This is the dark night of the collective soul. All that has been repressed is erupting and spewing forth. Emotions are contagious and as many people step up and demand a change, it stirs the emotions of all. Many are shocked, fearful, confused as well as alarmed by what is occurring, while others are becoming an active part of what is unfolding. There are others who are selecting to transcend and to be able to assist from the non-physical. This is pandemonium expressing itself. Nothing feels solid, stable or familiar as you are witnessing the collapse of the old paradigm. When a reality begins to collapse it appears messy, disturbing and often violent. The old systems are falling apart. The establishment is losing control. Individuals as a collective are tired of not being heard or not being seen. They are making their demands for change known. They are standing up and shouting for these fiery changes. They are being supported and energized by the celestials as well. The energy and movement of the planets are supporting this conscious change. Earth is moving into an area of space with a new higher energy field. Realize that you will not know how this will unfold; you will question everything yet understand very little. As you observe the madness and the incredible confusion, it is most important for you to continue to return to your own center. It is a time to release, let go and purge your limited beliefs. We invite you to face all parts of yourself that are destructive, angry, aggressive and bring them into your awareness for healing. There are extremely intense changes taking place that are not always visible. The out picturing of violence and protests are just the physical manifestation of what is occurring in the energy and magnetic grid and field of your planet. There is an alchemical process occurring. When your reality is placed under extreme collective pressure there will be a cracking open and a rising up of the new. There are powerful shifts occurring and you, as an awakened starbeing, can anchor the incoming energy. These powerful shifts are actually taking place in the Earth's new crystalline matrix as well as in your own crystalline light body. There are light codes being offered from the galactic center; make it your intention to be open to these light codes and anchor them for the collective. How do you anchor these light codes? First find a space where you can quiet your mind and heart; imagine that you can open your crown chakra. Now imagine the energy from the galactic center gently streaming directly into your field. Feel yourself being bathed by this transformative frequency. Allow yourself to feel the stimulation, the excitement, the quickening that is this cosmic gift. Drink it in, sense it flowing in and through your body. Remember you are a chalice for this divine work. These light codes activate your divine blueprint. As starseeds you can now understand why you are here. It is time to hold and radiate a high frequency. You are being called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a higher moral ground. You are being called to envision, invite, and call forth this new world. This energy coming forth also carries a transmission of the Divine Feminine. It is time now for the polarities of this planet to come to balance. The masculine energies have forcefully shifted this balance. In order for the new age to be anchored here on Earth there has to be a harmonious balance between the masculine and the feminine. There must be a sharing of power, ideas and respect in balance between these two forces. Each offers the collective a gift and each quality is needed as this transformation takes place. You are being invited to bring a balance of the masculine and feminine within. Both of these polarities are important for you to have in your personality and your actions. The key is to make sure that you honor both within yourself as well as within others. This balance will ripple out and touch others in a manner such that they will also recognize and honor both the negative and the positive that they are meant to represent. These changes will not take place overnight however they have begun and will not stop until this balance has been accomplished. Own your part in this outstanding transformation of consciousness. The darkness of this planet has been visible to the entire universe and now the entire universe is witnessing this revolution and the birthing of a balanced, harmonious collective. There is certainly work to be done. Look within and see where your gifts and talents are needed. Step forth in an active manner to support this great change. Realize that you can also do great work in the quietness and focus of your heart and mind. You are powerful starbeings, you are multidimensional divine beings here to uplift and shift the imbalance of power. This is the great awakening. You can be here to support and anchor this truth. Use all your gifts, and your focus to support this metamorphosis. Partner with the divine beings, the Masters, the Angels, the Elementals and invite and weave the web of light for all of humanity. Remember that you are Spirit in Matter. We honor you and your ability to call forth and manifest this evolution of consciousness for yourself, for humanity and for your planet. We are with you in every way. the 'team' ©2020 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available
We have surpassed what once was The Original Plan that really was a potential more than a plan with the seeds of Christ Consciousness implanted in our DNA and the Feminine/Masculine Christ pattern of wholeness imprinted in our Souls to steer us... once awakened. Yeshua/Jesus has spoken to me previously that the energy at hand streaming from the Cosmos is our perfect servant. It is ours to alchemize, form and choose how we will use it to shape the future of evolve back into the heart of our eternal, sovereign Selves. Suddenly though softly I felt His Presence. Clearly listening to my thoughts He said, "The Divine Plan lies within each One. Your Life is in your hands, your plan in your Soul." "In the beginning, each human aspect of the Creator was given the autonomy of their own space to evolve and experience the multi-facets of life both dark and light. Your responsibility now in your Ascended Life is to be who you truly are as a Soul and fulfill the Love you are in only the way you can. Except for the Creator only you in your ascended state of embodied Soul knows what that is, making you the Creator of your Divine Plan for the rest of your Life. Although there is the telling of great discord and disruption close on your heels consider yourself/selves to be a powerful Portal of God's Totality being engulfed in Eternal Consciousness daily in an effort to rise above the discord, to blend with your Soul and redirect the limitations and separation of the human experience into the unifying Reality of the Divine, on an Earth of your making. Never give your power away, again. Not to words, nor people or events. In each turn of event you are able to take the reins and tune your frequency toward the quintessential vibratory essence of the 5th Dimension of Love, of Peace and Unity. With each turn of event you are being made able to carry out your Soul plan, your Soul destiny inextricably linked to the One Will and One Heart of God. Everything in Creation is being used to help you do so. Yes you are complex. You would have to be to make an Ascension such as this as well to build a New Earth and a New Human. You are being watched over with Great Love and Assistance." He was quiet then and a common memory of mine walking close to the shore with my young hand in His as he shared wisdom arose. Before and now blended into one present state of being. Basking in the Presence and Love I closed my eyes, laying down my journal. I felt then the Presence of Mary Magdalene. She felt my surprise. "We are One In The Same balanced in Love," she said. “Through all the rapid change that lie ahead, the Soul plan of each one remains in place. Use your inner strength to walk in Sovereignty and Love. They are as two wings of a great bird in flight always prepared to soar. Return over and again to the Source of the Great Love that you are, and remain in harmonic resonance with the Feminine Christ Force. You are held and you are Loved." Again, I closed my eyes, feeling Love, Loved and Oneness with both Yeshua and Mary. Imagining myself as a Portal of Totality…no internal conflict… aloud I spoke Unify, Unify, Unify. One Light, One Love, One Will. No separation. I Am. In closing Beloveds, at this time is it of the Highest Priority that we neutralize everything in conflict, down to the deepest roots of our existence with ourselves and ALL others, that would in any way interfere anything Yeshua and Mary Magdalene spoke as well to Know total freedom. For weeks now I have been doing just that. As heavy as this past several months has been, is and will continue for a time, I Know because of our Commitment to LOVE...the reason we came... we will turn ourselves inward and clear it ALL and then present ourselves outward in the most sovereign, clean, clear, loving and powerful manner instigating a Pandemic of Love, Unity and Consciousness the likes of which Earth has never known and we have never contributed to in the way in which we are being called to now. SOUL CONNECTION The 4-part activating, liberating, powerfully rich series I previously taught is available for you to partake of at your leisure as previously written in last months Newsletter. If you want to Know Your Soul and Your Soul Plan…bless yourself and take this journey to/with it. The price when taught was $148.00 The cost to you $33.00 Click Here if you feel guided. Endless Love and Blessings, Maureen Email: [email protected] Website: © 2020 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright. |
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February 2023