Yes we realize the physical body cannot fly, or move through walls because it has a density. This feeling and experience of density reinforces the illusion of limitations. Remember this is a reality of duality. You have a physical body which allows you to interface with this dimension and translate the vibrations you are encountering as good or bad. We want to remind you that you also have an energy body that has the ability and true purpose to be in partnership with the physical self. It is in this partnership and awareness between the 3D physical self and the energy body of the divine conscious self where true creation happens. The shift that is occurring within your realty is the struggle between the limited physical self and the unlimited divine self. This struggle is happening within each individual and it is magnified and witnessed by the collective. Imagine each and everyone is being stimulated, activated, quickened to realize that they are more than the physical body that certainly feels real. This quickening will continue within the collective since you are on course to evolve and ascend into the higher dimensions. The vibrations being offered by the galactic/cosmic forces are bathing every aspect of your planet. Dense misqualified energies are being pushed to the surface to be transformed. When these dense negative energies are witnessed from your limited physical consciousness you feel hopeless, helpless, frustrated and even angry. Unfortunately those feeling of hopelessness and helplessness, frustration and anger only keep you locked into this dense limited 3D experience. It is the skill and the tenacity of a true master who is able to witness the events that cause such chaos and tragedy and offer a frequency and vibration that uplifts, shifts and anchors a new template and pattern. Each and every person who recognizes and remembers that this is one of the reasons that are here again in this limited experience. Each individual has the power, the ability and the responsibility to reach and express a vision, a vibration, that is honoring of all. It is especially true and important when the physical expression is one of chaos and extreme tragedy. There are those who are stroking this dysfunction, this chaos, out of their own misunderstanding of who they are, out of their own wounded core and fear. What is offered will activate and call forth all repressed emotions held within the collective. This triggering of negative and misqualified emotions of fear, hatred, powerlessness and shock becomes amplified and radiates into the entire field. All empathic beings feel these dense emotional vibrations and will easily match them. Energy will always follow thoughts, so out of unconsciousness and matching the misqualified energies offered, the cycle repeats and repeats, growing stronger and louder each time. It is like an energy net that traps those who are not alert, who are in any kind of denial, or are in a state of conscious slumber. Wake up, wake up to your personal power and awareness. You are not helpless, you are powerful beyond measure. Own it, live it, call it forth moment by moment. Stay vigilant about how your circuits are activated, what plugs you in, what gives you a charge, what makes you angry. These are the feelings and thoughts that keep you deep in 3D. Keep reminding yourself to stay aware, to stay fully present in the moment. It is from that fully aware state of consciousness in the moment that one can and does shift this reality, either personal or collective. Have you an emergency list of the steps that will restore your aware state of consciousness? Practice simply following your breath, long, slow and deep. This simple exercise will affect the physiology of the entire physical body. It is an elegant method to restore your divine consciousness especially when your physical consciousness is in a state of fear, anger, sadness or frustration. These are the tools we want to remind you to use quickly and often. When you are in a state of gratitude and appreciation every cell of your body, even your very DNA, is expanded. This is the state of vibrational frequency that invites synchronicities to occur in your life and affairs. This is the frequency that imprints the quantum with the new template. This is the energy that anchors higher awareness into the collective field. These feelings of gratitude and blessings from your divine knowing are truly the magic that transforms all chaotic energies. Even in the midst, especially in the midst, of some form of chaos, this is time to hold firmly to the experience of being aware that you are aware. Remember to practice good self care. Be in nature, rest and be kind to yourself and others. Practice deep breathing as you send love and appreciation of your physical body. Flow colors through your body, bathe every cell with light. Allow yourself to play in your imagination. Imagine and practice feeling a different kind of reality. Imagine yourself flying, or moving through the dimensions or even traveling time. Be playful with yourself and allow your thoughts to expand to all the unlimited possibilities. Several times a day allow yourself to shift your thoughts to ones that feel delicious, ones that make you smile or even laugh. Remember there are enough people still stuck in the worry, fear and frustration mentality. You be the one who generates a higher frequency of clarity and expansion. There is always more to be revealed. Step into your personal power to transform misqualified energies without being ensnared by the negativity or hopelessness. It is more important now than ever. You planet is undergoing a huge healing and shift from a state of duality to an understanding and collective recognition of oneness. You are here to anchor that very truth. You are here to be aware that you are aware and to share that awareness with others through your words, thoughts, feelings and examples. It is the only thing that will support this planet’s ascension. We acknowledge you for the courage to be embodied at this time. Trust us when we say you are truly the chosen one, only masters are allowed to be a part of this incredible process of ascension. We are here to support, guide and remind you that you are a magnificent creator and being of light. the 'team' ©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available Passion Leads to Miracles The first week of October will be filled with lots of passion, high and creative energy. With this much passion and creative energy in the air, it’s important to give it a healthy and productive outlet. When the energy of passion is fully acknowledged and honored, it has the ability to manifest extraordinary new miracles in our lives. If passion is not fully acknowledged and honored, the mind tends to internalize it as “anger,” which often leads to blocks and breakdowns in our body, mind, energy field, and experience. If we do find ourselves feeling angry, viewing it as feedback that can help us redirect our focus to honor the passion within us that desires to fully be expressed, will help tremendously. Passion is one of the main ingredients that helps us to manifest miracles in our lives. Passion is a palpable energy that can actually be felt in the body. When passion is expressed physically in a sensual way, it has the power to actually heal and rejuvenate the body. When passion is expressed emotionally in a sensual way, it takes the feeling of well-being to a whole new and expanded level. If we are someone who has an illness or other imbalance in the body and emotions, opening ourselves up to being more sensual will assist us tremendously. Being sensual is often a challenge for many people, especially those who are sensitive to energy. The mind often views sensuality as something that requires vulnerability, which it equates with being weak and exposed to judgment, disappointment, or a hurt of some kind. These misconceptions around sensuality have taught us to create an energetic armor around ourselves that keeps us safe, or what our mind believes is safe. Yet one of the boldest and most courageous things we can do in today's world is to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable simply means we allow ourselves to be open and available to ourselves and others. When someone wears a self-protective armor for long periods of time, they become stiff and rigid. This kind of rigidity of the mind and body ultimately leads to feelings of disconnect from our Spirit. The remedy for a rigid, overly self-protective mind and body, is love. We experience sensuality when we are able to fully express love through our sense of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Once these senses are activated, our inner senses are then able to awaken and strengthen the mind and body’s connection to our Spirit. This is when we are able to notice, feel, and receive the miracle of life available to us daily. Our Spirit has and will only ever know love, joy, wholeness, freedom, beauty, abundance, well-being. Anything less is simply not coming from our Spirit. With this awareness, take a moment to reflect on allowing yourself to experience sensuality. Knowing all that we know now, are we willing to work with the energy of sensuality to help heal the parts of us that have forgotten how to give and receive love? Because if we are ready to heal, the next few weeks are offering us the opportunity to let go of the armor, and to open ourselves up to the miracles of life. Here are some suggestions to help us become more sensual, so that we can be open to all the blessings our Spirit desires to give us: • Taking a warm bath (adding our favorite essential oils) • Listening to soothing music that feels good to our Soul • Receiving a massage or experiencing some kind of soothing/healing physical touch • Writing/journaling a romantic letter to ourselves, and then to a romantic partner (if we are in relationship) • Expressing ourselves through art (playing music, painting, drawing, dancing, pottery making) There are many ways to awaken and express your sensuality and passion, so let this list simply be a starting point for you. A Call to Action The second and third week of October will be all about taking action. This will be a great time to come up with or revise an action plan to help us manifest more of our desires. We will feel highly productive, so it’s important to not allow ourselves to get distracted by anything that might move us out of that productivity. If we remain steadfast, we will accomplish many things during this time. We will also want to keep a journal close to us around this time, to write down the insights and ideas we receive from the cosmic realms. This will be a time where we begin receiving energetic downloads that will inspire us to see things from a more expanded perspective. Things we may not have noticed before will now come to light in a big way. This is also the time to keep our eyes, heart, and mind open to the unexpected. The energy of surprise will be strong, specifically around the time of the New Moon on October 19, so any time between the 17th to the 24th will be ripe for some kind of surprise to show up. Strengthening Our Intuitive Gifts The final week of October will offer us a time to go within and start developing our intuitive gifts even more. Developing our natural intuitive gifts will allow us to view things from a much more expanded perspective. As we develop our intuitive gifts, we may also start to notice energy more. This can show up as seeing the auras around people, animals, and things in nature. We may notice that we can feel energy more. This can show up as goosebumps in the body, or warmth in the hands, feet, back of the neck, face, or stomach. We may also notice number sequences more, such as the clock reading 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc. This often happens to help us realize a synchronicity that is going on around us. We may notice energy balls of blue, pink, white, or golden light in our peripheral vision. We may also see sparks (like mini shooting stars). This happens to remind us to pay attention to what’s happening around us in that moment. There’s usually a message or confirmation trying to reveal itself. Our ability to connect with and hear our intuition will become easier. We may notice an awakening of new or old desires to learn more about healing and energy therapies. We may notice a desire to help and support others coming through even more clearly. All of these gifts, and much more, are already within each of us. There are periods of time that are more conducive to helping us develop these gifts, and the end of October ushers in one of those times. So, if there’s a class, course, new book, group, or personal practice you feel drawn to, this will be an excellent time to immerse yourself in it! Overall, October will be gentler energetically then the past several months have been. As always, make sure to nurture and take good care of yourself. Until next time, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel ©2009-2017 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
Your conscious mind is the result of your inner being focusing attention upon the outer world through your physical brain and senses. When, instead, you turn your attention from the outer world towards the inner world, you access the resources of your inner being. Your inner being possesses all of the wisdom, understanding and strength that you will ever need. It is your ultimate, personal resource. Your inner being is also your link with the universe and with the consciousness behind all life, Infinite Being. If you think of yourself as living your life like a performer on stage, then your inner being is like the backstage technician who makes sure that your performance has all the support that it needs to make everything happen on cue. The amount of knowledge and wisdom available within you is unlimited. In order to access it, you only have to make an intention to go within and find it. Your subconscious mind runs all of your biological systems without conscious effort on your part. In fact, if you think about it, the subconscious mind of an ant knows more about biochemistry than today's leading scientists. Your inner being knows even more; in fact, everything about anything you want to know anything about. The trick is to ask the question and then silence your conscious mind enough to hear the answer. When you become consciously aware of the true nature of your inner being and its resources of wisdom, understanding and strength, you begin to dissolve many of the former limitations to your growth. The key to expressing your human potential is to know that all potential lies within you and you only have to open an external channel in order to begin to allow that unlimited potential to flow out into the world. The power is within. To become empowered, you don't have to become something new. You only have to realize that you already have that power within, then allow that infinite inner potential to flow into your life. |
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February 2023