Also, people often perceive "peace" in a different manner, as well as have as a different perception of "looking inside," and of "defining themselves." Is there some form of unity consciousness in which different people can allow themselves to be open enough with others? And, does one need to be open within themselves in order to be open with others. Of course, different people will have different answers to these questions. However, most people have inner question about themselves and about their life. How much of their life feels happy and loving, and how much of their life feels overwhelming and unhappy? If one can answer the above questions, for themselves, they will likely feel more inner comfort and less of a sense of chaos. But, what exactly is "chaos?" Again, the answers to these questions are likely different for different people and at different times. However, every person has the ability to create a sense of structure within their life so that they can put aside some "very important time" to have a conversation with their self. This "self" could be their third dimensional, make it though the day self. Or, it could be their most creative self, which is often their fourth dimensional self. It could be their "inner conversation self with their 3D, everyday self, OR their 4D creative self, or even their 5D and beyond, Galactic SELF. This inner conversations about how they are doing, how they are feeling, what they are learning, and how they are feeling is very grounding into your physical life. On the other hand, taking some time to communicate, and even merge with, their 5D Galactic SELF will be a very different experience. It is important for all humans to connect with their present needs, thoughts, desires, so that they know that they are the ones who are awake and aware of themselves. If ones are not awake to their thoughts, their actions, their needs, their daily life, desires and experiences, they will not be the one who is "driving the bus!" There is also the daily awareness of ones creative fourth dimensional self as well as an awareness of ones fifth dimensional, Galactic SELF. Yes, most people are not aware that they even have a fifth dimensional Galactic SELF. But, on the other hand, more and more people are beginning to remember that there is something else, or maybe someone else that resonates to a fifth dimensional frequency. Of course, the ones who resonate to a fifth dimensional frequency of awareness are far less than those who resonate to the third and fourth dimensional frequency of awareness. However, more and more people are beginning to realize that when they are resonating to a higher fourth, or even a fifth dimensional frequency of reality, there is a much greater sense of remembering something. This something that they "feel," "remember," and/or "accept" into their daily life is new, but at the same time, it has always been there. In fact, what is new is the awareness that "some thing new" is coming into their awareness that makes them feel. Please see our latest YouTube at: You are living in challenging times. What is most important for you to understand is that within every adversity, every heartache, every challenge there is the creative seed for a greater reality. You are unlimited. Say that often to yourself. I am unlimited. The more this is addressed and claimed the more it becomes so. The outer experiences that may be happening to you will also offer you the opportunity to transform and transcend these very limited realities. The chaos that you are witnessing or that you are a part of, is the push, the stimulation that is needed for you to stretch into your personal creative power. When everything is easy most people will not stretch. It seems they only stretch and claim their personal unlimited power when they are confronted by a challenge. We speak of this often. These are the times on your planet that are forcing the negative and dysfunctional aspects to the light of awareness. You, dear one, are that light of awareness. It is you that are calling forth the great and grand changes on your planet. The only way a reality changes is by the shift in collective consciousness. Begin to notice where and when others are standing up and speaking their truth. In your thoughts and imagination give them your support. We also speak often of the true incredible unlimited power of your imagination. When you can begin to imagine something you are certainly giving that something your energy, your focus. So be sure that you are giving your energy and your focus to what you really, really want. You see when you focus on what is not working, what you don't want, what you don't have, you are now giving your energy and focus to those very things that you don't want. So use your power with caution. We have given many suggestions of how you can use your creative imagination for your benefit. In the quietness of your space and the stillness of your mind, breathe gently and consciously. Once you feel yourself calm and ready, begin to imagine a sacred space or create an Alchemist Chamber. Make this space as real as possible; envision the colors, the decor, the size. Is this space elegant or simple? Is this space familiar or new? Where do you imagine this space exists? Give yourself time to work with this idea. Allow yourself to play with the concept like a new toy. There are many computer games that allow you to play in a reality that is only imaginary. This is a sacred space in which you can now imagine or create any experience. Remember, there are no limitations here. Our transducer has an entire compound of Alchemist Chambers. She has created a healing chamber for herself. Often when she is falling asleep she will envision herself reclining in this chamber and she invites divine healers to this space to minister to her while she sleeps. She has created a celestial board room and when she is beginning a project she goes to this space in her imagination and calls upon us as well as masters and avatars to support and inspire her actions with this project. She has created a simple cozy room in which she can invite anyone, physical or non-physical, to communicate with her. She uses this space to clear issues with loved ones or share ideas that she could not share in person because of their ego or limited mindset. She has created a large meeting space and often she will go to that space and imagine that she can call upon other like minded individuals to join her as she does global healing work with sound or prayers. The newest one she has created is a space in which she calls upon the presence of world billionaires and millionaires and invites them to consider donating toward some good on the planet. Then she watches the news and reads her newspapers to see who heard the invitation and responded with their donation. We affirm again, you are unlimited. Your imagination is one of the most powerful gifts you have. You might even call it a superpower. Those of you who want to teach, create an Alchemist chamber like a classroom and call on all students who would like to join you as you teach this class. This truly is remote teaching. We believe you get the idea. We encourage you to expand on this. You want to write a book, by all means create your chamber into which you can go and be inspired to share your ideas. We realize that you have a major political decision to be made, begin to envision the outcome you prefer. Remember don't push against what you don't want or don't like; you’ll just be giving that your energy and focus. The world is in a stage of transformation. You can offer energy and ideas using the ability of envisioning and imaging a better reality. See a reality in which everyone thrives. Envision a reality in which there is harmony and equality. We celebrate with you and honor you as you are truly creating this new reality. Call upon all the divine beings and masters to join in your work and service. Remember we love to be invited. the 'team' ©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available
The Current Planetary Situation First of all, once again, reminding people that, as I have mentioned in several updates prior to this one, one of the major obstacles to the anchoring of the positive timeline, is the ongoing chaos, conflict, fear and lower vibrating energies that the dark side of the force continues to create/trigger on the planet, via events of various kinds. These events stir up the collective, so that vast numbers of people emote simultaneously, creating waves of heavy, turbulent or dark energy, which then 1) Destabilize the positive grids, 2) Destabilize the timeline 3) Provide food for the etheric beings that feed on these energies allowing them to regain ground and re-anchor the dark grids. You can go and read my updates for the past two to three years and you will see me talking about this dynamic, in one form or another, in pretty much every update. The events used to create this effect barely matter to the dark side of the force, as long as they manage to generate collective energetic turbulence. Its important to understand this so as to not get lost in the details of the events, instead of staying focused on the energetics involved. Crisis to Crisis Energetics and the Destabilizing of the Timeline With this is mind, note that, for the past five months, and even truly since the beginning of January, we have been bouncing event to event, crisis to crisis, issue to issue, with increasing intensity. This is not by chance. This crisis to crisis intensification coincides with the opening of the Shift Window and the final phases of timeline anchoring, of which I was speaking in the newsletter of December 2019 and Facebook planetary update of December 20th 2019. I am not going to address the specifics of each event, as this is likely to cause already polarized people to go into discussion/argument/mind mode over the various events and issues. This only contributes to the planetary energetic turbulence, which is exactly what we need to avoid doing. The details of the events and crisis that are occurring may seem important, but metaphysically and energetically, they are not. All that we need to understand is that all such events are timeline disruptors and chaos energy generators, no matter what the issue at hand or where one stands on the issues. It is important that we learn to see this clearly the dynamics at play, so that we can avoid being sucked into chaos vortexes which may seem aligned with higher ideals and goals, but that actually disrupt the collective energy in ways that are not favorable for the collective shift as a whole. The Fight for Justice is Not Always a Path to Light While addressing the current world crisis, also a reminder that while fighting for justice can be good, if said fight for justice does not happen via the heart, but only though the perspective of the enraged solar plexus, it eventually just causes more injustice, as well as generating a host of lower vibrating thoughtforms and energies. Polarity begets polarity. When you split and divide, and energize one side while chastising the other, the other that is chastised will begin to go into opposition mode, and the cycle of division and injustice continues in perpetuity. Justice without the love of the heart and without the wisdom of the soul, often ends up devolving into retaliation and revenge and in the dynamic of one group against another. And from there the slip into dark soul orientation is easy. So keep these things in mind as the weeks and months roll forward, as there is a strong pull at the moment, to get invested issues of social justice in turbulent ways. And this is not a beneficial direction at this time and is causing delays to the anchoring of the timeline. Focus on the Energy instead of on the Issues Instead of focusing on the issues, it is more beneficial to focus on the energy. What is the energy that is associated with the issues being played out? What energies are we transmitting to the world as we focus on those issues ? What energy are we sensing around us? What energy are we emitting in response? Who are we attacking, judging, labeling, feeling superior to, demanding from? What are we afraid of, angry about, bitter about, indignant about? Is this the only way? Could we be vibrating higher? Could there be a more evolved response? What events of the world need our attention and which ones are luring us into dark and lower vibrations? Who is pulling the strings of our attention and why? As we pay attention to these questions, we may find that we see through different eyes and that we choose to use our energy differently and to place our attention elsewhere. Some Energetic Setbacks, But overall Things Going Forward as Planned As it stands, much chaotic energy has been unleashed into the collective field during the past four months. And for a time, we incurred a fairly serious setback energetically. Fortunately since then there have been many energetic interventions that have rectified things considerably. The shift window is still being extended: it was supposed to close in July, but it now looks as if it will be closing by the end of the year. Our delay is now only four months, We are gradually getting back on track. I have asked my teams if we can cut the delay down much further and I have been told “not by much”, as, at this point, there are some events that need to play out in the collective physical reality, which will provide opportunities for choices and testing for many. This will be the last opportunity for awakening and shift for many Souls that are teetering on the edge of the awake/asleep, light/dark threshold. After this last test opportunity, the wheat and the chaff will be separated, ready to be allocated to realities of matching vibrations, once and for all. The Shift Window: A Time of Wrap Up for Many Souls Also, a quick aside, I had said in a newsletter in early December 2019, before the current set of crisis had started, that a lot of souls would pass during the shift window, for various reasons: 1) Souls who have not mastered the vibration needed for the next stage of our human journey in the new timeline, 2) Souls who do not have contracts in the new timeline and who did not come here to build that future manifestation of the human story, 3) Souls who were only here to clear karma and learn lessons during the accelerated growth opportunity offered by the shift process, 4) Souls who are trading in older bodies for new ones. We have already seen some of this Soul exiting process occurring from January to now and this will continue further between now and January/March of 2021. Some souls who have decided to exit, may use the CV story as a vehicle to do so, but I am not talking about that specifically. Many may exit in other ways. I am not saying these things to be morbid or to downplay the suffering of any people affected by the loss of loved ones, just giving you a heads up that we may see a lot of people passing in the following 6 to 9 months, and if so, know that for many, this was likely an agreed upon choice at Soul level, as we have now entered a time of completions and exits. All that is currently occurring is part of the closure of the grand post Atlantean cycle and the collective and personal karmic cycles that are associated to that cycle. A new cycle will soon to begin, as the timeline stabilizes and definitively anchors, and not all Soul on Earth have 1) Mastered the energies required for the new cycle 2) Signed up for contracts in the new cycle 3) Agree to continue in the new cycle in the same physical vehicles as now. It is my prediction that we will continue to see many wrapping up this incarnation going forward. Timeline Anchoring in Process, Shift Window Expected to Close by End of the Year Now about the anchoring of the timeline - We could anchor the timeline today, if all got on the same page and if the collective were cohesive enough in a stable high vibration and not perpetually distracted by the crisis of the day, week or month. Some of these crises are becoming hard to ignore, as they are anchoring deep into the practical day to day of our 3D reality, with things that impact us on a personal level, such as for example the current restrictions on our societies, earning ability and free movement due to the CV crisis alongside waves of civil unrest. Hence why some delays in the shift process are now inevitable. But it is important to understand that we are contributing to these delays every time we contribute our energy to fear, anger, chaos, turbulence, and even outrage as to what is being played out into the world. Never has it been more important to claim ownership of one's inner being and emotional emissions. Never has it been more important to be mindful of the true nature of one’s soul orientation towards true light, grey or dark. And as we go deeper into this phase, it is good to remember that righteousness is not necessarily goodness. Righteousness is not necessarily light. Be mindful of any and all forces that attempt to manipulate our soul orientation under the guise of righteous goals. Overall, this is a time for being precise and mindful with our discernment, and very deliberate about where we place our energy. Do Your Part in Expediting the Work A good idea at this juncture, is to spend some time daily focused on finding the peace inside the storm, the center within the collective energetic tornado. Find that place of light, stillness and peace. Become an anchor of stillness. And in that stillness, evaluate your life and your daily choices. What is your best energetic contribution to the whole for that day? It may be just to radiate the stillness. It may be that of detaching your energy from collective currents and returning to the high frequency of Source. Or there may be something practical that needs to be done in 3D. Use this time to ask for guidance. Use this time to anchor Source energy into this reality, so that things may rapidly shift. For this purpose I have also created a group on Facebook called Planetary Shifters, with weekly 30 minute meditations and energy processes aimed at shifting the collective energy higher, stabilizing the positive grids, and anchoring the positive timeline. Feel free to follow my weekly meditation podcast and to request to join the Planetary Shifters FB group. As we become mindful anchors of stillness, calm and soothing. As we become an anchor of the infinite in the day to day. We will see all around us rapidly transform for the benefit of all :-) Much love and blessings Katie and Councils |
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February 2023