With Shekina Rose
The higher frequency downloads of the Violet Rose Flame are giving you access to the multidimensional universe of powerful clearing of negativity, blocked energies and transmuting DNA mutations. The Violet Rose Flame in the ancient Light Language transmissions is Supreme Divine Love of transmutation healing to free you of anything holding you back.
The Violet Rose Transmissions occurred at the Cathedral Rock Vortex Portal through the heart of Mother Gaia and the Sacred Divine Feminine of Shekinah. They will help you with the shift, raise your frequency and stabilize your energy fields so you can live and embody your Higher Life Purpose. This is for the Blue Rays—the ultra-sensitive empath transmuters, and the Starseed Light Workers—who have a tendency to take on energies from others and the world consciousness, to remember you are whole and Sovereign! The Lost Ancient Solfeggio Scale Shekina's voice transmissions have been analyzed by a physicist, and her vocals resonate to the frequency of 528 Hz Love Solfeggio—Transformation and Miracles (DNA repair) and, amazingly, six other frequencies. The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include: UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships SOL –741 Hz– Expression/Solutions LA – 852 Hz – Awakening Intuition
Cathedral Rock Vortex is a magnetic and spiritual power energy center of ley lines on the planet, and is the site of Mother Mary and the Rose Ray apparitions, the Pleiadian Peace Portal where their ship was visible, in contact with our Galactic Alignment in Peace and the Universal Galactic Brotherhood of Oneness. It is also where the Divine counterpart rock formation spheres are, and where many experience the City of Lights, our ancient sacred connections for planetary evolution and activation of our Divine original blueprint.
Shekina Rose, Blue Ray, Starseed, Channel of the Blue Ray, Light Language of Love Harmonic Vocalist, Healer Soul Reader and Galactic Ambassador of Unity
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions. Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of www.shekinaspeaks.com - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL www.shekinaspeaks.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [email protected]
By Kate Spreckley Many are questioning the purpose behind their lives and searching for guidance and insight. Very few are prepared to do the actual work that is required to shift and change, as our habitual way of thinking is to consider such questions as unknowable. We shrug off any awareness we get as we are drawn into the mundane aspects of our lives. But in these current times of transformation and shifting consciousness a new definition of our nature and the balance of the feminine and masculine energies is being called for. Humanity, as a whole, has lost themselves in creating a seemingly secular, secure, economic environment to replace the spiritual one we experienced many thousands of years ago. The questions of why we are here have been pushed aside and repressed to enable the establishment of a more comfortable style of survival. We have used the drive for this comfortable style of survival as a reason to live, to feel complete, gradually forgetting our original and individual purpose for being. What we seldom remember is that as a representative of the Divine Feminine in physical form, woman hold space, hold energy and direct the masculine in when and how to manifest form and reality. We have forgotten that woman are the guiding force behind transformation and that without the Divine Feminine our world, cultures, societies, families and relationships are out of alignment and balance. When we remember the true purpose of the feminine energy and we contain that purpose with love, we have the power to transform this world and to create a new balanced and harmonious reality. We can only truly see this transformation and balance in our world when we allow the feminine power her rightful place. In saying that, we are seeing the rise of the feminine energy and power in our cultures and societies. Woman are no longer the watchers or the doers. Women are no longer required to follow but are leaving their mark by leading and guiding. This empowerment has been a long time coming and as we see more and more woman moving into their true power, which is based in love, an awakening of the feminine within men will be initiated to bring a new balance within relationships, families, cultures and societies. For many this process is causing conflict, as men, and woman, feel threatened by the feminine power awakening within. Many are struggling to adjust to the increased independence and power of women, which is creating conflict in relationships and partnerships. Men don’t necessarily understand the need woman have to access and own their own power. They don’t necessarily understand why women cannot find happiness and fulfilment in having their basic needs met. What most have forgot is that thousands of years ago it was the responsibility of women to build communities and to run those communities. A woman’s role and purpose was so much more than just being a wife and a mother. Women were the healers, the midwives, the crafter's, the herbalists and the teachers. These roles fulfilled the basic needs of a woman’s soul and brought a very necessary balance and harmony to individual societies and cultures. In the past few thousand years our world has drastically changed and been shaped to function according to the masculine form of thought and structure. Domination, aggression, force and control have been at the heart of all our relationships and social conditions. The feminine qualities of intuition, healing, compassion, nurturing and non-violence have been discredited and condemned. The feminine power has been weakened and when small independently thinking groups of women (so called witches) showed their power they became a threat and were burnt at the stake. Thus, the balance between the feminine and the masculine energies was destroyed. In the last century, we have seen women having to take on the roles of both the feminine and the masculine just to survive. These roles have become so blurred, unequal and unbalanced that most don’t even know what the purpose of these Divine roles actually is. We have forgotten that woman require greater stimulation and free access to their inner power and wisdom. We have forgotten that woman carry the key to access the spiritual realms of intuition, healing and spiritual wisdom. We have forgotten that it is women who have easy access to the Void, the Great Mystery, from where all wisdom and guidance comes. We are in a time now where it is essential for our survival that these two forces of creation are brought into balance, a balance that is equal in power and responsibility. As woman become more independent, separate and powerful there are less marriages and unions, and a greater desire for woman to earn their own keep. With the evolving balance between the feminine and the masculine energies, men will no longer need to shoulder the responsibility for the care, protection and support of the family unit or community. Although woman have always carried the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the family, they are now more equipped to shoulder equally the total responsibility of the family and community. For example, it may be easier to work at a career than it is to raise a well-balanced family. As the masculine surrenders and accepts the feminine energy and power, we will see a powerful transition that creates perfect balance within our world. This shift is a process and will be a long time in the making, but eventually we will see human emotions such as jealousy, stubbornness and withholding becoming a thing of the past. Men will allow women to take an equal stand and position without threat or judgment, without the need for a woman to suppress her true feminine power in favour of the masculine energy. The unconscious threat is potentially that woman assume the masculine role and thereby create more imbalance, recreating the very same patterns of suppression and subjugation in reverse. This is why it is essential that both women and men learn to operate from a place of love, truth, forgiveness, acceptance and understanding, honouring each other in this profound space of transition. This shifting of balance is a process and we are only really in the beginning stages. The solution lies in connecting with your healing, intuitive, spiritual gifts and learning in a safe space. Be this within a relationship, a partnership, or a business, without assuming that you can do this alone or be exiting current relationships and partnerships. It is essential too that woman remember their inherent gifts of intuition and healing and bring these gifts as a force for positive, loving change in relationships, families, cult rues and societies. External factors will always be of great influence, such as solar flares, planets in retrograde, planetary alignments and on a more physical level, financial loss, loss of loved ones, changes of environments and illness. The key is to take all factors into consideration whilst doing everything for your highest good and the good of humankind. Change cannot be avoided and what we are experiencing in these profound times is the manifestation of that which is in need of healing and or transformation. Whether this be within our world or within ourselves it is up to us to heal, change, transform and move forward. The greatest advice I give my clients who are in process within relationships, financial crisis or loss of faith, is to work through it and not ignore it or walk away. Most times the healthiest platform to work from is the plat form you are currently standing upon. This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2010 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za Expressing the Memories from Home with Steve Rother Greetings Dear Ones. Such a joy to share this moment with you all, for you are in the midst of an evolutionary movement. You are moving at the speed of love and the interesting part about it is that you are starting to become awakened right where you are. We will share a little of our vision of your place on the path as it is now, and more importantly about your anchoring into the new dimension of time and space. A Conscious Change There have been times, dear ones, when evolution has taken your stream of consciousness from one physical form to another. Very rarely has that this happened in consciousness, which is what is taking place on planet Earth. That is why the collective vibration of the universe is starting to gather information and support more of the game on planet Earth, as it is now unfolding every moment. Take a deep breath, dear ones and release it to find your center for just a moment. Close your eyes if you choose to, and let yourself expand. You have been holding yourself within a framework of resistance that you believed you had to hold. You have been spending much of your energy holding yourself within the constraints that you believed were needed to pretend to be a human. Yet, your spirit cries to be free, to speak its tone and to carry its message from Home. It is that unique tone which you brought specifically because you could carry it. From our perspective what is now taking place is that you are starting to branch out into multidimensionality and become aware of it consciously. When you do that, dear ones, the game changes very quickly.. Stretching Out In Multidimensionality You have already stepped forward into the fifth dimension. Dear ones, we see you looking around to find out how all these pieces work. However, there is a new and critical piece that has not yet been added to the game. Because of the rise of the vibration of humanity, you have now entered a new possibility which was not there only a short time before. You have the ability to stretch out past your limitations in an energetic form so that you can collect your multidimensionality. You will also find your path of least resistance not only in your own existence, but in your entire life as a spirit in every dimension of time and space simultaneously. There are ways for you to harmonize the universe around you and one of these is a very simple process called speaking your tone. Yes, many of you have come in with a vibration, a specific tone that brings the reminder to your own physical body. Your physical body, dear ones, is vibrating and if it stops vibrating you are gone; then in reality, it does not exist. It is vibrating between a specific range that humans can perceive, touch, and work with to play the game of pretending to be a human. You have done quite well with this, walking around with a blindfold on, bumping into each other and hitting the wall looking for the door. Express Your Tone All of you are looking for the way Home again. You are yearning to re-member that tone and have it validated deep within you. Now you are at that location where you can spread your energy out and start to feel the other dimensions of time and space. Why would you do that? Most of you are hesitant to do anything like that because your sensitivity levels are so high. Your Vagus nerve is so highly strung sometimes that it makes it difficult for you to truly ground this light and energy, and bring it into your reality in that way. There is a actually a fear around that, which is fascinating because all energy is self-balancing. Have you ever taken two cups of water and connected them with a hose, so you make one taller than the other? Within just a matter of moments they settle. The reality is that all energetic forms know the innate path of least resistance. Now, how does that happen? Energy forms are all connected to each other, including yours. That is what we are sharing with you today - a way for you to speak and find your tone. What is your tone? Is it a a musical note that you must hit? Is it a certain vibratory frequency that must be repeated? Well, sometimes it is a tone. Other times you can re-create that by speaking toning, singing, or by creating a vibration not intended for the ears, but for the heart. That is your tone that you brought from Home. Now, how do you express it and channel your tone? Each of you brought in a unique piece that only you could carry the best and now you are assembling these pieces and re-uniting. It is a very magical process for us to watch. We cheer you on at every opportunity and you have already made a huge difference - more than you could ever see. The world is changed and you are responsible. Practice Your Passion How do you find that tone? Well, quite simply, you have a passion. Many of you have looked long and hard at your passion yet still say, "I still do not know what my passion is." Well, that means that you are thinking too much; the passion is not in your head, it is in your heart. That is what you must strive to find - that feeling. Now what must a human do to re-create that feeling and be in touch with that at a moment's notice? That takes practice, dear ones... just like anything. How do you get to heaven? Practice, practice, practice. Very simple. You are living on the planet of imperfection and you are perfecting yourself, reaching for Home. Now let us get back to this tone for a moment, because it is what you brought in. If you came just to make a sound on planet Earth then by all means, make it. If to do that you need to stand on the street corner and simply sing to your heart's content, do that. Does that mean that is your passion? You will have to wait until you do it to find out. Then once you find it, you will say, "No, that is not my passion, but it is similar. It is singing." Maybe you will create something; maybe you will do something; maybe you will start a band and begin recording. Maybe you use your voice in a melodic way to bring a message through multiple dimensions at once. There are all sorts of ways you can do this and there are also those that have been placed with a time-sensitive moment, connection, or critical mass point. In the world around you, when all those events and spirit align, you have the opportunity to create all those things that you wish for. It is then, dear ones, that you have what we call a magical moment. You can spread out in all the dimensions of time and space, then claim all of your power for just that instant to create something in the road ahead of you. That is the conscious creator walking with the light of Home over your shoulder all the time and using it. Express Your Memory of Home Time to re-member that tone, dear ones. We try to take you back to those memories that you have intentionally forgotten so that you could pretend to play the game as a human. You are a spirit deep within; in reality we know you well and you know us. We are all a part of each other in ways that you will only re-member when you shed that physical body and return to the collective of energy, which is all of us. That is the magic that you are creating. You have a deep seeded memory of Home; it is contained in your tone. What is your tone and what will it take for you to bring that out and share it? There is great hesitation, dear ones. Because you are so sensitive, sometimes you are afraid that if you speak your tone it will block others. You are concerned that they will not be able to find their own individual tone if you are speaking yours, but that is what you came to do. In reality, when you start to connect with that part of you which represents the passion it spreads like wildfire. You should see it from our perspective, dear ones. We see that sometimes when you pass a person on the street and you may not even look into their eyes or exchange any pleasantries at all. However, when you pass them on the street you light them up with the feelings of Home, with that tone. Is it a noise or a sound? It can be. Does it need to be? It is ultimately a re-minder of the heart. Find your tone by practicing it, playing with it, and stretching it out. Like everything on planet Earth, it is like a muscle. The more that you practice and exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more control you have over your creations. It is a magical time on Earth, dear ones, and it is time for all to re-member their tone. We brought a very special piece. Welcome. We are so happy that you have made it this far. Now you are starting to awaken from the dream in consciousness. Find yourself walking on planet Earth and playing this beautiful game of pretending to be the human, but we see you. We know who you are and we welcome you with the greatest honor of the essence of life and the re-minders of Home that all of you carry deep within. Re-member that tone, dear ones. Whatever it takes, speak it often. Put energy behind it and share it. Move it and you will be doing the work of the spirit. That is what you all came to do. Teach Your Heart to Think and Your Head to Feel Now, most of you are going to intellectualize this and think too much about it. These are the times of the heart, when you are teaching the heart to think and the head to feel. These are the times where you are awakening from the dream and finding yourself in this beautiful physical body. Enjoy this journey, dear ones. You have set it up intentionally, so that you could be there to experience planet Earth exactly the way that you did and re-member your tone. Well done, dear ones. It is with the greatest of honor that we greet you in these ways. Tickle your funny bone to help you re-member that it is just a game. And above all dear ones, play well together. Treat each other the best that you can. Help others re-member their tone, and yours will become even stronger. Espavo, dear ones. Steve Rother The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting: "Thank You For Taking Your Power.” Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here embracing you with our gratitude and deep respect for your willingness once again to be the change agent of your reality. We acknowledge the intensity of your interface with this dimension and the dense vibrations and frequencies that you continually encounter. Humanity is in the midst of an unprecedented transmutation. This shift, this evolution, this ascension into the higher dimensions has been gradually occurring for decades. Many individuals are totally unaware that this is taking place. They continue to sleep, embraced in the dense frequencies of mass consciousness. However, there are energy frequencies and vibrations being offered by the zero point galactic center that are rapidly increasing and stimulating the electromagnetic field and energy of your planet as well as every human. These new powerful vibrations are activating your dormant multidimensional awareness and understanding. Your very DNA is undergoing a recalibration. Dormant abilities are being quickened and the misqualified programs or patterns in your system are gently being eliminated. This is the process of evolution and ascension. You are being triggered to accept and join your rightful place as the star seed being that you are. Consider yourself as a true galactic citizen, here playing and anchoring this collective awakening and transmutation in the quantum field. This 3D reality in which you are focused is only one small aspect of the many divine dimensional realities available. However, we know and observe your dedicated focus to what you are experiencing in your daily life with your family, your job, the pleasures and challenges of being in dense physical form. But remember, you are a star seed here in this dense third and fourth dimension reality to anchor divine consciousness. In this reality of polarities and free will, the manner in which a transformation can take place requires a star being to fully embody and experience the very dense dysfunctional energies as their own. Once these experiences have been felt, endured, observed and anchored in your personal electromagnetic mental and emotional field, they are yours to transform and uplift. Remember you are an alchemist, here to transform and uplift dense dysfunctional energies. The profound galactic vibrations being offered are activating and triggering your true understanding of this assignment. We are not invalidating your personal physical experience; we are here to remind you that your purpose is much bigger than you are allowing yourself to accept. This is a dysfunctional planet; there has been a misuse of the divine creative ability of the star beings who came here to anchor the galactic heritage. When you observe all the incredible life forms that are manifest here on your planet, ask yourself where did the blueprint for such an awesome variety of unique life forms come from? These life forms were seeded from your galaxy into the quantum field of this dimension. You are becoming aware that you are the true seneschal of all living beings. You are the seneschal of the galactic heritage. Your expanded consciousness truly is shifting the misqualified creations in your quantum field. You are waking up and as an awakened multidimensional star being of divine consciousness you carry the ability as well as the mastery to shift what is a determent to life. These new powerful vibrations that are expanding and recalibrating your dormant DNA are expanding your divine consciousness. The expanded consciousness of humanity begins to offer the keys, the solutions, the methods and the inspirations to clear your air, clean your water, take care of the other living sentient beings and restore your planet to the true garden of galactic seeded heritage. We are observing that this is slowly taking place at this very moment. You can observe this as well. We invite you focus on what is occurring that is truly making a difference, the positive life sustaining changes that are coming about. Remember you are entangled with all other living beings. What you hold as a vision, what you anchor, what personal limitation or dysfunction you willingly transform, truly ripples out to the entire field. Begin to welcome and allow yourself willingly to incorporate these frequencies and vibrations that are bathing humanity. Invite them; spend personal time in practices that enhance your physical, emotional, mental and etheric energy fields that contribute to your own magnificent and unique energy signature. Step into your personal knowing and power that you are truly making a difference. Own it. Spend dedicated time envisioning a new reality for your planet. Spend time with other like-minded awake individuals envisioning together. Find many reasons each moment to be in your joy, your gratitude and appreciation. Amplify these frequencies, these thoughts and emotions. Remember to state each morning upon arising from your slumber, I am fully embodied, I am anchored to the electromagnetic and geomagnetic field of this planet, I am connected to my divine source. This statement is extremely elegant in its simplicity. This intention honors both your physical and your star seed divine self, forming a conscious partnership and then anchoring that partnership to the energy of your planet, while acknowledging that you are always connected to divine conscious source. Understand that this is the form of the trinity. You will become aware at some point that it is your multidimensional divine consciousness looking out your physical eyes. You will see this reality from that perspective. You will begin to notice that you are easily shifting from one dimension to another. You will be open and receptive to divine inspiration and ideas for solutions to uplift and transform what is occurring on your planet. This is the cutting edge of transmutation. You are the change agent, you are the alchemist. Be gentle with yourself and others. Honor your physical body; realize as you anchor these shifts and changes in your cells and DNA that you will often feel discomfort in various forms. Relax into the discomfort or disturbing manifestations of these changes. Resistance often intensifies these physical sensations. Be connected with your body, use energy tools to release any resistance or discomfort. In your imagination envision and create an alchemist healing chamber, sense yourself reclining in the beautiful space before you fall asleep or when you are in some form of physical discomfort. Call upon divine healing energy and non-physical beings of love and light to assist you in integrating the new frequencies. We celebrate what is occurring in the entanglement of humanity. We honor and celebrate your own transformation, expansion and awareness as a member of the star seed family. We join you in the service and dedication of uplifting dysfunctional and misqualified energies and anchoring the new life sustaining galactic blueprint. Divine Consciousness of love and light in all its myriad forms is ever available to support and assist upon request. We offer our support as well as our gratitude for who you are in embodiment. The 'team' ©2015 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available By Angelynne Dear Friends, There have been some pretty massive changes during the past few months and they seem to be escalating almost daily. There are many factors involved in the changes, but one of the primary ones involves the new energy waves coming in and their effects on physicality and electronics. Many renown people have spoken about a Wave X and some of what has been reported, I've been noticing as well. Recently I spoke to a friend who had been experiencing much of the same symptoms I have undergone. We both have been much spacier than ever before, or rather, for a more prolonged period. I've also noticed that I pick up on energetic changes more easily and seem to intuitively know what to do about diminishing their effects. Instead of trying to ignore them and do what I had planned to/want to/need to do, on a particular day, I just consciously/purposely flow with the energies, go where they seem to want to take me. Blocking or resisting them seems to prolong and dramatically increase discomfort and it takes much longer to get past the distraction and on with what I originally planned. Resistance isn't futile, but it does cause discomfort, distraction and a big waste of time. I am getting better at anticipating the peak of the wave energy. I consciously allow it to flow/pass through and around me and then get back to what I was doing previously. If the disruption becomes more prolonged, I physically note 'where I was, what I was doing..." or leave a reminder of some sort like putting the garbage that needs to be taken out, in front of the door so when the flow of the energy wave lessens, it is a reminder to carry on where I left off. When it becomes apparent that the wave strength is such that it will be a full day event, I just put off plans and try again the next day. Of course there are times when things can't be put off (Dr. appt. etc.) so then I do something that helps me to anchor in the present like doing creative sewing, eating, working in the garden, or holding a stone that has grounding/soothing energy.... and I ask the guides to help me to focus on driving etc. so it can be safely done. On several occasions the guides have actually helped me drive and they got me safely where I needed to go. I think the energy waves are preparing us for a major event that will happen in Autumn. I've been feeling this coming event for many months. My 'take' is that the disruptiveness of each incoming wave is due to the higher frequency of each consecutive set of waves. We aren't receiving a total upgrade all at once, thank goodness, but when we resist the change as it comes, we are kind of shooting ourselves in the foot. As I've flowed and allowed, I've found my awareness of the planet, to things around me and to people with whom I'm connected have strengthened. For instance, I knew there was some problem associated with a good friend on Fri. I wasn't feeling anything life threatening but knew that something was wrong to the point that I was concerned. I've picked up on this same feeling with the same person periodically over the past couple of weeks. I assumed it was just 'me' or that she was just stressed about the normal things that she goes through. I've also become aware that my intuitive abilities are growing stronger. I've learned to take intuitions and urges more seriously, not simply dismiss or ignore them as I have in the past. Following through on these urges has paid off many times. Another observation is finding that my precognitive abilities are increasing. So far it's been small things - something will pop into my consciousness which will 'come to pass' later. I'm trying to see patterns in how the process works. A good friend recently shared a theory that "As we broaden our focus to multiple dimensions we experience input from multiple levels and directions. Perhaps our brains are just trying to select which input to process at any one time." I agree with her theory. I think each major wave or multiple waves of energy are set at a specific and higher frequency than its/their predecessor which gradually prepares us for the higher energy vibrations of the higher dimensions - and the New Earth. I think those of Space and Spirit are observing our processing of each upgrade and are helping to gauge how fast we can adapt before the majority of us 'totally lose it'. They are kindly, compassionately giving us small breaks for a gulp of air, a chance to re-balance, before another energetic tsunami wave rolls in. While the changing frequencies and waves of energy flowing in can make us feel like we are being pounded, they are ultimately helping us and the planet. The presence of those of Space and Spirit around the planet is not a coincidence at this time. They are helping as much as they are allowed, as much as we allow. It seems the 'old way' of dealing with new energies and the ascension process isn't as effective now, as the game speeds up. I said to my friend, "You aren't losing it - unless I am too - as are many others at this time like us. And, if we are All losing it, at least we are in good company!" Please share any coping mechanisms, anything that you have discovered that helps you with the changing/increasing frequencies. What helps One, may well help Another. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe it will be one of the easy, benevolent days when we're given a break to enjoy the earth plane's beauties and the joys of 5 sense physicality, or, maybe not - but we still have One Another! Feel free to share this information with those who may benefit from it for the highest good of self and others. I only ask that the channeling be shared in its entirety, acknowledging the author and that it not be posted on websites or blogs or included in print or electronic publications without permission. In loving service, Angelynne |
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