Under the auspices of The Elohim, a Creation Council was assembled to re-createthe human template stuck in endless cycles of 3D re-incarnation, who through a long evolutionary process of awakening, would have the ability to at last experience themselves as a Sovereign and Free Divine HUman, never again trapped nor enslaved. Via Love, wisdom, intent, vision, collaborative creation, human DNA re-weaving and through sound, frequency and Light, the Spark of God and ALL Potential and more of every Star Nation in these 12 dimensions… a New HUman each with a unique Soul signature and Soul song was created and set in motion to evolve for a specified period of time. WE have reached that specified period of time. WE the awakened and awakening, are about to be set free. This, for those who have dissolved and evolved into BEings of pure intent and Love and capable of holding stable the frequency and vibration of peace, Love, joy, open-heartedness and neutrality through the chaos, triggers and revelations that were long known would occur in this pronounced evolutionary cycle and accompany the end times of a polarized consciousness and the beginning of a United One. The end of the old order of Life, as we are experiencing, necessitated a bridge, *The Rainbow Bridge that links two independent rails into a fully functioning whole down which spiritual truth may descend and the aspirants of the world may climb. (Definition from The Rainbow Bridge Antahkarana.) Some have crossed the bridge, some are in the middle of the bridge and some, through devotion right now to ones evolution which includes knowing and holding solid their Sovereignty and Freedom No Matter What Anyone puts into a temporary motion or decides during this completion, shall ascend/descend while in physicality surrounded by peace and Grace. (The unawakened shall have their wave of ascension as well.) What we experience during this chaotic ending does not and cannot touch us in our Sovereign God Center unless we touch it first and turn it into yet another belief system. And why would we do that when the greatest influx of Light in our history is about to enter into US changing our lives forever. Right Now We Must Rise, Realize and Choose. We are not being called to surrender during this time. We are called to BE the Light, Love and Power of God We Are. To Remember Who WE Are… who YOU are… and to use every particle or moment of energy from above or below, to dissolve the story and activate and expand the Truth of your BEing and commitment to it. This Now is also prime time to recognize who you are not Beloveds and neutralize the entirety of it all even if it is in motion. God had a plan. Every Star Nation and Angelic Hierarchy in these 12 Dimensions lent themselves to the plan. Trust it. Let this ahead be not only the last of illusions you engage with… though the time to recognize the profundity of Who You Are and why you came here…to honor the courage it took and the faith…to recognize the great Love not only that you hold within you, though that you have for Humanity, Gaia, God and the entirety of the Cosmos in this Galaxy. Or, you would not BE here. You Are Sacred Beloved One beyond your knowing perhaps, still it is Truth. Use these concluding months as we come upon the Solstice to listen to what is in your heart, to rise above what ruffles you, to ‘use’ stillness consciously and refuse to let the world external invalidate the powerful Sovereign God BEing you are, nor lure you into divide ever again. Private Sessions I continue to do Private Sessions for those who need but a slight shift of awareness here and there until Dec. 3, 2020. If guided and in accordance to the above please Email me at [email protected] with contact number, time zone and best time to contact you. Also, details on the 11:11 Global Gathering shall be forthcoming. Infinite Love and Deep Blessings to Each and ALL, Maureen Email: [email protected] Website: www.maureenmoss.com © 2020 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website maureenmoss.com Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright. These qualities and aspects are interwoven into the energy that makes you unique and powerful. The idea that you are alive and conscious is where your power resides. When you can acknowledge these qualities within yourself you are awake and aware. It is that awake and aware quality that we want to engage. You are here to transmute and transform energy through the alchemical chalice of your heart. There is a consciousness process in which you sit quietly and breathe in the suffering of the world and then breathe it out transformed. That is how powerful you are as a divine being. It is the physical mind and consciousness that feels overwhelmed by the chaos and intensity that is occurring on your planet. Your divine self is not overwhelmed. You came here to do this work. You came here to step up and into your personal power as a divine being in a physical human body. Being physical in this dimension is what gives you permission to do this work. We cannot transform energy for you. It is your birthright and responsibility to transform negative and misqualified energy that you witness or experience. Your planet is in the stages of an evolution of consciousness. The chaos, confusion and intense energy are the resistance to this evolution and awakening. Remember that all great changes are preceded by chaos. So your task or your mission is to hold firmly the truth of love and light. Your task or your mission is to transform all personal negative patterns or emotions that you have repressed or suppressed from past experiences. Imagine as a divine being that when you came to this dimension you gathered all these intense negative emotions with the intention of transforming them. However, in this reality of unconscious limitation you forgot your agreement and you forgot just how to transform this energy. We have offered many suggestions to remind you of how to shift, delete or transform negative and misqualified energy or emotions. First say to yourself "I am fully embodied, I am anchored to this planet, I am my divine self in physical form." This is your foundation, this is your source of power, this is the chalice in which you do any and all alchemical work of transformation. Next ask yourself what percent of this negative emotion is personally yours. Realize that the minute you begin to feel an emotion, the minute you begin to feel the energy or vibration that you call an emotion, you entrain, resonate with, connect to or attract a similar vibration or emotion that is in the collective consciousness. If, for example, you are feeling fear, imagine that only twenty percent of that fear is personally yours. However the moment you feel that fear, you connect to the broadcast of fear that is held in the collective. Now you have one hundred percent of fear running through your body. This energy now triggers your adrenals, your muscles contract, you are on alert. You are overwhelmed with fear and your mind/ego begins to tell you more stories that cause you to feel even more fear. At this point remember that you are your divine self in physical form. Now invite divine beings of love and light to witness and support you as you transform the energy vibration that you have labeled fear. Now take a breath and sound the fear. What would this emotion sound like if it was just expressed as a sound? Do not use words because this engages the left brain which is the guard of suppressed emotions. Continue to sound your fear or whatever negative emotion you want to clear until it feels complete. Now name the quality or emotion you want to put in place of what you have cleared and call that emotion of peace, strength, hope or joy with sound. Now you have completed a process we call emotional and energetic Alchemy. You are an Alchemist. You are here on this planet at this time to transform all the negative emotions you have experienced or have empathically taken on from others. This is one of the most powerful processes we can offer you during this time. Now imagine that you are your divine self in physical form and you call upon divine beings to witness and support you as you transform some of the distress that has been created by a tragic event. Sound the distress until it feels complete for you. Replace it with healing, harmony or love and call that quality into form with sound. Now you are doing global service work without feeling that distress running through your body. If each and every one of us began to do this work, that would be a tremendous shift and change with all the current events. You see everyone stores their suppressed emotions in the tissues, organs, cells and bones of their body. Everyone has been taught to repress emotions; no one has been taught how to clear them in a healthy manner. No one has been taught that they are an Alchemist. What humans don't realize is that if you suppress sadness because you don’t allow yourself to feel that sadness at the time, then you have suppressed that sadness into your body. When you encounter someone who is feeling sad, your sadnesses are going to be triggered. Emotions are contagious. You are witnessing that very process in your reality at this time. All the repressed emotions of hatred, judgment, anger, fear, and prejudice are being triggered. There is not a safe way to express these emotions. We have observed the practice of huge stadiums of people all gathering to watch their favorite sport. Everyone screams, yells and is very expressive with sounds that are not usually expressed. Everyone leaves the game or sporting event feeling so good. It was a great game. What they don't realize or didn't understand is that in one of the areas in which loud sounds/emotions are acceptable and expected, they just cleared lots of emotions that they had been repressing. We are inviting you to begin to step into your awesome power to transform negative and misqualified emotions. Be the Alchemist. Imagine that you are clearing and cleaning up toxic vibrations and energy in this process. We are honored to remind you of your power and your ability to shift the energy very consciously with dedication and intention. Be sure that you invite us to join you as well as other divine beings; we truly love working with you. the 'team' ©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available
Today, we realize that God, as an omnipresent being, must be at least the size of the entire universe. By current estimates, the universe contains over a hundred billion galaxies, each one containing an estimated two hundred billion suns. That means that there are countless trillions of planets, each one filled with the all-pervasive presence of that which created them. This brings us to today's prevalent spiritual dilemma.
With God's presence being so far-reaching, how can there be any semblance of the personal attention that we were taught to expect from a father-like God image? Today, you are left wondering whether God is, (a) personal, or (b) so large in scale as to be infinitely impersonal. Surely, one idea would exclude the other. Or would it? A paradox is something that contains opposite statements and yet both are true. The secret to solving paradoxes is to start using the word 'and' instead of 'or.' The question is not whether God is infinitely large or personal. The question becomes, how can God be infinite in size and personal as well? The answer lies within the Paradox of Infinite Being. The term Infinite Being is used here as the ultimate concept of God. The word Infinite, as in omnipresent. The word Being, as in omniscient awareness. Infinite Being is the perfect, unchanging consciousness behind all of Creation. Because Infinite Being is consciousness, and nothing but consciousness, it is appropriate to note here that nothing in Creation is anything but consciousness in one form or another. Energy is simply a compressed form of consciousness set into motion. Matter is energy. Therefore matter is a form of consciousness. It can't be any other way, because consciousness is the only tool with which Infinite Being has to work. We are a dream within the mind of the Creator. The universe was created within the consciousness of Infinite Being. I remember being told in a science class at school that space must be infinite in size because there couldn't be anything beyond the end of space; therefore, it had to go on forever. It didn't sound right at the time, and now I know why. Space is actually finite, because it was created within Infinite Being. The created must be less than its creator, therefore space must be less than infinite. Beyond the envelope of space lies that which created it. In order to create the universe, Infinite Being divided the 'waters' - its consciousness - into two aspects: Creator and Preserver. In the West, we are used to thinking of the Creator as God the Father, while the Preserver aspect is called the Holy Spirit. In the East, the names are different but the principles are exactly the same. For example, the Hindu name for the Creator aspect is Brahma, while Vishnu represents the aspect that preserves and sustains the universe. Stories of Creation from all over the world share the common thread of two complementary aspects coming together to bring light into existence. The two aspects of Creator and Preserver were set into complementary motion in order to manifest the universe. Through the interaction of these two aspects of original consciousness, the universe was formed and, along with it, the capability for Infinite Being to view itself from an infinite number of viewpoints. The human race today represents approximately seven billion different viewpoints of the one Source. According to the rules of the human adventure, we were born with spiritual amnesia. We have forgotten our inner connection. The challenge of the game is to discover and consciously reconnect with that to which, in reality, we are and always were connected. Self-awareness and free will are included in the rules of the game. The illusion of separateness from each other is created by an intense focus upon life in an outer, physical world, as viewed by the five senses. People are free to choose to interact with other people in the ways that they see best. People can even choose to believe that they are separate from that ultimate Source to which they are connected. Atheism, therefore, is not a lack of belief. It's a belief in something that isn't so. If you have an inbuilt connection to God, yet believe that you don't, you are expressing a belief, not a lack of one. Mystics talk of experiencing a sense of oneness with the infinite while in deep meditation. Those who can go still deeper into the realms of consciousness report that there is more to it than just a feeling of oneness. Deep within, you aren't so much an individual who is as one with Infinite Being. You areInfinite Being! You are Infinite Being, observing itself through the one viewpoint that is you. You aren't a part of Infinite Being. You are Infinite Being, acting from one specific point of view. Likewise, every sentient being is also Infinite Being, looking at itself from their own unique points of view. The solution to the Paradox of Infinite Being is that, while we are a part of an immense universe of almost unlimited proportions, we are also Infinite Being itself. As you experience life through your eyes and ears and senses, you are Infinite Being, acting through yet another viewpoint of the infinite variety of life. Every fiber of your body is Infinite Being, every dream that you manifest is Infinite Being in action, every tear of joy that you shed in the finer experiences of life is a tear shed by Infinite Being in its form as you. You can be closer to God than ever before when you realize that every part of your body, mind and spirit is God. Even in this strange world where we appear to be separate from everyone else, the conscious awareness of the presence of God is a mere thought away. |
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February 2023