energies from the Earth (transmuting them to light) and anchor the Creator's diamond energy of unconditional love. I pulled back and looked at the structures from above the Earth so I could view the overall picture of how the structures interrelate. I was amazed to see the two vortexes were joined through the centre of the planet by a thick cord of diamond energy. With the four sets of Celestial Dragons radiating energy from their locations in Washington state, the Middle East, Russia and England, the configuration looked like a gigantic Tree of Light radiating hope, love, peace, balance and harmony to every area on Earth. Within this radiating energy is the imprint of the original pristine Earth for all to remember and recreate. I have been asked to invite all who are reading this journal, and who resonate with its content, to tune in to the Celestial Dragons and the Tree of Light energies which can be used by everyone for their highest purpose and intent, and the highest purpose and intent of the planet and all associated with her. This is a tremendous gift from the co-creators of the Earth Experiment, a way of giving humanity and Gaia hope and remembrance of the original state of Earth. That which was, can be again. Gaia and those of the natural realm are already utilizing this energy to heal and bring about balance. The energy need only be accepted and used with a pure intent. In loving service, Angelynne Feel free to share this information with those who may benefit from it for the highest good of self and others. I only ask that the channeling be shared in its entirety, acknowledging the author and that it not be posted on websites or blogs or included in print or electronic publications without permission. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations ![]() By Angelynne Dear Friends, There have been some pretty massive changes during the past few months and they seem to be escalating almost daily. There are many factors involved in the changes, but one of the primary ones involves the new energy waves coming in and their effects on physicality and electronics. Many renown people have spoken about a Wave X and some of what has been reported, I've been noticing as well. Recently I spoke to a friend who had been experiencing much of the same symptoms I have undergone. We both have been much spacier than ever before, or rather, for a more prolonged period. I've also noticed that I pick up on energetic changes more easily and seem to intuitively know what to do about diminishing their effects. Instead of trying to ignore them and do what I had planned to/want to/need to do, on a particular day, I just consciously/purposely flow with the energies, go where they seem to want to take me. Blocking or resisting them seems to prolong and dramatically increase discomfort and it takes much longer to get past the distraction and on with what I originally planned. Resistance isn't futile, but it does cause discomfort, distraction and a big waste of time. I am getting better at anticipating the peak of the wave energy. I consciously allow it to flow/pass through and around me and then get back to what I was doing previously. If the disruption becomes more prolonged, I physically note 'where I was, what I was doing..." or leave a reminder of some sort like putting the garbage that needs to be taken out, in front of the door so when the flow of the energy wave lessens, it is a reminder to carry on where I left off. When it becomes apparent that the wave strength is such that it will be a full day event, I just put off plans and try again the next day. Of course there are times when things can't be put off (Dr. appt. etc.) so then I do something that helps me to anchor in the present like doing creative sewing, eating, working in the garden, or holding a stone that has grounding/soothing energy.... and I ask the guides to help me to focus on driving etc. so it can be safely done. On several occasions the guides have actually helped me drive and they got me safely where I needed to go. I think the energy waves are preparing us for a major event that will happen in Autumn. I've been feeling this coming event for many months. My 'take' is that the disruptiveness of each incoming wave is due to the higher frequency of each consecutive set of waves. We aren't receiving a total upgrade all at once, thank goodness, but when we resist the change as it comes, we are kind of shooting ourselves in the foot. As I've flowed and allowed, I've found my awareness of the planet, to things around me and to people with whom I'm connected have strengthened. For instance, I knew there was some problem associated with a good friend on Fri. I wasn't feeling anything life threatening but knew that something was wrong to the point that I was concerned. I've picked up on this same feeling with the same person periodically over the past couple of weeks. I assumed it was just 'me' or that she was just stressed about the normal things that she goes through. I've also become aware that my intuitive abilities are growing stronger. I've learned to take intuitions and urges more seriously, not simply dismiss or ignore them as I have in the past. Following through on these urges has paid off many times. Another observation is finding that my precognitive abilities are increasing. So far it's been small things - something will pop into my consciousness which will 'come to pass' later. I'm trying to see patterns in how the process works. A good friend recently shared a theory that "As we broaden our focus to multiple dimensions we experience input from multiple levels and directions. Perhaps our brains are just trying to select which input to process at any one time." I agree with her theory. I think each major wave or multiple waves of energy are set at a specific and higher frequency than its/their predecessor which gradually prepares us for the higher energy vibrations of the higher dimensions - and the New Earth. I think those of Space and Spirit are observing our processing of each upgrade and are helping to gauge how fast we can adapt before the majority of us 'totally lose it'. They are kindly, compassionately giving us small breaks for a gulp of air, a chance to re-balance, before another energetic tsunami wave rolls in. While the changing frequencies and waves of energy flowing in can make us feel like we are being pounded, they are ultimately helping us and the planet. The presence of those of Space and Spirit around the planet is not a coincidence at this time. They are helping as much as they are allowed, as much as we allow. It seems the 'old way' of dealing with new energies and the ascension process isn't as effective now, as the game speeds up. I said to my friend, "You aren't losing it - unless I am too - as are many others at this time like us. And, if we are All losing it, at least we are in good company!" Please share any coping mechanisms, anything that you have discovered that helps you with the changing/increasing frequencies. What helps One, may well help Another. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe it will be one of the easy, benevolent days when we're given a break to enjoy the earth plane's beauties and the joys of 5 sense physicality, or, maybe not - but we still have One Another! Feel free to share this information with those who may benefit from it for the highest good of self and others. I only ask that the channeling be shared in its entirety, acknowledging the author and that it not be posted on websites or blogs or included in print or electronic publications without permission. In loving service, Angelynne ![]() By Angelynne On June 13th I checked in with my guides about observations I had been making concerning the increased numbers of small earthquake clusters on the pacific coast. Since the Nepal earthquake I had noticed the number of earthquake clusters off the coast of Alaska, Vancouver Island, Oregon, California and Chile had become more frequent. I asked my guides if there was some way I could help. The result of the question was the co-creation of two seismic structures whose purpose was to lessen the severity of earthquakes worldwide through the release of tension and stress between tectonic plates. The first structure was constructed on the lower mainland of Vancouver, B.C. The second was on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands of Washington state. It became evident that the results of Creator energy pulsing through the structures and radiating 360 degrees outward, reaching all areas on the surface of the Earth - at ground level, above and below ground - had far reaching effects that were not just seismic in nature. An overall healing and balancing of all of Earth's systems had been stimulated. Land and air were the main focus of the B.C. structure, while the focus for the Orcas structure was oceans and the Earth's water systems. The Creator energy radiating from each of the structures is helping to mitigate the effects of Global Warming and Climate Change on humanity, Gaia and all things associated with the earth-plane. With the co-creation of the Orcas Island structure on June 16th, several unexpected and extraordinary events occurred. First, cetacean as well as Creator energy began radiating from this structure. Immediately upon completion, Gaia utilized the structure to send, via the cetaceans, a distress call. In ancient times, at the beginning of the Earth Experiment, a specific energy frequency was encoded with information and was 'set aside' and not to be used except by Gaia at a time of great need in the future. This frequency with its encoded message was pre-programmed to reach those who had helped co-create Earth. These beings of Space and Spirit, of highest light and intent for Gaia and humanity, had vowed to come to Gaia's and humanity's aid if that time ever came. The time had come. Gaia, humanity and all associated with Earth are experiencing a pivotal time in the history of Earth, a time of great stress, chaos, dis-ease, imbalance, and the resultant fears, angers.... It was expected that humanity would be responsible stewards of Earth and all associated with Earth. As we know, this hasn't happened. A point has been reached when conscious decisions must be made and actions taken to release and clear the dense energies that are anchoring Gaia and humanity in 3D, in physicality. In releasing these energies, the causes of the issues plaguing humanity and Gaia at this time may be cleared. We may rise in frequency, heal, balance and release that which is keeping us in a lower vibrational frequency. When this process is complete, higher dimensions and the New Earth will be achieved. Gaia's stress is being cleared via the geological, meteorological...disasters that are presently happening. These events are the natural result of mismanagement by humanity. Gaia has learned that she cannot wait any longer for humanity to do what needs to be done quickly enough to combat Global Warming and Climate Change. For this reason she has reached out to those of highest light who are not presently residing on the earth-plane, but who have a vested interest in the evolution of Earth and humanity. What happens here on Earth affects the entire Universe. As soon as the call for help was sent, hundreds of thousands of ships from all parts of the Universe arrived. Those of Space and Spirit who are in the ships are here expressly to aid Gaia and humanity during this chaotic time. They are here to work with us and through us, but not to step in and take over or 'fix' our present planetary and societal problems. They are prohibited from doing this because we have free choice/will. Our evolution/ascension is our responsibility. If they were to take over, they would be taking away from us valuable learning experiences and ultimately invalidate the results of the Earth Experiment. Those benevolent beings who reside in the lightships above our Earth, have a message they would like shared. "Dear Ones, We are those of Space and Spirit who are your family, who care deeply for the welfare of you and Gaia. We were with you in the beginning, we are with you Now. With these words we impart to you our love and our sincere offer of support. Humanity and Gaia are currently experiencing great turmoil. The scope of the turmoil is a testament to how far humanity has come, how much has been learned, and how you have evolved as light beings. While it is a time of great challenge, it is also a time when quantum leaps may be made in consciousness and in your evolution. The key to the survival of Gaia and humanity is working together - people helping people, people helping the planet. While what is happening often elicits great fear, anger, despair and distrust, there are also frequent occurrences of selfless acts, acts of love and compassion for others without thought of personal reward or recognition. These acts are happening more and more frequently and are clearing mechanisms for both the person being of service and for those who are being served. The energy behind these acts is uplifting emotionally and in terms of frequency. This rise in frequency affects the group consciousness, uplifting All. Gaia cries for humanity, for all of her children, for the pain and suffering her acts of clearing are causing. She has selflessly provided the home, the schoolhouse, in which humanity has learned and evolved. She has done her best to clear, release, heal and balance the physical environment, to rise in frequency with the evolution of her children. She has carried out her assignment nobly, but she knows the time has come to not only reach out to humanity but also to those presently not residing on the earth-plane, to ask for help so that she may become all that she must be - the New Earth. There is still hope. There is still time. There is much that can be done to rectify the current planetary problems. Solutions exist for Global Warming and Climate Change through the united efforts of Gaia, humanity, the cetaceans, and those of the Animal, Mineral, Plant and Devic kingdoms, and through we of Space and Spirit. Free choice brings with it responsibility. The present state of Earth is ultimately the result of free choice - individuals, governments, corporations...choosing the needs/desires of the few over the good of the Whole. In order to solve the present problems, a new united choice for the good of All will need to happen. We know that this is possible. It will take effort, sacrifice, and a change in attitude about the purpose of Earth and humanity. All that is happening now is creating a global shift in attitude toward the Earth and humanity - a new reality of working together toward a common goal of highest good for All. There is great hope for the future of mankind. Know that you are family, you are loved unconditionally - you are not alone." July 15/15 Personal Musings It has been over 25 years since AA Michael appeared beside my bed at 5:00 a.m. one July morning, waking me from the most intense, most heat-wrenching, and most real dream I'd ever experienced. I awoke sobbing as I had relived the death of my mother. I became aware of a presence beside my bed and turned to see a huge, glowing sphere of white light energy, which spoke to me! That was the beginning of my conscious channeling experiences with those of Spirit. A few years later my guides introduced me to those of Space. The assignments I've been given involve the rise in frequency, the ascension, of humanity and Gaia. I incarnated on Earth in this lifetime with the skills that would allow me to do the light-work assignment for which I volunteered, just as we all incarnate with a purpose and with the tools we'll need to carry out our work. We are all here for a reason. Each of us has unique skills that aid us in carrying out our assignments. Each person, each assignment, is of great importance. When we work together sharing our skills and expertise toward a common selfless goal, miracles can happen. We live in challenging times that seem to become more so each day. It is hard to keep the faith, to hope that all will be well when we see daily on the news there was another earthquake or heat wave or hurricane or forest fire, or a war that is escalating... but as well, uplifting things are happening, like the policeman who was called to arrest a homeless woman for shoplifting groceries and clothing for her children. Instead of arresting her, he paid for the items. And the conservation officer who was suspended from his job because he wouldn't euthanize 2 bear cubs whose mother had been killed. The province in which I live has just gone through a 3 week long heat wave and air quality advisories because of the smoke from over 200 forest fires that are currently burning. People from as far away as Australia have come to our aid. People in the areas experiencing the fires volunteer to help in any way that is needed like bringing food, clean clothes...for the fire fighters and for those whose homes have been lost. A pod of orca whales swam into Burrard Inlet recently. They were filmed swimming by tall buildings, in a business centre of Vancouver. This had never happened before and was an uplifting event that helped take our minds off the heat wave and forest fires. One of my favourite uplifting moments was seeing the heart shape on the first photo of Pluto. I hold the energy of these events in my heart. They give me hope for our future. It is also important that we notice and celebrate the simple things around us that can raise our spirits, that make us laugh or fill us with joy. These are everyday things like swimming in the ocean, taking a walk in the woods, hugging a tree, pausing to smell a flower, watching a favourite movie or TV show, reading a good book, doing something we enjoy that takes our minds off personal and planetary challenges and gives us a necessary break from the turmoil around us. Be kind to and forgive yourself and others. Practice Random Acts of Kindness and feel your energy soar! Feel free to share this information with those who may benefit from it for the highest good of self and others. I only ask that the channeling be shared in its entirety, acknowledging the author and that it not be posted on websites or blogs or included in print or electronic publications without permission. In loving service, Angelynne |
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February 2023