Peggy Black and the Team We are here embracing your heart and your intelligence. We continue to offer our deep gratitude for your willingness and courage to experience the dense reality and frequency of the third and fourth dimensions. This is your focus as a physical being as well as your opportunity to offer a conscious shift. As a multidimensional being you are capable of moving beyond these limited frequencies. If you are reading our words, you are aware that there are other higher dimensions. This concept is real for you as a mental construct, an abstract idea.. The key now is to begin allow yourself to explore the possibilities of this truth as a personal experience. The physical reality of your day-to-day activities generally consumes most of your focus and awareness. We are inviting you to begin to stretch into the possibility that you can begin to move to higher dimensions. This aspect of evolution, the conscious transformation into a pure energy frequency, moves beyond your perceived limitations. We observe that there are many who are at this moment experiencing the higher realms and higher dimensions. We celebrate with you and acknowledge that you are anchoring this ability into the mass consciousness matrix. You are making this possibility and awareness available to all. We realize our words touch a deep knowing and understanding of this truth, however the physical illusion seems solid and is anchored into your circuits, nervous systems and beliefs. You could say that you are invested in your reality, your story and the connections to other beings with whom you interface. We are not suggesting that you totally withdraw from your third dimensional experience; we are just inviting you to begin to explore the possibility of moving or shifting your awareness and your divine consciousness to the higher realms of light and frequency. Many of your sages and shaman have offered this invitation as well. We have continued to invite you to connect with the quantum field using the portal of your imagination. This is an exercise in removing your focus and attention from the seemingly solid reality you call your life. Allow yourself to suspend your beliefs of what you think is real. Play with this, explore this exercise. It is from the higher dimensions that outstanding solutions to third and fourth dimensional problems can be discovered. There have been many suggestions and methods offered as to how to access the higher dimensions. We will always recommend the use of sound vibrations. Sounds and sound vibration always alters consciousness. Breath and breathing techniques will allow you to travel consciously, just as meditation and many forms of yoga will support your shift. We know that there are drugs which can and will shift your perception of reality. However, we want you to know that you have this ability within yourself without the aid of any herb or drug. We highly recommend that you connect to your own innate ability, since as a multidimensional being you have all the equipment built in to allow you to travel beyond your own space and time. It is important that you can suspend your beliefs of what is real. Begin to image or consider that you have the ability to travel the higher realities. Begin to understand that you are designed to use this ability. Even though you have physical body, you also have an energy body. It is the energy body that travels. Connection to this energy aspect can be strengthened by your willingness, focus and desire. There are several portals in the physical body that allow access to the higher dimensions. The first we would remind you is the heart portal. You can bring your attention to the energy of your heart and with your breath allow your consciousness to shift. You can also focus on the heart’s energy while being bathed in quality sound vibrations. Both of these simple suggestions allow you to ride your awareness to a higher dimension. Another portal or doorway or bridge to the higher dimensions is the pineal gland. This small pinecone shaped organ is located approximately in the center of your brain. The pineal gland is also close to the sensory and emotional centers of your brain, which can explain why a spiritual experience in a higher dimension evokes strong emotions and sensations that are often remembered for a lifetime. We highly recommend that you begin to discover more information about the pineal gland; this tiny pinecone shaped organ is a very important aspect of your physical and dimensional connection. You also can place your awareness on the so-called “third eye” and while offering a breathing technique or while listening to high quality sound frequencies, you can allow yourself to journey. Like any new skill, these exercises and shifts in your perception of what is real and possible take a certain dedication, practice and patience. You are shifting and transforming old limited beliefs. You are addressing the possibility that what you have known as real might not be as solid as you have been taught. Since you are empathic and sensitive to the feelings, beliefs and vibrations of the collective, the ability to move beyond these limitations is a part of your own personal growth and evolution as a divine starbeing. Begin to investigate the truth of all the programs, codes and genetic data that you carry. Realize that you are a vast unlimited divine conscious being. You are multidimensional in nature and you are meant to travel, journey and energetically experience all the higher dimensions. The universe, the galaxy, and the many dimensions are yours. Time and space is a construct of your physical reality. It does not exist in the other realms and dimensions. We delight in offering you this invitation once again. We have encouraged you look at the possibilities of parallel realities and experiences; we have encouraged you to connect to your future self and to the ability to travel time. We have spoken of your galactic heritage, and invited you to claim your Starseed understanding of who you truly are. We are aware and acknowledge that much information and many techniques are coming forth which offer more and more tools and methods in reaching the higher dimensions. Use discernment regarding what is offered, even these words that we offer, and make sure they resonate as your personal truth. We continue to reminder you of your unlimited self and encourage you to play often outside your dimensional box. We are available upon your request. We are grateful to be able to share these reminders of your magnificence. the ‘team’ ©2015 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. 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By Ysanne Lewis How are you viewing the world and yourself? I doubt I am exaggerating when I say that many of us are feeling a bit off kilter. Some like that feeling and some don’t. Which camp are you in? It’s been a topsy turvey world of late anyway. In my last blog I mentioned the solar eclipse in March which was followed by the lunar one in early April. The latter eclipse highlighted and triggered the cracks ready to be addressed in relationship, not just personal ones, but in organisations, bureaucracy and the Earth’s crust. Are we getting used to the unexpected and through it drawing on latent talents and ideas? Eclipses zap the Earth’s energy field and thus our bodies and, in the gap that opens in our consciousness at those times, endings and beginnings take place. Nepal was and is a tragedy. Where have your major or minor earth tremors been? What can be mended or needs time and what purely needs acceptance and allowing? What new ‘land’ can emerge from upheaval ? What stirrings in the psyche are at work? Are you excited about them and acting upon them or resisting and feeling stale? A great many mirrors are shining their images back to us at present. All reflect our personal energies, from money to love and how we move and turn problems into inventive solutions. The Full Moon on 4th May, following on from the duo eclipses, was in Scorpio giving an opportunity to delete old programmes and wake up to things we hadn’t realised as important. A bright idea may seem just that, but maybe at this time it is coming from a bigger collective source. Time seems to be moving faster and compulsively even. I feel this is particularly so if we resist the quickening process of recognising and getting to know ourselves in new ways! When matters escalate greatly in the world it is vital we take responsibility at those times for our own changes and openness to new awareness. Easier said than done when habits and busyness run us daily. If you feel you are changing fast and expanding, than it makes sense time seems to be changing. Without bodies we don’t know time. But in bodies it is part of the human condition to have an intricate relationship with it. We see time as external to us but maybe we ourselves affect it? There is a big pull between Saturn and Neptune – the principles of structure and old ways born from fear, and the dissolving of attachments to form and the known this year. With the faster moving planets, Mercury and Mars, angling in to create more arguments at a mental and decision making level this late spring it is vital we stay still in any fog of our own making or of others and not get lost in meandering pathways and concepts. Clear the hearth to allow bright embers to ignite! A lot of peace is accessible now if we do this. We can switch from overload to neutral to peace very quickly if we allow this. Meditation and the like are great tools but sometimes just recognising that choice is ours clears ‘the tricky moment’ very easily. So, as the planets are always messengers there to guide and trigger what at heart we know already, yet need reminding of, as we get close to the second half of 2015 what are we being drawn to? Rather like a new act or at least anew scene in a drama we greet our inner actors with new scripts and scenery. Are you doing that? Venus, so lovely as morning and evening star, has a great history of wearing many garments of guise in her role as multifaceted female power. She rules, love, money, creativity and gardens and yes, in love everything is sunny and bathed in a golden glow, whether in love with beauty, a person or an object or acquisition, but even she needs the rhythm of the shadows. So, astronomically, from time to time she retreats into her ‘underworld’, in what is called retrograde motion preferring to honour her wounds and the darker aspect of love. The myths tell these stories, a mirror of the mathematics and astronomy of this planet. At these times we are called towards a special initiatory process: to revalue our selves, how we love and our relationship to self and others. We can be more sensitive to loss, rejection and betrayal, at this time. As early as June 21st, we start to feel her deeper nature, and when she retrogrades on July 25th until September 6th we have the opportunity to value ourselves in more authentic ways and to shine our beauty and abundance from the heart and not avoid pain when it emerges. During this time Venus is in the sign of Leo which can encourage pride and ego, so let’s shine our light in ways that benefit the bigger picture too – neither neglecting our own needs or those of others. There is plenty of love and heart to go round isn’t there? In her retrograde phase she is the warrior queen, less interested in the pretty image and harmony but more in getting to know her real values and relationship to her self. As a result people can re-appear in our lives so as to resolve, heal, understand, past issues. Intimacy issues, changes of heart in relationship can also occur. Money matters may also be given new and different values. If we feel self love and inner richness we can than receive more easily. This summer Venus connects up with expansive Jupiter in Leo amplifying our need to honour our specialness and not hide our light. Let’s make this a special summer in the sense of reclaiming and re identifying with new eyes an area of life which has got resentful, dried up or impoverished. The well sometimes has to empty to refill… Whichever area of your own birth chart this retrograde Venus time falls in will be the arena to review how you give and receive emotionally and creatively. With Mercury in retrograde motion from 18th May to 11th June we get a rehearsal of kinds to learn to work with the prefix ‘Re.’ Unplug media more, get out of left brain mode more so we don’t overload our circuits, and start seeing what is really in front of us. The element of air is strongly accented with planets in that element now so remember to ground your ideas and and breathe deeply! Stand back a little, observe and with humour watch seeming chaos or hitches somehow make a new and more timely pattern. The old ways won’t work! There will be surprising new connections and the tapestry will start to take shape, even if we can’t see the invisible hand that is weaving it! The picture in the world is at least and at most a confusing one. The best way of living in it is not to get caught up in that confusion and media hype. Things are changing very fast and maybe our role as individuals is to re avaluate at a deeper level things we take for granted or which we are not being authentic about. To have true intimacy and connection with others authenticity is essential. In my last post, I talked about the need for useful stories to guide us. We all have stories which run us and which we tell ourselves regularly so let’s make them useful ones! I truly think this is a very creative time if we put our imagination and a new understanding of our values in the right places. On that note if you would like a perspective on what these astrological influences are showing up in your birth charts at this time I am here to assist you in matters of timing – whether for start ups, events, decisions or general clarity. Family dynamics and relationships are undergoing transformation and new needs now, along with other areas of life since the lunar eclipse on April 4th, so a look at you and your family’s charts can be valuable to give a new and fresh approach to decisions and needs. Email me on [email protected] to arrange a consultation. Ysanne Lewis - Astrologer, Intuitive and Timing Consultant I have been a professional astrologer, writer and lecturer with experience in colour healing and other alternative therapies since 1979. Before this I had a background in the performing arts. I am based in Guildford, Surrey, England and have an ongoing international clientele in countries such as for example, Scandinavia, Austria and other European countries, the USA, Dubai, Hong Kong and Russia. People generally come to me from referrals, but I anticipate my website will spark your interest even if you haven’t heard of me before! In recent times, partly arising from major transformative changes in my life, I have become more and more known as an Intuitive Astrologer and advisor. I combine expertise in the techniques of astrology with strong inner guidance, using a creative as well as a practical approach to problem solving and the improvement of timing. My interest and passion lies in assisting people via private consultations and workshops to make a leap forward as a direct result of their time with me and their birth chart. When reading Number Woman it is easy to forget that this is a true story, the twists and turns of Hilary’s journey to discover her connection to St. Thomas A Becket and the places she visits have a ‘Dan Brown’ feel about them (especially when she visits the Vatican). She not only lives through numbers but when they guide her to distant places she uncovers all kinds of seemingly unconnected facts and only towards the end, like any good thriller, do we discover with her the true nature of her adventure. Hilary uses numbers like we would use Google, when something is feeling a little strange she will look to see if there are any numerical signs to guide her. The fun thing is that the real Hilary is exactly like the one in the book, using numbers to connect events or information to great effect. Often she goes against her own thinking mind, bypassing the ego, to find herself living somewhere many of us would simply say ‘no, not there’. When I first met her she was living in Watchet in Somerset where much of the action in the book takes place. At the time she had nearly finished her adventure but was still ready to leave at a moment’s notice if the numbers dictated. She had a feeling that she would be moving when she had been there 333 days – a number that crops up frequently in Number Woman (you will have to read the book to understand just how significant a number that is). Another number that appears for Hilary is 11:11 and it was no surprise when she posted a Facebook picture showing the train timetable for the first train out of Watchet into Minehead, it departed at 11:11 every day. (interesting that now Hilary has moved from Watchet the train leaves at 11:14). Recently I knew I had to contact her when just after I had the thought ‘I wonder what Hilary is doing’ I glanced at the clock and it was 11:11 – that meant, ‘give her a shout, something is up’. It just works that way. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did, it has the pace of a good investigative thriller yet tells a real life adventure. Colin. Read our interview with Hilary. With Colin Whitby and Hayley Wynne The questions for this interview were from both myself and Hayley Wynne who was kind enough to review Hilary’s book The 11.11 Code earlier this year. Your book the 11.11 code describes how 11.11 become an important part of your life, how would you describe the first time it became obvious something or someone was trying to get your attention? In one word? Frightening. I can handle coincidence when it happens in a reasonable way. I even used the word coincidence to describe meeting a man in a bar in Liverpool who lived in the very room in Newcastle upon Tyne where I was born! But my 11:11 wake up call was too extreme to be classed as coincidence. It happened on 11th November, Armistice Day. I parked up outside an ancient church and noticed the time was 11:11am. Not only that, but both the trip meter and the milometer were on 1111. Try and imagine what that was like. Scary. That was the day when it became glaringly obvious to me that there was something odd going on. From then onwards I realised that 11.11 meant something but at that time I didn’t know what. You say it is your higher self using the 11.11 code, did that surprise you initially? I didn’t know that 11:11 was the language of the higher self at that time. It gradually dawned on me that this was the meaning of the 11:11. Having spent the last few years using 11.11 as a sign I can now see that the 11:11 led me towards my destiny. It revealed the purpose of my life thus aligning me with the intentions of my higher self. Did the prospect of acknowledging that something outside your understanding was communicating with you cause you to wonder if you had just a vivid imagination? What I love about the 11:11 is the fact that its appearance can be seen by anybody and everybody. Imagination doesn’t come into it. When I had my 11:11 day I was with my partner. He could see those 11’s as clearly as me. It’s not an ethereal experience like feeling an energy or seeing a ghost. No, it’s actually right there in front of you in the mundane world and can be seen by anybody who has eyes to see. We have been getting other numbers come up in our lives, such as 222, 333 and so on, more recently I have been getting 999's and 000's. Have you noticed others happening in your own life? I’m obviously quite tuned into numbers and I notice them everywhere. I often see repeated numerals and also patterns like 1221 or 1010. In my book ‘The 11:11 Code’ I describe how the number 22 kept appearing when I was selling the old Spanish convent I had bought but it was the number 11:11 that had led me there. So, like you, I experience other numbers, especially 222 and 333. However, I believe that the 11:11 is different from these other repeated numerals and number patterns. Firstly it’s a binary number. Carl Sagan believed that our encounters with higher intelligence would occur in the form of a binary code. Secondly, 11:11 is a perfect mirror. Upside down, backwards or reflected in a mirror, 11:11 remains perfect. Only 8, 1 and 0 do that. Thirdly, 11:11 is the date of Armistice day, the one day of the year when we actually stop and pause as one consciousness. 11/11 at 11am. Do you think all those 11’s are coincidental? Lastly, I believe 11:11 is linked to 2012. Most people are now aware of the date of the ending of the Mayan calendar on winter solstice 2012. That’s 21.12.2012. Add those numbers up and what do you get? What’s more, winter solstice is the time of the sun moving into Capricorn and in 2012 that happens at exactly……11:11am! Are you aware of any other significant numbers? 23 is curiously significant. In the I Ching 23 is the number of breakdown. I had incredible 23 experiences in the 1980’s. Looking back, I wonder if it appeared in my life as a sign that I was breaking down my old patterns of being and thinking. This number began to appear when I began practising Tai Chi and yoga. Since publishing your book have you found others have had similar experiences to yourself? I hear from people all over the world who are experiencing the 11:11. They are all asking what it means. When the 11:11 appeared in my life I realised that the only way I could answer the question ‘What does it mean?’ would be to use it as a sign and follow it. The 11:11 took me on an incredible journey and my question was answered. If you put ’11 11 phenomenon’ into a search engine you will see how widespread the 11:11 phenomenon is. I know that you and a number of your friends had to ‘work through’ your past experiences in order to move on and wondered whether you have experienced any similar occurrences since leaving the convent? Not linked to the Spanish convent. However, I have now bought another ancient convent in France and already I have had several channelled messages from psychics. I didn’t go looking for psychics, nor did I ask for their insights. Living beyond the ego by following the 11:11, I find that I am helped and supported by the universe in many unexpected ways. Life becomes an adventure! To the reader, that particular experience was terrifying and I wondered how you managed to overcome your fears/apprehensions in order to resolve past experiences. I try not to operate from fear. I believe that the 11:11 is the sign that shows us the way back home, back to the one consciousness that we are. By following the 11:11 I am being shown the part I have to play in that journey, OUR journey. So when I choose to surrender to an 11:11 sign I know that I’m fulfilling my destiny and that fact gives me strength. Yoga and meditation is a huge help. Yoga keeps me balanced and if I miss my practise I find I am less courageous. Are there any methods you could suggest to enable us to see any number connections which are present in everyday life, but we may not currently be aware of? Quite simply, be in the moment. Aim for full awareness in each moment. It’s easier said than done. There can be 11:11 signs all around you but if you’re not alert you could miss them. 11:11 can be on car park tickets, emails, dates, train times, receipts, your student number, your date of birth, digital clocks, account numbers, as loose change, the number of letters in a name, on the trip meter and so on. Don’t forget to look out for K as well, the 11th letter of the alphabet. You could also try using The Time Now time calculator ( That’s how I discovered that my cousin John (my financial backer) had lived for exactly 2,222 days. Where were you on your 1,111th day? Who were you with? How many days between your date of birth and your partners date of birth and so on. It’s fascinating to play with days between dates but be warned, it can become addictive! Hilary, thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions. Hilary is co-creator of Taiyoga and co-founder of HigherMoon transformational workshops. She is a British Wheel of Yoga teacher, workshop leader and consultant astrologer, having studied with the world-renowned faculty of Astrological Studies in London in the 1980’s. Hilary lives between her homes in Dorset and the Dordogne. She is currently involved in restoring her French property which dates back to the 10th century and was originally a convent. The story of this French convent will be told in her next book…. hilary.h.carter |
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