Humanity today is processing the mind-expanding concept of life on other planets. Every step in that direction is met by small-minded resistance and skepticism and, yet, those steps keep being taken by those who dare to venture away from the parochial view of our tiny planet being the only one that matters in the whole universe. As of July 2013, NASA's planet-hunting Kepler telescope has provided data for astronomers to estimate that tens of billions of Earth-sized planets reside in our Milky Way Galaxy. At least 500 million of those planets orbit in the not-too-hot, not-too-cold zone where life as we know it could exist. And, that's just in our galaxy: The universe contains over a hundred billion galaxies! Bear in mind that this estimate of life-friendly worlds is still limited by the concept that life can only exist in bodies just like ours. The idea that intelligent life could be designed to operate in other environments and at different temperature ranges hasn't yet entered into the picture, so the actual possibilities must be much greater than this early estimate. Furthermore, all of the above relates to physical humans in this third-density layer of existence. But, what about other densities of existence? Physical humans can live in the lighter realms of fourth density as well as in our current, third-density existence. On Earth, we have been working through third-density experience and using the fourth-density world only as the place we go to in the afterlife. That is about to change. The greatest change of The Shift will be when the earth 'rises in the heavens' and we all shift into a fourth-density frequency of physical existence. Things will still look the same after this frequency shift, although consciousness will be seen to have a more noticeable influence on reality. So, let's not discount the existence of physical life in fourth density on any of those 500 million or more planets. A view that encompasses a populated universe rather than just one planet would also explain the mystery of where all the souls alive today have come from. Where did all of these billions of souls come from? Today, there are more people incarnate on earth than the sum total of all incarnations in all of recorded history, so we're getting extra people from other places, and a lot of them. When you expand your viewpoint to a cosmic conception, you can appreciate that The Shift is a wave of ascension rippling through this part of the galaxy. Could it be that, like surfers looking for the next good wave, people have come from other planets to be a part of the action here on Earth? The truth is that Earth is a 'happening place' right now. Incarnating on Earth during the era of The Shift is a huge experience for any soul exploring physical reality anywhere in the universe. Just being a part of the changes that are leading up to the big change is something that gets imprinted in the soul experience of anyone alive today, either in a physical body or in the world of the afterlife. Let's face it, we are experiencing an historic ascension wave that will carry us from third density right over the hump into fourth density. So, right now, planet Earth is where the action is! To learn more about the expansion of human senses and capabilities during and after the upcoming planetary ascension, see Owen Waters' e-book, Ascension to a Higher World
The love of the Original Creator forms the very fabric of space. No material thing and no part of "empty" space is devoid of that love. Universal love is literally everywhere. However, the human condition is only consciously affected by this love when it is channeled into the human realm through its use by humans. We are here on Earth to learn how to translate universal love into human form. Once universal love has been transformed through the consciousness of any individual human being, it affects the global mind atmosphere of Earth. We all share constant access to this global mind. While we initiate thoughts and feelings on our own, we also receive thoughts and feelings from the global mind. We sometimes alter these by our own thought, sometimes not, and then pass them back into the global mind. Even though we are typically not accustomed to conscious telepathy, our subconscious and superconscious minds are fully telepathic. We constantly receive and transmit thoughts and feelings subconsciously from and to the global mind atmosphere. When a person experiences heart-centered consciousness, they radiate a type of consciousness which is very different to basic emotion. Heart-centered consciousness is a state of unconditional love. It is not a product of emotional like or dislike. Once started, nothing in physical reality affects the flow of unconditional love. It is something that just is, regardless of the circumstances. Unconditional love is something that flows through your heart when you reach up above day-to-day consciousness, tune into your heart-awareness and allow the universal love energy to flow through you. Heart-centered consciousness always sees the elegant solution to the sorrows that can arise from basic human emotions. Unconditional love allows, accepts and supports. It is not something you try to do. It just flows when you allow it to enter your heart and take your consciousness above the cares of daily reality and into an expanded vista of awareness. Each time you radiate unconditional love into the global mind atmosphere, you upgrade the entire human experience, taking humanity yet one more step into the unfolding New Reality. *Now in Paperback: For deep insights into the metaphysical mysteries of life, read the missing manual for life in this world... Today, we face, not a new land, but a new consciousness. Everyone in the world is a pioneer - an early pilgrim - stepping into a New Reality. The bounty that is ours today is not food for survival, but food for our spiritual hearts, as we have entered a new world where heart-centered consciousness is coming clearly into focus. The love that springs from heart-centered consciousness is the saving grace of all of humanity. It is the source of compassion. It is the energy of caring for others. It is the binding force which holds together the entire universe, and it flows through you whenever you simply allow it. Love is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. Giving thanks from the heart is an expression of gratitude, and gratitude is an expression of love which has enormous power. It is invoked when you mentally send love to those whom you appreciate. It becomes especially powerful when you send your gratitude to your concept of God the Creator for all the good things in your life and for life itself, because God will reciprocate with uplifting energies. That one step you take towards God really does bring a reaction of two steps towards you. When you allow your heart to open to the universe's flow of love, gratitude comes with that flow. Gratitude for the people that you love, and for those who share your journey through life. Gratitude for the Creation of the beautiful Earth as our home in this great cosmos. Gratitude for the Sun that gives us life. Gratitude for being alive, for just existing, for being in the flow of the adventure of life. Gratitude flows unimpeded from an open heart. When you allow it, gratitude will flow as freely as the sunshine, unobstructed by judgments or conditions. Use the following affirmation from my book, Spirituality Made Simple, and see what happens. The more you use it, the better it works. Try it now: I am grateful for life And all that I love I am grateful for the Earth And the Sun up above I am grateful for my spirit And my inner being For the One that I express And the joy of this feeling Owen Waters is the author of Spirituality Made Simple, which is available now for immediate download as an e-book and also from as a paperback:
People, at the time, didn't realize the massive size of the planet upon which they stood. To them, most of their universe could be seen from the top of the nearest hill. Today, with cosmology and the Hubble telescope to help us, our view of the size of the universe has been stretched farther and farther. What we have learned, since the Middle Ages, includes these realizations: 1. The Earth is not the center of the universe. Apparently, when this was discovered, it came as quite a shock. 2. The Earth is round. This was excellent news at the time: No more worrying that you might take to sea and sail off the edge of the world. 3. The Earth travels around the Sun. This means that, while modern-day life on Earth may seem to be expensive at times, it does come with the added bonus, once a year, of a free trip around the Sun. 4. The Sun is over a million times bigger than the Earth. 5. There are 200 billion other suns in our own galaxy. 6. There are well over 100 billion galaxies in the universe. 7. As big as the universe is, in order for God to be everywhere, God has to be bigger still. When you view God as Infinite Being, the All That Is, or the Absolute, you have a sense of scale that still encompasses all of Creation, no matter how far the universe stretches. The infinity of Infinite Being encompasses all of space. The 'Being' part of Infinite Being created all of space within its consciousness. In fact, in a universe full of infinite possibilities, how do we know that this isn't just one of many universes? The possibility that there may be infinite universes in all of Creation boggles the mind further still. If there are infinite universes, then ours is just one small one compared to the extent of Infinite Being, the Creator of all that exists. The question is, where does the individual fit into this enormous scale of Creation? As individuals, we each appear as a manifested part of Creation's infinite array of possibilities. However, that's just the external appearance. The deeper into consciousness you travel, the more you become aware that the All is One. That the infinite possibilities are all expressions of the One. Beneath all expression is just the One, and the One is Infinite Being. In the 'All is One' ultimate reality, you are not just a part of Infinite Being, you are a viewpoint of the One. Nothing can be truly separate from the One. It can only be another facet or viewpoint of the One. That means that you are the One. You are Infinite Being. Now, it may not be appropriate, in this external world of separate people, to announce, "I, personally, am Infinite Being." But, as you travel within, to that sacred space of your inner being, the truth dawns. You do realize that, deep down, that is what you are. You are Infinite Being, and so is everyone else, at the level of their deepest spiritual essence. Because people are an expression of Infinite Being, the potential within each and every one of us is infinite. There are no limits to what you will become in your journey back to your original spiritual home. And, there need be no limits in the life that you are now leading. Society will benefit enormously when such realizations become commonplace. Today, however, the chances are that, throughout all of your life, you have been pressured to be modest... mundane, even. Society has been terrified of the idea that a person might think themselves important. "Don't even think about rising above your station," they cry. Admittedly, inflated egos can be a tiresome bore, but it really is time to question any social conditioning which places limits upon human potential. A society that encourages all of its members to develop their full potential would be more supportive, creative and productive. Everyone would benefit. The sooner more people think in terms of unlimited human potential, the sooner they will saturate the global mind atmosphere of the planet with that New Reality idea. Just keep thinking of yourself this way: "Infinite Being, infinite potential." *Owen Waters is the author of Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life The Old Reality of Reincarnation The wheel of reincarnation concept says that we are born again and again until we graduate from this school of experience. Gaining a wide-ranging experience of all the varieties of human living with all its triumphs and failures takes a lot more than just one life. The surprise is how many times a person may reincarnate in order to complete one full cycle of all types of experience... Typically, a complete tour of human experience for a young soul takes 288 incarnations! Lightworkers, on the other hand, are old souls who have already graduated, either here or elsewhere. Their incarnations are voluntary lives of service to help humanity rather than having to re-learn that which their souls have already mastered. The New Possibilities The rules of reincarnation on earth have changed. A grand cosmic cycle of 26,000 years is in its completion stage today because it was timed to end at this exact time by Divine Karmic intelligences who foresaw that The Shift would change everything in this, our modern era. Graduation Day is here! Some people think of Earth as God's only planet populated by humans. God, on the other hand, sees the entire universe as a playground for self-aware human intelligences. If you've ever felt that 'home' could be somewhere other than here, you're probably right because every soul on earth is an extra-terrestrial! It's a long story but, at a soul level, no one on Earth today is originally from Earth. The choices for reincarnation which are emerging today are as follows: (1) Move up to heart-centered consciousness for rebirth on the New Earth, which will emerge soon in a physical 4D realm rather than today's physical 3D vibration. (2) People who choose to live more physical lives in the style of life on the Old Earth will still have that option, just not on the New Earth. After they pass on from this world, they will relocate via the soul realms to a new planet where their preferred 3D-frequency lifestyle will continue. (3) The Lightworker Mission-Accomplished option: The cosmos is a large place and God's plan for the enlightenment of humanity on Earth goes back at least 26,000 years, when volunteers were sought to help during a massive influx of human souls onto the planet Earth. In addition to the mass of newly-arriving souls, millions of lightworkers from other, more advanced cultures volunteered to live among the new arrivals on Earth. The lightworkers' presence has helped to raise the mass consciousness of humanity so that many people are now ready to advance into 4D physicality at this point in history. After completing their current incarnations in both physical life and the afterlife, some lightworkers will choose to reincarnate on Earth while many will return to their home worlds with their missions accomplished. Many soul families of lightworkers are planning to take this option once today's challenges of The Shift are completed. For the full text of the chapter, Reincarnation is Changing, and many more chapters filled with insights into the whys and wherefores of today's changing world, see my new book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life, at: As it turns out, the quantum world actually reveals the true nature of the universe, while what we see on the physical level is a carefully-created illusion. For example, at any point in time, life presents an array of infinite possibilities. When you make a decision as to what to do next, then - only then - does your immediate future become a reality instead of just another possibility. Then, and only then, does the next step in your history get written. According to quantum physics, energetic particles, such as photons of light, only become particles of energy when you focus your attention upon them. Until then, they remain as fields of influence which radiate waves of energy, not particles. These waves of energy, rather than traveling as particles directly from A to B, spread out as waves that explore all possible paths before them. Energy particles live in a world of possibilities, waiting to be made manifest by a conscious decision from someone, somewhere. In a conscious universe, any form of attention, even that of a passive observer, manifests actual particles from the waves of potential. As a human, you were born to manifest a life from infinite possibilities. At each step along the way, you create your personal history by deciding which possibility to explore and working your way through that action. You choose and create the experience from the potential and make it manifest. The quantum world gets even stranger when you find that, in its natural, unmanifested state, it is free from the constraints of time and space. Electrons routinely affect their own future, and even their own past. Quantum physicists even had to include "negative time" (traveling into the past) in their equations in order to include the time travel which is exhibited at the quantum level. Now, if the quantum world is the real world, the one from which our stable reality is constructed, then what does this mean for our possibilities? It certainly means that we have infinite choices for the future. The burning question is, how will the different choices turn out? By empowering your connection to your inner being, to your soul consciousness, you enter the realm where all possibilities are real - very real - a place where you have the power to evaluate any and all of your greatest potentials. The question is, what could you do today that will make your tomorrow even better than it would have been? This is what we will explore in coming articles. Infinite Being, Infinite Possibilities. We all are Infinite Being. We came into this life to explore our infinite possibilities. The news media says it's because of global warming that we have an all-time record-breaking freeze. Sounds about right for a message from the Ministry of Truth. That's my name for the news media, courtesy of George Orwell's 1949 novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" about a dystopian future where the public are brainwashed into believing whatever Big Brother says is true, regardless of its nonsensical nature.
Orwell's novel also had a Ministry of Love, where dissidents who thought differently were tortured. Today, we call that social media. Winter Storm Uri seems to be nature's contribution to the War of Suppression of the Human Spirit that has starkly revealed its existence over the last year. Here we are on Valentine's Day, separated by social distancing, under lockdown in some cases and, if you need to travel to your loved one's house, forget it - the roads are filled with ice! And that is why the coming springtime will be so important to the human spirit. Hope springs eternal in the human breast, and so does the spark of freedom! The pendulum has started to swing in the opposite direction. We are emerging from Maslow's most basic level of consciousness - the pressing need for survival - and heading back up the ladder of higher consciousness at a rapidly accelerating rate. Freedom of the spirit is an unquenchable pillar of fire within the human soul. It may be suppressed for a time by external forces, but how long can such interference last against the divine will that powers our very spirit? Some years ago, I wrote an e-book called Freedom of the Spirit as a doorway to expansion of the human spirit into the realms of love, joy and inspiration. These realms of consciousness are open to all who awaken to a desire for higher states of awareness. Most of the book is dedicated to explaining the metaphysics behind the FREEdom Technique, which is a powerful four-step method of awakening true inspiration within your conscious awareness. However, any spiritual technique that works in bringing you upliftment will make your world a better place right now. Whatever works for you, just do it! There is no need to wait for Spring. Let the Sun shine in your heart today
There are many forms of love. There is the love of a mother for her baby. There is the love of a child for their parents. There is the camaraderie of people of like mind. There is the love shown by self-sacrifice in order to save others during a crisis.
All these are manifestations of the one love, the one energy which pervades all existence upon all frequencies of consciousness. The world is changing. It is transforming into a world of human dignity and poise, where one person is honored by all other people, where suffering has come to an end because people reach out with their hearts to serve humanity in any way they see fit. It is a world of love that will blossom forth when fear comes to an end. When fear is transformed, people will not fight for resources; they will create ways to make sure there is enough of everything for everyone. When fear is transformed, people will not need to have power over others in order to feel more secure within themselves. Fear is a mental energy. It circulates the globe within the mind belt of humankind. It can be transformed into love by the prayers and intentions of every spiritually-minded individual upon the face of the globe. When fear is neutralized by love, world peace will dawn. Sending your love energy out into the world is an act of transformation, and one with your name on it. When you are joined by millions of others in this dynamic act of transformation, we will have peace on earth. To learn how to transform the world and, at the same time, reach the inspiration and power to transform every challenge in your life, read Owen Waters' e-book, Freedom of the Spirit, available now at:
Today, we realize that God, as an omnipresent being, must be at least the size of the entire universe. By current estimates, the universe contains over a hundred billion galaxies, each one containing an estimated two hundred billion suns. That means that there are countless trillions of planets, each one filled with the all-pervasive presence of that which created them. This brings us to today's prevalent spiritual dilemma.
With God's presence being so far-reaching, how can there be any semblance of the personal attention that we were taught to expect from a father-like God image? Today, you are left wondering whether God is, (a) personal, or (b) so large in scale as to be infinitely impersonal. Surely, one idea would exclude the other. Or would it? A paradox is something that contains opposite statements and yet both are true. The secret to solving paradoxes is to start using the word 'and' instead of 'or.' The question is not whether God is infinitely large or personal. The question becomes, how can God be infinite in size and personal as well? The answer lies within the Paradox of Infinite Being. The term Infinite Being is used here as the ultimate concept of God. The word Infinite, as in omnipresent. The word Being, as in omniscient awareness. Infinite Being is the perfect, unchanging consciousness behind all of Creation. Because Infinite Being is consciousness, and nothing but consciousness, it is appropriate to note here that nothing in Creation is anything but consciousness in one form or another. Energy is simply a compressed form of consciousness set into motion. Matter is energy. Therefore matter is a form of consciousness. It can't be any other way, because consciousness is the only tool with which Infinite Being has to work. We are a dream within the mind of the Creator. The universe was created within the consciousness of Infinite Being. I remember being told in a science class at school that space must be infinite in size because there couldn't be anything beyond the end of space; therefore, it had to go on forever. It didn't sound right at the time, and now I know why. Space is actually finite, because it was created within Infinite Being. The created must be less than its creator, therefore space must be less than infinite. Beyond the envelope of space lies that which created it. In order to create the universe, Infinite Being divided the 'waters' - its consciousness - into two aspects: Creator and Preserver. In the West, we are used to thinking of the Creator as God the Father, while the Preserver aspect is called the Holy Spirit. In the East, the names are different but the principles are exactly the same. For example, the Hindu name for the Creator aspect is Brahma, while Vishnu represents the aspect that preserves and sustains the universe. Stories of Creation from all over the world share the common thread of two complementary aspects coming together to bring light into existence. The two aspects of Creator and Preserver were set into complementary motion in order to manifest the universe. Through the interaction of these two aspects of original consciousness, the universe was formed and, along with it, the capability for Infinite Being to view itself from an infinite number of viewpoints. The human race today represents approximately seven billion different viewpoints of the one Source. According to the rules of the human adventure, we were born with spiritual amnesia. We have forgotten our inner connection. The challenge of the game is to discover and consciously reconnect with that to which, in reality, we are and always were connected. Self-awareness and free will are included in the rules of the game. The illusion of separateness from each other is created by an intense focus upon life in an outer, physical world, as viewed by the five senses. People are free to choose to interact with other people in the ways that they see best. People can even choose to believe that they are separate from that ultimate Source to which they are connected. Atheism, therefore, is not a lack of belief. It's a belief in something that isn't so. If you have an inbuilt connection to God, yet believe that you don't, you are expressing a belief, not a lack of one. Mystics talk of experiencing a sense of oneness with the infinite while in deep meditation. Those who can go still deeper into the realms of consciousness report that there is more to it than just a feeling of oneness. Deep within, you aren't so much an individual who is as one with Infinite Being. You areInfinite Being! You are Infinite Being, observing itself through the one viewpoint that is you. You aren't a part of Infinite Being. You are Infinite Being, acting from one specific point of view. Likewise, every sentient being is also Infinite Being, looking at itself from their own unique points of view. The solution to the Paradox of Infinite Being is that, while we are a part of an immense universe of almost unlimited proportions, we are also Infinite Being itself. As you experience life through your eyes and ears and senses, you are Infinite Being, acting through yet another viewpoint of the infinite variety of life. Every fiber of your body is Infinite Being, every dream that you manifest is Infinite Being in action, every tear of joy that you shed in the finer experiences of life is a tear shed by Infinite Being in its form as you. You can be closer to God than ever before when you realize that every part of your body, mind and spirit is God. Even in this strange world where we appear to be separate from everyone else, the conscious awareness of the presence of God is a mere thought away.
When a person looks back on their life, they see that one thing that mattered the most: Love. Pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. It is the source of compassion. It is the energy of caring for others. It is the binding force which holds together the entire universe, and it flows through you whenever you simply allow it. Love is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. It is through activation of the spiritual heart that we pass into a whole new world of expansion and joy. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we find peace, bliss, and continual inspiration. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we expand our view of life to see the issues that are important to the soul. We can then see how love can heal and how we can and should spend the time to spread a little more love in the world every day, even if it is simply done in silent prayer for the well-being of others. Let your heart open to love each and every day. When you are attuned to the natural flow of love throughout the universe, you then feel the natural flow of energy within your own being. Your senses of insight and timing develop to help you achieve more and to succeed easily at the tasks that are important to you. The flow of love is critical to life. Without the all-pervasive love of the Creator which fills the universe, nothing would exist. For centuries, humankind has been playing a game where love and inner inspiration have been blocked off and ignored. Today, the tide is turning and people are opening up to this wonderful flow of natural energy. Remember the love within, especially when outer circumstances seem dark. Remember that love is the gateway to the higher realms of consciousness where answers can be found to meet every challenge that life presents. Tune into love. It will never let you down. Instead, it will set your spirit free to explore the realms of consciousness which offer greater vistas of awareness, greater peace of mind, and a sense of constant joy. *This was an excerpt from Owen Waters new book, Spirituality Made Simple, available for immediate download and now also as a Kindle e-book or paperback book from For full details of the many insights in this ground-breaking book, go to: |
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February 2023