Old structures based on greed, competitiveness, self interest and hatred have no place in the New Earth and are blocking her from moving forward into her fifth dimensional light body. Like a snake shedding her skin the old one has to be split and shed so that the new one can be revealed. Just as Gaia is releasing her negative frequencies, so we humans are also clearing old programs which have been holding us in self doubt, lack of self esteem, fear and separation. These programs are preventing us from moving forward into our ascended light bodies. Mother Earth is cleansing herself with the hurricanes and earthquakes but she is also trying to get our attention. We have moved so far away from simple values of living from the heart and the importance of community. We have been putting our focus on self interest, accumulating possessions and getting ahead at the expense of personal connections and family life. Gaia is trying to realign us with values that are of primary importance such as people, family, animals by challenging us with the possibility of losing all of our possessions in natural disasters. So what to do? Our lack of consciousness is the cause of these dramatic events but we can also use consciousness positively to help Gaia to release her blocked energy so that she doesn't need to generate all the storms which take a lot of energy from her. Remember that Gaia is a fully conscious being and we can always work with her as we have done in many lifetimes as druids and other cultures who worked with weather elementals. We offer to assist them and then ask them if they would co-operate with us to calm the winds, rain, hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. We can help by visualizing her surrounded in light, seeing droplets of light penetrating the crust which is suffocating her and dissolving all of the negative energy which we have created. We can "see" her as being already cleansed and restored to wholeness. Focus on sending the light into her crystal grids so that they can amplify it and take it wherever it is needed. Mother Earth does not want to harm any of us, she just needs us to wake up and change our ways. We can help her by opening our hearts to all living beings and begin to live in joy, dancing and singing to lift both ourselves and our Mother. As we begin to share unconditional love and to spread it to everyone we meet then we are healing her. As far as our own healing is concerned we also need to release the crust which is preventing us from moving forward into our ascension. It is time to release old patterns of focusing our attention on acquiring possessions, wealth and status. We have been conditioned to value ourselves by what we achieve in terms of business or material success and we have forgotten to feed the soul. We are all carrying wounds from our childhoods of self doubt, lack of self esteem and confidence, abandonment and shame. Mother Earth has created these life threatening events partly to help us to focus on what is really important which is people and animals not 'things". Visualize yourself standing in a beautiful stream of light which is pouring down from the Source and is infusing every cell in your body, dissolving all of the old programs from the past which are holding you in separation and limitation. All old thought forms of lack, self doubt, "I don't deserve,"" I always fail," 'I'm not good enough," are being dissolved in the golden light. Now say to yourself or out loud "I now release all of the memories, programs, thought forms and conditioning that are keeping me attached to patterns from the past which are no longer serving my highest good and my awakening to the truth of my being. I release them now through all time, all space and all dimensions. I see this and decree this in the name of the One and so it is." Send gratitude to Mother Earth for her patience with us, ask forgiveness for all of the harm that we have caused her by our unconsciousness. Let her know that we are here to support her in her rebirth process and we are truly grateful for all of the gifts that she blesses us with. I offer sessions of hypnotherapy to help you to uncover your unconscious programs that are keeping you in suffering and to release them. For more info see my website www.cominghometolemuria.com You may also like An Interview with Charmian Redwood
All of the lightworkers are pulling the light in now and we are at the tipping point. That is why everything looks so dark and we hear so many reports about terrorist actions across the world, shootings and bombings. It is the dark before the dawn. It is the last ditch resistance from the energy of density before the planet is finally restored to the light. It is the light that is pushing up through the darkness from underneath and bringing all of the distortions to the surface to be released. Once you turn the light on and there hasn't been light there for a while everything looks very strange and it feels disturbing. However there are pinpricks of light all over the earth as the light workers awaken to the truth who they really are. They are meant to go into the dark spaces and to shine the light. Everything on this planet is being returned to light so focus your attention on the new earth that you want to create and become part of the tidal wave that is sweeping away the old and corrupt systems of power of the few over the many, of greed and corruption. There is a shadow over the earth but the shadow is moving back and the light is infiltrating the darkness, going underneath it and finding ways to get into it and break it up. There are two portals which will be opening in this powerful month of August which will greatly affect this shift of energy. First is the Lunar eclipse on August 7th 2.11pm EST 11.11am PCT This is a celebration of the feminine energy which the moon represents. All of us are carrying wounds in our emotional bodies from our many experiences in the realm of density. We hold the memories of grief, anger, fear, guilt, shame in our cellular memories. These experiences of past trauma create our belief systems and therefore are controlling the reality which we are creating around us. If you did not receive love and nurturing as a child you may believe yourself to be unworthy of love and so prevent yourself from experiencing loving relationships. If you died in great poverty in a previous life you may have a belief that you are unable to achieve financial security and wealth in this one. Whatever your belief is, that is what shows up in your life. This lunar eclipse is reset opportunity. The moon influences the waters of the planet and the water within us so this is likely to be an emotional time. It will bring up emotional residue, anger, grief, fear, wanting to keep dragging up the past, but it is an opportunity for cleansing, forgiving and letting go. The past made us who we are, it developed our strengths and showed us our weaknesses. So at the time of the eclipse do a ceremony or a meditation focusing on forgiving all of the people and situations which you have found yourself thinking about in the time before the eclipse. Forgive yourself for everything which you feel bad about in your past and start again. Look at the emotions which these memories trigger and see the wounding within yourself that they are mirroring. Is there a part of you that is playing victim? Do you believe on some level that you deserve to be treated disrespectfully? It is a time to celebrate the divine feminine energy on the earth. men and women coming together to celebrate the qualities of gentleness, nurturing, mothering and compassion. A time to give thanks for the feminine influences in our lives, our mothers, daughters, sisters and our Mother Earth. Time to bring back the balance, instead of competition there is a recognition of the difference between the masculine and the feminine. Women don't have to try to be men and men don't have to try to be anything different from what they are. We can just celebrate one another as male and female aspects of the Divine Oneness. Solar eclipse August 21st 2.30pm EST 11.30 am PCT The shadow is making one last attempt to retain control of the Earth before it gets pushed away. This eclipse is an opportunity to draw a veil over the past and close the doors that make you want to keep looking back. A new door is opening, there is a new dawn as the face of the sun is revealed, bringing a whole new world full of light, joy, Christ light, dancing and singing. It would be beneficial to do ceremony with fire, burning whatever represents those things we need to let go of both personally and on the planetary level. What of the old way do we want to see released? Then what do we wish to give birth to? What are we calling into being to be empowered by the new revelation of the solar energy when the eclipse is done. You can do this alone or in a group, write or draw on paper what you wish to release both for yourself and for the planet and offer it to the fire. Then write or draw the new qualities which you are calling in and offer those to the flame. Make simple ceremonies with crystals, water, flowers, giving thanks that the light has returned. Offer prayers seeing that the light is already here, seeing it as already done, celebrating that and giving thanks for that. Light candles to celebrate the return of the light, we carry the light wherever we go and the candle reflects the light within. Go outside and look at the sun then bring the sun energy inside of you. Think about what brings you joy and let that shine out to others through your joyful practice. It is like lighting a candle then spreading the light to others just by being. Find what lights you up, what ignites your passion and see how you can include that in your daily life. Are you taking time to sing, dance, celebrate, listen to the birds singing, enjoy the roses? As the shadow across the sun withdraws there is a real feeling of all the light workers on the earth connecting, we are all looking up at the sun wherever we are on the planet and a wave of joy travels around the whole planet and disperses the shadow. What one light worker does we all benefit from, what we learn the others learn too and it all helps with collecting and gathering the light. A new energy emerges, a new beginning within people themselves, they are connecting what is happening with the eclipse with what is happening within their lives, putting the shadow back in the past where it belongs. So remember you are not alone, feel the energy of all of the children of light sending love to you. See the earth bathed in light and all of the light workers coming together on that day and reclaiming the earth for love. Let this be the awakening of the New Earth Celebrate the light in joy, you can counteract the shadow by celebrating the light that there is rather than looking at what looks like darkness. Know that the light is growing stronger and you are adding to the light when you focus on what brings you joy and all that is good on the earth. You are a powerful Divine Being who is all knowing, all seeing, who knows the plan and your part in it. You can make a difference. In the time leading up to these powerful eclipses be mindful of what you eat, how much sleep you get and nurture yourselves physically and emotionally. It would be a good time to do a cleanse of some kind to clear your body of toxins. Many blessings to you and deep gratitude for your presence on the Earth for the rebirth Charmian Redwood Copyright Charmian Redwood 2017 All rights reserved.
A Message for Lightworkers from the Great White Brotherhood through Charmian Redwood This is a time of great chaos and change upon the earth. Your soul is demanding an environment in which the qualities of your eternal self can be manifest. There is a shifting and shaking up so that those situations and environments which are toxic to your soul, where you are limited, confined, oppressed or dis-empowered simply can no longer be tolerated. Toxic relationships where your soul is not allowed to fly free are being removed. We have come to you today to help you to navigate your way through the maze. You are slowly emerging from your chrysalis which is the result of this time of change for everyone on the earth. Each one of you is experiencing a melting down process so that you may emerge as the beautiful butterfly that you are. This process is not at all comfortable, each one of you has your own obstacle course to overcome which was created by old belief systems, low self esteem, self denial, lack, scarcity are programs that run very deep, not only from this lifetime but from many lifetimes of enslavement, dis-empowered, poverty, abandonment and having to sell one's body in order to survive. We have memories of poor housing, poor working conditions and inadequate remuneration for hard work. These old memories have left deep wounds in the psyche, so that now it is difficult to believe that you deserve better, that you can create a better life by divine grace. What is happening to the human race at this time is like the time after a mother turtle has laid her eggs buried deep in the sand and it is time for the eggs to hatch. The baby turtles begin the most challenging journey to find their way to the ocean. They must transverse an obstacle course where there are many dangers, predators, crabs and birds which all prey upon the baby turtles. The babies are small and weak and this is how it is for humanity right now, you are all hatching from being buried in the sand, being disconnected from the Source of your true identity as divine essence. You have been deeply buried for thousands of years but now it is time for you all to break out of the shell which has been confining you and to take the journey over the hot sand, over the ridges, around the boulders, through the surf and finally into the vastness of the ocean which is the source of all nourishment and the source of your being. Indeed there are many challenges at this time as you release yourself from old beliefs, programs, habits which you learned as survival mechanisms through times of persecution, oppression and suffering. For many thousands of years you learned to survive by keeping yourself small, by remaining hidden because there were many lifetimes where you did step forward, where you spoke your truth which was not in alignment with the political or religious structures of the time. You have been persecuted and punished for showing your true nature, for sharing your inner wisdom so now for many lifetimes you have been enclosed in a shell where you stayed alive but disconnected to your own inner light. Now it is time to find that deep well of courage within, as the baby turtle receives the signal, he knows exactly when it is the right time to break out of the shell, he feels the pull of the waves and the moon, he knows the time has come for him to break out of his shell, to dig himself out of the sand and to take the great journey across the sand. We might call it the perilous passage from the safety of forgetting into the ocean of re-connection. You all carry within you the ghosts and shadows of many experiences which have been very traumatic for you and have been controlling your life. We say to you now that the tide has turned, the light is calling you home, so whatever it takes you must dig yourself out of the sand, take all of your courage and walk through the demons, the limiting beliefs, which would prevent you from completing that journey. It is the ocean of love from which you were born which is calling you home. Know that you have a wealth of assistance in this process from many beings in the realms of light, your guides, teachers, angels and family who are waiting to assist you in the process of releasing the old belief systems. Simply make your request and it shall be done. Blessings and love We are one. The Great White Brotherhood Charmian Redwood Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations by Charmian Redwood Are you feeling lost? Feeling like the things you used to do, people you used to hang out with just are not a match anymore? Feeling disconnected, lonely, frustrated, empty? Don't worry and congratulations, you are not alone. The energy of the Earth is changing so quickly and those of us who are able to feel it or who want to feel it are leaning towards it but don't yet know how to bring it in. We need to stay grounded in our physical presence and yet be open to more light coming in, this is the struggle. You are emerging from the chrysalis of sleep to an awakening to your radiant butterfly self. As I said in my last newsletter the frequencies of the Earth have been steadily and measurably rising from 7hz in the 70's to 16hz now. This means that our energy fields are changing, constantly harmonizing and aligning with the new frequencies. We have many old programs sitting in our energy field that we collected through the times of density, fear, lack of self worth, fear of speaking up, of being " seen" as who we are, anger, hatred, resentment.The new frequencies are those that our soul recognizes as " home", the realms of light, truth and love. We want to be there and yet we still need to remain on the Earth in a physical body. We need to find a new way of being in the world because we want to be shining and golden. Much of the Earth at present is still holding a low vibration with much conflict, division and fear. It is essential for those of us who are awakening to empower the golden part of ourselves, to feed and sustain that level by being with like minded people and places and by meditation. So find whatever it is that lifts you into Joy and Bliss, whatever that is for you, dancing, singing, being in nature, so that you can vibrate more and more at that level. Whatever makes your heart sing do more of it and that will be different for everyone. Shine your bliss brighter and brighter and seal it into your energy body. It will feed and sustain you from within. Those who are able to meet you in that energy will naturally gravitate towards you, those who are triggered by it will be bouncing off and dropping away. You do not need to concern yourself with that. People who are still at a lower vibration, who want to keep on playing the ego, rage, control game will be triggered as you bring in more of the white light. Do not feel responsible or take anything personally. When people are triggered they tend to explode, probably all over you. Just walk away, don't try to engage with it, fix it, think you have caused it. It is just the energy that you are stepping into that is giving them the opportunity to shift and most people don't want to. That would involve them looking at their own shadow and it is much easier to project it onto you. Know that you are safe inside your golden light. Create a bubble of golden light around you and stay inside it, the light will feed you and protect you. This light is the energy of Creation, ask it to help you with anything you need and to create whatever you choose to focus on because you are now connecting with your true Divine Self who is unlimited. You no longer fit into the old world which is a good thing, it means that you have shifted out of it. We keep trying to bring ourselves back into the familiar old patterns, places, people but that just isn't going to work anymore. You are responding to the light beams from the sun which are recalibrating your DNA spiral, so congratulations, you are waking up. Be gentle with yourself as you go through this total makeover, you are morphing into the new form of the human race and as with any radical change it can be scary. Remember you are not alone, you have angels all around you so ask for help. Many blessings to you all. Copyright © *charmian redwood 2015, All rights reserved. Charmian is available for personal readings, activations and sessions. www.cominghometolemuria.com Lunar eclipse April 4th 2015 - By Charmian Redwood Beloveds. What a momentous time this is, we are passing through a portal which will bring us into the fulfillment of all of our potential as Living Masters in human form. The energy which entered the planet on March 21st 2015 at the time of the solar eclipse and the spring equinox was a giant wave of golden light from the Great Central Sun. If you can imagine the amount of energy it takes to awaken the life force in a dormant seed, that is what was brought to Earth at that time. I saw the Earth herself as one gigantic seed surrounded in a halo of golden light, the light brought forth the shoot that had been waiting within and out of it came the New Earth. The week since then has been a time of shedding, releasing and cleansing as we prepare the ground for the new shoot to burst forth in our lives. Any situation whether it be relationship, friendship, occupation, living situation that is not supporting your new role as Living Masters needs to be re-evaluated, re-negotiated or re-leased. Old programs that we have carried of self- denial, self-negation or lack of self worth need to be released right now. So many of you may have been experiencing physical symptoms, colds, flu, gastric disturbances or emotional ones, grief, depression, hopelessness. Don't worry or be attached to these emotions, just know that it is old stuff being released and let it go. Anything that is unresolved between you and others, let it go with forgiveness and move on. If people are in conflict with you they are simply showing you something in yourself that needs to be reclaimed or released, it is time to re-evaluate everything in your life and ask" Is this helping me to be all that I can be?" If not get it out. You only experience what you allow. Someone is waiting to meet you and it is your own magnificent God Self. With the Lunar eclipse coming at Easter right at the time of the Resurrection it is time to plant your own seeds for your new life. Now you have cleared the weeds, prepared the soil with self love and self appreciation take time to imagine the seeds which you wish to plant in your garden. It is your garden, you are the gardener. What do you want to plant? What needs to be weeded out? Imagine for a moment that you are already living your dream life in the New Earth. What does it look like? One by one take a seed in your hand, infuse it with your intention and your deepest heart's desire and then plant it in the bed you have so lovingly prepared. Make a hole, put in the seed, cover it with soil and pat it down. Then water it and walk away. Let the sun and the rain do their work and before long all of your seeds will grow into beautiful plants. You have done the hard work, you have prepared the ground, now simply sit in the sun and wait for your garden to grow. Blessings to you all, beloved Masters of Light. Copyright © Charmian Redwood 2015, All rights reserved. For more information on Charmian's services including private readings and hypnosis sessions see www.cominghometolemuria.com |
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