By Soluntra King Many are now at a level now where our energy field is ready for the next step, the dancing Tara, the golden Buddha, the light of the world. Your body needs to undergo a deep level of transformation, the Dragon eggs/Light Codes are awakening within you. The dragon eggs within can now awaken due to the cosmic flow of light through the sun and suns. Through the moon that is still through the sun but softer the energy of the Ra pours forth through the worlds. The wisdom needed, the balance and inner knowing that will awaken the sleeping to remember their love and the codes they hold that create the light that heals the earth and all things. We are all at a crossroads of light, there are different types of light and you have been vibrating at one level now you move to the next. The Light creates a more balanced, loving, peaceful, awakening space for you. Depending on how much light you can allow yourself to be; through the challenges and initiations the light can heal you on some or all levels. This light can be so strong it cuts through everything and means you will not be affected in your physical body by radiation, pollution, toxins or addictive substances. We are allowing ourselves to go deep and heal the core, the emotional body that can trap us in the lower vibrations of fear, by breathing into our true self that comes through, our divine self is always there. The Thirteen Rays of the Rainbow come in dancing in rainbow spheres. Levels Of Light Just as we have levels of the light body we also have levels of light that one can hold and be. Being in a physical body means the Light vibrates at a low frequency. It was never meant for humans to vibrate at such a low frequency meaning they became even cannibal, eat animals and kill for fun or for some other agendas such as greed, control, power, lust, prejudice, hatred, revenge …. This was because of the fall and the separation of Lucifer from the source and then the battles of light and dark and the reptilian and other alien agendas on humanity. This has side tracked the evolution of humanity and made them/us slaves for these masters. A game that was happening in other universes but came through to this one as well. But now we are moving out of this game. The Second Sun comes as a sign that it is over as two Suns were here millions of years ago when the world was full of light and now returning. Those with agendas either need to embrace the light and open their hearts or they cease to exist here. The light has got so much stronger over the August full moon in Aquarius 2016 and with all the other amazing cosmic events ongoing and intensifying. The light has been able to move into a higher frequency again that illuminates us, this is not solar light this is inner light. The Light that comes from within your own being. It has for many now gone up a level. For those not able to cope or open their hearts and allow their light to shine even more it will make life harder until they are forced to open or leave. Not a comfortable time for many so have compassion for the masses and see them as whole and healed radiant and light and also see them with golden crowns and rainbow bodies. This will assist in the actualisation of their own divinity and being able to open to these divine energies. The scales are now balancing. The light dark tipping scales and yo yoing are now at the point of balance which means it is the most amazing opportunity for all who choose to be able to access their 5th dimensional Violet Light Body to be the light of the world and guide of themselves. For some of us it’s a graduation to 6d for many of us up to 5D, and for others moving slowly out of 3D into 4D where things are still tricky and lessons of learning to trust the intuition and not be a sheep. 6D Light Body, The Formless Light Body For those moving 6D this is now a stage where the level of light you can allow to shine though you is on a personal level transcending the systems of the earth that have been binding everyone into slavery completely. To be invisible to have no emotional or mental attachments, beliefs, thoughts or judgements, or fear of politics big brother, the control freaks, the systems that are in place to keep everyone a slave. As well as the pollution, EMFs, radiation. Nothing affects us from the earth bound, control, fear and negative generation of energy. It is all one with the source and divine love. But with no ego, or feeling invisible, more humble than ever of course and the ability to move where and when required. Not just spontaneous teleportation but in the flow of the natural worlds. Moving where required as not only a beam, but a balancer of the karmic overlays in the Earth and the imbalances of the Earth kundalini, the blocked grids and vortexes are restored to balance by simply moving through them. There are levels of the 6D Light Body so at first adjustments will take place and completions of ones missions. By this stage you have already completed your contracts many times over and signed new ones. But now even the contracts are done and don’t exist anymore. There is nothing one is required to do or not do. Being is the reality and in that Being is creative source light that creates new worlds in much higher dimensions. Just because ones physical body can hold 6D doesn’t mean that is the only level you create at, even when in the lower levels of light body you have still moved through the dimensional worlds as you are always a multi-D being. But this is your light body which is your physical body all one. 5D Light Body For those moving 5D this is the love of light that shines from within out, that trusts in the inner knowing, inner voice and guided from the heart. Still dealing with some overlays of mental and emotional attachments. But easily recognised and then able to be embraced through the breath and love and acceptance, surrender and becoming one with the imbalance in divine love. With grace, ease, flow and trusting in the abundance to always be there. At 5D there are a few levels of inner work and awakening to take place as one moved through the levels of the light body to be Iridescent and Gold, then into the Diamond Light Body. By the time you are in your Diamond Light Body the energy field is so strong and clear it means that whatever karmic lessons (now it’s cosmic karma) that are still left as are easily transmuted until the clarity and realisation become one and the missions are done. 4D Light Body For those moving 4D the light that shines from within now allows for self-healing, with realisations of love and the ability to channel the light, often still thought of from without. Still a bit tricky with lessons of light and dark and discernment and learning to trust the inner knowing more and intuition. 4D is a transition space for the deeper levels of light that comes 5D. 3D which means you have not awakened yet, you are your light body and in fact don’t realise you are light, still head down and running on fear. With the opportunity to transform it all into love and be fully your body of Light in this life if you choose. The knowledge and many ways to be the authentic self available, no longer hidden. Lots Relevant Links Please See On My Website…/unity/ligh…/6d-light-body Copyright © 2016 Soluntra King Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. Have a look at Colin's new site Absolute Balance By Maureen Moss Dearest Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. What a purposeful, powerful, awareness packed month this has been, with another coming right in front of it. Rarely has a day passed without our being confronted by the mounting tensions of the outer world, the passing and purging of old feelings and attachments, and the stirring and stretching of our sparkling embodied Divine potential. Each, being used as a measure of new creation…a month of heightened activity and unknown futures has engaged us with our moment-by-moment lives, is driving us deeper and deeper into our Divine hearts, aligning us more closely with our authentic Selves, and deprogramming and reprogramming us toward our natural (rather than normal) patterns of Life. Once again, we are beckoned forth to make further quantum leaps on our personal heroes journey…in cohesive consciousness, stabilized awareness, enhanced intuition and deep Truth telling to ourselves. Through the landscape of the vulnerable and seemingly shadowy conditions, it is a blessing to consciously become aware of the Truth born of a promise made long ago… that we would be returned to Love…we would yearn to seek refuge only in our very own Divinity…and we would decide our placement in the New World. No one told us how…only that we would. And we are. What a strategy, dear heavenly reality, to use first hand, subtle and boisterous circumstances and experiences of every kind to dismantle our up until now reality and logic, completely rewire, recalculate, reformulate, redefine and recreate the human body, the human mind, the human heart, the human nature, the human Spirit…the human experience. What a way to test ones commitment to Love. What a way to sculpt The New Human Not only have we stepped up another octave on the spiral of humanities evolution, we have been enfolded…in more obvious ways… into the greatest pulse of change ever on earth. And, with absolute awareness what we are about to experience throughout the remainder of this year (even within this next 90 days,) and unfolding into early next year shall rival everything that has gone before it. Opportunity for expansion...through the least imaginable ways...will have have our own jaws dropping when we look back on it all. And so it is, without another moment’s hesitation, we must settle… to the core of our being… all outstanding accounts of personal suffering, discord, attachments, dual pillars of truth and polarity. In its stead we are to install and stabilize the framework compatible with our changing state of being, with corresponding stabilized awareness, virtues, values, realities, and creative momentum… while in the center of this vibrant pulsating quickening. We are to discover the roots of our happiness rather than seek any longer the roots of our suffering. This level of transfiguration of an entire species and planet has never occurred before. Never. Due to the magnitude of the multi faceted, multi-dimensional Source weaving, the interplay of our physical bodies, our Higher Selves, our Oversouls, the participation of teams of Angelic, Cosmic and Advanced Beings, along with the culmination of all our past lives, our soul contracts and our consent… we are morphing into The New Human entering into a Golden Age. This shall be a Golden Age unlike any other. Though we are not entering into the first Golden Age experienced on earth, we are entering into an unprecedented one as a result of the vast amount of multidimensional engagement and support, along with a pronounced number of awakening souls walking the Earth inspired by awareness of their indwelling Divinity…and committed to expressing it. We are a miracle and a blessing to and for the Love that created us. We are The New Humans seeding a new blueprint for all future generations coming to Earth. The power of our potential individually and together can no longer be minimized, undermined nor destabilized. The Earth has been waiting for the New Human for a very long time. A vibrant revelatory amplification and stabilization of your New Human experience awaits you. I hope you will join me for a revolutionary 9 week Tele-Web Transmission. Click Below For All Details Maureen Moss, © 2016. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here to offer you some clarity as well as insight to the unfolding chaos you are observing. This is truly a time of transformation, for it is out of energetic and collective chaos that new realities are brought forth or birthed. We realize that you are observing world events from a place of disbelief and concern. We hope these words will assure you of your powerful role in this transformation and invite your focused attention and intentions in a way that will create and anchor the birth of a life sustaining reality for all. This is your assignment. If you are reading our words, you are aware of this as an opportunity to express your divine self. The misqualified energies that are being invoked, stoked and empowered are rising up to be cleared. We realize when you observe these misqualified or negative energies and emotions being stirred up and then acted out from the collective consciousness, there is great alarm and disbelief. Be aware that you are witnessing what has been called the shadow, the aspect of the human subconscious in which many dark impulses are repressed. We are inviting you to do your best to stay centered and again focused on a reality that you desire. This truly is your power and responsibility. You have a physical body as well as an energy body and from the time you are birthed into this dimension and reality, it is your physical form that requires the most attention. As a child, when you begin to grow and experience the various emotional energies of discomfort, disappointment, anger, fear and any other misqualified emotions, you are not taught how to express, clear or shift these emotions. Many times these emotions are shut down so quickly that they are not even witnessed by others. Most of these painful emotions and experiences are suppressed or stored within the energy body. You parents did not understand how to clear these negative emotional energies. Therefore, you were not taught the importance of clearing these misqualified emotions, and therefore the cycle has continued. This is an aspect of human nature that is not addressed or resolved. We are not judging this behavior; it is a pattern that has engaged all humans for ages. When a negative or misqualified emotion or experience is felt and not expressed in a healthy way at that time, it then becomes stored in the physical form within the cells, tissues and organs of the body, your bio-computer. It is also energetically stored within the energy body. These dense vibrations and frequencies of negative misqualified emotions of fear, anger, hatred, guilt, abandonment, not being loved or seen etc. become what has energetically been called the shadow self, the part or aspect of oneself that is repressed or denied. You have been taught that it is not appropriate to express your anger or any other misqualified emotions. What you and others have done has been to control, inhibit, contain or bottle-up this anger or fear or other negative emotions and experiences. Emotions that are repressed, denied or ignored can be triggered or activated easily by a similar emotional vibration or frequency. So when someone expresses anger, it often activates any repressed anger in the other. If fear is invoked by someone, any fear that is repressed will be activated in the individual and their personal shadow or the collective shadow. Consider the possibility that emotional frequencies can be contagious. Anger will more often invoke anger, fear will invite and stimulate more fear all because individuals have not been informed how to clear or transform these negative emotions or energies. You have not been taught that you are an alchemist. This awareness is a part of the unfolding evolution. This is a truth that you are here to anchor. You truly are here on this planet, at this time, to uplift these misqualified negative emotions and vibrations that have held humanity in the limited belief of being powerless. These dark and misqualified impulses are usually hidden and suppressed within the subconscious of each individual. As a multidimensional divine being of light, you are meant to transform them. You feel an emotion and if it is misqualified or is a low, dense negative emotion, you are to shift that by expressing the emotion in a healthy manner, owning these feelings rather than suppressing or constraining them. You can use sound to clear or express these dense frequencies, or use many of the other energy tools that are available, instead of storing these vibrations in the energy field and the physical body. What you are observing in the collective action and chaos that is appearing around your planet is the activation of all the repressed hatred, anger, fear, judgment and such that has been repressed by generations. The collective shadow is apparent and available to transform. Be conscious when any of your own suppressed emotions are triggered by the media, or by others. Remember not to engage in the same negative emotions that are being expressed in the collective consciousness. Take the opportunity to clear any personal misqualified or negative feelings of resentment, aggression, jealousy, hatred, or fear and be aware of any judgment or righteousness you might have concerning your stance. Once you acknowledge the possibility that these feelings might be hidden from your awareness, it is much easier to transform them. The very act of observing, of recognizing and owning these emotions, weakens their power. Once any light is offered to a shadow manifestation, it disappears. It is light that causes the shadow to show up and be acted out and it is also the consciousness of light that can and will cause the collective shadow to dissipate. Be conscious when any of your own suppressed emotions are triggered by the media or by others. Remember not to engage in the same negative emotions that are being expressed in the collective consciousness. Remember, you are an alchemist. And an alchemist has the ability and the understanding to transform energy. Emotions are just energy. Step into your personal power and understanding, knowing that you can focus on the light of awareness occurring wherever the shadow is reflected. Send loving blessings to those caught up in the expression of the shadow self. Hold the vision and reinforce the true magnificence in others. We are now simply sharing the importance to your evolution and the evolution of consciousness on your planet for you to step into your power as a conscious alchemist and begin to offer your light, to focus your light and to know without a doubt that it is making a difference. See yourself anchoring the vibrations and frequencies of love, compassion, understanding and life sustaining actions. See yourself anchoring cosmic light and imagine it spreading and gathering everyone in an embrace of wholeness and healing. Imagine this loving light energy, this divine energy, healing all wounds of the world, spiritual wounds, mental wounds, emotional wounds, and physical wounds. Remember also to call upon all divine beings in the non-physical realms to support your efforts and your intentions toward the enlightenment of all sentient beings. We are with you in this action and this alchemical process of transformation. We embrace you with our love and deep gratitude for who you are and for the work and service that you are offering this dimension and timeframe. Know that you are supported and you are seen. the 'team' ©2016 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address FREE 88 messages available Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations By Shekina Rose A stronger connection to the Angelic realms to the planet has occurred There is no places that we cannot reach you on earth, we are here and always with you. The Angels A dimensional shift is occurring at this writing and beckoning you to awareness and to be a part of the higher frequencies and cellular light increase. This new gateway will open your sight into the inter-dimensions and messages from 5th higher dimensional beings. Go within. Your cellular memories are awakening of the Angels and celestial Light communities you are from, also referred to as the Angelic Star Tribes, Bird Tribe, Angelics and Star Seeds. Many of you have alliances with those sacred lineages. The Angelic dimensional gateway is here and reverberating in your longing to be united to resonate to what it is to be a true real Human. 33 444 the sign of the Angels. Their presence is with you. There is an increase in seeing these signs of the Angels, the Angelic Realms and celestial star communities. The Angels and Angelic Realms are more accessible and are reaching out to you through signs, signals and in a variety of ways of Nature. Angelic Realms signals: The Angels and Angelic communities may be reaching out to you through signs of Angels in the shape of clouds, birds and feathers coming to you, in dreams, through a gentle breeze where you feel their signature message of love. "Call on us and we will be there; we are a part of humanity's ascension." Angel Numbers from the Blue Ray Angelic Lineage 444 A power house of Angels are available to assist you or try to get your attention. 55 Archangel Michael working through the Blue Ray is nearby. 555 Archangel Michael. His energies of power, change and emphasis are put into service. 22 Archangel Raphael is ready to help. He provides healing energies and is a twin bringing electromagnetic balance to the energy body and relationships. 88 Archangel Gabriel is assisting you in your communications, creations and in sharing your life path gifts. The Blue Ray Angelic The Blue Ray Angelic is an ultra sensitive empath who is a Blue Ray and has strong resonance to the Angels and may have been an Angelic being. The Angels have a pronounced vibration in your field where you can communicate and know they are with you on some level. Being an Angelic Blue Ray Starseed, I have a strong connection to the Angels and yet over the last month there has been an incredible increase with the Angelic realms and Angels. I also have a special affinity to the Angelic Star Tribes and there is connection to the lineages to the Bird People and Bird Tribes. I can feel their Angelic presence has increased resonances in my life and can feel my angelic DNA as a presence throughout my entire energy field; this is a first time experience. I am also seeing a white light portal open up to me-it can be in a flash of light that lasts longer so I know it is them. And never before have I seen so many 444. Enjoy this most amazing time on Gaia as we have crossed over into a higher dimension and our access to our beloved Angelic and Light celestial communities can easily reach us and many of us are becoming Angelic Star human. Shekina Rose Copyright © by Shekina Rose of Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [email protected] You may also like An Interview with Shekina Rose with Colin Whitby Have a look at Colin's new site Absolute Balance By Emmanuel Dagher Hi my friend, How have you been feeling the past several weeks? The Intense Energies The month of July left many empaths and sensitive souls feeling disheartened, confused, and defeated. On the surface, this might seem like it has to do with the chaos going on in the world, which is constantly delivered to us via media outlets that incite trauma, shock, and fear. But even if you are not someone who pays close attention to the world’s state of affairs, you’ve probably noticed that you have not felt like your usual self lately. Why is that? That is happening because along with the turbulence happening in the world right now, a great deal is coming up internally within us. This is a direct result of the influx of Light being downloaded into our solar system—and into every cell, fiber, and molecule of our inner and outer being. This powerful Light is coming directly from Source Energy, with no filters or fillers. A Powerful Influx of Light The current high influx of Light is setting a precedent, because never before in human history have we seen this much higher Light come in at one time. And the reason for that, is that we just could not have handled it before now. The heartening news is that Source Energy/our Higher Self only gives us what it knows we can handle. So although it feels like we are being stretched thin or tested in a major way at this time, it’s all part of a Divine Plan that is aligned with our highest and greatest good. The intention of this Divine Plan is to restore harmony, peace, and sacred balance in the Universe. When this much Light washes over our planet, deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns come to the surface to be addressed. Once these things are addressed, we then have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons that help us expand and evolve, both personally and as a global family. If you are being challenged at this time, you may be feeling disheartened or drained, either emotionally or because you are being triggered by what’s going on in the world right now. You can move things along more quickly, by asking yourself the following questions:
The answers may not come right away. But the simple act of asking these kinds of questions begins to affect the neurowaves in the brain, shifting our thoughts from autopilot to thinking outside the box. In simple terms, we are changing our internal dialogue, so we don’t remain fixed in a mindset that keeps us on a mental hamster wheel. That hamster wheel includes habitual thoughts that express fear, worry, lack, blame, judgment, and separation. When we help the mind to think outside its usual mix, we get off that wheel. We then open ourselves up to receive higher insight and wisdom that comes straight from our Higher Self, and from the powerful Light pouring into human consciousness at this time. Preparing for the New When we move through a high influx of Light as we are now, and we take that initial step of addressing the deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns that have been holding us back from living our greatest reality, the next step is usually an energetic cleanse. This is why things have felt really challenging lately. We’ve simultaneously been experiencing a powerful energetic cleanse, just as we are starting to address the things we’re being asked to let go of. Whether or not we choose to address these unconscious patterns and habits that are no longer for our highest good, the cleanse has nevertheless been in full effect. The great news is that after a cleanse is complete, we always have the opportunity for a fresh start. And we are getting very close to entering this next phase, where we can start anew. Before a new start begins, many of us will feel guided to see old friends we have not seen in a very long time. Some of us feel a pull to visit the hometown or area we grew up in, which we may have left a long time ago. This pull can also draw us to geographical locations and vortex points we may not have been to before in this lifetime, but knew in a previous lifetime. Others will feel guided to resolve any unfinished business from their past. If you are feeling a pull to do any of these things, then you are at the tail end of your cleansing cycle, and are about to enter your New Beginning. The World Unites On August 5, 2016, the Summer Olympic Games will begin. The Olympics were originally created with the intention of promoting comradery, good sportsmanship, and excellence. Over the years, the energies have evolved to create a global unity grid, bringing the world together in a peaceful way, to show that through teamwork, dedicated practice, and camaraderie, anything is possible. For several weeks in August, countries around the world will be putting aside their differences and walking together as “One Family.” This is big, and always creates a major boost in elevating the consciousness of humanity. During the Olympic games, billions of people around the world will unite. This unified field will soften our hearts to receive and anchor the higher Light of Source Energy, so that we can then move into our fresh new beginnings. If you’ve been going through a challenging time, know that things will start to ease up for you soon. Just remember to breathe, and take time to enjoy the magic life has to offer. Birds still chirp in the morning, and the wind still blows a beautiful breeze. And though it may not always appear to be so, all is well. Till next time, Peace and progress, Emmanuel ©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations |
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