There is no fault. We chose to have a human experience, thus we made a choice consistent with the Laws of Creation in physicality at that time. At this point however we have had enough of confinement and containment of any kind. The initial Laws of Creation in physicality are no more. We are purging from every angle of our physical being to get it out of our system. As a result, we may find ourselves going to the wall in this heightened time to once and for all get out of the past and its top-heavy fear-based conditioning, programing, regrets, hopes for revision of circumstances, reaction and suffering on any level. By this time we all recognize that little good comes from flirting with illusion. Thank you initial Laws of Creation in physicality. As a result of you pushing us to our limits, WE are changing the nature of physical Creation. The walls are coming down. Moving through the corridor leading up to the 11:11 Gateway, (which shall be akin to walking through the Lions Gate in August,) there will be an immense amount of heightened activation of everything good, bad and otherwise for clarity to be had. Heightened Light codes, solar codes and Soul codes incoming shall help us with even the slightest temptation to go back to jail. Due to the often tight squeeze of this corridor more will be blown up to BE seen and felt causing us to get all that was out by and through… Truth that is felt and anchored, seeing our innocence through the eyes of Love, by turning toward new and creative ideas, getting risky, choosing wisely, sheer intent held and carried through, consistently bringing Light into our minds and bodies and tempting Joy to enter our heart in the midst of what may appear to be all hell breaking loose. The new cannot have historical precedents. Yeshua. This particular corridor has every potential in it to assist us in closing up every chapter and verse of the past. As I was writing this my Higher Self suggested, starting now, begin to physically write The Book of Love…(literally write a new page, a new chapter that begins with Self Love and the nature of our Holiness.) What I have come to realize strongly in this year are several things…not the least of which is that with every fear and trepidation that arises, I must meet it with Self-Love and change the story…change the story…change the story. That Beloveds, is our invitation as we travel through this corridor. With Love, Blessings, Honor and Respect, Maureen Private Sessions: Soul Connection: The 4 part Experiential Journey: Click Here A Few Testimonials From The Experience “Every session offered me abundantly. Listening to every word spoken brought forth so much peace and resonance. I had been feeling, for weeks, as though there was going to be a reunion with the closest, dearest, loving friend I have. There was. My Soul. —Silvia Avedikian Thank you for this amazing series you just blessed me and so many with. I don’t feel I could have made it through this last part had it not been for you. —Jan Deeter “I Am My Soul and My Soul is Me. God bless you Maureen for connecting the dots.” —Stephanie Crist Email: [email protected] © 2022 Maureen Moss - No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright. |
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February 2023