I speak from an energy source that is inexhaustible and that surrounds you all, one that flows around you and wants to awaken you to life – it is the source of life itself. It is your birthright to know you are held safely by this source, and to be taken up into that flow of energy and creativity, of ease, well-being, and lightheartedness. That is who you really are! Everything else is an illusion; a temporary veil obscuring your consciousness. Feel the energy field I represent. I am a part of it, just as are you. A vibrant, eternal energy field that renews itself and joyfully finds ever new ways to manifest itself; recognize yourself in it. You are free, you are independent of your earthly form, independent of time and space. You are an eternal being, although you tend to forget that in your everyday life here on Earth. You are prone to contract your consciousness, to limit yourself into believing in what you are told by people, believing in your upbringing, believing in the images you see around you in the culture in which you live. Very often these images constrict your consciousness, until you finally believe you are no more than this body, these cells, or your gender: female or male, or your job or role in society, or your role as a parent, man, or woman. Before you know it, your consciousness contracts and you forget where you come from and who you really are. For you to remember who you are is the basis for everything you wish to be and want in your life. That is the basis from which everything emerges. When you recall who you are, your life flows with ease and peace, from your natural strength, without effort. You all are present here because you somehow feel, in one way or another, that you desire to channel. That you want to open to a stream of energy which wants to come through you; that you want to give a voice to it, and to be a channel for it. This feeling, this desire that you have, is essentially a kind of homesickness, a desire to go Home. By channeling this stream that belongs to you, you feel at home in yourself and on Earth. You are then resting in the core of your being and you connect with both the Heavens and the Earth. That is what channeling means at its core: to give shape to your soul energy, to that which transcends your earthly self, to that which is greater than the earthly human form and which is not contained in a body in a contracted state. It is what wants to come to you and to flow through you. You have an earthly personality, shaped by the past and by what you have learned through the body that you have – your genetic predisposition – and then there is a stream that comes from Eternity, from your soul. That stream wants to dance with your earthly form. You could say it is a stream from the past, and is determined by the past, but which wants to make contact with the power of something greater – that which you could call the future. The future is not a set thing, it is an infinite multitude of possibilities, of potential. The word “future” stands for a great, spacious, potential possibility, and for freedom! And you want to make contact with that future as a human being who carries your legacy from the past within you, and this desire is the call of your soul. This is the interplay: on the one hand, between what is small and constricted in yourself, what has been contracted by the jump into the earthly sphere, and on the other hand, the openness to what is great; to that which is vast beyond understanding and is the Mysterious; to that which you truly are, independent of a form in time. This is the dance you can call channeling. It is therefore inevitable that an encounter takes place between what is great and what is small. Your earthly personality, at some point, is called by the soul and is challenged to let go of the old, restrictive, and negative beliefs about itself. Only then can the channel open and allow the vast and magnificent energy of who you really are to flow through you. That is channeling, and this process grounds you to the Earth. It basically means that you let go of your old self and emerge from your cocoon like a butterfly. That is why when you say, “I would like to do channeling”, or “I want to strengthen the connection with my guides”, in fact, this is a call from your soul telling you, “I want to embody on Earth more of what I really am”. When you say this, you take a step into the unknown, because you can only open this channel if you are also willing to see what has been veiled. The step that is being asked of you is, are you willing to change and to surrender to a process you can not grasp? I want to make that process of the meeting between the great self and the small self easier for you to perceive and to understand by way of an image of the energy centers which lie along the spine, which are also called chakras. You could envision your spine as a channel. At the top of your spine is your crown chakra, which is the energy center that opens to the cosmic, the universal, and from which you feel connected with the Whole and with your soul. Located at the bottom of your spine is your tailbone or base chakra. There, the energy is the most compacted, or "solid", and there you are completely part of the Earth, the material and the physical. Feel the difference, for a moment, between the energy of your crown, at the very top of your head, and of your tailbone, at the very bottom of your spine. You can sense how we are referring here to very different levels of being. To channel the energy of your deepest self through your body, this energy needs to go, as it were, down the steps of a ladder, from your top most chakra, the crown, to your bottom most chakra, the tailbone. You can see the literal image of a ladder descending along the spine, but I use that image in more of a symbolic way, because it is really about integrating your cosmic Self into your earthly self. It is true that many of you can make contact easily from your “higher” chakras, or energy centers, with what I might call the cosmic, that dimension beyond the Earth which can manifest itself in the form of a loving teacher, or guide, or angels, or your own Higher Self. Feel in yourself, the energy centers that lie at the crown of your head and between both eyes (the third eye is located there), and also those in your throat and your heart. These are the chakras located in the upper part of your body. Try to just make contact with this upper area of your body. You do not have to do anything, simply observe it and sense a spaciousness from where you connect with what you channel. Look at yourself in a very calm and neutral way to see what happens in this upper area of your body when you make contact with a guide or teacher, or your Higher Self. See how the energy fills you: your heart, your throat, your head, and your crown. Just observe yourself from a certain distance and see how that contact occurs. We now go down to the “lower” chakras. There are three energy centers located in the lower part of your body; one in the stomach, which is also called the solar plexus; one lower down in your abdomen, called the navel chakra; and then the lowest, the tailbone charka. Make contact with this area by descending consciously into it. You only have to be there, you need not do or change anything. Descend into your belly and then see if you can go even deeper, all the way down to your tailbone. Once you have made contact with this area, look at yourself while you are channeling, and have no doubt you are channeling. You all channel during moments of inspiration and confidence. Just imagine that you are now in such a moment. You have seen how the energy flows in the higher chakras. Now look at how the energy flows in the lower chakras at the moment you connect with the greater Self that wants to come into you. Can that energy flow down completely into the lower chakras? Can it be received even by the tailbone chakra? That is the question I want to put to you today. There is a place in your body that is often the dividing line between the upper and lower chakras, and that place is located between the heart and solar plexus chakras. This is the meeting place between the higher source you want to embody and the lower, contracted, earthly self. In the lower chakras are located the fears from the past, the discouragement, and the insecurity. See if you can observe that in yourself. Today, you all made contact with a source of energy in the temple you visited. There you met your guide or a part of your Higher Self. Call up once again this feeling you had, the contact you made there. That energy wants to belong to you, wants to come to you. See where that energy flow in your body is experiencing difficulty. Imagine, for a moment, that energy enters through your crown. Then it flows down through your third eye, your throat, and into your heart. Now, take a good look at how your solar plexus reacts to that energy. Is there a form of resistance, or protest, or fear at the dividing line between the upper and lower chakras? Next, look in your belly and see how the energy is received there. Are there certain feelings or ideas of “this may not “, or “this must not”, or “I can not”? Look also at your tailbone. Feel what might be there that blocks the receiving of this energy, and I ask you to observe the blocking with acceptance and caring, and not with judgment or criticism. The essence of the channeling process is precisely this: that the old meets the new; the past meets the energy of the future. What is contracted meets the energy of freedom. That happens in you the moment you open up and want to be a channel for your deepest self, your greater Self. Know that something repressed in the past will always rebel in you and will come up in the form of a negative thought or emotion. Do not condemn this. Praise yourself for daring to take on this process! That is being courageous, and that is being great! When you have found that blocked spot in yourself, go there with your attention. You can probably feel physically that place where you find it difficult to be open to your own greatness, that which is free and imperishable, and of the new and the future. Very gently surround that blocked part with a friendly, accepting energy, and simply send it an invitation. “Come with me”, you whisper softly, sweetly, and without demanding. Remember the energy you felt today in the meeting with your Higher Self or your guide. Allow that same energy to be with the part of you that is most blocked, and feel the warmth flow there. Everything is allowed there, including the fear, the anger, and the doubt. If you can continue being present, in love and in openness, then you open the channel more widely. The channel opens as wide as what is permitted by the part of you that is the most closed. Have patience and gentleness for what blocks you; it is there for a reason and it is welcome. Deep inside you all, without exception, resides a sense of unworthiness you have inherited from the energy that has long prevailed on Earth; an energy of manipulative power and oppression, and you all struggle with that legacy. Somewhere in your lower chakras you meet the conviction: “I'm not worthy; I'm not good enough as I am “; "I'm not yet deserving, because I've no yet made everything perfect"; and this is where the key lies for you all. Where you encounter that belief, you hit upon the main blockage that exists there. But the moment you find and experience it, you can let your light shine on it. And you do that with the opposite of that unworthy conviction. You confirm yourself, “I am worthy, I am good as I am, completely! I am beautiful and powerful!” Dare to compliment yourself! Dare to be proud of who you are and what you have already accomplished! And so the channel is opened with love – yes! Thank you for your attention. Mary Magdalene Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan © Pamela Kribbe www.jeshua.net You may also like An Interview with Pamela Kribbe Pamela Kribbe channels Mary Magdalene
There is now a lot of information that frequently becomes available on the news media that demands your attention. Everything old and dark that has been repressed and kept hidden is coming to the surface. Modern technology plays a role in doing that, because it helps to make things more transparent in your society. More information than ever before is being disseminated, and many shadowy motives and practices are being exposed, so it then appears as if there is an intensification of evil, of darkness. However, what is actually happening is that things are coming to the surface, becoming more visible now then ever before, because there are huge processes of transformation at work on Earth. What is being exposed to the light are old layers of the abuse of power, tyranny, fear, and despair. And that is a good thing, because with a step toward more transparency, it is possible to act differently. Awareness comes before change, which is the way it always is. This is the phase of consciousness that humanity and the Earth are now going through at the global level. The processes that are taking place in each of you individually – the coming up of old layers of fear, anger, and pain – are also taking place collectively on a large scale. The good news is that the world is ready for this. Space is needed to allow old and hidden things to come to the surface, and that is now the case. Consciousness has already changed; it is more open to truth and honesty. Feel that deep within. Feel a stream of consciousness that is focussed on openness and transparency, on the search for truth, and on the denouncing of injustice and unfairness. That stream of consciousness exists in the world, so connect with that flow of truth. This is the flow of consciousness in which your soul wants to move, because your soul wants to contribute to revealing more truth. There is a powerful impulse in your soul to support consciousness transformation, but there is also confusion in your mind, because to be in support of consciousness transformation means a number of things. The first is that it is necessary for you to step away from the old and become completely honest about your own feelings and motives; in other words, that you learn to be transparent toyourself. For only in this way can you be an example to others. You are on your soul's personal path to transformation into a lightworker or consciousness worker. You are becoming a teacher, in so far as you are stepping away from the old to which you are still bound. Yet that is a step that can instill fear and loneliness in you, at least temporarily. Recognize your desire for truth and your desire to help change this world; your longing for a new Earth in harmony with nature; your desire for a world filled with people who can laugh and grow again, and be authentic, free from the fears and tyranny of the past. Your yearning for this is very deep; it is your dream, your ideal. Feel how that makes you different in that you have one leg – that of your soul – already outside the established order. For a moment, identify completely with that side of yourself, the revolutionary; the one who sees and wants to bring what is dark and repressed into the light of consciousness; the one who wants to help birth the new, and that is you! And while you become this more and more, you go through a deep inner process of freeing yourself from fears, from old compulsions, and that is your inner process. Have respect for your own courage and decisiveness! Many of you are confused about the world situation as it now exists. The world is in chaos and the emotional life of the people on Earth is, for the most part, chaotic. Everyone is searching, and because of the great number of changes and the massive amount of information available, people now sense much more what their possibilities are, how they can develop, and how they are suffering and what causes their pain. Everything is much more conscious. Before there can be inner harmony and peace, the unrest and pain become greater. And that is the result of becoming conscious; you can no longer hide these things. You see that pain, and from your heart you want to alleviate it in others. Yet at the same time, because you have so much pain in yourself, you are confused as to who you are, where you stand, or where your path lies. Now, imagine that you observe the Earth and the people on it as a large globe. You stand outside it and you look upon it as a giant sphere with lots of energies. There is much searching on Earth and there is also a lot of pain. Just look at the colors of that sphere. See how they flow and move, and not just the hues of the chaos, but also those of the drive toward innovation. Look and feel what that globe is doing, but know that you may stand outside it; that you may be detached from it. Now take a step back and move your consciousness away from the globe and toward yourself. You have looked at the Earth carefully, the energy of humanity. Now focus your attention fully upon yourself and see yourself as an energy form, no longer as a human being, but as an energetic appearance. Look at your heart. Feel how the pain and suffering of humanity have touched you. Feel your compassion, your desire for light. Maybe you can see that most clearly, most especially, with the people you care about in your everyday life, because you want so much for them to have light, love, and healing. See what that does to your heart. Does it tug on your heart? When you feel the pain of another person, you are connected through an energy cord to that person which contains dark energies, so you suffer along with them. You do not make yourself bigger, you do not rise above them, you crawl into the skin of the other person and you suffer along with them. Yet, at the same time, you feel powerless to change anything. Look at the energies you carry from the outside world that are not yours, but which make your heart heavy. Allow that energy flow to take the form of a dark color, or a feeling of heaviness, and see what it looks like or where it manifests in your aura or body. Then take another step back. Let go of that energy cord, that chain of compassion, which is squeezing you smaller and causing you to give too much. Take a step back and cut yourself loose from that cord. If you find it hard to do, imagine that I am with you and that I invite you to do this. Take my hand and see in my eyes that it is good that you should let go. It is now your time! Let the gray, dark energies flow away from you and instead envelop yourself with light. That light is simply there; you do not have to create it, it is yours: it is the light you have suppressed. Allow yourself to be completely surrounded by that light, whatever color it takes. Now you are even farther from Earth and from other people. You are drinking from the energy of your soul, the part of you that observes and oversees, that which makes things transparent. Allow yourself to be completely nourished by that energy, from head to toe, and feel how your aura is like an enclosed egg, an oval form that is impervious at its surface. Recharge yourself and feel how you are wholly entitled to nurture yourself in this way. Come home to yourself and let go of everything else. You are able to breathe and feel your original inspiration again. You are born to experience joy. Feel that original joy again, free from all heaviness, and give yourself to that. You are in confusion, and sometimes you are so involved in the suffering on Earth, that you forget who you are. You are the representatives of the new energy on Earth, especially when you are completely at home in yourself, when you feel at home within your own boundaries. Then you know how to handle your limits. You radiate the new in its optimal form, and there is nothing to change. By being totally yourself, you radiate a new consciousness that can not help but touch other people. Those who are ready are touched by you without your having to go beyond your limits, without you exhausting yourself, or trying harder, or battling with the pain and suffering of others. This is not the way of the new. Now imagine that this energetic egg, in which you feel safe and light, slowly floats back to Earth. As the Earth comes closer, you feel light and transparent, and you know that the vibrations of the Earth and the fears that live there can not affect you. See those fears before you as gray vibrations that flow effortlessly around your egg, because they can not come inside. You hold fast to your own energy – your concentrated fullness – and you feel supported by me, by your own soul, by all that is good and light and joyful. You are allowed to be here from your deepest core, which is light and joyful, wide and beautiful, and free. Imagine that you now land on Earth. You stand in an earthly body with both feet firmly on the ground. You first stand on a place in nature with your bare feet on the grass, or on a beach, or wherever you choose, and you bring everything with you: your soul, your inner strength, your resilience, your insights. Attune yourself to this planet, the Earth. Feel how she sees you when you stand in your own strength. Do you sense her enthusiasm? She will support you, give you roots, empower you. Now imagine that you are walking in the heart of a city. It is mayhem there. It is not only busy physically – there are people, cars, noise – but there is also an energy here that is more restless, more chaotic. All those feelings, emotions, and moods of people swirl around you and there is little of the natural world to provide calm and balance. Yet you stand there in your egg made of light energy, your own energy. Imagine this: you are standing in the middle of a street, or a sidewalk, and take the time to really put yourself there. In the middle of all this concrete of the city, you are aware of Mother Earth, for she is there as well. As a result of her presence, you become aware of the hearts of all the people who are walking here. Among all the superficial emotions – the confusion, haste, impatience – there lives in every human a heart. Stay unattached to all those muddled energies that surge about you; instead, concentrate on those hearts. You feel yourself standing very firmly, that there is an invisible spaciousness around you. Even when people walk close to you, that spaciousness is still there. Feel firmly grounded. You are connected to all these people, yet that need not worry you. Feel the promise out there that exists in each of their hearts. Feel that in the heart of every human being is a desire and a search for truth, for light, although sometimes the truth is found only through all kinds of twisting paths. That, however, is part of the human way. Feel the enormous power and endurance in people and see how there is a logic in each unique way: a direction, a purpose. Trust in their hearts. Do not deny them the twists and turns of their road; do not try to straighten their paths, that is not your business. Your job is purely to touch their hearts by your presence and awareness, and you are already doing that by being present. Imagine that you are standing in the middle of the street and you feel in your heart a gentle intention to reach the hearts of all those people out there with a caress, a tender touch, and that is all. With that gesture you merely say, "I see you", and you remain quietly in your own energy, you stay in your own field, and you maintain connection with your abdomen and your legs and feet, and you feel free. This is your "work": to be different, but to still be in the middle of the world; to help, but not to lose yourself in the suffering and pain of others; to give from your heart. On the one hand, you step out of society, but on the other hand, you connect with it from the heart, and by doing this, you fulfil your soul's purpose and that is your dearest wish. In this way, you are contributing to a different, better world, but you also free yourself from the old; free yourself from what has kept you chained to fear. Wherever you stand on this path, I ask you to respect yourself, to have the courage to withdraw deep within yourself on a regular basis. I ask you to momentarily let go of what links you to everything else and to experience the beauty and power of your soul. From there, you can take another step into the world knowing there is not that much you need to do. It is really about being deeply at home within yourself, about respecting your own soul energy, and from there going along gently with the flow of life. I greet you all with the utmost respect. Feel my admiration for you all. You are the teachers of the new time. Thank you very much. © Pamela Kribbe Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan www.jeshua.net Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua Dear friends, I am Jeshua speaking. I love you all deeply. Please feel my energy around you as I greet each of you – I honor you deeply. As you open your heart to me, remember that I am there inside it. When you recognize me at your deepest level, you recognize your own essence, which is of the purest light. You are eternal light and this is what the universe is made of. Some of you see this light shining from my eyes or from another teacher’s eyes, but I am here to remind you that this light is yours, as well. It is my deepest desire that you see and experience your own greatness and inner light. This is what will change the world, which is in need of change. You are here to make a difference, but you can only do so when you truly trust who you are. This can be a difficult thing if you are raised with ideas that tell you that you are not good as you are. For many of you, your natural life and knowingness, your intuition, becomes veiled as you advance through childhood. Most children have a keen intuition; they know spontaneously when something is right or wrong. Many children still have a close connection with their soul and the origin from which they come, and they have a desire to connect their parents with their own child's light. I am speaking here of many of you, who as children wanted to heal your parents. At a young age, you were still aware of the joy and the natural flow of life, and you wanted to spread that vibration around you. That is what it is like to be a lightworker; it is really to share the vibration of joy and love that is the essence of the universe. Being a lightworker is not about teaching principles or theories, it is about sharing energy and about remembering who you are. When you grew up, your natural light and understanding became dimmed and vague, because you doubted yourself and it is almost inevitable for this to happen, which is why I honor you. It takes a lot of courage to enter into this world, into the three dimensional realm of Earth. You know you will temporarily lose your guidance, the knowledge of who you are, and in its most extreme form, this happens when a "dark night of the soul" occurs in your life. But, paradoxically, it is also this same "dark night of the soul" that can bring you back home to yourself. The reason for this is that there is a kind of power in darkness. It seems to you that dark emotions like fear, anger, or sadness should be avoided, but, in their origin, these emotions are part of your soul’s language. The soul speaks to you primarily through your feelings, and it is actually when you suppress these feelings, which you are often told to do in society, that you become disconnected from your soul and your soul’s language. You are trying to obey the rules of society, to work hard, and to be a "good" person. But, by doing so, you lose touch with who you really are, and, in the end, you become lonely or frustrated, and you feel that your life is lacking in joy and inspiration. You think: "My soul, why can’t I hear its language?” You might start to have darker and darker emotions of frustration and depression, and, if you feel this way, it is because your soul is knocking on your backdoor. This darkness, in fact, holds power, because in the darkness are hiding the emotions you once suppressed. That is why it is so important to face the darkness inside you, to look directly at the negative emotions that are there. When a "dark night of the soul" happens, you are, in a way, forced to confront your emotions, you can no longer escape doing so. This encounter can also happen when you lose something which is really dear to you, when you lose a loved one, or when a relationship breaks up. These deep experiences of loss make you aware of the desolation and despair inside you. You might feel that the pain you are going through is senseless, cruel, and meaningless, and I understand that deeply. I will never undervalue the pain you have, but I encourage you to please not see the darkness and the pain as a mere negative thing. I would like to invite you to now explore this process a bit more deeply. Look for an emotion inside you that often upsets you or makes you feel down. Maybe you can sense that there is a lot of anger inside you or maybe you feel you have to deal with fear. I ask you to now let the energy of that emotion appear to you; welcome it, and ask it to show its face in the form of an animal. Do not judge it, however it looks. Say "hello" to the animal and look into its eyes. Feel how much aliveness and power are in this animal. Maybe you have thought for a long time that it is bad to have fear and it is bad to be angry, but it is important to hear the message inside the anger, the fear, or whatever the emotion, because you then start to cooperate with your own natural energy, with your soul. So ask this animal what it wants to tell you, what it wants to express to you and how it can help you to achieve what you really want. Animals are by nature very spontaneous creatures, they do not have a mind that analyses everything, so they can show you in a very direct way what your true feelings are. They also show you your innocence, because animals are innocent and so are your emotions. Emotions become dark and unmanageable when you suppress them and do not accept them. Spirituality is about truly accepting who you are, right now, with all the emotions you now have. As you develop compassion for yourself, and your most difficult emotions become your own best friends, you become whole. Nothing has to be hidden away behind locked doors; you are allowed to be fully human. And when you allow yourself to be human and imperfect, you start to get closer to other human beings; you see their struggle, their pain. When you stop judging yourself, you become more accepting of others. This is what sharing your light means. Feel the gentleness of this energy. It does not tell you to change, or to be a "good" person, it tells you that you are a miracle, right here, as you are. See this whole play and dance between light and dark inside you as a miracle. Do not judge darkness. Please allow the energy of light that is present here to shower over you, to uplift you. Allow yourself to relax, not just physically, but to relax, deep down, and to feel good about yourself. What you truly have to offer to this world comes spontaneously out of your heart as your natural light that shines forth. Making friends with the darkness is part of your mission. Darkness has been misrepresented through your traditions, especially the religious traditions. Darkness was, in fact, considered not human so it was damned, and you have had to live up to an ideal that is not human. But I am here to encourage you to open up to your humanness, your true magnificence, and to appreciate your beauty and to rejoice in it – to have joy in your life. Thank you for sharing this moment with me. © Pamela Kribbe www.jeshua.net Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua Dear friends, I am Jeshua; I love you all deeply. I respect who you are, both your light and your dark sides. I call upon you, you who are the carriers of today's new consciousness. In my life, I carried a torch of light and wanted to share it with humanity. I was a very human being, just like you. I had anger and despair, just like you, but there also were moments of deep connection with my soul. I was growing on the inner level, just like you. It is important that you stop seeing me as a perfect being, a master high above you. I am your brother, your friend, and I am not here to judge or to preach. I want to share my feelings of companionship with you, so please feel my respect for you. I would like to say "hello" to you all, individually; please feel my presence in your heart. You are ready to change, ready to admit who you really are. You are an eternal being who has traveled throughout the universe for many, many lifetimes, but you have become used to making yourself small and to measuring yourself by the standards of society. You think of yourself as a woman or a man, rich or poor, healthy or sick, and you define yourself in those terms, but you are so much more than that. You are so free, and the biggest tragedy of becoming human in present day society is that you lose your sense of freedom. For so many ages, Earth has been enshrouded in an atmosphere of fear, and people have become disconnected from their original power and creativity. When you feel separated from your own essence, you start to behave in the "accepted" manner and so you become out of balance. When you are disconnected from your soul, you basically feel lost, continually, and there is emptiness, a hole in your heart, which you then start to try to fill with things from outside you. You want to fill the hole with possessions, or power, or you lose yourself in visions of a perfect romantic relationship, and so you may become addicted to specific kinds of behavior or things. But the basic problem is that you feel disconnected from your own essence, from your soul. A lightworker is a person who can no longer bear to live separated from their soul. They feel a kind of longing, a kind of homesickness in their heart, and as they become more mature, they start to realize that nothing coming from outside can fill that hole, which is why lightworkers become very interested in spirituality; they become seekers on the spiritual path. They start their search because they feel wounded inside, but their wounds are not just their wounds. The wound of separation is shared by all humanity, although a large part of humanity is still seeking solutions outside themselves. Lightworker souls are aware that the answer lies within, and because of that awareness they are meant to be teachers and healers, but a lot of lightworkers are struggling with a very low self-image. When they grow up as a child, they take in a lot of the judgments of their family and society. Maybe they feel they cannot be as ambitious as their parents would like them to be. They are often very sensitive and need to withdraw and to experience quiet times to remain centered. They are often idealistic and many of them have artistic talents. It is part of a lightworker soul’s mission to introduce a new kind of consciousness on Earth, but to be able to do that you need to firmly believe in yourself. You have to trust the voice of your own intuition and your feelings, not in an ego-based way, such as: "I am farther ahead of other people", but in a heart-based way: by appreciating and respecting yourself, because that is how your heart can speak to you. The pitfall for many lightworkers is that they lose themselves in feelings of inferiority, dismissing their true needs and desires. You need a strong personality to be able to disconnect from society’s ideas and to be yourself. And that is what I would like to emphasize today: the importance of being strong and self-aware, which is a message about the male energy inside you. When I was living on Earth over two thousand years ago, I needed to often isolate myself in order to remember who I was. There were a lot of confusing energies around me, especially from the expectations of the people close to me. I needed to protect myself from that to remain connected to my higher self. Often, I would go to the desert alone to feel really close to God, to Spirit, and to keep my confidence. It is the same for you. You are inhabitants of two worlds: you have one foot in today’s human society and the other foot in your soul’s dimension, the realm you come from. You need to firmly keep your foot in that dimension, otherwise you become bogged down and fearful because of society’s pressure. You need your male energy to firmly say “no” to demands and expectations that do not feel right for you. So, in that sense, you must be a warrior, although not a warrior who is fighting and struggling with other people. To be a warrior means to be true to yourself, to disconnect often from the world around you, and to listen to what you feel, to what you sense, to trust your inner guidance. I ask you to now travel with me in your imagination to the desert and to go there at night time. The temperature has cooled down and you see a sky above you full of brilliant stars. Imagine that you are there with me, and feel the mystery of the huge space around you – feel the mystery of life. You find a place to sit down and you relax and go inside yourself. The desert is like an external gateway to your own inner temple into which you now enter. Inside that temple you feel connected to the fullness of the Earth and to all the stars in the Heavens. You are such a great and vast being, and you tell yourself: “I accept my greatness; I am different; I am here to bring in a new consciousness”. Remember where you come from: a place of quiet wisdom from which you have been called to come down to Earth at this time. You are here to heal your inner wounds and to also provide an example to other people. I ask you to take yourselves seriously. When you are inside your inner temple, there is a guide there who wants to offer you some help or advice. Remember your guides are your friends – really. You are very much soulmates, but because they are on the other side they see some things more clearly than you do with your human eyes. When you allow your guides to come closer, recognize them as your friends and feel a sense of familiarity. Now ask your guides what it is you need to know right now. If you feel upset, or down about something in your life, you can tell them. Feel that there is a lot of help and guidance from this side, from this dimension. You are so much appreciated for what you do and your guides are there only to remind you of things that you already know. Before you descended to Earth and incarnated in this body, you were a very aware being, so feel connected with your guides, for they are the representatives of the dimension of your soul. Now imagine you leave this temple and you bring its energy with you down to Earth. As you are sitting here in this chair, in this room, allow the energy of your greater self, your soul, to be fully with you inside your body, and be aware that the world needs you; the world needs the particular energy of your soul. I would like to thank you for your courage and perseverance. I honor you deeply, and even if you feel confused, or you are in pain, I can still see your light shining brightly. I am here to remind you of that light and to convince you of my trust in you. © Pamela Kribbe www.jeshua.net You may also like An Interview with Pamela Kribbe Download our free Magic of Being Quantum Meditations by Colin Whitby This is the most popular interview we have published. I was very fortunate to catch up with Pamela Kribbe after reading what was for me the most inspiring channeling, The Jeshua Channelings. Her work is available for free on her web site Jeshua.net, or your can purchase a copy of her book The Jeshua Channelings to read at your leisure (my preferred method). I do hope you enjoy the interview. Colin. How did your spiritual awakening start, and how were you to lead towards self expression and a more heart focused approach to life? My awakening started when my heart was broken because of a love affair. At 26, I was pursuing an academic career and I was writing a PhD thesis on modern philosophy of science. I was enmeshed in a very rational approach of life and was married to a scientist. Then I met someone who was a philosopher also and who I had amazing conversations with about metaphysics and spirituality. I had always been interested in spirituality and the esoteric, but I had been suppressing this for quite a while. I fell deeply in love with this man and I thought he was the love of my life. However, things turned out differently. While I got divorced, he decided to go back to his girlfriend. I felt shattered by this experience and suddenly, my fascination for academic philosophy completely disappeared. I was so devastated emotionally and so thirsty for real knowledge - the kind that speaks to your heart - that I was completely finished with intellectualism. I completed my thesis in 1997, but I left the university and started to read a lot of spiritual and esoteric literature. In 2000, I met a woman who was a spiritual teacher and psychic reader, and meeting her was the beginning of a deep inner transformation. She helped me become aware of old emotion pain, pain that stemmed from my early childhood as well as multiple past lives which I started to remember. With her help I relived these painful emotions and was able to rise above them. I felt liberated and free for the first time in my life. It was like I had died and been reborn as a new person, but at the same it felt like I could finally be myself. Immediately after I went through this period of catharsis and liberation, I met Gerrit (my husband) in 2001. I stumbled upon his website on spirituality and reincarnation on the Internet and we started a lively correspondence. Connecting to him felt miraculous. There was a kinship between us which was unexplainable and yet so familiar. Unlike the devastating love affair in the past, our coming together was not surrounded by drama, but by a deeply joyful, quiet knowing that we belonged together. Gerrit had always been deeply interested in the esoteric and it was only natural for us to start working together as spiritual therapists. After our daughter was born in 2002, we built up our own practice and I could do what my heart most longed to do: to work as an energy reader and teacher and to explore philosophical questions about life in a meaningful, practical way. How did you come to learn about channelling and when were you first drawn to it? I got acquainted with channeling around 1995, by reading the work of Jane Roberts, channeler for Seth. At that time I was spending a semester at the University of Harvard, in the U.S., doing research for my thesis. I had become thoroughly disenchanted with academic philosophy, as I mentioned before. I discovered the Seth books in a little bookstore nearby the university and soon got fascinated by this ‘forbidden fruit’ (forbidden by academic standards). I felt that these writings were both philosophically profound and very loving and inspiring. Reading these books deeply affected me. I now feel it was the universe’s - or my soul’s - way of waking me up and showing me a new direction in life. In the years after that, I read a lot of channeled books by other authors as well. But Seth made the most impact because it was all new to me at that time. Now, I hardly read anything anymore. When did you come to ‘notice’ that Jeshua was with you and how would you describe his energy? One evening in 2002, I was doing a personal session with my husband Gerrit, when I noticed a presence near me which I had not felt before. I was used to speaking with spiritual guides, who I often felt around me and who would uplift me with their loving suggestions and cheerfulness. These were personal guides. But when I felt Jeshua’s presence, it was different. It felt like a solemn and deeply aware energy, very grounded and focused, not like anything I met before. It frightened me a bit at first. I asked the energy ‘Who are you?’ and then I saw the name ‘Jeshua ben Joseph’ spelled out in front of my inner eye very clearly. I instantly felt it was true. My mind started to raise sceptical objections at once. But just before that, in a flash, my soul had recognized Jeshua as a very familiar presence. My mind argued it was extremely unlikely and presumptuous that he would be next to me in my sitting room. But my heart reassured me that it was quite normal for Jeshua to be so close to us. Jeshua is not really an authority far and high above us. He means to be our friend, someone you can trust and be open to, as he never judges you. As I have come to know Jeshua, he is never judging me, although he is very direct and upfront. He asks of me to be really honest with myself, to look my fears in the eye, and not cover them up by self-serving theories or justifications. So he is stern in a way, but it’s a very loving way. It makes you realize what love is about. Love does not necessarily feel nice and comforting. Often it asks of you to get out of your comfort zone, to be courageous and vulnerable. For me, expressing myself publicly as a channel for Jeshua, raised a lot of fear and insecurity in me, which have been very hard to overcome. My instinct (or survival mechanism) has long been to withdraw from the world, which I considered to be a very scary place. Jeshua is teaching me to feel safe in the world, to remain centered and self-aware while connecting to people instead of fearful and fragmented. I’m still learning how to do this, but I think I made some progress. I have received so much because of that: through the Jeshua channelings, I have connected to my soul family across the word. People from all over the world have written me to tell me how touched they are by Jeshua’s messages. I feel more at home on Earth. And what’s most important: despite the fears, I sense the deep fulfilment of doing what my soul really longs to do on earth right now. Your messages are very down to earth yet explain complex concepts so clearly. How do you receive the messages from Jeshua, do you ‘translate’ them in some way? Indeed, the messages are quite clear and down to earth, despite the fact that they are highly metaphysical. I think this is due to a number of factors. First, as I know Jeshua, he is quite direct and clear in stating his messages. He doesn’t beat around the bush and he seeks to address our heart, not our intellect. This goes against my own nature a bit. I was trained as an academic philosopher and I used to write articles that were unreadable to ‘normal folk’, because they were so intellectually complex and abstract. Jeshua is definitely not in that business. On the other hand, my philosophical training has also helped me develop the ability to break down complex concepts into simple words. In that way, it has proved to be very valuable in my work as a channeler. I think my own education as a philosopher also accounts for the way the Jeshua messages are stated. Thirdly, I sometimes feel that it’s simply a human expectation that spiritual teachers or ‘ascended masters’ (don’t care much for that phrase!) express themselves very stately and formally. It fits our image of a wise and revered teacher. Jeshua however seeks to be close to our hearts, and not create any distance. By the way, I think that channeling always involves a kind of translation. Every channel has some influence on what comes through because of their upbringing, their culture, their specific interests and talents. Something I became thoroughly aware of while studying philosophy of science is that it is naïve to assume that we can ever perceive reality purely and untainted by subjective elements. The ideal of objective perception, perception that blocks out the perceiver altogether, has become deeply problematic, ever more so with the rise of quantum mechanics. Likewise, channelings are always filtered by the personality and cultural background of the channel. The best thing to deal with that is to be aware of this and, when you listen to channels, use your discernment and pick whatever resonates with you. How would you describe your relationship with Jeshua during the channelling process? When I sit down to channel, I go into a light trance. This means that I focus my attention within, let my body relax and become as quiet and silent as possible. I then feel Jeshua entering my energy field and often, I feel a little jolt down my spine as we connect. It takes a minute or so for our energies to meld and then I hear "Go ahead" within. I start speaking and I am aware of what I am saying, yet there’s a flow of energy pouring through me which ‘gives me’ the words so to speak. I feel enveloped by this very loving and compassionate flow and I feel lifted above my ordinary, daily consciousness. Often I sense great peace and I am aware that there is so much more meaning to life than we ordinarily feel and think. I also feel that the vast energy of love and compassion coming through me from ‘the other side’ is hard to put into words. The words often seem limiting to me as I channel. My relationship to Jeshua during the channeling process is one of an active receiver I would say. On the one hand, I am as open as possible to whatever wants to come through. On the other hand I am active and alert, and I need to focus on getting the message across in human concepts and language. My mind needs to participate to make the translation, and I need to let that happen without interfering from the level of my personal will or belief systems. This is a delicate process and I do not claim to be perfect at it. I am sure that in translating Jeshua’s energy into human speech, I am filtering the message somehow. The problem is that it’s very difficult for a human to know what filters are still in them. The most persistent filters are blind spots, presumptions you take for granted because you are not aware of them as such. I think the more we grow and open up to the true reality of love, we let go of our filters. This is a gradual process in my experience. Instead of mourning the fact that our perception is filtered, I think it’s much more joyful to look forward to dropping ever more filters on our way. Channeling is a human affair, but that’s okay. We are here to experience what it’s like to be human, and to revel in the awakenings we experience as humans. I found the lightworkers series so helpful in putting into context my own experiences; did the material impact your own life and spiritual development? Yes, it did. It was the first series of channelings I received from Jeshua. He said to me the messages in it were meant specifically for lightworkers. He said that they would be the first ones on Earth to embrace a new, heart-based consciousness. The material is meant to support them in their awakening, so that they can go out and be the teachers for the ones who follow. For myself, this series made me understand better who I am and what it means to be a lightworker. I read many stories in books and on the Internet about lightworkers, and I felt deep resonance with it, but I never quite understood one thing. Lightworkers were said to have a mission to bring light and consciousness to Earth, they were said to be natural teachers and healers and to have sacrificed much to be here and do their work. Lightworkers were very much ‘the good guys’. In fact, they almost seemed to be a kind of martyrs: always giving of themselves and carrying the world on their shoulders. It all sounded a bit too holy for me. I myself felt huge resistance to being on Earth, carrying a lot of old sadness and anger within. I wanted to know where that came from and what my purpose in life really was. Jeshua’s story in the Lightworker Series reveals that we in fact played very dark parts also in earlier lifetimes, some of them in Atlantis and some in times before we incarnated on Earth. In that ancient era, we explored ego-based consciousness to the fullest. Getting to know and understand the dark parts of our/my history satisfied my sense of justice, my sense of balance. I also feel it gave me a healthy sense of humility. What helped me also is that Jeshua stresses in the Lightworker series that we are not here to save the world. We are here primarily to heal ourselves, to face our dark side, to understand and treat our own emotional hurts with love and compassion. When we do so, we become ‘enlightened’ - we enter heart-based consciousness. We radiate a peaceful, loving energy to others, but this is not something we do (as in a job), it naturally happens because we are who we are. So, the notion of lightwork as ‘working hard to heal the world’ is misplaced according to Jeshua as I receive him. Lightwork is about you and not about the world, and it is a state of being rather than a doing. Realizing this has helped me let go of the urge to ‘save others’, which I think is a deeply ingrained habit of lightworkers. It has helped me to be more centered and focused within. Jeshua takes great care to separate himself (his earth life as Jeshua) from Jesus as portrayed in the Bible, what would you say is the key difference between their portrayals? I think the greatest difference is with his portrayal by Church tradition. In the Bible, there are authentic stories about what Jeshua did and said, of course related and interpreted by humans with their own cultural and psychological background. In the Church’s interpretation, Jeshua appears as a deified figure, being closer to and more like God than us. To underline his special position, he is said to have died for our sins. Jeshua as he presents himself to me, wants us to know that we are as close to God as he is, that he was human as we are and that he died not to take away our sins, but simply because ruling authorities were opposed to him, like they have been opposed throughout history to freethinkers and teachers of the heart. Our sins need not be taken away by another. They are not sins to begin with, but more like areas of ignorance and fear which are part of the human experience. We are here to gracefully transcend them and enjoy the journey Home. We are granted to be fully human by Jeshua, and that’s at odds with much that has been taught by the Church. Pamela, thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us today. Pamela and Gerrit are married and have a spiritual practice in The Netherlands (Europe). They have been working with the energy of Jeshua since 2002. Pamela is channeller for Jeshua and Gerrit is regression therapist who always accompanies Pamela in the channelling sessions. Pamela: "For me, the name Jeshua refers not so much to the historical personality of Jesus but to the universal christ energy that we are all a part of. When I channel Jeshua, I feel deeply drawn into this field of love and compassion and in that state of consciousness I receive the messages from Jeshua." http://www.jeshua.net/ Download our free Magic of Being Quantum Meditations |
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