Mother Mary and UFOs, the Starseeds Ascension Path of the Ascended Masters and Galactic Heritage 1328/7/2015 ![]() By Shekina Rose Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission. Many of you, the Starseeds and the Blue Rays, are connected to the ascended masters, galactic beings, and star systems that are part of your awakening through your evolving ascension journey. Depending upon the rays of Creation, star systems and spirit realms you came through will determine when these way showers and ascended master teachers will arrive in your life. They are destined for you to be reunited in your field of consciousness for the greater expansion of who you are. Planetary ascension is awakening your DNA for your expanded understanding of the multidimensional and interdimensional self and realms and the connection to the planets and the solar system. It is giving you a greater capacity of awareness to tap into an untold history of humanity, the cosmos, the starseeds and ETs, beyond what you have been taught in your systems and constructs on this planet. As you continue on the progression of raising your frequency, so does your galactic and cosmic awareness. These awakenings and intuitive insights are brought to your attention by your soul’s ascension to be Universal Consciousness Creators of Unity. 444 Here are some visual historical marker paintings that may contribute to your growing recognition of your interdimensional connections upon the planet. Your ascension through the gateway of the Ascended Masters can show you your galactic heritage of the expanding unity field that has always been a part of humanity and who you are. 11:11 Mother Mary and Light Beams from UFO Disc Here you have a painting that hangs in the National Gallery, London: “The Annunciation" by Carlo Crivelli, 1486. A light beam from a UFO shaped disk is streaming into Mary’s head. Is Mary being awakened in her pineal and crown chakra, receiving downloads from the other side, higher realms and interdimensional planes? During that period of time, paintings of Christ, the angels and saints were depicted with halos around their heads. Are these halos showing a real phenomenon of what is now known as the light body and light quotient God essence and more DNA strands connection? 333 The star beings and lightworkers innately know the importance of raising their vibrational frequency. The soul intuitive knowingly guides you to awaken your body vehicle which is a star gate to the higher and interdimensional realms. When the crown chakra is awakened, it can bring this illumination and realignment to the expanded universe. Your ascension journey is an awakening messenger to the universe that opens energetic highways to the higher realms that lifts the veils of illusion. You will see the angelic being also here in the picture. This angelic realm is part of humanity’s history, being revealed in new ways of who you are, and many of the starseeds are awakening to their angelic human DNA and divine potential—the divine original blueprint. Mother Mary and UFO Here is another picture of Mother Mary and a UFO: "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino," painted in the 15th century, artist unknown. This very famous painting has survived fires and war and the test of time. In the lower section you can see a man and his dog where they seem to be looking up at a UFO. This painting can be found as part of the Loeser collection in the Palazzo Vecchio, the town hall of Florence, Italy. Who is Mother Mary? This can depend on what religion, where you live in the world and how you were brought up. For many on the planet, Mother Mary, from the Christian perspective, is considered religious and is the Mother of Jesus Christ. Mother Mary is also the wife of Joseph and has been known as many titles, including the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, Queen of the Angels and Blessed Mother. Mother Mary has a very beloved place in many hearts regardless of their religion and the way they have been raised, for she has appeared to people of all faiths, all ages and backgrounds, all over the world. Mother Mary, an Ascended Master of the Higher Heart and Miracles of Love Many recognize Mother Mary as an ascended master of the sacred heart, the higher heart, and that miracles abound through love, transformation of the star gate portal of the heart. She can be recognized as transcending the test of time, as the re-emergence of the sacred divine feminine—the Universal Mother. 13 Ascension through the supernatural and otherworldly journey of the ascended masters. Your awakening of your ascension would imply ascended as in to be an ascended master of the revelations of ancient wisdom. The ascended masters’ lives could be viewed as supernatural and otherworldly and can also be recognized as multidimensional and interdimensional connections to the expanded field of Universal Consciousness. The Starseeds, Blue Rays and Light Workers, who are highly evolved souls, are reawakening by a powerful spirit encoded force in knowing how to receive spiritual light from the higher planes. This is bringing your higher will, liberation, expanding your consciousness and raising your vibrational frequency, as many of you are doing through the gateway of the heart. 33 Superhuman Abilities are the Dormant DNA Starseed, New Forerunner and Blue Ray, the ascended masters can show you how to be the emulations of this ancient wisdom, gain mastery over your life’s lessons and divine nature. Knowing these qualities exist within you and for humanity of these seemingly superhuman abilities is the dormant DNA, the divine original blueprint that is the calling of the starborn to rediscover. 13 Your Galactic Heritage Awakening through the Ascended Masters 10:10 Your ancient cellular memories are restoring the grander resonances that you are from the stars, expanding knowledge of your galactic heritage. This is an essential part in getting beyond the limitations that have been taught or known here on the planet. Your higher heart and mind remember an expansion expression that is inclusive and not limiting, that is freeing your spirit in your ascension to wholeness in the unity field which has always been a part of humanity and who you are, to be ascended galactic citizens of the Universe. 11:11 The Blue Ray Beings and the Mother Frequency The Blue Rays, who are ultra sensitive empath star beings, have a special connection to the sacred divine feminine and the Blue Ray orb beings and Codes of Creation. As this is one of their main connections, through their ascension is the way of the Mother Frequency. The blue rays’ super empathic nature and intuitive body resonance is an aspect of the dormant DNA codes of the Mother’s frequency that is being activated to unify and create access to other intelligent life forces needed to support Earth and humanity. Shekina Rose, Light Beams of Galactic Interdimensional Contact Shekina Rose was born as a conscious star being, a blue ray angelic, and has had awakenings and higher realm downloads and DNA upgrades throughout her life. One of these awakenings was the arrival of her star family, who guided her to a long period of purification and healing of her body, mind and spirit. Her star family confirmed that she was a star seed and foretold of the future. This interdimensional connection occurred when she was young and before she had any information about such things, though she always knew she was from the stars, and longed to go home and find her real family. Another download instantly awakened her DNA resonances to the blue ray information as to how she came through to this planet, and she then became the channel of this stream of information. These light stream beams you see in the photos of Shekina are mostly coming from a source of light and are directed to her head. In the other pictures, you see conscious contact from other realms coming down to Shekina’s hand. These seemingly supernatural and otherworldly visual sightings and ET contact are the awakening and truth of light workers’ and starbeings’ heritage. It is your true nature to commune with the other realms, with telepathy, telekinesis, psychokinesis, inter dimensional travel and time travel, having full access to your cellular memory and God DNA abilities. These awakenings are occurring to thousands upon thousands of light workers, blue rays and starseeds, in different ways, all over the world; it is seeing through the matrix, lifting of the veils, in ways that are visible and recognizable in your physical reality. These visible and recognizable interdemensional and higher plane activities are signals in your world and an enormous blessing and sign of the paradigm shift and your ascension, what you know in your heart as the New Earth. 13 You are seeing the visibility of the grander relationships and bigger picture of you and the interconnections of your ancient galactic history, and that you, Light Bearer, Blue Ray Starseed have made the difference, even if the rest of the world has yet no idea. The universe sees you, Home is calling you to know your place in the cosmos, and that you are the Universal Galactic Community of Light. These sightings and new ways of interaction will become even more apparent and real in your world very soon. 333 Pictures of Shekina Rose from the Cathedral Rock Vortex, Sedona AZ. The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process.
BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions. Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [email protected]
![]() Colin:- You worked as a University Academic before moving towards a career in healing and therapy, can you tell us how that move came about? Celia:-Thank you, Colin, for allowing me to connect with you and your readers in this way, it is such a pleasure for me. My first “career” was as an English teacher, as I have a PhD in English literature and philosophy. As I look back, it was the place where I was “trained” to write, speak and teach and to be at ease with large groups of people. I was born as a “crystal” being and I have always been “psychic” and in touch with my higher self and its guidance. My family was very academic, we have lots of Phds and MAs, so I was just doing what was normal for us and followed the family route. But, I also wanted to explore and develop the spiritual side of self, so this interest developed in tandem with my academic studies. Exploring the influence of the Divine Feminine energy in poetry was basically the topic of my doctoral dissertation! Anyway, there came a time when I was told by my higher self that it was time to move on. I couldn’t believe it, I had a tenured post, great career and potential as a writer and academic, but they told me to move and so I did. I spent a year kind of looking around and qualified as an Aromatherapist, which I never practised, because things fell into place for me to work as a psychic and healer. I worked as a full time healer for nearly ten years, in which time I developed a technique called “Bio-energetics” and then an Ascension activation technique, before I began my work as a channel and global spiritual facilitator. Colin:- In your early Earth Log Reports you say that you first began serious Ascension work in 2001, how would you describe your Ascension work and how did that come about? Celia:- Well in reality, the Ascension activation technique that I developed was in the late 1990s. Then in 2001, I met a person who had been close to Maharishi, and I went through a rapid kundalini awakening and was “introduced” into the “circle” of the eastern yogi masters past and present. It was very traumatic actually, as I had no real idea what was going on with my energy. My healing ability was increased exponentially, but I found it difficult to work with people. People were spooked by me because my energy made them tingle and buzz, and I didn’t know how to deal with it. Fortunately, Spirit told me that I needed to become a channel and that I needed to stop healing as the energy was too powerful for one on one healing. So, the end of successful career number two, and the beginning of this phase of my work. It was probably the most difficult transition, as the frequency shifts I had to go through to hold the Michael energy and transmit the information was very taxing on my physical system. I was “rebirthed” on practically every level. Whew! What a ride! Anyway by 2004 I was focussed and Starchild was born. Originally, there were other people involved with Starchild, but it kept collapsing, so I was instructed to make it a vehicle for my work and channels, and since then I have just expanded the work. But , right now I am feeling as though I am on the cusp of another transition, so lets see.... Colin:- You describe your great affinity with the Cetaceans, the dolphins and the whales, as I think many on the ascension journey have discovered, how did you first come into contact with them? Celia:- I have always felt an affinity with Dolphins, and of course, where I live in South Africa is the probably the best place in the world for land based whale watching! The Southern Right Whales visit our shores for mating and birthing between July and November. Actually, last week-end a friend and I spent a day with the whales at Walker Bay in preparation for the 11:11 work. So, I was contacted by the whale consciousness and told that I needed to go and work with them. This involved driving along the coast to find the pods and then interacting with them. I worked for two seasons with a friend called Terry. We had a great adventure, climbing up and down cliffs and over rocks, communing and photographing and me writing up the experiences in the “Dolphin Diaries”. After a while, the Whales would contact me before I left the house and tell me where I would find them and what they wanted me to do. It was so magical. Looking back, the experience with the whales served to expand my consciousness very rapidly. On one occasion we found a single whale that was very close to the shore. We sat a few yards from this creature for about an hour and a half. We toned to the whale for a while, and when we started the whale heaved itself up in the water to stare at us. Wow....goose flesh... I cannot tell you what a thrill that was, and the expansion of consciousness was immense. I have some of the pictures I took on the website. At that time I was also working with a distance healing technique called “Aura Sonics” which involved toning and the transmission of healing light through sound. The whales helped me to develop this technique, although I was told to stop doing it when Starchild grew bigger, as the energy demand on me was too great. In 2007, I held a “Whale week” here in South Africa that was attended by people, mostly from Europe and the UK. This was the culmination of this work, before I began the global travel that I am currently doing. Colin:- You have published so much information about Indigo-Crystal Children, how did you first start working with them, what was it that guided you to them? Celia:- Well, Colin, the work with the Indigo and Crystal children was actually where I began my work with Archangel Michael. At the time I wrote my book, “The Indigo Crystal Adventure”, it was only Steve Rother and Lee Caroll who were talking about Indigos. Of course now there are many people doing this work, and that is wonderful. Steve Rother was a big influence when I started out as a channel, and I was thrilled to meet him and his lovely wife and partner, Barbara, in Moscow earlier this year. I was guided into this work by Archangel Michael, but it happened at the tail end of my healing career, so I actually specialized in Indigo and Crystal children for a while and met many of them and their parents. I even did two hours on South African talk radio on the topic. I did come to realize that there was nothing really that could be done to help these children within the current social systems, as the purpose of these beings was to help us to change these systems, which is the topic of my book. Of course, the Indigo and Crystal children and adults have been the spiritual force behind the transformations of the Ascension process. We owe them a great deal! I was guided to start The Starchild Children’s Foundation in South Africa three years ago to support children within my community, and I have also appreciated the support that I have received from my readers in the work with children on the material level. Colin:- I loved reading your advice for Adult Indigos who are moving to the Crystal energy, I found such a resonance with the energy of the words. How would you describe an Adult Indigo to someone who may not even realise they are an Indigo, but have been drawn to read about them? Celia:- My concept of an Indigo adult is probably different to what many people believe. In my view, the Ascension process takes people through the Indigo and Crystal energies into the Heart space of enlightened awareness. So, anyone who is in the process of awakening becomes an Indigo- Crystal before they enter what I term the “Sacred Rose” consciousness of the Ascended Christ energy. My new book that I am working on now is called “The Sacred Heart and the Sacred Rose” and is about the work I have done in the last two years with Mary Magdalene and the Ascended Christ consciousness as channelled through the Divine Feminine energy. Mary Magdalene worked in France and western Europe and she was guided by Archangel Michael. This time now is when her teachings and her wisdom are being rediscovered and I am very honoured to be able to work with them both. Colin:- Your channellings from Archangel Michael must be some of the most forwarded messages around, their energy and guidance have been so helpful to so many, can you give us an insight into how you started your relationship with Michael? Celia:- I first encountered Archangel Michael when I was about 7 years old. He appeared to me, and I was very startled. But, I think it was to remind me that he was watching over me and that we had a “date” later in life! When I began to work as a channel I knew that this presence had been with me for most of my life. It has been a wonderful privilege and adventure to share the Ascension energy reports with people for the last few years. It is always wonderful for me how they are always so accurate about the energies and the processes that we pass through in our journey of transformation. The channel for this month of November is very special, and it is a culmination of the work I have been doing over the last few years with the Sacred Heart and the Twin Flame energy. The Sacred Heart meditation that was given to me by Archangel Michael has been a central part of the work I have done with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua in the last few years. And now, the Sacred Rose meditation completes this phase of the work and prepares us for the rapid acceleration of change that is coming in the next two years. Colin:- You also used your Earth Log Reports to give us a glimpse of your wonderful journeys throughout the world, what lead you to travel in this way? Celia:- Nothing really, it was just a natural development of the work that I did with the website. Of course, it was guided by Spirit, but I never had to do anything, the opportunities just flowed to me. It has been a great privilege and pleasure to work all around the Planet with Family of Light and to meet people from different countries and cultures. I have built many wonderful connections and friendships in the process. And I have truly realized that we are all One. Wherever I go, Family of Light are the same, open and loving and warm. It is that fact that makes it possible for me to venture out on my own. I do travel all over on my own, and I have got used to navigating airports and air travel in several languages. So, much of this was reported in the Earth Logs. However, the function of the Earth Logs was really to allow me to write about my own feelings and perceptions of what is happening on the Planet and how we can perceive the changes and transformations in a positive way. Really, because so much is changing so rapidly, many people become confused and anxious when their support systems seem to fail, and the Earth Logs helped me to provide another perception of what is happening and to share the inner wisdom that I have.I always enjoy the responses from my readers, and of course, as you know, I also maintain a presence on Facebook that allows me to interact more directly with my readers. Thank you so much for allowing me to be present with your readers in this way and to share some of my thoughts and feelings. I do appreciate the support, and I wish you so much love and joy in your work! We are in such a powerful period of transformation, experiencing such miracles, that we can only celebrate the privilege of being here at this time. Colin: Thanks so much Celia, for your time and energy. ![]() By Angelynne On June 13th I checked in with my guides about observations I had been making concerning the increased numbers of small earthquake clusters on the pacific coast. Since the Nepal earthquake I had noticed the number of earthquake clusters off the coast of Alaska, Vancouver Island, Oregon, California and Chile had become more frequent. I asked my guides if there was some way I could help. The result of the question was the co-creation of two seismic structures whose purpose was to lessen the severity of earthquakes worldwide through the release of tension and stress between tectonic plates. The first structure was constructed on the lower mainland of Vancouver, B.C. The second was on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands of Washington state. It became evident that the results of Creator energy pulsing through the structures and radiating 360 degrees outward, reaching all areas on the surface of the Earth - at ground level, above and below ground - had far reaching effects that were not just seismic in nature. An overall healing and balancing of all of Earth's systems had been stimulated. Land and air were the main focus of the B.C. structure, while the focus for the Orcas structure was oceans and the Earth's water systems. The Creator energy radiating from each of the structures is helping to mitigate the effects of Global Warming and Climate Change on humanity, Gaia and all things associated with the earth-plane. With the co-creation of the Orcas Island structure on June 16th, several unexpected and extraordinary events occurred. First, cetacean as well as Creator energy began radiating from this structure. Immediately upon completion, Gaia utilized the structure to send, via the cetaceans, a distress call. In ancient times, at the beginning of the Earth Experiment, a specific energy frequency was encoded with information and was 'set aside' and not to be used except by Gaia at a time of great need in the future. This frequency with its encoded message was pre-programmed to reach those who had helped co-create Earth. These beings of Space and Spirit, of highest light and intent for Gaia and humanity, had vowed to come to Gaia's and humanity's aid if that time ever came. The time had come. Gaia, humanity and all associated with Earth are experiencing a pivotal time in the history of Earth, a time of great stress, chaos, dis-ease, imbalance, and the resultant fears, angers.... It was expected that humanity would be responsible stewards of Earth and all associated with Earth. As we know, this hasn't happened. A point has been reached when conscious decisions must be made and actions taken to release and clear the dense energies that are anchoring Gaia and humanity in 3D, in physicality. In releasing these energies, the causes of the issues plaguing humanity and Gaia at this time may be cleared. We may rise in frequency, heal, balance and release that which is keeping us in a lower vibrational frequency. When this process is complete, higher dimensions and the New Earth will be achieved. Gaia's stress is being cleared via the geological, meteorological...disasters that are presently happening. These events are the natural result of mismanagement by humanity. Gaia has learned that she cannot wait any longer for humanity to do what needs to be done quickly enough to combat Global Warming and Climate Change. For this reason she has reached out to those of highest light who are not presently residing on the earth-plane, but who have a vested interest in the evolution of Earth and humanity. What happens here on Earth affects the entire Universe. As soon as the call for help was sent, hundreds of thousands of ships from all parts of the Universe arrived. Those of Space and Spirit who are in the ships are here expressly to aid Gaia and humanity during this chaotic time. They are here to work with us and through us, but not to step in and take over or 'fix' our present planetary and societal problems. They are prohibited from doing this because we have free choice/will. Our evolution/ascension is our responsibility. If they were to take over, they would be taking away from us valuable learning experiences and ultimately invalidate the results of the Earth Experiment. Those benevolent beings who reside in the lightships above our Earth, have a message they would like shared. "Dear Ones, We are those of Space and Spirit who are your family, who care deeply for the welfare of you and Gaia. We were with you in the beginning, we are with you Now. With these words we impart to you our love and our sincere offer of support. Humanity and Gaia are currently experiencing great turmoil. The scope of the turmoil is a testament to how far humanity has come, how much has been learned, and how you have evolved as light beings. While it is a time of great challenge, it is also a time when quantum leaps may be made in consciousness and in your evolution. The key to the survival of Gaia and humanity is working together - people helping people, people helping the planet. While what is happening often elicits great fear, anger, despair and distrust, there are also frequent occurrences of selfless acts, acts of love and compassion for others without thought of personal reward or recognition. These acts are happening more and more frequently and are clearing mechanisms for both the person being of service and for those who are being served. The energy behind these acts is uplifting emotionally and in terms of frequency. This rise in frequency affects the group consciousness, uplifting All. Gaia cries for humanity, for all of her children, for the pain and suffering her acts of clearing are causing. She has selflessly provided the home, the schoolhouse, in which humanity has learned and evolved. She has done her best to clear, release, heal and balance the physical environment, to rise in frequency with the evolution of her children. She has carried out her assignment nobly, but she knows the time has come to not only reach out to humanity but also to those presently not residing on the earth-plane, to ask for help so that she may become all that she must be - the New Earth. There is still hope. There is still time. There is much that can be done to rectify the current planetary problems. Solutions exist for Global Warming and Climate Change through the united efforts of Gaia, humanity, the cetaceans, and those of the Animal, Mineral, Plant and Devic kingdoms, and through we of Space and Spirit. Free choice brings with it responsibility. The present state of Earth is ultimately the result of free choice - individuals, governments, corporations...choosing the needs/desires of the few over the good of the Whole. In order to solve the present problems, a new united choice for the good of All will need to happen. We know that this is possible. It will take effort, sacrifice, and a change in attitude about the purpose of Earth and humanity. All that is happening now is creating a global shift in attitude toward the Earth and humanity - a new reality of working together toward a common goal of highest good for All. There is great hope for the future of mankind. Know that you are family, you are loved unconditionally - you are not alone." July 15/15 Personal Musings It has been over 25 years since AA Michael appeared beside my bed at 5:00 a.m. one July morning, waking me from the most intense, most heat-wrenching, and most real dream I'd ever experienced. I awoke sobbing as I had relived the death of my mother. I became aware of a presence beside my bed and turned to see a huge, glowing sphere of white light energy, which spoke to me! That was the beginning of my conscious channeling experiences with those of Spirit. A few years later my guides introduced me to those of Space. The assignments I've been given involve the rise in frequency, the ascension, of humanity and Gaia. I incarnated on Earth in this lifetime with the skills that would allow me to do the light-work assignment for which I volunteered, just as we all incarnate with a purpose and with the tools we'll need to carry out our work. We are all here for a reason. Each of us has unique skills that aid us in carrying out our assignments. Each person, each assignment, is of great importance. When we work together sharing our skills and expertise toward a common selfless goal, miracles can happen. We live in challenging times that seem to become more so each day. It is hard to keep the faith, to hope that all will be well when we see daily on the news there was another earthquake or heat wave or hurricane or forest fire, or a war that is escalating... but as well, uplifting things are happening, like the policeman who was called to arrest a homeless woman for shoplifting groceries and clothing for her children. Instead of arresting her, he paid for the items. And the conservation officer who was suspended from his job because he wouldn't euthanize 2 bear cubs whose mother had been killed. The province in which I live has just gone through a 3 week long heat wave and air quality advisories because of the smoke from over 200 forest fires that are currently burning. People from as far away as Australia have come to our aid. People in the areas experiencing the fires volunteer to help in any way that is needed like bringing food, clean clothes...for the fire fighters and for those whose homes have been lost. A pod of orca whales swam into Burrard Inlet recently. They were filmed swimming by tall buildings, in a business centre of Vancouver. This had never happened before and was an uplifting event that helped take our minds off the heat wave and forest fires. One of my favourite uplifting moments was seeing the heart shape on the first photo of Pluto. I hold the energy of these events in my heart. They give me hope for our future. It is also important that we notice and celebrate the simple things around us that can raise our spirits, that make us laugh or fill us with joy. These are everyday things like swimming in the ocean, taking a walk in the woods, hugging a tree, pausing to smell a flower, watching a favourite movie or TV show, reading a good book, doing something we enjoy that takes our minds off personal and planetary challenges and gives us a necessary break from the turmoil around us. Be kind to and forgive yourself and others. Practice Random Acts of Kindness and feel your energy soar! Feel free to share this information with those who may benefit from it for the highest good of self and others. I only ask that the channeling be shared in its entirety, acknowledging the author and that it not be posted on websites or blogs or included in print or electronic publications without permission. In loving service, Angelynne ![]() Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here acknowledging you, honored with this connection and opportunity to once again expand your awareness. We acknowledge your physical aspect as well as your multidimensional aspects. It has been our consistent and constant message, to remind you of your magnificence. You are a master and you are beginning to remember. You are pure divine conscious energy dwelling in a physical form in this focused reality of now. You are also pure divine conscious energy moving between other possible realities, other dimensions. We will continue to repeat this fact until it is a recognized truth without question. In your present physical form you are here in your current reality to create. Sounds simple doesn't it? Yet we observe the confusion, the denial, the disbelief of this possibility. So we invite you to step outside these states of mind and your current beliefs and consider and explore the possibilities of your true mastery. First let us remind you that this energy field, this frequency of vibration that you interface with is neutral, it is a blank canvas so to speak. It responds to the energy, thoughts, words, emotions that you express each moment. This neutral energy field or quantum field is connecting or entangled with all other energy signatures of this planet. Each and every individual is contributing to what is created in the reality of this hologame/hologram. Your focused intention contributes to this creation. Your energy, thoughts and beliefs join the energy, thoughts and beliefs of others. So now this group vibration has a significant impact on the whole field. The collective vibrations interface with Earth and all aspects that are being out- pictured into the physical reality that you observe. This awareness allows you to be the true master that you are. When you own the realization that you are truly connected to everything that is occurring, the good, the bad and the ugly, you can begin to own your powerful ability to be a true transformer of what is occurring on your planet. You are entangled with all that is occurring. Your every action contributes to what is unfolding, your judgments, your resistance, your opinions, especially your emotional vibrations. When you judge a situation, you are actually empowering that very reality. Your vibration of judgment, positive or negative, joins other similar judgment vibrations and adds more power to the creation of the very thing you are judging. You are here in physical form in this 3D reality to uplift and transform consciousness. Remember you are an alchemist. You have the ability and the true skills to assist humanity in awakening. You are awakening to the realization that each individual is a master creator and multidimensional being. You are awakening to the realization that this 3D experience is only one of the possibly possible realities you can and will experience. You are awakening to the realization that you move between many other dimensions and realities at all times. We know that many of you are experiencing moments in which you become disoriented and confused. You shake your head, realize you are back in physical form and are puzzled by what just happened. This puzzling experience is happening to more and more individuals. You are actually moving between dimensions. You are beginning to catch a brief glimpse or vision of other worlds or realities. This is the process of conscious evolution. This shifting from one reality or another can and does affect your physical form, so be aware, take care and be kind to yourself. Rest, drink water, eat healthy, be in nature and shift your thoughts and emotions as often as needed to stay in a place of coherence. Remember that when you are shifting from one dimension/hologram to another you are seeding this current 3D reality with all the possibilities from the higher dimensions. Little by little, this is actually bringing about an upgrade to the outdated and limited paradigm of this reality. You are shifting this dimension through your connection or entanglement with all others. Your words, thoughts, emotions and projections as well as your journeys outside this limited hologram/hologame are supporting the expansion and the awareness of realities beyond your imagination. We want you to understand the importance of who you are. We continue to empower you to remember that you are here and a significant part of this major and cosmic shift. Everything is a frequency, a vibration. Everything is connected or entangled. One shift truly affects all. One awakened realization triggers others. Much like touching the outer strands of an elaborate and beautifully formed spider web is felt by all, that awakened realization is energetically felt by all through this entanglement. We could also use the example of your current internet, which is connecting everyone around the globe. It is just the outer reflection, a projection or manifestation of the entanglement. It is just the outer reflection of your ability to be telepathically and empathically connected to everything and everyone. You can mentally, and even emotionally, feel disconnected from the tragic events occurring around your world. You can deny that you have anything to do with these current events. However, because of your energetic connection and entanglement, you are feeling the vibration of all that is occurring. Your imagined denial is really contributing to what is occurring. So we are inviting you to be a conscious transformer, a conscious alchemist, by assisting and supporting the uplifting of all. Your awareness and willingness to contribute light, love, joy, gratitude and forgiveness to this quantum entanglement affects all that is taking place. You are not powerless, you are truly powerful beyond measure. You are an awesome cosmic and galactic citizen. You are here to uplift, to create life-sustaining realities. You are so much more than the physical body and limited beliefs that you carry. Your expanded SELF, your multidimensional SELF is a part of the entire galactic and cosmic entanglement of divine energy of creation. You are infinite. You are a significant part of all that is. We invite you to own this truth, and embody this truth. It is time and it is now, your personal contributions are needed and truly make a difference in this 3D entanglement and in the galactic and cosmic entanglement. We are ever available and a part of your entangled energy. We continue to send you our love and support as well as our deep gratitude for your continued contributions to the awesome shift taking place in consciousness. the 'team' ©2015 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available ![]() Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua Dear friends, I am Jeshua; I love you all deeply. I respect who you are, both your light and your dark sides. I call upon you, you who are the carriers of today's new consciousness. In my life, I carried a torch of light and wanted to share it with humanity. I was a very human being, just like you. I had anger and despair, just like you, but there also were moments of deep connection with my soul. I was growing on the inner level, just like you. It is important that you stop seeing me as a perfect being, a master high above you. I am your brother, your friend, and I am not here to judge or to preach. I want to share my feelings of companionship with you, so please feel my respect for you. I would like to say "hello" to you all, individually; please feel my presence in your heart. You are ready to change, ready to admit who you really are. You are an eternal being who has traveled throughout the universe for many, many lifetimes, but you have become used to making yourself small and to measuring yourself by the standards of society. You think of yourself as a woman or a man, rich or poor, healthy or sick, and you define yourself in those terms, but you are so much more than that. You are so free, and the biggest tragedy of becoming human in present day society is that you lose your sense of freedom. For so many ages, Earth has been enshrouded in an atmosphere of fear, and people have become disconnected from their original power and creativity. When you feel separated from your own essence, you start to behave in the "accepted" manner and so you become out of balance. When you are disconnected from your soul, you basically feel lost, continually, and there is emptiness, a hole in your heart, which you then start to try to fill with things from outside you. You want to fill the hole with possessions, or power, or you lose yourself in visions of a perfect romantic relationship, and so you may become addicted to specific kinds of behavior or things. But the basic problem is that you feel disconnected from your own essence, from your soul. A lightworker is a person who can no longer bear to live separated from their soul. They feel a kind of longing, a kind of homesickness in their heart, and as they become more mature, they start to realize that nothing coming from outside can fill that hole, which is why lightworkers become very interested in spirituality; they become seekers on the spiritual path. They start their search because they feel wounded inside, but their wounds are not just their wounds. The wound of separation is shared by all humanity, although a large part of humanity is still seeking solutions outside themselves. Lightworker souls are aware that the answer lies within, and because of that awareness they are meant to be teachers and healers, but a lot of lightworkers are struggling with a very low self-image. When they grow up as a child, they take in a lot of the judgments of their family and society. Maybe they feel they cannot be as ambitious as their parents would like them to be. They are often very sensitive and need to withdraw and to experience quiet times to remain centered. They are often idealistic and many of them have artistic talents. It is part of a lightworker soul’s mission to introduce a new kind of consciousness on Earth, but to be able to do that you need to firmly believe in yourself. You have to trust the voice of your own intuition and your feelings, not in an ego-based way, such as: "I am farther ahead of other people", but in a heart-based way: by appreciating and respecting yourself, because that is how your heart can speak to you. The pitfall for many lightworkers is that they lose themselves in feelings of inferiority, dismissing their true needs and desires. You need a strong personality to be able to disconnect from society’s ideas and to be yourself. And that is what I would like to emphasize today: the importance of being strong and self-aware, which is a message about the male energy inside you. When I was living on Earth over two thousand years ago, I needed to often isolate myself in order to remember who I was. There were a lot of confusing energies around me, especially from the expectations of the people close to me. I needed to protect myself from that to remain connected to my higher self. Often, I would go to the desert alone to feel really close to God, to Spirit, and to keep my confidence. It is the same for you. You are inhabitants of two worlds: you have one foot in today’s human society and the other foot in your soul’s dimension, the realm you come from. You need to firmly keep your foot in that dimension, otherwise you become bogged down and fearful because of society’s pressure. You need your male energy to firmly say “no” to demands and expectations that do not feel right for you. So, in that sense, you must be a warrior, although not a warrior who is fighting and struggling with other people. To be a warrior means to be true to yourself, to disconnect often from the world around you, and to listen to what you feel, to what you sense, to trust your inner guidance. I ask you to now travel with me in your imagination to the desert and to go there at night time. The temperature has cooled down and you see a sky above you full of brilliant stars. Imagine that you are there with me, and feel the mystery of the huge space around you – feel the mystery of life. You find a place to sit down and you relax and go inside yourself. The desert is like an external gateway to your own inner temple into which you now enter. Inside that temple you feel connected to the fullness of the Earth and to all the stars in the Heavens. You are such a great and vast being, and you tell yourself: “I accept my greatness; I am different; I am here to bring in a new consciousness”. Remember where you come from: a place of quiet wisdom from which you have been called to come down to Earth at this time. You are here to heal your inner wounds and to also provide an example to other people. I ask you to take yourselves seriously. When you are inside your inner temple, there is a guide there who wants to offer you some help or advice. Remember your guides are your friends – really. You are very much soulmates, but because they are on the other side they see some things more clearly than you do with your human eyes. When you allow your guides to come closer, recognize them as your friends and feel a sense of familiarity. Now ask your guides what it is you need to know right now. If you feel upset, or down about something in your life, you can tell them. Feel that there is a lot of help and guidance from this side, from this dimension. You are so much appreciated for what you do and your guides are there only to remind you of things that you already know. Before you descended to Earth and incarnated in this body, you were a very aware being, so feel connected with your guides, for they are the representatives of the dimension of your soul. Now imagine you leave this temple and you bring its energy with you down to Earth. As you are sitting here in this chair, in this room, allow the energy of your greater self, your soul, to be fully with you inside your body, and be aware that the world needs you; the world needs the particular energy of your soul. I would like to thank you for your courage and perseverance. I honor you deeply, and even if you feel confused, or you are in pain, I can still see your light shining brightly. I am here to remind you of that light and to convince you of my trust in you. © Pamela Kribbe You may also like An Interview with Pamela Kribbe Download our free Magic of Being Quantum Meditations |
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February 2023