Being in human form is only one aspect of who you are. As a physical being focused in and focused on this third dimension, it seems like that is all that is. It feels real, looks real, yet it is only one perception of the multi-dimensional aspects of whom and what a human actually is. Each dimension is available to you at all times. They are resonating at a different frequency. As more and more beings become conscious, these other realities/dimensions will begin to appear. For example, the news of discovering new planets beyond your known solar system shows that humans have raised their vibration of consciousness enough to allow these new planets to be visible. You have your dense physical form, the shape, height and weight of your body, and how it looks in the reflection of a mirror. This is only the outer appearance Within the human form are entire galaxies, entire systems and entire energy fields. Each of these systems operates and functions automatically below your conscious awareness, much like the multidimensional realities outside your body. You are affecting both the inner dimensions within your physical body and the outer dimensions of your reality. Everything is a reflection, as within so without, as above so below. This is a statement by your Einstein. The nucleus of the atom spins within the cell; it is quantum physics in action. Your thoughts and emotions affect the spin. Just as the thoughts and emotions of mass consciousness affect the spin of your planet and even the stars, the spin of the planet and the stars affect the spin of the atoms within your cells. This is all one energetic vibrational field Within this field of vibrations are uncountable variations and combinations. Hold this perspective; you are always operating at the multi-dimensional level, within your human form and outside your human form. Others are becoming aware of this. Consciousness is expanding and awakening. Allow yourself to become aware of these realities, these dimensions. We will give you this example, earth is in a sea of vibrations and frequencies. Mankind has been skilled in creating and inventing many devices in which there is an energy frequency. There is a vibration. These waves of energy are at all times moving through you. Even as you sit at the computer there are frequencies that are interacting with your personal energy field. Imagine for a moment all the devices in just your home alone, every electrical device, every light and lamp, the phone systems, all the kitchen appliances. The television is one of the major contributors of discordant frequencies. Each device gives off a certain frequency. Most people are not aware of these frequencies. They have tuned them out; their energy field has adjusted and learned to just live with them. It is important for you to be aware of these discordant frequencies and the matrix that they create. It is important for you and others to stay anchored, stable and firm in your own personal energy field and matrix. You will be less affected by discordant frequencies. This planet is woven with electronic frequencies. If you had the vision to see the stands of energy connecting all the power lines, electrical devices, cell phones, televisions and microwaves you would be amazed at how tightly woven this energetic matrix truly is. It surrounds your planet in an energetic grid of frequencies, vibrations and energy. Most of humanity does not consider any of this information. There is an attitude of “What you don’t see, what you don’t know, won’t affect you.” This is much like the ostrich bird, who buries its head in the sand, unaware of the storm blowing around. These matrixes of electronic frequencies are always affecting the physical body and the mental state of mind. They are a part of the hypnotizing that takes place in this hologame. These electronic frequencies are addicted to your personal energy field. These manmade electronic frequencies hold a certain mindset in place. There are major energy shifts happening to and on your planet. The solar flares, the galactic bursts of energy are surging through this shield of hypnotizing electronic frequencies. The cosmic energy thrusts are activating certain aspects of the DNA codes. Notice how this is taking place within your own body. State your intentions which will allow you to welcome these bursts of star energy with grace and ease. These cosmic energy thrusts are offering a wakeup call to humanity. The earth’s magnetic field holds the higher integrity of the hologame in place. This is being over ridden by those who would control the electronic fields. This planet is receiving the highest support from the consciousness of the cosmos. There are celestial beings whose energy field is bathing your beloved planet at all times. Open to this awareness and allow yourself to feel and anchor these incoming gifts of conscious energy and the frequencies being offered. Humanity as a whole has been unaware of their divine star connection and their multidimensional aspects. They are hypnotized in the hologame at this time, held in the dysfunction and unaware of their power to create. This is shifting and part of the shift is manifesting as the wave of humanity waking up to their magnificence and the truth of who they truly are. We invite you to continue to maintain a strong energy field of love, joy and appreciation. When you vibrate these high coherent frequencies you will not be affected by the bombardment of the planetary electronic grid. You create a cohesion field. Remember all is well. Be in your joy, and swim, flow and stream with the energy from the stars. We are offering you our loving energy at all times. Be at peace, the 'team' ©2023 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
Where do you go from here? Let us offer some ideas as to what is happening in your awareness. We invite you to consider that you are the doer, the doing and the deed. When you allow yourself to consider that the reality you are experiencing is of your own creation, you become empowered and step into the knowing that you are pure conscious energy. You are the creator, the creation and the result. Other ways of saying this are that you are the canvas, the artist and the painting. You are the mirror, the reflection and the observer. We want you to look at your life and apply this concept to what is happening. Notice what you will own as your creation and notice what you are willing to blame on others or events. We stress this truth to you that if it is in your reality, you have created it in some manner from your beliefs and patterns. If your reality is something that you do not like or that you push against, look carefully from a place of interest and see how you might have created what is happening. This process of enlightenment is the next level of your personal empowerment. When you can view what you are experiencing from a place of ownership everything will shift. Remember you are here in this dimension as a divine master of creation. You are here to practice creating; you are here to practice manipulating energy. However this planet is the most challenging because the energy field of this dimension is an energy field of unconscious limitation. As a divine conscious being, when you come into a physical body you are required to match the energy field of the dimension that you step into. So you as an all knowing divine being, come into a physical body, empathically matching this realty of limitation and many people take their first breath and their last never realizing who they really are. They stay unconscious and their physical consciousness is programmed with limitation. However there has been a subtle shift taking place within the collective consciousness. More and more individuals are awakening to the realization that they are more than their physical self. You are awakening to your true understanding of why you are here at this time on this limited planet. You are awakening and realizing that you have been creating your reality all along. We know this will trigger those who have experienced abuse, heartache, trauma. So let us explain. Imagine as a divine being you decided to come back to the limited dimension to uplift and transform misqualified energy. As a powerful master this seemed like an easy task, so you decided to take a physical form, a body. Yet remember, part of this dimension's energy is unconscious and limited. So the minute you take your first breath you go unconscious and your physical consciousness is programmed with limitation. You forget that you are a divine powerful creator here to transform the negative energy in this dimension the negative energy that you experience. So each negative experience triggers your sense of being powerless, the victim. You live out the reality that life here is difficult, painful and unfair. You talk about the unfairness, the difficulty, your news continues to broadcast the negative events and they continue to stay locked in place as well as this just creating more of the same. We say stop! We say own your power to transform! Step out of your limited unconsciousness and truly own your ability to create. Own your responsibility for creating the negative even if you are uncertain just how you created it. The energy that has been bathing your planet is an energy supporting you in stepping out of these limitations and this state of unconsciousness. Welcome this energy; breathe this energy into your body, allow it to subtly shift your limited points of view. Allow it to shift your sense of being powerless. Allow this energy to heal and uplift your programs and feelings of being trapped in a negative cycle. Humanity is awakening from centuries of amnesia, centuries of negative and misqualified energies. Your body is responding to this stimulation of cosmic energies. Notice how you are feeling, what is happening in your body? Where is your energy level? Do you feel exhausted, tired, fatigued? We invite you to breathe into these feelings, sound these feeling to clear them from your field. State your intentions clearly. Be in nature, walk, and rest as needed. Take care of yourself as your body is going through this awakening, this ascension process. There will be more and more massive shifts and huge global changes. The energy that is being gifted to this planet is transforming the veils of forgetfulness. This energy is offering humanity the opportunity to truly step into their magnificent divine self- knowledge that they are always the creator of realities. We join with you and celebrate your awakening. You are loved and supported by the galactic beings of light as you experience this dense dimension and transform it. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
It is especially important they are realizing that their combined focus and intention is truly drawing out a new reality and unfolding. You are entering the stage of global awakening and it is rippling out touching others. Humanity is close to the edge of change. The paradox of this planet must be held in a neutral awareness while expanding into all possibilities. This is the time, this is the shift. The matrix, the grid is lighting up becoming energized in a new form. It started one conscious awakening at a time. These are gathering, coming together, holding a pattern for upliftment and awakening. You are the stewards of change. The energy of change is sweeping the planet in a fresh vibration and a high frequency. The gatherings are becoming large in number; the hearts and minds of many are joining, knowing their power and knowing their intent for good. You are realizing that you are manifesting and working with energy. We applaud you, we support you and we join you in your purpose. We would like to offer perhaps a new point of view here. Consider for a moment that twenty percent of your reality is physical and eighty percent is pure energy. Most humans dwell in the twenty percent which seems to require most of your attention. Yet you create the physical reality from the eighty percent of your pure energy as a divine being. Everything on your planet has been created from this field of pure energy, the quantum field. This field of pure creative energy responds to your vibrations, words, emotions. It is always reflecting what you are offering or projecting. Most humans project into this field of energy from their limited patterns and beliefs. Most humans use their divine creative ability upside down and backwards. They focus on what they do not want, what do not like, what they do not have and they just create more of the same, from that limited awareness. It is important for you to be the energy of what you want to attract. The human appears solid. However, as we have said before, to us you are waves of energy and light. These waves of energy and light are always intermingling and intersecting. This is not something that is visible to most humans. These waves of energy and light carry information and carry emotional frequency. We call this your energy signature. When two people meet they might appear to be speaking about the weather, however on the subtle energetic levels there is an enormous exchange of information and the flavor and frequency of emotions. This exchange happens with everyone. Imagine that the conversation is complete and the two people continue on their way, each one now has a touch of the others energy signature, the other's emotional state. It will depend on the closeness of the contact, the length of the contact and the personal connection with the other human, as to how strong the energy and emotional exchange will be. These factors contribute to how mild or intense the impact or influence the other’s energy and emotional field will affect the other. There are many things to consider here, as we are stepping into a large piece of information regarding how humans really relate and share who they are. Let us give you a simple example; imagine that you have an emotional issue of rejection. This is something from childhood and you have personally worked on this issue and feel that you have emotionally cleared this energy signature from your field. You have done a great job, however there is just a small tinge of this pattern still within your energy matrix. You connect and spend time with another and they happen to have a large energy charge they carry about being rejected. Guess what gets triggered in your own field, that small remaining tinge of your own personal sense of rejection. You leave the encounter slightly off balance, slightly affected by the now activated tinge of rejection. This can and will affect your emotional state of mind to the degree of your own personal unfinished emotional work. These emotional exchanges occur with everyone you meet and encounter. Different emotions, memories, beliefs and behavior patterns are activated by others who carry a similar frequency or vibration in their energy signature or energy matrix. This is why when you meet an angry person you usually respond with anger. When you meet a happy, joyful person you are uplifted, when the exchange triggers your fear about something you walk away from the encounter feeling your personal fears. This is all occurring on the subtle unspoken and unseen energy/emotional exchange. Everyone is sensitive to these exchanges however over time humans have learned to shut down their awareness of what is being triggered and activated by the other in any exchange or encounter. When humans have shut down this guidance system, they might not even realize that an old emotional experience has been activated and is running through their system. They will leave the encounter not feeling so good. Or they will begin to think of old past memories and experiences. They rehash the old events over and over. This is an emotional and energetic loop. This is one of the main reasons people live in the past recalling their old regrets, sorrows, fears, or embarrassments. These are constantly being activated by those they meet. This is the twenty percent of your physical reality. The unfinished emotional energy patterns and unfinished emotional energy experiences are like red flags. They are like magnets; they attract others who carry the same unfinished emotional baggage. These recurring events often happen in families who still carry old energetic patterns; when they come together they reactivate these old issues. Think about depression as pressing down old emotions that you do not want to feel. The key that moves you out of this cycle is to do your emotional and energetic housecleaning, process your own old energetic residue. There are many books, and techniques available that offer suggestions on how to accomplish and clear your energy matrix and emotional memories. Remember that emotions are energy in motion. You can go back to the painful memory and allow yourself to truly feel the pain without repression. Express the emotion with sound or movement or whatever will shift the stale emotions. You can make it your intention to forgive yourself and others. This is your main work to accomplish, to get clear, to get emotionally clear, to transform your energy field and signature. Another important part of the emotional exchange between humans is to make sure that your own energy field is clear and also that you are vibrating at a high pure frequency that is created by your joy, gratitude and appreciation. These emotions become your energy reflector of the lower and denser emotional vibrations of rejection, fear, sorrow, and anger. If your energy matrix carries a strong vibration it will not be influenced by the other’s energy matrix in any encounter. The goal is to practice radiating the purest frequency of gratitude and appreciation. If you notice that some old emotional experience has been activated by another, do your work, transform the stale energy and emotional pattern while it is in your consciousness. Next time you will not be so triggered, eventually that emotional memory will be dissipated. This is most important for all those who are awakening to their sensitivity. Clear and clean your energy field with intention, breath, sound, music, dance, and nature. The important thing to remember as humans expand into their multidimensional self they will need to be mindful of keeping their own personal energy and emotional matrix clear, and strong. You will need to clear and clean this matrix much like you shower the physical body in order to keep it clean. Shower your energy body with light, with intention, with love and acceptance, joy and gratitude. Practice saying to yourself, "All energy that does not belong to me I send back blessed and transformed. I call my own energy back blessed and transformed." This will assist you in staying in your own pure conscious energy signature. Remember that you are connected and a part of the incredible field of energy of this planet. What you do, say, think or feel is adding to the collective field of energy. Step into your power and use this awareness to truly transform all that is occurring in your life and the world around you. Your planet is a web of energy, a field of energy connecting everyone and everything. There is always more we could share however we invite you to practice this knowledge as divine beings of energy who happen to have a physical body. Stay in the eighty percent of who you are as pure energy. Know that you are under the law of Divine Protection. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
The goal of each multidimensional starhuman is to be the clearest, brightest, truest reflection of the other. Each encounter offers you the opportunity to shine your most divine self and to honor and reflect the most divine self of the other. However we have observed that rarely does that happen in human interactions with one another. There is usually a distorted reaction between the individuals. These distorted reactions are coming from the past patterning, the emotional wounding, the rules and beliefs the human has created in order to survive or their beliefs that these reactions are for their survival. The patterns and beliefs are created from the place of not having their needs met as a child or an experience of fear that they will not have their needs met. The child becomes an adult and continues to use the old comfortable patterns in relating again and again. However now there has been additional data added to the storage and confirmation that reality does not meet their needs. This cycle will continue with their experiences and all their interactions in relationships. They will continue to draw to themselves the experience that will cause the most growth and heal the distortion. This is a very simple explanation for a very complex and paradoxical reaction humans have in their relationships with one another. Most of these complexes and paradoxical reaction are controlled by the ego. It is the ego within the system that manages the patterns and the programs. It is also the ego that activates the fears, the judgments, the sense of unworthiness, and the projections. Imagine the psyche as a magic mirror. There is someone you are relating to and they shine forth a sense of who they think they are, or who they think you want them to be. The image they show forth might not be a true authentic image. In the magic mirror of your psyche you have a distortion as well, therefore you do not see them as their true divine self. The images reflected and received are both distorted. So your relationships act out of these emotionally distorted projections with one another. That said, then how does one begin to transform these distorted reflections. The first and most important key to remember is that the distortion is that it is always within you. It is a form of misinformation that was installed as a child or as an adult coming from the patterns of childhood fears, wounds, and emotional scarring. We have observed that humans are not necessarily kind. They are engaged in the protection of their beliefs and their distorted views of reality all managed by the ego. We are offering these observations in order for you to see that all healing and all transformation begins within your own system. Once the human has taken responsibility to look at the dysfunctional emotional patterns they begin to shift. If you see that your reaction is the same each time and that reaction is not kind and it is not coming from a place that honors you or the other, it is time to investigate why. Humans are a field of energy; they are vibrations, frequencies and tones. There is much more going on between two individuals in each encounter than meets the eye. Your goal and the goal of all multidimensional starhumans is to know that the other human you are relating to in any way is also a multidimensional starhuman. When you see that your reaction is unkind or judgmental, pause and find a response that is kinder, more authentic. Most all reactions that are unkind are coming from some form of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of being hurt, fear of being judged, and fear of not being accepted. The ego is protecting you against any perceived hurt. As an adult when you see two children playing with sticks and hitting one another, you take the sticks away. This is what we are inviting you and others to do. Take your sticks away. Remember that your sticks are emotional sticks and everyone carries a few that they have gathered on their path in life. They are only a false method of protection. The sticks are bigger between cultures and countries. However they are still false methods of protection. They continue to harm yet do not resolve any situation. We invite you today to clear the reflections of your multifaceted crystal, put aside your emotional sticks, and honor the divineness within each person. Practice seeing the best in one another, practice seeing the best in one's self. Practice your level of joy, gratitude and appreciation. Allow yourself to drop into that place of perfect peace, take a deep breath and pause before you respond in your usual automatic pattern. When this is done often and with consistency it begins to transform how you relate to others in your reality. When you begin to lay down your emotional sticks others will do the same. There will be no need for protection. Everyone will be honored for their true authentic divine self and everyone will honor others for their true authentic divine selves. It all begins within. You have the answers and the key to unlock the distortions and the dysfunctions. This is not difficult it is a matter of intent and willingness. When you honor yourself as a divine aspect of the creator and truly feel this vibration and truth within yourself all begins to shift. Each person offers you the opportunity to transform some aspect of the distortion that you carry. Each person offers you the opportunity to shine and radiate from the highest and most exquisite aspect of who you are as a multifaceted crystal So go forth this day, shine and radiate your joy; allow it to embrace everyone you meet. Observe how disarming this practice will be, everyone will respond to your vibration of joy, gratitude, appreciation and acceptance and they will radiate joy, gratitude, appreciation and acceptance back to you. These are clear, authentic reflections. They are life giving, they are life sustaining, they are healing. They are global service. We see and honor you as the beautiful multifaceted crystal being that you are. Be at peace, Beloved. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available. These intensifying energies being transferred into this dimension, as you have been made aware, are specific portals available for all, especially those who are ready to be activated. You might call these energy downloads star portals or star gates. During these energy gifts there is an alignment of dimensions and the opportunity is presented for the veils between dimensions to thin. This is also the time to stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation. You are more receptive when vibrating a high clear, cohesive vibration generated by these pure emotions. We remind you of the importance of drinking much water and being sure that you give your physical body good nourishment, quiet rest as well as time outdoors. This is an opportunity to allow the frequency transfer that is being offered to be assimilated into your system. We remind you to be open and receptive to the gifts being given. Each person reacts to and is affected differently by these energies of cosmic influxes from star portals and alignments. There are those who will simply think that they have the flu or that they have eaten something that disagreed with them. They will pass this off without being aware. There will be other humans who will sense that something has happened, however they do not have any reference points in their belief system to include the truth. There will be others who will simply resist; the minute they feel the energy frequency all their defenses will be put into place. They will ride these surges of energy in a total personal lock down. Those that resist will feel the most discomfort, their physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies will manifest the resistance in some manner according to the weakest point. There are a multitude of humans who are aware and awake who will welcome this opportunity. They will see this as the gift and adventure that it is. Again, depending on their receptivity, each one will experience this dimensional alignment in a different manner. These star gate offerings have been given to this planet since the beginning and each time there has been a shift, however small however subtle, in the consciousness of humans. We are observing the incredible evolution and expansion of consciousness happening in the minds of earth dwellers at this time. There is a waking you might say. The awareness that each human is multidimensional is being claimed by more and more humans. These star gates, star portals are simply offerings which will allow humans who are aware of their deep connection to the stars to expand into their grandness and their celestial presence. We realize as many of you sit at the computer and read our stream of information and look at the solidness of the trees and the world around you, the idea that everything is in flux and everything is frequency and there is an open star gate seems a bit like a fantasy or movie. Remember that physical reality is only one aspect of the divine, it is the hologame. Now we are suggesting that you stand in the hologame, in the comfort and familiar physical reality and allow your consciousness to expand and include the possibility that there is a doorway open to other realms and that you have a personal invitation to walk through. We might say you can skip, dance, run or even hop through these doorways We invite you to surrender into trust and to consciously request and ask for any assistance you might need. There are loving teams of beings ever ready to support and guide you and all others into this new adventure. The important key to remember is the willingness and the asking. State your intentions clearly and then surrender. The celestial realms are most supportive of the transformation of consciousness that is taking place on your planet at this time. They are here to support this frequency. The programs within your bio-computer and the data bank of your DNA are all being upgraded and activated. Celebrate this and discover what this DNA upgrade means to you. Notice new abilities, awarenesses, clarity, even understanding of cosmic truths. Become aware of the new skills that emerge, the sense of knowing, the sense of connectedness, the sense of oneness. This is happening on a global level and as it does it is reflected and projected into the cosmic level. Welcome the influx, welcome the dimensional alignment, welcome the sensitivity to the new frequencies bathing you and others. You are a warrior of light, here to anchor this new truth. You are here to call forth the new harmonic humanity. You are to witness these awesome star gates that are available for humanity to move to the higher dimension. You have been waiting for this moment. You have been inviting and envisioning these events. These higher frequencies of awareness and light are something that humanity has not had access to before. This shift of consciousness will continue to flower in all areas of this planet. There will be a surge of creative expression and realization that will welcome the transformation of all that has been out of balance with humanity. The seeds of these potent cosmic moments will continue to offer upgrades affecting humanity for years to come. This is the beginning. Realize that you and humanity have crossed a threshold into a new expanded unified field of conscious clarity. Welcome this reality; use your prayers and clear intentions as seeds of light planted in the fertile energy that is being offered. These cosmic moments offer the opportunity to activate all the very best that humanity can be. Remember that everything you do or express, think or feel is affecting humanity, your entire hologame and the many parallel universes. Be aware of your true personal power in all matters. You are a multidimensional star being temporally dwelling in your physical form Give yourself the support needed to assimilate and integrate the gifts given by the realms of truth and light. We are here for you at all times. You are well loved. Be at peace, Beloved the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available. There are considerable numbers of others like yourself, humans who recognize and realize their purpose in this evolution of consciousness which is taking place. These groups of beings are quietly and steadily assisting others to awaken to their own highest potential and purpose. There is a swelling, a wave of quickening energy, a calling forth that is taking place in the hearts and minds of other dedicated star humans. Your numbers are far greater than you can imagine. These are beings of light that understand the laws of the universe and apply them to this physical plane. They are wholly dedicated in service to the well-being of humanity. These are challenging times. The polarity and pull of the opposite is also manifested fully in your world events. There are those whose role in this hologame is to control, manipulate, invoke fear and render destruction. There are those in the middle who are being manipulated with fear, prejudice, and hatred. This is a global enactment. It is being observed by the entire galaxy. There has been a heart call from all star humans aware of their connection to the galaxy. You have reached out and requested assistance and support on this stage of physical reality. Your conscious call and request have been heard and much is being offered from the convergence of the highest and most holy vibrations in the universe. The important message to remember is that each single physical human has the opportunity to transform the drama being played out on your earth stage. The key is the willingness to accept that you are a multidimensional star human. It is the willingness and the heartfelt request to awaken from the unconscious slumber and numbness that is locked in place to own your personal power. This is the invitation we offer; with every breath you take realize that you are Light, you are needed and it is time for you to be fully awake. Your every vibration, your every thought is projected into the matrix of the energy field of planet earth. You must continue to ask yourself, does this word, thought, action, feeling add to the dysfunction of the world or does it add to the light of the world? Each star human arrives with the skills and abilities to offer awesome solutions, wondrous gifts to the global unfolding. Remember it is vibration. Be diligent and strong in your resolve to radiate and vibrate the highest and the best that is within you. Watch how your weakness is triggered and activated. Be aware of how easily manipulated you are by your insecurities and fears. Your job is to heal and transform the aspect of fear that you personally carry. Your job is to recognize and honor the highest aspect of your divine self. There is a matrix of consciousness which is either weakened or strengthened by your own personal vibration and energy field. Each star human is responsible to reach out to others in whatever way feels natural, appropriate and correct, offering their Light of awareness and the opportunity and portal for expansion and awakening within the other. This might be done by example alone. This might be done with words written or spoken. This might be done with work on the inner planes. You will know your role. We invite you to remember your superpower of imagination. Begin to create a sacred space or an Alchemist Chambers which will allow you to do masterful energy work in the quantum field. Imagine that you can gather with other star humans and plan awesome ways to solve issues that are causing such distress on your planet. There is no limitation to this work. You, as a multidimensional divine being or star human, are powerful beyond measure. We invite you and others as a group to imagine sending love, light and forgiveness to all those whom you might judge as doing great harm by their actions. Realize that they are used to manipulating energy and power, however they have never felt so much positive love surrounding them. You will be amazed at the results of this exercise. Remember you are an important part of this unfolding. Each star human carries a code that is needed by many to trigger their own realization. This is not work beloved; this is a gift that you offer to the other. Each encounter holds the auspicious moment in which codes and activation take place between both beings. Each encounter is a moment of energy magic. You never know who you will trigger to their own awakening or who might trigger you to another level of your magnificence. When you and others are vibrating at your highest and most inspirited frequency this is when the opening is available to lift any lower energy vibrations within other humans. There is assistance being offered to earth from the star family, the planets, the great central sun, the holiest of holy, the divine mind of the creator. This is an awesome time on your planet and you enrolled to be a part of this opportunity. You came here to do this high conscious work with others to support the evolution of consciousness of humanity. We invite you and other awakened star humans to hold the anchor and focus for these energetic gifts that are being showered upon you as we speak. So we say once again, be in your joy, for it is your vibration of joy which allow the most absorbance of the energetic gifts. Joy, gratitude and appreciation are the doorways, the portals, the paths to your total divine evolution and expansion. Anything else that is unlike joy, gratitude and appreciation must be discarded, for it does not serve the highest and the best in your life and the global hologame. We acknowledge the time for our message; go this day embraced by our gratitude and our love. Say to yourself often “All is well.” Be at peace, Beloved. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
Automatic is the state of consciousness that is similar to the cruise control device on your cars. When the human is acting from an automatic stance, the reactions are from old learned responses and programs. Humans stay in a state of automatic response and reaction by not being fully present in the moment; perhaps they are thinking of what of they will do in their future or perhaps they are dwelling on events from the past. When humans live in past memories, past experiences or past emotions or they live in the worries, concerns and projections of the future, they are not present in the moment of each new “NOW.” Their responses to the “NOW” will be generated from stored programs, learned emotional responses or memories, which are usually under the file name of ‘shadow self.’ We have observed that it is usually an automatic response that humans give one another. These responses are like learned dance steps or a learned script. The responses are not fresh in the moment, appropriate to the new "NOW." These responses are generally not daring, innovating or thought provoking. They generally are tried and true responses, they are familiar, they are safe, and they are responses that the human has leaned and uses well. Many times there is no thought involved. This interesting shadow dance that most humans do together in a relationship is offering them the insights into their automatic responses and behaviors. These automatic responses and behaviors are especially evident in close personal relationships with family, mates, business associates, those people with whom you interact daily. These people, to use one of your terms, “Push your buttons." It is the pushing of the buttons that starts the automatic responses, that activates the unresolved issues, the past emotions, all the insecurities, and learned defenses. So you have wonderful opportunities in each moment to observe yourself in these close and personal relationships. Notice what gets activated, what insecurities, what defensive behaviors or posturing do you offer in any given situation. It is the observation and the keen awareness of your personal triggers or buttons which activate old automatic responses to the new situation. Relationships can get stuck in these loops. This can occur for years. These automatic response loops can and will even define the relationship. We all know and can review our various family and other relationships where each person knows their boundaries. They have recorded and learned the buttons of the other person, which they either avoid entirely or deliberately push to activate the other. This is the common way that humans relate to one another, avoiding or activating each other's insecurities, and defending and guarding our own. This is the ego manager’s job, to pull from the past a response that protects or attacks. Humans are very skilled at camouflaging their insecurities, their hopes and dreams as well as their unfulfilled expectations of the other. Each relationship, parent/child, siblings, mates, employer/employee even stranger to stranger, all have a created and scripted response that has been learned and is automatically triggered or activated when the two are involved and interacting with one another. You might observe and notice how your automatic knowing and opinion of that particular relationship colors each interaction. You do not respond in a new manner. It is always the same with them. You know them, they know you. Notice your conversations are they always similar? Do you ask the same questions, feel the same things every time the two of you interact? Do you ask them for their truth, do you give them your truth? The truth in each moment is fresh and new. Our responses can and should be fresh and new. Ask yourself what is my truth in this moment. What would I like to share with this person, this child, this mate, this stranger, that is not my standard automatic response? We are offering these suggestions as a clear way and a tool to begin to notice how many times and how often you are not present in your relationships. This is a similar reaction humans have in their relationships, especially their close family and personal relationships. There are certain habits of relating that are established. There are involuntary emotional reactions that have been created and sanctioned between the two people or the family as a group. However these automatic emotional/mental reactions that are established in your relationships do not support your total aliveness, your total expression, your embrace of the new and spontaneous reaction in each moment. Imagine that each moment is entirely new, that there is no stored or learned behavior. This is the level of expanded consciousness we are inviting you to embrace. We realize that it is a challenge to recognize and honor each and every encounter in relationship as if it were new and whole, unpracticed, original and spontaneous. The key here today is to observe as many of your learned responses to others as possible and begin to offer a more true interaction from your now state of mind and state of being. Just for a moment consider your thoughts and feeling about the people who make you angry or even fearful. How you judge those individuals makes a true difference in the outcome of reality. It is those who trigger your hatred, fear or anger that need your love and forgiveness the most. Imagine that you did not act from your old pattern of judgments, instead you sent that individual a vibration of love and light. It is love and light that will dissolve hate, fear and heal all wounds. You are powerful beyond measure, remember, what you focus upon and send your love and awareness to, will allow the most menacing and hated individual to transform. This may be a parent, a boss, a world leader. The love you offer provides them the opportunity to transform as well as it offers you the opportunity to release any pattern that is negative or misqualified. Notice who you might hate, who you judge, who you might be prejudice against. Be prepared to shift your attitude regarding this individual or individuals. Each person is your mirror. Each interaction offers you a reflection of some aspect of yourself. If the reflection is one of pleasure and makes you feel joy, acknowledge that and seek those reflections more often. If the reflection is one of discomfort and distress, if the reflection invokes a sense of insecurity, anger, fear, rejection or judgment, you have a clue to some of your own personal unresolved issues, wounds and automatic projections. Discovery is the first step in this process. Being aware of what is triggering your issues and how you are activated in your interactions with others is a major step in your evolution. Once you have discovered and revealed these personal issues and patterns, you can begin to shift them consciously. Be the detective, investigate your reactions, be kind in your search, be playful in your search. This is a game, we invite you, to lighten up. We assure you that in time you will be more fully in the present with each encounter. Being fully in the moment during your interactions with others honors yourself and honors them as well. You can do this. Everyone can do this. It is being requested and required in order to expand and embrace the full reality of your multidimensional consciousness. Being fully present in your multidimensional consciousness offers incredible tools for your planet to shift to a new level of consciousness. We are always available to support and assist you in striving to offer a new way of being with those with whom you share this planet. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available. Consider a baby who is born with the seeds of their own offspring within. Those seeds are dormant until the being has matured in age and certain hormonal changes within the physical body have taken place, then the ‘seeds of reproduction’ are ready.
The human being is "coded" for various stages of development to happen at certain times. Most everyone is aware of the physical changes that take place from baby to adult. What remains much of a mystery to your scientists are the triggers that tell the physical body to begin a certain stage of development. What aspect of the physical body is responsible for the stages of growth, development and maturing? It is the DNA that carries the codes, the triggers that activate each stage. The DNA is the entire operating program of the human. There are codes in the DNA that have been dormant since the beginning of your species. There are codes within the DNA that have been evolving throughout the history of humans. These codes are passed from generation to generation. Realize that your very DNA is a multidimensional divine pattern and structure. Your DNA connects you to the universe. Your DNA carries all your records and experiences from the timeline. Your DNA carries your purpose and intent for this time and place. Everything is in your DNA. Begin to imagine that you can connect to those records and that information. Imagine that you have the ability to read our own DNA. The DNA within every human carries the codes, the programs of awakening. Humanity is in the process of an evolutionary shift. The dormant codes in the DNA are being switched on, the programs are beginning to interweave with each person's knowing. This has been happening in a consistent manner for the last 100 years. It has sped up over the last 30 years and is now accelerating with greater intensity. Much of the development of the computer and its uses and then your internet was and is the result of certain codes switching on and therefore allowing a wave of consciousness to emerge in humanity. The programs carried in the DNA within each person can be consciously triggered. As more and more human beings are awakening from the numb unconscious illusions of powerlessness and fear, this awakening is causing your world to experience a global shift. The main DNA codes that are being triggered at this time within humanity are the awareness and the total sensation of oneness with all. More people are moving from the grid of fear, separation and manipulation into the conscious aware state of mind and experience of truly owning their personal power and their personal actions as a part of the divine whole. They are awakening to the responsibility and knowing that they are multidimensional. They are awakening into acceptance of their role and responsibility in the global and galactic transformation. This is accomplished by the awareness of your personal power, the awareness of how your actions/thoughts/words affect the whole. You are feeling a stirring within, a new feeling, a new way of looking at your reality. You are awakening to the realization that you have been controlled and manipulated by fear. Fear has trapped you into a sense of powerlessness, hopelessness and despair. When the human is in a state of powerlessness and fear, aspects of their DNA codes are switched off. These DNA codes carry the information that would be available, the awareness that would be available. Instead the connection that would be available is dormant. Fear keeps the DNA from expanding and the strands from unwinding. We have shared that fear, frustration or stress causes the codes of the DNA to shut down or be switched off. There are great forces at work here. Humanity is linked to the stars and beyond. This awareness alone is ‘coded’ and is being activated within all human beings. Humanity is awakening to the role and responsibility of being galactic citizens. Humanity is awakening to their role and responsibility to this planet, your earth. As more and more humans recognize and accept this truth, it begins to trigger other "sleepers" to awaken. Your DNA is interactive with your thoughts/emotions/beliefs. Your DNA is interactive with the energy of the universe. Your DNA is interactive with others. Galactic power surges, solar flares, eclipses, movements of your planets all contribute to the triggering, the switching on of more and more of the dormant aspects of your DNA. Each individual can also begin to consciously switch on these aspects. Much more will soon be discovered about the DNA of humans. The double helix of the physical body has a matching double helix in the etheric body. Much like the invisible median lines and acupuncture points or even the wheels of lights you call chakras, the etheric DNA is what is affected by these energy triggers as well as our energy fields and offerings. It is the energy body that interweaves with our presence. Human beings are made up of complex fields of energy, all interweaving, moving, shifting and changing moment to moment. These energy fields interact with other humans beyond words or consciousness. More is shared and communicated on the subtle energy grids of each person than words spoken. When two people come together there is a total interface, a mixing as it were of the energy fields of each one, therefore more information is available to both. We are acknowledging each of you because you are aware of this exchange with others. You use it in your work and daily life. You read the emotional history and experiences of another in one breath. You are also aware that you process that data and information on another level while you stay focused on this reality and dimension. This is one aspect of your abilities as a multidimensional being. We are inviting you to become aware that you do this. As the DNA programs of other human beings begin to be activated, this awareness of being in more than one reality at any moment will become the norm. This is part of awakening. It is the realization that humans are multidimensional. They are interactive in other realities. They are more magnificent then they can ever imagine. As humans begin to be aware and understand, they move in and through the dimensional portals all the time, in the blink of an eye, in one in breath. Your fifth dimension is not a place it is really just a state of mind. However humans are rigid in their focus on this dimension and this reality. Shifting into other realms feels unreal, feels scary like they might lose themselves. Ego makes sure they stay focused in this third dimension reality. However this is certainly shifting and changing. We know that you are feeling it in your own personal awareness. You are aware that you are living in the energy field, the quantum field which responds to you as a master of energy. Begin to own this truth; begin to allow your DNA codes to unfold all of your latent paranormal gifts and abilities. It is an honor to share these truths with you. We are pleased with our connection today. Be at Peace, Beloved. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available
We begin this by sharing that there is much work to be done. We will also say there is much work being done across your globe. There are those awakened and looking around with new eyes. There are those who are awakening with fear and confusion. There are those of you who are awake and aware. It is your hands that will reach out to the others who are ready. We have called you and those like you Bright Ones for it is your light, your energy, your radiance that precedes you. These are times of great shifts and changes on your planet. This is on every level and at every stage. You can sense or feel it. Mass consciousness has been controlled through fear by your religions, your leaders, by your systems and your schools. These have been the programs, the vibrations that have been offered and have been taught. Everyone has been taught separation, prejudice, hatred, violence, mistrust, lack and scarcity. This is the undercurrent that runs through your planet. Each human, each being, has the opportunity to realize their divineness, their connection with the whole, their connection with divine mind. Each human, each being at every moment, in every exchange has the opportunity to shift and uplift the connection. They can continue to add to the fear, mistrust, and prejudice by their thoughts, words, deeds and actions or they can claim their divineness, their wholeness, their belonging to the all, belonging to the oneness. This is what is taking place in this moment of time here on your planet. All are observing from many realms…uncertain of the outcome. Each person is critical to the plan, to the awakening. Each person has the responsibility as a galactic citizen to realize who they are and to step into the place which radiates love and gratitude. Everywhere, there are those awakening to this purpose. This is an evolutionary shift in consciousness, it is critical to the survival of your planet. Everyone is more aware of the total connectedness. Your internet is serving as an example of communication, like the energy communication from other dimensions. Earth is very much like the reflection in physical matter of the energetic patterns and geometric shapes carried by the frequencies, the vibrations through the dimensions. Think of the dimensions not so much as going up but more like nested together, one inside the other, each in turn affecting the other. What happens in the galaxy ripples from the movement of the stars and is manifest on your planet. What happens on your planet, the energy from mass consciousness, ripples and is received by the galaxy. It is all one. You as a human, with a body; carry within yourself a reflection of the stars, moon and sun. You carry an aspect, a reflection, an interface with the galaxy. Remember this is a game of evolution, a game of consciousness, a game which allows all energetic signatures to be experienced. You as human are like the most sophisticated, refined, highly developed probe that could be designed. You are information gatherers, sensing, feeling and ever expanding from Divine Mind. Planet earth has been a wonderful extension of Divine Mind. The human body co-joined by spirit, interfacing with all possibilities, all emotional experiences, all thought forms, this is the incredible journey and opportunity in which non-physical beings long to participate. You are one of those selected to be in the wave, this group experience. Divine Mind is ever expanding through you and your experience. The human body co-joined by spirit has capabilities that have not even been revealed at this time. There are those with whom these abilities were more visible and they are called your avatar, your Christ. All humans have the same connections, the same abilities, the same qualities and the same programs to work with energy and this physical reality in a more advanced, aware, awake way. The goal is to realize and activate the latent abilities to align group energy and group mind with the galaxy and with mother earth, all in one energetic flow, an example of nested realities. We and many like us are contacting the “receptive ones” encouraging this shift within. Each person adds to the grid of consciousness. They add to the fear or the love. It is always your choice. Each time you choose fear, worry, mistrust, prejudice, judgment, you are assisting the old paradigm to remain. Each time you choose love, joy, gratitude, any higher vibrational emotions you are assisting the new paradigm to manifest. This is a game. We are in the last quarter, it is a close game. It has been played out for thousands of years. Your earth and all life forms have suffered and are close to total destruction. There has been cosmic support which has been assisting humanity to awaken. There are codes within each being, each human that are being activated, awarenesses are expanding. There is a waking up from the illusion that you are powerless. You are each masters, highly qualified, skilled beings who have cloaked themselves with flesh and stepped into a dimension, a reality, a game in order to transform the energy as the Alchemist. The energy consciousness of Divine Mind vibrates, moves, shifts and flows through all. Each one is responsible to wake and realize their part in this energetic flow. Each one is responsible for the thoughts, feelings and actions that they put forth into this grid. Do you put forth fear, hatred and chaos or joy, love and peace. Each moment it is your choice as to what you send forth. Practice sending forth only your best. Practice breathing, walking, sleeping and interacting as joy, love and peace. Invite and call forth divine support in transforming events and energy that is negative and misqualified, harmful and hate filled. Focus your prayers and energy and send your love and light as the energy that will transform it all. Begin by loving yourself. Begin by honoring yourself. Then love and honor others. We bathe you in our love and we honor who you are. Be at Peace Beloved, the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
Your beliefs/programs and your energetic stance of struggle creates time being rather restrictive. There are many rules and countless ways to measure time here in this dimension, in this matrix of earth planet and in this hologame, where you are presently focused. We realize we have just pushed against your concept of time. We can sense your inner questioning about how this might work. Let us offer this; most all humans have experienced time being rather fluid. You can recall doing a job in which you were bored, time seemed to crawl and move slowly. Then there were times when you were totally engaged in a project or activity and time seemed to disappear and you wondered “Where did the time go?” This is your perception of time. Remember energy follows thought. Time follows thought. Your thoughts about time arise from your belief system about time. As a human you are engaged with time because it is one of the matrixes of this planetary game. However as a multidimensional being you can and do step out of this earthly limited matrix of time. Doing so is a matter of awareness and a matter of practice. Again we say that time is fluid, it is not contained in your clocks or the pages of your calendar. Those are tools created as a way to speak of measuring this thing called time. It is important that you continue to investigate and query your own personal time matrix. These are the beliefs that you were given by your family and society; they are only programs within your system. If you could open up your personal file about time you would begin to understand it is just another agreement that you assumed because it felt solid and everyone said it was solid. In the earthly hologame it is a part of the game rules. Everyone will honor time and give it the power to run the show. Or consider a willingness to look at your beliefs around this concept of time. Question your beliefs about time, notice how you worship time, how you covet time, how you wrap your activities in limited time. Notice your struggles and the seeming stress that is created from these beliefs. Notice how mass consciousness holds these beliefs about time. We realize in asking you and others to look at the matrix of time in a new way is similar to asking a fish about the water in which it swims or the bird about the air in which it flies. In order to understand the concept of time that we are suggesting, one must first know and investigate just how the energy matrix of time controls and runs your life. Begin to notice where time stalls for you and where you allow it to flow. Begin to notice how often you truly stay in the present moment of NOW. Practice bringing your awareness into each NOW. Notice what you say about time and how you share with others your limited beliefs about time. “There is not enough time.” “I never have enough time.” “Time is running out.” “Time is speeding up.” You get the idea. Honoring your multidimensional awareness and allowing yourself to stretch into that unlimited magnificent energy matrix that you and others truly are will certainly assist you in this interesting investigation and your insightful discoveries about time. Play with this…allow this to be fun…it does not have to be so serious. Time is not as sacred as you and others have made it. It is flexible and it is fluid. If time is fluid, how would that affect your day and your participation in your earthly life? Just for a moment, let us imagine that past, present and future are all happening and shifting simultaneously. It is only your perception that places them in their rigid placement. Imagine that events in your future could shift the events from your past which would alter your present “NOW”. As a multidimensional being this is how you would and could address this concept called time. As a being locked into the third/fourth dimension moving into the fifth dimension this is what is happening here on your planet. The rigid beliefs that you have been taught about time and which are held as laws are just programs in your bio-computer. The rules of life on the earth plane are arranged around time. We can hear your comments about being late for appointments, waking up on time, catching a plane at a certain time, important dates and events happening at a given time. We realize that time as you know it here on planet earth is important to recognize and be aware of because it makes playing the game understandable. However it is not the only recognized system of time in the universe. It is a limited system. We are inviting you to sense your limited beliefs about time and then begin to allow your consciousness to become more fluid and watch how your perception of time becomes more fluid. Expand into the matrix of unlimited time, where with just a thought you could and would be anywhere on the timeline. Imagine with just a focused thought you could be present at any event or be present anywhere at any time. Remember outside this reality, time is fluid and it is with your focused expanded consciousness that you travel time. Play with this concept, allow yourself to imagine just what you would do if you could travel time. Where would you consciously go on the timeline? What event would you like to observe? Allow yourself to pretend or imagine the event in history in all its full color and sensations. Imagine that you could travel the timeline into your future. What would be happening? What might you be doing? Make it a playful and joy filled experience. Imagine that you could go back to some aspect of yourself as a child and give that little self advice or comfort. Imagine being the future self returning during a difficult experience you had as a child offering to assist with this journey. Imagine that you offer strength, healing, and love to that little one. Remember it is from the NOW that you can and do step out of time. Notice and acknowledge yourself when you experience time as a new spatial form. Notice and acknowledge when you experience a synchronicity or a miracle. This is time being fluid. We are complete. Be at peace, Beloved. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available. |
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February 2023