By Colin Whitby Today I was chatting to someone who was describing the excruciating releasing she was going through, seemingly endless crying from the heart. This has all been stimulated by a healing process which is guiding her to touch the very centre of her being, helping her relax and feel that loving presence of her divine self. ‘Why then, when I touch this place, do I start crying so deeply; I don’t seem to be able to stop?’ she asks. The best explanation I could think of was to compare this kind of releasing to the boiling point of water. When under normal air pressure (at sea level) water boils at the predicted 100 degrees C, yet when we reduce the pressure (such as in the rarefied air of a mountainside) it boils at a much lower temperature. In normal life, with everyday stresses impacting us, our boiling point (or the level at which we release our stress or anxiety) can be quite high. Yet when we touch that deeply loving presence inside us we reduce the ‘air pressure’ to such a level that the blocked emotions flow to the surface, they boil. Often this can manifest as pains in the body accompanied by bouts of deep heartfelt emotional release. Thankfully this releasing is part of a final clearing, the emotions stored from a whole lifetime (sometimes many generations) are at long last being released in these loving frequencies. I have a sense that once they have been experienced they will be cleared completely; this is the last time they will surface. Often the emotions carry some old pattern or memory that we thought we had cleared, yet in the new frequencies available at the moment we are digging deep and clearing out the last (and deepest) traumas from our energy fields. So despite these episodes being draining and rather dramatic they are part of a process that is clearing the way for improved health and vitality. Something to hang on to at least, when the tears are flowing and you feel like giving up. You are loved, from deep within. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here, honored once again to have this opportunity to share our energy with you. We offer our appreciation as we recognize your determination and service to truly make a difference. We extend our support as you are encountering the challenges and the chaos of your reality. We know that you understand that you are here to uplift and transform what you experience. This is a message you have received from others throughout the ages. We are reminding you again of who you are and why you are here. You are a multidimensional divine being who has selected to experience this dense reality and dimension. From your divine perspective and true knowing you were aware that to offer change and upliftment to this 3D reality you needed to be present in a physical body. That physical body is sensitive to vibrations and frequencies. That physical body allows you to use all your divine awareness and incredible gifts and abilities of anchoring divine pure light and love into an environment in which those truths have been distorted and misqualified. Each multidimensional divine human is equipped with the mastery and skill of reading and sensing the emotional vibrations offered by others. The divine plan was to feel or encounter an emotion that was a low vibration and to transmute or lift up the low or misqualified vibration or emotion. It is a good plan. You as a multidimensional divine human have the ability as alchemist to transform energy that is life diminishing. Unfortunately, when you enter the form of an infant and feel the intense energy and emotions of others, you have a tendency to do your best to shut off your sensitivity. This can occur in many ways. From our observation there are many clever and skilled ways that emotions are repressed. Your processed sugar is one of the simplest methods to shut these feeling down. When unpleasant emotions are felt and not transmuted, they are then stored in the physical body. This practice is a learned behavior of most humans. However, you are here to shift that behavior and anchor the awareness and energy of life sustaining emotions, frequencies and vibrations. A human feels an emotion and translates that emotion/vibration as pleasant or unpleasant, as good or bad, and attaches a story to that emotion. These emotions and their stories are then stored together in a complex system within the body's electromagnetic field and circuits. The energies of these emotions are also added to the collective electromagnetic field. They become a part of the energy that creates the collective consciousness. Since it seems that the most unpleasant lowest frequencies and vibrations are suppressed, this becomes a large energy field that all empathic individuals feel and tap into. So at this time you are witnessing the intense negative life diminishing emotions of hatred, anger, judgment, intolerance, and bigotry that have increased in expression. These emotional vibrations can be triggered and escalated within humanity. It is a negative form of entrainment or resonance. You have witnessed this occurring in world events. Remember that an emotion that is not transformed and is, instead, stored within the circuits of the body, can and will be activated by a similar emotional vibration. Your goal as a divine conscious being is to anchor the life sustaining frequency and emotion of love. Again, from our observation, this emotion has also become distorted. We rarely invite the expression of love because there are so many different translations and distortions of this divine expression. Humanity has misused this word which describes such a powerful emotional frequency. We have observed that there are many kinds of love. The word love is often misused to express your favorite food or movie or activity. In fact, we could say that you have as many meanings for the word love as the indigenous people have for their snow. When someone extended the expression of love and it was rejected in some way, or they experienced an unpleasant sensation connected to the word or feeling of love, they become guarded in regards to extending or receiving this powerful emotion. They do not want to be hurt or feel unwanted in anyway. So love becomes conditional. There are mental stories and requirements connected with this emotion called love. We realize that it is the goal of all humans to feel and express the emotion of love. It is a feeling unlike any other. Love, when it is expressed and felt, affects every aspect. The mental, physical and energetic sensations are phenomenal. It truly is life sustaining. Everyone is always looking for love. As a multidimensional divine human you came here to be an expression of divine love, to offer this love in an unconditional manner to all that you encounter. We were asked, "What is love?" The energy of love in its purest form is the most powerful frequency in the universe. It is the divine thread, the cosmic link and connection with the All That Is, the Holiest of Holy, Divine Source. So love in its truest divine form is the expression and feeling that when you meet another, you honor and recognize that they are divine. You see them and offer this divine expression of love for who they truly are, magnificent multidimensional conscious beings just like yourself. Recognize that like you, they are caught up in the process of change and often are unable to see one another clearly and fully for the divine beings that you truly are. Begin to look at your many translations and expression of love, love of family or tribe, romantic love, love and caring for nature and animals, love of tradition or religion, love of self. Notice if your expression of love is conditional, distorted or misplaced in any way. We invite you to begin to practice this skill of offering the expression of love in an unconditional manner. We realize that this might be a stretch for you. Perhaps you can simply and silently honor their divineness. As you begin to practice this and anchor this ability, it will increase and actually become easier. You see it is truly who you are. It is love you came here to express and offer and it is love you came here to feel and receive. This unconditional expression of divine love and honoring of the other is what will and can uplift humanity. You are a powerful alchemist; you are here to bring this unconditional divine love to all you meet and encounter. Begin to offer this mentally, begin to allow your heart to soften and extend love and acceptance to all. You will be amazed at the effect on those around you. It will transform all your personal relationships with your beloved, family, friends and community. It will transform how you view your world. It will transform you. This is who you are, the divine expression of love and light. Live it. We are honored that you have witnessed these words and this powerful invitation. We are complete. the 'team' ©2016 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations By Soluntra King The DNA holds all the information about you, the earth, the cosmos, the more DNA you have awakened the more information you have to access. Two strands is the limited slave mentality but as one awakens and knows they are Light then it awakens deep memories of who one truly is. The karmic patterning of a soul can strangle the DNA and stop it from activating fully. This karmic pattering is not just from parallel life times, but through all worlds and dimensions and from wherever you exist from. When we have experienced playing in the dark side, or become encased in fear and mortality, then this energy can sabotage the light codes in us. The Earth herself has no problems with this and those who live in the higher dimensions of the Earth. Since the Diamond Light Matrix has been activated this has helped a lot, but the collective fear and implants, programs and energies that humans run and from wars, media, thoughts, and negative actions has all been accumulated. As well as from other cycles and civilisations, that has accumulated into a matrix of negative energy that can block the flow of Light for those who are still not open enough in their hearts, but it’s changing very fast now. With the opening of the Solar Grid in 1997 and the Diamond Light Matrix resonating through the Crystalline Grid since 2013 this negative energy was released briefly but has been trapped in again by our control freak friends who are really peaking now since the big shifts of 2015 and especially after the Shambala Template, the Higher Dimensional Starmap and Light Templates have been anchored it has made it easier for us to be able to transmute and transfigure , not to mention all the behind the scenes work that is going on. In the landscape there is DNA through the Earth and there are portals that are doorways to be able to clear this accumulation of information that has been used to trap humanity and the Earth from reaching their true potential and fully vibrating in love. This all changed in the Great Shift December Solstice 2012 but it’s still filtering down on the lower dimensions and consciousness. The karmic clearing of the grids and each person will activate the grids again and bring in the songlines to be clear so we can travel them. There are portals where this strangle hold of negative energy can be released from the DNA, that is the Light Codes through the Earth and Grids. By being present at places and with love and intention transmuting one’s own DNA and then through the Earth the negative energy, programs, lower astral rubbish and fear and implants can be transmuted permanently. If you feel guided to be a part of this work then it’s happening at a few places worldwide, please see my workshops. If you are already clear and you have many strand of DNA awakened within you and you are not resonating in the old paradigm then you will know what to do to be of service in this way. I have a new book on the DNA that will be ready In May that will have not only how to clear these yourself and from the Earth but DNA and RNA activations. Please also see my books Lightcode Activations , Diamond Light Workbook and Living Light…/earth-grids/unlocking-dn… Copyright © 2016 Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, 3158 Bay of Plenty, New Zealand email [email protected] Web site Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations By Maureen Moss Within a powerful month sitting amongst a powerful year we stand at an intersection of who we once were and who we shall be…realizing we cannot be who we were and become Who We Are. With intensified activities of the experience of opposites occurring within and around us… along with life conclusions being called for, new Life choices to be made, intuitive action on behalf of our choices beckoning us, and mystical and multi-dimensional occurrences enticing us… not a single one of us are being left unprompted to follow our freedom… as rapid realizations and revelations continue to compete with limiting thoughts and expired perceptions. Last month I wrote at length about the numerous parallel realities vying for our attention though none, I might add, quite as compelling to the ego nor more distracting from the True Self as our own expired human realities still traipsing through our minds as current thought forms and perceptions, holding us in a state of contradiction. There is good reason for those expired realities, enmeshed and engaged with their muddied thought forms to be highlighted now. Each is to come to Light if they are to come to pass. This Month and This Year Is Paramount To What Your Life Will Become Many of us here now (and reading this) walked the earth when the Christ Consciousness was born unto it. As such and as agreed (prior to human consciousness) we were implanted with the seeds of God Consciousness…the Consciousness of Love… and then sent on an expedition of Life spanning tens of thousands of years…years that would defy all space and time, memory, logic and reason to be here now to deliver, from the fruits of our labor, the harvest… God in Human Form. Love in Human Form. All That Is…In Our Form Called By Our Name. To do so… to be engaged with the One As One…to reap the fruits of our labor, collectively and personally...while in this rapid current of transformation, no longer can we stitch ourselves together from remnants and patches of thought, perspectives and beliefs born of lower consciousness, dualistic realities, memory, ‘logic’ or linear definition. Nor, can we conceptualize or gain strength for ourselves based upon who we were. Self concept must now concede to Self-Realization To aid that occurrence, and as a matter of evolution …all former life cycles separating our human nature from our Divine one, including the one contained within this one, has effectively concluded… ensuring that our True Self with its singular nature is offered the greatest opportunity and potential to be realized and expressed. All have perfectly served their purpose…no different than the cocoon that so perfectly served the butterfly. One could not be without the other, however one could not continue attached to the other. Key To Realization of Your True Self Essential to unveiling your True Self and engaging with the consciousness of your True Self, is freeing yourself from depleted assessments and attachments to thought forms which you believe makes you whole…to which you believe gives you purpose…to what (or whom) you believe diminishes your ability to love and be loved…to what you believe needs healing… to what you believe interferes with your happiness and capabilities, and to what circumstances you believe would best seed the field for the realization of your dreams. As an action of Love… offer your beliefs a reprieve from your thoughts and conversations. As an action of Trust…offer Life the opportunity to inform you about your Self. Knowing one's Self only occurs when beliefs about one's self have been transcended. Beliefs are convictions and opinions based upon thoughts formed on the linear plane of consciousness. Once formed they create automated predictable circumstances that one then becomes 'at the effect of.' Knowing is consciousness informed from the vertical plane. It solidifies connection between your embodied Intelligence with Infinite Intelligence, providing evidence of Truth to your intuitive knowing. New Life Cycles are informed and inspired from the vertical plane of consciousness. As your Higher/Divine knowing of what defines you and does not divide nor limit you is realized, integrated, stabilized and animated by your internal peace … Oneness with all that is Divine, Limitless and Inherent within your Original nature will be activated… within a new holographic reality system. In Conclusion As we continue our journey in human form, one that began tens of thousands of years ago we have an extraordinary opportunity now to move into an unparalleled cycle of permanent change…one filled with horizons never touched by our unconfined by space or undefined by perceptions and beliefs belonging to lives and experiences, past...One that is at peace. Beyond all time and space…you are. Beyond all imagination…you are. Beyond this perception of evolution…you are. Maureen Moss, © 2016. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations By Sarah Varcas Conjunct Chiron and opposed by Jupiter, this is a potent eclipse with the power to stir up old emotions and demand we deal with them, like it or not! In the interests of inner balance, it triggers a cleansing process which may require something of an emotional purge at the outset. How we experience this process will be largely dictated by our willingness to experience previously avoided or denied emotions, moving through them and out the other side rather than trying to sidestep or prematurely transcend them without having penetrated their depths, which are also ours. Emotions can be troublesome things, arising of their own accord, muddying our perspective, clouding our view and influencing our behaviour in ways we may regret. But they can also be beautiful, life-affirming blessings, even those which, on the face of it, are less than positive. Whilst grief can feel like a deeply destructive force, its power is testament to the love we have shared and the inexplicable mystery of death that throws every moment of existence into sharp relief. Anger can feel vicious and attacking, but can also be an expression of passionate commitment to live a life that refuses to settle for the numbed-out dumbed-down world that tries forever to suck us in. This eclipse may stir up the past just when we thought it was all done and dusted, reminding us that our psyche lives not in linear time but on a different plane where decades ago can be right now, memories become real, the future becomes the present and what once we knew as truth is simultaneously the greatest lie. Understanding this fact and knowing our true essence amidst the whirlwind of memory and emotion is an act of power at a time when we are all being recalibrated to live life in a new way. This is an eclipse of destiny, but not in the ‘pre-ordained there’s no avoiding it’ kind of way. We are our own destiny and this fact may become startlingly and unavoidably apparent at this time. The events of our lives, their twists and turns, challenges and triumphs, are a reflection of our deepest essence and our unique presence in this world. We are force-fields of energy and intent, interacting with the unified field of being woven through all things. The causative factors of events in our lives are many and varied, but we are the common denominator and it is through self-knowledge that we can more fully live, whatever life throws our way. Nonetheless, we may be tempted into victim mentality at this time, convinced we are being punished or scapegoated, unfairly treated or powerless to effect change in our lives. But we are only victims if we allow something or someone to dictate our state of mind and heart, instead of rising up, sovereign even in the face of our greatest challenge. To do the latter we must understand how our mind and heart works; what triggers our own personal spiral into despair or hopelessness, anger or confusion. There is simply no time to wait for feelings to change of their own accord now. We must be the masters of our destiny and resolve to be agents of much needed change. And even if that takes a lifetime of self-enquiry and baby steps towards self-mastery, it is a lifetime worth living: one that contributes not more suffering and angst to the collective field but greater wisdom and insightful presence. Squared by Saturn in Sagittarius, this solar eclipse reminds us that optimism is only optimism when it endures despite all evidence to the contrary! Otherwise it’s just a reaction to positive conditions that fades as soon as they do. We need to be resilient now, to have faith even in the face of challenge to all that we hold dear and true. These are not easy times and they are not passing ones. We are in the midst of a powerful and lengthy process of adjustment and transformation, rebirth and recalibration. It will challenge each one of us in our own unique way. What may seem easy to one will feel like death to another. To look around and compare our own lot to someone else’s is meaningless when we are all being pushed and prodded, stretched and challenged in deeply personal ways that may defy mutual understanding. But the one thing we do have in common is emotions: we all have them, as much as they may differ from one to another. This Piscean solar eclipse urges us to get to know our own inside out and back to front; from side to side, above, below and from their very core. This may be our greatest act of power: to wrest control back from the wounded mind and closed heart, investing it in our still and stable centre from which all wisdom and insightful action, all purpose and pure intent is born. It is to this core we are called now: deep within ourselves, through the joy and the pain, the hope and the fear, the memories, dreams and fantasies, into our very essence where all things rest in their own place. The influence of any eclipse continues for several months so we have some time to do this inner work. The eclipse moment is just the beginning of a process not its entirety. As we navigate our way through the coming six months until the next eclipse season we will have many opportunities to shape rather than be shaped by our reactions to life. To feel them fully whilst knowing them not as ourselves but as the maelstrom of life within us, like the wind and the rain, a tsunami of feeling or an earthquake of emotion; uniquely us and yet an expression of something far greater that exists beyond the personal. Emotions, this eclipse reminds us, are a force of nature – as are we – unleashed upon this planet to honour and protect her, not confuse, oppress and control. © Sarah Varcas 2016 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to freely share this article in its entirety on the condition that full credit is given to the author, it is distributed freely and the URL <> is included. 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