As you are becoming a higher dimensional being, a “Divine Human”, new forms of communication and communion of your DNA interdimensional are being awakened. The Language of Light is expanding your sensory awareness, regenerating pathways to cosmic consciousness and universal mind, to telepathy and the forgotten lost language of Angels.
You, the awakened Starseeds, Lightworkers and Blue Rays are on a spiritual mission in becoming the New Divine Human in unison with the spiritual hierarchy of the Universal Cosmic planes. Your path is to transcend and transform the lower densities and negative programing. This opens new tonal, higher frequency communion with the Divine. It’s a collaboration process and you are on the front line. You are experiencing a new way of being human and a new way for life on this planet. Ascension Symptoms for the Divine Human It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional as not every symptom is from ascension; and though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process. As it is a highly private and individualized experience, here are but a few symptoms–there are many more which you may experience personally not listed here.
For those who have been on the path for a long time—the guardians and gatekeepers—you are not alone; you are passing through these experiences individually yet collectively. For your devotion, you are cherished and honored. Honor and cherish yourself, being gentle and kind as you come more and more online as the Holy Human and Divine matrix of Unity. The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions. Are You From the Blue Ray?
Shekina Rose, Blue Ray Star born, Channel of the Blue Ray, was downloaded in 2008 that she was from the Blue Ray where she received the information and history of who these empathy sensitive Star beings their characteristics traits and their mission on the planet. Shekina has had 3 NDE where after, science analyzed her voice, and verified that her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz, Love "(Solfeggio)" , Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of creation by scientist, Mark Rodin and other frequencies not discovered yet.
She is an Angelic Messenger Language of Light Songstress, Intuitive empath a very powerful yet gentle divine healer, intuitive, empath, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant, who facilitates Privates Sessions and Soul Reader And creator of the Sedona Spirit Crystals, technologies ~ pendants from her regular physical and telepathic visited by the Sedona Deva crystals, Christos, Sophia, the Archangels and Ascended Master’s beings and races. For Shekina Rose Soul Readings, Music CDs Healings and Concerts Sedona Vortex Crystal Wands Sedona Language of light Videos
Sedona Language Of Light Rose Heart Portal Song
"Be Here Now" Intention meditation This Intention meditation came as result of the Rose Angels who have opened a portal from the Creator of Pure Divine Love for Humanity be open receive. A dispensation from the Angelic realm, they have been hearing the prayers of earth and the souls of humanity, their light rose white light is a divine healing soothing frequency of LOVE and Healing. They filled my aura with their amazing grace so i could feel their incredible presence with me and to share it. Please share to help others and be open receive. Love Shekina
Return of the Fae Light Language
Song of the Fairies/Servants of Light Message to Humanity This is pure Love from the High Angelic beings Fairies & Sylphs with their song to bless Humanity to remember, awakening our unity Connection with Earth & Nature, we need each other and We Are Here.
You are pure energy - light in its most magnificent form and expression. You, as energy, are constantly changing and you actually control it all with your powerful mind and awareness. You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being. Your entire existence, all matter, all life, all experiences, everything owes its existence in the physical world to energy Absolutely everything is energy. Right now the energy of your reality is really unpredictable. Humanity is riding chaotic waves and navigating massive energy oscillations. Notice when you go from being peaceful to being frantic, and unfocused. Remember the importance of resetting your energy. Pause, take a deep breath, place your awareness in your heart and create a coherent energy vibration of compassion, appreciation, love, forgiveness and allow that vibration to radiate out into your personal energy signature. Allow this energy field to surround you and touch all those you encounter. Trust us, the others will feel this calming energy that you offer. There is an opportunity to create a new earth template. You are a part of the collective consciousness as an awakened and aware multidimensional being who is setting these goals and calling them forth. Consider for a moment that there are multiple timeline patterns that are crossing your current time line. When this occurs there are opportunities to use these moments as portals of change. With your focused energy and intent you can call forth a new pattern from the future. Using your focused energy and imagination, envision, invite, summon, or command a reality for this dimension that is life sustaining, honoring for all, an evolution of consciousness. Invite your future self to assist with this creation. Allow yourself to feel this realization, celebrate this realization with gratitude. Imagine the possibilities that these realities will be carried in your own energy field and act as holographic communication to all that you meet or encounter. In this manner you are seeding the field with awesome future possibilities. Watch what you focus upon. Where you place your focus is where your energy goes. So don't feed your energy to a reality that you do not want to continue to create. You are powerful beyond measure. We will continue to remind you of this fact until you truly step into that power. You are here to assist the transformation of this dense dysfunctional reality. There is a future reality awaiting your invitation and command, never doubt that. Imagine that your desires and dreams come from a future dimension where they already exist. Imagine that it is your future self that is inspiring the desires and the dreams and is willing to show you all the possibilities. Realize that the future is never fully formed. It is the personal energy of the individual as well as the collective energy of all earthwalkers that call forth a reality that matches their focused energy. Knowing this and embodying this truth is your mastery. This time is calling you to enter a new level of consciousness of the power of your perceptions and your words. Activating a new awareness of how your inner world affects your outer lives. We will continue to remind you that you are the creator of your reality. This truth has been expressed in many ways and many languages. We support your understanding and awareness of how truly powerful you are. We invite you to continue to free yourselves from the limited concepts of linear time by becoming sensitive to your own natural rhythms, and to the galactic support and energy that is being gifted. Humanity is healing the past and encoding the future by awakening their hearts in the present. Begin to ask yourself how are you encoding the future? What is your focus? Where have you placed your energy and awareness? With these simple questions you begin to step into your power as creator. Notice when you are engaged in some form of limited thinking, some negative or misqualified thought. Catch yourself quickly and reset your focus. This just takes a little practice before you will begin to see and experience the shifts. Recognize that many of your limited beliefs have been given to you by others influenced by this 3D field of limitations; these are just old programs in your thinking process. It is time to begin to shift, delete and transform these limitations. First begin to recognize and acknowledge them. Say to yourself, that was certainly a limited thought. Then have fun replacing that limiting thought with an outrageous thought. This awareness is occurring within the minds and hearts of humanity. Earth and all other living systems have a magnetic field and your scientists are discovering that those energy fields connect you all and actually carry biologically relevant information. You are triggering others codes to awaken and you are also being triggered by others who are awakening to their multidimensional divine self. Step into your true power and call forth from the future a new template for this time and reality. We acknowledge you for the work and service that you continue to offer. Honor and accept the galactic gifts that are being offered to all those who understand who they are. the 'team' ©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
This book is written as a journal of the next phase of Sharon’s life as she continues to listen to her soul and the words of her beloved Madonna, who once again brings us the most beautiful teachings and insights along the way. Like Volume One this book is divided into Rites of Passage:
My own book has so many post-its marking the key points where I just had to put the book down and simply allow the energies of the insights to flow through, many producing tears of knowing, such was the depth and significance of the moments. As I go back to the places I have marked I was reminded again that the words were not just for Sharon, they are for all of us. For example this is an excerpt from the first Rite of Passage – The Caterpillar:- “This manuscript is the impetus for you to remember what lies hidden deep within you. I pray you, do not rely on the words you hear as this manuscript is being read. Allow them to wash over you as you tune into your own inner sanctum of truth. For there’s and abundance of Magdalyn Wisdom within you, waiting to be discovered” “Surely not me, Madonna.” (Sharon) “Of course you, You are a Magdalyn.” So this is where I put the book down and absorbed the meaning – this was clearly directed at me the reader, we are all of the Magdalyn, as we are of Yeshua, bringing in the balance of the divine feminine and masculine within each of us. I’m sure you will find many such moments as you make your way with Sharon on this second instalment of her diaries. They found me at exactly the right moment and they will find you too, and perhaps you will be changed as I was. The energy that accompanies books such as these cannot be adequately described in words, for it is gifted to us through so many different channels, so many aspects of ourselves are at play. One thing is certain, the Madonna is present in me in new ways as yet to be fully discovered, and I know each reading will bring new insights and ‘ah ha’ moments. Wishing you many hours of delight and insights as you read this amazing book. With Love, Colin. Because she has a conscious foot in multiple worlds, she is adept at articulating and grounding the essence and transformations we are experiencing during our journey of Self-Realization. After retiring from her professional career as a physical therapist, energetic healer, ordained minister, and spiritual coach, she spent seven years following her divine guidance as a bohemian world traveler. Through her multi-cultural experiences, she has come to realize all the travails of life are opportunities to expand our consciousness amidst our Soul journey of self-Love and Self-remembrance to ignite the infinite magnificence lying dormant within each of us. Sharon has learned to create her own reality as heaven on earth. Her mystic writings, books, and harp music transcend our minds, taking us to the deepest recesses of our hearts to dip into our passion and overflowing cauldron of miracles to celebrate life with love and joy. Her words are an invitation to expand our consciousness, embody our GodSelf, and celebrate the bounty of every precious moment. After years of travel, Sharon has settled in the Pacific NW where she has made her home in the midst of a forest on an island in the Puget Sound. She spends her time writing, composing music on her harp, gardening, and playing with the faeries of the forest. Sharon Lyn Shepard |
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February 2023