We want you to begin to understand that you, everyone and everything has an energy matrix, from the smallest atom to the galaxy; each connected, nested and woven together in one cosmic whole. These grids or holograms are interactive with your personal energy girds or holograms. As you move about in your life you move through many grids and matrices. We realize that you usually do not consciously check out or sense or even read the energy flow. But that is an important skill to develop. Once you begin to sense or feel or see the subtle vibrations, even the thought forms and emotions that create the environment you step into, you will begin to understand how these vibrations are affecting your own personal energy field as well as the effects on your physical body and the exchange of information that is taking place. You move through these fields of energy all the time and most of the time you are totally unconscious of how they interact with your field or your personal matrix. Realize it is the matrix that holds the pattern, much like the matrix of stone holds the crystal. Your personal matrix holds your contact with this dimension; it is the framework, the grid of energy vibrating with the memories, the experiences, and the family patterns. Your personal matrix is created from your thought forms, habits, emotions and programmed beliefs. Your energy signature or matrix will always be affected by the energy surrounding you. Remember that emotional vibrations or frequencies are contagious. If you step into a space or matrix where there is an emotion of fear, it will certainly trigger your own personal stored fear energy. A hospital or dentist office is an example of a space where you might experience your own personal fear being triggered. Become aware of the vibration offered by the spaces or matrices you move into. As each human begins to awaken, to become conscious and responsible, they become more aware of their personal energy field. As each human strives to enrich their awareness, to grow, to expand, their personal matrix becomes more extended, brighter as it were. It is valuable and important to become aware of your own matrix and as we said earlier to become aware of the grids or energy fields that surround you each moment. This is a major working. This is a level of awareness that allows your conscious self a bigger playground. Allow yourself to see or sense and become sensitive to the matrices that surround you at all times. Begin to notice the energy matrix or energy vibration that is being offered by your planet, the stars, the galaxy and the cosmic collective. Make it your intention to learn how to read, feel or hear this energy that is enveloping you. Where do you sense your connections with the global matrix. Does that feel too big, too impossible to even imagine? Where do you sense your connection with the galactic matrix? Allow yourself to investigate your own personal matrix, grid or energy field. Become sensitive to how far this matrix extends. You will realize how interconnected you are to your planet, your community, your circle of friends and acquaintances, your spirit family and your physical family. Notice the family matrix you experience. Does this matrix trigger any limiting emotions or thoughts or does it feel expansive and accepting? We invite you to become aware of how your personal matrix does stimulate, affect, shift and intone other fields of energy and how other matrices entrain your vibrations. As you move about in your life be aware of each subtle shift of the flavor, the sensations, the emotional and mental offerings of the matrix of each experience. There will be a matrix at each store or activity that you will temporarily connect with, a group of people will share a common matrix created by all the combined energy fields of everyone. There will be a skill that you will develop which will allow you to read the information given by others sharing the same space together. Far more data is exchanged between one being and another, between you and the matrix you step into. This exchange takes place during one in-breath and one out-breath. Remember throughout your day, simply say "All energy that does not belong to me I send back blessed and transformed. I call my energy back blessed and transformed." This is a gentle yet powerful way to keep your energy field clear of the influence of others. We invite you to consider the past week and reflect on activities, all the exchanges that took place in the stores or on the street. Gently reflect back to all the people you passed by or sat next to, realize that energy was exchanged especially the ones who made eye contact or spoke to you. Now realize that they were also affected by your matrix, your energy field, your grid. You have the opportunity to offer a higher vibration, a more conscious vibration with each exchange and with everyone that you encounter. You have the opportunity to trigger the awakening in another by your conscious exchange without a word being spoken. You have the opportunity to uplift and activate a sense of well-being, a sense of wholeness in the other. You have the opportunity to express acceptance and respect for the other. You can quietly in your mind simply say "I see you." The energy of that expression will uplift the other. Remember who you are as a magnificent being and use your awareness to transform and offer expansion to all those that you meet. When you declare "I am aware that I am aware." When you bring your full consciousness of your matrix, your full awareness into your field, others respond from their highest understanding as well. You trigger their awareness of who they are. When you set your intention to sense these grids and all these other matrices observe how you are responding and how others are responding to you. You begin to consciously ride these flows of energy, move through these fields of energy with delight and joy. This is the place of transformation, of miracles as you call them, of total synchronicity. Practice this. Be at peace, Beloved, the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
This embodied Trinity is the only Trinity capable of leading our way forward toward a vaster, more truthful experience of ourSelves. It is through them as One we discover Unity, miracles and a direct path toward our Destiny. In 2022 and forward we continue going through a great re-formation taking us into the deep sacred waters of Truth that shall assist us in disassembling and disassociating with all things and circumstances created by and through distortion and fear including the consciousness that has ‘made us up.’ Yeshua may have summed it up best by saying this: "Humanity cannot go forward without creating a New Origin Point for ones Entire Existence. If any one desires to know themselves certainly and be meticulously guided to their Destiny, one need know intimately the Great Liberators of their Consciousness and become adjusted to their stunning brilliance and manner of expression." Thanks in part to the past few years of exhausting our nervous systems, attempting to sort out truth from lies, banging up against our minds over and again and insistent energies peeling back one layer after another of who we thought we were … we are primed to go forward now using an entirely different Consciousness that carries the full Arc of our Unlimited Self in it that is clear, wise, vast, balanced, multi-dimensional, multi-incarnational and united in every way with God Consciousness all of the time. That is our Soul. At a time such as this there are many amongst us that absolutely will not sacrifice themselves in any way any longer to the Imposters posing as Illuminators … the fear dominant lower mind, ego and preference driven personality. At a time such as this…it is far too risky and the pain debilitating. The Way is unfolding now and more so each day through paradox and contrast as we move into 2022 for the prepared to make a massive leap in consciousnessusing the Consciousness that is already a part of each and every one of us..…a Consciousness that always works on our behalf… that is not programmed, doesn’t have a belief system, has no preferences, carries no fear, nor patterns of distortion, duality or polarity. And, that is Holy capable of leading us directly to our Destiny. It is in that active awareness of ourSelves and deep desire to live as we truly are, as Soul in a body of Love, in a body that only functions harmoniously with the Mind and Heart of it’s Higher Holy Self that we shall meet our Freedom, know our Godness and Goodness and live our Destiny without efforting our way to it any longer. To this point in our human incarnation Freedom has been more of a concept than a reality. Freedom has no history here on Earth. After all our efforts over these past years to be clear, to find peace, balance and constancy within ourselves, we are going to feel the persistent if not at times forceful urge from the Heavens, from Earth and from within to anchor ourselves in one organic reality, stick to it and Know Who We Are in certainty. If we desire to be free it will be crucial to Be strong, clear and doubtless about what our Freedom looks like and to take a stand that is immovable. It is for us to allow the deep desire for Liberation to be of ultra importance and allow Love to hold strong the foundation for our Freedom to Be so. To Be free is part of our Souls Agreement and reason for it's missive of embodiment. To Be free and know who we are in certainty as well, we must remember Who We Are as Vast Multi-Dimensional Soul Beings. As such, we carry the wisdom of the ages and we carry the Light, the Love and the Power of God within. If we consciously and in full faith use these, our Super Powers, there is a great chance that personally and as a collective we shall make more progress in one decade now than at any other time in all of humanities existence. Our Soul knows we cannot Be ourselves or experience freedom without the Highest of ourselves and the Truth of ourselves Being in our body. It has been beyond difficult to be on this earth with such a vast part of ourselves seemingly,missing from our consciousness, our heart and day to day living. We need ourSelves in ourSelves to Be ourSelves. To further assist us, a strengthening, purifying and clarifying is occurring in each one of our fields helping us to level up. It is a combined missive of LOVE for each one of us coming directly from the Divine Mother and the Archangelic Realm. As Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis has shared in part: Every fiber of our being is being saturated in the Divine Mothers spiritual waters, cleansing and purifying distortion recorded in our cellular material. The Sacred Annointing of Divine Fire-Water has begun en masse. We are Vast, Holy Loved and Respected Beings of Light throughout and beyond this Galaxy. We have been hindered in living up to ourselves for numerous external reasons and often by The Imposters of self deception… mind, ego, personalitythat came more pronounced with our human packaging though now has only a phantom ability to lead us. Nothing can stop us now from aligning with and stewarding the Divine Plan for our lives and the Immaculate Concept for humanity apart from our consent by activitywith the Imposters. At times it takes fierce determination and other times one hell of a living death to surrender and bring us to our knees before the altar of Who We Are giving over completely then to our Soul, Higher Mind and I Am Presence…and, our God Parents the only parents with whom no umbilical cord was ever severed. It is deep within my Soul that I sense that this cycle shall be remembered as the most pronounced Resurrection and Restoration of We, the Divine and Sacred Soul God-Beings that chose to go to Earth, forget Truth and become human Beings finding their way back to who they really are, in certainty. What powerful catalysts chaos, distortion, self-deception and spiritual warfare have been. (*Note: The lesser mind has the opportunity to be raised and merge with the Heart, the ego has the opportunity to reframe itself with Soul embodiment. And, the Soul works through the personality to shift its distinctive features. That orchestration can be addressed at another time, not to complicate the focus now on the Higher Trinity.) May this new cycle Bless each in ways unimagined. Eternal Love and Gratitude to and for each one. Maureen Newly focused Private Sessions for 2022: https://www.maureenmoss.com/private-session Email: [email protected] Website: www.maureenmoss.com © 2022 Maureen Moss. No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website maureenmoss.com Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright. |
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February 2023