Peggy Black and the 'team'
Remember, your reality is never set or solid, it is fluid, it is vibration and frequency. Your reality is created by the vibrations of energy, thoughts and projections of the collective. You, more than most, understand this principle. You are witnessing as well as experiencing a frequency shift. Consider for a moment that this shift might be the result of an increase in the vibrational frequency of your planet. The resonance of the Earth's magnetic frequency has been the same for thousands of years. This natural frequency of pulsation has been understood by your sages and measured by your scientists to hover about 7.8 cycles per second. This resonance, this oscillation frequency has been thought of as the "heartbeat of the earth" and it is a resonance to which all humans attune in order to stay balanced. It influences human consciousness. All living things are surrounded by this natural frequency. Over your decades, there has been an awareness and understanding that this resonance of the earth shifts slightly and corresponds to seasonal changes, solar storms and activities, movements of the planets as well as the possible effects of human emotions and behaviors. It is important for you to understand that the magnetic field of your earth influences your brain activity, as well as your cardiovascular and nervous systems. So now you can begin to understand that shifts and changes in these fields can and do affect your health and behavior. When there is disturbance in this magnetic field environment, it can cause sleep issues, mental confusion, anxiety, even a lack of personal energy or feeling overwhelmed. These fluctuating invisible magnetic forces are interfacing with every cell in your body. Your pineal, brain and nervous system are very sensitive to electromagnetic energy. Your pineal will synchronize with the solar activities and any geomagnetic fluctuations offered by your earth, sun, moon and interplanetary influences. Realize that all humans are responding to these invisible geomagnetic energy fields. Studies are being done concerning how disturbances in the earth's magnetic field might influence violence, accidents, heart attacks, strokes, suicides and even wars. These studies have shown that during certain solar cycles there has been an increase in social unrest. Animals, birds and water beings use the earth's magnetic field to navigate during migration. There is a deep connection of all living things with the earth's electromagnetic fields. You are being bathed in this energy at all times and you are responding at all times. There are those of you who are aware and sensitive to this energy field and force, this background frequency, and there are others who are totally unconscious of this and its effect on their circuits or biological systems. What has been occurring is an increase in this vibrational frequency generated by your earth. This anomaly has come to the attention of those who measure this electromagnet field. They have seen an increase from the usual frequency of 7.8 cycles per second to levels of 15-25 cycles per second. There have also been spikes of over 30 cycles per second. Consider the possibility that these intensifying energies and increases in the cycles per second at which your earth is vibrating are being generated from the Galactic Centre. Consider that this very fast speed and resonance from the cosmos is stirring up energy within each and every human. Be aware that these various frequency ranges, the cycles per second that the earth is offering, can and will trigger and activate different levels of consciousness depending on the individuals, including the collective shadow, the aspects within each person that have been repressed, suppressed and denied. Often there will be increased violence, social discontent, terrorist attacks and intensifying acts of crime. Those who are unconscious or unwilling to heal those shadow aspects within, respond to this increase in the electromagnetic field vibration by acting out these repressed emotions. You are witnessing this each day as more of the collective shadow is being pushed to the light for healing and transformation. The rising of your earth's electromagnetic frequency is also creating another phenomenal event within the collective consciousness. There is a shift and a great awakening of consciousness occurring around your world. There is an awareness that something is happening. People are feeling it; there is an excitement stirring within. Individuals are feeling empowered and are beginning to place their focus on what is possible out of the chaos that is being witnessed. These emerging resonances are stirring brainwave activities, so individuals are waking up. There is an acceleration of brain wave to alpha and theta states, which allows and invites the awareness and connection to the divine self. You are personally experiencing your own enlightenment. You are feeling more and more connected to the global community in a way that is not really describable in words. It is a realization that you are connecting to the global consciousness, the global information field. In fact you and all beings are contributing to this global field. Your thoughts and emotions interact with and actually inform and encode information onto this geomagnetic field. Imagine that your coherent and/or misqualified emotions and energy become a part of the magnetic field. This field surrounding your earth then acts as the carrier wave for all that is being offered by humanity. The feedback is that those energies manifest as events that you witness occurring daily. Be responsible and aware of the power of your coherent thoughts, emotions and energy that does imprint this field and creates the changes you desire. Own this personal power. There is an interconnection among all living things and this connectedness is responding to the increased frequencies of the electromagnetic field. Many who are sensitive are feeling the intense emotions being generated by others. When this occurs, it is your opportunity to transform these collective misqualified emotions. Remember you are an alchemist. Those who are sensitive, aware and open are realizing that they are becoming even more intuitive and expanded. Many individuals are receiving downloads of information, insights and paranormal experiences. Many are opening up to their connection and even partnership with other divine non-physical beings. There is a revolution of consciousness taking place in the collective field. Each person will respond to this shift in consciousness in their own unique manner. However, we would like to acknowledge those who are reading our words. You are certainly the ones who are anchoring this light consciousness into your earth's field and we are grateful for your awareness and your willingness. You have the ability to offer this service to transform misqualified energy by your focused intention, your directed sounds and your partnership with divine beings of light. The increase in the frequency of your planet's electromagnetic resonance is preparing humanity for another level of understanding and an awakening to their multidimensional abilities while in physical form. All is connected, the ripple of consciousness touches each and every living thing. Stay the course, remember to be anchored to your earth, fully embodied and always connected to divine source. We are honored to offer our energy as we embrace you with our love and gratitude. You are doing great work. Divine support is always available upon request. We are complete. the 'team' 2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
You have been granted this power to shape Life because you are Life. You are born deserving by mere existence. You are shaped by the earth plane, by the Call of Life. And you shape Life because you are connected to Life, you are part of it. Though you are separate in form, you are connected in the formless. You are in a time of powerful change as humanity moves into greater consciousness with their connection to Life. For this connection to build, some previous connection must be broken so that new connections can form. The Spring of Humanity's Connection Just as the seed breaks a shell of connection that kept it safe, so too is humanity moving past a shell of separation that kept it safe in certain ways. For the seed to grow, it finds a direct connection with the Light of the sun—even as it roots deeper into Earth to reach higher toward the Light. What you are seeing around you are shells breaking, new life springing forth. In some ways, it seems very confused. Much of humanity needs support and does not quite understand that what is happening is an evolution to conscious connection that cannot be stopped. It can be resisted, it can be difficult, but it cannot be stopped. This is a potent time where you will begin to see quite an increasing polarization of people within themselves and with the people around them. It is always happening because it is how the generations improve, but you are seeing it happening more. People that were perhaps on the edge or contained, are now becoming uncontained. Some of what you observe on Earth is painful, as much pain becomes uncontained from many people. Yet what is also occurring on a larger scale are those finding their desire for connection to occur in ways that are more helpful for humanity—ways that are more supportive of life blooming forth. Within you is where this begins. Within you is where these choices are made. As you look around, it can seem futile, as if those internal choices don't make a big difference, but indeed, they are the only thing that begins real change. Your internal choices begin the real change. Your Awareness Is A Catalyst As humanity is going through this birth into more connection—the joys and the pain of the birthing process are becoming known, experienced, and no longer avoidable. It is important to remember that all that you experience; whether you see it on TV, on paper, or you hear it from another—information is flowing into you. You are not just seeing something or hearing something, you are receiving something. You are taking it in, but you need not take it on. It is coming into your awareness, and your awareness is unique within the universe. Your awareness is the powerful catalyst that begins change. You are taking life in, but do not take it on. Let it change within you because your vibration is stronger than the moment. Let it have its moment of compassion. Let it have its moment of possibility that is growing because of the challenges that have occurred. That is why it's coming into your awareness—for your awareness to flavor it, for your awareness to weave with it, for your awareness to become part of the catalyst that supports real change. Even if you have to step back from it, you can find a way to appreciate that a new seed is growing. These are merely growing pains that humanity is going through. A new seed is blossoming. Your awareness is where a new root of possibility begins so that new change can grow into the earth through you. Do not take it on, allow it through, plant it. [planet it! :o)] Emanate new possibility. You will emanate out a resonance that shifts the physical Earth, the biosphere around it, and the solar system around it. This begins with your awareness, for the catalyst is within you. It is that simple and that challenging. In one moment, it may feel like joy. In another moment it may have tears. In another moment it may feel like neutrality. In another moment it may feel like anger. In another moment it may feel like understanding. If you look closely, you will begin to see your seedling growing, blossoming. Life is Connecting with You You will get some feedback from this experience that will support you into knowing that your awareness is a valuable part of this collective. Your uniqueness is cherished by life. It will not always feel gratifying, you must find that within—because you don't do it for the outcome. You do it because it's natural to you. You do it because you know in your core that life is meant to be magnificent. That is what life is meant to be, and you hold that potential within you. It feels different at times—sometimes good and other times not—as well it should. Embrace them all, stretch yourself a little, exercise your empathy, exercise your thoughts of possibility, but do that with a recognition of what is appropriate for you and what is healthy for you. Life is a continual journey and you will continue to change and grow. You will find yourself becoming more sensitive and then strong enough to handle it. You will find yourself becoming more neutral, more peaceful when the circumstance would not necessarily lend to that. In those moments, you are holding that open resonance of potential. In the moments when you feel pushed or pulled off balance by a circumstance, you are experiencing a potential of change. Embrace that potential. What seems good or bad, strong or weak, right or wrong, is just an experience that offers a potential of change, a potential of new growth. You water that seed, it's within you. Embracing Yourself in Challenge These are powerful times in which you are discovering what you are capable of. Do not judge challenges as something you have done wrong or something you have not yet overcome. Experience them, allow your emotional reaction, and continue moving through them. You are fully equipped. All that you need is within you, and you will also draw support from outside of you as well, because you are connected to all. You will continue for a time to see humanity experience the struggle of the polarization that is going on within them. As you observe that, observe yourself and find that neutrality within you because that is what helps two opposites bond into new matter—new potential. Your neutrality, your empowered compassion has a powerful, though often invisible, effect. This process that you are going through now is the catalyst that shifts the overall vibration higher. That is the potential of negativity, it creates desire. Desire is a catalyst of connection, creation and change. Even as you are more in tune with the subtle realm, as you are more connected consciously, you may perceive others as polarizing farther into their negativity. This will continue for awhile. Do not fear it, maintain your neutrality. It is a natural reaction for many that they must change through necessity rather than choice. It is a natural reaction for many to resist change because fear has a stronger role in their life than courage with the unknown. You are a powerful being, unique in all of the universe, and you are maintaining an important possibility on Earth. To find some ease with challenge, utilize your natural support systems like nature, it will naturally support your balance. Laugh more, that is a fire energy that transforms. Dance more. Find ways to connect more. This will begin amplifying your natural support. It will begin amplifying your neutrality into a more connected state. These are profound times; you're at an exciting point that will show you the positive potentials even as it shows you the negative ones. Do not let the loudest ones control what you are hearing, what you are seeing, and what you are thinking; but allow yourself to engage with the world, even if just a little. Find what feels appropriate for you in a moment. Let this collective experience be a catalyst for you to find more of the Love that is already within you. Love’s most potent and beautiful potentials are natural to you. You value connection, equality, and people thriving. You value an interconnection between humanity and nature. You will find that these values are going to be coming more to the forefront because you are calling it forth. Your intent, your resonance is calling forth more support with what you are wanting to experience in life. You are supported with this and it will continue to amplify. But, as with all support, you must receive it. Become comfortable with receiving life. Become comfortable connecting with Life. Become comfortable, even when someone feels as if they don't connect with you. It is not personal—keep connecting. What great exercise. These are powerful times that you are helping to elevate into a higher state of Love and empowerment. These times are calling forth an information and experience flow that is necessary. You get to shape your life into what you are wanting to create. That, in turn, shapes the human experience. The human experience is undergoing a change that is moving from fear shaping life, into Love shaping life. As you become stronger within, fear no longer has power over you. This is the core of connection. Love is stronger than fear. Courage is stronger than fear. The future potentials of Love are stronger than the catalyst that is calling it forth in the present. As these times have ups and downs, challenges and supports—observe it all. Let it flow through you, do not take it on. You will be amazed at the support that comes in. You are well prepared and continuing to strengthen your empowered Love. It is within you. The possibilities and the potentials that humanity is seeding, grows with the nurturance of your Love. Copyright: © 2005-2017 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
By Shekina Rose You are experiencing an ending of a galactic alignment of a great cycle where soul agreements and deep emotions are coming up for review and completion, and where the 1st blue ray starseed mission has completed. The galactic alignment occurs once every 26,000 years, where your ancient indigenous people have prophesied great change, earth shifts, social and economic upheaval, the return of the star people, peace or war and the choices humanity would take for their destiny. 444 You starseed and blue ray are here to create a new evolutionary timeline. Galactic alignment is a result of the procession of the equinoxes, where the Earth, Sun and Galactic Center are in a straight line with the galactic plane. This is a time where we receive DNA energetic encodements from the Great Central Sun Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades. Blue Rays Emissaries of Light of Intergalactic Codes Blue rays and starseeds, you have come to earth for this transitional cycle. You are the emissaries of Light who carry the harmonic resonances of the intergalactic codes. You traversed through the many different ascended planets and realms, from far-distant star, solar systems and higher dimensions and through the blue ray for the specific frequency alignment for Gaia and the Ascension. Who are the Blue Ray Beings? The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. The Blue Rays' 1st Mission As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity and set the stage for the other Rays to come. Your first mission was to be born in a family where you were to transform the damaged DNA of your blood ancestry line for humanity and the planet. This is a huge mission-to be able to vibrate your frequency here on the planet and not lose the connection through trauma while healing of the family dynamics. Because you are transformers, you have the violet ray of transformation in your aura energy field with your main vibration resonating to Blue. 10:10 Blue Ray, by being a vehicle of transformation, the light of Source would have an energetic entryway of reconfiguration through both directions-past and future timelines-all starseeds, light bearers and new forerunners are here to do this through their conscious alignment to reconfigure the distorted energies by raising their frequency to light and love. For many of the Blue Rays, this 1st mission has come to completion with these beginning teachings of being an ascended master, as the heart of love was always lighting the way of truth within you the divine tools to transcend. You had to seek who you truly were as you felt that this was not your true family and that you were from the stars. This inner knowing is your guide. 333 After enough quota of energetic healing of being on this path serving your family lineage, you receive great signals, signs and a knowing that there is completion and/or movement where all you can do is accept the changes. 33 The scales have reached a place where your soul contract may have ended, and yes, love prevails. If you stay too long the discordant energies and pain would slow you and become unbearable and keep you from your inner soul gifts wishing to be expressed. The signature of your soul vibration is calling for freedom of the grander expression of who you are. 444 Starseed Blue Ray Pre-encoded awakening There has been an enhanced field of the Blue Ray resonance on the planet that is calling the blue rays to come out of hiding, connect with each other and align in the divine holy matrix. As a blue ray, you will receive a pre-encoded awakening sometime on your path that will guide you to know who you are and the right information, circumstance. This can also manifest as moving to different locations and visiting various places of the earth where some are portals, vortexes and sacred sites. A new cycle of focus is here for all starseeds and Blue Rays of why you came to Gaia. You have an important role to play through your cosmic lineage and unique spiritual gifts that will assist the larger Divine Plan of ascension. Are You From the Blue Ray? Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [email protected] ![]() Shekina Rose, Angelic Blue Ray, Star Seed, Harmonic Vocalist for the Language of Light 528 Hz LOVE, MIRACLE ancient Solfeggio frequency, Channel of the Blue Ray, Co-executive producer, host and intuitive empath for Supernatural Sedona Video series Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
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February 2023