by Steve Rother and the Group Greetings, Dear Ones, I am the Keeper of Time and I have joined you on your timeline to share a little bit about what is coming, where you are and the beauty that we see from this side of the veil. You are in a very unusual situation; you are evolving faster than you ever thought possible. Oh yes, we understand. You watch your news and think that everything is taking steps backwards rather than forward. But it is actually the rapid movement of humanity that is causing the backlash and that is all it truly is -- backlash. If you look at the last several years of your own personal life, you will see that you have evolved past things. In truth, many areas are starting to change. . This is outstanding, because now you are starting to see things from a totally different perspective. The forward movement, which has been so rapid over only a few years, has also caused a backlash and a simple balancing of the wave patterns. It is very common for humans to collectively take three steps forward and two steps back. We are telling you that it now looks like five steps forward and one step back, so please do not get discouraged about what you see in front of you. There are actually some things that you can do to anchor a new light and help the collective vibration of humanity to help form a new level of consciousness. It will be a lever higher than ever before, which will also prepare for the further evolution of humanity. You are now carrying as much as one-third more light than you were before December 12, 2012. Love vs. Fear This means that even the cells in your body have had to do a major adjustment to hold that light even momentarily. So you can understand why sometimes your physical body feels as if it is being taxed and drained, for it is moving at the speed of love. Dear ones, there are some beautiful things taking place. First, a new grid has formed and we are very proud of that even though it is less than a couple of hundred people. It has spread quite well in specific parts of the globe, and if nothing more it will help to balance some of these waves and return humanity to a more normal evolutionary period that is not as challenging. In the meantime, there are different sides that have taken on this area. One side hopes to move forward with love, while the other side is moving forward with fear. We are not even going to tell you that one of those is right and other is wrong, for that is up to each individual and humanity to decide. However, we can tell you those are very clearly opposites. The opposite of love is not hate, it is fear. When you understand that, you can take your side. Now please understand, dear ones, it is not a battle. You have often fought against the darkness. Oh yes, we must fight against the darkness; battle between light and dark. Re-member, if you battle darkness with light, all you end up with is a bunch of gray. Dear ones, it is never a battle over darkness; that is not to be feared. When you fear anything you must go to battle, so take a look at the base fear that even causes you to think that or to relate to it when someone else says it. Now, it is much more about integrating than about turning off and trying to take sides. That is a huge evolution of humanity that you have not quite learned to discern yet, and that is what we would like to share with you today. 30 Days of Forgiveness You are all one. It is very hard to say that at a time when you are going through these very public elections with everybody pointing fingers at everyone else, trying to point out the difficulties and challenges of each other rather than talking about what they would do if they were elected. Very challenging indeed. It is also being experienced on a more personal basis for many people, because some of you feel lost. You may feel like your energy and work is not having the profound effect that you have wanted it to. That is how we can help you today, for there is a very simple technique that works very well even in this energy. We also tell you that in the next 30 days, you will have a window of opportunity to use this and even have the forces of the universe behind you. It is called forgiveness, and it is not easy. What would it take for you to forgive those who put the bomb in Belgium recently? What would it take for you to be in the shoes of one of those bombers? What would it take for you to suddenly find yourself in that position, suddenly doing something even if deep inside you felt it was wrong? That is what it will take to solve everything. The Game of Light and Dark These are the times, dear ones, where you have stepped onto a field of harmony. There is probably more harmony on planet Earth right now than there has been in some time. How can you harmonize with those who would do you ill will at every opportunity they can? That is what changes everything. When the light chases the dark or when the dark seems to chase the light, who really wins? Oh dear ones, there is never an argument. Any time light shines upon darkness, it takes over and that is why we are telling you they are not actually opposites. It is only the duality that humanity has been living in for so long that makes you carry those ideas and belief systems forward in your world. Re-member, dear ones, they do not belong here. Those types of reactions are also what provide extremist groups the opportunity to strike fear in the hearts of everyone. What they do not know, of course, is that no one can ever be controlled by fear for very long. Oh yes, it can have a very profound effect on anyone at any moment in time, but only over a very short period of time because you have a self-balancing system. That is why you are carrying so much light, and if it were to balance you were able to get out of the wave. You will have a grand life and all of humanity will start building together instead of fighting each other, the way you have been doing over so many years now. Compassion What does that look like? It starts with compassion, which can sometimes be very difficult. Only when you learn about a person can understand what they are feeling, their belief systems and what is guiding or motivating them. Take a look. Do a little investigation and figure out what it is going to take for you to release your own anger. Should you want to get something back or right a wrong? Absolutely not. Now you return to the light chasing the dark again, stepping out of your evolution back into a field of duality. And yet, you have stepped into a field of Triality. Where the shadows can go away, the darkness cannot hold in the light; it never could. Is there ever a case where darkness overcomes light? No, dear ones, not even in your physics does that happen. All we are asking you to do is to carry a little more light, not only from your reactions with other things but also with the forgiveness. Humanity Evolves As One Now, what if you say, “Okay, we have forgiven all those people. We sent them love for their misdirection, at least from our perceptions. We sent them love as part of humanity, for they are also part of the human evolution.” As we have told you many times, dear ones, humanity is a bandwidth of vibration. Although you may consider this to be the highest vibration and that to be the lowest vibration, in truth they are all equal in some ways. Humanity has always moved in the entire bandwidth, not just in the higher vibrational levels. But it will not work that way anymore. Before it had to move together, so all of humanity has been limited in evolution by the lowest vibrational person. How quickly can they move? You are all interested in working with the lowest vibrational person, to see whatever you can do to bring them up and to help them evolve as well. What you can do though is to forgive them, because that works. It is the next step of humanity, which takes you out of the wave entirely. That gives you the opportunity to set something into motion for yourself, rather than to appease your anger. This happens on many levels, not only on an individual one but also on a collective level of a country. In fact, many of you have been controlled by that without even knowing it. What happens when your country is attacked? One of the first things that people want to know is who is responsible. Then they want to find out why they did it and how can they get revenge or pay it back. That is duality, the old energy. As Einstein once said that it is not possible to solve a problem on the same level that it was created, so the solution is step above it. Step out of the frustration and anger, to start setting a higher goal of carrying more light. How would you love your enemies? Oh, what a mess that would be. But that is exactly what it is, because when you left Home those people might have been right next to you. You might have actually been holding hands with them as you came into planet Earth. Spirits do that often, so what would it take to find that? If you can reach a critical mass on planet Earth where enough people can do this, it will disintegrate all the energy that has been built upon. Suddenly their organization, if you can call it that, falls completely apart. It is not that it is negative and needs to be buried, simply they are human beings. Those souls and spirits are recovered and can actually be used for very positive purpose rather than just settling a wave. A Critical Mass of 100,026 This is a perfect opportunity to step completely out of a wave to reach the higher position, so that you will be able to carry even more light than you thought you were carrying. You are carrying some beautiful things. Even the cells and microbes in your body are literally changing as we speak, to allow for all humans to carry more light. Now when you put the light in that way and it starts to build with people, sometimes there is a reaction. That is what you are now experiencing on a very large scale. You can change that by not reacting yourself, but it is very difficult to do. There are many wars that have started on planet Earth in a reaction. Do not let that happen again, because you have enough wars already. If you wish to play the game of going to war, you have enough already. Step out of it, then step back. When you reach that critical mass with just enough people, 100,026 to be precise then you can start forgiving and everything opens and changes. You reach a level of stability of growth in which you can literally find your way again, and step into a whole new reality together in harmony. Giving the Gift of the Future by Forgiving Now you have a new vision; now you have a new way of looking at things. Re-member that nothing is right or wrong, dear ones. You have come to planet Earth to be here at this exact moment so that you can be part of what is taking place. You made it, and you are here already making a difference. You are profound carriers of the light; you are the workers of the light. That is why we call you Lightworkers. You see how that works? How beautiful. Does this mean that all of the religions on your planet are ever going to agree on something? No, probably not. They do not evolve much, in case you have not already noticed. Their purpose was to find guidelines that you could follow and understand, while you were pretending to be separate from each other. But you truly were not, for you carry that light from Home and every step that you take is in density. Dear ones, can you give yourself the gift of the future by forgiving? Forgiveness clears your own path of least resistance, because it allows the opportunities to step forward without becoming attached or playing the game of light and dark. Start by saving your light within yourself. Let it out and speak your truth at every opportunity. Oh, we know, some of you have great difficulty speaking your truth because you do not feel like you should be carrying that truth at times. Sometimes you wonder, “Others know more than I do, so why should I speak at all? Why do I not just listen and gather?” Because, dear ones, you were given part of the puzzle that you agreed to carry when you left Home and came here. All those that you promised it to are waiting for you and cheering you on to take that next step. They have been helping you along the way as well. Now is the opportunity to step in and create a new reality—something entirely yours that can take you into the next millennia. Are you ready? You have done such an incredible job already of holding the light. We know that many of you do not feel that, because you judge yourselves. We see that and understand. However, we see it and tell you about it at times because it starts a very negative cycle. You are creator beings, so every thought that you hold between your head and your heart is manifesting in front of you. The more of your heart energy that you can put into it, the faster it manifests. So, what are the most important things that have been manifesting on planet Earth? Fear. Yes, that too is a heart energy. If the opposite of love which you hold in your heart is fear, so you can see how fear also comes from the heart. A Reunion of Light Take a breath, dear ones, and with that breath we give you confidence. Anchor it in your being. Anchor it within the very cells and microbes of your body, for they are all part of you often pretending to be separate from the whole. It is time for a re=union of all the light and you can make a big difference as long as you do not carry that resentment. Now, what about other forgiveness’s? Almost every human being on Earth has some anger or frustration that they have carried for many years. It is very challenging; you are the one that is affected with all of it. During this next 30 days find people, even those from your own past that you can also forgive. Let go and correct the energy with you, for there is magic ahead, dear ones. You are grander beings than you ever understood. Home is starting to awaken from the dream. You are here, touching each other, awakening each other, sharing the light, and holding it. Dare to speak your truth. If you feel you do not deserve to do that, understand that there is a way for you to speak your truth and still make room for other truths. The grand puzzle from Home that is all starting to come together. It is a beautiful time on Earth. We know you see difficulties and understand that many of you are in personal struggles yourself, simply trying to survive. Know that this is temporary for all of you, and believe that you have the tools necessary to change everything in front of you. It starts with righting yourself and releasing the darkness to the light. Trust that you can very easily take care of every part of it. You are magicians, every one of you. You are the grand beings from Home who pretend to be separate to come down here and play this beautiful game. Well done! Now, consider this next 30 days as an opportunity. See how many things you can let go of and how much lighter you can become, as you forgive and give yourself the gift of the future. Welcome Home, dear ones. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect no matter who they are. Nurture one another and play well together. Espavo. The group The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power” Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations Greetings from Home with Steve Rother and the Group You are magic. Each of you holds a special form of magic, something that you specifically brought from Home. You intended to focus your entire life on bringing it to Earth, and you are starting to re-member that in new ways. This is a magical time on Earth, dear ones, where each of you can start to re-member your true power and step into it even the tiniest bit. Your actions and commitment are what creates your world in front of you, for these are new times. We will share a little bit of what lies before you right now so that you can view it from our perspective. When you do this, dear ones, you fall in love with humanity. There are times when you turn on your television sets and see that the world according to your belief systems is a mess. It appears everyone is going in different directions. Although you cannot see what is truly taking place, we do, so we will share that with you. These are amazing times that may also be a little bit challenging for many of you. You do not quite understand what is taking place. These changes are happening in many different areas simultaneously, but we will only share with you one that is making a difference in your own reality. Many Governments Do No Represent the Collective Heart of Humanity You have this wonderful thing taking place in the United States called your presidential elections. Oh my goodness, we cannot wait to watch all of this mayhem that you are preparing. This is a massive journey into what we are not quite sure. In the beginning you used these elections to choose the best person for the job. Of course, over many decades it has turned into something entirely different. So, let us take you back quite a few years to when this change started to take place. It was actually during the early 1960s when you had a presidential election between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy. This election was actually decided for the simple reason that one was able to present himself better on television than the other. That experience had a huge effect for the first time in the collective. Most of the people you have chosen to run your governments are lawyers. They have a history of all this understanding behind them. Why would it be that one must be a lawyer to run your countries? That would simply indicate that everything must go through the legal system. What has happened, dear ones, is that in many places in the world your governments no longer represent the collective heart of humanity. As we have very simply shared with you before, it is the collective heart of humanity that will run and rule. Now what you are seeing is your governments are trying to scamper to get in front of this. Your presidential elections in the United States are a very simple example of this happening. All these people are jumping in front of the camera, presenting themselves very well and confidently, but what they are saying does not always make sense. Why are so many people backing and encouraging them? Because they are channeling the frustration. It is very simple. They are the only ones that have even addressed this frustration. There is a gap in the middle of your economic system, where your middle class should be, but quite simply is not. Why are your governments not representing you in that way? You have turned this into a capitalistic system and, therefore, the money speaks louder than the collective. That is in the process of changing. Money Speaking Louder than the Collective Exactly how this change takes place we will have to wait and see. It could possibly result in a complete collapse of the system, then rebuilding it on solid ground, which in our estimation is not a bad thing at all. We wish you would just get on with it! Or, you can continue to prop things up and pretend everything is okay, and actually make small changes along the way to evolve it in that way. We tell you, dear ones, the earlier method is currently underway but we will have to wait and see where this goes. What about this frustration and why is it there? Quite simply, you have turned everything—especially in this area—into something based entirely on capitalism. Capitalism was the most important piece, and you have brought it into your government. In truth, through your systems, those that speak the loudest tend to get elected. Well, you are about to see how loud people can speak. In fact, you will actually end up voting most of the time by turning the channel because it will get pretty crazy over the next year. When you turn the channel, most of the time they actually know it. Yes, your voice can be heard in different ways, dear ones. Right now, it is a circus but it is fun and interesting to watch. Does it represent what is taking place? It represents the frustration that is still not being addressed. The People's Frustration Why is there so much frustration? A person can see very clearly where the frustrations come from. You had an election at one point where your entire collective decided on one person, but another person became president. You can feel that your government does not actually represent you; it has more to do with those who are paid by these companies to be lobbyists. Those are the people that fill these gaps and move your government one way or the other with corporate money. Now you are at a point where you are going to make some important decisions. We are specifically talking about the United States at this time, but as you know all of your energies are connected especially through your economic systems. So, what is good for one is actually good for all countries. The whole world is watching these changes as they are evolving, because everyone will affect another. We can hardly wait to see where you go with this. We see none of this as bad and it might help you to keep that in mind, because our vision is further than yours. We can see what you build on the other side and that is why we hope you just get on with it and take that next step. Above all we hope that your governments are able to adjust quickly enough, because currently they are not listening. Let Your Collective Voice Be Heard Now you have a fresh energy of new people coming in. The good part about that, at least in the United States, is that your collective voice is being heard right now. That is fascinating, for all of this is bringing attention to something that has vanished. Many people have felt like, “Oh, that is just them. They will go do their thing anyway. They do not need me to participate.” Dear ones, they do need you. You are part of the collective in more ways than you can imagine. To express your voice in that collective is going to be one of the greatest possibilities that you have. You will create your world on a small scale, as well as on a large one where you will interact with the others. It is how you all come together at these magical times. Dare to dream. Dare to bring back your hopes. Look into the future and dare to plant the greatest possibilities for yourself at that moment. Treat yourself well knowing that you are a creature carrying all the energy of what you call god. Each of you can start using those abilities to create your world around you. When you reach that highest level to where you have created something that fully supports you, that is the time you become the highest use to the universe. Those times are happening right now. It Is Time to Get On With It So, we will ask you, what will it take in your life to get on with it and take that next step? Are you waiting for an election or for some door to magically open? We tell you, dear ones, you have that opportunity now…very clearly. Step into it. Claim it. Step forward. Each of you has brought a part of the blueprints for the New Earth from Home. Now you may call it your internal truth, but it only fits together when you can speak it in such a way that it fits together with the other truths around you. How do you do that? Very simple. Practice. That is all there is. Keep trying and step forward in love, then you will start to fill some of these gaps where this frustration is. How can this frustration about this middle level be solved? Through creativity, and through giving them a voice. Giving them the power to re-create. Of course when we speak of them, many of them are you. Channel it and do so in a very positive way. Look for change, absolutely. There are many shifts and rapid changes that need to take place in your systems in order to transition from one area to the next. We see those about to begin, though not yet beginning. The beautiful part is that the collective vibration is making a noise that cannot be misunderstood on this Earth. People are starting to step forward very carefully, knowing that every movement they make affects others around them. Your own vagus nerve is starting to evolve so you can feel that compassion even more throughout all humans. This is part of the lightbody returning that humans are now experiencing. You can hold more of your own light. What we ask you to do dear ones, is get on with it. Step forward. Step up. Here it comes. Deal with it the best you can and do not wait for the perfect opportunity, for it is here, now. You have so much that is taking place, yet what you may not understand is that you are in charge of all of it. The collective vibration now decides. That means if you choose to be quiet, you give up your power. It is time to speak, and step forward, to claim your willingness and your wisdom. Not that it is always perfect, but unless it is offered up there is no possibility of reaching harmony. A Critical Date Bring it forward. In these times, dear ones, you will be well guided. Sometimes you will open your mouth with a clear intent of your heart to speak something, but you will not quite know where the words are in your head. So you will start to channel from the heart in a new way, which is the opportunity for spirit to speak clearly through you. As you devise and develop this new way of working together in the new planet Earth, we can hardly wait to see what you do next. We tell you specifically that we have given you a date to watch for, the second week in November was to be a critical tilting point. At the time we gave you that date it had to do with the Federal Reserve making a specific move at the end of October. Now, we tell you that has already passed and you have already moved that critical date. Not out of trouble but moving in the right direction. Yes, you had a little dip in the energies in the meantime, showing some of the weaknesses in the global economies in the world and China has a big part of that. Work together with it, dear ones. Send them energy and wish them the best. Know that you are all connected. Stop pointing fingers and calling yourselves separate and claim responsibility for all of it. That is the way of the new Earth, knowing that you are part of every piece of it. Claim your failures as well as your success because that is how you grow and just enjoy playing the game. It is time to get on with it. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Play the new game well together. Espavo, dear ones The group The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power” Expressing the Memories from Home with Steve Rother Greetings Dear Ones. Such a joy to share this moment with you all, for you are in the midst of an evolutionary movement. You are moving at the speed of love and the interesting part about it is that you are starting to become awakened right where you are. We will share a little of our vision of your place on the path as it is now, and more importantly about your anchoring into the new dimension of time and space. A Conscious Change There have been times, dear ones, when evolution has taken your stream of consciousness from one physical form to another. Very rarely has that this happened in consciousness, which is what is taking place on planet Earth. That is why the collective vibration of the universe is starting to gather information and support more of the game on planet Earth, as it is now unfolding every moment. Take a deep breath, dear ones and release it to find your center for just a moment. Close your eyes if you choose to, and let yourself expand. You have been holding yourself within a framework of resistance that you believed you had to hold. You have been spending much of your energy holding yourself within the constraints that you believed were needed to pretend to be a human. Yet, your spirit cries to be free, to speak its tone and to carry its message from Home. It is that unique tone which you brought specifically because you could carry it. From our perspective what is now taking place is that you are starting to branch out into multidimensionality and become aware of it consciously. When you do that, dear ones, the game changes very quickly.. Stretching Out In Multidimensionality You have already stepped forward into the fifth dimension. Dear ones, we see you looking around to find out how all these pieces work. However, there is a new and critical piece that has not yet been added to the game. Because of the rise of the vibration of humanity, you have now entered a new possibility which was not there only a short time before. You have the ability to stretch out past your limitations in an energetic form so that you can collect your multidimensionality. You will also find your path of least resistance not only in your own existence, but in your entire life as a spirit in every dimension of time and space simultaneously. There are ways for you to harmonize the universe around you and one of these is a very simple process called speaking your tone. Yes, many of you have come in with a vibration, a specific tone that brings the reminder to your own physical body. Your physical body, dear ones, is vibrating and if it stops vibrating you are gone; then in reality, it does not exist. It is vibrating between a specific range that humans can perceive, touch, and work with to play the game of pretending to be a human. You have done quite well with this, walking around with a blindfold on, bumping into each other and hitting the wall looking for the door. Express Your Tone All of you are looking for the way Home again. You are yearning to re-member that tone and have it validated deep within you. Now you are at that location where you can spread your energy out and start to feel the other dimensions of time and space. Why would you do that? Most of you are hesitant to do anything like that because your sensitivity levels are so high. Your Vagus nerve is so highly strung sometimes that it makes it difficult for you to truly ground this light and energy, and bring it into your reality in that way. There is a actually a fear around that, which is fascinating because all energy is self-balancing. Have you ever taken two cups of water and connected them with a hose, so you make one taller than the other? Within just a matter of moments they settle. The reality is that all energetic forms know the innate path of least resistance. Now, how does that happen? Energy forms are all connected to each other, including yours. That is what we are sharing with you today - a way for you to speak and find your tone. What is your tone? Is it a a musical note that you must hit? Is it a certain vibratory frequency that must be repeated? Well, sometimes it is a tone. Other times you can re-create that by speaking toning, singing, or by creating a vibration not intended for the ears, but for the heart. That is your tone that you brought from Home. Now, how do you express it and channel your tone? Each of you brought in a unique piece that only you could carry the best and now you are assembling these pieces and re-uniting. It is a very magical process for us to watch. We cheer you on at every opportunity and you have already made a huge difference - more than you could ever see. The world is changed and you are responsible. Practice Your Passion How do you find that tone? Well, quite simply, you have a passion. Many of you have looked long and hard at your passion yet still say, "I still do not know what my passion is." Well, that means that you are thinking too much; the passion is not in your head, it is in your heart. That is what you must strive to find - that feeling. Now what must a human do to re-create that feeling and be in touch with that at a moment's notice? That takes practice, dear ones... just like anything. How do you get to heaven? Practice, practice, practice. Very simple. You are living on the planet of imperfection and you are perfecting yourself, reaching for Home. Now let us get back to this tone for a moment, because it is what you brought in. If you came just to make a sound on planet Earth then by all means, make it. If to do that you need to stand on the street corner and simply sing to your heart's content, do that. Does that mean that is your passion? You will have to wait until you do it to find out. Then once you find it, you will say, "No, that is not my passion, but it is similar. It is singing." Maybe you will create something; maybe you will do something; maybe you will start a band and begin recording. Maybe you use your voice in a melodic way to bring a message through multiple dimensions at once. There are all sorts of ways you can do this and there are also those that have been placed with a time-sensitive moment, connection, or critical mass point. In the world around you, when all those events and spirit align, you have the opportunity to create all those things that you wish for. It is then, dear ones, that you have what we call a magical moment. You can spread out in all the dimensions of time and space, then claim all of your power for just that instant to create something in the road ahead of you. That is the conscious creator walking with the light of Home over your shoulder all the time and using it. Express Your Memory of Home Time to re-member that tone, dear ones. We try to take you back to those memories that you have intentionally forgotten so that you could pretend to play the game as a human. You are a spirit deep within; in reality we know you well and you know us. We are all a part of each other in ways that you will only re-member when you shed that physical body and return to the collective of energy, which is all of us. That is the magic that you are creating. You have a deep seeded memory of Home; it is contained in your tone. What is your tone and what will it take for you to bring that out and share it? There is great hesitation, dear ones. Because you are so sensitive, sometimes you are afraid that if you speak your tone it will block others. You are concerned that they will not be able to find their own individual tone if you are speaking yours, but that is what you came to do. In reality, when you start to connect with that part of you which represents the passion it spreads like wildfire. You should see it from our perspective, dear ones. We see that sometimes when you pass a person on the street and you may not even look into their eyes or exchange any pleasantries at all. However, when you pass them on the street you light them up with the feelings of Home, with that tone. Is it a noise or a sound? It can be. Does it need to be? It is ultimately a re-minder of the heart. Find your tone by practicing it, playing with it, and stretching it out. Like everything on planet Earth, it is like a muscle. The more that you practice and exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more control you have over your creations. It is a magical time on Earth, dear ones, and it is time for all to re-member their tone. We brought a very special piece. Welcome. We are so happy that you have made it this far. Now you are starting to awaken from the dream in consciousness. Find yourself walking on planet Earth and playing this beautiful game of pretending to be the human, but we see you. We know who you are and we welcome you with the greatest honor of the essence of life and the re-minders of Home that all of you carry deep within. Re-member that tone, dear ones. Whatever it takes, speak it often. Put energy behind it and share it. Move it and you will be doing the work of the spirit. That is what you all came to do. Teach Your Heart to Think and Your Head to Feel Now, most of you are going to intellectualize this and think too much about it. These are the times of the heart, when you are teaching the heart to think and the head to feel. These are the times where you are awakening from the dream and finding yourself in this beautiful physical body. Enjoy this journey, dear ones. You have set it up intentionally, so that you could be there to experience planet Earth exactly the way that you did and re-member your tone. Well done, dear ones. It is with the greatest of honor that we greet you in these ways. Tickle your funny bone to help you re-member that it is just a game. And above all dear ones, play well together. Treat each other the best that you can. Help others re-member their tone, and yours will become even stronger. Espavo, dear ones. Steve Rother The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting: "Thank You For Taking Your Power.” |
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February 2023