When one ascends, their third-dimensional being begins to transmute into higher and higher frequencies. As the human, or other being, begins the Ascension Process, they can increasingly see the Light around all that they perceive. On the other hand, if a person, place, situation, or even thing, lowers the frequency of Light, their aura does not cast out the Light around that person, place, situation, or thing. If there is no Light to be seen, then it is likely that the one who experiences that person, place, situation, or thing, may not be able to trust that they can perceive that frequency of Light. - Or the frequency of Light is too high for that person to be able to perceive. If one is prepared to go through an Ascension Portal, one must first be able to perceive it. An Ascension Portal resonates to a very high frequency which is too high for most third-dimensional humans, or other beings. It is for that reason that many beings who have seemed to ascend are first surrounded by an intense Light. Of course, there are not many humans who are prepared to even think about, much less even know, what Ascension is. Ascension is very complex. To give it a simpler explanation, ascension is when a being's frequency of vibration becomes so high that those with the common human third-dimensional vibration will not even see that Ascended Being. Then, since they cannot see the Ascending Being, they do not know that the Ascension process is even happening. It is for this reason that Ascended Masters often seem to disappear to those whose consciousness is not high enough to be able to perceive the transition from at third-dimensional state, place, situation, or thing, to a higher dimensional state, place, situation, or thing. There are also stories of Ascending Beings disappearing. However, those beings are still there, but they are now resonating to such a high frequency of Light that only those who resonate to that frequency will be able to perceive what is really happening. Of course, most people have not heard much about ascension and therefore they do not think about it. However, sometimes a human has an experience that awakens their innate ability to perceive higher frequencies of Light. These are the "Awakening Ascended Masters" that we may hear about. One must resonate to a very high frequency of Light in order to be an Ascended Master. There have been these Masters throughout our human history. Quite often, Ascended Masters only stay on third-dimensional Earth for a shorter time than third-dimensional humans. This is often because they have come to "teach" and not just give a way. Ascended Masters tend to stay in their third-dimensional form only until they have completed the reason why they have chosen to come to Gaia's Earth to assist the people, and very importantly, the planet: - to help the people and the planet move through a difficult time of transmutation into a higher frequency of Love and Light. Therefore, many of the Ascended Masters come to Gaia's assistance when the humans have been doing too much damage to Gaia's Planetary SELF. When these Ascended Masters have completed their reasons for taking a third-dimensional body, they ascend back into their innate higher-dimensional frequency of SELF. The third-dimensional humans usually think that that being "died," but in reality it has likely just gone home to their higher-dimensional planet and/or reality. The being has finished its job for Gaia and is going home for a rest. Dear Higher Dimensional Beings, thank you so for your assistance! - Suzanne Lie, PhD http://www.multidimensions.com/ You have the ability to think on three levels - the brain-mind, the heart-mind, and the intuition-mind. It is as if a symphony of frequencies is open to you and you can focus on just one level or you can choose to open up to all the levels of perception. The intellectual processes of the brain-mind operate at the frequency level of the solar plexus chakra. In that case, your perception of the world is filtered through the viewpoint of that lens or energy gateway. When you move up from solar plexus focus to the heart chakra, your field of view becomes more expanded. Greater issues come into play. Not just, "How will I solve this challenge," but "What will its effect be upon other people, upon the environment, and upon the world in which we live." As I pointed out in my original book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness and, in an updated perspective in my new book, Higher Consciousness (see below), there are two levels of heart consciousness. The first heart-mind level is heart-centered awareness, where you become sensitive to the effects of your thoughts and actions upon others. In this, the emergence of empathy serves to make the world a kinder, better place. Heart-centered consciousness is where you become accustomed to the level of heart-mind thinking. Then, just one more step ahead brings you into heart-poweredconsciousness, where you become less a newcomer and more a master of this higher view of reality. That one step from heart-centered to heart-powered awareness launches you into the first step of a whole new tier of conscious growth. The move from the basic, material tier of consciousness into heart-powered consciousness is a momentous shift, a quantum leap into the upper tier of growth in human consciousness. Beyond that lies the seat of the soul, the realm of intuition-mind. As we work to gain ever-better flashes of intuitive insight, we develop that all-important access to heart-powered consciousness and the higher tier of human growth. Those are the key stages in today's ongoing march toward higher consciousness: Brain-mind, the two stages of heart-mind, and the joy-generating state of intuitive attunement with your true inner being. I released my latest book, Higher Consciousness, at this time so that people could gain a clear picture of ways to easily travel this path to our destiny, a destiny filled with boundless joy, peace, and inner wisdom. Higher Consciousness is now available as a paperback (or Kindle e-book) on Amazon.com's sites in various countries as well as a pdf e-book version for immediate download from our website: https://www.infinitebeing.com/ebooks/higher.htm
When there is disharmony within the thoughts or when emotions are in conflict, the body will eventually manifest this lack of balance and harmony, there will be dis-ease. So dear ones, when you are experiencing a state of unease or feeling off balance, the name your society has given to this state of disharmony and unease is often stress. Ask yourself what emotions are you avoiding, what emotions have you labeled uncomfortable. We invite you to look within at the possible conflicts that you are dealing with. List each one in a clear and precise manner. This offers you an insight as you travel into the maze of your disharmony, your depression or your anxiety. Also we might offer that you be aware of the labels others have given you and you took as your own without question. Usually a label is an attempt to assert control and manage any uncertainty. A label may allow for a type of mental closure and even encourage you not to think about the things, issues, or emotions again. Realize life never comes to closure; life is a process, even a mystery. Life is known only by those who have found a way to be comfortable with their emotions, with change and the unknown. Given the nature of life, there may be no security, but only your adventure. Once your inner conflicts have been offered to the conscious mind there can be resolution. You have many tools to use that will bring you to a balanced state of mind, a balanced state of emotions and therefore a balanced healthy body. The heart is the thinking organ of your human form. It is the heart which truly is in command. The energetic field of the heart matrix is far stronger and more expanded than the energetic matrix of the brain. Your mentors, wise one, avatars and spiritual leaders have been speaking and teaching of this for eons of time. It is the intelligence of the heart that offers humanity total healing and divine connection with the dimensions and the stars. We encourage you to return to the sacred space of your heart and radiate love and acceptance as well as gratitude to your reality. It is within the sacred heart that the alchemical process of transformation takes place. Human beings long ago learn to close or protect their heart circuit. This has been one of the main dysfunctions on your planet. It is one of the main sources of dis-ease. When the heart circuit is protected there is an energetic loop. There is difficulty with energy coming in or going out. The human being has allowed the brain, the programs, the beliefs, and the labels to monitor and guard the heart center. These programs and beliefs close and numb your responses to the messages and guidance coming from and going to this important heart center. These beliefs and programs about protecting the heart center are passed down energetically from parent to child. A small child learns from the unspoken as well as the spoken messages about being hurt, allowing or not allowing one to love freely and easily, what feels safe or unsafe, who to trust and not trust. The heart center is your portal. It is your gate. It is important for humanity to begin to heal the wounds that the heart carries. It is essential to healing this planet's dysfunction. When the heart is energetically closed to others, it is closed to the divine. It is time that humanity heals the wounded heart. We acknowledge all those who are becoming aware of when they close their hearts and what programs/beliefs within their system lock them into a closed loop. There are the wounds passed down from generation to generation. There are the wounds within the family dynamics of this lifetime. There are the wounds that each human being has personally experienced while in this embodiment. Humans are skilled at shutting down their emotions of pain, hurt, betrayal, grief, disappointment or feeling unloved. As best you can, allow yourself to clear these emotions and realize that without judgment, many of these things can be made holy. You are invited to begin the process of healing the many levels of wounded patterns within the heart matrix which can manifest in your physical form. This is the work and the responsibility for each and every person on the personal level, genetic level and global level. We support and encourage you to energetically and emotionally clean out your heart space. Polish it, shine it up, air it out and begin to live there. Humanity is stepping into an entirely new paradigm in which the thinking heart will be honored, whole and connected to the other heart matrices. This reality is happening one heart beat at a time, one human being at a time. Each human being who becomes aware of the power to heal the wounds carried within their heart center can then open their heart center and radiate the divine flow of love, acceptance, and the honoring of one another. The heart portal was designed to serve as the gateway to the stars. This heart portal allows the energy to flow from divine source and the heart center processes this energy for the expansion of the human being. We are inviting you to continue with your dedicated intention to heal your heart portal, for it is through your heart portal that divine energies, divine connection and divine guidance are able to stream to you. The most important tools in the healing, harmonizing and the balancing of your heart portal are to continue to return your awareness to the vibrations of joy, gratitude, appreciation and forgiveness. It is the power of these vibrations which allows the heart center/heart portal to heal from all the wounds carried. Practice asking your heart before asking your mind. Practice bridging and connecting the heart's intelligence with the brain's intelligence. Practice radiating unconditional love, joy, and appreciation from your heart not from the mind. Understand that you are connected to one another with unbreakable and compelling human bonds. In this knowing everyone becomes less vulnerable and alone. The heart, which can see these connections, may be far more powerful a source of healing than the mind. It is the service work each human being is asked to give for the wholeness and healing of the heart center of humanity. For when human beings live from an open and healed heart they know and feel their connectedness with each other and understand their universal purpose. Allow yourself to see your sacred heart space as spacious, infinite, expanded, and whole. It is your link to the cosmic grid. It is your way home. We support your healing and delight with our heart connection with you. Be at peace, Beloved. the 'team' https://www.peggyblack.com/ https://morningmessages.com/
Jamal was a nobleman and a noble man. We had a conscious conception on a ship in the ocean and the dolphins followed us for five days. I knew our child would be a powerhouse. Finally, he was taken from me when the Soviets bombed Jalalabad with chemical warfare, and I was pregnant. With his dying breath he asked me to promise that I would raise our child as a true Afghan. When I did, he passed, and I felt a strange sensation in my womb. Weeks later, he appeared to me in the Light Body and told me he passed his Sufi (Islamic mystical) lineage to our child. The way of the Sufis is a humble, powerful, prayerful path strewn with miracles. The Muslims revere Jesus Christ, Moses, and Mohammed as great prophets, and believe in the powers of Mother Mary, Angels, and other high adepts like my daughter Chandra to help mankind. My first miracle was when I became ill with hepatitis A. The Afghan family I was living with, decided to take me to a Sufi healer. We taxied to the old bazaar and walked the muddy rock-strewn lanes to a tiny adobe shop on an embankment. An old man with a white beard sat on a carpet listening as the Afghans talked. Then he took out a wooden scythe inlaid with brass and mother of pearl, recited from the Quran as he touched it to my forehead, lips and chest. He gave my family a tiny vial of rose oil and told them to put one drop in a glass of water for me to drink three times a day for three days and I would be healed……..and I was. My daughter Chandra had a home birth with no drugs or surgeries just an elderly naturopathic physician who had seen 3000 live births and snored through most of the five hours of my labor. She awakened at appropriate moments to have my coaches give me certain herbal teas to help me along. Chandra was born wide awake, looking around, didn’t cry, and breathed on her own after the umbilical cord stopped pulsing. While we were resting together, Chandra took me on a journey out of the body. I was looking down on the cosmos. Many answers to many mysteries were given to me and I kept mentally exclaiming in absolute wonder, “So that is why that happens!” At eight months, after giving her the recommended vaccinations, Chandra stopped all sound and movement. I was told she was a vegetable, and I should institutionalize her. Shocked, I refused to believe it! I had a past life regression, whereby you are put in a light trance but totally aware of everything. A Native American male guide came through me, and I felt my voice drop an octave. The woman conducting the regression asked him why Chandra came here disabled. The answer was, “The overcoming of incredible odds.” It was then I knew that my real journey had begun, studying all alternative treatments to help Chandra. When Chandra was three months old, she was doing mudras (sacred symbols) with her fingers, like those of Jesus Christ , Christian, and Hindu saints. At age 2 she took the pen from my hand with her fist and placed on a paper. I steadied her fist, and she wrote 11 11. It wasn’t until she reached age 9 that a book on the sacred meaning of those numbers came out* After seven years of doing alternative therapies with Chandra, I felt safe enough to look up and decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. Exporting handicrafts from Afghanistan to sell in the States was out of the question. I realized that I had a wealth of knowledge on how to help people whether abled or disabled. I took some certificates and a license in alternative therapies and opened my own practice focusing on Lymphatic Drainage, Afghan Aromatherapy, Metabolic Analysis, Color Therapy and Chakra Balancing, some of the therapies I did for Chandra. I also began teaching these subjects in all the colleges in the Phoenix Arizona area. Chandra from age 11 to 15 attended the Gifted Children’s Program in Arizona State University studying Biology and Philosophy getting top marks. She always had a personal assistant since Chandra doesn’t speak and only has gross motor usage of her hands. She communicated telepathically with her aides and that is the way she runs her own business today. Chandra wanted to study Quantum Physics, but it wasn’t available then. After the ASU program shut down, she became bored, dropped out of high school at sixteen and started her own “service to humanity” business at seventeen. She does distance healing, and creates tools, fractal videos through Quantum Physics and Sacred Geometry that make changes at the cellular level. Once when interviewed about different vibrational rates, the host asked what her rate was. She replied, “One hundred million megahertz.” The host said, “That is the Quantum Light Field.” Yes, and I know that it is from there that she does her work. Today, age 38, having overcome incredible odds, she is widely known as “Grandma” Chandra, a title given to her by Chief Golden Light Eagle of the Yankton Sioux. She and I still follow the Sufi Path of compassion and mercy helping people who suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Testimonials:
Quote: “Every leaf on every tree knows that I love my Beloved.” An Afghan Sufi Master
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February 2023