You can think of your waking consciousness as an "outer self," because it's function is to focus upon a world which has the appearance of being external. The human brain is designed to translate the concepts of space and time into something that appears real. Your outer self's focus is directed at the physical world, which it perceives through the five physical senses. People habitually think of their soul as being something elsewhere, and not something that encompasses their waking consciousness. They also think of the world as being "out there" rather than what it really is - an internal projection of theatrical props which make life appear to be a real drama. It is more useful to use the term "inner self" to describe the complete self because, compared to the external world, it appears to be inside of you. When you look at the reality of life, everything is inside of you. As a spark of Infinite Being, the entire universe is inside of you because the universe was created within the consciousness of Infinite Being. The definition of "Infinite Being" is "consciousness which encompasses all." Nothing can be outside of an all-encompassing consciousness, therefore all must be within and, as an aspect of Infinite Being, it is within you. Before you were born, you carefully planned the possibilities for this incarnation. Your inner self had access to all of the probabilities which would unfold in your current life, thus enabling you to make a life plan. You examined several possible lives and chose this one for the experiences that it would let you explore. Think of your inner self as a nonphysical, spiritual personality which chose to enter your body at the time of birth. Gradually, over a period of months, your conscious mind formed a greater attachment to this new body and eventually became completely identified with it. The current system of incarnation on earth involves spiritual amnesia - we are born with blank physical memories as part of the challenge of reconnecting with our spiritual essence during physical incarnation. That system will change in the coming centuries as human consciousness rises to new challenges and opportunities but, in the meantime, it still provides a fresh start to every incarnation that we choose to experience. Each incarnation occurs in different locations and historical times, with different sets of parents and societal environments. This creates the opportunity for you to play many roles as different personalities. Your inner nature does shine through into your outer personality as an influence, but the variety provided by different incarnations is enormous. Imagine, over the last two thousand years, experiencing incarnations as a centurion defending Rome against the barbarians, then a quiet life as a peasant farmer's wife in Spain, then plying the Mediterranean trade routes as first mate on a spice ship, then as an English nun and finally a talk show host. Now that's variety! Personalities vary from life to life because of the societal environment in which they are formed. Shining through that outer personality, however, is the real you, your spiritual inner self. The wisdom of knowing how to handle a challenge often comes from the inner knowing gained from the experience of countless lifetimes. You can get in touch with your inner self if you take the time to simply go within using a meditation technique such as the Infinite Being meditation (see below). In that contemplative state, ask yourself what it feels like when you get in touch with your inner self. How does life look when seen from its perspective? How does it feel to be connected to that part of you which is, in turn, consciously connected to the entire universe? How does it feel to live beyond the confines of space and time? Words like freedom, expansion, joy and harmony spring to life while you are in the presence of your true, spiritual self. Your inner self is eternal. It can never cease to exist, any more than Infinite Being can cease to exist. This eternal part of you has wisdom and love beyond the confines of any single incarnation. Feel the security of knowing this eternal part of yourself. While you are in the conscious presence of your inner self, see how meaningful the affirmation from the Infinite Being meditation becomes: "I am Infinite Being." For the complete Infinite Being Meditation technique, go to:
There is an aspect of the awakened self that knows there are far better ways to deal with these personal and global challenges. Events seem to be spiraling out of control, old patterns and beliefs holding on to the collective. Outer appearances are fearful, and polarized as systems seem likely to fail. This is not what you hoped for or expected.
Consider for a moment that this is all part of a major shift, a cosmic shift. The matrix of this 3 D reality is being transformed. This matrix holding your perceived limited reality in form operates on a very limited narrow bandwidth of low frequencies. This is an energy field of unconscious limitation. The frequency spectrum of the galactic or cosmic energies is unlimited. These frequencies are vast and multidimensional. There is a gentle yet continuous wave that is activating and encouraging all earthwalkers to awaken and anchor this incoming flow of energy, of upliftment and to remember how these awesome frequencies and vibrations feel. Quantum physics reminds you that there is only one immense ocean of energy that materializes and dematerializes over and over in a millisecond. Nothing is solid. Remember it is all energy. It can never be used up; it will never run out. It is only re-cycled, re-directed and re-imprinted. Unfortunately, many continue to use their creative ability upside down and backwards. The results are to repeat and imprint the same old patterns, the same limited outcomes, influenced by fears, doubts, and feelings of being powerless or helpless. Consequently, the inadequate dysfunctions have continued to manifest. The cosmic frequencies that are interfacing with your 3D reality are stirring you awake. This shift, this transition that is happening, is overdue. More and more light workers and conscious starseeds are holding a firm frequency of gratitude, appreciation, compassion and respect for others. This awareness and the conscious work that is being done to imprint this energy field with a frequency of honoring and respecting are causing a shift. As more earthwalkers awaken to their true essence, they are realizing that they are unlimited divine beings having this physical experience. The energy illusion that you are experiencing as life is actually beginning to disintegrate, to break down, to wobble, as you and other awakened light beings accept the invitation and opportunity to imprint and anchor a new experience. You are beginning to understand the hidden connections which unite the outer and inner worlds of your experiences. You truly connect to every aspect of your experiences, from your own body and thoughts to every event and object in the environment. All life is interwoven. You are like the pebble tossed into the pool of vibrations rippling out to touch all shores. Now is the time to step up, to take ownership of who you are as a member the galactic family. Be present, alive, fully engaged with this dimension and your wondrous world at this significant time in its evolution and ascension. Everyone has free will. The realities being created now offer many different paths. Realize that there is neither right nor wrong, they are just different paths. From a bigger perspective each divine being has selected a physical experience as a method to evolve, to expand and to remember. How will these paths play out in the matrix? Observe how you respond to these different paths. This planet, this dimension, is a teaching environment. Each divine being infuses a physical body and interfaces with the energy field of your earth, which happens to be a field of unconscious limitation. Whether that individual awakens to this truth in this life experience or the next is their growth opportunity. You however are aware of who you are as a divine essence, as a member of the galactic family having human sensations and encounters. Recognize which path calls to you and follow it with all your intentions and will. Follow your heart insight and guidance with dedication and action. And as a star being you have the opportunity to hold a vision of a path of peace, harmony, love and forgiveness. You have the opportunity to evolve and reclaim your divine partnerships. We remind you to exercise self care, listen to your own guidance and intuition, practice consciously raising your vibration and frequency, engage in a partnership between your mind and your heart. Be in nature, practice quiet alone time, nurture yourself as well as others. When you consciously apply awareness to clean your own misqualified energies, when you watch your thoughts, your actions, your words, you are cleaning up aspects of the collective consciousness with which you have identified. You are on a path of light. You are an anchor for a new reality to come forth. Be aware when you hold and anchor a frequency of the higher vibrations, you are powerful beyond measure. When you hold the possibility of a reality in which pollution can be transformed into clean air and water, misqualified emotions of hatred and prejudice can be shifted to acceptance and understanding, you are offering a frequency pebble that touches all aspects of this reality. You are anchoring the energy of an evolutional shift. You are anchoring the energy wave being offered by the divine luminous beings of your galactic family. We acknowledge you and the work and service you continue to offer. We celebrate you and we assure you that when we are invited, we will walk the path with you. You are meant to be in partnership and connection with the divine luminous beings of love. We do delight in your invitation. the 'team' ©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available
By Shekina Rose
From Sedona: Shekina Rose Angelic Messenger Vocalist, Blue Ray Channels/Healer/
This Very Special Transmission with ArchAngel Michael has brought Tears and Chills for listeners & Memories of True Home. All who are open to Receive will receive upgrades, healing and connections to the angels Archangel CDs ~ Music Store. Donations if this help and bless you thank you!! Mandala fractal videos by Keith Allen Kay Archangel Michael by BILL SINGLETON other Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman
Rare Planetary Alignment Archangel Michael’s Cosmic Gateway Shift
A Call to the Tribes of Light for the New Angelic Human 333 Archangel Michael calls to all the tribes of light: Divine Transformers, Blue Rays, Peace Makers, Peace Emissaries, Forerunners, Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Gatekeepers, Grid Workers, New Architecture Light Anchors, Bridgebuilders, Light Warriors, Angelics and Earth Angels: A gateway shift of the spiritual realms is now occurring of increased light forces on the planet and of the Archangels’ legions of Angels for profound alignment with the light. This is a shifting in your abilities to connect, commune and be an enhanced field of light with the Higher Divine Spirit within you. The heavenly sources through Archangel Michael are calling out to reinstate the families of the tribes of light in supporting your energy fields and upgrades, awakening you to your expanded tribes of light through the Rays of Creation. Within your own interdimensional cellular structure are the lost soul encodings awakening to the divine angelic light of your universal expression. This energy convergence is taking place with the 2019 New Year rare planetary alignment opening of cosmic and spiritual energies to the planet. This is building a bridge of light and enhanced field of love from the earth plane to the spiritual universe. Archangel Michael is a universal, highly evolved spiritual force of light--a protector, a gatekeeper--calling on you to take your place at the united kingdoms of the Great White Brotherhood of light, your ascended sovereign place in creation with us. The Blue Ray and many of the tribes of light have great affinity with Archangels and Archangel Michael in assisting their awakening to strengthen their fields so they can accomplish their light projects. His signature rays are gold, golden ruby, magenta and white light and work through the rose gold heart of Mother Mary, the Blue Ray and the Violet Ray. You may receive a visit from the Archangels and Archangel Michael and the higher spiritual hierarchies and experience these divine beings like you have never felt before and/or for the first time, creating heart remembrance of who you are and an enhanced belonging. 444 Archangel Michael's Angel Number 55 Archangel Michael's code vibration is 55 and spirit animal the eagle with colors of golden ruby and white light radiance. The number vibration and/or spirit animal eagle appearing in your life: Know it is creation's almighty power of God's hand through Archangel Michael showing you your sovereignty and higher pathway in clearing all obstacles and becoming who you truly are. Archangel Michael speaks to you in many ways and this is one you can come to recognize as a sacred communication of creation; the universe is speaking to you and it is in constant movement to serve your highest soul intentions. The Meaning of Archangel Michael's 55 You are God in form; your hands--each one with five fingers--represent the almighty hands of God that equal 55--twice the power protection of God. The 55’s are the action and power of God's movement of the universe to bring wholeness and balance in whatever you are praying to bring forward into life. The source of light on Gaia is increasing, creating a quantum evolutionary shift that is being met by your soul’s remembrance of the awakening of the New Angelic Human (homo luminous-man of light). Your tribe is calling you home.
Shekina Rose
Angelic Blue Ray Star Seed, Language of Light Harmonic Vocalist 528 Hz LOVE, MIRACLE ancient Solfeggio frequency, Peace Emissary of the Blue Ray, Creator of the Pleiadain stargate Pendant & Devices technologies ~ Divine frequency of Home ~ Ambassador of Sedona Vortex Universal City of lights ~ Sacred SuperNatural Sedona Video series Are You From the Blue Ray Language of Light transmissions videos from the vortex Rock mountains of Sedona Language of light Stargate Pendants ~ Pleiadians technology Sedona New Earth Crystals ~ Star Resonators pendants 528 Miracle language of light CDs ~ Soul Readings ~ Star origins activation ~ Blue Ray Healing
The Teachers You Seek are Love and Wisdom. They are Within You.
There have been times when I received this card and wanted to shout, That's easy for you to say, I'm asking for help here! Most days, I can take a breath and remember that this card is really expressing my highest Truth and I need to make the effort to take time to connect more deeply with my heart. After I feel more balanced, I can usually find that still place within that enables me to ask the right questions, which is often one of the reasons I don't have the answers I am seeking. Over the years I have appreciated working with many different teachers on the physical level. I needed them to show me a new way of perceiving at important times in my life. All the great teachers I have known have made themselves obsolete by giving me the tools of consciousness that I needed to become more resourceful. However, much of the time I just wanted them to tell me what I needed to know and help me live my life. Giving away my power was common. Just to be clear, I need inspiration on a daily basis. And sometimes I receive this spiritual food from teachers who are in a physical body. I find taking classes very nourishing and stimulating at times, and they can jump-start my spirit just when I most need it. I only seem to get into trouble when I lose my sovereignty by believing everything another person says, or thinking they have THE answers for my life. I have been fortunate to be with a number of teachers who have acted as guides and way-showers for me. Most of them demonstrated what it looked like to live consciously and shared the tools and techniques that helped them reach that state. Some of these tools were helpful and some were not. It was important for me to learn to feel my inner resonance when the teachings applied to me. When I met my guru in 1977, I was sure that I had met someone who would finally take over the responsibility for my life. It was true that life was very structured in the ashram and I did not have time to think about the world. But even my guru, a very enlightened being, told us not to be attached to his body because he was only there to give us practices and to raise our consciousness. He said that even though he was providing spiritual food, it was more important that he teach us how to connect directly to God. That way we would be able to take our spiritual practice into the world and help others. He was very clear that service was one of the most powerful things that we could do in life and would lead to our own Self-realization. I do my best to carry on this tradition. When I started working with Archangel Gabriel in 1990, it was a new experience to receive my own guidance. It took a long time for me to learn to trust myself. Archangel Gabriel was very clear that my Higher Self was the most important connection I could create. He taught me that this more enlightened part of myself was aware of my Soul's purpose; that it acted as a gatekeeper to my consciousness, filtering information and guidance so that I was receiving from those sources that were in my highest good. This new link to my Higher Self was the transformative tool I had been looking for. It took time, however, to create a connection I could trust. Asking for what I needed was part of the key to receiving, as it turned out, and learning to listen. We all need outside teachers along the way, and I know that my inner guidance has brought me into contact with just the right people at the right time. And there are other ways that we are awakened. After I ask for assistance, I often have blessed moments when something bubbles up inside me and I feel inspired to inner Wisdom, especially when I am in Nature. There are times when a book will fall open to the answer I was looking for. Sometimes a conversation with a friend will point me in the right direction, or I will listen to a teleconference that really inspires me. Synchronicity is one of my best teachers right now, and it lets me know I am not alone and my guidance system is working very well. We are blessed to have so many beautiful way-showers, teachers and healers on the Earth to point the way for us. We are also learning to be very discerning and aware of the inner guidance resonating in our own hearts to let us know what is appropriate for our Soul's experience at this time. Within us is a voice that knows what is Truth for us, and the more we trust ourselves, the more powerful this inner voice becomes. It is like a muscle that becomes stronger the more we use it. With the empowered Light frequencies available on the Earth now, we have an even greater connection to our Soul and the guidance it is offering. There is Truth and Wisdom within us and we are becoming the teachers, leaders and way-showers demonstrating wisdom and love in our world. Divine Presence, Thank you for your ever-present guidance within my life, and for opening the channels to my Highest Self so I can receive wisdom more gracefully. I am so grateful that I am not alone, and your inspiration is there for me, when I take time to listen to my heart. Thank you for the discernment to know what is appropriate for me at all times, and the resonance I feel within when the guidance is right for me to follow. May I be a clear channel for Love and Wisdom within my being, and radiate that to the world, now and always. And so it is. |
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February 2023