This new "Own SELF" encompasses not only our body, but it also encompasses all the Chakras that appear to be awakening within US. Also, as this "new you" begins to grow within your High Heart, your "sense of SELF" expands further and further above, beyond your "old SELF". It is this inner expansion of our Inner SELF that awakens our Crown Chakra and awakens our Third Eye, which awakens our Throat Chakra, which awakens our HEART CHAKRA. To remember that we, humans, are here now TO PROTECT OUR DEAR PLANET GAIA. The real reason for these awakenings of our Chakras is to remind humanity that something new is coming into our reality. What is that something new? We hear you ask. However, we cannot hear the answer from outside of you because the "something new". More and more of you is to change. In fact, this change is that more and more of you is FEELING AN INNER CHANGE INSIDE OF YOURSELF. Some people are feeling the change very slowly so that they can get used to this feeling of change. Other people are just SUDDENLY feeling that something has changed, but they don't know what it is. In fact, Within this NOW, more and more people are realizing that this "change" comes from within them. And then, very slowly, or maybe very swiftly, they feel like, and act like, somehow they have changed and they have changed from within! As with all changes there is often a feeling of fear, and that fear may actually assist them in looking DEEPER AND DEEPER inside. They wish to go deeper inside themselves, because they know that it is the NOW to realize that Earth, dear Sister Gaia, has many other friends who are getting ready to visit Her! That visit may feel frightening to those who do not like what is different, are frightened by change, and especially frightened by something that is NEW! They are afraid of what is new because they are afraid of change! Fortunately, change often feels like a long breath that assists them to begin to feel more of the world around them, more of the world that is inside them. When they begin to realize that they can set the pace of this change, it is no longer as intimidating. In fact, this change often feels like a long, slow, deep breath. It is after that long, slow, deep breath that you will likely begin to feel that this change does NOT come from outside of you. NO, this change begins inside, hopefully inside from your Heart! When this inner change begins in your Heart Chakra, it can slowly, or sometimes quickly, begin to expand into your other Chakras. This initiation begins in your Heart as you must love yourself before you can love the ability to change. Change begins in your Heart to assist you to allow yourself to TRUST yourself and believe that you can LOVE yourSELF! It is when your Heart begins to open in an accepting and calming manner that you will be able to share this loving sensation within yourself and with others. As more and more of you send those loving changes into the Higher Dimensional Worlds, as well as deep into the Core of Gaia, the love and light of the ONE of the NOW will be shared by ALL! Blessings, Suzanne Lie, PhD A Personal Reading with the Arcturians
Suzanne is a Doctor of Psychology and a life-long channeler and life guide. After a very successful career as a family therapist for more than two and a half decades, Dr. Lie has been channeling hundreds of personal readings during the past years. She is well known as the real deal! Personal Readings from the Arcturians and other Galactic Beings through Suzanne Lie, PhD, are $125. All readings will be for one hour. What would you like to talk about? Get a head start on your personal mission and connect with the Arcturians. Book today! Please e-mail Sue at [email protected]
When one ascends, their third-dimensional being begins to transmute into higher and higher frequencies. As the human, or other being, begins the Ascension Process, they can increasingly see the Light around all that they perceive. On the other hand, if a person, place, situation, or even thing, lowers the frequency of Light, their aura does not cast out the Light around that person, place, situation, or thing. If there is no Light to be seen, then it is likely that the one who experiences that person, place, situation, or thing, may not be able to trust that they can perceive that frequency of Light. - Or the frequency of Light is too high for that person to be able to perceive. If one is prepared to go through an Ascension Portal, one must first be able to perceive it. An Ascension Portal resonates to a very high frequency which is too high for most third-dimensional humans, or other beings. It is for that reason that many beings who have seemed to ascend are first surrounded by an intense Light. Of course, there are not many humans who are prepared to even think about, much less even know, what Ascension is. Ascension is very complex. To give it a simpler explanation, ascension is when a being's frequency of vibration becomes so high that those with the common human third-dimensional vibration will not even see that Ascended Being. Then, since they cannot see the Ascending Being, they do not know that the Ascension process is even happening. It is for this reason that Ascended Masters often seem to disappear to those whose consciousness is not high enough to be able to perceive the transition from at third-dimensional state, place, situation, or thing, to a higher dimensional state, place, situation, or thing. There are also stories of Ascending Beings disappearing. However, those beings are still there, but they are now resonating to such a high frequency of Light that only those who resonate to that frequency will be able to perceive what is really happening. Of course, most people have not heard much about ascension and therefore they do not think about it. However, sometimes a human has an experience that awakens their innate ability to perceive higher frequencies of Light. These are the "Awakening Ascended Masters" that we may hear about. One must resonate to a very high frequency of Light in order to be an Ascended Master. There have been these Masters throughout our human history. Quite often, Ascended Masters only stay on third-dimensional Earth for a shorter time than third-dimensional humans. This is often because they have come to "teach" and not just give a way. Ascended Masters tend to stay in their third-dimensional form only until they have completed the reason why they have chosen to come to Gaia's Earth to assist the people, and very importantly, the planet: - to help the people and the planet move through a difficult time of transmutation into a higher frequency of Love and Light. Therefore, many of the Ascended Masters come to Gaia's assistance when the humans have been doing too much damage to Gaia's Planetary SELF. When these Ascended Masters have completed their reasons for taking a third-dimensional body, they ascend back into their innate higher-dimensional frequency of SELF. The third-dimensional humans usually think that that being "died," but in reality it has likely just gone home to their higher-dimensional planet and/or reality. The being has finished its job for Gaia and is going home for a rest. Dear Higher Dimensional Beings, thank you so for your assistance! - Suzanne Lie, PhD
And why did our Higher Self make this decision? The reason is, of course, different for different people, different eras, and different societies. However, whenever there is a sense of Unity Consciousness in which the many work together to create that which they all desire to have, there is a sense of unity, security, happiness, and hope! Then the community has a sense of Oneness as the many choose for themselves to work as ONE group based on Love and Light. Of course, there are many "one groups" with each group having a sense of Unity and Hope. A sense of Unity builds Hope, and a sense of Hope builds Unity. There have been many changes and challenges within our country lately, which will need to be healed by believing in one's self and believing in those who you choose to trust. Sometimes the "top" and the "bottom" become confused. In the same manner, sometimes the outer life and the inner life seem to be both trying to find a way to understand and embrace that this NOW of much fear and confusion, could also be the beginning of the NEW and the ending of the OLD. In fact, the old and the new may often stand face to face, but each face, thought, and being are working together in a new manner that is unfamiliar for many people. In fact, many humans are now having to address that which seems very difficult to remember what they have known from before and, if they can be flexible, what they can alter about the old to assist the acceptance of the new. It is important in this now that we EXPAND our thoughts and feeling so that we can embrace the new version of reality that is in the long process of merging that which is ready to be released with the courage to allow that release to occur in a calm and peaceful manner. It has been normal for the many eons in which the humans have lived on the body of dear Gaia, also known as Earth. We, the members of your Galactic Family, are most accustomed to thinking of the planet Earth as "Gaia," which is the name that planet Earth has known as a loving and dedicated term for Her planetary body. Yes, Gaia is a living being who has uncountable numbers of inhabitants. Some of these members think of their planetary home as a "thing" that they can take from, disrespect, and even gravely damage. This damage is usually done by the humans who have forgotten or never considered, that planet Gaia is a living BEING. Fortunately, more and more humans are beginning to expand their perceptions beyond the limitation of their third-dimensional physical body. When these brave and very wise humans decide to expand their perceptions to include that which their higher self can receive, perceive and influence while they are sleeping, meditating, being creative, and being loving to all life, there is a different frequency of reality that these expanded humans are able to perceive. The conscious perception of these higher frequencies of Gaia's reality activates more and more of the human's brainpower and eventually assists these humans to perceive the higher frequencies of Beloved Gaia! However, when one perceives with their innate, but very often unused, fourth and fifth dimensional "brain/heart" they will slowly, or quickly, begin to remember their own innate, Higher Dimensional SELF. Ones Higher Dimensional SELF did not choose to incarnate on Gaia in order to obtain and/or control Gaia in any manner. In fact, one's Higher Self resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, that component of SELF no longer is limited to the separation of person and planet. In fact, that Higher SELF", which some humans have, but have not yet remembered the feeling of being FIFTH DIMENSIONAL! Just as there are different feelings if one is on a lovely, calm beach on a clear, warm day OR in a crowded space with many upset humans, and/or difficult weather, there is a great difference in one's state of consciousness. Your brain is the machine that allows you to have perceptions and understanding. On the other hand, your state of consciousness is the FEELING that silently guides you to perceive that which is calling you to perceive it. It may seem that nature beings do not call humans. In fact, only awakened humans who love nature and honor it with all their thoughts and actions are able to communicate with dear Gaia in that manner. Within that manner of communication, one's "thoughts" are often driven by one's state of consciousness because one's "consciousness" is thought of by humans as thoughts. However, one's state of consciousness is a combination of all the conscious and even unconscious perceptions that always flow into your awareness. However, much of this awareness is not consciously acknowledged by the heart and brain. Therefore, it is often totally missed and/or forgotten in one's daily life. However, the human members of Gaia are now moving into an era in which, those who are ready to REMEMBER, will begin to remember that they can, and will, perceive higher frequencies of reality, but only if they are READY! Are YOU ready to Remember? Are you even ready, to be ready, to Remember? It is your choice, but it is like a locked door that can only open if you are READY to see what is inside. ARE YOU READY? ARE YOU READY TO BEGIN THE NEW BEGINNING? Please find all Sue Lie's Published books at: Free Meditations at:
We think of our human selves as living beings, but how often do we thinks of our Planet Gaia as a "Living Being?" Yes, Gaia does not speak with words, but she speaks with Her Weather, Her Sunlight, Her Sun and Her Moon. How often do we, the humans, remember to treasure and be grateful to Gaia as our Home World on which we rely on to provide us with the Earth on which we live, the Air that we breathe, and the Sun that keeps us warm, the Water that is needed to water our crops and keep ourselves hydrated. These "four elements of earth, air, fire, and water are also that which allowed us to come from our place of origin to enjoy the beautiful planet known as Earth, or as Gaia. When the beings of the higher dimensional realities that surround Gaia first came to "visit" the beautiful planet of Earth, they did not know-yet-how important Gaia would be to the evolution of this third dimensional planet. At first, the Galactics did not know that Gaia could "turn on" the higher frequencies of Her Planetary SELF, but as more and more Galactic beings began to visit the planet that would later be called "Earth," they discovered that this third planet form the Sun had a very special destiny. For one thing, most Galactic beings who visited Gaia, became very entranced by Her loving and caring energy fields. Yes, many early inhabitants are still not aware of what a "jewel in space" that Gaia has become. Therefore, more and more Galactic Beings chose to visit, and very often take up permanent habitation. At first, Gaia's body was considered a great treasure planet that had many gifts to share with her inhabitants. The Galactics that first came to Gaia's Earth were very familiar with thinking of a planet as an alive being. Therefore, these Galactic Beings honored Gaia and treated Her with the same respect that they would treat their loved ones and their own planetary Home World. At first, many of the Galactics thought that they had decided to temporarily leave their Home Worlds to explore the newly discovered planet that they had named Earth, or Gaia. These Galactics journeyed to Earth to learn more about Her planetary Being. Soon, more and more Galactic Starships began to land on Gaia's Earth. However, Earth was not their planet, so they did not feel a need to treat her with the same respect that they tried to treat their own planet. Then, over eons of time, more and more Galactic came on their Starships to explore the new planet, and many of them decided to stay on what was eventually call the planet "Earth." At first, tuning into planet Earth was a means to honor the planet. But, unfortunately, over eons of "time" Galactics from more hostile and selfish worlds found their way to Gaia's Earth and treated Her like a "big rock to land on" rather than a living Planetary Being who's inner core was filled with Love and Light. At first, the more caring and loving Galactics came to Gaia and to worshiped her like she was their Mother, which indeed She was. The Soul of Gaia offered a wonderful Home World on which many Star Travelers could visit, and even find a new home. We are aware that some of the early visitors to Gaia did not believe that the Planet Earth could have a Soul. In fact, many "modern" day humans cannot imagine that a planet has a Soul! Therefore, they do not think of Gaia as a living being, but as a "stopping place" where they could get what they wanted from Her Earthen body, the leave a mess and move on. Of course, there were also loving and caring Galactics such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Venusians, and the brave warriors from Antarus who "walked softly on the newly discovered planet Earth for many cycles of Gaia's turning planet," Gaia was happy then as she was loved, and even worshiped by the many the beings who lived on the surface of her planetary body, in Her wonderful water, and flew in Her bright blue skies. But, then one day the "power over others" two legged humanoids came from an unknown place and decided that they would take what they wanted, no matter what the price was to dear Gaia's planetary body. Unfortunately, this cycle of taking FROM Gaia, rather than giving TO Gaia became more and more common. Fortunately, some Galactics honored Gaia and treated Her with love and caring. However, on the other hand, there were "two legged ones" who did not care about Gaia's beloved planet. They had come to Gaia, not to love her beautiful planetary self. NO, they had come to take what they wanted, and leave behind that which was of no interest to them. We would love to have a happy ending for this story, but we do not. Who are this "we" who wish to create a happy ending for this story? We, your Galactic Family, can see that there are more and more "third dimensional humans" who are awakening to their own "inner urge" to assist dear Gaia and to return Her Planetary Body to the pristine beauty that is Her innate glory. But who will help dear Gaia in Her Hour of NEED? Will YOU HELP HER? Please remember that the future of Gaia is greatly dependent Her Human Inhabitants! Please find all Sue Lie's Published books at: Free Meditations at:
Fortunately, whether our grounded ones are aware of it or not, we the members of your Galactic Family, are sending love and to all of you within you. We send our Higher Dimensional Love, Light and Information directly into your thoughts and emotions. It is via our higher dimensional Light and Love, that we wish to remind you that we, the Arcturians and our/your entire Galactic Family, are with you during this NOW. Fortunately, it appears that some decisions have been finalized, which will make it easier for you to take a deep breath, get grounded, and feel the Hope and Joy that is flowing through your consciousness, thoughts and emotions. Of course, your consciousness, thoughts and emotions often work as a team. When one's emotions are confused, upset and/or erratic, it is difficult to relax into the NOW of the coming changes. Fortunately, many of you, are actually our grounded Galactic Ones who have chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel during this now to assist Gaia and her humans and ALL of her planetary beings to move through this challenging time with great courage and unconditional love for Gaia and all Her Beings. The saying, "The darkest night is just before dawn" is often a preamble to remind Gaia and all Her Beings to answer the call for Unconditional LOVE and Multidimensional thinking will allow Gaia and Her beings to expand their/your awareness of the DEEP inner Wisdom, Power and LOVE that ARE within your true SELF. There are many possible realities that have not been within the NOW wish is being brought forward into your full awareness of Life on planet Earth. We, your Galactic Family, are happy to share with you that this "cloud" seems to be floating away and offering you more Warm Sun and Clear Skies. There may be more of the "dark night before the dawn," but the "Dawn" seems to be promising "better weather." With the coming dawn and clearer skies, it will be easier for you to look up into your own Higher SELF to receive a bit of R and R--Rest and Relaxation. When one is under a constant barrage of "what will happen next," it makes them nervous, tired, and upset for reasons that they may not yet understand. Therefore, we your Galactic Family, wish to commend you all for your courage and ability to remain "in charge of your self" through our the turbulent skies that now seem to be opening up to reveal New Hope! We, your Galactic Family, wish that we could send you exact times and dates as to when the Dark Night fully transmutes into the Clear Dawn, but if you take a bit of your "time" to go inside of your own Higher SELF you will receive the Faith, Hope and Love that is within your SELF and is ready to open your awareness to the New Dawn. Of course, every Dawn is now, but not every day has been filled with fearful information, loss of jobs and income, not being able to "just go out into the world, or a movie house, or a restaurant" without feeling like you are doing something that can harm you or your loved ones. Unfortunately, the skies are not fully clear within this now, and security in ones life has not, yet, been retrieved, but you have all learned how STRONG and PATIENT you can be when you are in a difficult situation, with a constant fear that you will be harmed, or that you are not protected by your leaders. Of course, there were, and ARE, many leaders, along with many, many of the people who have been strong and brave in the midsts of such insecurity and lack of guidance from those who you thought you could trust. We, your Galactic Family, have been Over-lighting you through out this challenging time. Of course, you who are wearing a third dimensional body, have had to make many compromises to protect your homes, your jobs, your health and your family and friends. We, your Galactic Family have watched the great bravery that our grounded, human ones who chose to take a third dimensional body during this NOW have had to face. Please, feel the great courage and inner power that you have found inside yourself within this time in which there was little assistance from some of the most important leaders. However, where some leaders fell behind, there were strong, brave, loving leaders and members of your own community that gathered as one to confront a very challenging time. We, your Higher Dimensional Galactic Family, are VERY proud of the many Third Dimensional Humans who stood tall and worked hard to move through the immense challenges that they have faced, and are still facing. We commend you all, Dear Brave Warriors for Gaia, and wish to remind you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND WE, YOUR GALACTIC FAMILY ARE WITH YOU CALL ON US and we will respond! REMEMBER, and call on your own HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELF! YOU are ALL Gaia's Family, and YOU are ALL invited to transmute your SELF back Into your True MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF In closing, we remind you to look into the Sky, to see we, your Galactic Family, looking back at YOU! WE ARE YOU AND YOU ARE US Also, people often perceive "peace" in a different manner, as well as have as a different perception of "looking inside," and of "defining themselves." Is there some form of unity consciousness in which different people can allow themselves to be open enough with others? And, does one need to be open within themselves in order to be open with others. Of course, different people will have different answers to these questions. However, most people have inner question about themselves and about their life. How much of their life feels happy and loving, and how much of their life feels overwhelming and unhappy? If one can answer the above questions, for themselves, they will likely feel more inner comfort and less of a sense of chaos. But, what exactly is "chaos?" Again, the answers to these questions are likely different for different people and at different times. However, every person has the ability to create a sense of structure within their life so that they can put aside some "very important time" to have a conversation with their self. This "self" could be their third dimensional, make it though the day self. Or, it could be their most creative self, which is often their fourth dimensional self. It could be their "inner conversation self with their 3D, everyday self, OR their 4D creative self, or even their 5D and beyond, Galactic SELF. This inner conversations about how they are doing, how they are feeling, what they are learning, and how they are feeling is very grounding into your physical life. On the other hand, taking some time to communicate, and even merge with, their 5D Galactic SELF will be a very different experience. It is important for all humans to connect with their present needs, thoughts, desires, so that they know that they are the ones who are awake and aware of themselves. If ones are not awake to their thoughts, their actions, their needs, their daily life, desires and experiences, they will not be the one who is "driving the bus!" There is also the daily awareness of ones creative fourth dimensional self as well as an awareness of ones fifth dimensional, Galactic SELF. Yes, most people are not aware that they even have a fifth dimensional Galactic SELF. But, on the other hand, more and more people are beginning to remember that there is something else, or maybe someone else that resonates to a fifth dimensional frequency. Of course, the ones who resonate to a fifth dimensional frequency of awareness are far less than those who resonate to the third and fourth dimensional frequency of awareness. However, more and more people are beginning to realize that when they are resonating to a higher fourth, or even a fifth dimensional frequency of reality, there is a much greater sense of remembering something. This something that they "feel," "remember," and/or "accept" into their daily life is new, but at the same time, it has always been there. In fact, what is new is the awareness that "some thing new" is coming into their awareness that makes them feel. Please see our latest YouTube at: |
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February 2023