Yet, with the immense cosmic energies which were opened on the 21 December 2022, and with the intense codes the Green Comet activated in human kind on so many levels which we will start to feel more intensely in the next few weeks, months and years, all has accelerated now, to such an extent, that many of us, who were the pioneers, now find that we need more rest, that we need to have more time out, and go even deeper into our soul reserves, as backed up by the Cosmic Teams, and the Divine, than ever before. As this is a year of even greater mass awakening, we need to now allow those who woke up since 2012, to assist us, through this process, as we, the pioneers, now need to go through a far more intense process of fully assuming our new Lightbody forms. After all, that is why were the forerunners, the pioneers, and way showers. We are indeed being prepared for the highest mastery, in ways we may not even now comprehend, nor understand. It is almost like we need more rest, and need more alone time and quiet time, in order to allow the Keys and Codes which have been released since December and even more so with the comet, to be fully activated within us. With it the balance, between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, is ushering in huge changes in all our human relationships, as we finally realize that we cannot create a new way of life in the New Earth, if we are not in balance and harmony within ourselves, and indeed have healed our own woundedness. And that woundedness will show up, not only in ourselves, but in all whom we encounter. The collective woundedness, as deep healing is occurring between the Masculine and Feminine. The shift is deeper within. With this comes vulnerability, fragileness, as we are being cleaved open more and more, and often tears will come, because we our hearts open more and more, as we heal. After all we are here to bring heaven to earth, and while we are in our earthly bodies, we have and will experience everything which makes us hu-man, until we ascend into our true Christ/Buddhic new life and embodiment. Let us be compassionate, and open to the process. This goes very deep. It goes through all the layers of the Adamic 6th Race of humans, as we transfigured into the 7th Earth and the 7th Earthly 5th to 7th to 9th dimensional Light-bodies as totally new creations! Therefore let the past go. It has gone forever. In this present moment the New You, the fragile you, is being recreated – into the whole you, the true Master Soul you in truth are! So let us dream the New Earth and New Golden Age into form and being, but at the same time, allow our old Adamic and Eve and Lilith self to dissolve forever. We are not that anymore. We are starting to walk the old dreamtime again, and we are going to walkabouts as we return to tuning into the Song lines of the Earth, the Celestial tones, which the Crystal Pyramids emit, as they are all fully reactivated now. Let us allow our soul songs to rise and let us remember the Ancient/New Songs which are now being downloaded into us, as we return to the 7th heaven, in the New Earth. And as for us, who are the Way Showers, the Path blazers, the Pioneers, remember that we are now being prepared in huge ways, for the next surge forward. It is time to simply allow the process of preparation to strip away the last vestiges of what is still there lurking within our human-ness, which needs to be transfigured now. It is time to assist each other through this process, with unconditional love, in unity and harmony, and ever knowing, that in truth, we all are one. The One and the Many. Together we are already paving the way, for the New 7th Earth in the fullness of its Glory, as she is making her presence felt more and more, and nurturing the new Genius, the New Heart, the New Soul of the New 7th Root Highly Evolved Master Race of Christed/Buddhic Master Race. More than this, even when our physical bodies have a hard time keeping up with the changes, know that all is perfectly unfolding. Onwards, upwards, we go, as the Seraphim are singing us into the New Creation. I was shown all the power structures, the rigid institutions, and all which they upheld since Atlantis fell. Those who ruled and were ruled and thus the traditions, which no one even remembers whence it comes from, nor its original meaning and forms. More than this, how these self-same, with their rigid structures, regimented all and everything, and thus herewith then imposed such on all whom they conquered, or subdued, inclusive of their own people. Then, I was shown, the New Earth, and the inpouring of Divine Love, into the Old Earth, and as this happened, the cracks started appearing, and the cracks widened, and widened, until all literally burst – and then shards of the old, dissolving into no-thing-ness. All of this simply through the Power of Divine Love, pouring in. This went into the core of those who held power, and all artificial structures and the people within these, and they too were dissolving. The masks came off, and as the masks came off, only the soul remained, now standing naked, stripped open to the very core. Now it did not matter who and what the persona proclaimed, or what acting role it had taken upon itself: all that had simply disintegrated, crumbled away, and only the Power of Love itself, remained, and nakedness of the soul. When the soul is stripped naked to the core, there are no hiding places any longer. The soul now is bathed in Divine Light and Divine Love – and shown in its truth! The Power of Love is indeed sweeping the earth. Huge and drastic changes are upon us! No-thing is stable anymore. Thus look past the seeming events, and do not be moved in any form or way. For what had been Divinely declared in happening, on all levels and on all fronts, and thus the Old is making way for the New as all transfigures. What is not of the highest truth will be exposed. The Power of Love is cleaving open, is raising to the surface what needs to be seen, heard, forgiven and let go of. It not the time for huge outward planning and striving and pushing. It is simply time, to go deep within, and allow the Power of Love, to sweep through you and all that is, and to lift all of us, into the highest Love, the purest Love, the unconditionally loving state, where all is One – where the Power of Love unites us all in ways we cannot even imagine now, yet, where we are being finally freed of all duality, all separation, all expressions and forms of such, and thus only can see and experience the wholeness, the deepest knowing, that whatever I see, whatever I experience, whatever comes my way, are all parts of me, now being reunited into ONE. Such is the Power of Love. What I witnessed, was the transfiguration the Power of Love brings forth and it goes beyond words and beyond recording. I now understood the message the Dolphins brought me this weekend, in a far deeper and wider sense. For indeed it is through the heart center as connected to our soul, that the Power of Love lifts us into the highest states of transfiguration, renewal and rebirth. Thus as all is exposed, and all crumbles, rejoice! The Power of Love brings a total rebirth – a New Humanity, and a New Golden Age in the New Earth. Judith Kusel Photo: Josephine Wall
The deep belonging, the sense of having wandered far away, and so long being off course, lost in the wilderness of the desert of duality, and now finally coming home to the truth, that All THAT IS, is within. Not OUTSIDE – within! Every Soul indeed embraces all of creation within it, as much as there is a whole cosmic ocean in one single drop. With it, the great insight and understanding, the deepest Knowing is emerging, that we were never separated from the Divine, nor from anyone, or anything! We played out the acting roles in the Matrix of Duality, but finally now, we are stepping out of it, and gain the highest perspective, where we cannot see, play out, nor experience duality any longer. All is dissolved. When you take a spinning top, and paint one half black, and the other white, when it is stagnant, you can clearly see division. That is the third dimension. Yet, go and spin that top, and the faster it spins, the more the division disappears and you can only a type of spinning white grey. This is indeed what the higher dimensions are all about. The faster the telluric energy fields spin, the more unity and oneness is attained. From the fifth upwards, all starts spinning so fast, that all flows into ONE. There is such a blessing, such an inpouring of love, such an inpouring to the re-creation happening now, that in this sense of deep homecoming, your soul is finding its wings, and can now finally soar and fly higher and higher, and indeed experience itself in all its wonder and glory, as the Divine created it to be, and it embraces the Divinity within! There is a sense of awe and wonder, that it, as soul was uniquely created, and slots in perfectly within the greater whole, and has its own unique role to fulfill within the greater Creation, visible and invisible, known and unknown. The soul itself has traversed the Universes, and has had incarnations in other dimensions, life and life forms, and parallel lives and indeed, it is immortal. Infinite. Once you are being stretched like this, and feel the joy of infinite freedom, to explore, to create, to be inspired, and to explore what infinity means, what it is to be free, and what it means to be so inspired from within, that you literally now just wish to co-create a totally new life and new beginnings, as you are reborn into the New Earth and New Golden Age. The Old Earth has lost its strangle hold on you! Yet, you were always free, you just forgot this! My heart and soul are expanding, with love, with gratitude, with infinite wonder and awe as I am witnessing this! I have no further words to describe this. You need to experience this for yourself, in your own unique way, as you are ready and open to receive these immense blessings, as you finally have cast away the Old Adam, and Old Eve and Old Lilith, within you. The new 7th Human Race is emerging, is dancing its way into form and being, in the 7th Earth. And indeed, the whole cosmos is here, witnessing this, and assisting us in all and every form and way! The White Flame is sweeping, purifying, intensifying, as all is purified, clarified, the truth emerging like Tsunamis of the Divine Waters of Life, washing clean. The Fires of Transfiguration are raging and indeed we are being alchemized in the highest and purest sense and transformed into a new much higher dimensional form of physicality, and indeed Soul expansion, and Soul Mastery as never before! Embrace it all! The time of huge expansion is here and on all fronts! There is no going back – forwards and outwards, and into infinite space we are flying and higher than ever before, and our infinite power Source is heart-powered through the Infinite Divine Power of Love. Judith Kusel |
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February 2023