First of all, we have Saturn moving into Pisces and Pluto moving into Aquarius in March. Saturn changes signs every 2.5 years, so this is a big shift but not a huge one. Pluto instead has been in Capricorn since 2008, and is inching into Aquarius this year, for a few months. It will not move permanently into Aquarius until 2024, but those first few months in Aquarius, after being for 15 years in Capricorn, will give us a hint as to the flavor of Pluto in the new sign. Saturn in Pisces can see things of the imagination coming into form. A good time for scifi writers, creation of things related to music and art, and we can expect virtual reality to also be a focus. Saturn in Pisces can also signify seriousness entering into spiritual matters, bringing structure to the formless, as well as the completion of a karmic cycle for the collective. As to Pluto, when Pluto transits through a sign, we often have to confront the shadow of the collective in the area that the sign represents. While Pluto has been in Capricorn for example, we have been confronted with the shadow side of big business, corporations, government, and official authority structures. Pluto in Capricorn has been a time in which many have been engaged in exposing the darkness in the societal structures that have all the power. As Pluto enters and then transits Aquarius, you can expect to see the same applied to Aquarian fields such as technology, artificial intelligence, social media, the internet, all things digital, and all things related to advancement in technology. My prediction is that we will see the introduction of many new technologies of the digital and AI kind, but that we will see them applied in ways that are toxic or with toxic potential, and that there will be a need to understand and then transform this into something better, smoothing out the dangerous edges. Aquarius is also all about the group, the collective, and the future. With Pluto in the sign of the collective, unfortunately there is the danger that the collective trumps the individual in ways that are not good. We may see dystopian futures, initially, and the introduction of societal beliefs and regulations that can trap the individual and its free expression. We can also however see the transformation of the collective into something great and other, however, its unlikely this will happen without some form of societal death first. Saturn and Pluto are not the only ones to change signs this year. Jupiter is moving into Taurus in April. Sedna, who was been in Taurus since 1967, is moving into Gemini in July. We also have Haumea, who has been in Libra since 1994, moving permanently into Scorpio this year, in October. Jupiter in Taurus, is taking the energy of expansion away from all Aries things (the self, but also war, and conflict), into Taurean areas of focus such as Money, Possessions, Food, Pleasure, but also Nature. Coupled with the other planets we will see talk of digital currencies, food and the natural world emerging further into the conversation. Sedna (dwarf planet way out into the solar system with an 11,000 plus year orbit) changing signs this year is going to be interesting, as this is the first time Sedna changes sign since it was discovered. It will be interesting for astrologers to see what it does and it may help give deeper insight into the nature of object in the outer reaches of the solar system, from an astrological perspective. My understanding of Sedna, after studying it quite a bit this year, is that it is associated with fragmentation, PTSD, trauma, wounds against true self expression, isolation, but also trueness to self against all odds and transmutation/transcendence that come as a result of deep suffering. In the sign of Gemini we may see many conversations emerging about these energies expressed at the collective level. Lots of speaking and writing about trauma at the individual level, but also about collective trauma, and exposure through writing and communications about bad things that have happened to people and places, over time. This, over the years, will result in a transmutation and healing of all of the above. Haumea is another dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt of our solar system, with an orbit of 285 years, just a bit longer than that of Pluto. Not as out there as Sedna, it still changes sign rarely, and this is the first time it changes sign since 1994. Haumea is associated with creation energy, fertility, childbirth, the natural world, including crops and the food supply. It will be interesting to see what it does as it moves into the sign of Scorpio. Most likely we will see transformation occurring in all the areas above. Last but not least, the Nodes change from Taurus/Scorpio, to Aries/Libra. The nodes change signs every 18 months, so this is not a huge deal, but its another change of the energy coming along in July. So, with all this said, from March onwards, we are going to see some big changes in energy and direction, which will continue also through 2024, as Pluto moves into Aquarius in full. These energy changes will be big and will color the astrology landscape for a couple of decades, so stay tuned. It will be interesting to see how all this unfolds. That will be all for now, much love, many blessings Katie 2023 is going to be a huge year of change. The first half of the year will see many Souls leaving the planet. As sad as this is, when this starts to be noticeable even to the average person, this will also be the sign that the new timeline is about to drop into reality. The second half of the year will all be about realignment and reorganization to the new incoming energies. The new energies will be major and very noticeable - This will create a huge shift, but we will also be dealing with the embers of a dying world.... the old will be crumbling, the new will still be in seedling form... However, I have a sense that 2023, after the initial soul exit wave, will also feel exciting. We have been stalled for so long, that just the fact that we will be noticeably moving forward, will be welcomed by many. The world will be ours to re-create and many evolved Souls will be here to do just that. In the meantime, we still need to prepare to traverse a very challenging winter and early spring. Resilience will be required, as well as discernment. Also important to stay clear and high vibe during this time, as dark forces are still active, and psychic attack on lightworkers and lightwarriors is still happening. Cultivate peace, beauty, strength, and clarity at this time. Build your own oasis of light and refuel in it often. Connect with your guides and the higher aspects of the self and higher aspects of reality often. Breathe light and radiate light. Breathe light and anchor light. Become a solid body of light, both for your own benefit and that of the whole. Remember your true essence of a being of light. Many at this time are under attack of dark forces via their mates, loved ones, families and friends. This is because, the timelines are splitting, and those that are still vibrating low, are unfortunately descending in vibration, and becoming easy vessels for the dark energies to penetrate. Try to stay balanced with people around you are behaving darkly, and create your own energetic space to hanker down in, if at all possible. Nurture and remain stable in your light, during these last moments of crazy turbulence. And above all, for right now, have a great Christmas and set the intentions for a fabulous new year May you walk in beauty, higher light, love, strength and power :-) Katie plus Councils
Planetary councils are aware of this fatigue and distress and plans are in place to accelerate the timeline process we are involved in, as much as possible, with visible shifts that will occur in a "soon" timeframe, that cannot be revealed at the moment, or it could sabotage proceedings. In fact, overall there has been a black out of information, that is also causing some of this distress, as people feel in the dark, which is, however, tactical, and is there to protect said proceedings. The message is, stay the course and do not give up prematurely. As one of my old oracle deck cards used to say " Don't give up just before the miracle occurs". As we covered in prior planetary updates, some of the delays we have experienced have been purposeful, allowed by the planetary councils, so as to give more opportunity for people to shift. These opportunity doorways are going to be firmly closed at the end of June, with accelerations to follow. In the meantime, if you are exhausted, depressed, over the Earth incarnation and wanting out, ask Source and Sources Angelics for support with any issue you are experiencing, be it physical, psychological, spiritual or practical on the planet Earth. If you are a lightworker who is feeling high and dandy right now, you are likely not under the pressure that some other lightworkers are under, so no new age smugness please. Nobody is failing at being positive, just lots of pressure for extended period of time is stating to get some incarnated light beings really down, especially the ones that are allergic to the dark energy infused collective field we have been breathing now for many years. Many incarnated light beings come from very high dimensions of light and are finding this extensive stay in the dark molasses density zone hard. They came here to anchor joy and healing and they did not expect to have to hold the light in the middle of this level of density for so long. The density is also polluting people that are not fully awake in ways that create conflict and difficult exchanges with others. As the timeline reaches its bifurcation point, the clash of worldviews and viewpoints is causing a lot of stress and division, and love based beings are finding this ongoing clashing particularly hard. Also ... be prepared for many Souls exiting over the next couple months. This gradual exit has been in play since late 2019, when I was first shown this, but is likely to accelerate in the next several months. If dealing with loss, be gentle with yourselves, and again, ask Source and the Source Angelics for support in shifting your emotions. Ask for support, once again, with whatever you need. In the meantime, sending a transmission of light and healing to all reading this message. As you receive it, ask for your energy fields, bodies and minds to be cleared, healed and upgraded. And for the heaviness to be transmuted into light. Ask also for healing for your body, if your body has been having a hard time, as the density is impacting some people's bodies too. Much love and blessings Katie plus Councils
Timeline Update For a start, in January, we experienced a big negative timeline wobble, which created a temporary but significant setback. This timeline wobble is now in the process of being fixed, and our timeline anchoring process is also in the process of being accelerated considerably. As you know we have been in the process of anchoring the timeline for years, and for several months now we have been right on the cusp of the shift point. As I had talked about in my prior posts and newsletters, we were first in the karmic window (for several years, but with specific intensity from September 2019 to Feb 2020), wrapping up all residual strands of karma and baggage holding us back from progressing into the new timeline, then we moved into the shift window (Feb 2020 to now), clearing up personal baggage, but also waiting for many last-minute stragglers to awaken and join the shift. This Shift Window was supposed to end in July 2020. It has been extended several times since then. Some of the extensions have been caused by true setbacks, while some of the recent delays have actually been strategic and caused by the light forces, who were hoping to pull in many more Souls into consciousness and awakening in this last stage. This however has not been as successful as hoped for. It has instead had the effect of making many of the incarnated light forces tired and depressed. Many long-term lightworkers and lightwarriors have began to show signs of significant fatigue, after many years of holding the flame, and are becoming weary of navigating the many challenges that the shift window entails. Some have started to slip into hopelessness. Petitions to accelerate the permanent anchoring of the timeline and for moving into the true shift have, therefore, been accepted. A wrap up phase began mid February 2021, with Shift Window closure expected within two to three months. As usual take these dates with a pinch of salt, as delays and setbacks have been many over the years. These are the dates projected as of now. Moving into the Accelerated Shift Window As such we are now moving into an accelerated shift window, which will be shorter than initially planned, but more intense. During this accelerated shift window you can expect some of the following: - Changes to your personal lives that seem to come out of nowhere Relocations, relationships ending, jobs changing, the universe is rearranging the decks, so that you may be placed exactly where you need to be placed as the world readies for a leap. Some of these changes can be unsettling, but they are actually there to protect us from bigger disruptions and even dangers that would occur if all stayed the same. Try to work with the changes rather than against them, even if the changes are initially unwelcome. There is a method to the madness. - Many Souls will be exiting the planet This one I have been talking about since December 2019. Reasons for the exit: 1) End of Timeline Contracts. Not all signed up for the next leg of the journey and some have contracts that expire here. Many came here just to clear karma, but do not have contracts in the new Earth. 2) Soul Fatigue. Some Souls are legitimately tired and they just want to go home. These are Souls who had contracts in the old timeline and worked very hard during this shift process and are now in need of rest. They may return in new bodies at a later time, but for now they are opting out. 3) New Timeline Requirements Were Not met. This will be the case with the majority of the exits. These are Souls who did not manage to clear and bump up their vibration sufficiently for the new timeline requirements. They incarnated, did some work, but not enough to graduate to the next level. These Souls will be repeating their incarnational cycle somewhere where they can continue their process of evolution through working with duality, seeking evolution via conflict, which the Earth and humanity are moving into a new path that entails learning via love and creative expression in alignment with Source. From a higher perspective, it is not the end of the world to not graduate in this cycle. Many of the Souls that are graduating now, did not graduate in prior incarnational cycles. We are all Souls on an evolutionary journey and that journey takes as long as it takes, with all its detours, setbacks, and progress. Many Soul incarnated with personal evolutionary goals and with missions of service to assist with the shift. Some have managed to meet those goals and some have not. - More Upheaval at Societal Level For a new world to be born old forms have to die. The death of the old world can be gradual or sudden. The faster we go the more the societal changes also accelerate. The old dark systems crumble and the new ones start sprouting in their place. The planetary teams have had some challenges with this one. The old power holders of this world are going out of their way to cling to the status quo. The old guard needs to go eventually and at the same time, the acceleration can not go so fast as to compromise infrastructure and systems of governance as a whole, or a very detrimental chaos would ensue. As such, a “controlled demolition” is taking place instead, with gradual incremental changes that sometimes seem way too gradual. Know, however, that while we may only see snow, ice and cold right now, new life is already germinating under the surface. And soon a new spring will manifest into being. -More emotional, psychological, mental and karmic clearing In this last push, the energies are going to accelerate rapidly. This combined with many changes in the external world, may create some feelings of anxiety, loss, grief, anger and other emotions. If this happens to you, ask the Planetary Teams to reset your emotional and mental bodies, and in general ask for help with whatever situation you are in that requires it. If for the highest good, and not part of your lessons, it will be granted. While many have worked through most of their karma and baggage at this stage, any unfinished business will come up for clearing over the next couple of months. Ask for help with this too. This is a good time to do some personal healing work, to clear your energy and work on anything that you feel you want to speed through. In general, adopt an allowing attitude, allowing whatever is to flow through you. “This too shall pass” is a good motto to keep in mind at this stage. -Increased Connection and Manifesting with Ease We have focused here on the challenges ahead, but there will also be many positives – Light will begin to steadily increase over the next two to six weeks. It will be easier to get into a meditative state, shift energy and connect with guides. Much new light will shift consciousness rapidly and soon manifestation will also become more speedy, after being blocked by the increased density of the Earth plane over the last five to six years. Once we move into the Planetary and Timeline Shift Point (what some call The Event), much of the darkness and strife of the past few years will dissolve. From that moment onwards, our new planetary contracts, Soul contracts and Life Contracts will activate. There is still a lot of flux in these contracts at this time, as the new timeline is not yet set. So this is a good time for us to negotiate our new contracts, even at the incarnational level. If there is something that you wish to bring into form, this is a good time to engage in visioning, manifesting and requesting work. To support with all of the above, I will be offering sessions and clearings targeted to this stage, which you can find the Spring special offers below. This has been a very intense evolutionary cycle and the past few decades have been particularly intense for all, even more that was planned pre-birth. If you are still here, in one piece, doing your work for the planet and moving through your lessons, pat yourself on the back. You have come far, no matter how many challenges you are experiencing, how little money in the bank you may have, how unwell you may feel, or how tired. You have travelled through difficult times and you almost arrived at destination. Keep going. Keep your orientation towards the light, keep making choices based in love, truth, wisdom and courage, knowing that new vistas, contracts and lives will manifest, as we enter a new energetic zone. You Too Can Help Anchor The Timeline As usual, if you would like to get more involved with anchoring the timeline and the energies of the shift, feel free to follow my Planetary Shifters work on Spreaker, meditate together on the Planetary Shifters Group on Facebook, and sign up to the YouTube channel, with the more prominent meditation videos. This will be all for now :-) May you walk in beauty Katie plus Councils
The Current Planetary Situation First of all, once again, reminding people that, as I have mentioned in several updates prior to this one, one of the major obstacles to the anchoring of the positive timeline, is the ongoing chaos, conflict, fear and lower vibrating energies that the dark side of the force continues to create/trigger on the planet, via events of various kinds. These events stir up the collective, so that vast numbers of people emote simultaneously, creating waves of heavy, turbulent or dark energy, which then 1) Destabilize the positive grids, 2) Destabilize the timeline 3) Provide food for the etheric beings that feed on these energies allowing them to regain ground and re-anchor the dark grids. You can go and read my updates for the past two to three years and you will see me talking about this dynamic, in one form or another, in pretty much every update. The events used to create this effect barely matter to the dark side of the force, as long as they manage to generate collective energetic turbulence. Its important to understand this so as to not get lost in the details of the events, instead of staying focused on the energetics involved. Crisis to Crisis Energetics and the Destabilizing of the Timeline With this is mind, note that, for the past five months, and even truly since the beginning of January, we have been bouncing event to event, crisis to crisis, issue to issue, with increasing intensity. This is not by chance. This crisis to crisis intensification coincides with the opening of the Shift Window and the final phases of timeline anchoring, of which I was speaking in the newsletter of December 2019 and Facebook planetary update of December 20th 2019. I am not going to address the specifics of each event, as this is likely to cause already polarized people to go into discussion/argument/mind mode over the various events and issues. This only contributes to the planetary energetic turbulence, which is exactly what we need to avoid doing. The details of the events and crisis that are occurring may seem important, but metaphysically and energetically, they are not. All that we need to understand is that all such events are timeline disruptors and chaos energy generators, no matter what the issue at hand or where one stands on the issues. It is important that we learn to see this clearly the dynamics at play, so that we can avoid being sucked into chaos vortexes which may seem aligned with higher ideals and goals, but that actually disrupt the collective energy in ways that are not favorable for the collective shift as a whole. The Fight for Justice is Not Always a Path to Light While addressing the current world crisis, also a reminder that while fighting for justice can be good, if said fight for justice does not happen via the heart, but only though the perspective of the enraged solar plexus, it eventually just causes more injustice, as well as generating a host of lower vibrating thoughtforms and energies. Polarity begets polarity. When you split and divide, and energize one side while chastising the other, the other that is chastised will begin to go into opposition mode, and the cycle of division and injustice continues in perpetuity. Justice without the love of the heart and without the wisdom of the soul, often ends up devolving into retaliation and revenge and in the dynamic of one group against another. And from there the slip into dark soul orientation is easy. So keep these things in mind as the weeks and months roll forward, as there is a strong pull at the moment, to get invested issues of social justice in turbulent ways. And this is not a beneficial direction at this time and is causing delays to the anchoring of the timeline. Focus on the Energy instead of on the Issues Instead of focusing on the issues, it is more beneficial to focus on the energy. What is the energy that is associated with the issues being played out? What energies are we transmitting to the world as we focus on those issues ? What energy are we sensing around us? What energy are we emitting in response? Who are we attacking, judging, labeling, feeling superior to, demanding from? What are we afraid of, angry about, bitter about, indignant about? Is this the only way? Could we be vibrating higher? Could there be a more evolved response? What events of the world need our attention and which ones are luring us into dark and lower vibrations? Who is pulling the strings of our attention and why? As we pay attention to these questions, we may find that we see through different eyes and that we choose to use our energy differently and to place our attention elsewhere. Some Energetic Setbacks, But overall Things Going Forward as Planned As it stands, much chaotic energy has been unleashed into the collective field during the past four months. And for a time, we incurred a fairly serious setback energetically. Fortunately since then there have been many energetic interventions that have rectified things considerably. The shift window is still being extended: it was supposed to close in July, but it now looks as if it will be closing by the end of the year. Our delay is now only four months, We are gradually getting back on track. I have asked my teams if we can cut the delay down much further and I have been told “not by much”, as, at this point, there are some events that need to play out in the collective physical reality, which will provide opportunities for choices and testing for many. This will be the last opportunity for awakening and shift for many Souls that are teetering on the edge of the awake/asleep, light/dark threshold. After this last test opportunity, the wheat and the chaff will be separated, ready to be allocated to realities of matching vibrations, once and for all. The Shift Window: A Time of Wrap Up for Many Souls Also, a quick aside, I had said in a newsletter in early December 2019, before the current set of crisis had started, that a lot of souls would pass during the shift window, for various reasons: 1) Souls who have not mastered the vibration needed for the next stage of our human journey in the new timeline, 2) Souls who do not have contracts in the new timeline and who did not come here to build that future manifestation of the human story, 3) Souls who were only here to clear karma and learn lessons during the accelerated growth opportunity offered by the shift process, 4) Souls who are trading in older bodies for new ones. We have already seen some of this Soul exiting process occurring from January to now and this will continue further between now and January/March of 2021. Some souls who have decided to exit, may use the CV story as a vehicle to do so, but I am not talking about that specifically. Many may exit in other ways. I am not saying these things to be morbid or to downplay the suffering of any people affected by the loss of loved ones, just giving you a heads up that we may see a lot of people passing in the following 6 to 9 months, and if so, know that for many, this was likely an agreed upon choice at Soul level, as we have now entered a time of completions and exits. All that is currently occurring is part of the closure of the grand post Atlantean cycle and the collective and personal karmic cycles that are associated to that cycle. A new cycle will soon to begin, as the timeline stabilizes and definitively anchors, and not all Soul on Earth have 1) Mastered the energies required for the new cycle 2) Signed up for contracts in the new cycle 3) Agree to continue in the new cycle in the same physical vehicles as now. It is my prediction that we will continue to see many wrapping up this incarnation going forward. Timeline Anchoring in Process, Shift Window Expected to Close by End of the Year Now about the anchoring of the timeline - We could anchor the timeline today, if all got on the same page and if the collective were cohesive enough in a stable high vibration and not perpetually distracted by the crisis of the day, week or month. Some of these crises are becoming hard to ignore, as they are anchoring deep into the practical day to day of our 3D reality, with things that impact us on a personal level, such as for example the current restrictions on our societies, earning ability and free movement due to the CV crisis alongside waves of civil unrest. Hence why some delays in the shift process are now inevitable. But it is important to understand that we are contributing to these delays every time we contribute our energy to fear, anger, chaos, turbulence, and even outrage as to what is being played out into the world. Never has it been more important to claim ownership of one's inner being and emotional emissions. Never has it been more important to be mindful of the true nature of one’s soul orientation towards true light, grey or dark. And as we go deeper into this phase, it is good to remember that righteousness is not necessarily goodness. Righteousness is not necessarily light. Be mindful of any and all forces that attempt to manipulate our soul orientation under the guise of righteous goals. Overall, this is a time for being precise and mindful with our discernment, and very deliberate about where we place our energy. Do Your Part in Expediting the Work A good idea at this juncture, is to spend some time daily focused on finding the peace inside the storm, the center within the collective energetic tornado. Find that place of light, stillness and peace. Become an anchor of stillness. And in that stillness, evaluate your life and your daily choices. What is your best energetic contribution to the whole for that day? It may be just to radiate the stillness. It may be that of detaching your energy from collective currents and returning to the high frequency of Source. Or there may be something practical that needs to be done in 3D. Use this time to ask for guidance. Use this time to anchor Source energy into this reality, so that things may rapidly shift. For this purpose I have also created a group on Facebook called Planetary Shifters, with weekly 30 minute meditations and energy processes aimed at shifting the collective energy higher, stabilizing the positive grids, and anchoring the positive timeline. Feel free to follow my weekly meditation podcast and to request to join the Planetary Shifters FB group. As we become mindful anchors of stillness, calm and soothing. As we become an anchor of the infinite in the day to day. We will see all around us rapidly transform for the benefit of all :-) Much love and blessings Katie and Councils
The Current Planetary Situation First of all, once again, reminding people that, as I have mentioned in several updates prior to this one, one of the major obstacles to the anchoring of the positive timeline, is the ongoing chaos, conflict, fear and lower vibrating energies that the dark side of the force continues to create/trigger on the planet, via events of various kinds. These events stir up the collective, so that vast numbers of people emote simultaneously, creating waves of heavy, turbulent or dark energy, which then 1) Destabilize the positive grids, 2) Destabilize the timeline 3) Provide food for the etheric beings that feed on these energies allowing them to regain ground and re-anchor the dark grids. You can go and read my updates for the past two to three years and you will see me talking about this dynamic, in one form or another, in pretty much every update. The events used to create this effect barely matter to the dark side of the force, as long as they manage to generate collective energetic turbulence. Crisis to Crisis Energetics and the Destabilizing of the Timeline With this is mind, note that, for the past four months, and even truly since the beginning of January, we have been bouncing event to event, crisis to crisis, issue to issue, with increasing intensity. This is not by chance. This crisis to crisis intensification coincides with the opening of the Shift Window and the final phases of timeline anchoring, of which I was speaking in the Newsletter of December 2019. I am not going to address the specifics of each event, as this is likely to cause already polarized people to go into discussion/argument/mind mode over the various events and issues. This only contributes to the planetary energetic turbulence, which is exactly what we need to avoid doing. The details of the events and crisis that are occurring may seem important, but metaphysically and energetically, they are not. All that we need to understand is that all such events are timeline disruptors and chaos energy generators, no matter what the issue at hand or where one stands on the issues. It is important that we learn to see this clearly the dynamics at play, so that we can avoid being sucked into chaos vortexes which may seem aligned with higher ideals and goals, but that actually disrupt the collective energy in ways that are not favorable for the collective shift as a whole. The Fight for Justice is Not Always a Path to Light While addressing the current world crisis, also a reminder that while fighting for justice can be good, if said fight for justice does not happen via the heart, but only though the perspective of the enraged solar plexus, it eventually just causes more injustice, as well as generating a host of lower vibrating thoughtforms and energies. Polarity begets polarity. When you split and divide, and energize one side while chastising the other, the other that is chastised will begin to go into opposition mode, and the cycle of division and injustice continues in perpetuity. Justice without the love of the heart and without the wisdom of the soul, often ends up devolving into retaliation and revenge and in the dynamic of one group against another. And from there the slip into dark soul orientation is easy. So keep these things in mind as the weeks and months roll forward, as there is a strong pull at the moment, to get invested issues of social justice in turbulent ways. And this is not a beneficial direction at this time and is causing delays to the anchoring of the timeline. Focus on the Energy instead of on the Issues Instead of focusing on the issues, it is more beneficial to focus on the energy. What is the energy that is associated with the issues being played out? What energies are we transmitting to the world as we focus on those issues ? What energy are we sensing around us? What energy are we emitting in response? Who are we attacking, judging, labeling, feeling superior to, demanding from? What are we afraid of, angry about, bitter about, indignant about? Is this the only way? Could we be vibrating higher? Could there be a more evolved response? What events of the world need our attention and which ones are luring us into dark and lower vibrations? Who is pulling the strings of our attention and why? As we pay attention to these questions, we may find that we see through different eyes and that we choose to use our energy differently and to place our attention elsewhere. Some Energetic Setbacks, But overall Things Going Forward as Planned As it stands, much chaotic energy has been unleashed into the collective field during the past four months. And for a time, we incurred a fairly serious setback energetically. Fortunately since then there have been many energetic interventions that have rectified things considerably. The shift window is still being extended: it was supposed to close in July, but it now looks as if it will be closing by the end of the year. Our delay is now only four months, We are gradually getting back on track. I have asked my teams if we can cut the delay down much further and I have been told “not by much”, as, at this point, there are some events that need to play out in the collective physical reality, which will provide opportunities for choices and testing for many. This will be the last opportunity for awakening and shift for many Souls that are teetering on the edge of the awake/asleep, light/dark threshold. After this last test opportunity, the wheat and the chaff will be separated, ready to be allocated to realities of matching vibrations, once and for all. The Shift Window: A Time of Wrap Up for Many Souls Also, a quick aside, I had said in a newsletter in early December 2019, before the current set of crisis had started, that a lot of souls would pass during the shift window, for various reasons: 1) Souls who have not mastered the vibration needed for the next stage of our human journey in the new timeline, 2) Souls who do not have contracts in the new timeline and who did not come here to build that future manifestation of the human story, 3) Souls who were only here to clear karma and learn lessons during the accelerated growth opportunity offered by the shift process, 4) Souls who are trading in older bodies for new ones. We have already seen some of this Soul exiting process occurring from January to now and this will continue further between now and January/March of 2021. Some souls who have decided to exit, may use the CV story as a vehicle to do so, but I am not talking about that specifically. Many may exit in other ways. I am not saying these things to be morbid or to downplay the suffering of any people affected by the loss of loved ones, just giving you a heads up that we may see a lot of people passing in the following 6 to 9 months, and if so, know that for many, this was likely an agreed upon choice at Soul level, as we have now entered a time of completions and exits. All that is currently occurring is part of the closure of the grand post Atlantean cycle and the collective and personal karmic cycles that are associated to that cycle. A new cycle will soon to begin, as the timeline stabilizes and definitively anchors, and not all Soul on Earth have 1) Mastered the energies required for the new cycle 2) Signed up for contracts in the new cycle 3) Agree to continue in the new cycle in the same physical vehicles as now. It is my prediction that we will continue to see many wrapping up this incarnation going forward. Timeline Anchoring in Process, Shift Window Expected to Close by End of the Year Now about the anchoring of the timeline - We could anchor the timeline today, if all got on the same page and if the collective were cohesive enough in a stable high vibration and not perpetually distracted by the crisis of the day, week or month. Some of these crises are becoming hard to ignore, as they are anchoring deep into the practical day to day of our 3D reality, with things that impact us on a personal level, such as for example the current restrictions on our societies, earning ability and free movement due to the CV crisis alongside waves of civil unrest. Hence why some delays in the shift process are now inevitable. But it is important to understand that we are contributing to these delays every time we contribute our energy to fear, anger, chaos, turbulence, and even outrage as to what is being played out into the world. Never has it been more important to claim ownership of one's inner being and emotional emissions. Never has it been more important to be mindful of the true nature of one’s soul orientation towards true light, grey or dark. And as we go deeper into this phase, it is good to remember that righteousness is not necessarily goodness. Righteousness is not necessarily light. Be mindful of any and all forces that attempt to manipulate our soul orientation under the guise of righteous goals. Overall, this is a time for being precise and mindful with our discernment, and very deliberate about where we place our energy. Do Your Part in Expediting the Work A good idea at this juncture, is to spend some time daily focused on finding the peace inside the storm, the center within the collective energetic tornado. Find that place of light, stillness and peace. Become an anchor of stillness. And in that stillness, evaluate your life and your daily choices. What is your best energetic contribution to the whole for that day? It may be just to radiate the stillness. It may be that of detaching your energy from collective currents and returning to the high frequency of Source. Or there may be something practical that needs to be done in 3D. Use this time to ask for guidance. Use this time to anchor Source energy into this reality, so that things may rapidly shift. For this purpose I have also created a group on Facebook called Planetary Shifters, with weekly 30 minute meditations and energy processes aimed at shifting the collective energy higher, stabilizing the positive grids, and anchoring the positive timeline. Feel free to follow my weekly meditation podcast and to request to join the Planetary Shifters FB group. As we become mindful anchors of stillness, calm and soothing. As we become an anchor of the infinite in the day to day. We will see all around us rapidly transform for the benefit of all :-) Much love and blessings Katie and Councils About Katie Katie Gallanti, PhD is a multidimensional healer, teacher and published writer in the field of healing, psychology and metaphysics. She specializes in energy clearing and guided activation work, helping people stay clear and connected to their highest multidimensional aspects, so that they can bring maximum light into all facets of their lives, work and soul mission, for the benefit of all beings. The Current Planetary Situation I have had many people asking for me to give a read of the current planetary energy and situation in light of recent events. My take is two fold. On one level, I see that this current crisis is an event purposely created to generate maximum confusion, fear, panic and chaos by the forces that would rather this reality stayed the same and remain on the denser and lower dimensional timeline. This current crisis includes not just the CV but all the political and economic consequences of the CV. There are forces that revel in chaos and who use chaos as a doorway for regaining control of the timeline, the world and its structures. And these forces are doing all they can to regain ground. On another level, I also see that this is a collective initiation event, prior to the shift point. During this initiation, souls will choose which frequency and reality they align with. Do they align with truth, love, higher principles, and high vibration or do they still vibrate with lower and less conscious realities. Each soul will then live in the reality that they have aligned with and chosen. Each Soul has the opportunity to shift or not at this time. Collectively, we are also undergoing the same, choosing which reality we will be creating at the collective level and which collective reality we are choosing to inhabit. Talking of the timeline specifically, in the last newsletter in December I had said that the timeline was almost anchored. The timeline has wobbled a little as a result of this event, so, while the karmic window has closed like planned on Jan 21st 2020 and we are all in the Shift Window, as planned, the Shift Point looks delayed and it is not yet clear when the Shift Window will close. I am currently seeing October to December as possible end dates and it depends on the collective how swiftly this occurs. On the plus side, I was doing some remote work on a person the other day, who was so out of his body that I had to go looking for him on the inner planes. When I found him, I saw him sitting next to the Earth, looking at a huge light coming in over the horizon. I asked him if he was getting ready to pass and he said that no, he wasn't. He said that he was preparing for the big light that was about to arrive. At this point I went towards this light he was looking at with him and the brilliance of this light was so amazing and so powerful it was hard to breathe. So... there is a big and awe inducing light incoming...just over the horizon :-) Current Energies and New Realities As dire as the current crisis is, some of you may have noticed opportunities for energetic opening, such as the oneI just described above, at this time. In fact, even if in the physical world there are major challenges, at the energetic level, there is less interference right now than there has been in recent four years. There is a lot of light on the planet right now, despite the difficulty of the situation. So we are in an interesting time, in which the energy is higher than it has been in a while, while the collective physical reality is intense and rumbling probably more than it ever has before. Know that this too is a phase in the collective awakening, and one that allows for further awakening and the opening of new realities, even positive realities. My teams here are also saying to remember that water becomes chaotic before it turns into vapor, that each change of phase has a chaotic phases, where one level of reality breaks down before the next one is formed (just like for example happens with water when turning from liquid to gas). The issue here is: what do we choose as our next reality? Which timeline will we anchor? It is important at this time to continue the seeding of the next reality, as the next now is generated from your current creations. Truth and Love Can Live Side by Side At this time we also called to balance truth with the quality of our vibration. A lot of things are being uncovered right now, dark things, hidden things, about our world. This is a necessary part of the awakening process, as through seeing what is true and not that great, we have the opportunity to free ourselves from it and create something better and higher. This is especially so at the societal level right now, as it is time for certain structures to change and shift upwards. It is important during this phase, that we do not become overwhelmed or consumed by this process at the detriment of our vibration. This is because it is through our vibration and focus that we maintain the collective grids vibrating high and anchor in the future manifestations. As such, it is wise to work on staying centered in the emotions and visions that best contribute to what we are trying to create. This is not, however, the same as denying, ignoring or hiding the truth or what is happening in the physical world. What I am advocating is rather that of holding the truth and the world in one hand and high vibration/high manifesting intent in the other and keeping them skillfully balanced. While contributing to truth in the world, we remember that we are also creating our next moment now. As such, we focus on what is occurring now, while also simultaneously focusing on what we are creating for your next now. We focus on creating the highest and best possible future for ourselves and the collective in every now, even while we are fully engaged in the world. We can hold multiple realities in our attention at any given time: what is happening in the world, truth, love and the highest possible futures can co-exist at the same time in our consciousness and energetic focus. Metaphysical Interventions: A Time for Focused Intent This is a time in which focused intent is a great way to contribute to the shifting of the whole. We can spend ten to twenty minutes daily focusing our energy on the outcomes we wish to manifest for ourselves and the collective. Outcomes we may choose to focus on may be:
And feel free to add more items to your focused intentions and visualizations. A good idea when doing work of this kind to always start with the initial premise that any visualizations and intentions that are not for the highest good be neutralized and dissolved. Just in case what we are creating is not in alignment with what is best. More Metaphysical Interventions: A Visualization You can also take some time daily to visualize energy from the highest dimensions and Source moving across the planet and dissolving all that needs to be dissolved and resolving all that needs to be resolved. See the energy of the planet shifting, and all heavy and restrictive though-forms dissolving in thin air. See what is not true being exposed and what is true beings seen. See all discordant energies and emotions clearing from all humans and from the collective. See the clouds of discordant energy blown away from the grids and the light grids strengthening. See all timeline helpers physical and non physical strengthening the anchoring of the timeline. See the origins of planetary discord neutralized and easily and swiftly withering to nothing. See the humans swiftly moving on to new vistas, creations and realities. See humanity uniting as a grid of light. See humanity uniting as family of light. And see true light returning to the Earth and the Earth shimmering with uplifting and healing frequencies. See Source and Source Teams empowering this visualization with their energy. And if you so choose, see yourself as a vessel for high frequency Source energy, allowing Source energy to anchor through you, creating great change, for yourself, the grid, the collective, and the planet, to the degree that is for your highest good and for the highest good of all at this time. Continue until you feel there is a shift or you feel guided to stop. Engage for 10 Minutes Daily I remember once a mentor of mine saying that to create great change consistency in small quantities was more important than big effort done sporadically. For example, that even committing to working out five minutes a day, would bring more results to your physical body than working out 3 hours every two weeks. I tried this and its true, as small progress builds on small progress, with consistency. It is the same here for the planetary energy. While mass meditations such as the ones circulating lately are great, and can create a powerful push, a large influx of light every three months, in a planet that is in turbulence daily does not crate permanent results. A consistent drip feed of high light anchoring alongside high intent, especially when also calling in daily Source and Source Teams creates a consistent stream of interventions, which in turn create consistent high energy flow and manifestations, which also result in a consistent stabilizing of the positive energy grids and timeline. A large group of people who commit to 10 minutes daily in this way can create huge change in just a few months. I am now visualizing you all engaging your huge manifesting power for the benefit of all :-) And I am visualizing you being highly effective and successful in this task :-) Spring Specials Proceeding as Planned Newsletter communications done, I am also letting you know that I am doing my usual quarterly sale with special offers starting today May 4th and valid till Sunday May 11th. I am late with my spring specials this year as I was going to postpone doing this until after the CV crisis resolves, but my teams seem to think there are many that are waiting for these specials and that may need support during this time of extra turbulence, both at the energetic level and at the emotional level. And that there are some who may want to have guidance sessions, to navigate the many practical choices that this situation is creating at the 3D level at this time. I have also noticed lately that many are experiencing past life and childhood triggers, as what is going on is re-awakening old traumas for some from the past, such as old PTSD from the end of Atlantis, or other times in which they experienced similar situations as now. Even childhood fears and traumas seem to be quite active in people at the moment. I am also getting that during this window many are still going through personal tests and upgrades, and that they may need assistance with this process too. So know you can use the one to one session specials for all of those things. Further special offer details are in the section below. Final Blessings So that's all for this update. Stay strong, calm, and centered. Ask for protection and swift shifts for yourself, your loved ones and our whole human family. Contribute your beautiful light and great manifestation power to the collective, trusting that all is well. And know that higher love is with you in every moment, ready to assist you, whenever you request it. Much love, many blessings, and to our best collective future going forward ... Katie mailto:[email protected]
Big Change is in the Air A few years back I was told by my teams that, at some point in the future, I would be going to Europe for a while, to visit family but also to kick start some new projects and connect with various people old and new. I was also told that I would not be doing this until the bulk of the planetary work needed to create the planetary shift was complete. I am now on the other side of the pond and, indeed, we have now reached the point where the bulk of the work that was needed to secure what I have been calling the New Humanity Timeline is reaching completion. As of November 2019, the New Humanity Timeline has been secured, and, even if there are still some planetary clean up operations still in progress, we have reached the final mop up stage of the dark energies who have been negatively affecting the collective and life on this planet for thousands of years. The past ten years have been particularly challenging for many, especially from early 2016 onward, as the battle for the future of humanity and for the dominant timeline (light or dark) has been going into high drive. For over three years we were stuck in a loop, where neither polarity of light or dark made any significant progress. This has changed in the past few months. The gridlock has been broken and the new and positive timeline has finally been anchored, even if still with some fluctuations. As such we are starting to get ready for a true shift. We Are Now In A Karmic Sorting Window Since then, and specifically starting a few weeks ago, we have been entering a karmic sorting window, which will last until the third week of January, during which all remaining important pieces of karma and unfinished business from this life or past lives on this planet will be wrapped up, for good or ill. Take advantage of this time, as there will not be a time like it again. Once we move fully into the new timeline, we will no longer be working on karma as much, as from that point onward light beings incarnate on Earth (the lightworkers and starseeds) will shift focus from clearing of all that is old, blocked and karmic to that of building and anchoring new energies, missions and forms. After the Karmic Window We Will Be Entering The Shift Window The karmic clearing window will be followed by a major shift window, lasting from mid January to the end of April 2020. During this time many people will see many things end in preparation for new beginnings, as we are moving into a new and very different chapter of Earth life. During this time some people may be guided to relocate to other places on the Earth where their energy is most needed or where the energy is a better match for their next steps. Others will see the completion of parts of their mission in preparation for new missions that will be activated from May/June forward. Others still may even leave the planet or have friends and relatives that do, as the reasons for which they incarnated on Earth complete. This will be particularly so for
Please Note - While I have been given precise dates, know that things are still somewhat in flux - So use these dates as guidelines, but know they are not set in stone - Although significant delays are not predicted, some wobble on dates may still occur. We have had many unexpected big wobbles over the past few years, which resulted in just as many delays. The wobbles, however, are getting fewer and smaller in this last phase. As the timeline become more stable, collective futures become more predictable and delays become fewer and shorter. On a Personal Level: A Time for Testing and Wrap Up On a personal level this is a time of testing and wrap up - Anything karmic still outstanding gets to be worked on now - Issues with family or friends, even ones you have not heard from in a long time, may resurface now for one last workout. - Patterns that still need to be shifted, may intensify for one last time, so that they can be transformed - I am also being told that ego and integrity test are going to be on the menu for many from now till the end of this window. Its a time to look at all the places in which the service to self is excessive and out of balance with service to others. For many this is the last chance to clear large chunks of karma. So, look at all coming your way during this time as an opportunity to complete this phase of Soul and Earth work. The Next Phase: What is Coming After the last karmic window has closed, we will then be inching rapidly towards towards the shift point. This will be seen in the physical world as well as in the energetic world. The energy will build and shift rapidly, and the people, places and structures that are to continue into the new timeline will shift alongside it. During this process there may be for a time a slight transitional confusion, as much will be reshuffled and even energetically some way feel a bit ungrounded or displaced. The confusing part will however be brief, after which, the planetary energy will stabilize into an energy that is much higher and smoother than it has been in recent years. As a result, manifesting will become easier, things will flow much better, and for many, the second stage of their Earth mission will kick in. For the past 20 to 30 years, and especially the last 15 years, the starseeds and lightworkers have been busy with Earth missions that have been all focused on clearing blockages, clearing karma, lifting vibration, reclaiming truth, both personally and collectively. During the past 8 years the work has been particularly focused on the collective power players and structures and in clearing all darkness out of this reality. This is why there is so much chaos and societal unrest right now in the world, as many societal ills are being exposed, paving the way for new collective models and structures to come. After we pass the shift threshold, the bulk of this work will have been completed. As such, the Earth Missions for the incarnated light beings will shift from a clearing phase to a building phase. At the collective level, we will see a gradual shift from chaos and exposure of darkness, corruption, hidden powers, and negative power, to the building of new light filled societal structures. Many will also receive information for new healing systems and modalities, which will help people shift their health rapidly. Some will receive downloads for new technologies that will help do the same. New soul contracts will kick in that are no longer based on karma, but on the building of a new chapter of Earth life, Many will attract relationships with evolved Souls with who they have agreements not based on karma. These Souls will share missions and will explore and anchor upgraded models for high frequency interpersonal relationships. In short, it will all be about downloading and anchoring new light, new models of being and behavior, new ways of doing society that are in alignment with that light. The next 100 years will be all about creating this new world, although many changes will happen rapidly, seemingly overnight, in the initial windows spanning three years and will then be deepened, grounded and refined in the years to come. How to Co-Operate with the Shift Point and Move Through The Threshold To work with the flow of the energies leading up to the shift, clear whatever is left to clear between you and others now and January - Recognize the opportunity for clearing and resolution in the events coming your way - Meet each lesson with the spirit of closure, as this may be the last opportunity to work on these particular lessons - Also teams here are saying have fun with this, as the patterns will shift very rapidly if given appropriate attention - The end result will be very pleasing to the souls of those who came here to shift and be shifted higher - Many Souls that are here to serve and help, are also here to wrap up old patterns and trauma from the past, such as patterns from Orion, Lemurian, Atlantean, Mesopotamia and Egypt lifetimes, in which things were left unresolved, both for individual souls and for humanity as a whole. What has been transpiring on this planet has not been happening in a vacuum, but is the end of a long evolutionary process spanning billions of years, with chapters both in the past of our Earth and in our galactic and multi- universal history. Closing the loop on all that is left unresolved is something many souls wanted in earnest for their own individual evolution. As such, now is good time to do past life work, if so guided.This is the last step, before the beginning of the true shift. This is the bulk of the download for now. More to come and I will write more likely in the new year, as details get clearer and more focused. We are still in the process of creating the future to be and the road is appearing as we are walking it, one step at a time. Teams are also saying that Although much of this may feel like fairytales right now, especially after the intensity of the last chaotic decade, to know that there will be a point where much of that chaos will drop off and cease, and from there things will change very quickly. That will be all for now Much love and happy Christmas season to all :-) Katie plus Councils
When the energies improve - It is easier to feel uplifted, in a good space emotionally, hope is higher, manifestation is smoother. Psychically there is more light and it is easier to gain acceleration and to rise in consciousness. Take advantage of these moments, as these states are still quite intermittent. Take advantage in terms of your manifesting, creation projects, promotion of your work, communications with others, as all works smoother during these times. When the energies tank - Dark forces are on the move and molasses is on the grids - Mood goes low, all feels like an effort, hopelessness sets in easy, its easy to slip into a sense of futility. A sense of being lost and even abandoned on this place we call Earth may ensue. An overall sense of disconnection. During these times do not expect too much and don't take your own moods too seriously, as they will shift with the next energy uptick. Observe what your mind and emotions are doing, but don't take these changes as a sign of something you are doing wrong. You are just in a molasses swamp. Best thing to do during these times: ask for energetic clearing, ask to be detached from the collective, ask for any energy that is not yours to be dissolved and gone in full. Connect to Source and download Source energy into your field, which will strengthen it. Become a "full light". The fuller your field, the less it can be penetrated. If you cant cope, get a clearing from a professional. This choppy energy weather is likely to continue for some weeks still. It will continue until the New Humanity positive timeline is anchored in full. It is currently anchored at 98%, with some back and forth wobble. During the choppy times beware of chaos and drama vortexes in 3D - Be aware that most current events that cause people to go into outrage, uproar, drama and take people away from a clam center, are manufactured by dark side to keep the energy stirred up and off balance. All that chaos energy disrupts the positive grids, no matter how noble the cause may sound. Follow current events, but watch the addiction to self righteous drama, which is especially seductive. Better use of one's time, at this stage. is to become a focal point for grounding, calm, and source energy anchoring. Energetically right now, the baby is crowning, but its a challenging birth and the mum is tired of pushing. The baby is the new vibrational Earth and the mother is us. Many starseeds are tired and this is understandable, as this process has been lasting a long time. Much longer than many of us had agreed to at Soul level. But we are almost there. Make sure to take care of self during this time and take advantage of the positive energetic openings, when they occur. These will increase and get less intermittent in due time :-) That will be all for now Much love, many blessings Katie and Councils <3 By Katie Gallanti The energy of the new year, 2016, during the first month of January, has not been an easy one. Big storms and flooding in many places on the planet aside, it seems that many have found January to be a deep month of introspection and processing. Old core of the onion issues were dusted off and revisited one more time or many, as we go deeper into a process of inner cleansing and closure that is required in preparation for the anchoring of the higher dimensional bodies. As explained in the last newsletter, in fact, the first few months of this year are about the continuing of the ground work required to download the next level of our higher dimensional aspects and energy bodies. Wherever we are at, we are going to the next level. The levels we are working towards embodying are not the same for everybody, but everybody is shifting upwards at this time. This is part of our own individual timetable of growth and transformation, as well as a way to support the collective energy to anchor higher and higher frequencies and consciousness streams as the base frequency for this reality. Stabilizing the High Frequency Timeline Another way to say this is that we are in the process of anchoring and stabilizing a high frequency timeline. This timeline will then be set as the stable timeline on the other side of the node we have been sitting on for last several years and that will be open for a few more years still. The node window is open and the timelines are still in flux right now, but when the node window closes, the timeline will be set and our future direction as a collective and planet will stabilize in one definitive direction. Just like it was set, from Atlantis until recent decades, to the timeline we inhabit now. Clearly therefore the nature of this timeline matters and one of our jobs is to do what is best to anchor the high frequency futures. Know that all of our energy shifting and higher dimensional birthing pains are not for nothing. Even if we are living these experiences, and often quite challenging experiences, in the solitude of our private lives, the sum of our collective energetic clearing and upgrading efforts are part of the collective work we came here to do as a group Soul of planetary transformers. This is a job many of us have taken quite seriously and are carrying out quite well. Also, seems to me that once our higher selves signed that Soul Contract, we are kind of on this ride if conscious of it or not. Hence these newsletters, which are aimed at clarifying what parts of you already know, but our Earth aspects may, at times, have forgotten. The message from the higher planes at this time is, onwards and upwards... we are all doing good work and one more push ;-) lol ...ok. Maybe several more pushes, but we are, certainly, in the birth canal ;-) Heart Chakra Releases as a doorway to Higher Dimensional Bodies If in the past month or so, you found yourself suddenly in the middle of processing old hurts and traumas from long ago, or grieving losses you thought you had already grieved, know that you are not the only one. I have had a succession of people coming to me during the past month, who were experiencing unusual grieving processes, or revisiting old losses and situations that they thought they had mostly dealt with. I also heard from many people that were asking if their time on this planet was done, at this time. Or that were in the middle of very testing conditions. As I assist people I often get guidance that I am told is for more than just the individual person asking. And I especially pay attention to the guidance I receive pertaining to the patterns and trends that show up over a period of time and that seem to indicate collective processes at work. In these cases of grief and "dark night of the Soul" type energy, I received that many were undergoing a very deep clearing of the heart chakra and heart wounds, because it is the heart that is the is the anchoring point for the upper dimensional energy bodies that are descending and activating at this time. These energy bodies anchor in the inner levels of the heart chakra and therefore, it is particularly important that the heart chakra be clear and open, and emptied out of old compacted energy. This is so that even the deepest recesses of the heart can be clear enough for the next level of our energetic being to install. As usual, it is the light holder/starseed beings that go first with these processes, so do not be surprised if at the time it is the most awake ones that are doing most of the grieving, processing and even crying. This is not a sign that you are regressing, just a sign that you are going deeper with some of your core inner material. This is happening with any chakra, but right now, the energies coming in are triggering deep work on the heart chakra and all things heart center. For the healers out there, be aware of this, as you may see this happening also to your clients. Know that this is part of the process and facilitate them in this deep release process, as the issues will continue until the deep heart is all cleaned out. I have found that although the trigger for the release may be in present time, as in someone who hurt or betrayed us, or a person or a pet that left or died, these triggers are often just instruments our Soul is using to help unseat much deeper energetic levels of ancient compacted grief, sadness and trauma. The trigger event jogs that compacted grief out of the chakra, so that it may be released and set free. If you find yourself grieving or processing an issue in a way that feels out of proportion to the events at hand, know that you are likely releasing a whole string of that energy from many lifetimes all at once, often going back right to the birth of your Soul. If really conscious, you may be able to even be grateful for the release, knowing that all of that compacted energy was festering below the surface and preventing you from truly being open, clear and free; and preventing you from anchoring the fullness of your multidimensional light in human form. Also know that we are going through these processes in groups on some higher dimensionally driven timetable. If you have already been through this piece, know that your higher dimensional bodies likely have already anchored and if you have not been through it yet, you may not have gotten to this piece yet. And some may not have that much to clear or may have a different item on their Soul mission. We are not all here doing exactly the same thing, even if all of us, if we are in alignment with our original Soul consciousness and mission, are doing something that is serving our collective higher goals. We are all important pieces of the puzzle and each making their own unique contribution. After the Releases: Upgrades, Rewiring and Sleep Patterns Another complaint that I have been hearing from people and that I have also been experiencing myself is the need for unusual amounts of sleep. You may find that you are sleeping more and sleeping deeper or having a hard time getting up in the morning. In fact strange sleep patterns seem to have been a feature since Christmas: for the first few weeks after Christmas many could not sleep till 3am, then it seemed to switch into the deep and endless sleep phase. I have been receiving that the deep sleep is happening to those that have completed the clearing (or a stage of) and who are now in an anchoring phase, downloading and activating one or more of the higher dimensional bodies. This stage also often comes with physical adjustments and electric/nervous system changes that occur smoother when sleeping. Just like surgery, the upgrades happen better when the person is less conscious. Re-Scripting Paths and Contracts Sleep is also a way to exit this reality for a while, to do work, to get the next piece of information. And even to go to school or meetings on other planes. We are approaching a time of energetic completions, new energy bodies are activating or about to activate; and for many this also corresponds to new aspects of the Soul Mission and new chapters of life. For the souls in groups 1 and 2 of the peak of the shift (see my most recent article on my website for details), who are the ones on the last steps of their current activation process, big change is very much on the agenda, as new energy beckons new life circumstances after many of the endings of last year. If you have been undergoing many endings and if you have been smelling the winds of change approaching, some of these long sleeping sessions are likely also associated with life reviews and planning meetings occurring at the higher self level, where the details of the next stage are discussed or tried on for size. Many of us came in with flexible Soul Contracts, that could be adjusted and changed, as the Earth and collective needs changed. This, however, does require the occasional life review and planning session on the inner planes, to tweak life paths at important energetic junctures, such as now. Watch your dreams, if you have any, for clues as to what your higher self is up to and what plans are developing for you at this time. Set the intention before you go to bed for deep healing, but also for recall of your adventures on the higher planes and meeting details, if you are curious about what is going on. If its information that is for the highest good for you to know, your higher aspects and councils will be happy to give you a sneak preview. Spring We are still many weeks away from Spring and it may seem premature to talk of spring right now. I may even write another newsletter between now and then. My intuition is that we are heading towards a spring that is more spring that usual, with big changes of the positive kind in the personal lives of front line planetary transformer Souls that have been holding the line for a long time and who have been very busy with all these upgrades and karmic clearings for several years now. Last year these Soul groups were held in somewhat of a holding pattern, while they held the transformational gates open for many. Many of you are very patient, strong and generous beings who at the Soul level have volunteered to hold the gateways between vibrational worlds open as long as you possibly could, in order to allow the greatest chance for evolution to all the members of all your soul groups. Many have held back their their own process of graduation in order to support the larger whole, acting as a bridge between timelines and dimensions. But there comes a time where waiting and bridging does not help either party, and the moment comes to shift in earnest, even if this involves some separations and leaving a few stragglers behind. Know that nobody is ever lost, there are just more evolutionary cycles to experience and more journeys to be had. We can't even says that it takes more time, as at the Soul level time as we understand it does not exist, but is a trick we use in the incarnational worlds, to keep us more engaged in the eternal present moment. The primary issue with missing a shift cycle is that sometimes that implies separations from companions one had hoped to travel with or with whom there were missions that one had agreed to. Some of the grieving people are experiencing has to do with these separations, as some Souls choose to shift now and others choose to spend a little more time mastering a higher density or different curriculum all together and drift out of our lives to pursue other paths. As these separations occur, this may require some rescripting, so that original mission goals and projects can continue, even if with different players. In Closing So.... much releasing, upgrading, rewiring, resting and re-scripting going on at the moment, in preparation for spring. And if you want some support with the clearing and upgrading, to accelerate or ease the process, do check out the special that go hand in hand with this newsletter. I am offering both clearing and activation packages designed specifically to help people move through the speed-bumps and jump start their activation process at this time. I offer these as both skype/phone work and as remote work only. I have been working with many people with live activations lately and the process has been very interesting. And some of it, I have realized, is purely energetic, so adding the "remote activations" energy only option this time too. See below for all the details. that will be all for now... more in March :-) Much love and happy shifting to you all Katie Copyright 2016. Katie Gallanti, MS, MA. If re-producing this article, reproduce in its entirety with the author's name, copyright byline and links to author's websites included. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations |
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February 2023