Blue Ray: Humanities Crystalline Blueprint High Fairy Realms/Ascension Crystalline Symptoms28/4/2019
Be among and amidst nature and we will sing to you a new love song lullaby, allow your heart healing through the luscious green of the trees, flowers and plant medicine. The blue oceans, babbling brooks refresh and restore your spirit as they have memory and enlightened code elements of the Light Body’s cosmic nature.
Allow yourself more play; it brings happy thoughts, inspiration of Creations to come through and naturally releases stress. It lets in the fairies. Mother Earth Gaia calls you, you servants of Light Song realms. The heart of the universe from the Central Sun is sending the highest vibrations of Galactic waves of Divine Love: The Ascension 333 Christ Solar Consciousness frequency. The energy increase of light on the planet is awakening in and to many the ethereal crystalline nature of humanity’s star lineages. As you are absorbing and integrating this light frequency, you will be able to see and communicate with us, the fairy, Earth Spirits, Sylphs, star and plant wisdom along with the animal kingdom, remembering our interconnected significance. As your body and energies are changing and shifting frequency of light dimension, the crystals and your crystalline DNA are responding with increased vibrations. Your nervous system carries those energies throughout your body, enlivening new energy pathways and heightening responses. Your spiritual body is increasing in light vessel structure, opening communications with the inner-dimensional crystal and cosmic planes. This is enabling a greater unity consciousness of divine power where a new Love of spiritual evolution is permeating all creation for all species. You are doing this through your ethereal crystalline senses as empath director of the frequencies through your body. Take care of your ascended light body as it is your precious gem and you have worked diligently to accomplish this. The increased emergence and interest of the mystical beings of the Pegasus, fairy, elves, dragons, mermaids, dolphins, whales are relaying your star connections of inner-dimensions, star and Galactic systems to the Arcturian, Sirian, Lyran, Pleiadian and Andromeda lineages. Ascension Crystalline Light Symptoms* As the energies are restructuring new pathways in your nervous system, you may feel uncomfortable in your body as it is behaving/reacting differently. These are the times when you may feel clumsy, dropping and/or bumping into things. You are shifting frequencies so rapidly that your physical is trying to align and catch up.
* It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process. More of you will be having inner-dimensional experiences and transformation with the multi-verse as you will be bringing those aspects of Creation back into a vibratory uplifting of the New Earth consciousness, as you ongoingly awaken more fully to the majestic, divine multi-dimensional beings you truly are. You can listen to this channel in the YouTube video below:-
Shekina Rose - Angel Medium, Language of Light Vocalist is the Channel of the Blue Ray Transmissions, and a very powerful yet gentle divine healer, Blue Ray, intuitive, empath, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant, who facilitates Privates Sessions, Soul Readings, Divine Activation s and Sound Performances. Creator of the Sedona Spirit Portal of the Vortex & Pleiadain stargate Pendant and devices sacred technologies.
Sedona Vortex Crystal Wands…/One-Sedona-Vortex-Crystal-Earth-H… Sedona Language of light Videos Her sacred gift of attuning to your soul and highest guides will give you profound transformative information and the frequency song of your Soul that will activate your higher Purpose and Divine Power.
Todd Medina of SOULSPEAKS 5D: With Shekina Rose An Angel Devic embodied her who sang holy tones of healing at a Conference/Healing and transforming the Waters with the Sylphs, Angelic Deva’s new technology Sedona Crystal Vortex Healing Wands, The Starseeds/Blue Ray Empath sensitive latest upgrades/Shekina gives a Light Language transmission thought form clearing with the High Angelic Devas
This 3D reality is very engaging. It is easy for the physical consciousness to get distracted in the maintenance of your physical life and activities in this dense reality. We observe how easily you can drop into the field of limitation and unconsciousness. There is no judgment regarding this; it is just shared so that you will be more aware and will better understand the power of the energy field of this hologame. As you know, the physical consciousness has basically been programmed to accept limitations in all its various forms. These limiting programs are built into your learning systems, your religions, even your sciences. So we are here once again to shake this up a bit. Many things are occurring; there is an energy transmission offering a major shift that is supporting and triggering mass consciousness to awaken to their true power and understanding. More and more individuals like yourself are beginning to truly understand who you are and how you are a key player in what is being anchored and revealed. When an energy transmission is offered from the galactic realms there is always a need to have receivers that will anchor this new vibration and information. You are a receiver. Own it and make it your intention to claim this gift each and every day. Say to yourself as often as you might need to, "I am a receiver of divine transmissions of information and awareness." Just this statement will trigger your ability. Be aware and pay attention to inspirations and ideas that come to you. Notice when you feel a shift in energy, a rush, a tingle or some other body sensation that is letting you know you have just received an energy download. You are a part of the wave of awake beings who are aware of the partnership between your physical consciousness and your divine consciousness. It is in this divine partnership that all transformation takes place in this dimension. When this partnership between the physical self and the divine self is acknowledged and awakened you are powerful beyond measure. In this awareness you begin to understand the gift of connecting with your heart’s intelligence. It is the human heart that generates the largest electromagnetic field produced by the human body. When you are aware of this gift, you can activate the heart in offering coherent frequencies of gratitude or appreciation. It is these vibrations that carry this encoded emotional information of well-being into the magnetic field of the collective. It is also important to remember that you create your brainwaves with your every thought and every emotion. You are a vibrational being of energy. You are always interfacing with everything and everyone around you. You are always impacting everything and everyone around you. You and your consciousness play this very important role in supporting and shifting events in your life and on this planet. We speak this as truth. You might not feel powerful; just realize that this feeling or belief is one of the limitations you have acquired along the way. The next aspect that we would like to empower and awaken within you is the ability to communicate with you own physical body. Many people do not have the patience to practice this or the belief that this is possible. Realize that every part of your body has its own consciousness. Decide that you are going to expand your relationship with your body. Play with the idea. Imagine or even pretend in the beginning. It is important that you give yourself time and perhaps a quiet place and approach this practice with compassion and patience. If you practice mediation in some form, this can be a good approach as well. Begin to engage your body and the consciousness of your cells in a mental conversation; offer your gratitude, express a desire to work together in harmony and cooperation. If your physical body has an area of pain, imagine that your body can share with you what might be needed for the pain to dissipate. It simply might be the awareness of listening to what that area of the body might be holding energetically or emotionally. Perhaps you will feel like making a sound to express any pain or discomfort. Notice any pictures, memories, words, ideas, thoughts that occur as you are in this heartfelt conversation. They may be a key or an answer to your question. You can even sing or hum to your body in a loving manner. Over time when you practice speaking kindly to your body and listening with compassion, you will begin to see and experience a more cohesive connection with your physical form. Every cell knows how to operate in perfect divine integrity. We assure you that wondrous results will blossom in this relationship. Your health and well-being will improve. Spiritual adepts thousands of years ago as well as numerous scientists now are becoming aware of the possibility to reprogram your very DNA with light frequencies and/or sound/word vibrations. We realize that this idea might be a bit of stretch in this limited 3D reality. Let us assure you that it is possible to affect your DNA, your cells and your health when you shift your perspective on what you think is possible. Light and sound can and do influence the energy field of the body and the body's healing process. We are inviting you to expand and explore your consciousness to encompass awareness of the smallest cell of your physical body out to the vastness of the collective and even beyond to the very stars. We know who you are and we continue to remind you of your magnificence. Invite us as well as other luminous beings to join you as you play in this field of consciousness. the 'team' ©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available The book is really about its subtitle, "The Hidden Determinants in Human Behavior." David Hawkins began practicing psychiatry in 1952 and then discovered the power of kinesiology, a science which obtains answers direct from the subconscious mind of a subject through muscle-testing.
Finding this a fascinating avenue into the unknown, David probed deeper, finding that he was accessing what he calls attractor fields in the subconscious. Attractor fields are what Carl Jung called archetypes and they are created by the group efforts of millions of minds in the collective unconscious. When an individual tunes into an attractor field, such as anger, love or fear, their brain is entrained to something much larger than them. Attractor fields hold a fascination because of their size and power. Just when his practice became huge, with 50 therapists and other employees working for him, David abandoned it all for a life of research. Instead of treating one patient at a time, David wanted to discover how everyone could be helped by the promise and potential of kinesiology. His research over the years proved conclusively the same thing that the new theoretical physics is beginning to say, that everything in the universe is connected. With kinesiology, he confirmed that whatever question is asked, if there is an answer to that question somewhere in the universe, then that answer will become yours. He also set up a system of calibrating levels of human consciousness. Arbitrarily assigning the numbers 1 to a 1,000 as the possible range of consciousness, he soon found that he had to use the logarithm of numbers, rather than just plain numbers. This is because the power of consciousness at higher levels is vast compared its power at lower levels. When you use a base-ten logarithmic system, the number 4 is not twice the number 2. Log 4 is 10,000 (one plus four zeros) versus log 2's value of just 100 (one plus two zeros). This means that a consciousness level of 300 is not twice 150, it is 10 to the 300th power; a one with 300 zeros after it. Furthermore, David found that the consciousness level of 200 was critical. It is necessary to sustain life on this planet without it sinking into eventual self-destruction. Since the mid-1980s, he reports, the global average reading for humanity climbed above the critical 200 level. This, of course, is yet another discovery confirming the existence of today's ongoing shift in consciousness, which we call simply The Shift*. Then he began to wonder how much people of higher consciousness were compensating for people who live below the 200 level. Consider, for example, that 800 million people in the world are hungry, with many of them living near starvation. The consciousness of despair tests at a level of just 50. Even anger and hatred rate higher in frequency than the deep depression experienced by those who live with no appearance of hope. So here we are, on Planet Earth, a collective humanity swimming hard through life to keep our collective chins above the 200 level, working towards the day when hunger and hopelessness will be eradicated from our world once and for all. What can you do to help? The answer, surprisingly, is the same that enlightened teachers have been saying for centuries. Your greatest service to humanity is the development of your own consciousness. As you raise your consciousness, you contribute more to the spiritual quality of the global mind. How exactly can that help the world? Getting back to modern science and its numbering systems, along with our liking for summaries that spell out "the bottom line," here are the test results. One individual at a higher level counterbalances many, many individuals who are below the critical level of 200. Below the 200 level are the attractor fields of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride. Right at the critical 200 level comes courage and its ability to empower the self out of the victim-orientation of the lower frequencies. At 300, a person has risen above many emotions of conflict to achieve some non-judgment and to feel optimism. At 300, one person counterbalances an incredible total of 90,000 people below the 200 level. Such is the power of higher states of consciousness. At 400, the individual achieves a harmonious attitude which brings acceptance and forgiveness. Furthermore, they gain an enhanced sense of reason, which brings understanding and meaning to life. This is not a difficult level to achieve. Those who, for example, pursue higher education and the professions function at the 400 level, where one person counterbalances 400,000 people below the 200 level. To reach 500, you need to be spiritually conscious. At this level, unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness become alive and well in your reality. You also counterbalance 750,000 people below the 200 level. When you have practiced meditation long and diligently enough to attain bliss consciousness at the 600 level, you are, at that moment, counterbalancing 10 million people below the 200 level. Do you need any more reason to develop your inner faculties? Just look at the wonderful level of service that each advance in consciousness brings into our world. *Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness
2018 into 2019 doubled down on intense Cosmic instigators rapidly ushering us into a major New Life Cycle and the reincarnation of our Self-Realized Holy Christed Selves. Though at times overwhelming, I’ve been reminded often of the fact that the inflow and then integration of new and higher frequencies, though intense as they occur, are being overseen by several of the Galactic world (Arcuturians, Sirians, Angelics, Elohim and more,) understanding that what is occurring in us and through us is a ‘sustainable phenomena,’ though must be taken in incremental stages. Why the Stages Harmonizing and embodying Higher Dimensions of ourselves, completely clearingout the former grid of our Human Template, paving neutral neural pathways, building and stabilizing new structures of Life in alignment with the Law of One… of Love, of One Will… fully activating our New Human/Divine (DNA) Template, and ultimately attaining a full Multi-Universal/God Consciousness Merge… will be an ongoing, consistent process over these next 7-10 years. Anything faster would be a shock and overload to our physical bodies and anything slower would hold many of us back who have reached the point of being able to withstand the frequencies (even though uncomfortable and exhausting at times,) due to expanded perception and acceptance of this being the way to the grand finale of being returned to the Creators Image and Likeness, as we were created to be. As such, it also allows us (and this is a very important piece,) to distinguish and Master the Truth of ourselves, emotionally, spiritually and Universally over time byfeeling and acknowledging Truth within our hearts, bones and bodies and becoming fluid in only corresponding with it and expressing and creating as a result of it. Creators of the Divine Plan I have said this often of late; “WE are creating the Divine plan now. This is an Ascension by which none in the Higher Realms could plan… for never has an Ascension occurred in this way. The potential existed, though so too did the potential to be another civilization that fell through the cracks. When the awareness came that the possibility we could fall again came (we have felt it and lived it before,) we determined, committed, courageous, almost broken, almost checked out Lightworkers took one more Inbreath and said, we are NOT giving up, We Are Not Going Down. It was like a telepathic Clarion Call to each other that sent out SO MUCH LIGHT… that an inrush occurred in the Heavens to do everything they were allowed to help us not fall…sending Higher Cosmic Harmonics and Frequencies, Galactic Transmissions, Home Star Transmissions, New Creation Codes, Diamond Creator Codes of Higher Intelligence and Angelic Love all in sacred geometric formations, tones, colors and soundwaves to enter our bodies, our cells, our DNA, our minds our body templates to do what was possible to help us ascend into fully Conscious beings with Higher Self, Soul Self, Galactic and Angelic Self physicalized. They were reminded of how far they could go and instinctively we knew how far we must go. And here we are Beloveds…making space, decoding, aligning, integrating and stabilizing day after day in and through our bodies, hearts and our minds… clearing and expanding the fabric of our being to fit in All of Who We Are… to help All of our Self become accustomed to physicality. Enacting Supreme Divine Love. Passover/Resurrection And so we enter into the remainder of April wherein a new level of consciousness and frequential alignment arises during this Holy month of Passover and Resurrection. An acceleration of energies slated to arrive mid-month creates further purging of the old emotional/physical template… helping us passover into new, deeper vibrational realizations, resonance, feelings and alignment with Self-Realized Truth and also into a greater field of Soulful coherence around us and in us. All waves, patterns, energies etc. entering from the Cosmos within this month are leading us through the Hallway of Unification... from the Alpha (beginning) to Omega (ending), which is Union. (We will further this during the 5-5 Taurus Stargate.) Watch closely the pattern of perfection being woven through you. Watch for the twinkling of your magical destiny beginning to light up. Do your part to let All of You In…the parts of you revolving in endless circles of God Consciousness ready to be physicalized. Be the loving Watcher and Caretaker of your New Life. You are amazing…realize it. Know You Are Loved. Namaste, Maureen Email: [email protected] Website: P.S. Stay tuned this month for a very special invitation. © 2018 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright. |
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