By Kate Spreckley Many are questioning the purpose behind their lives and searching for guidance and insight. Very few are prepared to do the actual work that is required to shift and change, as our habitual way of thinking is to consider such questions as unknowable. We shrug off any awareness we get as we are drawn into the mundane aspects of our lives. But in these current times of transformation and shifting consciousness a new definition of our nature and the balance of the feminine and masculine energies is being called for. Humanity, as a whole, has lost themselves in creating a seemingly secular, secure, economic environment to replace the spiritual one we experienced many thousands of years ago. The questions of why we are here have been pushed aside and repressed to enable the establishment of a more comfortable style of survival. We have used the drive for this comfortable style of survival as a reason to live, to feel complete, gradually forgetting our original and individual purpose for being. What we seldom remember is that as a representative of the Divine Feminine in physical form, woman hold space, hold energy and direct the masculine in when and how to manifest form and reality. We have forgotten that woman are the guiding force behind transformation and that without the Divine Feminine our world, cultures, societies, families and relationships are out of alignment and balance. When we remember the true purpose of the feminine energy and we contain that purpose with love, we have the power to transform this world and to create a new balanced and harmonious reality. We can only truly see this transformation and balance in our world when we allow the feminine power her rightful place. In saying that, we are seeing the rise of the feminine energy and power in our cultures and societies. Woman are no longer the watchers or the doers. Women are no longer required to follow but are leaving their mark by leading and guiding. This empowerment has been a long time coming and as we see more and more woman moving into their true power, which is based in love, an awakening of the feminine within men will be initiated to bring a new balance within relationships, families, cultures and societies. For many this process is causing conflict, as men, and woman, feel threatened by the feminine power awakening within. Many are struggling to adjust to the increased independence and power of women, which is creating conflict in relationships and partnerships. Men don’t necessarily understand the need woman have to access and own their own power. They don’t necessarily understand why women cannot find happiness and fulfilment in having their basic needs met. What most have forgot is that thousands of years ago it was the responsibility of women to build communities and to run those communities. A woman’s role and purpose was so much more than just being a wife and a mother. Women were the healers, the midwives, the crafter's, the herbalists and the teachers. These roles fulfilled the basic needs of a woman’s soul and brought a very necessary balance and harmony to individual societies and cultures. In the past few thousand years our world has drastically changed and been shaped to function according to the masculine form of thought and structure. Domination, aggression, force and control have been at the heart of all our relationships and social conditions. The feminine qualities of intuition, healing, compassion, nurturing and non-violence have been discredited and condemned. The feminine power has been weakened and when small independently thinking groups of women (so called witches) showed their power they became a threat and were burnt at the stake. Thus, the balance between the feminine and the masculine energies was destroyed. In the last century, we have seen women having to take on the roles of both the feminine and the masculine just to survive. These roles have become so blurred, unequal and unbalanced that most don’t even know what the purpose of these Divine roles actually is. We have forgotten that woman require greater stimulation and free access to their inner power and wisdom. We have forgotten that woman carry the key to access the spiritual realms of intuition, healing and spiritual wisdom. We have forgotten that it is women who have easy access to the Void, the Great Mystery, from where all wisdom and guidance comes. We are in a time now where it is essential for our survival that these two forces of creation are brought into balance, a balance that is equal in power and responsibility. As woman become more independent, separate and powerful there are less marriages and unions, and a greater desire for woman to earn their own keep. With the evolving balance between the feminine and the masculine energies, men will no longer need to shoulder the responsibility for the care, protection and support of the family unit or community. Although woman have always carried the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the family, they are now more equipped to shoulder equally the total responsibility of the family and community. For example, it may be easier to work at a career than it is to raise a well-balanced family. As the masculine surrenders and accepts the feminine energy and power, we will see a powerful transition that creates perfect balance within our world. This shift is a process and will be a long time in the making, but eventually we will see human emotions such as jealousy, stubbornness and withholding becoming a thing of the past. Men will allow women to take an equal stand and position without threat or judgment, without the need for a woman to suppress her true feminine power in favour of the masculine energy. The unconscious threat is potentially that woman assume the masculine role and thereby create more imbalance, recreating the very same patterns of suppression and subjugation in reverse. This is why it is essential that both women and men learn to operate from a place of love, truth, forgiveness, acceptance and understanding, honouring each other in this profound space of transition. This shifting of balance is a process and we are only really in the beginning stages. The solution lies in connecting with your healing, intuitive, spiritual gifts and learning in a safe space. Be this within a relationship, a partnership, or a business, without assuming that you can do this alone or be exiting current relationships and partnerships. It is essential too that woman remember their inherent gifts of intuition and healing and bring these gifts as a force for positive, loving change in relationships, families, cult rues and societies. External factors will always be of great influence, such as solar flares, planets in retrograde, planetary alignments and on a more physical level, financial loss, loss of loved ones, changes of environments and illness. The key is to take all factors into consideration whilst doing everything for your highest good and the good of humankind. Change cannot be avoided and what we are experiencing in these profound times is the manifestation of that which is in need of healing and or transformation. Whether this be within our world or within ourselves it is up to us to heal, change, transform and move forward. The greatest advice I give my clients who are in process within relationships, financial crisis or loss of faith, is to work through it and not ignore it or walk away. Most times the healthiest platform to work from is the plat form you are currently standing upon. This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2010 Kate Spreckley
by Kate Spreckley May was an interestingly intense month with lots of clearing, releasing, planning and preparation. June started with a Full Moon on the 2nd which brought in some pretty unpredictable energy. Full Moon’s always amplify energies, both positive and negative and its this energy that is supporting us in a powerful way throughout the month. We are being energetically and physically realigned with the Earth’s shifting consciousness, which is deepening our connection to both our hearts and our souls. As the energies move to uncover and unearth all that needs to be rebalanced and realigned, we can expect to be faced with challenges and situations that require a different approach and a different perspective. The energy of June will bring to the fore some aspects of your life and relationships that are keys to your forward progress. During this month gifts of truth and wisdom will be uncovered as imbalances are highlighted. For some the insights are opportunities to review, revise and refocus on what is most important. For others it is an opportunity to clear the debris of past emotional pain and really connect with the heart. When you connect with the energy of your heart and work with its power, old emotional trauma and pain can come up to be healed and released. This revisiting of old pain and trauma can cause you to shut down the heart in fear of being overwhelmed by emotion. But in these times of heart centred energy, you are being supported and guided through the pain. By moving into it and allowing it to flow you are able to release it quickly. Once released you are able to enter into a scared space of healing filled with Divine bliss, peace and love. June is a powerful time when the energies of the summer / winter solstice gather. The solstice marks another high point in our energetic cycles. As the seasons change so too does our inner landscape. Use this time to become reacquainted with the power of your inner resources. This will enable you to rebalance your inner and outer realities and refocus your energy. Take some time to be alone and to nurture your heart and soul. Create your own sanctuary where the chaos of the external world cannot intrude. In this space allow yourself to discover the new vibration awakening within, a new vibration that is summoning you forward on your journey. Your life is a journey along a winding road that stretches before you. The road isn’t always easy and require strength and stamina to travel. Yet it does offer you many beautiful views and rewards along the way. This journey is one of discovery, a discovery of who you are and why you exist. This is the power of your path. It is a unique journey where you are shown the power of your physical and spiritual choices. Each moment, each step gives you the opportunity to review, revise and recreate yourself and to choose a new direction. The energy of this month will lend you the courage and stamina your require to realign your energies and focus with your heart and thus your destiny. You are here to awaken the truth of who you are through the power of your heart and soul. As you walk your path you experience many valuable lessons. Your ability to perceive the lesson lies at the heart of each experience. Its important with each experience to acknowledge the lesson and to move on. This month pause and allow yourself to reflect on your journey and the many lessons you have learnt thus far. Take stock of where you have been, where your choices have taken you and where you want to go. What are you creating right now? Are you moving in a direction you want to go? Are you travelling a path of heart consciousness? It is, as always, important to focus your awareness and attention in the present moment, to remain centred within the core of your being so that you may fully experience what is occurring now. Reviewing your past and your journey thus far is not about reliving the experience, but rather a process of understanding how you have gotten to this point and what choices and decisions you need to make to move forward in balance. Powerful and unexpected situations and experiences are emerging and you are being called to look carefully and deeply into the purpose of your journey. Progress will occur as you free yourself to follow the path of your heart. Allow the Divine to be your guide and you will find a new song of joy in your heart, and a gratitude for the many wonders of your life. This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and with all links active © 2015 Kate Ann Spreckley |
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