A Definite Shift in Power In 2017, we saw many seeds planted in regards to the shift in power coming in 2018. Before we dive further into what 2018 has in store for us, it’s important to get an aerial or expanded view of what’s happened overall in the past decade. From 2007 to 2016, a quantum leap in consciousness occurred that affected every area of life, from science, innovation, and art to personal and global awakening. It’s as if the curtains were being pulled back, allowing us to finally see beyond the veils of illusion. People from all walks of life started noticing their consciousness expanding into new ways of thinking, living, and being. They also noticed that time is speeding up, and that the world is shifting like never before. Here are some specific examples of the “pulling back of the curtains” that showed up in 2017: Meditation has become mainstream, and is being used as a powerful tool of healing and transformation. Not only in people’s personal lives, but in the workplace, health-related organizations, schools, and beyond. A decade or more ago, if you had told someone who wasn’t familiar with the mind/body/spirit community that you were meditating, well—you probably would have seen a blank, glazed look in their eyes, at best. The demand for organic and non-GMO foods and products is so high, that the supply can barely keep up. New farmer’s markets and health-oriented stores and restaurants are opening up everywhere, creating options for people to take good care of themselves, from the inside out. People are realizing that they can no longer give their power away to institutions and organizations such as religion, government, or any of the old structures that promote suppressive, fear-based agendas. Of course, there’s still room for improvement in that area, but the past decade has seen a huge shift in a new direction. Caring for the environment has become a priority like never before, with people beginning to create new ways of living that are more beneficial for our planet. The consciousness of humanity as a whole has evolved beyond the old patterns of separating ourselves from one another. People are looking beyond the color of each other’s skin, gender, sexual orientation, or cultural background, and are connecting through the knowing that we are far more alike than our ancestors may have believed. Again, there’s always room for improvement. Yet the big strides are taking place, and shifts are happening everywhere. You may have noticed that people are becoming friendlier to the idea that we are not alone in the Universe(s). Every few months, we hear about an “Earth-like” planet that has been discovered in a far-off galaxy that “could” be the home of other civilizations. Of course, our indigenous cultures, and the current Wayshowers and Lightworkers, have known for a long time that these civilizations exist. But it’s nice to see the idea making its way back into the mainstream Western consciousness. Western medical practices are more and more acknowledging and integrating with natural and holistic approaches and methods of healing than ever before. There’s also a great deal happening in the areas of technology, creative arts, and personal well-being. But the examples offered above offer a clear picture of how quickly we are evolving. Two Steps Back, Thousands of Steps Forward To many, 2017 felt like a year in which much of the progress that was made in the last decade took a backward turn in the direction of the old fear-based paradigm. Again, from an aerial view, there’s always a blessing in every experience, even if that experience feels challenging or doesn’t seem to make any sense at the time. In the case of 2017, the entire year served as a “reset” button. Here’s a simple analogy to describe what happened: Imagine you have a fairly new computer that you leave on day and night. During the time you are working on the computer, you create, read about, and save lots of helpful, uplifting, and consciousness-expanding content. However, at one point you notice that the computer is processing a bit slower than usual, because it has not been shut off for a while. So, you decide to turn it off to let it rest. The next day, you turn your computer back on. It now works like it did when you first got it, and … you still have all of the great content you had saved prior. Now that the computer is working faster again, you can create, learn about, and save even more helpful, uplifting, consciousness-expanding content to enjoy. 2017 was like that. It gave us a needed reset, a time to put into perspective what we truly desire to create or enrich our lives with now—and what we are ready to completely release. It was an eye-opening, often head-scratching year for many, yet it shined a light on many of the shadow aspects of humanity that still needed healing. For that, as challenging as it was, we are grateful. Because what it did was pave the way for something far greater to emerge. The calls for the Divine Feminine were strong, and She is set to come back in the year 2018, a “2” year. (Numerologically, 2018 is 2+0+1+8=11. Breaking down the 11 into 1+1, the year reduces to a 2.) She has heard our calls, and is roaring her way back as the sacred mothering lioness that she is to all of us. The Divine Feminine is preparing to carry us all the way to our new paradigm on her energetic wings, and nothing can hold her back her anymore! 2017 was two steps back, yet 2018 will be thousands of steps forward. The Year of the Divine Feminine In 2018, the Divine Feminine seeds that were planted in the Summer of 2017 will blossom fully, and command our full attention. The power that comes with this Year of the Feminine will be like none other in our recent history. The closest time this much Feminine energy came in was in the late ’50s. What followed was all of the advancement that took place in the ’60s. This is the year that the Divine Feminine makes her presence felt more than ever in the heart, mind, and experience of every being. In 2018, the Divine Feminine will ensure that every living being on the planet will be guided to fully learning how to embrace, honor, and respect the Feminine within themselves, others, and in the world around them. For those who resist or intentionally decide not to embrace, honor, and respect the Divine Feminine, 2018 will be a challenging year that will continue to pull them onward, until they are able to embrace, honor, and respect the Feminine energy. The Divine Feminine is often associated with soft and gentle energy, although that is only one small aspect of the qualities that represent Her. The Feminine energies making their way into our consciousness this year will be bolder, louder, and more powerful than ever, requiring justice, fairness, and freedom in all areas of life. The idea that the human mind can best associate with the energies of 2018, is the concept of “Enough is enough!” This is the energy of this new year: Enough is enough, and now something is finally going to be done about it. 2018 will feel more like the beginning of the new era that many thought had started in 2012. The winds have shifted direction, and the core foundations that our world has been operating on are being rewired to make the Divine Feminine the core foundation of everything, as She was originally meant to be. The “reset” we recently experienced was an integral part of our journey, and made absolutely clear what needs to be changed. And 2018 is the year it WILL be changed. It doesn’t matter whether you are a woman or a man. Give yourself full permission to embrace, honor, and respect the Divine Feminine within yourself and others, and it will be reflected back to you many fold. Here are some qualities we can implement to help us connect and align with the Divine Feminine energy:
Embracing Compassion and Unity In 2018, we will see many more women and men who are fully embracing, honoring, and respecting the Divine Feminine step into roles and platforms that have them serving as leaders. This can be in local communities, businesses, and all the way up to the global stage. Many voices around the world will shine a light on the importance of unity, compassion, and healing. Voices like this, which were once silenced, will continue to take center stage, and will help to usher in a more heart-centered world that benefits everyone, rather than a select few. Selfishness, control, ignorance, and greed in the collective will find it very hard to survive in 2018 and beyond. The Divine Feminine will be cleaning these qualities up from the heart and mind of humanity. The more love and kindness we choose to embody, the easier this process will be. This year gives us the opportunity to honor our emotions in a loving way, and to allow them to fully be expressed so that they can heal out in the open, rather than keeping them buried deep inside. Once our emotions have been expressed in way that is productive and healing, they can be released from our body, where we can be at ease with ourselves. Dis-ease manifests when someone is not at ease, due to holding stress in their body. The way to be at ease is to pace ourselves, not rush all the time, and to listen to our intuition and body. This is also the year that we will be given the ability to learn how to release the need to attach ourselves to the seeming global occurrences that are promoting fear and separation. This will be big, because it will allow us to not get distracted or held back from living our best life in each present moment. One thing that will help tremendously is to cut back our media time (phone, TV, news, internet) and spend time being in Nature, seeking spiritual enrichment, and spending time with the people we love. 2018 is also a great time to embrace big changes such as having a baby, taking care of a new pet, moving to a new home, traveling, rekindling a relationship or starting a new one, and starting a new business venture. This year also provides us with the gift of bettering the human experience for all. So kindness will be a big theme, along with anything that promotes the betterment of the human experience for all. Our educational system, our values and behavior, our relationship with Nature, our health and well-being, and how we are treating one another, are all things that will be focused on and improved this year. As we continue to connect with the Divine Feminine throughout this new year, we will discover and allow aspects of ourselves that are increasingly empowering and freeing. These new strengths can include greater kindness toward ourselves and others, more creativity, and spiritual strengths, such as the ability to forgive what we may have resented in the past. They may include the desire to flow easily with the day’s events, to live more in the present moment, and to see the joy of life, not only the responsibilities of it. If you have been desiring a flowing, joyful, fulfilling life that allows you to be more fully who you are—2018 will be a life-changing year for you! The Divine Feminine is calling us up into wholeness, lightness, inner knowing, and a feeling of connection to all Life we never knew was possible. Until next time! Miraculously Yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2018 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved for emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Free Journey to the Crystal Temple Meditation
Fine-Tuning Our Reality As we move into the first few weeks of December, this is the perfect time to fine-tune our intentions and choices, to ensure that they are aligned with what we truly desire to create more of in our lives. All of our experiences, whether they feel easy or challenging, provide powerful feedback that allows us to be completely clear on what we do or do not want to create more of. When we view each experience as an opportunity to fine-tune our reality—feedback that lets us know whether or not something feels enjoyable and expansive to us—then challenges no longer become something that hold us back. They then become something that helps propel us forward. It also then becomes much easier to operate as the empowered observer, rather than the disempowered reactor. When we become the empowered observer, it’s much easier to free ourselves from the stories, attachments, and resistance the mind identifies with to keep itself safe and comfortable—to hold back from having to change anything. As we view all of our experiences as pure feedback, the old patterns of being hard on ourselves, others, and the Universe begin to dissolve, because we no longer operate from a reactive space, but a neutral, empowered one. Knowing that every moment gives us the chance to fine-tune our reality allows a sacred openness to enter our lives that creates more flow, joy, and ease. December offers us the opportunity to resolve and let go of any extra cargo we’ve been carrying around with us that may have been slowing us down or holding us back from receiving the beauty and blessings life always makes available to us. This extra baggage can include unhealthy relationships, thoughts, patterns, jobs, environments, and anything else not aligned with your highest vision, and you with theirs. Mercury Retrograde: A Time to Create Emotional Freedom Mercury will be in retrograde from December 3 to December 22. Even though Mercury in retro can be a challenging time in some ways, under the surface noise, it is actually a great time for letting go of the extra cargo we have been carrying, and the struggle associated with it. This is because those 19 days offer us a great opportunity to let go of codependence—needing others to be or act a certain way, before we can be happy. It is vital that we take responsibility for our own happiness, and no longer depend on others saying or doing what we prefer so that we can feel safe or satisfied on an ego level. Because when we become codependent in our relationships, it’s easy to lose our sense of self. Taking full responsibility for our own happiness means we are no longer seeking it in other people or outer circumstances. That is the way to true freedom! Of course, the mind’s defenses always like to tell us otherwise. It will often come up with excuses, such as, “But I have to stick with this job I dislike, because I don’t have time to look for another job, and it pays well!” Or, “I love my partner and want to be with them. It’s not my fault that I get unhappy when they don’t act the way I need them to.” None of this unusual. We see situations such as these in others, and we see them in ourselves. Yet these beliefs are simply an easy way to not take full responsibility for our own happiness. The mind will also tell us sometimes that if we are emotionally independent, we will end up alone. This leaves us spending our time trying to please others, or looking for ways for them to please us. That drive to shape outer events until we feel safe then becomes our biggest motivation in life. And that only results in letdown and sadness, and the constant, unsettled feeling that only the things outside of ourselves can make us happy. These ideas can be hard to face. But it’s important to be truthful with ourselves and face our old patterns, so we can heal them completely! It doesn’t have to be hard to create emotional independence. We simply need to learn to turn within to find our core emotional strength, instead of looking for it outside of ourselves. To start building a healthy emotional independence, we can begin now to:
Even if we only incorporate one or two of these suggestions into our daily routine, they can help us shift our focus and our energies, supporting us in creating a positive sense of self and healthy emotional independence. While the energies of Mercury Retrograde can result in a bit of turbulence—challenges in the workplace, mechanical devices breaking down, rough travel, miscommunication with others—they can also crack the lid off of old issues that have bothered us for some time, or put things into a whole new perspective. For instance, we might hear from an old friend or partner we’d thought no longer wanted to keep in touch with us. Or we might suddenly find some object we thought we had lost for good, or return to an old project or idea that now finally works out for us. We might find a solution to an issue that has weighed down our energies for some time—or finally see the truth of a situation or relationship that we hadn’t been able to see clearly till now. Because Mercury Retrograde offers us such transparency in how we think, speak, and view everything, it can be a help in putting a new light on old or current issues, ideas, or relationships. Keep an eye on what comes up for you during this time—it might surprise you! Big Changes Coming: Saturn Enters Capricorn During the third week of December, Saturn enters Capricorn, after a three-year transit through Sagittarius. This is BIG news! With Saturn in Capricorn, we become more focused on being the creator of our lives, rather than buying into the illusion that we are just the bystander. Saturn in Capricorn will be about us creating our own magic, rather than relying on the belief that it comes from anything outside of ourselves. The most important qualities to focus on while Saturn is in Capricorn are: self-discipline, focus, organization, and optimism. By integrating these four qualities consistently into our lives, we will experience great gain and achievement over the next few years. This can especially happen in the areas of career, relationships, happiness, and prosperity. Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice Beautiful energies will be coming to us from our sun on the December 21 winter solstice (summer solstice for those in the Southern Hemisphere). These are energies of renewal and co-creation. For millennia, this time of year was wonderfully celebrated. The ancient cultures knew then what we have almost forgotten in the modern world: that the energies of the sun pouring in powerfully during a solstice can increase the effects of our focus and intentions. They can beautifully support us in manifesting things that serve our higher good, and the higher good of everyone around us. Energies for renewal and manifestation will be stronger during the solstice, so have your intentions ready! Write them out as affirmations, create vision boards, or spend some time visualizing what you want to create. Use the active energies of the sun to support you at this time, as your mind, spirit, and overall energies especially come alive, wanting to create and express in beautiful ways. Find some joyful way to express your love for your life and your own visions. After the winter solstice, the days begin to get longer, so it is also a celebration of light returning to the Northern Hemisphere, as well as a celebration of the light power of the Sun. Now is the time to be clear on what you want to create. Allow the joy of this co-creative season to flow like a current that carries you smoothly into your new creations. December is an exciting month that will carry us into the New Year with a sense of joy for all the Love, creativity, and fulfillment that we are already creating for 2018! Until next time, Miraculously Yours, Emmanuel p.s. Club Miracles is now open to new members. If you’d like to receive ongoing healing and support that nourishes you on a Soul level, come see if this monthly healing service that I offer resonates with you. The bonus gifts included in the premium and premier packages will be available for just a bit longer at https://emmanueldagher.com/club-miracles/ Passion Leads to Miracles The first week of October will be filled with lots of passion, high and creative energy. With this much passion and creative energy in the air, it’s important to give it a healthy and productive outlet. When the energy of passion is fully acknowledged and honored, it has the ability to manifest extraordinary new miracles in our lives. If passion is not fully acknowledged and honored, the mind tends to internalize it as “anger,” which often leads to blocks and breakdowns in our body, mind, energy field, and experience. If we do find ourselves feeling angry, viewing it as feedback that can help us redirect our focus to honor the passion within us that desires to fully be expressed, will help tremendously. Passion is one of the main ingredients that helps us to manifest miracles in our lives. Passion is a palpable energy that can actually be felt in the body. When passion is expressed physically in a sensual way, it has the power to actually heal and rejuvenate the body. When passion is expressed emotionally in a sensual way, it takes the feeling of well-being to a whole new and expanded level. If we are someone who has an illness or other imbalance in the body and emotions, opening ourselves up to being more sensual will assist us tremendously. Being sensual is often a challenge for many people, especially those who are sensitive to energy. The mind often views sensuality as something that requires vulnerability, which it equates with being weak and exposed to judgment, disappointment, or a hurt of some kind. These misconceptions around sensuality have taught us to create an energetic armor around ourselves that keeps us safe, or what our mind believes is safe. Yet one of the boldest and most courageous things we can do in today's world is to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable simply means we allow ourselves to be open and available to ourselves and others. When someone wears a self-protective armor for long periods of time, they become stiff and rigid. This kind of rigidity of the mind and body ultimately leads to feelings of disconnect from our Spirit. The remedy for a rigid, overly self-protective mind and body, is love. We experience sensuality when we are able to fully express love through our sense of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Once these senses are activated, our inner senses are then able to awaken and strengthen the mind and body’s connection to our Spirit. This is when we are able to notice, feel, and receive the miracle of life available to us daily. Our Spirit has and will only ever know love, joy, wholeness, freedom, beauty, abundance, well-being. Anything less is simply not coming from our Spirit. With this awareness, take a moment to reflect on allowing yourself to experience sensuality. Knowing all that we know now, are we willing to work with the energy of sensuality to help heal the parts of us that have forgotten how to give and receive love? Because if we are ready to heal, the next few weeks are offering us the opportunity to let go of the armor, and to open ourselves up to the miracles of life. Here are some suggestions to help us become more sensual, so that we can be open to all the blessings our Spirit desires to give us: • Taking a warm bath (adding our favorite essential oils) • Listening to soothing music that feels good to our Soul • Receiving a massage or experiencing some kind of soothing/healing physical touch • Writing/journaling a romantic letter to ourselves, and then to a romantic partner (if we are in relationship) • Expressing ourselves through art (playing music, painting, drawing, dancing, pottery making) There are many ways to awaken and express your sensuality and passion, so let this list simply be a starting point for you. A Call to Action The second and third week of October will be all about taking action. This will be a great time to come up with or revise an action plan to help us manifest more of our desires. We will feel highly productive, so it’s important to not allow ourselves to get distracted by anything that might move us out of that productivity. If we remain steadfast, we will accomplish many things during this time. We will also want to keep a journal close to us around this time, to write down the insights and ideas we receive from the cosmic realms. This will be a time where we begin receiving energetic downloads that will inspire us to see things from a more expanded perspective. Things we may not have noticed before will now come to light in a big way. This is also the time to keep our eyes, heart, and mind open to the unexpected. The energy of surprise will be strong, specifically around the time of the New Moon on October 19, so any time between the 17th to the 24th will be ripe for some kind of surprise to show up. Strengthening Our Intuitive Gifts The final week of October will offer us a time to go within and start developing our intuitive gifts even more. Developing our natural intuitive gifts will allow us to view things from a much more expanded perspective. As we develop our intuitive gifts, we may also start to notice energy more. This can show up as seeing the auras around people, animals, and things in nature. We may notice that we can feel energy more. This can show up as goosebumps in the body, or warmth in the hands, feet, back of the neck, face, or stomach. We may also notice number sequences more, such as the clock reading 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc. This often happens to help us realize a synchronicity that is going on around us. We may notice energy balls of blue, pink, white, or golden light in our peripheral vision. We may also see sparks (like mini shooting stars). This happens to remind us to pay attention to what’s happening around us in that moment. There’s usually a message or confirmation trying to reveal itself. Our ability to connect with and hear our intuition will become easier. We may notice an awakening of new or old desires to learn more about healing and energy therapies. We may notice a desire to help and support others coming through even more clearly. All of these gifts, and much more, are already within each of us. There are periods of time that are more conducive to helping us develop these gifts, and the end of October ushers in one of those times. So, if there’s a class, course, new book, group, or personal practice you feel drawn to, this will be an excellent time to immerse yourself in it! Overall, October will be gentler energetically then the past several months have been. As always, make sure to nurture and take good care of yourself. Until next time, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2017 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Expressing Ourselves The first few weeks of July are all about coming out of our energetic shell. There will be a strong desire to step out of our regular routine, to try something different. If we have a naturally outgoing personally, this will only be enhanced. If we tend to be a bit more shy and introverted, these next few weeks will open up something within us, giving us the opportunity to let go of much of the armor we’ve built around ourselves. This armor had the purpose of protecting us in the old paradigm. However, it is no longer needed, because our mind is expanding to a point where it fully understands that our Spirit is and has always been taking care of us, every step of the way. That armor can be set aside now. Being Seen We came into this world to been seen. Being seen starts with consciously choosing to “see” ourselves first. If we are not seeing ourselves fully for the magnificence that we are, we will keep searching outside of ourselves for approval, love, and acceptance. Doing this will keep us in “chase” mode, where we are constantly seeking something, and never feeling truly happy and fulfilled. When I mentioned that we came into this world to be seen, did that feel true for you? Or did you feel some resistance come up? If you felt resistance, know that that is absolutely normal. Often, the reason we are resistant to anything that helps us make ourselves a priority, or that allows us to shine brightly, is that we have conditioned ourselves to believe the opposite is preferable. Most of us taught ourselves early on to “blend in” with the majority of society. We made up our mind that it was not safe or OK for us to fully be ourselves. And when we were being ourselves, we seemed to get punished for it, because the world didn’t seem ready for what we had to offer. Of course, we know that this is not what was really happening, when we look at it from an expanded perspective. But to the mind, these experiences were very important, and shaped how we started showing up in the world. The way to move beyond the need to identify with the old patterns of remaining “safely invisible” is to understand that it was never about anyone else seeing us. It was us about seeing ourselves. Every experience we have ever had brought us the gift of this awareness. The awareness of seeing, loving, and honoring ourselves fully. During the first half of July, we may find ourselves desiring to connect and communicate with others more. This might happen face to face, over the phone, online, or in some other way. However it shows up, it’s important to honor that moment by not holding in whatever we truly desire to say. We may also find ourselves trying new things. It could be anything from trying a new class or hobby to getting a completely new hairstyle, and everything in between. Whatever presents itself to us, as long as it feels positive and exciting ... now is the time to try it! Expressing our thoughts, feelings, ideas, and heart in the early parts of July will set the foundation for the second part of July, which is all about taking action, especially with the things we are most passionate about creating and experiencing. A Time to Heal During the past few weeks and continuing well into July, many of us will notice and experience big changes, especially when it comes to our healing journey. The paradigm we have expanded into now is allowing for quick changes in healing to happen in our physical, emotional, mental, and financial bodies. Healing used to be more about “doing,” which required more of an “effort” energy. Now it is more about simply “being,” where we operate from a space of allowance. When we allow things to unfold as they are naturally meant to—when we move out of the way—the healing occurs on its own. Those who serve as a holistic/wellness practitioner or spiritual teacher, and those who are in the creative arts, may have noticed their gifts have evolved quickly over the past few months. It takes a certain kind of practice to reach a state of pure allowance, where we no longer exert as much energy as we may have in the past, especially when it comes to reaching a desired outcome. One of the main reasons for this, is that the need for or attachment to reaching a particular outcome is itself actually falling away. That opens us up to even greater outcomes the mind may not have consciously thought of yet. This is where that saying, “Let go and let God/the Universe take care of everything” finally begins to make a lot of sense. When we operate from this space of complete nonattachment, we become witness to instantaneous physical, emotional, mental, and financial healing, within ourselves, others, and the world around us. If you feel you have not been able to receive or notice the healings taking place within and around you, now is your opportunity to be willing to let go of your expectations for specific outcomes. Those expectations may be holding you back from experiencing the ultimate, much higher reality available to you. One of my favorite morning intentions is to affirm: “I choose to let go, and let love.” This reminds me that whatever burdens and attachments I’m still carrying, I can lovingly hand them over to my Higher Self / Spirit Self so that I can make space for new blessings to enter my life. The attachments the mind often creates to keep it operating in the “doing” energy actually serve as fillers or placeholders in our inner vision that prevent us from noticing and being open to new, unexpected blessings in our lives. As simple as the intention “I choose to let go and let love” may sound, to the mind it can present a real struggle. This is because when the mind tries to let go of something it thinks it still needs, it fears that it’s losing something important. In reality, by letting go of what no longer serves our highest good, such as attachments to specific outcomes that keep the mind in fear, worry, lack, judgment, etc., we’re not losing anything. Instead, we are gaining everything. How? The mind may ask. When we let go, we are letting go of the illusion. We can also call it “the chase.” The illusion or “the chase” is simply another way of saying “expecting a limited reality.” So when we let go of our belief in the limitations around a reality, what happens? We step into a reality of Infinite Possibilities. expanding into our greatest potential, and no longer keeping ourselves small. We are then opening up to Life in the fullest sense. Ending the Chase Society has taught us to look outside of ourselves for anything we want to create and experience.This conditioning has created the illusion known as “the chase.” This occurs when the mind has decided that it has to pursue and attain something, exerting lots of energy and time and moving through challenges, in order for it to get what it thinks it really wants. Doesn’t that sound exhausting? Yet we all know this process very well, don’t we? Choosing to live in chase mode does at times satisfy the left brain, which is all about order, structure, and organization. It satisfies that part of the mind, because it feeds its ability to operate in linear time, which is where mental structure and survival patterns thrive. It's important to honor the structured aspect of ourselves. Yet if we are always operating from this space, especially when it comes to living the life we truly desire, it creates many limitations, and exhausts us on all levels. The key to attracting well-being, joy, abundance, and all of the fun blessings life has to offer, is to recognize that the world around us is a direct result of the internal awareness, thoughts, and actions we are choosing daily. It's about understanding that we are the magnet that is bringing to us all of the experiences we are having. So with this awareness that we are the magnet, and not our actions, we can then pay attention to whether we are creating from a space of being in the illusion/the chase, or creating from a space of being fully aware. We attract to us everything we are experiencing as a result of what we project out into the world. So if our desire is to receive more love, we can then become love. If our desire is to become more financially wealthy, then we can share and give from a place of joy and nonattachment. The big difference here is that one reality exerts a lot of energy through forcing things to happen, while the other allows us to simply attract and bring in the things we desire with ease and grace. If we are ready to heal, we are being given the opportunity to do so now, in a very real and lasting way. If we are not fully willing and ready to heal, that’s OK too ... there will be more opportunities to do so in the future. Everyone is exactly where they are meant to be on their journey. If you are being called to learn and enhance your natural healing and/or creative gifts, trust your inner guidance. You might choose to enrich your gifts by taking a class or a workshop that resonates with you, or to read a book that feels empowering. Receiving support from a compassionate wellness or spiritual practitioner would be another way to contribute to your healing. Being a practitioner myself, I find that it can be easy for me to forget to ask for support. In fact, asking for support used to be quite challenging for me. But once I decided to move out of my comfort zone and ask for help, many doors that were once closed opened up for me. I even became a better practitioner as a result. Finding an opportunity to give back and to be of service to humanity is also something that will greatly support our own expansion and healing. This allows the mind to move out of the pattern of being self-involved, and redirects its awareness to the betterment of all humanity. The Universe LOVES acts of service that come from a place of our simply wanting to experience the joy of helping others. Taking Inspired Action As mentioned earlier in the forecast, during the second half of July, beginning around July 17, we will experience a newfound confidence that will help us take inspired action when it comes to creating and aligning with the things we are most passionate about. Inspired action is about taking action from a place of complete flow and awareness. It is not forced. It doesn’t require a lot of effort. A big part of taking inspired action is about allowing ourselves to be seen. Rather than staying home most of the time, this will be the time to get out of the house and have some fun. With this kind of “being out and about,” all that is required of us is simply to be ourselves. Everything else will take care of itself, as long as we are present and in the moment, and noticing the opportunities as they come in. For those of us who are ready to expand and heal, the temperature is perfect for all of that to happen now. As always, it’s such a gift for me to get to share with you in this way. If you enjoyed or benefited from reading this forecast, please pass it on to someone you love and care about. With so much love, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2017 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
By Emmanuel Dagher During times of great transition, the mind often goes into survival mode, because everything around it is changing. This can bring up a lot of fear. The fear is a sign of resistance. The mind is trying to hold onto the past stories and patterns it has identified with and grown comfortable with, to keep itself feeling safe and protected. This tendency of the mind—of resisting change by trying to hold onto the past—is at its peak right now. This is bringing to the surface many unresolved imbalances we may still be holding in our body, mind, and emotions. Yet when this resistance comes up, it is a clear confirmation that big breakthroughs are just around the corner, if we open ourselves up to them. Breaking Through Many breakthroughs in our path of growth begin in what we see as a breakdown of mind, body, or emotions. Of course, our Spirit never views us as broken in any way. It sees only wholeness and perfection in us. This is why breakdowns are never an experience of the Spirit. They are an experience of the mind. They happen when the mind feels it has reached a tipping point—the uncomfortable realization that the old thoughts and methods are no longer serving us. The breakdown comes from the shock of realizing that change must happen, even though that feels very uncomfortable to the mind. It resents the internal shifts that come with growth, because it has been trained to think of change as something that will take away the identity it has created for itself. It fears no longer being needed in the way it usually functions. Yet there always seem to be people who know how to embrace change, who aren’t troubled by the shifts the mind must make. They seem to be able to reinvent themselves, to evolve to an even greater version of who they are. How are they able to grow without struggle, and to embrace change happily? Think of someone you know who takes on shifts and changes easily, letting things flow without resistance or fear. These “free spirits” aren’t attached to the old familiar ways, so they are able to allow change without feeling threatened by it. Notice how you feel when you are around someone like this. You probably relax more, as you experience the easy flow of this person’s energy. You can see that they view life more through their heart than through their mind. Unlike the mind, our Spirit isn’t put off by change. It’s fueled and excited by it. In fact, it thrives on change! Yet it’s not unusual for most of us to feel butterflies in our stomachs as we consider a big change, or deal with a new situation. This isn’t actually fear, or a warning about some upcoming event. It’s our Spirit dancing with excitement, letting us know that we are moving forward in new and empowering ways. Of course, the mind interprets the butterflies to mean nervousness or fear. Because it in its limited way, it doesn’t really grasp what’s happening. When that happens, just speak quietly to your mind, to let it know that those feelings are a sign from your Spirit that it’s creating a wonderful new experience for you. Let it know that it can release all fear. That just isn’t needed anymore. The energies that came in during the month of March have been nudging us to go well beyond our comfort zone. If we didn’t understand that this was happening, we may have had times of feeling lost, confused, and at a point of experiencing some sort of emotional, mental, or physical breakdown. Yet breakdowns can lead us into amazing moments of growth. In fact, a breakdown really just means “dismantling limiting patterns that no longer serve our higher good.” We are now at the point where we are no longer able to find comfort in limiting patterns. This may feel like a crisis, but it is the kind of crisis that births a whole outlook. It can be one of the most spiritual experiences we can have, because in that crisis moment, we have a chance to reassess our lives and create a new and higher reality for ourselves. If we’re ready to learn from the breakdown, the next chapter of our lives can look much brighter as we experience more of our spirit’s power and our own higher selves. But why are these breakdowns happening now? The End of Karmic Contracts A big reason why everything seems a bit more challenging than usual now, is because this is a time in which the old karmic contracts, vows, and commitments we have made over many lifetimes, whether consciously or not, are coming to the surface so that we can become aware of them and dissolve them fully. Confirmations that our old karmic contracts are expiring can include inner nudges that encourage us to: • Let go of our current job or business ventures • Align fully with our life purpose • Take better care of our body, mind, and Spirit • Step fully into our power • Move to a new location • Release unhealthy relationships • Start a new job, business, project, or hobby • Make peace with ourselves, others, and the Universe • Accept a higher level of abundance into our lives Time for Completion A completion is a sacred time in our lives that signifies profound closure. It is the end of an old chapter, and the beginning of a new one. Completion is not about getting rid of anything or anyone from our lives with force. It’s not about fixing anything. It’s actually about understanding that we have come to a point in our lives where certain contracts, vows, and obligations we’ve had with certain people, places, experiences, and ourselves, have been fulfilled. Completion means that we have chosen to not run away or avoid something that felt uncomfortable or scary to us, but are facing whatever challenges needed to be faced full-on. We have learned our lessons, and are no longer in need of recreating that experience in our lives. Completion can even occur among Soul family members and Soul mates. These seem to be the hardest for most people, because we can remember feeling so connected to these beautiful Spirits at one point. When a completion happens on a Soul level, a compassionate love still remains. If anything less than compassion remains, completion has not yet fully been achieved. If you are someone who is experiencing a completion at this time, know that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your journey. Times like these help us put everything into perspective, and help us appreciate the daily blessings in our lives. Once a completion happens and the integration has been made, wonderful new adventures await us! Till next time, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2017 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
By Emmanuel Dagher Happy New Year, my friend! There’s so much for us to catch up on, so let’s get right to it. A Rebirth The year 2017 numerically is a “1” year (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10, and 10 reduces to 1 + 0 = 1). The number 1 represents the energies of rebirth, a fresh start, and inspired action. This year will bring with it a great deal of momentum and movement when it comes to new ideas, inventions, and creations. The intentions, actions, and deeds we are choosing to focus on right now, especially in the earlier part of 2017, will set the tone for what we will attract, create, and experience over the next 9 years. As we move forward, some things may still feel familiar. But we are on a completely different road now than we were on during the last 9-year cycle. It may take a bit of time for some to notice this, but those who are sensitive to energy will notice this change quickly. A “1” year is a time to plant the seeds of our desired intentions, especially for whatever we’d like to create more of. This is especially true for our creative endeavors, careers, and relationships. It’s true for the ways we choose to show up in the world, and for the ways we take care of ourselves in mind, body and spirit. Here are some ways we can work with and integrate the energy of “1” to make this year into a time of great joy and personal fulfillment:
Beginning January 1, 2017, the first of several healing vortexes will begin to shower us with an abundance of Light. This Light will permeate us, going right to the core of every cell, fiber, and molecule of the heart and mind of humanity. This Light will cleanse old patterns, programs, and ideologies that no longer serve the greater good of humanity. Those who resist this Light will have an extra hard time moving forward, so it’s important for us to send everyone Love now, even those who resist it. Here are the key January dates for when this vortex of Light will peak—all of these dates reduce to 1.1.1 in numerology: January 1, 2017 January 10, 2017 January 11, 2017 January 19, 2017 January 28, 2017 “Vortex” is just another word for an energetic doorway or portal. During these specific dates, the planet will open its arms to receive increasingly greater amounts of Light. These specific dates provide us with an excellent opportunity to reaffirm what we’d like to create more of in our lives and in the world. Our intentions will be magnified manyfold by the potency of energy that these days carry. Great Changes Ahead The most important theme during a “1” year is flexibility—staying flexible mentally, emotionally, and physically, so that we can embrace change with greater ease. Because the most reliable thing we can expect this year is that things will be changing more quickly than ever. At first, the change may seem quite small. But by the end of 2017, we’ll see that we are in a far different reality than the one we were in during 2016 and before. The gift in all of this change is that we get to decide which direction we’d like our long-term future to go in. We get to be the maestro of our life now, rather than being someone who just stands on the sidelines and allows outside influences to shape what their life becomes. This empowering moment is our time to shine! As we let these higher energies come in and fill us with a new vision for a new 9-year cycle, we will know that all that is no longer for our higher good is passing away. This is a time not to resist these new higher energies, but to allow ourselves to integrate this powerful new Light. We can ask for assistance from the higher realms, and from our guides and higher self, who are always ready to share their wisdom with us. We can trust that this great river of Light coming to Earth now is leading us to all the joy, peace, prosperity, and fulfillment we have dreamed of and envisioned. Be gentle with yourself, my friend, as you integrate all that is coming to us now. And may this new year bless you abundantly in every area of your life! Till next time, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2017 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. By Emmanuel Dagher Hi My Friend, The momentum of energy has been building, in both our individual lives and in the collective. The winds of change are blowing through every area of our lives! Have you been feeling it? This great shift is becoming more apparent than ever, and it’s stirring up a great deal of energy in our mental, physical, and emotional bodies. If you’ve been feeling more anxious, scattered, or emotionally charged than usual, know that all of that is part of the current wave of energy that’s moving us in brand new directions. Some of these directions may come as a complete surprise, and some may have been years in the making. Either way, we are in a cycle of great change that will completely shift the landscape of our current reality. If you are finding your body’s joints or muscles feeling stiffer or tighter than usual, know that this is just feedback, letting you know that there’s room to be more flexible, open, and fluid, especially in your thoughts and beliefs. Dancing or yoga will greatly help to move any stagnant energies in your body or mind. Creating Balance As we move through the next chapter of our journey, we are being asked to create a more balanced existence. As we enter into a more balanced existence, we will notice that we no longer need to take extreme measures in order to evolve and grow on our journey. We will be able to align with a gentler, more relaxed approach to living our lives. Creating inner balance can sometimes seem like a foreign concept to the mind. The reason being, that humans have amassed within themselves thousands of years of narrow mental conditions acquired from cultural traditions, social structures, and belief systems. These mental conditions affect both the conscious and subconscious mind. Many tend to keep us in a state of inner imbalance, which we have come to accept as normal. We may not even be aware that these conditions are simply a learned behavior. For example, since the beginning of our experience on this planet, we humans have collectively internalized beliefs rooted in the idea that in order for us to expand, grow, evolve, and experience our desires, our life must be challenging and hard. This belief is actually a coping mechanism the mind uses to remain rooted in patterns of survival, which it uses to protect itself. The belief that we have to struggle or work hard for what we want has also served as a kind of initiation for the mind, helping it feel more accomplished and satisfied after overcoming outer obstacles. But these beliefs have nothing to do with who we truly are. They are just energetic patterns the mind has identified with for eons, so it could learn lessons, grow, and evolve. We can be grateful to our ancestors, and all aspects of ourselves from the past and present, for choosing to believe that things had to be limited or hard in order for us to grow and learn from them. Because all of that brought us to where we are now—to a much more enlightened awareness about ourselves, others, and the world around us. The energetic baton can now be passed from our unconscious self to our Awakened Self. We can now begin to see that moving through life and its challenges can be easy, joyful, and even fun! As we move into higher states of consciousness, our Spirit gives us the opportunity to let go of the need to believe life has to be hard in order for us to grow. From there, we can begin to achieve a balanced state of being. Are you ready to move in this direction? If so, just affirm to yourself and out loud to the Universe, “I am ready to expand and evolve with ease, grace, and joy. And so it is!” Passing the Baton Right now, there is a significant shift occurring—a kind of passing of the baton. Personally and collectively, we are being called to shift out of operating from the ego, and into operating from the heart. The ego has a purpose, and that purpose is simply to observe and fully experience third, fourth, and fifth dimensional reality. While we were living in the third dimension, the ego forgot that it was the Observer. The ego decided to identify with survival patterns, which kept it constantly in self-protection mode. But now, we have a much higher road available to us. Who would you be if you no longer operated from self-protection mode? Can you imagine how freeing it would be to live our lives completely open? Loving and trusting that our Spirit is keeping us safe, 24/7? Well, this is exactly what is happening! The ego is realizing that it can no longer survive in the old destructive patterns of control, domination, and fear that it identified with and found comfort in for so long. It's important to note that we learned great lessons from these old patterns. But we no longer need to keep recreating them to receive more lessons on that level. We are now ready to move on. During this time, as the baton is being passed from our fear-and-ego-based third dimensional self to our Awakened Self, things appear to be super-chaotic. This is because the collective ego is having to graduate from a state of ongoing resistance, to a state of openness and compassion. This shift can feel unsettling for the ego, because it's a creature of habit. But when the ego realizes how much it will gain and experience by letting go of the need to identify with control, fear, and separation—it will instantly shift into a more conscious and open state of being. The Completion of Old Agreements It’s time to release the belief that we are just “small Earth beings,” and to remember fully that we are vast, powerful Universal beings. Over the next several months, we'll notice that choosing to play “small” will begin to feel impossible. This is our Spirit saying to us, “I can no longer be confined by the belief that I/You are anything less than holy, powerful, and the Universe Itself in physical form.” Prior to entering the third dimensional experience, many of us signed up to help usher in the great shift that began decades ago. Through this energy agreement, many of us took on specific obligations, to ensure that the great shift would come to fruition. We knew that these agreements were not for the faint of heart. Yet out of love for Earth and her people, we volunteered to take them on, knowing we could handle them. And we've done exactly that. Now we have reached the expiration date on these agreements. They are becoming null and void in this new consciousness we have manifested. We now have true freedom—the freedom to choose everything that aligns us with our deepest and most authentic joy! Difficult conditions and limitations are no longer necessary. If you're someone who has felt that there was some type of resistant force at work in your life, even though you were diligently doing your inner spiritual and re-connective work, you now know why. It was never personal; it was simply an old agreement that needed to run its full course before it could end. A Powerful Solar Eclipse On Thursday, September 1st, we moved through a very powerful annular solar eclipse. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon covers the Sun's center, leaving the Sun's visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” around the Moon. Meditating during a solar eclipse, with the intention of connecting to the Sun, strengthens our own “internal sun,” also known as our power center. This area is located in our solar plexus, located just above the belly. During this solar eclipse, all insecurities we have been holding onto, all the false stories keeping us in victim consciousness, can instantly dissolve, simply by our holding the clear intent to dissolve them. Do the following process in the weeks following the eclipse, to help you activate your “inner sun”:
Doing this simple process results in a healthy, newfound self-confidence. It can encourage us to take inspired action towards our highest vision for our life, with greater ease. It will also help us stay in our power, no matter what is happening around us. This is especially important for empaths and sensitives right now! As always, take good care, my friend. And always remember that we are all in this together! Till next time, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations By Emmanuel Dagher Hi my friend, How have you been feeling the past several weeks? The Intense Energies The month of July left many empaths and sensitive souls feeling disheartened, confused, and defeated. On the surface, this might seem like it has to do with the chaos going on in the world, which is constantly delivered to us via media outlets that incite trauma, shock, and fear. But even if you are not someone who pays close attention to the world’s state of affairs, you’ve probably noticed that you have not felt like your usual self lately. Why is that? That is happening because along with the turbulence happening in the world right now, a great deal is coming up internally within us. This is a direct result of the influx of Light being downloaded into our solar system—and into every cell, fiber, and molecule of our inner and outer being. This powerful Light is coming directly from Source Energy, with no filters or fillers. A Powerful Influx of Light The current high influx of Light is setting a precedent, because never before in human history have we seen this much higher Light come in at one time. And the reason for that, is that we just could not have handled it before now. The heartening news is that Source Energy/our Higher Self only gives us what it knows we can handle. So although it feels like we are being stretched thin or tested in a major way at this time, it’s all part of a Divine Plan that is aligned with our highest and greatest good. The intention of this Divine Plan is to restore harmony, peace, and sacred balance in the Universe. When this much Light washes over our planet, deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns come to the surface to be addressed. Once these things are addressed, we then have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons that help us expand and evolve, both personally and as a global family. If you are being challenged at this time, you may be feeling disheartened or drained, either emotionally or because you are being triggered by what’s going on in the world right now. You can move things along more quickly, by asking yourself the following questions:
The answers may not come right away. But the simple act of asking these kinds of questions begins to affect the neurowaves in the brain, shifting our thoughts from autopilot to thinking outside the box. In simple terms, we are changing our internal dialogue, so we don’t remain fixed in a mindset that keeps us on a mental hamster wheel. That hamster wheel includes habitual thoughts that express fear, worry, lack, blame, judgment, and separation. When we help the mind to think outside its usual mix, we get off that wheel. We then open ourselves up to receive higher insight and wisdom that comes straight from our Higher Self, and from the powerful Light pouring into human consciousness at this time. Preparing for the New When we move through a high influx of Light as we are now, and we take that initial step of addressing the deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns that have been holding us back from living our greatest reality, the next step is usually an energetic cleanse. This is why things have felt really challenging lately. We’ve simultaneously been experiencing a powerful energetic cleanse, just as we are starting to address the things we’re being asked to let go of. Whether or not we choose to address these unconscious patterns and habits that are no longer for our highest good, the cleanse has nevertheless been in full effect. The great news is that after a cleanse is complete, we always have the opportunity for a fresh start. And we are getting very close to entering this next phase, where we can start anew. Before a new start begins, many of us will feel guided to see old friends we have not seen in a very long time. Some of us feel a pull to visit the hometown or area we grew up in, which we may have left a long time ago. This pull can also draw us to geographical locations and vortex points we may not have been to before in this lifetime, but knew in a previous lifetime. Others will feel guided to resolve any unfinished business from their past. If you are feeling a pull to do any of these things, then you are at the tail end of your cleansing cycle, and are about to enter your New Beginning. The World Unites On August 5, 2016, the Summer Olympic Games will begin. The Olympics were originally created with the intention of promoting comradery, good sportsmanship, and excellence. Over the years, the energies have evolved to create a global unity grid, bringing the world together in a peaceful way, to show that through teamwork, dedicated practice, and camaraderie, anything is possible. For several weeks in August, countries around the world will be putting aside their differences and walking together as “One Family.” This is big, and always creates a major boost in elevating the consciousness of humanity. During the Olympic games, billions of people around the world will unite. This unified field will soften our hearts to receive and anchor the higher Light of Source Energy, so that we can then move into our fresh new beginnings. If you’ve been going through a challenging time, know that things will start to ease up for you soon. Just remember to breathe, and take time to enjoy the magic life has to offer. Birds still chirp in the morning, and the wind still blows a beautiful breeze. And though it may not always appear to be so, all is well. Till next time, Peace and progress, Emmanuel ©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations Energy Forecast by Emmanuel Dagher Beautiful friend, How good it is to know that we have the opportunity to connect in this way. There's a lot for us to catch up on, so let's get right to it. The Sacred Star Rises On April 15, 2016 at 1:11 pm ET / 6:11 pm GMT (World Time), a global unconditional love healing activation took place at the United Nations building, so that peace and compassion could sweep over the planet in a very real and palpable way. Little did we know that much more than that was about to occur. During the healing activation, a sleeping giant awakened, known as the Merkaba of humanity. More on that in just a moment. Although the ground zero (middle point) of the global healing activation took place at the United Nations, it was the support of thousands of Lightworkers, Way-Showers, Healers, and Empaths from around the world that ensured the full awakening of the sacred Merkaba (also known as the Ascension Star) in the consciousness of humanity. This was unprecedented, because up until April 15, the Merkaba (or Mer-Ka-Ba) of most of humanity had lain dormant and nonfunctional, due to the fact that most people were still operating from the mind, rather than the heart. This has now changed, and I'll share why a bit later in the forecast. What is the Mer-Ka-Ba? The word Mer-Ka-Ba comes from the ancient Egyptian term for Lightbody: Mer is Light, Ka is spirit, and Ba is body. The Mer-Ka-Ba is an electro-magnetic field, shaped in a uniquely configured pattern of sacred geometry. This energy field is found in all living things in Creation. Its pattern is formed in the shape of a star tetrahedron—a three-dimensional, eight-pointed star in the shape of two pyramids, one inside the other. One of the main roles of the Mer-Ka-Ba is to align the mind, body, and heart. This alignment then allows the Merkaba to serve as the vehicle that transports the Spirit and the body into higher states of existence and higher dimensions. This usually manifests in several ways. The Mer-Ka-Ba is often awakened through specific, dedicated meditative breathing methods and mindfulness-expanding practices. It can also be awakened through consistent acts and thoughts of pure love, service, compassion, acceptance, integrity, and kindness. The Self would also be included as one of the recipients of these gifts. The Merkaba is the manifestation of the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within all living things. The Merkaba also balances the Feminine and Masculine energy within all living things, creating an environment for a peaceful existence, which then becomes each being's default vibrational setting. It enables us to experience expanded states of awareness, and restores the full remembering of who we are as Spiritual Beings. Even though each living being has its own Merkaba, together we also have a collective Merkaba. Together, on April 15, 2016, thousands of us awakened the Merkaba of humanity. Humanity's Merkaba When the collective Merkaba is dormant, no matter how much of our time we dedicate to our spiritual practice, more often than not, it still feels quite challenging, like we're climbing a tall mountain. But now that together we have awakened humanity's Merkaba, more and more people around the world will awaken to the truth of who they really are. This will make it much easier for us to expand our own individual consciousness, remain steadfast in our spiritual practice, share our spiritual gifts openly, and feel more connected to our Higher Self than ever before. To those who are quite spiritual, this is the "Holy Grail" we often hear about from the ancient texts: "As above, so below." In addition, the fear that the collective has been choosing to take part in will take a major backseat over the coming days, months, and years, as a result of humanity's awakened Merkaba. As this happens, feeling connected to our Spirit and to one another, and practicing acts of compassion for all of life, will take center stage. Instead of just going through the mundane motions of the old day-to-day patterns of life, to just "get by," our desire and motivation to feel truly alive will emerge at the forefront. Many of us are already feeling this now, and it's just the beginning! Can you imagine what the world will look like when people actually start choosing to feel alive through natural means, rather than numbing themselves through outdated patterns of fear and victim consciousness? This is BIG. It will collectively move us even more quickly in the direction of holistic, organic, transparent, green living. How did all of this happen? Each person who was able to be physically present at the April 15 event at the United Nations served as an ambassador of peace and compassion on behalf of all humanity. Each person who attended became a surrogate for the thousands of people around the world who joined us in Spirit at the exact time of the global healing activation. Those who joined us in Spirit held the space of the "compassionate observer," serving as the I AM presence, and anchoring nourishing and healing vibrations of compassion, unconditional love, and acceptance for all of humanity, including themselves. The observers acknowledged that humanity has simply done the best that it could with the amount of awareness that it has had over time. Those who served as compassionate observers may have felt an overwhelming sense of joy, and may have been moved to tears due to the amount of Love and Life being poured into our collective consciousness at that moment. Those of us who were physically present at the United Nations combined our energies to form an energetic global Unconditional Love and Christ Consciousness grid. ("Christ" as in the original Greek word christos, meaning "crystalline" or Light-based consciousness.) We began by looking into each other's eyes and affirming the following: "I see you, I love you, and I know who you really are. On behalf of humanity, I am so sorry that you may have ever felt otherwise. I see you, I love you, and I know who you really are. Thank you for seeing, loving, and knowing who I really am. We are One family. And so it is!" We made sure to include all of our multidimensional selves from past, present, and future. We also included all of our ancestors, guides, and Beings of Light in service to the Law of One on all levels, lifetimes, and languages. The word "healing" in that moment became an understatement, as to what began taking place. We then each visualized ourselves lovingly holding a miniature Earth in our hands, the size of a basketball. These mini-Earths acted as surrogates to our actual Earth. We then visualized these mini-Earths being drenched with unconditional love and compassion from our heart space. We saw this love from our heart as represented by the Pink Crystal Light of the Divine Feminine, and the Emerald Green Crystal Light of the Divine Masculine. We saw these luminous lights radiate outwards from our hearts, braiding themselves together and saturating every cell, fiber, and molecule of the Earths in our hands, and of every living being inhabiting the Earth. We then held hands and merged our visions together, to anchor them into One unified Light field of Unconditional Love and Christ Consciousness. We affirmed that the heart and mind of every being on the planet now be fully restored to their most pristine and awakened state, in the highest and most Divine timing for them. During this part of the global healing activation, many of us could feel the Earth beneath us move. Mind you, we were in a tall skyscraper, and I will share the significance of that shortly. The amount of love in the room was very thick and palpable to everyone there. Something even deeper than what we had at first intended had just occurred, though no one could really put their finger on it ... yet. Amazing Synchronicities After the global healing activation was completed, many synchronicities began to occur. I will share the biggest one with you. The following day, at my next healing event in New York City, one of our "peace and compassion" ambassadors who had attended the U.N. event shared the following with me. As she is a local, she mentioned that Manhattan itself is actually a sacred vortex, because of the magnetic crystals underneath the city. She mentioned that the only way that the land is able to sustain so many tall buildings, like no other city in the world can, is because of these powerful crystals underneath it. Many of us know that crystals are amplifiers of energy. But we hadn't realized that they would amplify our energy! The "goose bump" moment came when that day, several of the guests who had also attended the U.N. event were mentioning the dreams they'd had the night before. Several of them were freaking each other out, because they were finding that they had all had similar dreams. Now, I wouldn't usually get too involved in a conversation taking place among guests at an event, but I quickly realized that what they were sharing was almost exactly what I had seen and experienced in my own dreams the night before! The shared dream/vision the five of us had had (and none of us had ever met before that day) was of a golden, sacred geometric, grid-like veil that came down from the sky and anchored itself over the whole planet, falling gently down upon the Earth and covering it like a golden blanket. The way they were describing this grid-like veil was right in alignment with what I had seen in my own dream. The pattern of this grid was in the shape of a star tetrahedron—the three-dimensional, eight-pointed star made from the combining of two pyramids. A Merkaba! Holy moly! We all freaked out with excitement and acted like little kids for a bit, giving each other the biggest hugs I think I've ever experienced. I knew that this was the confirmation I needed to fully understand what had taken place the day before, at the United Nations event. It still blows my mind to think about it. There were a few other confirmations and synchronicities, but this one was the most relevant and specific to the awakening of humanity's Merkaba. Connecting with the Merkaba If you would like to connect even more with the energies of the Merkaba, so that it can support your continued spiritual expansion, I recommend printing out a picture of one that you really enjoy, and looking at it several times a day. You could also put this picture underneath your bed, so that its energies are present, lifting and expanding your own energies as you sleep. There are also Merkaba pedants and other fun 3D version of them that you can wear or have in your home. The After Effects and the Five Retrogrades Of course, when the collective timeline shifts in significant ways, such as what took place on April 15, the after effects are not always a matter of rainbows and butterflies. The integration period can sometimes feel challenging, because the mind is being asked to literally stretch out of its previous patterns. So if the past few weeks have been challenging for you, know that you are simply being expanded. We also have five planets in retrograde right now, giving us the opportunity to completely shed the illusions and triggers that no longer serve our highest good. I will share a quick overview of what planets are currently in retrograde, and what that means for us: Jupiter – Jupiter is in retrograde until May 9. Since Jupiter is all about wealth, and being in our power, this retrograde may be bringing up opportunities for us to look at and heal any patterns of lack and of giving our power away that we may still be engaged in. Mercury – Mercury is in retrograde until May 22. Since Mercury is all about communication, this retrograde may be bringing up opportunities for us to look at and heal any patterns of not communicating enough, or of communicating in ways that are not aligned with the most authentic, honest part of ourselves. The key to moving through Mercury in retrograde is to speak the truth with kindness and compassion. If it is not expressed in this way, then the way we deliver or speak is probably something that we would want to look at and heal. Mars – Mars is in retrograde until June 29. Mars is often associated with turbulence and combat, yet a more expanded perspective would be to see it as a type of fiery passion. This means that during a retrograde, triggers that have been beneath the surface of our close relationships could come to light right now, so that they can be healed and resolved once and for all. The key to moving through Mars retrograde is to completely let go of pride, and to be open and vulnerable with those closest to us. Saturn – Saturn is in retrograde until August 13. Saturn is often associated with karma. This means that during a retrograde, we are receiving almost a double dose of karmic intensity. This doesn't necessarily have to be a challenging experience, if we allow ourselves to put out into the world the kind of energy we would like to receive back. The effects will be pretty immediate, in terms of how we experience the world around us, because our world is simply a reflection of how we choose to see and treat ourselves. Pluto – Pluto is in retrograde until September 26. Pluto is often associated with transformation. This means that during a retrograde, we have the opportunity to recreate ourselves and make a new start. Big breakthroughs will be the theme, especially on a personal level. We can experience these breakthroughs by remaining flexible, engaged, and focused on the inner guidance that leads us to take inspired action. This is the time to fully invest our energy in healing ourselves, and to introduce innovative concepts into our lives, so that greater fulfillment and expansion can occur. Phew, that's a lot of retrogrades! However, once Jupiter moves out of retrograde on May 9, it will lighten the energies significantly, especially in conjunction with the effects of the other four planetary retrogrades. Doors that felt closed will open up, and greater ease and abundance will show up for those who have been doing the inner work, helping them to let go of the need to identify with a lack mentality. Overall, so much expansion is happening right now, for all of us. Drink lots of water, take good care of yourself, and know that you are loved beyond measure. Till next time, Peace and progress, Emmanuel ©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations By Emmanuel Dagher Did you feel all over the place emotionally throughout most of October? If you did, then you are not alone! The Sun became super active again last month, emitting solar waves that brought geomagnetic storms into the Earth's atmosphere, and into our personal auric fields. How are these solar waves affecting us? Did you notice how fast the month of October flew by? For many of us, it seemed to come and go in the blink of an eye. There's definitely a palpable quickening now of linear time as we know it. On a personal level, we purged and cleansed another layer of deeply rooted emotional patterns that no longer serve us. Cleanses usually happen in layers, to make it easier for our body and mind to adjust to the amount of light entering our energy field. We may have noticed that the Earth has also been purging and cleansing, because she too is readjusting herself to operate in higher states of existence. The Earth is preparing herself to support the rapidly evolving consciousness of all living beings who call her Home. The preparations that Earth is going through may not always make sense to the human mind, and seem challenging more often than not. However, it is all part of a Divine Plan that is continuing to elevate the quality of all life. If we become still enough, we can actually feel a new, more mindful paradigm emerging. Emotional Cleansing There is an important opportunity right now to let go of the old limiting stories we created for ourselves that have prevented us from being our vast and eternal self. Some of these stories include:
All of these stories, which were created by the mind (out of self-protection), are being placed in a cleansing cycle, to give us the clarity to know which ones we are finally ready to let go of. As with all cleanses, these ideas may seem more present now than ever. Give yourself permission to feel into them, without judging yourself. At the same time, in the back of your mind, know that they are not your true essence. They are just a type of protective shield the mind created for itself to feel in control. This awareness alone will create an opening in our mental and emotional field that allows higher states of feeling and knowing to emerge, so that it becomes easier to detach from the stories the mind likes to create. Grounding The energies right now are helping us to feel grounded and stable, especially in regards to our relationship with ourselves, others, and our physical environment. When we ground ourselves, we instantly align with the present moment. And it's in the present moment that we operate from our most expanded and empowered self. Becoming present allows us to transcend the illusions of time. It's from this space of no-time (a place of nonattachment) that our greatest, most desired intentions can manifest into our experience. Here are some simple things we can do to feel more grounded:
At first, the concept of grounding may seem a bit constricting. This usually stems from the idea that the word "grounding" implies having a fixed or inflexible nature. But really, the opposite is true. By being grounded, we instantly bring ourselves into the flow of the present moment, where again, we are at our most powerful. It's in the present that most of our freedom is experienced, because we are no longer bound to the past or the future. Consciously choosing to ground ourselves in the present moment leads to a life lived from a state of grace, flow, and fluidity. Flowing Energies There's also an energetic doorway opening up right now that will make it easier to be in the flow. It will feel as if we've come into a stream of good fortune, however this is simply a confirmation that we are moving out of the need to always be in control. We may notice that new ideas, opportunities, and experiences will start to reveal themselves to us in the next few days and weeks, that feel like answered prayers. When this happens, let's express gratitude that these blessings are showing up. Gratitude is like a blessings magnet, and open us up to receive many more blessings. A Personal Note My sweet friend, I would like to remind you that you are a gift of luminous light to the world. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone exactly like you walking this planet again. Honor and receive these words, my friend, as a gift, as they are a small glimpse into how the Universe has always felt about you. It is one of the most humbling experiences for me to have the opportunity to remind you of the magnificence that resides within every cell and fiber of your being. So from my heart to yours, thank you. Till next time, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations |
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