Despite the distractions of physical life, despite its noise and clatter, you have a silent, inner drive which keeps your soul wanting to evolve back towards its original source. Deep within, you have a yearning to be reconnected with the unity from which you once came. This Universal Yearning for Unity, the UYU ("you-you"), leads us ever onwards, towards our eventual, spiritual homecoming and into complete unity. The Universal Yearning for Unity is a silent, yet ever-present call towards our spiritual home. As we master the experiences of third-density living and move on to higher density layers, we become more expanded in our awareness and more aware of the enormous scale of Creation. When you allow your awareness to expand further and further, you can take an imaginary voyage to the All That Is, to your original spiritual home. The planet on which we stand is enormous compared to the size of a human being. Imagine yourself viewing the Earth from a distance. Imagine the silence and peace that permeates your very soul as you look upon the Mother Earth, who has provided all of us with this wonderful home in space. Then, in your mind's eye, see the Sun. Imagine this brilliant orb and feel its life-giving energy while your mind adjusts to the fact that the Sun is over a million times bigger than the Earth. Now, expand your viewpoint far enough to see and appreciate your entire solar system. Next, you realize that there are many more suns in our galaxy. In our Milky Way galaxy, there are 200 billion other suns. Expand your viewpoint even more as you imagine yourself seeing an entire galaxy, slowly rotating like a giant disk in the great peace and quietness of space. Then, you realize that there are many more galaxies in existence. There are well over 100 billion other galaxies in this universe. Now, expand your viewpoint to include the entire universe, filled with billions of galaxies. You realize that, as big as the universe is, in order for God to be everywhere, God has to be even bigger still. All of this, this All Things, is contained within the consciousness of Infinite Being. Beyond the limits of the universe, beyond the envelope of space, lies only that which created it. The universe is contained within the creative awareness and loving energy of Infinite Being. As you feel Infinite Being holding the universe within manifestation, and preserving all of life within its infinite aura of profound love, you sense what your ultimate potential really is. You sense that all of the universe will one day come back to embrace this, its original spiritual home. This all-knowing, all-feeling, all-present spirit, which is behind all of life as we know it. Now, as your attention returns to your own space on Planet Earth, you remember that feeling, that sense of wonder, of wisdom, and that awareness of ultimate potential. And, as you think of your own life, you now understand what it means to be connected to that ultimate inner reality, as... Infinite Being, infinite potential. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
Remember, you truly chose to be present during these times. You are here to anchor a new reality; you are here in this dimension to call it forth. You are here in physical form to transmute and transform all the dysfunction that you are witnessing. You are not powerless. As a divine being of love and light you are truly powerful beyond measure. You are not alone in this endeavor. We want you to realize that there is a network of energy being anchored by you and others who are remembering who they are and why they are here. We understand your concern about the welfare of your loved ones and your beloved planet. That is the passion and the key that is being called forth as you remember who you are and why you are here. It does not matter you financial situation, your status or your age. You are here to anchor a higher state of consciousness and transform the misqualified/negative emotions and vibrations that are being broadcast by those who are unaware, scared and feeling powerless. Remember, this reality, this dimension, is energy; it is vibration and frequency. This dimension is created by layers and layers of vibrations offered by all those who are present in this dimension. Every human, every individual, adds their own energy and vibrations to the mix. Most individuals offer their energy from a place of misinformation, misunderstanding and helplessness. You are here at this time to energize, envision and call forth a shift. We want you to realize you have the support and assistance of your celestial and galactic family. There are more and more individuals awakening each day to their awareness and purpose in this awesome opportunity to transform and uplift the consciousness of an entire planet. We invite you to step into this awesome awareness and true power of who you are. This is the time. We invite you continue to clear your own personal shadow of repressed emotions. This does not need to be painful or even difficult. You can lovingly place your focus on any emotional vibration that arises and give that emotion a sound with the intention of shifting and clearing that emotional vibration you have been avoiding, suppressing or even denying. Replace what has been cleared with a higher more coherent emotional vibration; anchor this emotion with sound vibrations. This is the work of a true alchemist. You are here to transform all misqualified/negative energy that you encounter. Each and every time you consciously clear an aspect of your own personal energy field of misqualified/negative emotions, you are also clearing an aspect of the collective consciousness. We will continue to share the importance of this daily action and practice. As the true alchemist you can place your focus on any aspect of the collective shadow or dysfunction that you are witnessing in the chaos and offer a sound vibration of that emotional energy. So you can offer a frequency or sound for the distress, the anger/rage, the conflict, the judgment. Once you have expressed this emotion from a place of true transforming power, make sure you call forth with sound and intention an emotional vibration of love, healing forgiveness or grace. Be the inviter as well. Divine conscious beings of light and love are ever ready to answer your call and request for support and assistance. This is a partnership; non-physical beings of love and light are awaiting your invitation. You planet is in the process of what you call ascension. The increase in the frequency of the planet, the resonance to which every living thing attunes, is activating and awakening all those who slumber. Your planet is being bathed with increased vibrations from the galactic center. The increase of resonance of the planet, the energy offered by the galactic center, is supporting and assisting your personal work and service. Realize that you are part of an amazing network of conscious multidimensional beings who know who they are and know the work they came here to do. This network is available to you at all times. You are not alone in your efforts, quite the contrary. The connection to this network is your intention. The doorway or portal is your imagination. Remember that you are pure energy and where you place your focus is where that energy goes. So focus on connecting to this invisible network of other conscious beings of pure energy. If it assists you, envision or imagine a sacred place to which you go to connect. Create that space or alchemical chamber. See, feel or imagine others of pure energy joining you. Practice this; make this a daily focus. It does not need to take a lot of time in your busy life. Remember, it is the willingness, the intention and allowing. Imagine, sense or feel yourself joining other conscious beings in this higher realm. Know that you are a significant part of the many millions who are also creating this energy network of love and light. Surround your beloved planet earth. Breathe life into your intention as you focus and offer your own clear vibrations to this amazing field that is being created moment to moment in the higher dimensions. You are energizing the quantum field of all possibilities with a future that is life sustaining for all. You are seeding this influential energy field with life enhancing realities. Trust your knowing. Trust passion for peace and harmony to be anchored into this realm which will assist in the ascension of consciousness for all. Each and every person who does this dedicated work and service adds to its glorious unfolding. Remember to shift your own issues and limitations to a place of transformation. Lift them up using all the tools and processes available. Now is the time to truly step into your personal knowing and join others of like mind and heart in their physical or non-physical forms. Together in partnership, create a weaving of light that embraces all humanity in healing love. Divine beings are awaiting your request; invite their assistance each and every moment. Join other earthwalkers who know how to be present in the limited experience yet connect to the highest possibilities of truth they can call forth and anchor. The celestials celebrate your courage each day for your presence in this limited dimension. You are here, no matter the circumstances that you find yourself experiencing, to transform what you encounter and witness. You are a divine being embodied. We hold you in deepest gratitude for your willingness to do this work. We are always available to support and assist you. Remember to be the inviter of all beings from the realms of love and light, named or unnamed. Legions of divine beings will come upon your request. Trust this truth. the 'team' ©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
You are vital for peace on the planet to take root. There are myriad expressions of the human DNA experiment on Gaia today. Because of certain influences of the creator gods, what appear as negative aspects are being played out on the Earth plane where man's inhumanity to man and the greater whole is still being acted out. Many humans do not truly understand that being in service to others, they are truly serving themselves and the greater whole. They are still mired in dogma, forcefully holding onto what little power they think they have for fear of losing all control, not realizing that in order to access the high road (true power), letting go of everything one thinks one knows is key. It is difficult for them to even have access to this type of understanding due to their nature and DNA influences. Their actions can cause great pain and suffering and are passed throughout the lineages and DNA. Because of this and other aspects that are now in the process of shifting and being revealed, the life span on Earth had been shortened drastically. Once-upon-a-time, lifespans of 300 to 1000 years were the norm for the masters and many star races, and provided the opportunity to see and experience the effects of what one had created (or miscreated) with their energy. Many beings have been sent here to Gaia to help restore the empathic genetic lines of love, oneness and service to others. The empathic sensitives are volunteers coming via the ascended masters, Shambhala, Blue Ray, Indigo, Crystal, Golden, Green, Rose and Christ template to assist in restoring the holy lines of light.444 The empaths are sensory and feeling oriented as they pick up signals and messages through their innate intuitive awareness of others and the subtle field frequencies and higher dimensional realms. They can feel the pain of others and receive information and knowledge from music, places, people, pictures and the ethers. They tune into Nature and receive through their sensory awareness information from the subtle field frequencies and higher dimensional realms.13 Many of the empaths are Starseeds from another star system or galaxy as in the Blue Rays. Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. These Starseeds are the lost ray of the Light Worker and work closely with the consciousness of Gaia and Nature. Living on Gaia as an empath sensitive can be very challenging in the current state of times. Violence, harsh words, aggressive attacking behavior and loud intense environments can hurt and disrupt for you thrive on harmony and being connected to your higher self as you are the Peacemakers. 444 And as for this you find the way to create harmony and resolutions thus creating enhanced resonances fields with the other Empaths and Peace makers for the entire planet. Whereas your raise your frequency knowing the dark serves the light. You are not against anything as that keeps the resistance alive - you are for what your true blue print is revealing to you. And that you can use to serve the light and greater whole. 33 Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission. Over the years, ongoing relationships with various star galactics and ascended beings have opened me up to enhanced information and insight in how other life intelligence views and sees humanity. It has awakened dormant star and galactic DNA and expanded my understanding of life and what it is to be human, exacerbating my love for humanity and Creator Source. We are magnificent beings more amazing than we know and so beloved in the Universe for who we are and our DNA lineages. I am grateful and excited to be here at this time of ascension and the revealing of our ancient sacred history and divine joyous future. Increased Empathic Sensitivity, Psychic Attacks & Empowered Ascension Purpose You have a divine incarnation of empathy of great sensitivity, a holy encodement gift of sensory intuitive awareness that would enhance the vibratory field of humanity and awakening dormant Angelic Devic DNA intelligence and higher divine octaves. This would restore the holy kingdoms, brother and sisterhoods of light and Galactic heritage, creating the new earth and new timelines. Much is happening in the heavens, the skies, relationships, the energies, the dimensions, the world; other people that you might know are having sudden defensive reactions to your path and who you are. There are shifts and disclosures taking place at different levels that are creating increased purification of your energy bodies, where you are addressing your own creations and releasing deep outmoded thought forms, emotions, soul contracts and timelines. You may be seeing the world differently even from where you were a month or a year ago. Seeing and experiencing other-worldly beings, energies, information, technologies, nature, the devic kingdom, animals and trees may be revealing their communications and visuals to you. You may be intuitively guided to see and know things in your skies where others are not. Your desire and choice create awakening for you to experience these creations, other realms and perimeters of reality. You are the wayshowers and forerunners creating this movement. In raising your vibration, choose love and forgiveness, knowing when to let go and walk away. Bless others in seeing their true light essence even when they are not and when they are being hurtful and attacking you, as this is a lack and disconnection to love and source. They are choosing not to go to the light source within as that part of them wants you to feel and be at that lower vibration to disconnect further from Source light. You are on the very brink where an increase of the population, the starseeds, light emissaries will be able to see these disincarnate beings and negative attachments to these lower and dark emotions. You will also be able to see the light emanations from Source to each other and the Galactic families. The ones who choose to accompany the darker, lower thoughts and emotions become a vehicle for a physical presence on the earth plane, where these disincarnate malevolent beings are able to attach through them and exist and create more chaos, war and fear in the world. Often, your biggest mission to change destiny and the course of your direction and theirs is to not engage in these lower dimensions and entanglements. Many of the sensitive empaths are feeling a strengthening of their purpose and path-by seeing these discarnate energies and recognizing them immediately for what they are-out of synch with your vibration and having the innate ability to transform them by holding to their own Love and Light power within or walking away to live to Love another day/way. Sometimes it can feel like a psychic attack; this can also occur if you are a Blue Ray Transmuter as when you go into an area where thought forms or spirits need release. What happens is they see your Light and are wishing for release; if this occurs, open a portal of divine Light to Source and send them Love and compassion, with no entanglements or attachments. You can also ask the Holy Spirit Christ Light and the angels to take them. What is psychic attack? The projection and intent of negative energies, conscious or unconscious, to inflict harm upon you. Symptoms of psychic attack, entity attachment and/or that your energy field is too open and exposed: (Note: You may want to consider consulting a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension; and though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process.)
Psychic Protection and Important to Remember 4th Dimension Collapsing In the past it was easier to keep blocking old emotions and traumas, separation from spirit; now the crystalline sound frequency is so high it is breaking the karmic collective from your bodies and systems. And many times you are vibrating at such a divine frequency of Light that you activate the fear and wounded nature in others without your knowing and their unhealed parts can attack you. Remember to not get into entanglements and attachments with others who are projecting and saying negativity toward you. By engaging in negativity with them or thinking it, you are allowing yourself to be involved in their entanglement that can allow cords to attach to you. What you can do. Say aloud or to yourself: I am surrounded by legions of light, Archangel Michael power protection of the Archangels realms, the Mighty Elohim, Blue-Fame angels, Rose Ray in the Violet flame to hold all my parts, energy and fields in integrity and Highest Love, I am and call all authority in the power of the Universes, all ascended beings, as I decree my I am Christos unfolding divine presence of oneness and unity. "At the highest point where my soul meets God at the point of Creation, I release you in peace. I return our connection to the most benevolent cause and highest Divine Plan of Love and Light. Restore all my energy fields to integrity and in divine alignment of the Creator Source. I accept All of God, Life, Source, planetary ascension to serve me as I Am that I Am." Shekina Rose Blue Ray Angelic Starseed, Galactic Emissary Contactee, Harmonic Vocalist for the language of light in the 528 Hz Miracles and Love, Channel of the Blue Ray, Author and Healer. Downloaded in 2008 with the information that she was from the Blue Ray, Shekina Rose received sacred knowledge on the Blue Ray and has been sharing the Blue Ray Transmissions on ascension, the ancient sacred technologies, to empower the ultra-sensitive empath starseeds on the planet, letting them know they are not alone and assisting them with their mission of light on the planet. For years, the Blue Ray Orb has appeared regularly to Shekina and manifests in photos. It is a Light Transmission generator from the higher planes that acts as a stargate portal of Home Frequency to let us know it's time for our ascension and to unify..Divine principal of one Shekina Rose was activated by her star family decades ago and given prophecies to assist in restoration and activation of the Divine Original Blueprint, the New Man of Light (Homo Luminous). In 2013 in Sedona AZ, she started having regular physical and telepathic visited by the Pleiadians/Inner Earth and the Pleiadians Peace ships. They have been showing her interdimensional ancient sacred technologies that she has created and is sharing. More recently other ascended master’s beings and races have contacted Shekina for alliance of light for Humanity and sacred technologies of the sacred divine feminine nature. She has been anointed in the Rose Ray by the ascended master Mother Mary where the apparitions and appearances occurred at Cathedral Rock Vortex, in Sedona, Arizona. The Rose Ray in the Violet Flame of Supreme Divine Love is back on the planet to restore the balance of the sacred divine feminine that empowers our I Am presence. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service.
We tell you that humans who regularly listen to perfected forms of music, which may be termed as crystalline patterning, will actually remain healthy and mentally vibrant longer than humans who do not. Such musical rhythms are actually codes of creation which revitalize the very cells of the human body, and embellish cognitive response in the human brain. Indeed as the human body ages, visuo-spatial memory oft declines, short term memory becomes less fluent, less functional. Certain forms of music will preserve cognitive function of the brain, lessen neuro-degenerative conditions throughout ones physical biological journey. An extraordinary 'classic' example of the perfected musical patterning is represented in Beethoven's 9th Symphony, the 'Ode to Joy'. Not simply in the harmonic flow of musical notes of the orchestra, but in combination with that of the human voice, the chorus. Within the Ode to Joy, is contained the full spectrum of life creation codes. If one were to 'see' music in the physical dimensions, Beethoven's 9th, would tangibly appear from beginning to end, displaying the complex momentum & full realm of colors & shapes of Universal Creation codes, and we assure you in higher realms, music is not only heard, but seen in both colors and geometries. Music and pure sound, will balance the human trinity, and synergistically blend the 33-chakras into greater alignment, improved communication with what may be termed other realities and higher consciousness. Insert: When asked about the attributes of classical music, Edgar Cayce responded as follows in Reading EC 5265-1: "Know that these (classical symphonies) are of the realms of creative energies." The knowledge of aesthetic music as a regenerative and healing force of geo mathematical vibration was well known to more advanced ancient societies. Greek mathematician and philosopher, Pythagoras, taught clearly that everything in the Cosmos was composed of geometry, mathematics & sound. We assure you this includes human biology and physical as well as non-physical matter. Music and sound is trans-dimensional, multidimensional. Sound has a correlation to both light and color. Aesthetic Music, as you know it, in 3d matter, is an external expression of a far more complex vibratory essence, a frequencial resonate complex form of 'light-sound' that originates from what may be termed Creator source. It is a source of energy, of life force and accordingly, as we have stated above, is a great, yet vastly unutilized therapy available to you. Most humans only recognize music according to the emotions it brings, and music absolutely has the vibratory ability to stimulate and evoke emotional reaction. It is life-source, sound can be life giving...certain patterns of music will actually attract & influence a secondary magnification or pull drawing to you, bringing into your essence additional 'Akash' or Consciousness Units. So understand, sound is vibration and the vibratory resonance effects every cell of the human body. Accordingly you do not simply perceive sound only with the ears, rather with cell, organ and component of your physical (and non-physical or auric) body. Forgotten Attributes of Sound Ancient more advanced societies recognize the myriad utility and complexities of the power of sound. Atlanteans understood the ability of sound, projected through crystals to perform tasks that are well beyond the accepted mainstream science of your current academia. As Tyberonn of Atlantis, and the scientist priest & priestess of the Atla-Ra were well aware, there is in fact an intra-connection between sound and epochs of linear time. By tuning a specific form of the 'music' of certain celestial spheres' through complex attuned crystals, eras of linear time can 'appear', can be isolated and entered into via time gates. Edgar Cayce vaguely referred to Atlanteans operating 'portals', and these were indeed complex, diverse 'gates' utilizing crystals, specialized prisms, light and refined sound to reach not only through dimensions but through space & time. Refined 'crystalline sound rays of concentrated coherent sound waves' can be used to both attract and separate certain elements from others, to isolate them from others. In Atlantis sound 'rays' were used to attract moisture, as both aquifers and rain into certain agricultural regions, which otherwise were too arid to support plant growth. Sound was used in the antigravity application for building the Atlantean pyramids, and indeed the Egyptian Pyramids were of Atlantean technology. Sound 'rays' can be used to open up pathways within dimensions, both microscopic and macroscopic, and can be applied to change the very atomic and molecular structure of matter. The Atlanteans used a type of 'sonar' to not only identify elements, gases, minerals and water, they were also able to use this sound ray to transform, condense, collate and re-locate fluids, gases and certain metals. It employed what your current science terms as 'Laws of Harmonic Oscillation'. Edgar Cayce indeed referred to the Atlantean use of 'invisible' metals and elements' in advanced crystal technology. These were made invisible thru sound-light 'Acoustic-Ray' technology ... and that process indeed was part of the forces of technology unfortunately misapplied that led to two of the three 'breaks ups and destructive tsunami floods leading to the sad demise of Atlantis. (But to be clear, it is a technology, when wisely applied, offers enormous benefit.) Sound, indeed, has quite a variegated hierarchy, a vast complex spectrum far beyond what you think of as the 'musical scale'. Certain sounds bind elements together, certain acoustic waves can be utilized to act as tractor beams. The Pyramids in Egypt and certain of the Central & South American Pyramids, as well as undiscovered pyramids in present Turkey still project an inaudible sound wave technology, which would appear (if visible) as steps, particularly in the terraced forms of pyramids. 'Heavier' sounds are at the lower portions and these progressively increase into 'Higher or Lighter' frequency toward the top. These sound vibrations played a key role in the construction as well as the 'inter - intra' & multi dimensionality aspect and purposes of pyramids. The complex crystal ray sound ray waves projected by the combinations of sounds were managed & employed in such a way that an anti-gravitational effect was created at the 'center' of sound-ray focus and around the periphery through which the building stones of crystalline granite and crystalline limestone were lifted & intricately placed. In these applications, specific octaves or structures of 'sound-rays' went vertically, up or down, and other engineered sound-rays were applied to bind & adhere the compounded elements of the stone-blocks together. (Which is how many structures of the ancient megalithic world did not require mortar or cement). Each sound wave utility had a clear application, an understood technical utility and 'consciousness-expanding' purpose. Points of Interface: There are certain points that are differentiated in the Earth-Plane as having enormous fields of vibration in which realities are interconnected & life force is uniquely concentrated. The Atlanteans, recognized these points of interface, as did the Sirian-Pleiadian-Arcturian Alliance, who are guardians of your planet. We have referenced & alluded to these in other channels of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex. These include areas you recognize as Minas Gerais Brazil, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas, portions of the southwestern USA, Spain, Tibet and certain other areas. These are regions in which specific light-sounds are established and allow for quicker manifestation of thought into reality, as well as gateways into other realities. There are indeed, what may be termed as 'standing waves' in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas, that create myriad anomalies in the planetary gravity field thru forces of crystal acoustics, piezo-electricity and piezo-luminescence. Your main stream science are yet many years away from re-discovering many fascinating aspects of crystalline acoustics. Crystalline light-sound is the key that enables many portals, time gates & star-gates on your planet. We tell you that sound plays a key role in certain planetary points of power. We tell you that when crysto-sound-light combinations occur within such complex frequencial energies, as those in Arkansas, Brazil and others of this combination, an energetic induction of both bio-regeneration and creative thought manifestation is available to humanity in these areas. Indeed the Atlanteans knew this, and utilized these areas accordingly! Not only for technology were these energetic amalgams utilized, but also for mental stimulation & health revitalization, but also for rejuvenation of the body physical. We will speak on these in greater detail in part two of this channel. Natural Healing Through Sound We tell you, and please note, your current society utilizes chemicals for much of the medical treatment of physical and mental imbalance. We assure you that more advanced civilizations of the duality phases of Atlantis, Rama and MU utilized sound for such healing. Natural sounds, and most of you recognize this, bring about a state of well-being. You feel more tranquil, calmer, more relaxed when you are at the sea shore listening to the rhythm of waves, you sleep better & more 'soundly' when it is raining. The healing of 'nature', of natural sound occurs when you take time to walk through a forest, with a backdrop of wind through trees, and hear acoustic tapestry of melodic birdsong, with the tranquilizing murmuration of chirping frogs and crickets. Truly, humanity does not require drugs, to achieve balance. In such acoustic environs, the mind will free itself and naturally allow for deep soul-therapy. In such an indigenous process the conscious mind, will not redirect thoughts away from anxiety, but will trigger an individualized liberating flow of 'tailored' thoughts and images which will provide resolution, customized therapy for each individual's scenario, for each person's healing. We realize, that for many of you in 'current' culture & times, walks thru natural settings are not as easily fitted into daily activity. And if this applies to you, music such as 'Ode to Joy', can offer many of the key benefits, as achieved thru walking in 'nature', as well as benefits of a different sort, found only in this extraordinary symphonic composition. We tell you that when you feel out of sorts, anxious or depressed, the music of aesthetic classics and nature are far more beneficial than any 'artificial' chemical therapy. For left alone, these sounds will allow you to confront the source of negative feelings and beliefs which led to the imbalancing anxiety or depression. Your current medical and psychological mainstream approaches often avoid this procedure by avoiding source confrontations. These therapies offer a temporary remedy, by changing the vibratory rate thru chemical ingestion, and do not allow true remedy of facing the issue and mentally working through the problem. Sounds of specific music and nature more effectively enable an individual to be raised into a mental state that allows you to think through ones issues, to travel through them, and arrive at personal solutions ... and thus achieve a more lasting resolution and more sustainable balance. Sadly, most humans in the present are programmed into the belief of drug therapy, in which 'problems' are chemically, temporarily painted over, denying the individual the natural resolutions available in confrontational mental processing available in the acoustics of sound and nature.. We urge you to find the healing available to you in sound! Maintain the Sound & Hope! Dear Human, sound therapy is powerfully beneficial, potently and uniquely effective because it poignantly influences your auric field and what may be termed as the Mer-Ka-Na, the Crystalline Lite-Body. Masters, the understanding of Auric Maintenance is tantamount to merging and growing into the increased planetary dimensionality and the requisite multi-dimensional awareness, now available in the 'New Earth' of 2017 and beyond. Dear Humans, in this new time, in the dawn of the Crystalline age, you must be vigilant and move forward in hope. For as you enter into 2038, the 5th 'root race' of crystalline biology is beginning to transform humanity. This will necessitate MerKaNa access, and accordingly, your disciplined effort is required in this shift. Dear Ones, it is imperative that you grow into the understanding of the crystalline field and 33 chakric system. Crystal sound is an ally in this transformative shift & part of the growth. Pure sounds benefit your emotional bodies as well as your physical bodies. Bio and emotional imbalances are ever at the source of many physical diseases and when you learn to naturally heal your emotional bodies, the bio-physical symptoms will not only evaporate, the sounds will entrain your shift into crysto-silicon base biology. Closing A wonderful era is before you, do not give up hope, for as chaotic as the current time may seem in this era of cleansing, a Golden Age is indeed coming, and it is much closer than you may realize. Masters, in the second portion of this channel, we will speak in more detail of the acoustics of the earth plane as they relate to the future of humanity and the coming 'Golden Age'. I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We are ever with you! You are deeply & dearly beloved... And so it is...And it is So.... © All Copyrights Duly Reserved 2017 to James Tyberonn & Earth-Keeper © Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
By Emmanuel Dagher During times of great transition, the mind often goes into survival mode, because everything around it is changing. This can bring up a lot of fear. The fear is a sign of resistance. The mind is trying to hold onto the past stories and patterns it has identified with and grown comfortable with, to keep itself feeling safe and protected. This tendency of the mind—of resisting change by trying to hold onto the past—is at its peak right now. This is bringing to the surface many unresolved imbalances we may still be holding in our body, mind, and emotions. Yet when this resistance comes up, it is a clear confirmation that big breakthroughs are just around the corner, if we open ourselves up to them. Breaking Through Many breakthroughs in our path of growth begin in what we see as a breakdown of mind, body, or emotions. Of course, our Spirit never views us as broken in any way. It sees only wholeness and perfection in us. This is why breakdowns are never an experience of the Spirit. They are an experience of the mind. They happen when the mind feels it has reached a tipping point—the uncomfortable realization that the old thoughts and methods are no longer serving us. The breakdown comes from the shock of realizing that change must happen, even though that feels very uncomfortable to the mind. It resents the internal shifts that come with growth, because it has been trained to think of change as something that will take away the identity it has created for itself. It fears no longer being needed in the way it usually functions. Yet there always seem to be people who know how to embrace change, who aren’t troubled by the shifts the mind must make. They seem to be able to reinvent themselves, to evolve to an even greater version of who they are. How are they able to grow without struggle, and to embrace change happily? Think of someone you know who takes on shifts and changes easily, letting things flow without resistance or fear. These “free spirits” aren’t attached to the old familiar ways, so they are able to allow change without feeling threatened by it. Notice how you feel when you are around someone like this. You probably relax more, as you experience the easy flow of this person’s energy. You can see that they view life more through their heart than through their mind. Unlike the mind, our Spirit isn’t put off by change. It’s fueled and excited by it. In fact, it thrives on change! Yet it’s not unusual for most of us to feel butterflies in our stomachs as we consider a big change, or deal with a new situation. This isn’t actually fear, or a warning about some upcoming event. It’s our Spirit dancing with excitement, letting us know that we are moving forward in new and empowering ways. Of course, the mind interprets the butterflies to mean nervousness or fear. Because it in its limited way, it doesn’t really grasp what’s happening. When that happens, just speak quietly to your mind, to let it know that those feelings are a sign from your Spirit that it’s creating a wonderful new experience for you. Let it know that it can release all fear. That just isn’t needed anymore. The energies that came in during the month of March have been nudging us to go well beyond our comfort zone. If we didn’t understand that this was happening, we may have had times of feeling lost, confused, and at a point of experiencing some sort of emotional, mental, or physical breakdown. Yet breakdowns can lead us into amazing moments of growth. In fact, a breakdown really just means “dismantling limiting patterns that no longer serve our higher good.” We are now at the point where we are no longer able to find comfort in limiting patterns. This may feel like a crisis, but it is the kind of crisis that births a whole outlook. It can be one of the most spiritual experiences we can have, because in that crisis moment, we have a chance to reassess our lives and create a new and higher reality for ourselves. If we’re ready to learn from the breakdown, the next chapter of our lives can look much brighter as we experience more of our spirit’s power and our own higher selves. But why are these breakdowns happening now? The End of Karmic Contracts A big reason why everything seems a bit more challenging than usual now, is because this is a time in which the old karmic contracts, vows, and commitments we have made over many lifetimes, whether consciously or not, are coming to the surface so that we can become aware of them and dissolve them fully. Confirmations that our old karmic contracts are expiring can include inner nudges that encourage us to: • Let go of our current job or business ventures • Align fully with our life purpose • Take better care of our body, mind, and Spirit • Step fully into our power • Move to a new location • Release unhealthy relationships • Start a new job, business, project, or hobby • Make peace with ourselves, others, and the Universe • Accept a higher level of abundance into our lives Time for Completion A completion is a sacred time in our lives that signifies profound closure. It is the end of an old chapter, and the beginning of a new one. Completion is not about getting rid of anything or anyone from our lives with force. It’s not about fixing anything. It’s actually about understanding that we have come to a point in our lives where certain contracts, vows, and obligations we’ve had with certain people, places, experiences, and ourselves, have been fulfilled. Completion means that we have chosen to not run away or avoid something that felt uncomfortable or scary to us, but are facing whatever challenges needed to be faced full-on. We have learned our lessons, and are no longer in need of recreating that experience in our lives. Completion can even occur among Soul family members and Soul mates. These seem to be the hardest for most people, because we can remember feeling so connected to these beautiful Spirits at one point. When a completion happens on a Soul level, a compassionate love still remains. If anything less than compassion remains, completion has not yet fully been achieved. If you are someone who is experiencing a completion at this time, know that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your journey. Times like these help us put everything into perspective, and help us appreciate the daily blessings in our lives. Once a completion happens and the integration has been made, wonderful new adventures await us! Till next time, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2017 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary Magdalene
There is now a lot of information that frequently becomes available on the news media that demands your attention. Everything old and dark that has been repressed and kept hidden is coming to the surface. Modern technology plays a role in doing that, because it helps to make things more transparent in your society. More information than ever before is being disseminated, and many shadowy motives and practices are being exposed, so it then appears as if there is an intensification of evil, of darkness. However, what is actually happening is that things are coming to the surface, becoming more visible now then ever before, because there are huge processes of transformation at work on Earth. What is being exposed to the light are old layers of the abuse of power, tyranny, fear, and despair. And that is a good thing, because with a step toward more transparency, it is possible to act differently. Awareness comes before change, which is the way it always is. This is the phase of consciousness that humanity and the Earth are now going through at the global level. The processes that are taking place in each of you individually – the coming up of old layers of fear, anger, and pain – are also taking place collectively on a large scale. The good news is that the world is ready for this. Space is needed to allow old and hidden things to come to the surface, and that is now the case. Consciousness has already changed; it is more open to truth and honesty. Feel that deep within. Feel a stream of consciousness that is focussed on openness and transparency, on the search for truth, and on the denouncing of injustice and unfairness. That stream of consciousness exists in the world, so connect with that flow of truth. This is the flow of consciousness in which your soul wants to move, because your soul wants to contribute to revealing more truth. There is a powerful impulse in your soul to support consciousness transformation, but there is also confusion in your mind, because to be in support of consciousness transformation means a number of things. The first is that it is necessary for you to step away from the old and become completely honest about your own feelings and motives; in other words, that you learn to be transparent toyourself. For only in this way can you be an example to others. You are on your soul's personal path to transformation into a lightworker or consciousness worker. You are becoming a teacher, in so far as you are stepping away from the old to which you are still bound. Yet that is a step that can instill fear and loneliness in you, at least temporarily. Recognize your desire for truth and your desire to help change this world; your longing for a new Earth in harmony with nature; your desire for a world filled with people who can laugh and grow again, and be authentic, free from the fears and tyranny of the past. Your yearning for this is very deep; it is your dream, your ideal. Feel how that makes you different in that you have one leg – that of your soul – already outside the established order. For a moment, identify completely with that side of yourself, the revolutionary; the one who sees and wants to bring what is dark and repressed into the light of consciousness; the one who wants to help birth the new, and that is you! And while you become this more and more, you go through a deep inner process of freeing yourself from fears, from old compulsions, and that is your inner process. Have respect for your own courage and decisiveness! Many of you are confused about the world situation as it now exists. The world is in chaos and the emotional life of the people on Earth is, for the most part, chaotic. Everyone is searching, and because of the great number of changes and the massive amount of information available, people now sense much more what their possibilities are, how they can develop, and how they are suffering and what causes their pain. Everything is much more conscious. Before there can be inner harmony and peace, the unrest and pain become greater. And that is the result of becoming conscious; you can no longer hide these things. You see that pain, and from your heart you want to alleviate it in others. Yet at the same time, because you have so much pain in yourself, you are confused as to who you are, where you stand, or where your path lies. Now, imagine that you observe the Earth and the people on it as a large globe. You stand outside it and you look upon it as a giant sphere with lots of energies. There is much searching on Earth and there is also a lot of pain. Just look at the colors of that sphere. See how they flow and move, and not just the hues of the chaos, but also those of the drive toward innovation. Look and feel what that globe is doing, but know that you may stand outside it; that you may be detached from it. Now take a step back and move your consciousness away from the globe and toward yourself. You have looked at the Earth carefully, the energy of humanity. Now focus your attention fully upon yourself and see yourself as an energy form, no longer as a human being, but as an energetic appearance. Look at your heart. Feel how the pain and suffering of humanity have touched you. Feel your compassion, your desire for light. Maybe you can see that most clearly, most especially, with the people you care about in your everyday life, because you want so much for them to have light, love, and healing. See what that does to your heart. Does it tug on your heart? When you feel the pain of another person, you are connected through an energy cord to that person which contains dark energies, so you suffer along with them. You do not make yourself bigger, you do not rise above them, you crawl into the skin of the other person and you suffer along with them. Yet, at the same time, you feel powerless to change anything. Look at the energies you carry from the outside world that are not yours, but which make your heart heavy. Allow that energy flow to take the form of a dark color, or a feeling of heaviness, and see what it looks like or where it manifests in your aura or body. Then take another step back. Let go of that energy cord, that chain of compassion, which is squeezing you smaller and causing you to give too much. Take a step back and cut yourself loose from that cord. If you find it hard to do, imagine that I am with you and that I invite you to do this. Take my hand and see in my eyes that it is good that you should let go. It is now your time! Let the gray, dark energies flow away from you and instead envelop yourself with light. That light is simply there; you do not have to create it, it is yours: it is the light you have suppressed. Allow yourself to be completely surrounded by that light, whatever color it takes. Now you are even farther from Earth and from other people. You are drinking from the energy of your soul, the part of you that observes and oversees, that which makes things transparent. Allow yourself to be completely nourished by that energy, from head to toe, and feel how your aura is like an enclosed egg, an oval form that is impervious at its surface. Recharge yourself and feel how you are wholly entitled to nurture yourself in this way. Come home to yourself and let go of everything else. You are able to breathe and feel your original inspiration again. You are born to experience joy. Feel that original joy again, free from all heaviness, and give yourself to that. You are in confusion, and sometimes you are so involved in the suffering on Earth, that you forget who you are. You are the representatives of the new energy on Earth, especially when you are completely at home in yourself, when you feel at home within your own boundaries. Then you know how to handle your limits. You radiate the new in its optimal form, and there is nothing to change. By being totally yourself, you radiate a new consciousness that can not help but touch other people. Those who are ready are touched by you without your having to go beyond your limits, without you exhausting yourself, or trying harder, or battling with the pain and suffering of others. This is not the way of the new. Now imagine that this energetic egg, in which you feel safe and light, slowly floats back to Earth. As the Earth comes closer, you feel light and transparent, and you know that the vibrations of the Earth and the fears that live there can not affect you. See those fears before you as gray vibrations that flow effortlessly around your egg, because they can not come inside. You hold fast to your own energy – your concentrated fullness – and you feel supported by me, by your own soul, by all that is good and light and joyful. You are allowed to be here from your deepest core, which is light and joyful, wide and beautiful, and free. Imagine that you now land on Earth. You stand in an earthly body with both feet firmly on the ground. You first stand on a place in nature with your bare feet on the grass, or on a beach, or wherever you choose, and you bring everything with you: your soul, your inner strength, your resilience, your insights. Attune yourself to this planet, the Earth. Feel how she sees you when you stand in your own strength. Do you sense her enthusiasm? She will support you, give you roots, empower you. Now imagine that you are walking in the heart of a city. It is mayhem there. It is not only busy physically – there are people, cars, noise – but there is also an energy here that is more restless, more chaotic. All those feelings, emotions, and moods of people swirl around you and there is little of the natural world to provide calm and balance. Yet you stand there in your egg made of light energy, your own energy. Imagine this: you are standing in the middle of a street, or a sidewalk, and take the time to really put yourself there. In the middle of all this concrete of the city, you are aware of Mother Earth, for she is there as well. As a result of her presence, you become aware of the hearts of all the people who are walking here. Among all the superficial emotions – the confusion, haste, impatience – there lives in every human a heart. Stay unattached to all those muddled energies that surge about you; instead, concentrate on those hearts. You feel yourself standing very firmly, that there is an invisible spaciousness around you. Even when people walk close to you, that spaciousness is still there. Feel firmly grounded. You are connected to all these people, yet that need not worry you. Feel the promise out there that exists in each of their hearts. Feel that in the heart of every human being is a desire and a search for truth, for light, although sometimes the truth is found only through all kinds of twisting paths. That, however, is part of the human way. Feel the enormous power and endurance in people and see how there is a logic in each unique way: a direction, a purpose. Trust in their hearts. Do not deny them the twists and turns of their road; do not try to straighten their paths, that is not your business. Your job is purely to touch their hearts by your presence and awareness, and you are already doing that by being present. Imagine that you are standing in the middle of the street and you feel in your heart a gentle intention to reach the hearts of all those people out there with a caress, a tender touch, and that is all. With that gesture you merely say, "I see you", and you remain quietly in your own energy, you stay in your own field, and you maintain connection with your abdomen and your legs and feet, and you feel free. This is your "work": to be different, but to still be in the middle of the world; to help, but not to lose yourself in the suffering and pain of others; to give from your heart. On the one hand, you step out of society, but on the other hand, you connect with it from the heart, and by doing this, you fulfil your soul's purpose and that is your dearest wish. In this way, you are contributing to a different, better world, but you also free yourself from the old; free yourself from what has kept you chained to fear. Wherever you stand on this path, I ask you to respect yourself, to have the courage to withdraw deep within yourself on a regular basis. I ask you to momentarily let go of what links you to everything else and to experience the beauty and power of your soul. From there, you can take another step into the world knowing there is not that much you need to do. It is really about being deeply at home within yourself, about respecting your own soul energy, and from there going along gently with the flow of life. I greet you all with the utmost respect. Feel my admiration for you all. You are the teachers of the new time. Thank you very much. © Pamela Kribbe Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
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February 2023