It is crucial for each one of us to turn Up, expand and anchor the Source Force and Holiness of the Pillar of Light of our core Being, both deeply into Gaia and stretching it far up beyond the Heavens into the Diamond Heart Center of The Great Central Sun consistently every day. Additionally, (from my Higher Self,) to expand and anchor the Grace and the Love from which that Light was born and became each one of Us. Each shall assist our stabilization during such tumultuous times…assist the Planetary needs of our time and be able to complete with God and those of the High Heavens, the Divine mission for which We came. Remember. We came as Powerful Legions of Light to once and for all return this Beloved Planet to Light and to Create a New Prototype for Human Life that embodies an expanded collective level of our Creator’s Nature, Christ Consciousness and Pure Heart Intelligence. As you know, we came many times and many times we fell. We lost ourselves over and again and endured in an unnatural state until a time such as this would come to Be and We were Free to implement a withdrawal from all circumstances of an old contrived world. It takes Mighty courage, boldness, fortitude and trust to implement such a withdrawal… though we must to Be Free. Freedom has had no history on Earth, to this point. Through an unbroken chain of Presence, Love, Heart, Courage and Consciousness, with Light blazing this Planet and this Humanity Will Know Freedom. That also being the reason we are all being prompted strongly and further still, to let all of the past dissolve and flow out, including distorted memories and their labels that if not released transport themselves into the Present moment shrouded with history, thus distorts Present Consciousness. Once all is released from the past we are able to refine and reestablish ourselves in Presence as who we truly are and then as Krishnamurti first wrote in 1969, “experience Freedom From The Known, something that cannot be disturbed by circumstances, by thought or by human corruption.” Though this year ahead will be tumultuous in the world external and even within ourselves, either way, to our favor, each will assist us in catalyzing the Truth of Our Being. Beloveds, there is a precise way that the energy of Creation living on Earth is being returned to its natural state. I Am reminded constantly, ‘no matter what you do, or what occurs stay in LOVE always. Let your Love be the receptor of your Higher Self, Soul and I AM Presence. You are gathering up all your aspects to present yourself to the world, unabashed and unmitigated, a shining jewel of Divine Awareness and Presence. That which falls away reveals then the Precious Jewel that you are.’ (Please pause, take a breath and take into your Heart what resonates before continuing.) UpcomingThere are new creations cooking in my Creation Container after a long bout with the void. For now, first, there will be a Gathering on 2-2-23. With no details at hand, what I know in this Now is that it will have a great deal to do with amplifying your Mastery. Further details will be sent soon. AlsoA 25% discount on Private Sessions continues through February 14, 2023 for a one-hour session. Your present moment intention shall be the focus and undoubtedly my ‘Team of Light,’ with your Higher Self shall elevate that intention and shine a Light on what is of greatest importance in the Now to assist you in going forward with more clarity, ease and grace. “Choose anew and let the Power of Heaven come together to seal the rift between your mind and heart and make you whole again.” Yeshua Know You Are Loved, Valued and Respected, Maureen E:mail: [email protected] Website: © 2023 Maureen Moss - No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
There is no fault. We chose to have a human experience, thus we made a choice consistent with the Laws of Creation in physicality at that time. At this point however we have had enough of confinement and containment of any kind. The initial Laws of Creation in physicality are no more. We are purging from every angle of our physical being to get it out of our system. As a result, we may find ourselves going to the wall in this heightened time to once and for all get out of the past and its top-heavy fear-based conditioning, programing, regrets, hopes for revision of circumstances, reaction and suffering on any level. By this time we all recognize that little good comes from flirting with illusion. Thank you initial Laws of Creation in physicality. As a result of you pushing us to our limits, WE are changing the nature of physical Creation. The walls are coming down. Moving through the corridor leading up to the 11:11 Gateway, (which shall be akin to walking through the Lions Gate in August,) there will be an immense amount of heightened activation of everything good, bad and otherwise for clarity to be had. Heightened Light codes, solar codes and Soul codes incoming shall help us with even the slightest temptation to go back to jail. Due to the often tight squeeze of this corridor more will be blown up to BE seen and felt causing us to get all that was out by and through… Truth that is felt and anchored, seeing our innocence through the eyes of Love, by turning toward new and creative ideas, getting risky, choosing wisely, sheer intent held and carried through, consistently bringing Light into our minds and bodies and tempting Joy to enter our heart in the midst of what may appear to be all hell breaking loose. The new cannot have historical precedents. Yeshua. This particular corridor has every potential in it to assist us in closing up every chapter and verse of the past. As I was writing this my Higher Self suggested, starting now, begin to physically write The Book of Love…(literally write a new page, a new chapter that begins with Self Love and the nature of our Holiness.) What I have come to realize strongly in this year are several things…not the least of which is that with every fear and trepidation that arises, I must meet it with Self-Love and change the story…change the story…change the story. That Beloveds, is our invitation as we travel through this corridor. With Love, Blessings, Honor and Respect, Maureen Private Sessions: Soul Connection: The 4 part Experiential Journey: Click Here A Few Testimonials From The Experience “Every session offered me abundantly. Listening to every word spoken brought forth so much peace and resonance. I had been feeling, for weeks, as though there was going to be a reunion with the closest, dearest, loving friend I have. There was. My Soul. —Silvia Avedikian Thank you for this amazing series you just blessed me and so many with. I don’t feel I could have made it through this last part had it not been for you. —Jan Deeter “I Am My Soul and My Soul is Me. God bless you Maureen for connecting the dots.” —Stephanie Crist Email: [email protected] © 2022 Maureen Moss - No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
Prior to it I felt to prepare myself for walking through what Yeshua has called the Resolution Gateway. He said in essence, resolve gives peace and strength to every cell in the body. It’s a way to reach a depth of quietude pertaining to what has been and pushes the Soul to its next experience. I asked myself… actually my Higher Self asked me if I felt resolved with the compilation of my human lives in numerous cycles and timelines of the Old Earth? It matters that we are, in order to be a clean slate in a state of Neutrality, Open-Heartedness and Gratitude to Ascend, be it on New Earth or elsewhere as the Soul chooses. I wasn’t sure. Anna (Yeshua’s Grandmother,) had suggested several months ago that I take the time to “be calm and recognize my own evolution.” To me it also meant to include what I can remember of what were past lives and even now parallel lives… not linger on the details…though to bring the essence of them into the now of this present life on earth for they were all a part of it. If not a soul walk-in, through the womb they came life-time after life-time with core wounds, memories and strengths that would be integrated into this lifetime, healed and made Holy. That was a Grand Purpose for this our lifetime and end time of the Human Experience as it has been known. Working diligently and consciously to that end for a very long time, though with an enhanced awareness and commitment after my interaction with Anna, opinions of myself created through harsh judging impeded eyes and misperceived beliefs, shifted into clarity. Battle cries calmed down. I have been able to Presence and embrace my evolution, not casting any of it aside. As we know, it’s been a looooongoften harsh earth journey peppered with miracles and numerous Soul missions created to experience human life from every conceivable angle, though with only One true purpose…to Unify Love in and through it all. I kept this prayer I had written as I began this conscious journey; “Beloved Holy Ones, a reflection of my I Am Presence, assist me to physically, mentally, emotionally, cellularly and spiritually release the untruthful, misinformed and interfered with life I submitted to in the Absence of Truth, Love and belief of separation from You and my True God Essence. May that which obscures or impedes my path to my Highest Potential Be removed from within and without that I may experience in all of its Glory and Holiness the Resurrection and the Life of Who I Truly Am in Consciousness and Heart. On June the 2nd I found myself in what seemed like one fell swoop, softly though deeply crying, loving, honoring and blessing the entirety of this one named Maureen in this Now and all other aspects of my Soul known and unknown, on Earth and in the Cosmos. I felt the carpet roll up behind me of all that was. I felt shaken and then quiet. Once again, I spoke words I had written awhile ago: “On this day and all days going forward I call my Higher Self, Soul Self and I Am Presence to unite within my body of Love that we may ascend as One gracefully into unrealized new beginnings. On this day and all days going forward I amplify the God Presence in my Heart and I pronounce, embrace and establish in my Heart my true identity as I AM. As I pronounce this Truth, the God in me and as me rises, alchemizing all former notions that I Am something other. Beloved Mother Father God, I Am, take control of my bodies now and forever. Bathe me with your Holy Light. Purify and fill every cell in my physical form and bodily systems with your Love. In deep Gratitude I thank you. And So It Is. And So It Is. And So It Is. Upon finishing this writing that began as a journal entry to myself I was clearly guided to send it forth. And So I Am. May it serve you in some way. *I have been informed this type of resolution is both important and connected to the 8-8-22 Lions Gate. In closing for now, as We continue to transcend the external chaos, collapse and interloping energies while integrating never experienced frequencies of Light I send Love and Blessings to All. We are almost indescribable Of The Source Beings of Light… children of the Mother, extensions of the Father with layers of multidimensionality and universality within our Souls. The words vast, tenacious, powerful, courageous, Light Warriors, Galactic Ambassadors, Angels, Star Beings and gathered Masters committed to Love speaks of us also…and now, with little reprieve here We are consciously ascending ourselves anew into new beginnings that We as I Am Are Creating. Eternal Love, Gratitude and Deep Respect, Maureen *Note: I sense the upcoming Solstice shall be highlighted as a time to imbibe in a Peaceful, Balanced Illumination. I will host a Gathering and share more shortly. Email: [email protected] Private Sessions: © 2022 Maureen Moss - No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
It has been fascinating to finally Be at the point in our evolution where we can witness and experience what Light does inside of ourselves…. how it changes perception, clarifies choice, shifts desire and balances emotion and triggers far more quickly. And, have you noticed how easily the Higher Self can slip in with all of this Light Activity? Day by day, flare by flare and storm by storm we are many coming to the anchored realization we are so much more than Human Beings. Lord Metatron calls us the “Peoples of the New Earth.” Yeshua says, “We are the New Dimension not previously occupied.” And just prior to the Equinox gathering the formless Elohim, the Builders of form spoke this while I was scribing… “Though you are in form now, you are not your form, you are formless beings of Consciousness …waves of Light and Love swirling in patterns, tones and geometries that took a physical shape to have an earthly experience. Still, you are not that. We come into your consciousness and heart now to assist in blending, merging and uniting your form with your formlessness and other forms that you are in helping you remember you are multi-dimensional beings. You are Soul-filled Consciousness and though your form was built, it does not identify you and wasn’t meant to bind you, only to have use of it to bring Light to Earth through the human Presence of I AM. To create then, a New Earth through the Divine Human Presence of I AM. The world you are creating now is Gods World, of one Will and of One Heart, though it could not be were it not for You and it can not be if only you recognize yourself as limited form. As the days pass and Light increases your Consciousness you shall ‘realize by your experience’ that you can be on Earth effortlessly as formed awareness, though un-personalized formed awareness. You are Source Light interpreting the Light of I AM representing the Eternal Heart of Creation on Earth. You are Magnificent Beings of Creation with powerful Souls. And you are Powerful Beings of Light to have been chosen and then consented to take on a Mission that few throughout time and space would have accepted. You have spent lifetimes strengthening your personhood and its consciousness, now your focus is to go above yourself and strengthen your Godhood…its Consciousness and capabilities and enjoy the many fruits of your labor and the Vastness of your Beings. It will not be long before you see the blessings you have bestowed upon your Planet, humanity and your Family of Light. We Bow to You With Great Respect. Be Blessed.” And thus Beloved Hearts I pass this onto you with great Love and Respect. Maureen Private Sessions: Email: [email protected] Website: © 2022 Maureen Moss - No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
In a word I would call this escalation (ultimately,) the recognition and experience of our Vastness. Our vastness lives in our Soul and though but a sliver of our Soul came into body on earth, far more is incoming Now. Many have had glimpses and interactions with their vastness and many more awakened and awakening shall experience the same. This is a fascinating experience to meet and merge more of yourself, as you have been both on Earth and in Higher Dimensions that has been carried forth by your Soul for eons and eons of time and is now being deposited into physicality. It is a wonderous way to know yourself, raise your vibration, lift your consciousness and understand more fully the expansive nature of your Being . What I have come to realize through direct internal experience with other aspects of my Soul coming into union, is a greater reverence for myself, a greater Love for myself and a greater understanding of myself (as Maureen.) What came as well is an effortless ability to forgive, understand and at times even love that which has pained me deeply. That in itself is a Miracle that raises Consciousness, frequency and shifts perception immeasurably, thus liberating oneself from the distortion of lesser mind, ego and personality. We are always an evolutionary work in progress here and elsewhere, though there is no more potent place to enlighten ones consciousness, than here on Earth…and likely no other place in the Cosmos that could wear us down to surrender who we are not and Power US Up at the same time. If we were even remotely aware of the complexity of this Divine and somewhat unsuspecting plan we might well be elsewhere under lavender skies. With that said, my knowing is we have an even greater trail to blaze in 2022. We have a bit more to clean out, purify, straighten up, stabilize, make space for and balance after (or almost after,) this long haul. Also important is creating a clear space for our emotions to be able to digest and not get lodged in our heart. Even the Soul has to be cleaned from all the traumas and lower vibrations it has had to deal with for eons of time. With the energies so strong and getting stronger everything is Being purified by Holy fire to help us in oftentimes in mysterious ways. Not believing in predictions, I do sense deeply in my heart this month will call for courage and using our primal passion, heart and true sense of purpose to carry us through. I sense as well, early this year the awakened shall begin to feel Freedom through connection to the vastness of their Being and by Grace through unperturbed hearts. Many of US shall be having an intimate dance with the depths of our own personal metamorphoses. (Kristina Fontana) As for obvious external disruptions of our lives, Yeshua has said “just as it started, so too shall it end. There is no shortage of Miracles.” So Be It. He also said, “it is time to be undistracted and intimately know the Great Liberators of your Consciousness and become adjusted to your stunning brilliance and manner of expression through the vast intelligence of the Soul.” I do know the adamantine particles of all things possible are already coalescing. I feel them and I have seen them as particles already in the physical field. We, with raised frequency and pure intent are their attractor fields to manifest them into form. *Adamantine particles are crystalline particles of infinity that all contain the stored potential to manifest any original substance or element. These particles are encoded with a type of universal ‘DNA’ somewhat like stem cells, which allow the particles to form any possible type of atom through the Power of Intent and The Power of Love. There is so much good already within us and more awaiting us to clear, open and receive. May we all make our life easier through our propensity for Love, our desire for Truth and Unity, and willingness to know our Vastness and use it to serve Earth, Humanity and certainly to course correct ourselves. In closing: The Event so long spoken about is happening daily now. We are the Event. We each one create it as we shift from person to Presence and unperturbed awareness. The energy is with and within us constantly to support this to Be So. No different than Gandhi saying to Be the Change you wish to see in the world. Wisdom suggests we are to BE the Event we wish to experience in the Worldand no longer hold back the Life attempting to claim you. Eternal Love and Blessings to All, Maureen P.S. There will BE a global ‘gathering’ for the 2-22-2022. Details coming. P.S.S. Here is a link if you are interested in a Private Session: Email: [email protected] Website: © 2022 Maureen Moss. No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
This embodied Trinity is the only Trinity capable of leading our way forward toward a vaster, more truthful experience of ourSelves. It is through them as One we discover Unity, miracles and a direct path toward our Destiny. In 2022 and forward we continue going through a great re-formation taking us into the deep sacred waters of Truth that shall assist us in disassembling and disassociating with all things and circumstances created by and through distortion and fear including the consciousness that has ‘made us up.’ Yeshua may have summed it up best by saying this: "Humanity cannot go forward without creating a New Origin Point for ones Entire Existence. If any one desires to know themselves certainly and be meticulously guided to their Destiny, one need know intimately the Great Liberators of their Consciousness and become adjusted to their stunning brilliance and manner of expression." Thanks in part to the past few years of exhausting our nervous systems, attempting to sort out truth from lies, banging up against our minds over and again and insistent energies peeling back one layer after another of who we thought we were … we are primed to go forward now using an entirely different Consciousness that carries the full Arc of our Unlimited Self in it that is clear, wise, vast, balanced, multi-dimensional, multi-incarnational and united in every way with God Consciousness all of the time. That is our Soul. At a time such as this there are many amongst us that absolutely will not sacrifice themselves in any way any longer to the Imposters posing as Illuminators … the fear dominant lower mind, ego and preference driven personality. At a time such as this…it is far too risky and the pain debilitating. The Way is unfolding now and more so each day through paradox and contrast as we move into 2022 for the prepared to make a massive leap in consciousnessusing the Consciousness that is already a part of each and every one of us..…a Consciousness that always works on our behalf… that is not programmed, doesn’t have a belief system, has no preferences, carries no fear, nor patterns of distortion, duality or polarity. And, that is Holy capable of leading us directly to our Destiny. It is in that active awareness of ourSelves and deep desire to live as we truly are, as Soul in a body of Love, in a body that only functions harmoniously with the Mind and Heart of it’s Higher Holy Self that we shall meet our Freedom, know our Godness and Goodness and live our Destiny without efforting our way to it any longer. To this point in our human incarnation Freedom has been more of a concept than a reality. Freedom has no history here on Earth. After all our efforts over these past years to be clear, to find peace, balance and constancy within ourselves, we are going to feel the persistent if not at times forceful urge from the Heavens, from Earth and from within to anchor ourselves in one organic reality, stick to it and Know Who We Are in certainty. If we desire to be free it will be crucial to Be strong, clear and doubtless about what our Freedom looks like and to take a stand that is immovable. It is for us to allow the deep desire for Liberation to be of ultra importance and allow Love to hold strong the foundation for our Freedom to Be so. To Be free is part of our Souls Agreement and reason for it's missive of embodiment. To Be free and know who we are in certainty as well, we must remember Who We Are as Vast Multi-Dimensional Soul Beings. As such, we carry the wisdom of the ages and we carry the Light, the Love and the Power of God within. If we consciously and in full faith use these, our Super Powers, there is a great chance that personally and as a collective we shall make more progress in one decade now than at any other time in all of humanities existence. Our Soul knows we cannot Be ourselves or experience freedom without the Highest of ourselves and the Truth of ourselves Being in our body. It has been beyond difficult to be on this earth with such a vast part of ourselves seemingly,missing from our consciousness, our heart and day to day living. We need ourSelves in ourSelves to Be ourSelves. To further assist us, a strengthening, purifying and clarifying is occurring in each one of our fields helping us to level up. It is a combined missive of LOVE for each one of us coming directly from the Divine Mother and the Archangelic Realm. As Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis has shared in part: Every fiber of our being is being saturated in the Divine Mothers spiritual waters, cleansing and purifying distortion recorded in our cellular material. The Sacred Annointing of Divine Fire-Water has begun en masse. We are Vast, Holy Loved and Respected Beings of Light throughout and beyond this Galaxy. We have been hindered in living up to ourselves for numerous external reasons and often by The Imposters of self deception… mind, ego, personalitythat came more pronounced with our human packaging though now has only a phantom ability to lead us. Nothing can stop us now from aligning with and stewarding the Divine Plan for our lives and the Immaculate Concept for humanity apart from our consent by activitywith the Imposters. At times it takes fierce determination and other times one hell of a living death to surrender and bring us to our knees before the altar of Who We Are giving over completely then to our Soul, Higher Mind and I Am Presence…and, our God Parents the only parents with whom no umbilical cord was ever severed. It is deep within my Soul that I sense that this cycle shall be remembered as the most pronounced Resurrection and Restoration of We, the Divine and Sacred Soul God-Beings that chose to go to Earth, forget Truth and become human Beings finding their way back to who they really are, in certainty. What powerful catalysts chaos, distortion, self-deception and spiritual warfare have been. (*Note: The lesser mind has the opportunity to be raised and merge with the Heart, the ego has the opportunity to reframe itself with Soul embodiment. And, the Soul works through the personality to shift its distinctive features. That orchestration can be addressed at another time, not to complicate the focus now on the Higher Trinity.) May this new cycle Bless each in ways unimagined. Eternal Love and Gratitude to and for each one. Maureen Newly focused Private Sessions for 2022: Email: [email protected] Website: © 2022 Maureen Moss. No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
One of the most, if not the most dynamic changes we are beginning to experience is the descent of the Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Incarnational Soul…that which dwells in endless circles of God (I AM) Consciousness …that which holds the soul signature of the many ‘aspects’ of ourselves that have lived and died through millennia… and that which carries the truly created you, not the perceived one in it. With no slow-down ahead, we are experiencing an amplified display of unwavering catalysts, each of which has opened a powerful inter-dimensional doorway for our Soul to descend deeper into our physical bodies far beyond any other time in human history and far beyond imagination. Each Soul is right now on a mission to bring the real you forward and push back or transcend the mind/ego/personality that came with our human package as a matter of our agreement to be in an evolving human body experience. The Soul is picking up tremendous momentum now as a result of this quantum point of our evolution and the unprecedented downpour and activations coming through the successive Gateways, Eclipses, the Sun(s) and from the Cosmos tuning us to the vibration and frequencies of the trinity of each ones I Am Presence, Star-Borne Soul and Higher Self. As well, tuning us out of the frequency of what are referred to as the imposters… the mind/ego/personality. And for good reason. Consider this: who knows you better, your Higher Self and Soul or your personality and ego? What of God dwells in the center of your Heart? The you that has been quilted together with patches of beliefs, misleading and misinterpreted thoughts and perceptions, repetitive programs and circumstances or, your Higher Self and Soul that has no relationship to any of the above. Who can lead you to your Destiny, the mind, personality and ego or your Higher Self and Soul? *Your Higher Self united is your I Am Presence, Your Soul, Your Higher Self. All of the New Light/New Life Codes incoming are directed toward a significant re-arrangement going on within us, this we know…though do we know the re-arrangement is so that you are always fully connected through your Heart to that which revolves in endless circles of God Consciousness? The mind/ego and personality have been in great service to one’s linear reality. Though without the expansive, deeper and vertical insight of the Soul and communication with ones Higher Self there is distortion of all kinds as the personality in particular, expresses what it feels is in its highest good and acts upon it’s preferences based on the experience of it’s singular incarnational view. Your Soul with its multi-incarnational view acts upon what is next and best for your Destiny to unfold. Its greatest desire is to physicalize and create through you and with you in accordance to your Original Blueprint. One’s personality, mind or ego has absolutely zero knowledge of ones Original Blueprint or Destiny. Your personalities greatest desire is to be satisfied. The Soul has no need. Your Soul and your Higher Self are Illumined Creators. Your personality is an influenced creator impulsed by an intangible thought coming from the mind (all thoughts are intangible until set in motion.) It then goes about grounding any number of the aspects of that thought into a tangible outer activity…doing so to suit its self concept based on one life in this one body full of self concepts. The Soul doesn’t have concepts…it has wisdom, based on all of your lifetimes with a purpose to bring all of those lifetimes into one coherent unified Whole and expression through you in-body balanced and living fully in the Light. Each one of us is such a magical potpourri of our multi-dimensional aspects. Powerful and compelling beyond our comprehension and fascinating when we gather all of ourselves as One… as our Soul has. Imagine if your mind/ego/personality calmed down and stepped back in order for the Holy Trinity of your I AM Presence, Your Soul and Higher Self to come front and center, as was always the plan. The entirety of your (Our) life would change, and change dramatically in the best of ways. This is a somewhat tricky orchestration and yet precise re-arrangement going on inside of our bodies. Most of us can feel and see the difference inside ourselves already including how we think, how we choose and how unattached we are becoming to everything we thought made up our lives including our emotions and concepts about it. The descent of our Soul unified with our I AM Presence, Higher Self and our Heart is the central point of this entire shift in consciousness. The activations of our DNA carrying all the God Codes of our Higher Self, Soul, I Am Presence is the main target of every strike of Light that is occurring. The sooner we begin forming a daily deep relationship and rapport with our Higher Self in all its unified interwoven, perfectly balanced parts the more quickly we release ourselves from our lower nature informed by our thoughts from only this lifetime. In this we are Free. Our Soul is Free. In closing, You are a Vast Soul with Supreme Power that has waited for the ‘show to get on with it’ down here long enough. Your Soul has stood in the background for long enough. Time is up. Your Soul along with your Higher Self and I Am Presence as One, is ready to step front and center with All of you in balance and in body to play Life in a very different way now. Let ALL of you in. We The Divine New Soul Beings are re-setting the entire Galaxy. As we go through the upcoming Everything Beloveds, take it slow, take it easy and remember to stay in your Center. Think Love, Feel Love, Be Love. Let God Breathe you. Cut ties intentionally with timelines that are Done. Done is Done. So much Love, Gratitude and Respect to each and All. Maureen
Website: © 2021 Maureen Moss
No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
It doesn't matter if you feel like you are just hanging somewhere in to do the planets and stars. What matters right now is that you are true to Yourself...the Self you have realized or are realizing now. That Self, Yourself requires one thing of you right now... to pay attention to you and not be distracted by what is going on in the outer world. Focus on what is yours to expand within you, what is yours to release, what is yours to bring into a coherent balance. A lot of change is on your horizon, OUR horizon in regard to each ones eternal existence over these weeks leading up to the Lions Gate. Regardless of what it is... it is foundational to your personal quantum reality and Creation of a new world formed from the substance of Your Consciousness and Heart. One thing for sure that is the same for each ONE of us is our Love for Earth, Self and Source must be unerring and the principals of Infinite Love and Oneness ours to discover at our immaculate core. The embodiment of each allows for swift passage into your/Our True Soul Life on Earth and connection to all points of Light in the Universe. One of my Sirian family has long said, "you are powerful beings placed at the altar of a new spiral of your evolution. Placed in your heart are Diamond Light codes to transform and transcend what has been into what will be. Accept that as truth. We bless you in your sovereignty and welcome you into our hearts always." Go forth this month in Peace Beloveds as we prepare to enter one of the most Powerful Lions Gates to date. (Details coming soon.) With Love, Maureen Email: [email protected] Website: © 2021 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
As well, March has been slated as one in which the momentous energies offer a greater shift toward Presence while simultaneously a greater shift away from the personal… bridging the worlds of Heaven and Earth. With each ones Soul Self, Higher Self and I AM Presence moving faster and faster into embodiment, our responsibility lies in making space for this trio to phase out the wrong ideas we have had about ourselves in order that the right idea about ourselves is able to be made known. As well, this is a month whereby each will be called moment by moment to keep frequency high, fear neutralized, awareness razor sharp and your hearts unperturbed as the spell-binding ego attempts (with the mind,) to play tricks, if ever so slightly to keep one from letting their humanness go. Be the Watcher and Be the Master. Each day this month will be ‘an event’ unto itself, as the Light of Reality pushes one upon another to break through the 'program' into the Presence... no longer holding back the LIFE attempting to claim you. With both a Super Moon and Equinox joining with momentous not previously experienced Supreme Light patterns, energies and keycodes from the Cosmos and your innermost wisdom…use your inner eyes, follow your inward directives and stay far, far away from the external worlds “wag the dog” chaotic antics. (*Wag The Dog…a poignant 1997 movie, also means to purposefully divert attention from what would otherwise be of greater importance.) Moment to moment choice is crucial. It is ours to choose whether to engage in perishable chaotic energy having no bearing on the future of our Ascended Life or Harmony. Be the Peacekeeper of your Peace Beloveds and watch where you place your mind... and which Mind you are using to place it. Know You Are Loved. Namaste, Maureen copyright: Maureen Moss 2020
This year of 2021 shall find us in a rapid succession of opportunities created by the outer world or induced by our inner one to glean deeper internal revelations flowing from our Sacred Solar Heart Center that in turn amplifies our current state of transformation. Transformations are never total. Always there is a continuum of transcendental evolution. A friend shared in conversation just prior to the turn of the New Year, “I Am entering this year one breath at a time, one footstep at a time, reacting to nothing…focused on the inner not the outer.” Wise words. The outer world as we know is unsettled, rootless and on the threshold of serving up numerous animated revelations having nothing to do with US unless we choose to abandon the Harmony of Consciousness and get hooked once again in the game of duality, futility, illusion and suffering … losing ourselves in the program… giving away our power. There will be and is a great deal of effort to attempt to make that so. Long has there been war against the Collective and personal Light of Truth and humanities inherent right to be Sovereign, Self-Governing Free Beings. WE the awakened are on that threshold. What I heard repeatedly throughout the trials and tribulations of 2020 from my internal, eternal is Don’t Betray Your GOD SELF. If you are compelled to watch the other…watch from the balcony unmoved. We live in the moments and opportunity now of daily Quantum Awakening… beyond the known, beyond the repetitive, beyond the unsettled, beyond rationale, beyond the promises of the warring, greed stricken world. The entirety of our Wisdom, our Power, our Peace, our Well-Being our Light, Love and Freedom lives within. This is the time now to Lift The Light… to take what was given on Solstice through the Star of Bethlehem and unlock ALL of the Divinity within. This is the time now to focus on internal revelations as the Solar Radiance intensifies through the Sacred Temple of the Heart gifting each One the opportunity then to become wise stewards of Holiness, of Unity, of Peace, the Sacred Breath and ones True Nature. Watch then the calming experienced throughout Your World. In the heat of any moment go internal… breathe the Breath of God and hold the zero-point frequency within your Sacred Heart where Immaculate Wisdom flows, Grace is had and the Holy Spirit of the Violet Flame enfolds you. Within your Sacred Heart as well is the Stargate…the bridge… connecting to worlds beyond worlds and the pulse of Pure Love, Unified Light and Oneness. 2021 may well begin with chaos and discord out there though it will end the moment Any One embraces their Mystical Self as the Light of the Living God. Eternal Love, Blessings and Deep Respect, Maureen Email: [email protected] Website: © 2021 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright. |
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February 2023