By Lauren C Gorgo We have officially returned from our first eclipse voyage of the year, and with our soul’s way more intact than when we embarked upon this substantial soul-retrieving odyssey in late March…all innocent and wide-eyed . Regardless of where you find yourself at this moment, I am pretty certain that you are exciting in a very different state than you entered…even if you are not fully aware of it yet. Realistically speaking, we are moving into a whole. new. human. experience. and so we all need a minute to get our bearings and reorient to new life…this birthing was a b-i-g-g-y. It’s no secret that time has all but evaporated (along with the 4th dimension) and even tho, technically speaking, this was a truncated portal…2 as opposed to 3 eclipses in a row…these r-evolutionary crusades can feel like the lonnngest days of our lives. At this advanced stage of the ascension game eclipses are like being in a vacuum, mostly because we have become so sensitive to energy and how to parlay its influence into our personal expansion that we need very little in the external world to reflect our individual process…in fact, the outside world can serve to detract from it. And while it can be challenging & frustrating to be so Self consumed, these periods always prove to be so valuable because they force enable us to go deeper than we are able to with our conscious mind focused on business as usual. The success of any eclipse passage is always contingent on our ability and readiness to deepen…to open to more of our authentic nature and those people/places/things that align with our full truth. Needless to say, these can be very rearranging times…both in our DNA and in our physical lives. The outcome is such that the deeper we go (the more truth we have the courage to recover) the higher we are able to fly when we get to the other side. And, according to the star folk…fly we must. As of the recent new moon in Aries, a brand new accelerated cycle begins and we will now be supported to utilize the momentum before us to not only take flight, but to learn to balance our wings in the blowing winds of change. The divine King finally rejoins his sovereign Queen to rebuild a true partnership in co-creation. Many of you reading this have consciously delivered the final parts of yourselves to the unity paradigm thru this recent passage. Even if you are still trying to find your physical feet, the star-beings assert that our hearts & minds are absolutely attuned to unity, and the ripple effect of this emergence will continue to undulate for days, months, years to come. After weeks of frazzled unsettledness (unrest, uncertainty, unpredictability, anxiety, tension, etc.), swimming in super-charged Arian seas, we are now moving into a space of growing calm. An anchoring in underway…we are grounding more deeply than ever into the core of our being where that once familiar feeling that all is well lives. And not a minute too soon. If you are already feeling this supportive space of centeredness, of neutral observation, know that this is the result of major defragmentation…of BEcoming whole again…the foundation and requirement for the the actualization and attainment of christ consciousness. This governing energy is available to all those who have finished the course requirements from the univers-ity of cause and effect, passed all the polarity finals, and are readying to begin co-constructing the collective dream (divine blueprint) for new earth. Last year close to this time we were (collectively) reaching the stage of evolution where we were able to more effortlessly emancipate ourselves from suffering. Things didn’t get any easier, in fact, the opposite is likely true, but we had a multitude of divine feminine support to transcend our emotional attachment to hardship. This year we have an abundance of divine masculine support to transcend our physical attachments to hardship and create something entirely different out of our lives…out of the proverbial ashes of our past. On the long road Home (return to Self) we have experienced death after death…rebirth after rebirth…graduated from level after level of attainment. Every year for the last 15 we have been repetitively torn down so that we could rebuild on a lasting foundation of truth. Each of us in our own way has left the flock in order to forge new human frontiers and actualize our deeply-felt potential. We faced our most paralyzing fears, integrated our darkest shadows, wholed our broken, untrusting hearts, let go in ways we didn’t know were possible…all in the name of surrendering to the greater plan guided by our higher Self…and mostly on what seemed like just “a hunch”. We are all at different places on our path but one thing we can all agree on is that we are nowhere near the person we “thought” we were before 1999 when we entered The Galactic Cycle (according to the Mayan calendar)…the second to last underworld leading us to global enlightenment. And while we have certainly achieved the impossible in terms of our inner-expansion, of reestablishing the divine feminine energy on this planet, very little has changed in the outer world to reflect the amount work we have put in…at least not to the extent of, or in equal measure to our toils and labors. We have spent so much time purifying and transmuting that very little vitality has been available for building the physical structures that our world needs to embody this new energy…for those of us in the constant throes of genetic (trans)mutation, we just don’t have any tread left on our very worn tires. In walks father God. After the very powerful merging of sacred forces at the equinox…that which triggered the birth of our triality consciousness…the divine King is finally rejoining his sovereign Queen in order to rebuild a true partnership in co-creation. Now, and with the support of the long-awaited return of our beloved & empowered sacred male, we can finally begin to resurrect our bodies and lives in order to manifest the physical structures in our worlds to match our true divine nature. Where we have been mostly unable to get our greater visions off the ground and implement our divine dreams in the physical world, our (inner) male counterpart is beckoning…asking to assist and compliment us in more complete ways. Where we have been unable to protect our precious vulnerability in the world and abundantly “provide” for ourselves, our inner warrior begs to rise and take command of the universal force to conspire to our success. Where we have been unable to fuel our passions, structure our lives, create order out of chaos, we will gain more and more support to move from our long-suspended state of inertia to spontaneous, directed action in order to ground into form all the heartfelt/divine desire we cultivated while in the pregnant abyss of potential. We are moving into a momentum-building phase where we will need the creative force of our empowered GOD nature to move us from the stillness/inaction of the VOID, of infinite possibilities, to the inspired actions that eventually accomplish our goals and ground our visions into purpose-filled achievements. In many or most ways, we have been thru a very difficult 6 months of relentless embodiment (since the eclipses of last October followed by the 11:11 gateway) but the galactics say that it is time now to declare ourselves…to bring our highest creative visions and ideas to earth and lay the framework in order to begin putting our BIG plans in play. And here’s the best news: there is a divine dispensation being offered over the next several weeks..a leg-up, if you will…for those who are willing & prepared to step into their life’s mission at this time. It’s time to rebuild. Do you know your part in the divine plan? [section protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING or purchase single report below] ©Expect Miracles, Inc. 2015 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.
By Sandra Walter I AM the animation of Stardust, the Krysthl garden in bloom, and the Divine wisdom interface. And So Are You. Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, As odd as it may seem to experience separation on the way to Unity consciousness, we do have a large portion of the collective experiencing heightened states of Source consciousness which are brand new. It feels remarkable and requires great inner strength. Our Higher Teams ask that all Lightservers experiencing the new perception, Christ consciousness embodiment and multidimensional merge sequences connect in this Divine mission via the higher planes of consciousness. Unify in your Mastery, beloveds. Be a pure conduit and interface for the Higher Self and Higher realms to flow and thread the Crystalline consciousness into this realm. It does take a good deal of focus. The incoming waves of light (entering April 23 – 27, flowing into the May Daze) might make you feel floaty, blissy, spacey, disconnected – even more so than before – and we humbly ask you to let it be. Crystalline structures experience reality in a very different way from lower density; that will be apparent to many right now. Old states of consciousness dissolve completely, if you are consciously granting permission for this to occur. It is a conscious choice, moment to moment, and alignment with the New Light is ever–present due to stronger Zero Point dynamics. For those embodying the Christ, your choice has been to let the Higher Selves take over. As the Higher levels take over, the lower self disappears. Simple enough, however the experience requires light-heartedness along the way. Divine Delineation and the Mid-Christ Crisis Now that we have encountered the great shattering of the old Self, complete with the kicking and screaming of the lower levels (mind, ego, emotions) over the last decades, we are experiencing the payoff: the Truth. Whether you are embodying the Christ frequency, or sensing the collective around you who are embodying this, the Shifts in consciousness are powerful and direct in this Now moment. As always, the amplified frequencies bring doubts to the surface, and it is your responsibility to surrender them, process them, bind them out of this realm, clear them, or at least recognize them as aspects of your old Self which no longer resonate with your journey. In the absence of doubt, we are all Source. Abandoning the old Self is a pure act of trust in the New Light and the New state of beingness. All of the lessons of the past: surrender, trusting the path, divine neutrality, detached compassion – all of these concepts and teachings are now fully embodied as higher states of beingness. These concepts become your beingness, and become purer in form – more direct – as the multidimensional merge rewrites your consciousness. The inner work, the practices, the methods you utilize to surrender the old Self and activate the New, True multidimensional Self, are centered around the core principle of Self–Realization. You are Source dreaming of itself, and awakening to the New dream already taking place. When the tipping point of Self–as–Source realization occurs, your embodiment of the Christ accelerates. The reorganization of your consciousness in alignment with your higher levels, your multidimensional Self, will speed up – dramatically. This is where we are right now. The waves of light coming to the planet may test your patience with yourself; both New and Old Self. it is a reflection of the sorting out of realities. As always, it does not serve to look to the external, or judge other journeys, when one is engaging with a path of Christ consciousness. The current energies play with our belief systems in order to destroy them. Clinging to outdated beliefs, coping mechanisms or self-judgment triggers doubts, fears, and emotions because old platforms are diligently disappearing from your consciousness. Let them go, beloveds. Embrace your journey as it is, right here, right now. Feel it rather than letting the mind be startled by the changes. Drop the awareness elevator from the mind to the Heart. Open the doors at Heart-level and witness the Eden blooming before us. Use the Higher 5D and beyond awareness to receive support. Gaze right through the 4D flotsam revealed by the veil-lifting and connect with the crystalline beingness. Recognize when you need assistance. Recognize the new creativity. Recognize when you need to disengage. Recognize that you are witness to your own experience, as well as the collective division of realities. Revelation includes the ability to embrace all that you are, even in the face of your own Self–judgment. Psychological Fallout For years we have recognized this is Self–judgment day, ultimately leading to Non-judgment, and the energies push that agenda to the forefront of your awareness. We learn to be our True Selves by observing what was and neutralizing it in the Divinity of Truth. As was foretold, the psychological fallout from the Shift is presenting in a strong way as the energetic Gateways for the first waves of embodiment unfold. That is not a future event; it is this passage, right now. If you have chosen service to the New Light, it will be vital to deal with your own psychological fallout – the strangeness or struggles as the lower levels (ego, mind, emotions, physical) get the cosmic boot. Recognize you are not alone in this process, ever. Many in the collective are flowing with these embodiments, Wayshowing simply by breathing in the expansion and being okay with whatever presents; taking on these higher states of consciousness on behalf of the whole. We created a space for others to step into, whenever they are ready. It is a phase to be confronted with – and accept – the strangeness, the sensations, the interaction with the higher realms who are radically present as the veils disappear. The Multidimensional Merge Sequences For those who have been experiencing the multidimensional merge sequences over the last five months, the waves of light coming in will intensify your experience of the multidimensional Self. That is not a concept or belief, it is an experience. Clarity takes on a new meaning; you are now capable of surveying the landscape of the New Paradigm, the Solar Cosmic Christ perspective, and the choices available in the highest interests of all concerned. In the beginning of these merge sequences, the amount of light intelligence, visions, messages, and details may have seemed overwhelming. Interaction with higher levels of your Divine Team – the higher orders of light serving the pure and true Ascension – became more accessible. We learned to be comfortable with the enormity of these encounters, so the concept of Mighty I AM reaches into the physical experience of this realm. Integrating this new awareness continues to be the primary challenge, since we are currently walking between worlds. The silence, the stillness will be very enticing during this phase, and it is important to honor your experience. Understand that the experience – your personal lifestream experience – is valuable to the higher realms. This is brand new, and we have the eyes of the Galaxy upon us. This is why many of you are experiencing a new level of HUmility, devotion, or deeply spiritual sensations. We merge with that natural Creator State of beingness; unconditional LoveLight intelligence. As you consciously merge with other dimensions more often, you will notice purer and truer experiences of Unity consciousness. It also rapidly opens the pineal-heart complex for communication. Let these telepathic interactions flow; the exchange of heart-based perception allows for the higher realms to adjust the energies and highest possibilities accordingly. The current embodiments of the Christ have opened an interface – a literal In this world but not of it – for the accelerations of 2015. It may feel different from what was expected; there is an ease, a grace, a great disappearing of lower realities. The higher levels of light consistently collapse old torus fields which held timeline experiences in place. It frightens some people, and it is absolutely their right to experience fear. For those embracing the experience, this Now moment is absolutely fascinating. Honor it, share it with Source, share it with your Higher levels. Share it telepathically and energetically with the collective. Send these new experiences through the grid systems and through the grid of awakened HUman hearts. It will make the journey easier for others who follow this path. Watch the SUN – and the SUN within The Solar aspect rising within Divine HUman hearts lifted the ceiling for the collective experience. Yes, waves of photonic light engulf the planet, light filaments strike the planet, magnetic anomalies disturb the physical, energies and evolutionary frequencies will come, regardless of the collective level of consciousness. However, the collective highest level is rising exponentially. We repeat this for your benefit: You are the open door beloveds. You allowed non-judgment and discernment to become your way of being. You unified with the planet, the grid systems and the Crystalline grid in order to serve in this way. You are the Stargate portals. You are the SUN-servers bringing forth the light into this realm through your Solar heart centers. We have thousands of Stargate HUmans all over this planet who are receiving the New Light and radiating it through the collective, the planet, the kingdoms and elementals. That was the plan, and now we experience the unfoldment of that plan right through the physical. Enjoy it, beloveds. enjoy the effortlessness of pure beingness. The Ascension is now, the event is now, and the higher realities reflect that Truth. Attune your perception to the Divine vibration. Take refuge and rest in the vibration of Source within your Heart. This is an incredible passage, stay fascinated through the accelerations, beloveds. Don’t be intimidated by the intensity of your experience. Don’t look to the external for validation of your Truth. Learn and integrate quickly, because there is so. much. more. available to us, right here, right now. In love, light and service, Sandra Creative Evolution About Sandra Walter Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper in Service to the New Light. As an Interdimensional Liaison, Sandra provides messages, articles, and videos focused on the Shift, and the deeply transformational Ascension Path online training class. Sandra lives in Mount Shasta, California. Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here connecting with you through the energy of these words. Words carry the energy of meaning as uniquely translated by your beliefs and programs. We find your words extremely limiting in offering expanded awareness of your true multidimensional existence. You do not have words to illustrate many of the concepts and truths available to you as a divine, multidimensional being in human form. However, since this is the tool that is available and which carries our energy, we use it to invite you to expand again and again. When we say that you are beings of light, we realize that you have heard this concept many times, yet it might still sound a bit far out to you. It is, however, the truth. As we have expressed before, every cell, as well as your DNA, emits biophotons of light. Imagine that your very skin is like natural solar panels and the energies and frequencies given by the sun, moon and stars continually recharge your aliveness. The electromagnetic emissions from your cells can now be measured with your modern instrumentation. We realize that you experience yourself as this solid and dense physical form. That is what this experience is about, to recognize that you have a physical vehicle, yet you are a Starbeing. You are the essence of light energy that happens to be vibrating at a low frequency which gives you the sense of being solid. Your real state of existence is a being of light energy. Yet while you are focused on the physical aspect, you are always offering your personal energy signature to all you encounter. Remember, your personal energy signature is influenced by what you have experienced, what you have been taught and what you have been led to believe as well as by the state of your emotions. As you become aware that you are more than your physical form, consider that you might be a true member of the Galactic family and a Starseed being. When you begin to accept this as a real possibility and understand who you truly are, you begin to expand into your Starseed presence. When you consciously, on purpose, begin to release any limited beliefs and patterns you have acquired, when you clear your emotional storage, when you stop repeating your non-supportive stories, you begin elevating yourself to the higher dimensions. As you begin to refine your energy signature, you vibrate at a higher and purer form of the light spectrum, you begin to own and express yourself as a being of bio-luminosity, a being of light, a true Starseed being. As your frequencies and vibrations increase, the other dimensions become more available to your awareness. Of course this is the goal, is it not? Your planet is in flux, it is shifting as well, moving to the higher dimensions. You are the active part of this occurring, for you are anchoring more and more conscious light vibrations within the very cells of your physical form. You are a powerful being of manifestation. Your thoughts, words and emotional focus impact the quantum field. You are interfacing with this energy field in each moment. You are entrained and resonate with this unified field. So when you begin to expand your light quota and hold your focused intentions from a higher level of consciousness, you begin interfacing with the 4th and 5th dimensions of light consciousness. You are here to anchor your Starseed awareness into this reality. When you move your focused attention from the imposed limitations of the 3rd dimension, you begin to remember and open up to your awesome abilities and gifts. Every situation and every perceived problem now occurring on your planet can and will be resolved with solutions generated from the higher realms of truth. Throughout your history, there have been those who have tapped into these higher realms and created music which continues to inspire, art that continues to trigger emotions, and inventions that have changed the course of your history. So it is a matter of you knowing that you also have the ability and can tap into these higher states of consciousness, realizing that there will be a flow of inspiration and solutions that will be downloaded so to speak. Play with this possibility; allow your imagination to travel to a place where the answers will be revealed. Trust the process. Practice and allow for this to unfold. When you allow yourself to step outside your limited, perceived reality, you open the doors to unlimited awesome abilities. When you can acknowledge yourself as a powerful creator of your reality, you can begin to make the necessary shifts in attitudes that will change the very reality you are experiencing. We are inviting you to play big. We are inviting you to own your power to make a difference in your personal life experience as well as the world events. You are invited to own this truth. Remember, your focused intention will manifest. So begin to embrace yourself as a divine co- creator of this reality. Elevate and evolve your thinking, discard any limited beliefs. Allow yourself to play with the possibilities. Imagine that you are unlimited and as an unlimited, divine Starbeing, what would you create? Your focused intention does affect your reality. Imagine that your focused intentions are capable of changing the very molecular structure of matter. It is the highly coherent frequencies of your light awareness that gives this focus its power to transform. It is this personal awakening that is occurring in the hearts and minds of humanity that will transform this planet. Realize that energy of thought can and will alter the reality that is the focus. When you begin to reach the frequencies of the higher dimensions and allow yourself to receive and download solutions to the current situations, you are actively bringing more conscious light awareness to the whole. We are honored to remind you of your true power to create, your true connection with the stars. We celebrate your Starseed awareness. We celebrate you stepping into this truth with deep gratitude for your personal work and service that you continue to offer to humanity from your divine presence in partnership with your physical focus. We are always available by your request. the 'team' ©2015 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available By Jennifer Hoffman Do you feel, at this time, that you are reviewing old lessons, and seeing the past repeating in your life? Are these part of lessons you thought you finished and they are appearing again? Do you feel as though you are moving backwards instead of forwards? This is an important time for humanity, as you move through the close of one paradigm and the opening of another. The shift into new energies has been gradual until now, and each experience you see from the past is an opportunity to make it ‘more than’ what you have had before. You do not have to change everything, just add one more level of energy that makes it ‘more than’ the past, which brings you into a new paradigm and that is your leap of faith. Every energetic frequency can be shifted at this time, and the energy of every experience is being reviewed, calibrated, and there is a choice for transformation and ascension, or to repeat the karmic cycle. If it feels tedious it is because you are bringing all of your experiences forward into a single moment, as you brought forward all of your karma into this lifetime, knowing that this would be the opportunity to transform those experiences. You are facing the final step into new ways of being. This is your ‘leap of faith’, the leaving behind of what you have known, which is based on the past and karma, and ascending into creation. The past is making its final appearance so you can make choices to be in that energy or to have an experience that is a leap of faith to move from the known experience of the past into the unknown potential of the present. With each new level of frequency and vibration you experience, you are being presented with opportunities to review past decisions and choices, through a repetition of experience, so you can choose between the past and the present, the old paradigm and a different one. It is not a process of moving backwards, but one of reviewing your energy and the paradigms and dimensions you occupy, recognizing patterns that can be changed in order to create energy that fits within higher dimensional structures. Changing paradigms is a leap of faith that moves you from what you know to the unknown, it is a step forward that begins with a backward step. Energy moves in a dynamic flow that continuously moves forward, and never moves backwards. If you feel that the past is replaying in your life it is because you are using the energy from an old paradigm to re-create the past. You can now learn to live in a new moment in the present but that requires a transformation, which is the path of ascension. You ascend from the old paradigm into a new one, from the past into an energetic step above it. The challenges that many of you are having right now are repetitions of past experiences, brought to you so that you can make new and different choices. If you have chosen fear in the past, you now have an opportunity to choose from the point of love or courage. If your past choices have included anger, drama and chaos, you will now have an opportunity to choose peace and joy. There is never a time when the Universe moves ‘backwards;’ that is your perception of the situation. Even as you shift to higher vibrations, you will still have to experience this dimension, to live among the people with whom you share your lives. These experiences are merely an opportunity to introduce new frequencies and to offer new energetic connections that they can choose to embrace or not. This is a time of great change and you are evolving and ascending, even though it may not appear that way at times. There is nothing that you are doing that is wrong or a mistake. Each choice that you make is the right choice for you, at the time that you make it. When you are ready to make a different choice, you make it at that time. Be patient with yourselves as you are experiencing tremendous levels of soul integration, each one opening new energetic portals of potential. Each shift in awareness invites new frequencies and a new leap of faith into different dimensions of being. Remember to practice detachment and be the observer, avoiding judgment of any situation so it can unfold into the full range of its choices. Then you can see things as they are, without the filters of your emotions, beliefs, and perceptions, so that you can remember that you are powerful, in control, and the creator of your reality in all of its dimensions, realities, opportunities, and potentials. Embrace your leap of faith and trust that it will lead you to the joy, love, peace, and abundance that you desire. ============================================= If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation. Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to her website. Lunar eclipse April 4th 2015 - By Charmian Redwood Beloveds. What a momentous time this is, we are passing through a portal which will bring us into the fulfillment of all of our potential as Living Masters in human form. The energy which entered the planet on March 21st 2015 at the time of the solar eclipse and the spring equinox was a giant wave of golden light from the Great Central Sun. If you can imagine the amount of energy it takes to awaken the life force in a dormant seed, that is what was brought to Earth at that time. I saw the Earth herself as one gigantic seed surrounded in a halo of golden light, the light brought forth the shoot that had been waiting within and out of it came the New Earth. The week since then has been a time of shedding, releasing and cleansing as we prepare the ground for the new shoot to burst forth in our lives. Any situation whether it be relationship, friendship, occupation, living situation that is not supporting your new role as Living Masters needs to be re-evaluated, re-negotiated or re-leased. Old programs that we have carried of self- denial, self-negation or lack of self worth need to be released right now. So many of you may have been experiencing physical symptoms, colds, flu, gastric disturbances or emotional ones, grief, depression, hopelessness. Don't worry or be attached to these emotions, just know that it is old stuff being released and let it go. Anything that is unresolved between you and others, let it go with forgiveness and move on. If people are in conflict with you they are simply showing you something in yourself that needs to be reclaimed or released, it is time to re-evaluate everything in your life and ask" Is this helping me to be all that I can be?" If not get it out. You only experience what you allow. Someone is waiting to meet you and it is your own magnificent God Self. With the Lunar eclipse coming at Easter right at the time of the Resurrection it is time to plant your own seeds for your new life. Now you have cleared the weeds, prepared the soil with self love and self appreciation take time to imagine the seeds which you wish to plant in your garden. It is your garden, you are the gardener. What do you want to plant? What needs to be weeded out? Imagine for a moment that you are already living your dream life in the New Earth. What does it look like? One by one take a seed in your hand, infuse it with your intention and your deepest heart's desire and then plant it in the bed you have so lovingly prepared. Make a hole, put in the seed, cover it with soil and pat it down. Then water it and walk away. Let the sun and the rain do their work and before long all of your seeds will grow into beautiful plants. You have done the hard work, you have prepared the ground, now simply sit in the sun and wait for your garden to grow. Blessings to you all, beloved Masters of Light. Copyright © Charmian Redwood 2015, All rights reserved. For more information on Charmian's services including private readings and hypnosis sessions see By Eden Sky Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse/New Galactic Spin Launching a New Dream We are still experiencing the portal that opened up on the March 20, New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Equinox, and the energies continue to intensify! The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on April 4 brings us yet another level of Rebirth and Evolution. Since March 20, we have been in the “window of the eclipses,” a most potent time offering us new capacities to re-structure and re-align ourselves from the inside out, in communion with Cosmic and Celestial Forces that are bestowing benevolent vibrations and guidance to assist our personal and planetary transformation. Our invitation is to open our bodies’ cells and our heart’s petals to RECEIVE a new dream of what our lives can be, and what is possible. As Stephanie South, Lineage Holder of the Galactic Calendar says: “We are being RE-WOVEN.” April 4, 2015 is not only a Full Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse, it is ALSO the Beginning of a New 260-Day Galactic Cycle. It is Kin 1 – Red Magnetic Dragon: COSMIC RESTART. Beginning at the beginning, yet again, from a new level on the ascending evolutionary ladder of being. Red Magnetic Dragon is the Primordial Mother Waters from which All is Birthed. It is the vibration of Origin; Source; The Cauldron from which All is Generated; The Realm of Nurturance and Wholistic Renewal. We are invited to affirm: “I nurture the birth of my being with primal trust.” Stephanie South reminds us that as of Kin 1, Red Magnetic Dragon (April 4) we begin a profound 13-day initiation spanning through April 16, Kin 13, Red Cosmic Skywalker. The focus of these 13 days is to set a NEW Template, reweaving a New Pattern… As she says, “Our Power is great, and is calling upon us…” The last Red Magnetic Dragon day was on July 18, 2014, therefore the Galactic Spin we are completing is from July 18, 2014 – April 3, 2015. The Galactic Spin repeats perpetually, ongoing spiraling cycles of 260-day units. Every time we reach this ending and beginning moment on The Galactic Calendar, it is an ideal time to review our journey, and look at what has occurred in our inner and outer lives in these last 9 moons. Whenever you receive this message, you can still self-reflect on this cycle of Time. The point of this is to consciously integrate all we have realized, learned and experienced in the last Spin; to honor all that we have undergone in the last 260-days, and note where we have grown, as well as the aspects and areas of our lives where we have more room to evolve. By taking the time/space to do this, we gain a profound self-intimacy that supports our journey into the New Cycle. This Restart offers us a potent invitation to forgive our “mistakes” or inadequacies of the past cycle, and start fresh with humility and connection to our own inherent innocence and wholeness. May we also extend this peaceful vibration by compassionately forgiving All of our Relations, thus offering our hearts and minds as a “clean slate” for the Universe to once again create upon. The Red Magnetic Dragon always takes us back to the beginning, The Source, The One. Red Dragon is the primal Mother birthing energy. Here we are invited to surrender to the unity of source, and immerse in the cauldron of renewal that we may start again, anew, refreshed, reborn… Red Dragon reminds us to nurture ourselves with mindful compassion, to nurture one another with care and tenderness, and to make space to receive the nurturance and riches the Universe has to bestow to our sincere, humble hearts and to our receptive bodies. The Universe is Abundant with Nurturance for All Beings; All of The Web of Life is Held by the Embrace of the Primordial Loving Beingness the animates us and sustains us. We visit this place of abundant benevolence when we tune into our inner silence, the place that precedes thought and concept – before identity and duality – the empty fullness of blank divine existence conscious of itself – the transparent, gentle glory that thrives and pulses in our heart’s innermost chambers, a seamless breath of Totality. That feeling awareness is our beingness; it is our interconnectedness; our true nature and home. When we remember and re-root to ourselves as human-BEINGS, we re-awaken to our essential self and are re-born every time we re-immerse in the home of our Beingness, nurturing ourselves in this clarity and transforming our participation in our world. By grounding over and over again in the essential core of our being, we experience and embody our sense of wholeness and are more alive and effective in initiating and birthing the creations of our daily lives and tending to the gardens of our relationships! As the Indian masters prescribe: “Established in Being, Perform Action.” Learn how to Awaken the Magic of Every Day with The Galactic Calendar! Eden Sky Since I was 17 years old, I have dedicated my life to sharing the solar-lunar-galactic natural time codes based on the teachings of Dr. Jose Arguelles who was the original messenger to turn the eyes of the world to the profundity of the ancient Mayan time science. Since 1995, I have published an annual 13-Moon Galactic Calendar that is both a beautiful art calendar as well as a guidebook to “live the magic of every day” by synchronizing with the harmonies of nature. We are blessed to be able to distribute our calendars internationally to planetary kin who are participating in constructing Galactic Culture by living true to the art of our being, synchronized by 13:20 Natural Time Codes. It has been an honor to promote and teach a system of attuning with Nature that is actively upheld in over 90 countries around the globe! Likewise, it is an honor to work for myself, alongside my husband Robert and son Merlin, and share the art of our hearts through our small family business. Since 2002, we have hosted the website: Archangel Michael's Blue Ray Angel Number & Power Protection Grid for Empaths & Ultra Sensitives 10:10 Through Shekina Rose The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. Find out if you are from the Blue Ray Here: "Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions. "Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by spirit to activate this transmission." for more information on the new Earth Codes click here: I, Archangel Michael, in unison with the Blue Ray give to you the Double Blue Ray Sword Power Protection Grid of Archangel Michael. This comes straight from the highest order of the warrior force protection archangels' legions of Archangel Michael Blue Ray Codes of God and Creation. This is a reply to you as we in heaven and earth have heard your prayers and call of protection so you may be sovereign in your divine power of shining Glory.10:10 12:12 The Double Blue Ray Sword Power Protection Grid of Archangel Michael will assist you in coming back into your bodies to give you the greatest protection of the universe, thus being your "I am embodiment" of Higher Self - Soul Power, that is merged in harmonic concordance to the cosmic pulse of Gaia's Christ Grid. This is a realignment frequency shift to the galactic core - what you call ascension and coming of the new age of Light. The Archangel Michael Grid will assist to prepare you for this next level of complete Divine Alignment and ascension in your bodies for the 13-33-333 Christ Grid emergence anchoring of the Mother's heart of Creation, the Shekinah. Protection and assistance for the empathic ultra sensitive Blue Ray, Light Bearer, and Star Beings to anchor the Shekinah on Gaia You, the Blue Ray, Light Bearer, and Star Beings who are of empathic ultra sensitive nature can sense and feel the bombardment of increased energetic and solar radiation activity from the ascension process, higher and lower dimension vibrations from group consciousness and shifting frequencies of Gaia, that may have put you out of your bodies and out of divine alignment. This can be typical of an ultra sensitive empath being and especially for the blue ray. Due to this increased energetic overload, your auric field may have leaks and bleeds from stress, causing you overwhelm, fatigue, periods of exhaustion, anxiety, heart palpitations, heart ache, pain, difficult breathing, needing greater nutrition and minerals. Please seek the counsels of your health and holistic providers, as even though these can be ascension symptoms, you may still be in need of assistance for your body. We wish to point out that your evolutionary new earth bodies 33 are now requiring greater care of love, energetics, nutrition, minerals, and emotional support, and with increased time and alignment to Nature, they require an upgrade of what you have normally been doing. Archangel Michael's Blue Ray Angel Number 55 I give to you now my code number vibration of 55 and spirit animal the eagle with my colors being blue and gold with red. When you see this number vibration and/or my spirit animal the eagle appearing in your life, know it is Creation's almighty power of God's hands through Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray clearing all obstacles and lower density, creating a higher pathway for you. I speak to you in many ways and this is one you can come to recognize as a sacred communication of Creation; the universe is speaking to you and it is in constant movement to serve your highest soul intentions. The meaning of 55 and new frequency of 10:10 Stargate You are God in form; your hands - each one with five fingers, represent the almighty hands of God, that equal 55 - twice the power protection of God, that equals 10 which means a full cycle is complete and whole. Once you reach this level you may experience a higher frequency and choose your next course of activation. The 55s are the action and power of God's movement of the universe to bring wholeness and balance in whatever you are praying for to bring you forward into life. Physicist Attiqe Choudry seems to have found hidden information abound in Gods Blue print of Numbers in the voice of Shekina. This sound will enlighten your inner soul and make you healthy. She can easily give you light and peace. For more information for Readings, Activations and Sound Concert Performances visit, email [email protected], Tel: 561-667-4565 US. Copyright © by Shekina Rose of - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [email protected] Archangel Michael's Double Blue Sword of Protection
The double blue swords of protection are literally an energetic matrix X, that come down in front of your sacred heart and solar plexus creating a Power Protection Grid from all that does not serve your highest nature to your Christ I Am in form. The double blue swords of protection ground and neutralize overwhelming frequencies so you may feel in your bodies your true power and essence until you feel/sense that you do not require this assistance anymore. This is a Holy dispensation of Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray to nurture and honor the sacred divine feminine within you. So you may experience greater trust to commit fully to being in your bodies and being home here on Gaia. This creates huge amounts of accessible life force empowering your path of Light and Divine Original Blueprint power source. The protection grid creates an energetic stability so you may participate more in your world, giving your immune system a chance to build greater strength and resistance. This will create a spiritual awareness cognizance to your earth bodies through the electromagnetic pulse of Gaia so you may balance yourselves at will to the Cosmic Pulse. This leads to the ultimate protection and power, the emergence of oneness and unity - wholeness. You, the sensitive empathic Star Being, are already designed and programmed for this unity telepathic communication of the universe - it is the true way of your Divine Blueprint. Archangel Michael's Double Sword Protection Grid & Electromagnetic Balancing Prepare your body and spirit by: Touching your 3rd eye and higher heart the sacred heart, making an 8 sacred alignment then take arms crossing them as in a X fashion over your heart chakra and still crossed flip down over your solar plexus, hands straight reaching to the heart of Gaia, then back to your heart to seal grid. Then say: In my Beloved I Am presence of the universe, I am ready to release what no longer serves my highest good and greatest joy, I call Archangel Michael, the Blue Ray Codes of Light, Legions of Michael's Warrior Force Angels, and invoke your Double Blue Ray Sword Protection Grid now, so I may be in my divine power and sovereign self now! In Grace, Elohim, balance my Electromagnetic energies to Mother Gaia's perfect Harmonic Christ grid; Empower and harmonize my energy fields and body to radiance and perfect vibrant health; Release all interference, disturbance, lower density, any energetic in any form not of my true core essence and well being to Source Creation, never to return to my space again, as I instantly seal, align and balance all my energy bodies and fields in my higher self alignment of peace, now! Please, Archangel Michael and my Holy Christed self, do what you know needs to be done so I am whole and in complete divine alignment. Thank you and it is done! We know of your highly evolved and advanced gifts of light, this is who you already are. We sense that you wish to go beyond and we say that is your great true Mastery of being, to bring yourself and divine essence to your bodies, to Gaia. As you do, what you have sensed and felt will come true - that you are so much more. We are giving you the ancient sacred technologies for you to build upon and create the new age of Light; this is what is required for you to reach the next level and frequency shift. Come back home to your bodies and into the sacred heart which will activate your divine blueprint, what you came here to do, restoring the ancient codes of Light back to the cells of your God DNA. This is your place of longing for home that was encoded by your soul before birth and was done not so you would wish to leave or feel alienated here on Gaia, on the contrary, so you would remember, awaken and fulfill your destiny - to know the holy power of the sacred heart in your body, the true connection to power and source right where you are. It is time to bring all that you are to Gaia, as all of Creation is your home in the heart of God, your I Am consciousness of being truly alive. 13 Continue to receive and be open, be at home where we can find you so we may give to you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven. 333 We are one with thee in divine alliance in the cosmic heartbeat of Creation. © 2010 Shekina Rose, All Rights Reserved Shekina Rose is a Priestess of Light, Divine Messenger and Harmonic Vocalist who sings, tones and chants in the 528Hz Miracle, Love and DNA repair frequencies of the Language of Light. She is the Channel of the Blue Ray Transmissions, and a very powerful yet gentle divine healer, Blue Ray, intuitive, empath, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant, who facilitates Privates Sessions, Soul Readings, Divine Activations and Sound Performances. "Shekina's voice transmissions" have been analyzed by Physicist Attiqe Choudry who verfies her vocals resonate to the frequency of 528 Hz Love Solfagio, Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair} and amazingly 6 other frequencies of:- 639 Hz Connecting/Relationships 417 Hz transmutation Solfagio 741 Hz Consciousness Solfagio Awakening Intuition 1471Hz rodin grid space horizontal 1174Hz (1741Hz) rodin grid space horizontal 339Hz rodin grid vertical of Rodin mathematical grid - Grid of God, that can heal the souls of humans. |
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February 2023