By Colin Whitby Absolute Balance brings a brand new level of clarity for our divine essence to express via our own special frequency of divine love. To help us bring these new frequencies into our bodies we have been given a sacred geometric form which helps us focus these unique flows. This Sacred geometry represents so much. A vortex of unconditional love that can be used to anchor Creator unconditional love and/or clearing and releasing for your higher purpose. How does it work? Anchoring Unconditional Love in Your Heart Focusing on the centre of the image with the intent of anchoring Creator unconditional love energy will do just that - your heart will be surrounded by and filled with unconditional love, peace and joy. You will feel an instantaneous uplifting of your energy level and your frequency will rise. As the heart pumps life sustaining energy throughout the physical body, the Creator's liquid light/life will be pumped throughout the physical manifestation of All That You Are, bringing about healing, balance and a oneness with All. Clearing/Releasing your Physical Body Focusing on the centre and giving intent for clearing/releasing for your highest purpose and benefit will support the physical body in releasing dense energies/emotions/issues that no longer serve, that have blocked a moving forward in perfect health and happiness, a flowing with what is best-brightest-most beautiful personally and universally. A printed copy of the symbol can be used as a portable vortex tool for focusing on any part of the physical body or chakra, in need of healing or stimulation. Anchoring or Clearing/Releasing you Home Displaying this symbol in your home with the spoken intent as to how you'd like it used (anchoring and/or releasing) will provide a powerful, permanent way to maintain a frequency of unconditional love in your home or a means of constant clearing of unwanted energies and entities. Display in your healing or bedroom, so that you feel loved and protected while healing or sleeping. Printed and laminated versions of this image are available with the image printed on both sides so that you can use it in whatever way suits your needs. Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here, offering you our gratitude and deep respect as you continue to anchor consciousness of light into this dimension and timeframe. We are here also to offer our support, encouragement and the gentle reminder that you are a powerful transformer of misqualified energy. You could easily call yourself a code of light activator. As a multidimensional being of light frequencies and consciousness, you have the physical body that is required to interface with the dense frequencies of matter and this reality. We have observed that the physical experience often becomes your total focus. We are aware that there is a certain amount of focus required to maintain and operate your physical form and existence. We continue to remind you that you are pure conscious light housed, so to speak, within your body. The time has come for you to remember yourself as this pure conscious light and to begin to understand just how the light can and does influence the reality of your experience. You are becoming aware that your body is only a vehicle for anchoring these divine light codes into this matrix and collective consciousness. The limited patterns and belief systems that are so prevalent on your planet are being exposed. Consciousness is manipulated through fear, hatred, prejudice, violence and all misqualified energies and emotions. These dense frequencies and life-diminishing energies can be contagious, communicable, and transmittable. You are observing the chaos of violence that is occurring worldwide. This chaos that is observed activates any insecurities for your own well-being and that of your loved ones. When any violence, unkind deed or word is expressed and witnessed, it triggers and touches you in the most sensitive place of your empathic sensitivity. The first reaction is to push back, to judge and to condemn. Yet this only adds energy to the very thing that triggered your emotions and point of view of the wrongness of what has occurred. We are invalidating your reaction or your compassion for the horrific acts that occur. We know you as caring, loving, conscious being of light. Most of those embodied at this time are using their divine creative abilities upside down and backwards. They focus and push against the very things, actions and events that they are wanting to transform. Remember whatever focused energy is offered to the quantum field, the energy field of this planet, will manifest. So when fear, hatred or prejudice is expressed it will trigger the same frequencies or emotions of belief in others. Therefore, the misqualified energies and actions continue to expand and spread. Pushing against anything adds to its energetic power. These misqualified energies and actions have occurred on your planet for eons of time. Yet now, with all the new technologies, these terror breeding events and actions are broadcast immediately. The collective focus becomes one of horror, fear, deep sadness, grief, anger/rage and repression. All of these emotional frequencies are considered misqualified; they are emotions that keep humanity locked into a dilemma of limited expression of your divine creative abilities. You are awake and aware of who you are as a multidimensional being. You are beginning to understand that you truly carry codes of light that can and will shift the dysfunction and misuse of emotional frequencies. You are here on this planet to transform the misqualified energy that you encounter or observe. Everyone is in vibrational communication with the collective consciousness and the energy frequencies of this planet Earth. You truly incarnated to do this work and to offer these uplifting light codes to all you encounter. Remember that light is information, light blesses the darkness with the gift of luminous understanding. You are a carrier of light. You are a being of light. Begin to place your focus on any tragic event, misqualified energy or action as if you were a beam of conscious light, offering love, compassion, forgiveness, awareness and awakening. Seed these events with light consciousness. Surround the individuals, the action, with light, healing light. Read your newspapers, watch your media and use your awareness of who you are as a creator, as a carrier of light codes, and envision a reality that is life-sustaining. Anchor your lightbody into this electromagnetic and geomagnetic energy field of your Earth. Realize that you can focus and send your light frequencies into the matrix and collective consciousness. You are powerful beyond measure. Begin to own that realization. You are not at the mercy of all that is occurring, you are here to transform the very things that trigger your emotions. You are here to assist in the birth of the consciousness of light within humanity. Every human carries codes of light as the multidimensional beings of divine consciousness that they are. Most humans take their first and last breath unaware of these codes of light consciousness within. Usually when one embodies into this dimension they empathically match the frequencies of the dense misqualified energy and emotions. However, when you are aware that you carry this frequency and these codes of light you can and will transmit this awareness to others. You will begin to activate, trigger and stimulate the personal awakening within others. Remember everything that exists is a frequency or vibration. So to shift or transform any experience you are required to shift the frequency or vibration that you are offering. Join together with other like-minded individuals and begin to send a focused beam of transforming light awareness and information codes to any collective misconceptions, limited beliefs and misqualified actions or energy. Be the inviter of the infinite assembly of non-physical divine beings of light and love. Begin truly to work in partnership with these beings of light. We can only support and assist when invited by someone who is in physical form in this free will environment. So we are encouraging you continue to offer your uplifting, transforming vision that will birth a new reality. We are encouraging you to recognize and own your personal power to offer and seed this dimension with your personal codes of light. It is your willingness and intention that carries these electrometric frequencies of light that will triggers the codes of light in others. We are honored that you heard our message. We acknowledge you once again for your courage and dedication to this work and service. We are always available to support you upon your invitation. Know that you are seen and appreciated with our deepest gratitude. the 'team' ©2016 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address FREE 88 messages available Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
By Shekina Rose
A love song to humanity sung in an angelic language. A Free Gift from the Angels 444
(444 is the sign of the Angels)
Download your “Angelic Love” Gift From the Angels a Love song to Humanity
Listen or download Songs of Infinity Language of Angels
There is no place on Earth that we cannot reach you -
we are here and always with you. The Angels
“Angelic Love”, sung from the ancient Solfeggio scale and in the tongues of the Angelic language can raise your frequency and affect your DNA to a higher Light and connection to the Divine.
The language is a sacred passageway unto the Holy, our wholeness that is undefinable in the known world yet touches deeply in a way of true knowing, that way of our souls remembering Love. The language of light is spoken of in the controversial Dead Sea Scrolls, The Keys of Enoch "The lost Enochian knowledge that reveals the mother tongue as a "language of Light". A physicist analyzed Shekina's voice and verified that her vocals contain the 6 pure tonal notes of the whole lost ancient scale of the frequency of 528 Hz Love Solfagio, Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair). Heaven and the light have told Shekina that the Solfeggio frequencies are part of the language of light. I am a Blue Ray Angelic Starseed, and yet over the last months have experienced an even greater connection to the angelic realms and my own Angelic DNA resonances. These songs are a collaboration with the Angelic Presence, the experience of the Fractal Holographic Wings by Keith Allen Kay and sacred lands of the Vortex of Sedona AZ. The holographic wings an amazing to experience as being part of the light essence of the angels to see them and have them on my body. I had an immediate reaction of my angelic nature and to the angelic kingdom. While I was at the Cathedral Rock Vortex in Sedona AZ, a powerful angelic gateway open as I felt them deeply with in my soul where these songs were a communion that occurred together in the presence. Shekina Rose
Please freely distribute “ Angelic Love” and share the blessings with others. They are not intended for commercial use. Please contact me to use commercially, thank you [email protected]
Shekina Rose, Angelic Blue Ray Star Seed, Language of Light Harmonic Vocalist in the 528 Hz LOVE, MIRACLE ancient Solfeggio frequency, Channel of the Blue Ray and Galactic Delegate Harmonics of Unity Blue Ray Channels, Soul Readings, DNA language of light Healing Kieth Allen kay HoloPhotonics2 or email: [email protected]
Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
A Message for Lightworkers from the Great White Brotherhood through Charmian Redwood This is a time of great chaos and change upon the earth. Your soul is demanding an environment in which the qualities of your eternal self can be manifest. There is a shifting and shaking up so that those situations and environments which are toxic to your soul, where you are limited, confined, oppressed or dis-empowered simply can no longer be tolerated. Toxic relationships where your soul is not allowed to fly free are being removed. We have come to you today to help you to navigate your way through the maze. You are slowly emerging from your chrysalis which is the result of this time of change for everyone on the earth. Each one of you is experiencing a melting down process so that you may emerge as the beautiful butterfly that you are. This process is not at all comfortable, each one of you has your own obstacle course to overcome which was created by old belief systems, low self esteem, self denial, lack, scarcity are programs that run very deep, not only from this lifetime but from many lifetimes of enslavement, dis-empowered, poverty, abandonment and having to sell one's body in order to survive. We have memories of poor housing, poor working conditions and inadequate remuneration for hard work. These old memories have left deep wounds in the psyche, so that now it is difficult to believe that you deserve better, that you can create a better life by divine grace. What is happening to the human race at this time is like the time after a mother turtle has laid her eggs buried deep in the sand and it is time for the eggs to hatch. The baby turtles begin the most challenging journey to find their way to the ocean. They must transverse an obstacle course where there are many dangers, predators, crabs and birds which all prey upon the baby turtles. The babies are small and weak and this is how it is for humanity right now, you are all hatching from being buried in the sand, being disconnected from the Source of your true identity as divine essence. You have been deeply buried for thousands of years but now it is time for you all to break out of the shell which has been confining you and to take the journey over the hot sand, over the ridges, around the boulders, through the surf and finally into the vastness of the ocean which is the source of all nourishment and the source of your being. Indeed there are many challenges at this time as you release yourself from old beliefs, programs, habits which you learned as survival mechanisms through times of persecution, oppression and suffering. For many thousands of years you learned to survive by keeping yourself small, by remaining hidden because there were many lifetimes where you did step forward, where you spoke your truth which was not in alignment with the political or religious structures of the time. You have been persecuted and punished for showing your true nature, for sharing your inner wisdom so now for many lifetimes you have been enclosed in a shell where you stayed alive but disconnected to your own inner light. Now it is time to find that deep well of courage within, as the baby turtle receives the signal, he knows exactly when it is the right time to break out of the shell, he feels the pull of the waves and the moon, he knows the time has come for him to break out of his shell, to dig himself out of the sand and to take the great journey across the sand. We might call it the perilous passage from the safety of forgetting into the ocean of re-connection. You all carry within you the ghosts and shadows of many experiences which have been very traumatic for you and have been controlling your life. We say to you now that the tide has turned, the light is calling you home, so whatever it takes you must dig yourself out of the sand, take all of your courage and walk through the demons, the limiting beliefs, which would prevent you from completing that journey. It is the ocean of love from which you were born which is calling you home. Know that you have a wealth of assistance in this process from many beings in the realms of light, your guides, teachers, angels and family who are waiting to assist you in the process of releasing the old belief systems. Simply make your request and it shall be done. Blessings and love We are one. The Great White Brotherhood Charmian Redwood Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations By Maureen Moss Dearest Hearts, As always I pray you are well as together we continue to behold the unfolding of Creations promise to lead us down (or up) a path of evolution into a state of embodiment as our True Selves… operating in our full spiritual capacity and charting a new course and path of Life for an entire human race. From the beginning this activity was a hopeful potential, a hit or miss proposition that would ultimately involve great upheaval, destructive climatic events, the perseverance, trust and True Heart of a humanity, and benevolent Galactic intervention. The other day I thought, considering that in the beginning we actually were our True Selves… what a plan this was, to burst into creation human beings with forged identities, diminished capacities and deactivated DNA that would get trapped in a false matrix only to eventually be lit back up (as a result of our own tireless efforts,) and consciously participate in overturning an entire counterfeit reality while re-discovering the lost treasure of one’s True Self… as they once were… now. Preposterous as all that is… many are succeeding with the help of Cosmic intervention and fortitude unparalleled in human history. This, while in the throes of simultaneously witnessing and experiencing first hand, a paradigm… and all of its particulars… exploding and unwinding from a manufactured, convoluted, bought and paid for world that now delivers proof positive of the false, dangerously deceptive matrix in which we have been living and held in trance for eons and eons of time (by others and ourselves,)… until the bells of our Divine Destiny informed us it was time to call it done. It Is Done The veils of Maya are lifting (almost) everywhere in the horizontal world. Hidden truths and false disclosures now have Light being cast upon them…with more coming. No longer a stretch to see, money has no true value, security cannot be offered by any other and governments, along with their officials, don’t have our backs let alone our best interests at heart. No longer a stretch to be aware, news thrives on repetitive crisis and brain washing, climate has dangerously changed, Big Pharma is big at nothing but deception, and food in cans, bottles, boxes, and plastic wrapping more often poison rather than nourish us. No longer out of consciousness it is ours to know our minds have proven to be pushers of deception and lovers of temptation. The internal bleed of the false matrix has ruptured for our benefit, destructive as it appears and angry as many are. Much and many have been sacrificed to flush out the unstable dark influences that have clearly suppressed the natural ebb and flow of our lives… of Love… and the life of and on this Planet. What's Real and What's Not Deep in a planetary and personal transcendence and reconfiguration, we are called forth now, to make clear to ourselves our intentions as to where we place our consent to internal and external suggestion… to logic or heart…fear or love. And… to what authority. Consent is an activation that profoundly alters the configuration of our energy fields and Light bodies. We must be mindful, aware and present… moment to moment... lest we lose sight of our True Selves, again. We and the world are being purged and transfigured at different levels both consciously or unconsciously. Some will continue to recline into unconsciousness. For those not resisting the purge, know that the content that remains is refined into Higher light and greater consciousness, for our benefit. We must trust this process. Our hearts, sensory perceptions and physical experiences are being opened, heightened and awakened to what’s real… and what’s not. We are being freed Up and weaned off many toxic ‘realities,’ including the ones of our own making that have long threatened our sovereignty and siphoned our life force. This, to help us remember how to cultivate and personally facilitate our In-dependence, Inner knowing, and Intuition. The more we actively and consciously align with and use our own embodied Intelligence, the stabilization process of Self-governance, Self-sustainability, Self-reliance and Self-Love stabilizes. In turn, this escalates our energetic coherence, our dynamic Divine strength and harmonizes us with our true Source field. Making The Connection Humanity has been mired in the cycle of misrepresentation, misperception, death and destruction for most of its existence as a result of being calibrated to the Earths 3rd dimensional frequencies. Neither is calibrated to that frequency any longer, not since the end of 2012, when Earth and Humanity were re-calibrated into 5th dimensional frequency…the consciousness of Active Creative Love and Intelligence. However, what was created personally and globally while calibrated to 3rd dimensional frequency in false representation of Truth or as an imposter of for good of the all, must play itself out and be exposed to elicit our deepest awareness and greatest desires to be sovereign and free. Without doing so the cycles of our past would become the cycles of our future and an entire civilization would disintegrate. Now, with the deepest love for ourselves and our future, we must consciously disconnect from one frequency and make a conscious connection with the other. Though we have been recalibrated, it is ours to make the connection… as is the nature of co-creation. In Closing The upheaval now visible no matter where one looks around the world or in their world is creating the perfect storm for that connection to be made. Seize this opportunity to break the trance and cut ties with ALL that slows the evolution of the emergence of the Golden Age, of Love, and of your equanimity and sovereignty. Focus through awareness on arriving at certainty that nothing is more precious, more life-giving, more valuable, more nourishing, more uplifting, more safe, more powerful, more important, more believable, more abundant nor more loving… than YOU coming into alignment with your True Self and living your true existence in an empowered state of consciousness. We are (many) making long strides on behalf of our True Selves having a more grounded and loving sense of purpose. Sooner, rather than later, the question why am I here will be a voice in your distant past. Through chaos and grace we are being led to create a new experience of existence. Bless it all. Don't worry or pass judgment on it. Be your greatest ally and contain yourself in One unified field of consciousness. Follow your hearts authority and listen to the bells of your destiny. Maureen Moss, © 2016. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the website intact. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations by Owen K Waters In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift. One of the hallmarks of the New Reality is that people are becoming spiritually self-empowered. In the Old Reality, it was necessary for people to follow a rule book of moral behavior in order to stay upon a path which avoided temptation and its undesirable side-effects. With New Reality consciousness, order comes to society automatically because people are heart-centered. They simply don't engage in actions that would be harmful to themselves or others because they unconditionally love all people, and would therefore do no harm to anyone. New Reality consciousness is one of responsible freedom. With it, people are self-empowered and fully consider the effects of all of their actions from a place within their hearts. Heart-centered consciousness develops the flow of unconditional love. Once this flow is started, nothing in physical reality can affect it in a negative way. It is not altered or rationed by likes and dislikes, nor by emotions of any kind. It is something that just is, regardless of the circumstances. It is an expression of the love of God, which exists in every part of the universe and flows through each one of us, if we but allow it. Unconditional love is something that readily flows through your heart when you reach upwards above regular, day-to-day consciousness, open your heart and just allow the flow to come through. Unconditional love is, by its very nature, allowing, accepting and supporting. As a state of allowance, it is not something that you have to try to do; it just flows when you allow it to enter your heart. It will raise your consciousness above the cares of daily reality and open up an expanded vista of awareness. Each time you allow unconditional love to flow, you upgrade the entire human experience, taking humanity yet one more step into the unfolding New Reality. Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations By Tara Khandro I read Lewis Carol’s book Alice in Wonderland when I was 9 years old. That book affirmed my own life experience. I am grateful for Lewis Carol for giving me a road map for how to continually choose to engage the wonder of the mad Beauty of life. One day a friend called to share her story of mad Beauty. In response I replied: ‘I sense you have tears that want to pour out of you.” Rachael replied: ‘I’m renting the movie-The Danish Girl and I’m hoping it will make me cry.’ I suspect many of us use a film, song, poem, or a story to give us permission to feel, witness and pour forth our feelings. Not me. I cry a few times a week for different reasons. One day my grief flows from the pain of how humanity continues to rape the earth-and each other. Another day it could be because my body feels trapped in a cage of high humidity and heat. Or I may cry tears of joy in recognizing the mad Beauty of life. The days in which I weep for the suffering of the world are the days in which I rise up with renewed strength, curiosity, and understanding of how there is absolutely nothing outside of me. I am not separate from the bee, flee or tree. Nor am I separate from the climate change refugees, murderers (random shooters or those supported by a legislative body) the cow being tortured for slaughter, the sun, the moon, giggles of a child and the luscious Love weaving itself through every particle of matter. There is no ‘other’ for the other is none other than me. Yes, each of us are uniquely designed in how we mechanically navigate the mad Beauty of life. And…each of us are radiant rays of the One Infinite Sun of Love. I am grateful for my guru, Gang Guy, for revealing to me that all that arises in my life is divinely designed to guide me to my one true purpose: To Live as Love. Gang Guy broke into my Chicago flat after midnight on a blazing blizzard night. He awakened me from a death like sleep, literally and figuratively. Gang Guy stood at the end of my bed blocking my exit out of the door. I stood, feet planted on the floor and looked into his raging eyes with the respect due to a formidable foe and yelled ‘NO!”. I was brutally beaten unconscious beyond recognition, yet not raped. Within 24 hours of this, my third stranger perpetrated violent crime; I felt a kindred relationship with this man and all victims and perpetrators of violence. Inside of me is a perpetrator who beats me up with comparisons and self judgment, and rapes me of my self worth. The police told me that Gang Guy broke into my Chicago flat to rape me as a gang initiation. I was Gang Guy’s ticket into his tribal family. We are all doing the best that we can. Each of us human Beings have one true desire: To love and be loved. The one difference between me and Gang Guy is how we choose to use our pain. I choose to feel my feelings of rage, grief and terror as fuel for the conscious creation of the embodiment of Love. Gang Guy chose to use his feelings to create pain for others. Gang Guy was seeking love the only way he knew how. Gang Guy felt he was doing the right thing. Each of us are doing the best that we can-no matter what the dueling duality of the mini-me mind says. The carefully conditioned mind that chooses to see the world in duality-good OR evil-says: ‘What? I want to reject this dark Darth Vader matter inside of me and in the world. I must rise up in protest. Kill it off.’ Yes, there are moments in which we root our anger in fierce love and wield the whip of protest and let our voices ring into eternity. Just as Jesus did in the money changers temple. Yet in order to respond to the mad Beauty of life in this way, with true Love power, we must recognize that the other is none other than our self. I’m sorry Gang Guy. I forgive you Gang Guy. I love you Gang Guy. Thank you Gang Guy. Is the same as saying: I’m sorry Tara. I forgive you Tara. I love you Tara. Thank you Tara. For all is Love no matter what form it forms For Love weaves itself into every particle of matter. When my mini-me mind makes matter matter I become a March Hare madder. ‘There is no time! No time to feel I’m behind! I need to catch up. I need to prove to gain love I need more more more more more….’ When I release mini-me mind’s Resistance to ‘What is’ I relax, grounded in faith, Into my body Allowing all to be Just as it is no matter What it is. Gratefully Grace guides me To unfold with wonder Dancing in wisdom with the Mad Beauty of Life. And so it is Radiant Love Tara Khandro Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations Energy Forecast by Emmanuel Dagher Peace and Blessings, In the June Energy Forecast Titled Complete Freedom, we began to explore the opening that was becoming available for humanity in regards to experiencing complete freedom. We are now in uncharted waters when it comes to our experience of freedom. The reason being is that for thousands of years, the human psyche has only known how to exist within a third dimensional reality that includes a form of oppression and/or conditional agenda behind it. This linear reality operated mostly in states of cause and effect, where it becomes a challenge to experience real freedom. As a result of the millions of Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Healers and Empaths around the world who have been consistently nurturing their inner healing and spiritual journey for decades, the world is evolving at lightning speed. The Tide is Turning Whatever we see happening on the global stage, is a direct reflection of what has been taking place within each of us whether we desire to admit it or not. For example, it can be easy to focus our attention on blaming and vilifying people, groups, and organizations outside of ourselves that are ‘not doing what we think they should be doing.’ However, when we blame others, we actually create a karmic debt with them that requires us give them all of our power. This karmic debt attaches us to these people, groups and organizations that then requires us to learn difficult lessons in order to eventually get to a place where we can finally be free of these debts. What really is happening when we participate in this kind of behavior is that we are just contributing more to the matrix of fear rather than choosing to enter the matrix of love. At the core by blaming others, we are really just blaming ourselves rather than actually making a positive impact in the world. This is a form of mind-created distraction that puts us into an energetic ‘hamster wheel’ where we become stuck in a world of separation where freedom is scarce. To begin moving out of this hamster wheel, we can ask ourselves the following two questions: “How does it serve me to continue blaming others, and ultimately myself for the things I don’t like in the world?” “Who am I when I no longer occupy myself with the need to blame?” Questions like this will begin to open up new neurowaves in the mind that begin shifting our inner dialogue we’ve had on repeat keeping us on the hamster wheel. Something Special However, with all of this being said… as a result of the million who have been doing their inner spiritual work, and moving past blame… something very special has started to anchor itself in our collective third dimensional reality. The tide is turning much faster than originally anticipated. It is now becoming crystal clear that the energy of fear no longer has the same effect as it once had over the collective consciousness. People from all walks of life are putting aside their seeming differences of gender, race, religion, culture and backgrounds and realizing that at the core we are all family, and desire to coexist in peace. The days of allowing fear and intimidation to control the masses, and hold us back is coming to an end. See, Eons ago, we decided that we needed to experience the fear in the ways that we had, so that we would eventually evolve past it. This is where we are today. We are evolving past the fear that once held us back, and are waking up to the realization that on the other side of fear is a complete and ultimate freedom that only our Spirit Self has known. The human part of ourselves (the mind) has not experienced this kind of freedom for such a long time, so it forgot that it was even possible. Authentic Changes On a personal level, we are being asked right now to strip away anything that comprises our ability to be fully honest with ourselves and others. Our desires, are the Universe choosing to expand. These next few weeks are an excellent time for us to check in to see if we are truly living the life we desired most for ourselves. If we are, then that is amazing. However, if we are not feeling like we’re living the live we desire for ourselves… this is the time to ask ourselves if we have been making outside circumstance decide what kind of life we are choosing to lead? For the most part, those who know that they are the true Creator of their lives, are actually the ones who are giving themselves permission to live their lives they desire for themselves. And if they aren’t, they know how to make the adjustments that get them back into the flow of their desired reality. If we are someone who is still identifying with the energies of fear, pain, struggle, or lack… it’s simply because we are still giving our power away to outside circumstance and letting them decide what kind of life we are choosing to lead. With this realization, we can then accept and embrace the fact that our mind has chosen to give our power away in this way. It’s when we can fully accept and embrace that this was happening, that we can actually heal the need our mind has of continuing to identify with this pattern. This is the time to be honest with how we are choosing to live our lives, and if this is the way we desire to continue as we move forward. On a global level, it will be very much of the same thing. There are many big changes that have occurred evolving us past fear-based control. If we are paying attention, we know exactly what these changes are…however in consideration of the heightened collective emotions at this time, I will not go into specifics about what they are. Our Next Global Activation On July 30th, in Los Angeles, CA at 10:10am Pacific Time / 1:10pm EST / 6:10PM GMTHundreds of Lightworkers, Way-showers, Empaths, Healers and Heart-centered friends will come together for a global healing activation where we will see that every corner of the planet including all of the oceans, nature, animals, and people being drenched with a pristine healing light. This light will nourish, love, and heal everything it comes in contact with once and for all. If you would like to receive and take part in this free global healing activation, simply connect with us on July 30th at 10:10am Pacific Time. Miracles happen when we two or more gather in unconditional love. During this time, please pause for a few minutes and send a clear intention to the Universe that your presence be included in the global healing and activation of unconditional love and light that will be taking place at that time, for all of humanity. Each global healing activation is helping to elevate the consciousness of humanity, and we get to co-create this together. If you are in the Southern California area and would like to attend this free event in person, please visit for the details. Please share this far and wide with your friends and family, so we can make sure everyone who wants to experience and contribute to greater peace, joy, love, healing, and abundance for all, has the opportunity to do so now. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With love always, Peace and progress, Emmanuel Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations |
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February 2023