This begins on the 22nd July when the Sun moves into the Constellation of Leo, and then gathers momentum through the “Day out of Time” on the 25th July and the Planetary New Year on the 26th July. This is when the Royal Lions of Regulus and Sirius assist in the birthing of a new time line, ormolu correctly, a new time spiral for the New Earth. Time is a Diamantine spiral of Creative Power that allows Beings of Light and Spirit to manifest and create in a material or physical setting. It is the creative energy of the original desire for knowledge and experience that initiated the dawn of creation, and which continues to power the ongoing Ascension/Creation process. In recent past years, the Lions Gate has been relatively powerful, with Full Moons and Eclipses falling within the Gateway period. This year, it is quiet, for you have already passed through the Triple Eclipse Portal between the 5th of June and the 5th of July, and this prepared you for the Lions Gate. So, this year, you begin the transit as in the Sun moves into Leo, and as the Sun rises conjunct with the Blue Star Sirius in the Dawn sky in the Northern Hemisphere. The 25th July, the Day out of Time, allows you to let go and release the past year’s time spiral and to make space to activate the New Time Spiral. Be mindful on the 25th and release what you do not want to take with you into the next Galactic cycle. Then, on the 26th, you will be ready to set intentions for the next cycle of life and evolution, both for yourself and for the Planet. We ask you to be aware that this will, nevertheless, be a powerful transit, not least because Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are gathering, in retrograde, in the 10th house of Capricorn, while on the 8/8 which is the apex of the Gate period, the Moon and Mars will be in Aries. This suggests, Beloved Ones, that the current collective energies of dis-ease and dissension will continue as old energies are released, and the emotions and responses of people continue to be aggressive and confrontational. Those who are wise will use this energy to stand in their power in a firm yet gentle way and to be creative even if the energy is unstable at times. You can be sure, dearest ones, that these difficult energies will continue at least until the end of the year. So, resolve to find your Inner Peace and Stability to support your path forward. Your Heart is the Center of Peace and Light Beloved Ones, it is only within your Sacred Heart that you will find a Space of Peace and Balance. There is so much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance. This flow of “chaos” is the result of the collapse of the structures or “containers” that held the old ways in places for so long. As they collapse, the energy they contain is released into a powerful and turbulent flow of chaos. While chaos is always a creative energy, seeding new ideas and new ways of being, it can be exhausting to be continually swept up in the maelstrom of energy and emotion. Within this cauldron, many people are fixating on ideas and ways of thinking that seem to explain things for them. They have difficulty in letting go of the idea of narratives within narratives, and their busy minds keep “hopping” from one rabbit hole to the next. To be a Master of Energy right now is to be outside of the narratives, and simply within that place of infinite Quiet and Peace that is the Temple of the Heart. Beloved Masters, as you meditate and go into Silence, you access the Diamond Light Body and draw the Diamond Light particles and codes into your Heart. There, you can balance Heaven and Earth, Masculine and Feminine, in the One Spiral off Crystalline Light that is the Consciousness of One. The more you can rest in this Consciousness of One, the more you will move into the Present, the NOW, and the more easily you will transit through this Lions Gate on the 8/8. The Search for Sacred Wisdom : Sophia and the Feminine Divine Light In this new Golden Age that is arising, you will be led forward by the power of the Divine Feminine energy of Sophia. In Gnostic tradition, she is the Hidden Wisdom of the Feminine Aspect of the Divine. Sophia is the veiled Divinity who is always hidden. She cannot be found in the outer reality, but only by going deep within and coming to know yourself. It is here that you will encounter your “hidden” Mastery and Power. It is here that you will confront chaos and learn hoe to be the wing of the butterfly that shapes destiny within the chaos. The deep instinctual wisdom of Sophia will aid you to become the rising archetype for the next cycle of experience, the World Dancer. The World Dancer is the Feminine power of Sophia in her form of Shakti, who dances and shapes reality in her steps. No matter how powerful the storms, She dances with absolute Grace and Skill. Her story arises not from words but from her Graceful Movement through Time and Space within Many Dimensions. You will feel her dance as she creates a path of Beauty and Love that is beyond words and exists in the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness and which is anchored in the 5th Dimensional New Earth by you as Master Dancers of the New Reality. ……and the Royal Lions are Here! Always present at the Lions Gate are the Powerful and Regal Beings who are the Guardians of the 8/8 Portal and Teachers of the High Wisdom of Sirius and Regulus (Alpha Leonis). As the Sun advances through Leo towards Virgo/Regulus, the very high frequency blue white light of Regulus accelerates the Diamantine Time Crystals and creates the conditions for each soul to accelerate their time line and begin a new cycle, at the other side of the Lions Gate, and at a Higher Frequency of Consciousness. This can only be achieved by a meditative focus on the Lions Gate transit, and by not being distracted into lower frequencies at this crucial time. The Royal Lions will walk with you and work with you to assist you to stay on purpose and achieve such Mastery. But, as we have said, you can only achieve this if you are balanced in your heart and your inner wisdom, and you have the skill to “dance” with the new frequencies in absolute mastery. This means that your time can not be taken up in duality and conflict, which will slow you down and cause you to lose your rhythm and flow. In this period you must be in clear intention and clear focus as to what you will create through your Dance of Diamond Light in the New Earth. Chaos there may be, Beloved Ones, but you are learning the inner wisdom to ride the waves and create Harmonic Patterns of Light, Love and Joy. Try not to allow yourself to be distracted or to fall in frequency. Be mindful of those who are here to support you - your Soul Families and tribes in physical incarnation as well as your Angelic and Galactic Families of Light! They will not allow you to fall. They will hold you in their Love, Beloved Masters. We wish you Joy and Creation At this Lions Gate 2020.
We invite you to be diligent concerning any level of despair and to not lose hope for a shift. It is most important that you continue to maintain your personal balance. You are truly living in remarkable times as your planet moves through these shifts and this period of intense purification and transformation. During the chaos and the confusion, during the upheaval and violence, it is most important that you anchor the truth of a social balance and the honoring of all living things. Every system and structure is being highlighted in its dysfunction to humanity and is calling forth the shift for the well-being and balance for all. What you are experiencing is unlike anything that has been offered on this planet. Your planet is in the throes of a great shift in consciousness and the evaluation of humanity. The systems that have been created and empowered have not been for the good for all. What you are witnessing with the global protests is the imbalance of energy that has been building within humanity for years. What you are witnessing and experiencing with the global shutdown is how vulnerable your systems really are. This shutdown is giving each person the opportunity to review their own beliefs and attitudes concerning what is happening. Many are becoming aware of emotions that they did not realize they had, negative emotions and beliefs that have been suppressed and repressed. In the universe, Earth is a school for mastering how to manipulate energy. It is known as an excellent yet difficult school because it offers the best lessons in emotions and working with the vibrations of energy that emotions offer to the collective. Realize that only the best and bravest multidimensional beings sign up for this assignment. As multidimensional beings you have known other realities where kindness, joy, gratitude, appreciation and pleasure were the main focus and the vibrations offered. Once you signed up for your assignment here on earth you discovered the other spectrum of emotions anger, sadness, discouragement, hopelessness, fear, frustration, bitterness, and guilt. Unfortunately these emotions can be addictive. Many people find anger addictive because it makes their egos feel righteous, justified or victimized. The physical body becomes addicted to the chemical reactions that anger, fear or sadness create. These are low frequency yet very strong vibrations. What you are invited to understand is that all vibrational emotions are contagious. If you are energetically harboring any of these negative emotional energies in your body, you will get triggered when another human expresses that emotion. These hidden emotions are repressed or suppressed in the shadow aspect of your consciousness. Even as you are going through difficult times, realize that those difficult times invite transformation. You are here on this earth at the time to contribute, to help transform the consciousness and connect with other like minded beings. Realize this is a game, it is a hologame. You are practicing the ability to create. You’re practicing how your vibrational offerings create the reality that you are experiencing. What you think, feel or express creates vibrations that will manifest. You are beginning to understand this truth. Now add to that awareness the multitude of other conscious beings and you have what collective consciousness is creating. Collective consciousness is being triggered by the vibrations and energy offered by the movement of your planets. There is a bright light shining on all that has been hidden and suppressed. The energy is unpredictable and volatile which is causing anxiety, irritably, distress and unease. Be mindful when you notice that these energies and emotions are running through your mind and body. Pause, take a deep breath, walk in nature, move your body and shift what is occurring. Focus on what nurtures you and those around you. It is a time when spiritual practice together with physical activity will support your well being. Pay attention to the subtle gifts that are coming forth. Notice your intuition increasing, the opening of your heart portal allowing more love to flow forth to humanity, notice your compassion expanding. Pay attention as more and more of these abilities are revealed. Be the portal for change you are meant to be. If you could view your planet and these activities from our perspective, you would see that the current shift and awakening that is occurring is bringing humanity to another level of being. You are shifting from the old dense 3D to a higher frequency and dimension. The entire universe is watching just how this will play out. Since this is a free will planet the outcome will depend on just how the collective consciousness embraces this opportunity to shift and change what is not working for the good of all. This is when and where you come in, because as you clear and transform your own limited beliefs and all misqualified emotions, you are doing this for the whole. When you welcome the balance of your own masculine and feminine energies, anchoring that balance into the collective, you are doing masterful work. This work does not need to be difficult or hard. However this work is personal. You cannot project your short comings and negative judgments onto others and expect change to manifest. You came here to be a part of this great change. There are many non physical divine beings that would love to be a part of this planetary shift. However it is you who has the golden ticket. You are here and you came with incredible gifts, knowledge, insights, intelligence and other amazing abilities. Begin to honor who you are and what you can offer during these turbulent times. Recognize that you are a transformer of dense negative energies. Own the ability to stay balanced in the midst of this chaos. be the loving vibration for others to entrain with. Realize that your imagination is one of your most powerful tools to use in the dimension. So begin to envision a better future for humankind. See a future in which everyone is honored and respected. See a future in which there is harmony and communication between those of different cultures and beliefs. Call forth a reality that is life sustaining for all. Be the inviter, and invite other non-physical beings to join you in this effort to bring peace and love to this planet. In these unprecedented times and paradigm shifts, you can anchor and re-imagine your planet's place in the universe. This shift and change has been coming forth for eons. Know that you have the support of the entire universe. This planet and humanity have the opportunity to shift to a higher dimension and be welcomed into the galactic family. We are here to remind you of who you are and to also remind you that you are the open door and portal for change. Call on us and other divine beings to support you in your work. the 'team' ©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
The Earth’s profile has changed and continues to unfold through an intensification of a LIGHT Pulse emanating from the Magnetic Core and interacting within the Grids, Vortexes and Ley Lines throughout the planet. These pulses are affecting and deepening the interaction between All the Sacred Sites throughout Earth, and this process is building an added intensity within the Earth’s Webbing. These Higher Dimensional LIGHT Framework designs are creating an environment to hold the extreme drama, which is destined to continue to unfold over the coming months. Earth’s Shifting Frequencies also are being reflected within our resident Universe. The LIGHT from the Central Space of your planet is radiating out at a Higher LIGHT Vibration, and that is contributing to an Expanded Frequency Patterning within our Universe. “The God SOURCE Seat of Power” that extends beyond this Universe is NOW interactive within the movement of a Fluid Platform on Earth and throughout this entire resident Universe. The HIGHER Knowledge from “the God SOURCE Seat of Power” benefits our Universe by bringing a Higher State of Collective Consciousness to every life force group within the Universe, including Humankind. This is the action of our Collective Destinies, for we, and all of our Universal Groups, are ONE within the God SOURCE Consciousness State. COLLECTIVE AWAKENING This next step action of Earth’s reemergence within the Universe is significant for all of Humanity. Through the Holy component of the LIGHT, of LOVE, which is BEing reflected onto your planet, many Re-Openings and natural Re-Awakenings will occur. The Frequency of the LOVE is designed to reconstruct the Multidimensional components of your Heart to enable you to significantly accelerate into a Collective Awakening. Earth’s future role within the Universe is destined to BE significant. As the Energetic Frequency of LIGHT further intensifies and transforms on your planet, a Higher resonance of vibrational LOVE is ignited to actively interact throughout the Universe. The God SOURCE Consciousness network will realign Earth within the Universe and beyond. Your Earth plane is being realigned to this Higher Order of God SOURCE Consciousness at this juncture. That will reveal, and activate, a series of Higher-Elevated Frequency Platforms that have previously Not been accessible to you as a race. Within these Newly formed Energetic Platforms exist dynamic flows of Electrical LIGHT that is drawing out the density within your planet’s physical structure and within the Human physical form. There has been an UnEarthing of this density, which has been hidden and held within Humanity and locked up until this Juncture. The internal pulse within your Earth plane is creating a lifting of this old, dark, hidden intensity, creating upheaval and the intense third-dimensional drama. The violence and turmoil arising within your communities is part of the overall process to bring about a NEW Balance and a NEW Order of TRUTH to Be set in motion within your communities. The uprising is the result of hidden pain, suffering and suppression. Through the Higher LIGHT Frequency anchoring onto the planet, this imbalance can be tolerated NO More. Suppression and oppression through the prejudice and a lack of justice can NO longer continue within this HIGHER Energetic Environment. Truth is being revealed. This is essential at this time within your communities. A NEW Order of Unity will Evolve within your Society, and each one of you plays a role within this Changing Cycle. As you choose to move and align within your Heart, you anchor TRUTH, which establishes a beginning of this NEW Order Directive to Birth within your communities. YOUR OWN HEART Our message to you is to live within the integrity of your own Heart. Allow the frequency of LIGHT to Shine Forth from your Heart. As you hold a steady platform of reconnection within your Heart, you are creating reconnection. You are able to utilize the powerful, Pure LIGHT Energy within your planet through your Heart to support this transition and much-needed change within Humanity. Those of you on this Awakened Path have pre-agreed to Anchor this Unlimited Energy of LIGHT Flow that exists within you to imprint your unique frequency of God SOURCE LIGHT through the Heart to support the SHIFT of the whole of Humanity. You get to consciously choose these Sacred Moments of reconnection within your Heart Space. This is your individual role right NOW. There is nothing more essential than to take this action and anchor a NEW Wave of Consciousness within your Heart. This frequency of change can flow naturally from your Heart and out across your planet, creating an unfolding base for all Humanity to transform. Simultaneously, this also is the Time for you to do some deep introspective work within your Human component. This is about you creating building blocks of stabilization for your Human element to enable a Balance to BE Bridged between your Multidimensional Nature and your Humanity. Work within your Humanness by focusing on the feelings that are arising within you. Every feeling that is surfacing within you is BE-ing triggered, directly linked to events that are transpiring within your outer world. Spend the time examining the depth of your feelings, owning those feelings, whatever they are. Feelings do Not define you, and your feelings don’t have to make any logical sense. You are BE-ing triggered by the varied diverse happenings that are taking place within your life, within your world. These deeply lodged feelings have been within you. They are unresolved feelings from past experiences that you were unable to express at the moment of the experience. Whatever the feelings — whether they are fear, struggle, anger, rage, betrayal or simply feeling out of control — the content does Not matter. What really matters is that you can take this time to feel what is coming up inside of you and what is being mirrored by the events around you. Simply feel the depth of the feelings and use the Conscious Breath (in and out of the mouth) to work deeply within these expressions as they arise within you. You can liberate your SELF. Let Go of old patterns from the past that have kept you in that cycle of self-sabotage in your day-to-day life. This is the Time for SELF-Resurrection! DESTINED TO UNITE Together, as a community, you are destined to Unite within your Hearts. The only True meeting point is within your Hearts. The Heart is beyond the corrupt energy of your ego mind. The Sacred Heart Communion is the most profound reference point that holds Pure Truth and LOVE within Earth’s environment. The Collective TRUTH of joined Hearts can never be tainted. It creates an anchor base of Pure LOVE for Humanity to Birth. This Frequency of LOVE is necessary to set in motion the Evolution of a HIGHER Paradigm within Earth, re-anchoring Sacred Elements on your planet and re-establishing the element of “Heaven on Earth.” Keep Letting Go and Trusting the vastness of your own Heart. In Truth, you can. This time of Huge transformation, and transmutation, is being supported by the entire Universal community to allow for the unfolding of a full potential of your planet Earth so you and your communities can emerge into an authentic unique aspect of the God SOURCE LIGHT Network. Each one of you contributes to this Network with your unique colors of God SOURCE. “Like a Butterfly emerging from a cocoon, you spread your wings and take flight.” LETTING GO Through the duration of this third-dimensional chaos, you are being called to open into a continual Letting-Go process. You are to hold your focus within your Heart and open into Letting Go, and then choose to Let Go on another level. “Letting Go” is the conscious choice of realigning to your Rebirth. This letting go is done in increments as you move into transformation one step at a time. As you Let Go, you are allowing a continual falling away of the illusion that you have been holding onto. With each Conscious Breath you take within your Heart, you simply choose change. Allow your attachments to the agenda of your ego mind to fall away. This is Self-Liberation. Allow your Heart to guide you. Breathe into the letting go of limitation as you embrace a whole NEW World of possibilities for your SELF within the Heart. As you choose to let go of the old debris connected to the illusion of the ego mind, you set your SELF Free to have more expanded experiences within the Heart. Simply choose to witness the drama and do NOT engage within the drama. Your next step is to consciously anchor your Awareness within your Multidimensional Heart and allow a series of conscious choice moments of unfolding to occur within your Heart. This is the action of you Birthing you through your Multidimensional Heart. There is nothing more powerful for you to set in motion right NOW than this action of Self-Fulfillment within your Heart. KNOW that you are NOT Alone in this Journey. Call forth the help you require in your day-to-day living to fully navigate through this time. Be specific in what you are asking to receive for your SELF — your needs, your desires. Claim your Abundance and KNOW that the activation of your own creation energy elements arises within your Heart. Let Go and Trust the unfolding within your life that is in front of you. Each day open up in Gratitude for all that you have in this Moment. Through you taking ownership of your own creation in your world, you can align to a more focused part of your energy that exists within your Heart. BE the active creator of your world through your Heart. Set in motion a Wave of Creation Energy from your Heart outwards into your life by generating and building the energy of your Heart’s desire. Your True action of power lies within you as you actively work within your Heart. THE PROCESS This process is simple. It is designed for you to harness your Heart’s Multidimensional Purpose in your life and to activate your Heart’s Desire in your life. 1. Hold your Heart with both palms resting on your chest. Align with your Awareness and a Conscious Breath (breathing in and out of the mouth). 2. Once you have anchored in your Heart Energy, begin to build the thought of your Heart’s Desire within your Heart. You achieve this by bringing your Awareness to your Desire, with the color, the form or details of the Desire. Your Heart will respond, whether you see, sense or feel this building energy or essence of your Desire. There may be a feeling of excitement or joy that is arising within you! 3. Once you have built the Energy of the Desire within your Heart, bring the sound — ENTAH EEE — within your Heart. This will release the energy of your desire to BEcome Manifest within your life. Note: Bring as many sounds as you need until it feels complete. As you create with your Heart, you begin to actively align within this Higher Network on your Earth plane. Your conscious choice to join this Higher Network of LIGHT is another step of your Mission. We hold you, and witness you, on your journey. Blessings, THE PLEIADIANS Channeled through Christine Day 💜 |
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February 2023