The Blue Rays, Starseeds, Lightworkers and Sensitive Empaths are being contacted by their star lineages and picking up signals and messages as they have an innate sensory awareness of the subtle field frequencies and higher dimensional realms. You are awakening more fully to who you are and remembering part of your mission as an emissary ambassador from the Galactic and interdimensional planes. Many more who have not been on the awakened journey are now being contacted in various ways for a greater unified field.
As the frequency shift continues "Ascension", the energies of the Great Central Sun are able to activate more of the electrons and light fields of the sensitives through the Divine Holy Matrix of the interdimensional planes. This is happening for all life here on Gaia and the interconnected realms as each individual's unique response will determine their future and role to be played. The Shambhala Mission Within your core memory of your DNA is carried the Shambhala Mission. The Shambhalans are conduits via the brotherhood of light as the ascended masters who carry the heart of the Creator of the Christ Consciousness of humanity. They hold resonances of unification within the holy matrix of the Divine Principle of One. The Shambhalans are an advanced ancient civilization that exists within the Earth plane where the illuminated ones live in balance of Nature-in peace and harmony. At different times and cycles they come to individuals to bring teachings and awakening. The Blue Rays, Starseeds and Light Bearers The Blue Rays, Starseeds and Light Bearers have a natural predisposition of empathy, telepathy and expanded expression to their Galactic and Light Angelic origins. Many of you have connections and close kinship to the ascended masters. You are here for a reason, a purpose, and a mission that is being awakened now. You have within you innate knowing of the greater Alliance of light, Law of One, interplanetary planes and Peace-your Destiny. Your spirit is remembering a sacred union, a calling through the heart radiance that we share. This heart radiance expands beyond the Earth plane as a cosmic heart field of the Universe that is awakening the starbeing ambassadors and commanders. Regardless of what is taking place within your governments and system structures, you are here as a free mason star being ambassador. You exist in a higher octave outside of those structures, having come through certain rays and star alignments. This facilitated a certain DNA resonance of remembrance and connection on the Earth plane. Even your so-called learning disabilities and great sensitivity were such that you would not be entrained into certain dogma and structures that would dull your sensory connections to keep your divine source undefiled. You have extended family in the Inner Earth and ascended Galactic realms who are reaching out to Gaia and humanity for the mission of Shambhala to create peace with the interplanetary and galactic races that are a part of the landscape and interdimensional realms of Gaia. A great shift is occurring for you to know and be awakening to your extended Galactic, Angelic Earth families and lineages. A beautiful lightwave band is unfolding that encompasses all things of connectivity in the Universe. As the sun shines from the place of the center source, we are this Love that distributes a frequency of Light. We love you and we are family. 333
Are You From the Blue Ray?
Copyright © by Shekina Rose of Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [email protected] Shekina Rose, Angelic Blue Ray, Star Seed, Harmonic Vocalist for the Language of Light 528 Hz LOVE, MIRACLE ancient Solfeggio frequency, Channel of the Blue Ray, Co-executive producer, host and intuitive empath for Supernatural Sedona Video series,
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The times in which you are living serve to shift your understanding. Galactic inputs, solar flares and the increased resonance of frequency and vibration of your planet earth are stimulating this leap in consciousness. These increased frequencies are quickening and initiating expanded consciousness not only in humans but in all living creatures. There is a subtle yet significant shift in consciousness taking place throughout the animal kingdom. The shift in frequencies is affecting all and is driving the evolution of all sentient beings. Deep purifications are occurring which brings healing on all levels of consciousness. This restructuring and activating of consciousness is sweeping your entire planet. It is part of the ascension process, moving humanity from the dense, limited 3D that everyone is so familiar with to the higher realms of unlimited possibilities of love and light. The other dimensions vibrate at a higher rate which is unattainable from a limited 3D mindset and the low-level vibrations of misqualified energies. As the fragmented aspect of humanity begins to dissipate there is a sense of wholeness and oneness in which more light particles are available. Now is the time to engage in all the processes and skills that will allow your personal vibrations to increase in frequency. You truly have the support of the cosmic intentions. Be mindful of your breath, breathe with consciousness, follow your breath as it moves into your lungs and throughout your body. Be keenly aware of the rhyme of your breathing, for it is breath that sets the tone of all your body's functions. We observe that for most humans breathing is short and shallow. This is the breath of someone who is on alert, ready to fight or flee. Envision your breath coming from above into the crown of your head follow this breath down through the center of your body and exhale down deep below your feet. Repeat breathing the opposite; breathe in from below your feet, up through the center of your body and out the top of your head. Breathing is an alchemical process of life which can transform all. It is important as you consciously breathe that you infuse your breath with thoughts and feelings that are empowering and uplifting. Seed your breath with intentions. Seed your breath with healing colors. Begin to be aware of taking long deep breaths as often as possible, for it is that type of breathing that informs the physiology and chemical reactions of the body that all is well and more. This offers a relaxed, safe state of mind that allows for expanded consciousness. This is the goal. Be aware of all the triggers being offered by the world around you that cause you alarm. Remember to breathe into those issues, remember to breathe as you watch your news reports, notice when you shift from feeling a state of peace into a state of alarm or stress. Remember that emotions are contagious and there are situations that are meant to cause you fear and alarm. When you are in a place of fear or feeling powerless, you are easily manipulated by those who have an agenda of limitation and control. These emotions drop you into the matrix of limitations. It is a cycle that keeps repeating and repeating. Notice what your triggers are; is it issues with finances, or health, your safety or that of your loved ones? What thoughts and fears cause you to begin to breathe in a shallow manner? Pause and take a long deep breath, deep into your belly, hold it briefly and allow it to be exhaled slowly. With practice, this will become the first tool you use to reset your mind and the responses of your body. Imagine that you could breathe in light. Imagine that you could fill your lungs with light particles that would then stimulate each and every cell and aspect of your physical body and empower as well as energize your subtle energy body. This is truly possible; it requires your attention and intention; over time you will begin to feel the difference. Imagine that with each conscious breath you are acknowledging your divine self. You are inviting and awakening your quantum consciousness. As your physical body is being stimulated by your conscious breath, it has the ability to restore the divine integrity to every cell and system. You begin to awaken codes within your DNA that allow you to tap into your cosmic awareness. You begin to feel different in some strange way; just notice and acknowledge the simple changes you might be experiencing. Remember, this is a process, it is a blossoming of your true essence. Notice how you begin to perceive subtle energies, observe geometry forms or colors in your mind's eye, begin to experience telepathic exchanges with others. As this unfolds and it becomes stronger, purer and more precise, you will become aware that you are truly a part of a network of light beings both physical and non-physical. You are allowing and developing your quantum consciousness. From this divine connection you will engage with others in transforming the limitations of your planet and anchoring a reality that is honoring and life sustaining for all. It is from this quantum consciousness awakening with humanity that 3D situations and issues can and will be resolved. You are the chalice, the physical embodiment in which this reality will be anchored. Hold that vision and breathe into truth. You and all individuals play a significant part in this ascension. We celebrate your willingness and your success. Be courageous as you step out of this paradigm of limitation into the unlimited realities and divine template that you know. You are being supported with unconditional love and light frequencies and vibrations from all corners of the galaxy. You are the divine stars of this magnificent production of consciousness. We bow before you for your willingness and your dedication. the 'team' ©2017 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available You may also like An Interview with Peggy Black Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
By Maureen Moss
It was a month to use our inner eyes and sacred heart to bear witness and bring deeper awareness and resonance to how we’ve been shaped, shifted and carved to begin to fit our potential, now. As well it gave us opportunity to settle down and balance out from the heightened states of unwinding from our former selves… now fading further and further into the belonging to another time. In retrospect it’s difficult not to be inspired by our own journey once we’ve begun lighting up our embodied Intelligence and made the connection to how we each agreed to be used (shaped, shifted and carved,) to best harvest the bounty from seeds of Love planted by a Masters consciousness some 2,000 years ago, and begin a mass spiritual revolution and reclamation of Truth… The Experience Only days before your reading this and my writing it, I along with an intimate group of others across the globe, participated in an 8-day immersion with Mary Magdalene. Those that gathered were drawn to come together with one of the most essential ascended feminine Christed beings ever to have walked this earth, with the intent being to restore, integrate, ignite and ground the Divine Feminine blueprint within ourselves and in turn, into the earth. Day by day we experienced Magdalene’s Holy potency, mastery and Love far beyond what I have experienced on this earth or many council tables above it. Her energy flowed peacefully through our cells lighting up and bringing to our felt consciousness the core qualities, the blueprint, of the Divine Feminine… passion, compassion, power, peace, wisdom, fortitude, fearlessness, forgiveness, trust, grace, Oneness, Creation and Self-Love. These qualities when activated began to weaken and dismember loops of distortion, suppression and disempowerment lodged and living far beneath the surface of our consciousness, for lifetimes. One by one the qualities of Truth began to usurp that which was not its equal. Through days of difficult die-off, soon recognizable chords of pure vibrational resonance with my unhindered core essence brought tears of relief. As each quality surged and flowed through us all I witnessed it surge and flow into the earth. It was at once quiet and compelling. By the 4th night the reasons for which we assembled seemed to amplify its original intent. It was through our own purified and reconciled heart we were anchoring a template for the reconciliation of both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine simultaneously… with the Divine Feminine force of nature Mary Magdalene accelerating, through us, what the multi-dimensional Divine Masculine force of nature, Jesus (Jeshua) Christ, her equal partner initiated, some 2,000 years ago. It was a life to Life altering experience. My heart and compassion opened wider to myself, and my true work here on this planet day upon day, coming to know this: We can open our hearts to others and be compassionate with others 24 hours a day and 7 days a week however, Mastery (not wisdom) can never be attained (nor enjoyed,) by opening our hearts outwardly first. It must come through the passageways and channels that take self to Self and then on to all others. A Divine Feminine/Masculine Master becomes so by coming to know and then to love and embrace them Selves with an all-consuming passion for Love itself, if they are to walk on earth as a sovereign and free being, and be in true service to all others. With that shared, I continue as I was writing about the month of June before being ‘nudged’ to insert the experience, knowing it to be tantamount to the next phase of our evolution. The Month of June And so it as that as the month of June opens it does so with a great deal of Cosmic/Ascended loving intervention, stronger templates of Creation here on earth and a very high density of Light. The Light… significantly amplified… is so to increase our ability to accurately reflect our Divine nature unto our human awareness, and fertilize our Being on this earth beyond confusion. Steadfastness, focus and consistency will serve each one of us as the month unfolds and the bold raucousness of the external world amplifies. In tandem, we exit fully from the age of possibilities in this sixth month, one in which quantum evolutionary leaps become easily accessible to those who tirelessly have worked to embody the Light of the Divine God(dess) and who continually mentor their highest potential. As mentioned last month, the vibrational patterning for humanity to move consciousness into manifestation… with no external interference…is in a phenomenal state now. Enter now the next phase of evolution… a higher more astutely aware and active phase in which the Soul consciousness (the creative agent on behalf of the Divine,) begins its descent into our physical bodies and the emergence of the unified, individualized mind and radiant heart becomes the hallmark of human evolution. (More about the Soul in the coming months.) Highlighting this next phase, we enter the age of probabilities providing endless and untold opportunity for pure potential to become real. Up to this point we have become accustomed to the general truth that anything is possible. Sometimes believed though more often hoped for, anything is possible, is a state of mind rather than an alignment of heart, (think about it.) Possibility rarely feels likely. Now enters probability, which by definition means something may happen, however, there is a belief, it is more likely. When Jesus spoke, and greater works than these will they do, he gave testimony to the power of the human potential, our potential…now. He, Mary Magdalene and countless other great Masters walk with us now while occupying their varying dimensions, assisting us in birthing a new paradigm of all things probable, not the least of which is our sovereignty and peace, at long last. In Conclusion Entering this next phase of evolution, it is we the modern day activist, en route to restoring our Mastery, now in charge and capable of activating the Divine Blueprint without hindrance...first in our hearts, and in turn on this earth for the liberation of all beings now and going forward. In our time there won't be one who rises amongst many. There shall be many with many who rise and initiate a new template of Human Life rooted in Love, Wisdom, Power and Peace. Who you are and why you came to this earth defies and transcends the humanism you have been tasked with. Use the Light of this month to reconcile your heart…to focus on your ripening potential filled with probability, and to clear out what litters your likelihood. Recognize the sacred in your Self and sustain your sacredness through inner consistency and Love. Put into motion the core qualities of the Divine Feminine for indeed they are your core qualities…man or woman. Do this all as an act of radical service and great Love for your freedom and the freedom of human kind. Maureen Moss, © 2016. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
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February 2023