You are here in this dimension to be a receiver of energy and information. You are here to anchor a new reality by your conscious focus and understanding. There is much contact being made from the galaxy to this planet. It is always the signal searching for the receiver. There are those awakening and realizing they are receivers.
Your internet serves to share these messages received by others who are now in contact with those from other dimensions or timelines. Of course the goal is that all humans realize their ability for this contact and this energy exchange. We sense great anticipation within you when we share this. You are a visionary, you are a receiver, these are ideas, concepts, understandings that you hold and embrace as truth. You and many bright ones like you are remembering the many other realities of harmony, love and equality in which you have participated and experienced. This planet is an extreme contrast to what you know and remember. It has been a great mystery to you why others can not embrace this kind of harmony and equality. Your planet is on the threshold, the brink of a shift to an entirely new reality. We would like to give you more information on this shift that is now taking place on planet earth. First let us share that there are always several realities, several outcomes waiting to manifest in just your personal lives. Humans are beginning to realize and recognize the fascinating unfoldment of your science of physics, quantum physics. It is a language and concept that most people cannot allow their mind to even consider because it pushes against so many of their sacred beliefs. It feels that if they embrace this idea of multi-realities going on at all times, they might lose their mental hold on what they think is reality. That feels frightening, too unstable; there is always resistance where there is fear. Allow yourself in the coming days to explore what some of your other possible realities might be. You can make this awareness a small view of just your day and how it might be played out in other parallel realities. What choices await? What events unfold? What fears are there? What hopes? What dreams? You /others are broadcasting energy in the form of your thoughts, your emotions and your beliefs at all times. As you send the energy forth several realities are always possible. The reality that manifests is the one on which you have focused more of your energy. We can feel you struggle a bit with this information. Let us give you this; your reality feels and looks solid and permanent. This is only one aspect of the illusion upon which you are operating. It is just one level of awareness gathering all your beliefs, all your knowing, focused on the one level or reality that you can sense, feel, touch, taste and see; this is what you have known up until now. As you awaken and those beliefs begin to soften, your knowing expands to include other awarenesses; you begin to realize that the reality in which you are focused is only one of many realities simultaneously existing in the same place, the same time, the same space. And with all those other realities co-existing there are parallel possibilities that can unfold. Your reality is not as solid as you would like to think. It is actually very fluid, very flowing, very malleable. Each energetic exchange in one reality brings a new wave or ripple that goes out affecting the other realities in some way. Every living being is affecting this experience and reality. The collective consciousness of all humans is calling forth, inviting and creating the reality that everyone is witnessing and experiencing. The more attention, the more energy or focus given to a certain outcome will guarantee it will manifest fully in this physical realm. Most humans do not realize their personal power in creating what is occurring in the daily events. Most global events seem too big, too overwhelming or too distant for you to have any effect on or to claim any responsibility for that manifestation. Yet we are inviting you to realize that no matter what is occurring in the third dimension you have contributed to that outcome or event in some manner. Now understanding that truth, we invite you to step into your magnificent power as a multidimensional divine being here on this planet at this time to invite, create and call forth a new reality. If multi-parallel realities are available at all times, for goodness sake, what would you like to experience? How would you begin to use your thoughts, words, emotions and focus, and most important of all, your imagination, to allow another parallel reality to come forth in your experience. Practice this skill in your personal life. Imagine that there are always several realities that are possible. Which one is manifesting for you now? What were your thoughts, fears and worries that might have called this forth? Pretend that there are several parallel realities awaiting your invitation. Allow yourself to feel, sense and experience these possibilities. Make this process as real for yourself as possible. If you want to be a successful writer, imagine yourself being acknowledged for the wonderful book you have written. Notice how you feel, notice any emotions that arise for you in this process. Allow yourself to play in this parallel reality often. Make it as real as possible for yourself. Be in a state of gratitude, notice how the universe supports and assists you in this creation. Allow yourself to make this reality outrageous. Be gentle and be kind with yourself as you explore other possible opportunities. Investigate what dreams did you have as a youth? Investigate what would have happened if you had made a different decision at some crossroads of your life? What would you be doing? Allow yourself to imagine living that dream now as if it were your true experience. Expand the possibilities, allow yourself to play with these ideas of creating or stepping into a parallel existence. Expand your consciousness to imagine a different parallel reality for your planet. Allow yourself to feel that, experience that, read about it in your newspapers. We believe you are getting the idea of who you are in this wonderful shift that is happening here on your planet. We realize we have given you much information in this message. We realize that on some level you know the truth of what we share. We know these ideas press against your long held beliefs of what is true. Relax into these possibilities, play with these concepts, allow yourself to see or script the other realities in your personal life. Then expand to the other realities for your planet, Remember this is a game of awakening. Be at Peace, Beloved the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
One of the most, if not the most dynamic changes we are beginning to experience is the descent of the Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Incarnational Soul…that which dwells in endless circles of God (I AM) Consciousness …that which holds the soul signature of the many ‘aspects’ of ourselves that have lived and died through millennia… and that which carries the truly created you, not the perceived one in it. With no slow-down ahead, we are experiencing an amplified display of unwavering catalysts, each of which has opened a powerful inter-dimensional doorway for our Soul to descend deeper into our physical bodies far beyond any other time in human history and far beyond imagination. Each Soul is right now on a mission to bring the real you forward and push back or transcend the mind/ego/personality that came with our human package as a matter of our agreement to be in an evolving human body experience. The Soul is picking up tremendous momentum now as a result of this quantum point of our evolution and the unprecedented downpour and activations coming through the successive Gateways, Eclipses, the Sun(s) and from the Cosmos tuning us to the vibration and frequencies of the trinity of each ones I Am Presence, Star-Borne Soul and Higher Self. As well, tuning us out of the frequency of what are referred to as the imposters… the mind/ego/personality. And for good reason. Consider this: who knows you better, your Higher Self and Soul or your personality and ego? What of God dwells in the center of your Heart? The you that has been quilted together with patches of beliefs, misleading and misinterpreted thoughts and perceptions, repetitive programs and circumstances or, your Higher Self and Soul that has no relationship to any of the above. Who can lead you to your Destiny, the mind, personality and ego or your Higher Self and Soul? *Your Higher Self united is your I Am Presence, Your Soul, Your Higher Self. All of the New Light/New Life Codes incoming are directed toward a significant re-arrangement going on within us, this we know…though do we know the re-arrangement is so that you are always fully connected through your Heart to that which revolves in endless circles of God Consciousness? The mind/ego and personality have been in great service to one’s linear reality. Though without the expansive, deeper and vertical insight of the Soul and communication with ones Higher Self there is distortion of all kinds as the personality in particular, expresses what it feels is in its highest good and acts upon it’s preferences based on the experience of it’s singular incarnational view. Your Soul with its multi-incarnational view acts upon what is next and best for your Destiny to unfold. Its greatest desire is to physicalize and create through you and with you in accordance to your Original Blueprint. One’s personality, mind or ego has absolutely zero knowledge of ones Original Blueprint or Destiny. Your personalities greatest desire is to be satisfied. The Soul has no need. Your Soul and your Higher Self are Illumined Creators. Your personality is an influenced creator impulsed by an intangible thought coming from the mind (all thoughts are intangible until set in motion.) It then goes about grounding any number of the aspects of that thought into a tangible outer activity…doing so to suit its self concept based on one life in this one body full of self concepts. The Soul doesn’t have concepts…it has wisdom, based on all of your lifetimes with a purpose to bring all of those lifetimes into one coherent unified Whole and expression through you in-body balanced and living fully in the Light. Each one of us is such a magical potpourri of our multi-dimensional aspects. Powerful and compelling beyond our comprehension and fascinating when we gather all of ourselves as One… as our Soul has. Imagine if your mind/ego/personality calmed down and stepped back in order for the Holy Trinity of your I AM Presence, Your Soul and Higher Self to come front and center, as was always the plan. The entirety of your (Our) life would change, and change dramatically in the best of ways. This is a somewhat tricky orchestration and yet precise re-arrangement going on inside of our bodies. Most of us can feel and see the difference inside ourselves already including how we think, how we choose and how unattached we are becoming to everything we thought made up our lives including our emotions and concepts about it. The descent of our Soul unified with our I AM Presence, Higher Self and our Heart is the central point of this entire shift in consciousness. The activations of our DNA carrying all the God Codes of our Higher Self, Soul, I Am Presence is the main target of every strike of Light that is occurring. The sooner we begin forming a daily deep relationship and rapport with our Higher Self in all its unified interwoven, perfectly balanced parts the more quickly we release ourselves from our lower nature informed by our thoughts from only this lifetime. In this we are Free. Our Soul is Free. In closing, You are a Vast Soul with Supreme Power that has waited for the ‘show to get on with it’ down here long enough. Your Soul has stood in the background for long enough. Time is up. Your Soul along with your Higher Self and I Am Presence as One, is ready to step front and center with All of you in balance and in body to play Life in a very different way now. Let ALL of you in. We The Divine New Soul Beings are re-setting the entire Galaxy. As we go through the upcoming Everything Beloveds, take it slow, take it easy and remember to stay in your Center. Think Love, Feel Love, Be Love. Let God Breathe you. Cut ties intentionally with timelines that are Done. Done is Done. So much Love, Gratitude and Respect to each and All. Maureen
Website: © 2021 Maureen Moss
No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright. |
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February 2023