However, know without doubt that your unlimited self is as available as you believe it to be. You are a divine creator. You are projecting your thoughts, vibrations and energy onto the quantum field. Most of the time these projections are filtered through your beliefs and patterns as well as your own limited understanding of who you are.
Every human is empathic, sensitive to the frequencies and vibrations surrounding them. Most earthwalkers have learned to numb or shut off these abilities because they are too intense. We continue to remind you that these abilities are your greatest gifts and you are here to allow them to develop and come forth fully. Children come in with these natural gifts of being empathic, telepathic, clairvoyant and clairsentient. However your society, education and belief systems usually shut these abilities down very quickly. When a child feels or sees energy and is not supported in understanding what they are experiencing, it can be confusing and frightening. Often the child will act out the energy which causes disturbance in the home or other places. Society often medicates this behavior. The new beings coming in are wired differently, their DNA is more advanced and their gifts are stronger. They are here to remind others of their divine abilities that have been repressed or suppressed. They are coming forth to anchor a new way of being. They are the next level of wayshowers. They are here to teach others how to bend reality. So you, as divine humans, are being triggered as well as invited to allow your abilities to come forth, to allow yourself to own and use your imagination to create the reality you desire. The wisdom of your divine self, in partnership with your imagination, is extremely powerful. When you can hold the focus in your imagination and energize it with your passion and emotions, you are imprinting this hologame, this quantum field, with the template or patterns of what you are envisioning. Your brain is only a very sophisticated bio-computer, programmed to allow you to function in this physical reality. Realize that your mind is a field that exists outside the body/brain. The mind picks up information from the collective field and communicates it to the brain which processes it extremely fast, filtering through your perception, your perspective, your emotions, beliefs and limited patterns. The information the brain receives from the mind will follow the path of least resistance. The brain will filter and process the information according to what you have learned or been programmed to believe to be true. The divine mind could be showing the brain a vast piece of data, however if the brain cannot process that data because of some limitation, it will only process what it has been programmed to believe. We are inviting you to begin to investigate and question your beliefs about reality. Imagine for a moment you are viewing your reality through a small window created by your cupped hands in front of your eyes. This is what you see, and what your brain understands to be reality. Now remove your hands and the vista before you expands in all directions. This is the unlimited connected vista that your divine mind sees. Practice allowing yourself to expand into these unlimited possibilities. One of the most powerful methods is to bring your attention to the moment, bring your awareness to the now. The programs in the brain will serve up old memories, or even fears of the future. When you practice being present in the moment of now, you are allowing your divine mind to engage fully with this expanded field of collective consciousness. You are engaged with the energy that is flowing in the moment. You are open to the interaction of the energies surrounding you and all that the quantum field has to offer. When you are aware of the unlimited power of your divine mind and its connection with the quantum field, as well as its partnership with the brain, there is a unity. The divine mind and the physical brain are separate, yet they are unified. It is from this unified partnership that you begin to process a more expanded sense of self. You become aware of the synchronicities unfolding in the activities of your life. You become aware of the quantum entanglement that exists between all living things. You begin to recognize your connection to, as well as your impact on, the expanded collective field in which you are living. You begin to see and sense energy vibrations in a totally new and whole way. You begin to own your personal power to create from an unlimited place of your divine mind. You begin to feel or sense this energy or force that surrounds you. This field, this energetic entanglement truly is created by all living things. You begin to work with this force or this energy. You begin to understand that this force is your connection to oneness with all. Once you are aware that the connection has been made, you can begin to work more consciously with this energy. You are invited to train your divine mind and your brain to work in harmony with what you intend to create, to manifest or to call forth. You can begin to bend reality. When you are present in the moment of now, feeling or reading the energy field or the force as a neutral observer or fair witness, your divine mind gives your brain clear directions and clear guidance. Your actions are in the present, moving in the most harmonious manner to reach your total well being and synergy. You are seeing or sensing the bigger picture that is unfolding and making choices that can or will change the outcome of an event. The only way a sensitive or empathic being can help or assist another person is from a place of balance. This neutral centered awareness will give you clarity for the most appropriate action in the moment. Once you see that time, space and distance are merely illusions and a part of the limited beliefs of this 3D reality, you will be able to transform energy as the true alchemist that you are and you will have a greater influence on the world around you. You are luminous divine beings; begin to feel the energy or forces around you. It is from this place that you have the most impact in your world. Feel us as well as other luminous divine beings surrounding you. We are ever ready to assist and support. the 'team' ©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available |
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February 2023