Pleiadian/Inner Earth Message 2018 New One Earth Starborn Mission
Energy portal structures of the frequency of the One New Earth We, the Pleiadian Inner Earth, are a team of a light consciousness field that wishes to establish peace and harmony with life and the inter-dimensions. We care for life, we care for you and love you. You are a part of us; we are kindred Light Earth Star Family. Our message is of the One New Earth: many of you are familiar with the unity consciousness field, your extended aspects through higher self, lineages’ multidimensional expression of the angelic, nature, dolphins, fairy, dragon realms, extraterrestrial Intelligence, galactic and groups of which you are a part and co-creating this time/space of the One New Earth of peace and ascension. Frequency of the One New Earth-One Humanity Events and circumstance will be quickening now and till 2020. You are in another gateway and timeline astrology cosmology of a sequence of events to occur for your ascension and many of you may experience the traversing in and out of the dimensions, where you feel the high and then the ungrounded out-of-alignment. “Where did I just go, and how do I get back there; and where am I now, and where is here?” You are being shown how to connect into the frequency. How to stay connected and align through the interdimensional planes. Your higher self is guiding you through the Divine Plan, Divine Principle of One. Stay tuned-in and trust your empathic intuitive body as your guide. We have appeared and made contact with the starseeds and emissaries ambassadors. Our contact is shifting as there now is interstellar technology that can track our appearance imprints and cause harm to our energy bodies. Thus we know that a unity field consciousness grid is important for the peace and harmony of humanity. We have consciousness grid alliances with our allies and races of interdimensionals. Emissaries ambassadors, peace makers, blue rays and starseeds, be awake to who you are, and that empathic nature and telepathic awareness are key. It is imperative that you know who you are, your divine sovereignty, for the coming events. Your mission of empathic telepathic nature to tune into the unity field consciousness alliance will be the awakening of a divine power that you put into place long ago. Why we are making more contact in a new way of awakening your God essence DNA is so you may know and be aware yourselves that there is discord within the treaties, deliberate assault and attacks on Humanity in attempts to weaken the Divine template. As you increase awareness and awakening of your avatar ascension bodies, there is increased compromise in the land, air and consciousness. It is why there will temporarily be more ill health, sickness and possibly fatalistic viruses. Many on your planet already do not even know what a healthy normal sky looks like. What you see is not the natural occurrence of Gaia alone; it is a manipulation of the elements while the increase of the devices of technology are keeping you deceived and consuming. Who we are Aree, Maree the One Earth, is an aspect of the New Earth; it is really not new but rather the unity consciousness unveiling where disclosure of Truth is being revealed of a grander expression of the Divine human and your holy sovereign power and rights. The New Earth is a time line reality of galactic and cosmic alignment of multidimensional existence; your DNA is expanding and awakening to correspond to this response patterning and reality of consciousness: (Love); Light (Understanding); Peace that surpasseth human understanding; and Harmony (Sustained Unity Consciousness). We are the alliance that wishes for peace and for you to know you are precious in your part of that fulfillment. You now exist with an expanded consciousness field of unity, your God essence real and true. You are that aspect of the Creator God experiencing physicality; in the compassion of love for all beings you will evolve in your sovereign nature. This is the heart of Mary, the compassion of Kwan Yin, the Light of Christ and Sanat Kamara, the peace of Buddha, the Joy of passion, to know life serves you. Many of us exist in this unity consciousness field. We know many of you have felt alone as you were left and abandoned; know it was designed that way so you would find your way back to the true home of Light and truth, not only for yourselves but for all humankind so that Love and Light may prevail. You are and were never alone. You exist already in this unity field—allow this unveiling of who you are—your true essence. You are greatly and immensely loved, completely accepted and treasured; you are beloved beyond measure. Creation cares and honors you. You are learning how loved you are as you learn to relax, accept and love your unique self. Shekina Rose, Blue Ray Peace Emissary & Channel, Light Language of Love Harmonic Vocalist in the 528 Hz Miracles, Love DNA Repair, Healer, Soul Reader and Galactic Ambassador of Unity Are You From the Blue Ray Soul Readings & Star Alignment Galactic Origins Pleaidain StarGate Pendants by Shekina Rose The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. With Leona Thomas
Why struggle and beat up on yourself when your good intentions fail? Life can be busy sometimes so let yourself take an easier more sustainable route. At My Angel Café we have a selection of possibilities to help ease you into the transformation that you are seeking.
It began on the magical side.
On my way for a brief trip to Arizona, I called in by name my travel team of guides. Unwittingly I included Archangel Gabriel (whom I don’t often travel with.) On my way to the airport there was a sign posted alongside the freeway that read Future Church of Archangel Gabriel. Not once in 15 years have I seen that sign. Quickly Gabriel’s presence was palpable, though much lighter in nature than usual. The magic began. First, in the form of being upgraded to First Class, next having my mid-level rental car upgraded to a Mercedes, having my Casita upgraded to a Casita Suite, and finally being upgraded to First Class on my way home. My joy and gratitude for the playful and fun was clearly communicated to Gabriel who had become my traveling companion. It flipped to the side of mayhem. Within 24 hours of returning home the magic turned to mayhem… a sudden halting and turning inside out of everything I was engaged in, including new creations and those connected to it. Not understanding how or why this could possibly happen, Archangel Gabriel, still present, said to me there are two sides to grace. I was advised to stop, watch, allow and align with the flipped coin. As the shock, disorientation and sadness subsided, I began aligning with the radically swift shift. My senses and intuition were greatly enhanced as this side of the coin remained heads up. Certainties, beliefs and people perfectly placed became fast catalysts for higher perception. My identity as it was, stopped. At one point feeling sensations of death that turned into floating amongst waves of emptiness, I wondered if I could Master this space though still be creative. Through deep meditations, Cosmic downloads, soul sister uploads and physical sensations I have no words for… the remains of my ancient path and programming were carved out of me and an entirely new state of expanded being was set into motion. It was undeniable. It is undeniable. I don’t think the same, desire the same, feel the same or believe the same. When I attempt to scratch the itch from the now amputated illusions I know it is a phantom itch requiring in-the-moment adjustment. At the completion of those 30 days I was directly informed by Source your karma is complete, your missions are complete, the way you have served is complete and your agreements met. Long knowing my agreements were hefty and long knowing the imperative to evolve was not only for myself though for the very fabric of Creation and the very nature of Heaven…as it is for all of us... never have I gone beyond the knowing and felt freedom and the intrinsic nature of Mastery in my body. This is the next phase of embodiment.The Reasons For This Sharing From The FieldFirst, decades ago Source informed me wisdom and knowledge based on first-hand experience is of most benefit to humanity. It is relatable and does not place the illumined mind above all else. All of humanity is going through a radical re-defining and deep re-alignment unlike what we have up to this point. The end of vacillating between realities has come to a close. (Think unsupported and consequential.) It's not difficult to feel that in our heart, or have deep feelings of acting on behalf of our well-being. One either goes forward now or will be halted for a period of time. (Being informed of that was one of the biggest prompters of letting my evolution just rip.) No one is exempt from the precision of this radical evolutionary time… its expansion, consequences, grace or potential. Note: With so much written and spoken about what is possible (and it is true), be mindful to stay away from the giddiness of potential. Potential comes from internal mastery. The depths and heights of what is possible for each one can only occur when the movement of the mind has been grounded in profound surrender and stillness. From that stabilized point one is able to honestly redefine their relationship to Self, to Love, Life, Creation, value, thought, choice, and to potential. That is freedom. That is Mastery. Right now in this boiling pot of everything, we are being given the catalysts, influencers and opportunities to embody our greater...if not only… true evolutionary purpose and potential. As one of my long-time guides Abraham has said, the jig is up…the very reason many are going through crisis of identity, purpose, value and of worth. No one is capable of experiencing freedom while in fragmentation and imbalance. And no one has to. Though freedom has had no history amongst humans…the potential exists to change history, now. Meet your catalysts heads up without personalization. Each will bless you and shatter all the illusions about enlightenment and liberation and how they occur. The second reason I shared what I did has to do with my radio show At The Table With Maureen, with Private Sessions and plans for a new website. Each have changed greatly in the past now 45 days along with the rest of me. Regarding Each Having spent the past 35+ years of life in the public eye whether corporate or spiritual and having a particular identity, theme, or format I am choosing to embark in both life and all creative adventures without a particular way of its being and without a regular schedule. At The Table With Maureen will be a mix of what feels right, relevant and in alignment with my heart in the moment. At times it will be an interview, other times a conversation, sometimes a round-table with colleagues and friends, Master teachers I previously spoke on air with, or a teaching for the time from me. At The Table launches in February. Next week we will send you the particulars and you will receive notifications of each happening. Also there will be a calendar on my site to see what’s upcoming. Masterful Living Sessions are explained fully on its new page on my current website. I look forward to working with you in a new way that harmonizes and maximizes your greatest potentials and creative natures in a highly accelerated New World. My Website. I had planned for a launch of a new site in January. That was stopped. As the days of my New Reality unfold so to will the website. In the meantime, there are updates to the current site and more to come in the week ahead. In the weeks ahead remember Grace has two sides… embrace your catalysts and Go For Your Freedom! Know you are loved. Namaste, Maureen Email: [email protected] Maureen Moss, © 2018. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact..
Remember that you are a powerful part of this collective and you are here to bring a shift to your planet, a planet that has struggled with the denseness of misqualified energies for eons of time. These struggles are out-pictured in even your most current events.
It is important to watch what you give your focus and energy to. You are a stunning magnificent being with skills and abilities you have barely touched. So shake off any feeling of limitations, shake off any hesitations and move forward and make a difference. There is a collective energy field and everyone, everyone is a part of the field. We realize that you feel separate and have your own personal life and activities that might seem unrelated to the bigger picture. However we remind you, that is an illusion. Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs join this energy field and create fields of information that go into the collective or global mind. So ask yourself often what are you contributing to this collective consciousness? Are you adding new concepts and entertaining new possibilities. Remember consciousness is unlimited. Consciousness travels time. Consciousness moves through the dimensions. Consciousness has energetic effects on all things. Consciousness transfers information to others. Imagine that your thoughts go out as a holographic blueprint. Your thoughts feel personal, they reflect your state of mind and emotions, yet they are still waves of information. Imagine for a moment that these emotions and thoughts quite literally shape reality. So as you begin another cycle, we invite and encourage you to elevate your thoughts. Perhaps you can make it a practice throughout your day to stop and examine what you are thinking about and evaluate those thoughts. Ask yourself, is this thought or emotional vibration enhancing and empowering the global mind or is it diminishing it in some way. You are a master. You have gifts and abilities available to you that you have not even imagined. So allow yourself to begin to own your power and begin to play with the possibilities that your very DNA is capable to communicating beyond space and time. Realize that you are truly an important part of all that is unfolding. Often during the day allow yourself to pause and shift your focus and pretend that you can extend your consciousness to someone you care about and send them a blessings. Now here is a real stretch, extend your consciousness to someone you dislike and send them a blessing. There are simple actions you can take each day that can and will shift the collective field. Allow yourself to travel time, be adventurous, make it up, pretend. It is just a game remember. Allow yourself to gather with others of like mind in an imaginary place, create a goal for this gathering and imagine wonderful solutions coming forth, then add those to the global databank. Your physical life is your focus, we understand, yet we want to trigger, to quicken you to realize it is only one percent of who you are. Begin to investigate what the other ninety-nine percent might be capable of doing. This is your invitation, this is your quest, this is your own exciting adventure. Find the magic, find the incredible possibilities within the most mundane moments. Allow yourself to pretend to travel to other dimensions and find solutions for problems here on your planet. Bring those solutions and seed this dimension. Allow yourself to meet masters and avatars from the past or the future, and seek their wisdom. Allow yourself to be nurtured and supported by the realms of love and light, and see yourself surrounded by these loving beings. Play big from your most powerful magnificent imagined place. You have the universe at your back. Transform all seeming challenges. Most of all we invite you to make it an adventure. Remember that you contribute to, and are a part of, the quantum consciousness field of this planet. You are here to uplift and shift the dense misqualified energy that has been part of this story for too long. We honor you and all that you do. the 'team' ©2018 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available A Definite Shift in Power In 2017, we saw many seeds planted in regards to the shift in power coming in 2018. Before we dive further into what 2018 has in store for us, it’s important to get an aerial or expanded view of what’s happened overall in the past decade. From 2007 to 2016, a quantum leap in consciousness occurred that affected every area of life, from science, innovation, and art to personal and global awakening. It’s as if the curtains were being pulled back, allowing us to finally see beyond the veils of illusion. People from all walks of life started noticing their consciousness expanding into new ways of thinking, living, and being. They also noticed that time is speeding up, and that the world is shifting like never before. Here are some specific examples of the “pulling back of the curtains” that showed up in 2017: Meditation has become mainstream, and is being used as a powerful tool of healing and transformation. Not only in people’s personal lives, but in the workplace, health-related organizations, schools, and beyond. A decade or more ago, if you had told someone who wasn’t familiar with the mind/body/spirit community that you were meditating, well—you probably would have seen a blank, glazed look in their eyes, at best. The demand for organic and non-GMO foods and products is so high, that the supply can barely keep up. New farmer’s markets and health-oriented stores and restaurants are opening up everywhere, creating options for people to take good care of themselves, from the inside out. People are realizing that they can no longer give their power away to institutions and organizations such as religion, government, or any of the old structures that promote suppressive, fear-based agendas. Of course, there’s still room for improvement in that area, but the past decade has seen a huge shift in a new direction. Caring for the environment has become a priority like never before, with people beginning to create new ways of living that are more beneficial for our planet. The consciousness of humanity as a whole has evolved beyond the old patterns of separating ourselves from one another. People are looking beyond the color of each other’s skin, gender, sexual orientation, or cultural background, and are connecting through the knowing that we are far more alike than our ancestors may have believed. Again, there’s always room for improvement. Yet the big strides are taking place, and shifts are happening everywhere. You may have noticed that people are becoming friendlier to the idea that we are not alone in the Universe(s). Every few months, we hear about an “Earth-like” planet that has been discovered in a far-off galaxy that “could” be the home of other civilizations. Of course, our indigenous cultures, and the current Wayshowers and Lightworkers, have known for a long time that these civilizations exist. But it’s nice to see the idea making its way back into the mainstream Western consciousness. Western medical practices are more and more acknowledging and integrating with natural and holistic approaches and methods of healing than ever before. There’s also a great deal happening in the areas of technology, creative arts, and personal well-being. But the examples offered above offer a clear picture of how quickly we are evolving. Two Steps Back, Thousands of Steps Forward To many, 2017 felt like a year in which much of the progress that was made in the last decade took a backward turn in the direction of the old fear-based paradigm. Again, from an aerial view, there’s always a blessing in every experience, even if that experience feels challenging or doesn’t seem to make any sense at the time. In the case of 2017, the entire year served as a “reset” button. Here’s a simple analogy to describe what happened: Imagine you have a fairly new computer that you leave on day and night. During the time you are working on the computer, you create, read about, and save lots of helpful, uplifting, and consciousness-expanding content. However, at one point you notice that the computer is processing a bit slower than usual, because it has not been shut off for a while. So, you decide to turn it off to let it rest. The next day, you turn your computer back on. It now works like it did when you first got it, and … you still have all of the great content you had saved prior. Now that the computer is working faster again, you can create, learn about, and save even more helpful, uplifting, consciousness-expanding content to enjoy. 2017 was like that. It gave us a needed reset, a time to put into perspective what we truly desire to create or enrich our lives with now—and what we are ready to completely release. It was an eye-opening, often head-scratching year for many, yet it shined a light on many of the shadow aspects of humanity that still needed healing. For that, as challenging as it was, we are grateful. Because what it did was pave the way for something far greater to emerge. The calls for the Divine Feminine were strong, and She is set to come back in the year 2018, a “2” year. (Numerologically, 2018 is 2+0+1+8=11. Breaking down the 11 into 1+1, the year reduces to a 2.) She has heard our calls, and is roaring her way back as the sacred mothering lioness that she is to all of us. The Divine Feminine is preparing to carry us all the way to our new paradigm on her energetic wings, and nothing can hold her back her anymore! 2017 was two steps back, yet 2018 will be thousands of steps forward. The Year of the Divine Feminine In 2018, the Divine Feminine seeds that were planted in the Summer of 2017 will blossom fully, and command our full attention. The power that comes with this Year of the Feminine will be like none other in our recent history. The closest time this much Feminine energy came in was in the late ’50s. What followed was all of the advancement that took place in the ’60s. This is the year that the Divine Feminine makes her presence felt more than ever in the heart, mind, and experience of every being. In 2018, the Divine Feminine will ensure that every living being on the planet will be guided to fully learning how to embrace, honor, and respect the Feminine within themselves, others, and in the world around them. For those who resist or intentionally decide not to embrace, honor, and respect the Divine Feminine, 2018 will be a challenging year that will continue to pull them onward, until they are able to embrace, honor, and respect the Feminine energy. The Divine Feminine is often associated with soft and gentle energy, although that is only one small aspect of the qualities that represent Her. The Feminine energies making their way into our consciousness this year will be bolder, louder, and more powerful than ever, requiring justice, fairness, and freedom in all areas of life. The idea that the human mind can best associate with the energies of 2018, is the concept of “Enough is enough!” This is the energy of this new year: Enough is enough, and now something is finally going to be done about it. 2018 will feel more like the beginning of the new era that many thought had started in 2012. The winds have shifted direction, and the core foundations that our world has been operating on are being rewired to make the Divine Feminine the core foundation of everything, as She was originally meant to be. The “reset” we recently experienced was an integral part of our journey, and made absolutely clear what needs to be changed. And 2018 is the year it WILL be changed. It doesn’t matter whether you are a woman or a man. Give yourself full permission to embrace, honor, and respect the Divine Feminine within yourself and others, and it will be reflected back to you many fold. Here are some qualities we can implement to help us connect and align with the Divine Feminine energy:
Embracing Compassion and Unity In 2018, we will see many more women and men who are fully embracing, honoring, and respecting the Divine Feminine step into roles and platforms that have them serving as leaders. This can be in local communities, businesses, and all the way up to the global stage. Many voices around the world will shine a light on the importance of unity, compassion, and healing. Voices like this, which were once silenced, will continue to take center stage, and will help to usher in a more heart-centered world that benefits everyone, rather than a select few. Selfishness, control, ignorance, and greed in the collective will find it very hard to survive in 2018 and beyond. The Divine Feminine will be cleaning these qualities up from the heart and mind of humanity. The more love and kindness we choose to embody, the easier this process will be. This year gives us the opportunity to honor our emotions in a loving way, and to allow them to fully be expressed so that they can heal out in the open, rather than keeping them buried deep inside. Once our emotions have been expressed in way that is productive and healing, they can be released from our body, where we can be at ease with ourselves. Dis-ease manifests when someone is not at ease, due to holding stress in their body. The way to be at ease is to pace ourselves, not rush all the time, and to listen to our intuition and body. This is also the year that we will be given the ability to learn how to release the need to attach ourselves to the seeming global occurrences that are promoting fear and separation. This will be big, because it will allow us to not get distracted or held back from living our best life in each present moment. One thing that will help tremendously is to cut back our media time (phone, TV, news, internet) and spend time being in Nature, seeking spiritual enrichment, and spending time with the people we love. 2018 is also a great time to embrace big changes such as having a baby, taking care of a new pet, moving to a new home, traveling, rekindling a relationship or starting a new one, and starting a new business venture. This year also provides us with the gift of bettering the human experience for all. So kindness will be a big theme, along with anything that promotes the betterment of the human experience for all. Our educational system, our values and behavior, our relationship with Nature, our health and well-being, and how we are treating one another, are all things that will be focused on and improved this year. As we continue to connect with the Divine Feminine throughout this new year, we will discover and allow aspects of ourselves that are increasingly empowering and freeing. These new strengths can include greater kindness toward ourselves and others, more creativity, and spiritual strengths, such as the ability to forgive what we may have resented in the past. They may include the desire to flow easily with the day’s events, to live more in the present moment, and to see the joy of life, not only the responsibilities of it. If you have been desiring a flowing, joyful, fulfilling life that allows you to be more fully who you are—2018 will be a life-changing year for you! The Divine Feminine is calling us up into wholeness, lightness, inner knowing, and a feeling of connection to all Life we never knew was possible. Until next time! Miraculously Yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2018 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved for You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Free Journey to the Crystal Temple Meditation
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