Now is the time for you to truly step into your divine awareness and begin to celebrate what is being offered as alternate realities. This is where your mastery comes in because what you focus upon will become. Humanity is still dealing with the stress and the emotional and mental traumas of what has been occurring. The uncertainties of employment, finances, and health have triggered your fear and concern. Remember what you focus on becomes. When you allow yourself to become triggered or disturbed you are adding to the negative or misqualified energies. The transition that is taking place will not be stopped, it cannot be stopped. The result of this is that you are witnessing the fracturing of collective consciousness, within the collective. This is creating much sadness and many pulses of depression from your earth. You know in your heart of hearts that everything has shifted and changed forever on earth and is no longer the same. However you have an inner light shining through all forms and experiences. Hold onto that and be fearless in this experience. We realize that many of you feel like you are hanging by a thread, while others are in a place of stillness while the storm rages all around. If you are affected by these intense times and this intense energy, remember to stop the frantic thoughts, take a deep breath, return to your center. Do this as often as necessary. Be gentle with yourself. Stay focused on the task at hand, focused on moment. Realize that you are riding the energy of an awesome storm. So trust your own inner being and the guidance you are receiving from your divine multidimensional self. You are a master. You have navigated other energy storms successfully in other timelines and dimensions. You are being invited to step into the unknown. To do this you must drop and release all that you have known. What has been known is no longer of value. You are moving into an entirely new dimension. You need to expand into the level in which there will be a new knowing. A new expanded consciousness will transcend all that has been known before. Trust that you will be given guidance and you will receive tools and instructions given by your high divine knowing. Realize that these dimensional fluxes you are witnessing and experiencing are new to you and your mindset. You are shifting from one multilevel of learning to another. You may be unplugged from one dimensional reality yet uncertain of what reality you are now plugged into. You are being stretched dimensionally and biologically into many directions and places of development, places where there are many doorways of conscious light that activate long lost memories of different timeframes and realities as well as small places in-between time that you can easily slip in and out of. This dimensional flux will direct you into places of cellular memory that need to be healed in your humanness before you can move onward into the higher energy and light. Remember that your body holds all memories thru time and experience; each physical pain is associated with a memory, a place, a time or situation that needs to be cleansed and released. The process of Ascension starts cell by cell, clearing, forgiving, emptying and releasing. If there is pain it does not need to be physical; realize that it is often spiritual, emotional and mental pain. Allow yourself to move with caution as if walking in a timewarp. Know that any moment the paradigm can and will change. Be kind to yourself. Allow for quiet times. Rest. Practice being in the present moment. Remember that you always have choice and your free will. Bring yourself back to your personal truth, to your heart center. How you manage these shifts and navigate these changes and transform any old memory of pain is always your call. Focus on the idea and the reality that you can thrive and expand in this new energy that is being offered. Now is the time for you to hold firm to your truth, as an awakened divine being, that you can call forth and anchor a new reality, a reality where everyone thrives. As you do this you will raise the vibration of the planet Earth. We are witnessing your courage and willingness to transform the unconsciousness and darkness you personally carry. Each time you make a conscious shift, that shift ripples out into the entire collective and uplifts others. The vibrations of joy, gratitude or appreciation that you continue to offer truly transform all that they touch. These vibrations and frequencies ripple out touching distant shores, uplifting those that are touched. Continue to offer your light. You are a way shower, a healing energy and a master of creating realities. We are honored to join you in this awesome process of transformation. When a planet begins the journey of ascension it is truly an awesome process to witness and be a part of. Please continue to invite us to join you as you travel the timelines and create new realities. the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available. The mass awakening is accelerating on planet Earth Gaia. Where the extremes of polarities are surfacing in plain sight. The revelations where mankind's true nature is being revealed and seen. This enables an increase in awakening to shift the dogma of control of deprogramming for Liberation of the Divine Human. Where you can choose and experience from a higher perspective and new level of consciousness. For the Blue Ray Transformers and Starseeds ~ You are here to break through the limited programs and implants that were instilled in the Human DNA before the fall of the Advanced Divine human ~ Atlantis Deep feelings of emotions are ascending through the feminine energy template. The depth of your feeling nature of letting go of trauma and sadness. A deepening of the true Divine Human Codes emerges in the feeling empathic essence of God through you. The connecting link, a higher Love pathway for your human integration of the God Soul Self ~ Ascension. 333 These feelings and emotions that are arising in you are temporary, stagnant energies are being released. They are not the real Divine you. Allow them to pass though, as you need not hold on to them. This is restructuring of soul groups, the original star seed God separation ~ the veil is being lifted. At the same time, you are advancing into the highest aspects of God consciousness the LOVE of the heart of the Creator. The expansion of your multi- dimensional self, astral travel and telepathic communications. Where you are connected to your Galactic linages and communion with the Angels, your Divine Holy Blueprint. Your Galactic Angelic inter dimensional being. 11:11 The opposing forces wish to distract and distort the amazing beauty of ascension. You are the meeting place of synchronistic Planetary events where the Celestial forces can forge through you for the Universal Galactic Divine plan to unfold. In these times of our history, is where the constraints of the old matrix of control is lifting. No matter how it looks the true beauty of the Divine Human Spirit has a greater opportunity to ascend like never before. Many will be awakening in increase momentum, family, friends and yes soul family will be shifting up and down some will be falling way. Holding on to the old way of greed, materialism, conflict, separation, drama, and trauma will put you in a vibrational frequency and timeline ~ old earth 3d. These are revelation and revolutionary times where the truths and Divine humanity will be revealed. The new currency of Frequency true authentic Power unveiled. Please share freely to assist the Light Workers, Starseeds & Angelics Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [email protected] Thank you Shekina Find out if you are from the Blue Ray? Ultra Senstive Empaths Star Seeds of the Sacred Divine Feminine As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for the other rays to come. Sedona Star Angel Language of light High Frequency Pendant The Sacred Technologies Quantum Frequency Field Harmonics Pendants Sedona Ascension Retreat Spring Equinox~Saturday-Monday 3/20-22 Get your discount use (Shekina10) Includes Optional Daily Vortex Tours into Sedona's Sacred Sites & Daily Sessions with Healers & Psychic Intuitives. Find out the incredible healers, teacher and workshops at the Sedona Ascension Retreat. Shekina Rose Angel Messenger, Language of Light Songstress, in the 528 Hz Miracle frequencies Sound Healer, Blue Ray Emissary and Channel, Intuitive (Empath) Spiritual Psychic, Creator of the Sedona Vortex Frequency Crystals ~ Pendants and Activators Sacred technologies from her regular physical and telepathic visited by the Archangels & Ascended Masters, Fairy realm Kingdoms. Shekina Blue Ray Star born, Channel of the Blue Ray, was downloaded in 2008 that she was from the Blue Ray where she received the information and history of who these empathy sensitive Star beings their characteristics traits and their mission on the planet.
As well, March has been slated as one in which the momentous energies offer a greater shift toward Presence while simultaneously a greater shift away from the personal… bridging the worlds of Heaven and Earth. With each ones Soul Self, Higher Self and I AM Presence moving faster and faster into embodiment, our responsibility lies in making space for this trio to phase out the wrong ideas we have had about ourselves in order that the right idea about ourselves is able to be made known. As well, this is a month whereby each will be called moment by moment to keep frequency high, fear neutralized, awareness razor sharp and your hearts unperturbed as the spell-binding ego attempts (with the mind,) to play tricks, if ever so slightly to keep one from letting their humanness go. Be the Watcher and Be the Master. Each day this month will be ‘an event’ unto itself, as the Light of Reality pushes one upon another to break through the 'program' into the Presence... no longer holding back the LIFE attempting to claim you. With both a Super Moon and Equinox joining with momentous not previously experienced Supreme Light patterns, energies and keycodes from the Cosmos and your innermost wisdom…use your inner eyes, follow your inward directives and stay far, far away from the external worlds “wag the dog” chaotic antics. (*Wag The Dog…a poignant 1997 movie, also means to purposefully divert attention from what would otherwise be of greater importance.) Moment to moment choice is crucial. It is ours to choose whether to engage in perishable chaotic energy having no bearing on the future of our Ascended Life or Harmony. Be the Peacekeeper of your Peace Beloveds and watch where you place your mind... and which Mind you are using to place it. Know You Are Loved. Namaste, Maureen copyright: Maureen Moss 2020
Timeline Update For a start, in January, we experienced a big negative timeline wobble, which created a temporary but significant setback. This timeline wobble is now in the process of being fixed, and our timeline anchoring process is also in the process of being accelerated considerably. As you know we have been in the process of anchoring the timeline for years, and for several months now we have been right on the cusp of the shift point. As I had talked about in my prior posts and newsletters, we were first in the karmic window (for several years, but with specific intensity from September 2019 to Feb 2020), wrapping up all residual strands of karma and baggage holding us back from progressing into the new timeline, then we moved into the shift window (Feb 2020 to now), clearing up personal baggage, but also waiting for many last-minute stragglers to awaken and join the shift. This Shift Window was supposed to end in July 2020. It has been extended several times since then. Some of the extensions have been caused by true setbacks, while some of the recent delays have actually been strategic and caused by the light forces, who were hoping to pull in many more Souls into consciousness and awakening in this last stage. This however has not been as successful as hoped for. It has instead had the effect of making many of the incarnated light forces tired and depressed. Many long-term lightworkers and lightwarriors have began to show signs of significant fatigue, after many years of holding the flame, and are becoming weary of navigating the many challenges that the shift window entails. Some have started to slip into hopelessness. Petitions to accelerate the permanent anchoring of the timeline and for moving into the true shift have, therefore, been accepted. A wrap up phase began mid February 2021, with Shift Window closure expected within two to three months. As usual take these dates with a pinch of salt, as delays and setbacks have been many over the years. These are the dates projected as of now. Moving into the Accelerated Shift Window As such we are now moving into an accelerated shift window, which will be shorter than initially planned, but more intense. During this accelerated shift window you can expect some of the following: - Changes to your personal lives that seem to come out of nowhere Relocations, relationships ending, jobs changing, the universe is rearranging the decks, so that you may be placed exactly where you need to be placed as the world readies for a leap. Some of these changes can be unsettling, but they are actually there to protect us from bigger disruptions and even dangers that would occur if all stayed the same. Try to work with the changes rather than against them, even if the changes are initially unwelcome. There is a method to the madness. - Many Souls will be exiting the planet This one I have been talking about since December 2019. Reasons for the exit: 1) End of Timeline Contracts. Not all signed up for the next leg of the journey and some have contracts that expire here. Many came here just to clear karma, but do not have contracts in the new Earth. 2) Soul Fatigue. Some Souls are legitimately tired and they just want to go home. These are Souls who had contracts in the old timeline and worked very hard during this shift process and are now in need of rest. They may return in new bodies at a later time, but for now they are opting out. 3) New Timeline Requirements Were Not met. This will be the case with the majority of the exits. These are Souls who did not manage to clear and bump up their vibration sufficiently for the new timeline requirements. They incarnated, did some work, but not enough to graduate to the next level. These Souls will be repeating their incarnational cycle somewhere where they can continue their process of evolution through working with duality, seeking evolution via conflict, which the Earth and humanity are moving into a new path that entails learning via love and creative expression in alignment with Source. From a higher perspective, it is not the end of the world to not graduate in this cycle. Many of the Souls that are graduating now, did not graduate in prior incarnational cycles. We are all Souls on an evolutionary journey and that journey takes as long as it takes, with all its detours, setbacks, and progress. Many Soul incarnated with personal evolutionary goals and with missions of service to assist with the shift. Some have managed to meet those goals and some have not. - More Upheaval at Societal Level For a new world to be born old forms have to die. The death of the old world can be gradual or sudden. The faster we go the more the societal changes also accelerate. The old dark systems crumble and the new ones start sprouting in their place. The planetary teams have had some challenges with this one. The old power holders of this world are going out of their way to cling to the status quo. The old guard needs to go eventually and at the same time, the acceleration can not go so fast as to compromise infrastructure and systems of governance as a whole, or a very detrimental chaos would ensue. As such, a “controlled demolition” is taking place instead, with gradual incremental changes that sometimes seem way too gradual. Know, however, that while we may only see snow, ice and cold right now, new life is already germinating under the surface. And soon a new spring will manifest into being. -More emotional, psychological, mental and karmic clearing In this last push, the energies are going to accelerate rapidly. This combined with many changes in the external world, may create some feelings of anxiety, loss, grief, anger and other emotions. If this happens to you, ask the Planetary Teams to reset your emotional and mental bodies, and in general ask for help with whatever situation you are in that requires it. If for the highest good, and not part of your lessons, it will be granted. While many have worked through most of their karma and baggage at this stage, any unfinished business will come up for clearing over the next couple of months. Ask for help with this too. This is a good time to do some personal healing work, to clear your energy and work on anything that you feel you want to speed through. In general, adopt an allowing attitude, allowing whatever is to flow through you. “This too shall pass” is a good motto to keep in mind at this stage. -Increased Connection and Manifesting with Ease We have focused here on the challenges ahead, but there will also be many positives – Light will begin to steadily increase over the next two to six weeks. It will be easier to get into a meditative state, shift energy and connect with guides. Much new light will shift consciousness rapidly and soon manifestation will also become more speedy, after being blocked by the increased density of the Earth plane over the last five to six years. Once we move into the Planetary and Timeline Shift Point (what some call The Event), much of the darkness and strife of the past few years will dissolve. From that moment onwards, our new planetary contracts, Soul contracts and Life Contracts will activate. There is still a lot of flux in these contracts at this time, as the new timeline is not yet set. So this is a good time for us to negotiate our new contracts, even at the incarnational level. If there is something that you wish to bring into form, this is a good time to engage in visioning, manifesting and requesting work. To support with all of the above, I will be offering sessions and clearings targeted to this stage, which you can find the Spring special offers below. This has been a very intense evolutionary cycle and the past few decades have been particularly intense for all, even more that was planned pre-birth. If you are still here, in one piece, doing your work for the planet and moving through your lessons, pat yourself on the back. You have come far, no matter how many challenges you are experiencing, how little money in the bank you may have, how unwell you may feel, or how tired. You have travelled through difficult times and you almost arrived at destination. Keep going. Keep your orientation towards the light, keep making choices based in love, truth, wisdom and courage, knowing that new vistas, contracts and lives will manifest, as we enter a new energetic zone. You Too Can Help Anchor The Timeline As usual, if you would like to get more involved with anchoring the timeline and the energies of the shift, feel free to follow my Planetary Shifters work on Spreaker, meditate together on the Planetary Shifters Group on Facebook, and sign up to the YouTube channel, with the more prominent meditation videos. This will be all for now :-) May you walk in beauty Katie plus Councils |
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February 2023