AVALON Priestess Enchanted Voices Goddess Song Transmission: Awakening Christed Feminine Heart29/6/2022
Experience: (White Rose Chalice of Avalon Temple: Transmission initiation Activation 10mins Mp3 download} https://shekinarose.com/store/White-R... Sacred Sisters of the Rose & Initiation Event July 21 & 23 2022 with Shekina Rose & Keleena Malnar ~ Reclaiming your sacred feminine. https://www.keleenamalnar.com/events "Shekina is a Angelic Messenger Harmonic vocalist Songstress, Channel of the Blue Ray and Sound Healer transformer of energy, a healer using music sound codes harmonics, ushering in music from heaven and the higher realms through divine transmission. She sings au naturel in the ancient whole solfeggio scale of pure tones, awakening, aligning and balancing the body’s energy fields, and can assist in attuning one to their own vibrational frequency and connection to Source and the angels.” After my NDE were I was attuned to the music of Creation. The only reason i came back to the planet was to sing in this ancient Language of Light, the miracle healing frequencies. Shortly after my NDE science found me and analyzed my voice and verified that that my vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz, Love "(Solfeggio)", Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of Creation by scientist, Mark Rodin and other frequencies not discovered yet. Special THANKS to featured Artist's ~ Angie Latham Sound Healer, Artist & Photographer www.celticmystery.co.uk www.sacredearthsoundtherapy.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SacredEarthS... https://www.facebook.com/AngieLathamP... The Sacred Feminine Goddesses ~ Artist Lila B. Violet https://www.facebook.com/lila.b.violet https://www.redbubble.com/people/Lila...
Automatic is the state of consciousness that is similar to the cruise control device on your cars. When the human is acting from an automatic stance, the reactions are from old learned responses and programs. Humans stay in a state of automatic response and reaction by not being fully present in the moment; perhaps they are thinking of what of they will do in their future or perhaps they are dwelling on events from the past. When humans live in past memories, past experiences or past emotions or they live in the worries, concerns and projections of the future, they are not present in the moment of each new “NOW.” Their responses to the “NOW” will be generated from stored programs, learned emotional responses or memories, which are usually under the file name of ‘shadow self.’ We have observed that it is usually an automatic response that humans give one another. These responses are like learned dance steps or a learned script. The responses are not fresh in the moment, appropriate to the new "NOW." These responses are generally not daring, innovating or thought provoking. They generally are tried and true responses, they are familiar, they are safe, and they are responses that the human has leaned and uses well. Many times there is no thought involved. This interesting shadow dance that most humans do together in a relationship is offering them the insights into their automatic responses and behaviors. These automatic responses and behaviors are especially evident in close personal relationships with family, mates, business associates, those people with whom you interact daily. These people, to use one of your terms, “Push your buttons." It is the pushing of the buttons that starts the automatic responses, that activates the unresolved issues, the past emotions, all the insecurities, and learned defenses. So you have wonderful opportunities in each moment to observe yourself in these close and personal relationships. Notice what gets activated, what insecurities, what defensive behaviors or posturing do you offer in any given situation. It is the observation and the keen awareness of your personal triggers or buttons which activate old automatic responses to the new situation. Relationships can get stuck in these loops. This can occur for years. These automatic response loops can and will even define the relationship. We all know and can review our various family and other relationships where each person knows their boundaries. They have recorded and learned the buttons of the other person, which they either avoid entirely or deliberately push to activate the other. This is the common way that humans relate to one another, avoiding or activating each other's insecurities, and defending and guarding our own. This is the ego manager’s job, to pull from the past a response that protects or attacks. Humans are very skilled at camouflaging their insecurities, their hopes and dreams as well as their unfulfilled expectations of the other. Each relationship, parent/child, siblings, mates, employer/employee even stranger to stranger, all have a created and scripted response that has been learned and is automatically triggered or activated when the two are involved and interacting with one another. You might observe and notice how your automatic knowing and opinion of that particular relationship colors each interaction. You do not respond in a new manner. It is always the same with them. You know them, they know you. Notice your conversations are they always similar? Do you ask the same questions, feel the same things every time the two of you interact? Do you ask them for their truth, do you give them your truth? The truth in each moment is fresh and new. Our responses can and should be fresh and new. Ask yourself what is my truth in this moment. What would I like to share with this person, this child, this mate, this stranger, that is not my standard automatic response? We are offering these suggestions as a clear way and a tool to begin to notice how many times and how often you are not present in your relationships. This is a similar reaction humans have in their relationships, especially their close family and personal relationships. There are certain habits of relating that are established. There are involuntary emotional reactions that have been created and sanctioned between the two people or the family as a group. However these automatic emotional/mental reactions that are established in your relationships do not support your total aliveness, your total expression, your embrace of the new and spontaneous reaction in each moment. Imagine that each moment is entirely new, that there is no stored or learned behavior. This is the level of expanded consciousness we are inviting you to embrace. We realize that it is a challenge to recognize and honor each and every encounter in relationship as if it were new and whole, unpracticed, original and spontaneous. The key here today is to observe as many of your learned responses to others as possible and begin to offer a more true interaction from your now state of mind and state of being. Just for a moment consider your thoughts and feeling about the people who make you angry or even fearful. How you judge those individuals makes a true difference in the outcome of reality. It is those who trigger your hatred, fear or anger that need your love and forgiveness the most. Imagine that you did not act from your old pattern of judgments, instead you sent that individual a vibration of love and light. It is love and light that will dissolve hate, fear and heal all wounds. You are powerful beyond measure, remember, what you focus upon and send your love and awareness to, will allow the most menacing and hated individual to transform. This may be a parent, a boss, a world leader. The love you offer provides them the opportunity to transform as well as it offers you the opportunity to release any pattern that is negative or misqualified. Notice who you might hate, who you judge, who you might be prejudice against. Be prepared to shift your attitude regarding this individual or individuals. Each person is your mirror. Each interaction offers you a reflection of some aspect of yourself. If the reflection is one of pleasure and makes you feel joy, acknowledge that and seek those reflections more often. If the reflection is one of discomfort and distress, if the reflection invokes a sense of insecurity, anger, fear, rejection or judgment, you have a clue to some of your own personal unresolved issues, wounds and automatic projections. Discovery is the first step in this process. Being aware of what is triggering your issues and how you are activated in your interactions with others is a major step in your evolution. Once you have discovered and revealed these personal issues and patterns, you can begin to shift them consciously. Be the detective, investigate your reactions, be kind in your search, be playful in your search. This is a game, we invite you, to lighten up. We assure you that in time you will be more fully in the present with each encounter. Being fully in the moment during your interactions with others honors yourself and honors them as well. You can do this. Everyone can do this. It is being requested and required in order to expand and embrace the full reality of your multidimensional consciousness. Being fully present in your multidimensional consciousness offers incredible tools for your planet to shift to a new level of consciousness. We are always available to support and assist you in striving to offer a new way of being with those with whom you share this planet. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
Planetary councils are aware of this fatigue and distress and plans are in place to accelerate the timeline process we are involved in, as much as possible, with visible shifts that will occur in a "soon" timeframe, that cannot be revealed at the moment, or it could sabotage proceedings. In fact, overall there has been a black out of information, that is also causing some of this distress, as people feel in the dark, which is, however, tactical, and is there to protect said proceedings. The message is, stay the course and do not give up prematurely. As one of my old oracle deck cards used to say " Don't give up just before the miracle occurs". As we covered in prior planetary updates, some of the delays we have experienced have been purposeful, allowed by the planetary councils, so as to give more opportunity for people to shift. These opportunity doorways are going to be firmly closed at the end of June, with accelerations to follow. In the meantime, if you are exhausted, depressed, over the Earth incarnation and wanting out, ask Source and Sources Angelics for support with any issue you are experiencing, be it physical, psychological, spiritual or practical on the planet Earth. If you are a lightworker who is feeling high and dandy right now, you are likely not under the pressure that some other lightworkers are under, so no new age smugness please. Nobody is failing at being positive, just lots of pressure for extended period of time is stating to get some incarnated light beings really down, especially the ones that are allergic to the dark energy infused collective field we have been breathing now for many years. Many incarnated light beings come from very high dimensions of light and are finding this extensive stay in the dark molasses density zone hard. They came here to anchor joy and healing and they did not expect to have to hold the light in the middle of this level of density for so long. The density is also polluting people that are not fully awake in ways that create conflict and difficult exchanges with others. As the timeline reaches its bifurcation point, the clash of worldviews and viewpoints is causing a lot of stress and division, and love based beings are finding this ongoing clashing particularly hard. Also ... be prepared for many Souls exiting over the next couple months. This gradual exit has been in play since late 2019, when I was first shown this, but is likely to accelerate in the next several months. If dealing with loss, be gentle with yourselves, and again, ask Source and the Source Angelics for support in shifting your emotions. Ask for support, once again, with whatever you need. In the meantime, sending a transmission of light and healing to all reading this message. As you receive it, ask for your energy fields, bodies and minds to be cleared, healed and upgraded. And for the heaviness to be transmuted into light. Ask also for healing for your body, if your body has been having a hard time, as the density is impacting some people's bodies too. Much love and blessings Katie plus Councils www.katiegallanti.com
I have been challenged with this for years.. I have noticed I have started to leave out a lot of words in the sentences... often it is the subject, sometimes it is the verb, but these are all signs, that we are moving more and more into becoming the telepathic beings, that we are. Many people have started to share light codes, light language, which include movements and light mudras, and there is a myriad in diversity to the expression of how this is shared and expressed, which is a reflection of our galactic linage and our mother tongue and the galactic dialects and language, that we have in our luggage (memory bank). In fact there a thousands and thousands of different language and dialects but also in the way, they are transmitted, which is dependent of the conduit. Because we all have unique gift and talents and ways of expressions, that is not to be compared. There is no right and wrong. Some light language may trigger you, some may resonate, others not, doesn´t make them wrong, but those that do resonate are known to your system.. it is recognized and does it thing, which goes beyond mind´s comprehension. So those languages and dialects we feel most familiar with are languages from star systems, where we have incarnated and therefore they are catatalyzing and triggering our remembrance on a very deep level. I feel that the light language is more of an intermittent thing from the spoken word into complete telepathy... a bridge if you like, but it is also a tool to awaken to our galactic ancestry and a catalyst to open the cell memory to our true self. It also has very profound healing properties. As I connected to my team of light and asked them for a transmission for the Solstice, what ever will support and assist humanty at this point to help us evolve and quantum leap to our next level to complete the ascension I was surprised by the overlighting presence of the Hathors. I asked for a divine transmission which will assist us at this point in connecting with our fullest potential and implement our divine gifts and talents, so that we can begin to build the new heaven of earth, as we stand in the midst of the shackles of the old world. It is important not to be diverted or abstracted by the "broken world" and fear of what is coming, but to focus on giving birth to the new world and fulfill our divine purpose... saying yes.. is signalizing to the universe that you are ready to step up and becoming a divine instrument of divine will to implement god´s plan for the higher good of humanity. Beloved pioneers of light our galactic family is coming forth in this glorious upcoming Solstice Portal to share this most auspicious light code transmission, which is an activation of your galactic mother tongue and the light languages that are stored in the crystal record keepers in your body. It is to trigger the remembrance of your galactic heritage and activate the awakening codes inside you, so that you may connect with your galactic selves and galactic wisdom, that is your true self. It also for the purpose of rewritting your dna and reinstoring the sacred pathways in your brain, the neural connections so that you may reconnect to all your galactic gifts and talents, so you may fulfill your purpose to awaken others to their galactic ancestry and true nature. The Hathors are intergalactic beings of pure love that are assisting the earth in its ascension. The Hathors communicate telepathically but mainly thru vibration. They are able to modulate vibration in many ways. Vibration may be translated into color, energy keys and codes, frequencies, light, matter and sound, which may be heard or perceived as tones, click sounds, and scalar waves of frequencies of light. They also communicate information in the language of the Conduit channeling their energy thru words. I received a transmission by the Hathors containing keys and codes that will be shared in a pre-recorded meditation. that can be accessed when you sign up and as it will published on the Solstice. It will not be accesible, until a few hours before the event starts. I will share a link to Soundcloud with the transmissions, as soon as I have finished the finetuning and editing. It will crack open the amnesia code and lift the veil of forgetfullness and cause a wave of awakening within your cell memory banks of who you are, so you may step into your purpose in your purest and highest light potential, which is nothing less than infinite. This is a quantum leap into GALACTIC UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, which will leave all polarity behind. If you feel called to step into service and are ready to embrace your galactic higher aspects and unite into One, so that you can fulfill your planetary mission, this is for you. Click here to sign up: https://www.facebook.com/events/1198361240999326 www.graceelohim.com
Prior to it I felt to prepare myself for walking through what Yeshua has called the Resolution Gateway. He said in essence, resolve gives peace and strength to every cell in the body. It’s a way to reach a depth of quietude pertaining to what has been and pushes the Soul to its next experience. I asked myself… actually my Higher Self asked me if I felt resolved with the compilation of my human lives in numerous cycles and timelines of the Old Earth? It matters that we are, in order to be a clean slate in a state of Neutrality, Open-Heartedness and Gratitude to Ascend, be it on New Earth or elsewhere as the Soul chooses. I wasn’t sure. Anna (Yeshua’s Grandmother,) had suggested several months ago that I take the time to “be calm and recognize my own evolution.” To me it also meant to include what I can remember of what were past lives and even now parallel lives… not linger on the details…though to bring the essence of them into the now of this present life on earth for they were all a part of it. If not a soul walk-in, through the womb they came life-time after life-time with core wounds, memories and strengths that would be integrated into this lifetime, healed and made Holy. That was a Grand Purpose for this our lifetime and end time of the Human Experience as it has been known. Working diligently and consciously to that end for a very long time, though with an enhanced awareness and commitment after my interaction with Anna, opinions of myself created through harsh judging impeded eyes and misperceived beliefs, shifted into clarity. Battle cries calmed down. I have been able to Presence and embrace my evolution, not casting any of it aside. As we know, it’s been a looooongoften harsh earth journey peppered with miracles and numerous Soul missions created to experience human life from every conceivable angle, though with only One true purpose…to Unify Love in and through it all. I kept this prayer I had written as I began this conscious journey; “Beloved Holy Ones, a reflection of my I Am Presence, assist me to physically, mentally, emotionally, cellularly and spiritually release the untruthful, misinformed and interfered with life I submitted to in the Absence of Truth, Love and belief of separation from You and my True God Essence. May that which obscures or impedes my path to my Highest Potential Be removed from within and without that I may experience in all of its Glory and Holiness the Resurrection and the Life of Who I Truly Am in Consciousness and Heart. On June the 2nd I found myself in what seemed like one fell swoop, softly though deeply crying, loving, honoring and blessing the entirety of this one named Maureen in this Now and all other aspects of my Soul known and unknown, on Earth and in the Cosmos. I felt the carpet roll up behind me of all that was. I felt shaken and then quiet. Once again, I spoke words I had written awhile ago: “On this day and all days going forward I call my Higher Self, Soul Self and I Am Presence to unite within my body of Love that we may ascend as One gracefully into unrealized new beginnings. On this day and all days going forward I amplify the God Presence in my Heart and I pronounce, embrace and establish in my Heart my true identity as I AM. As I pronounce this Truth, the God in me and as me rises, alchemizing all former notions that I Am something other. Beloved Mother Father God, I Am, take control of my bodies now and forever. Bathe me with your Holy Light. Purify and fill every cell in my physical form and bodily systems with your Love. In deep Gratitude I thank you. And So It Is. And So It Is. And So It Is. Upon finishing this writing that began as a journal entry to myself I was clearly guided to send it forth. And So I Am. May it serve you in some way. *I have been informed this type of resolution is both important and connected to the 8-8-22 Lions Gate. In closing for now, as We continue to transcend the external chaos, collapse and interloping energies while integrating never experienced frequencies of Light I send Love and Blessings to All. We are almost indescribable Of The Source Beings of Light… children of the Mother, extensions of the Father with layers of multidimensionality and universality within our Souls. The words vast, tenacious, powerful, courageous, Light Warriors, Galactic Ambassadors, Angels, Star Beings and gathered Masters committed to Love speaks of us also…and now, with little reprieve here We are consciously ascending ourselves anew into new beginnings that We as I Am Are Creating. Eternal Love, Gratitude and Deep Respect, Maureen *Note: I sense the upcoming Solstice shall be highlighted as a time to imbibe in a Peaceful, Balanced Illumination. I will host a Gathering and share more shortly. Email: [email protected] Private Sessions: https://www.maureenmoss.com/private-session © 2022 Maureen Moss - No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website maureenmoss.com Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.
This sharing has been magnetized into your sphere of awareness by your I AM Presence because of who you are and the Divine Mission you willingly volunteered to participate in many lifetimes ago. The events that have taken place since the birth of this decade in 2020 have successfully prepared Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her for the Divine Mission YOU have personally been in training to accomplish for lifetimes. For greater clarity, the Company of Heaven has asked me to share a little about the background of our organization Era of Peace, as well as the information we were given about the Sons and Daughters of God who would be drawn to the information being revealed through Era of Peace by the Company of Heaven. In the 1960’s, in the midst of the various upheavals taking place around the World, the Company of Heaven said it was time to expand the information to the rest of the World that they had been revealing esoterically to a relatively small portion of Humanity through the various Mystery Schools. They said it was time for the Sacred Knowledge from the Realms of Illumined Truth to now be made tangibly available, exoterically, to the masses of Humanity. The Beings of Light said this information would be revealed in waves as Awakening Humanity comprehended it and passed it on to the masses through the various ways and methods of Teaching they would be inspired to initiate. I was asked at the time if I would be willing to transcribe the information the Company of Heaven was sharing with me and to make it available, without exception, to anyone who might be interested. In deep humility and infinite gratitude I accepted that opportunity. The Beings of Light said the information I would be sharing through Era of Peacewould never be considered mainstream. They said the people who would be drawn to Era of Peace would be Awakened Teachers who had volunteered to bring this Sacred Knowledge to the masses of Humanity through myriad avenues that they would Cocreate through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. I was told that as soon as the information I was sharing reached enough of the Awakened Teachers, the next wave of Sacred Knowledge would be revealed as I assimilated this information and stretched my Consciousness into the highest possible Realms of Illumined Truth. This is exactly how Era of Peace has evolved in Divine Order for the past 55 years. In all of that time no one has been drawn to the information being shared through Era of Peace by accident. The Beings of Light have confirmed that whether you have connected with this information through our Website, Newsletters, Classes, Free Seminars, Radio Shows, Weekly Vlogs, Social Media, YouTube Presentations, Global Meditations, Online Interviews, Webinars, our Annual World Congress on Illumination or our Books, Tapes, CDs, Mp3s and Videos, YOU are One of the Awakened Teachers. You are One of the people our Father-Mother God have confirmed has volunteered to bring the information from the highest Realms of Illumined Truth to the masses of Humanity. This is true whether you have been receiving these sharings from On High since the 1960’s or you are reading this Newsletter and connecting with this information for the very first time. It matters not. The reason the Company of Heaven is specifically reminding YOU of this profound Truth today is because of a Quantum Shift that has now taken place throughout the whole of Creation since the Birth of 2022. Mother Earth has Ascended into Higher Celestial and Cosmic Coordinates than she has ever experienced. This Planet and ALL Life evolving upon her are now able to receive Higher Solar Light Codes from the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage than we have ever been able to safely assimilate. These NEW Solar Light Codes are pulsating with Sacred Knowledge from the Highest Realms of Illumined Truth which Transcend anything we have ever known or even had the awareness to contemplate. These Solar Light Codes reverberate with the Life-transforming information and the patterns of perfection contained in the New Contingency Plan now being revealed to Humanity through the 5th-Dimensional Record Keeper Crystals recently placed in Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System by the Mighty Elohim. These Record Keeper Crystals are identical to and serve the same purpose in the Body of Mother Earth as the newly activated 5th-Dimensional RNA and DNA structures in our own Earthly Bodies. The great amplification of Light we are experiencing through the Universal Quantum Shift that has now taken place through ALL Creation is allowing our I AM Presence to recalibrate the right and left hemispheres of our brain. This, in turn, is allowing our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental to raise the capacity of our spiritual brain centers to receive higher frequencies of Sacred Knowledge. These centers consist of our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands as well as the ganglionic centers at the base of our brain. As these spiritual centers within our brain are raised in frequency, we will be able to clearly interpret the Sacred Knowledge we are receiving from the NEW Solar Light Codes. Scientists used to think of our DNA as being stagnant and fixed in a particular pattern. Now we know that our DNA is a shimmering waveform configuration that is now being modified by God’s Light, solar radiation, magnetic fields, sonic impulses, thoughtforms and emotions associated with the newly encoded archetypes and with the Divine Matrix for our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies and the New Earth. The Company of Heaven is revealing to us today that the Universal Quantum Shift that has now taken place within every person on Earth has exponentially expanded the Divine Alchemy taking place within Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional RNA and DNA structures. The Beings of Light said this is particularly significant information for YOU since you are One of the Awakened Teachers who have volunteered to bring this Sacred Knowledge to the masses of Humanity. The Company of Heaven wants YOU to know that as One of the Awakened Teachers you are already in the midst of Cocreating the next phase of Mother Earth’s greatly accelerated Ascension process. You may be well aware of this. However, even if you are oblivious of this Truth and you may even feel totally unprepared to fulfill this facet of your Divine Mission, that concern is strictly a fear-based illusion. YOU are in your right and perfect place and whatever you are doing in your life, right here and right now, is providing the perfect opportunity for you to reach into a higher level of Sacred Knowledge in the Realms of Illumined Truth. You have been fully prepared to perceive every single thing you encounter in the outer world through the eyes of Illumined Truth. This means that you are able to instantaneously discern whether the person, place, condition or thing manifesting before you is based in fear or based in Love. Those are the only two evaluations you need to make. If whatever you encounter is based in fear the Sacred Knowledge being revealed through Mother Earth’s New Contingency Plan and the New Solar Light Codes will give you the answers and the viable solutions you need to assist that person, place, condition or thing to Transfigure that manifestation into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth. Know that the Sacred Knowledge from On High and the viable solutions from the Realms of Illumined Truth will always reflect Oneness, Comprehensive Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. All you have to do is ask your I AM Presence and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth to Guide you. Then, pay attention and listen to that intuitive Inner Guidance. You are powerful beyond your knowing. Remember, the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious and YOU are that Light. God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440 www.eraofpeace.org This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. |
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February 2023